THURSDAy, Z~AY 2lst, 1959 THE CANADIM~ STATFSMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTABIO PAC~W~ ~.WUN? Mr,. Bob Kent s;pent the week' end fishing near Presquiie. Miss Vvian Rogers was in Kingston last weekend visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bý,'Ton Vanstone spent the weekend at their cottage, Twelve MIle Lake. Mrs. D. M. Pal mer, Oshawa, was a weekend g:uest of Mrs. N. D. Smnith, Jackunian Rd. Mr. W. R. Edgýr, Peterbor- ough, spent Su.nd ay with his mother, Mrs. W. A. Edger. Mr .and Mrs. Jack Brough and family spent the weekend at their cottage, Seugog Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W.. H. Currie, Toronto, were visitr,)rs with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole last week- end. Mr. L. B. Nichols is spending a few days with 'iis son Mr. and Mrs. Douglas I4ic'hols, King- ston. Miss Jean Bragg, -North Bay, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mn'ý. O. Bragg, Shaws. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Hutt of Kingston, were weýk end guests of the latter's sister, Mrs E. A. Summners. Mr. and Mrs. Farry Akey were in Napanee last weekend visiting ber mother, 'Mrs. H. S. Windover. Mrs. F. S. Phiips and Mrs. George W. James spe nt an ex- tended weekend with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faîrey spent the weekend with her ST. JOHN'S CHURCO (Anglican)' Trinity Sundiy HOLY COMMUNMION 10 Sind Il- CHURCH SCHOOJ1.. MORNING PRAYE2R 7 -EVENING PRAYEII Trinity Unii Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Organist-Mr. Arthur Cofl Il a.m. - MORNING W( GUEST S BEY. WAILI of DEnn 7 p.m. - Evening service for summer mi à FRIENDLY WIE REHOBOTH REFORMEDE Scugog Street~, MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE SUNDAY SCIIOOL AFTE "Back To God1 CKLB, Oshawa. at 3 8:30 a.m. every Tyrone Undl Sunday A me diLamaý __ __ __ __ __ _-Iewng he lossonms. 'Tomp ENNISKILLEN son and Myrle of Ashburn: Mr. r n MsI.S.Gog a...Pe9rso nal Iand Mrs. Isaac Lucas, Toronto, DWr awaMrs.E. S. ergem weeweekend visitors with M.. WryOhw.wt hif ~~an 3-3 03 : Orr Venning. Church! ily Carolyn, Donald' and James 4A 33303St.wer e guests of J. A. Werry on j1Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Bill and Suday. jDouglas Lymer. Oshawa; spent; The regular W.M.S. meeting sister, Mr. and Mrs. Art Dolan,! Mina Colwell and Irwin spent. for the month of May was held at the Dolan cottage on Twelve. the holiday weekend with re- inl the S.S. room on May l2th, 1Mile Lake. 'latives at Welland and Niagara 1959. It was also the annual 1 alsNY re-affiliation of the C.G.I.T. Mi1s. Frank Hollands iof For- Fîs n xlrr ihteWMS est, Ont., spent a few days last 'Mrs. George Young, King St. 1 ni M oeswt teWmS week with her daughter, mrs. E., is convalescing at her home Mrs. L. R. Ashton, Pre .sident, Brenton Branigan. after spending three weeks in opened the meeting with a po- Mr. Gary Bagneli, RCA.F Sta- Memorial Hospital following an, em and words of welcome to tion, Aylmer, was home last ioperation.Mts. A. J. Wrry lend vin thes weekend with his parents, Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Keith Siemon' wrship.J-perd w i n Ms.hL and Mis. W. W. Bagnell. and family, and Mrs. Siemon s iv eig th ibeRead-. Miss Eleanor Maguire RCAF! Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomp- ier vng theeBExplorerGopad StatonSt.Jean , Que., was; son, St. Catharines, spent last. leaders, Mesdames H. Ashton witb ber parents, Mr. and Mis. 1 weekend at the Slemon cottage, a .Vru ooe eyti Jack Maguire, lbot weekend. tSturgeoia Lake. and neat in thlo ei y r itea 1 Mr. and Mis. Frank Legree, IMr. and Mrs. Moreiy Van-l blue blouses. Oshawa; Mr. Duncan Çbuîch, IStone, Fred, Helen and "Barbara' he xpoe1hals#h Calabogie, spent Monday '.'ith Ispent last weekend with Mrs, onle hie ExpediChao eswithe- Mr. L. B. Nichols, Carlisle Ave. Vanstones mother, Mrs. D. W. tyJn1ery ad Gog Mr. and mrs. Arthur StrideMC mct at Leadbeater read'in.g the Scrip- Bristol, England, are visit ing Mi. and Mrs. Joe Childs Sr. 'tures. Each Explorer described Mi. Herb Rogers and Mr. ad and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chids sonme interesting part Of their Mrs. W. G. Morrison, Chrh Jr. have'returned from a motor Mission Study "Ten Pairs of St. trip to Cape Cod, New Bruns- Shoes". Keeper of the Treas- Mr .and Mrs. Ronald Hall, wick and Nova Scotia. ure, Lawrence Wright, present- Nancy and Jimmy, Chatham, Misses Florence and Margar- ed the Treasure Chest to Mis. spet te hlidy weked wthet Lunney, Brookiin. Rev. Mer- Leask, Port Perry, wbo is Osb- bis parents, Mi. and Mis. James vin Bury, son Robert and dau- awa Presbyterial Secretary of Hall. :gbter Rose Mar. Oshawa, were Explorers. Mrs. Leask received Hall.ChsCasnadD , Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. the money gift and gave a brief Mrs.t Chas. Cassin nd Danor Charles Denton. address which was encouraging with Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Os- Town Assessor C1arenccý Oke and challenging. borne and Mr. and Mrs. M. was in Ottawa, MVay 18, 19, 2_0, Mrs. F. Reed of Hampton1 Tighe. attending the annual conven- was present to assist in the C. Mn. nd rs.LeoardDods ftion of the Ontario Association G.I.T. cenemony when 16 girls anrsonond M sp eon teDongs of Assessing Officers. Mrs. Oke and their leaders Mesdames aend n hnstte isitg accompanied hlm. O. C. Ashton, W. A. Logan and Mi. and Mis. Frank Dodds an Michael Chan, a student at L. Sharp re-affiliated. Pres. Dor- family.i Mount Allison University, Sack- is Wright, Treas. Linda Yeo Mr. nd is.BobStokerville New Brunswick. is spend- had leading parts in the service JraM. and M is BbStocr ing the suminen in Bowrn-an-- with Brenda Bulis, Vickî Pick- Kiipatrick motored to Detroit! ville as a member of the staff ering andl Lois Ashton taking an Tleo orth hliayof the Coronation Cafe. charge of the wonship. Mrs. le edo fr1 Mehoida.ClarneHal Mr. and Reed presented the group with Ltweekend.otdtht h Mrs. Byron Bridges, Paul and the re-affiliation certificate and Last.eek, we noted than-he Wendy, attended the Tkatch- gave an înspiring message using M. J. Ellitts ndaGonetoVn Coombes wedding in Bronte the C.G.I.T. purpose as ber Bridgers attended, ariconventions.therne. in Kingston. It should bave read ls audy h rd sMs isSsnWanpae Montreal. f Haidg's rnddagheran Msdelightful piano solo. Pres. Mrs. Messrs, W. R. Strike, AlanBrde ee L. Ashton conducted a brief Strie, M L.RoengkBob, dia and Mrs. K. Hooper. San- business period. A delicious StrievesJr n M. Roenigk,ýr and Barry, and Mrs. H0op. lunch was served by' Gîoup 1. atevens .and M. iH. taiples er 's motiier, Mrs. Cora Allun, Mn. and Mrs. Dick Wood, Arlgonun arek.sfsig n visited Mis. AIlin's sisters,! Donna and Shirley, Maple Gro- Dalnn PrkGo . J I -Ms. Hilda Myers and Mrs. Leta ve, were with Mr. and Mrs. K. Ms.Gerg W Jm-Geîst, Rochester, NY., last McGil. es, weîe recent guests of Mr. weekend. IMs uyGen ngtn and Mrs. E. J. Pollard, Nap- IisJd ren rgtn anee, former publishen of the Mr. Ga-r Nesbitt, Scarbor- spent the holiday with Miss Napanee Express.f ough, spent the weekend with1 Lois Ashton and Miss Daphne Mr. ad Mr. Jac Gohenbis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char-: Green with Miss Laura Griffin. MR and Mr. ak ohe, esNsbt andMr RossO Mn Mr. and Mis. H. Smith, Hamip- Rut an Dinn, ad M. Bn1 day they were dinner guests ton; Miss Karen Ormiston,, Pollard were at the Goheen Of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lang- Courtice; Mi. and Mis. W. Loy- cottage, Fenelon Falls, for the Jfeld, Nestleton. eridge, Haydon; Mi. and Mrs. long weekend. IrM. and Mis. Wilmot Shane, A. Youngman, Allan, Roy and Mis. J. Newman attended Darla, Michael, Frankie and James, Tyrone, weîe visitoîs at thie wedding in Bronte on Sat- 1 Pamela mnotored to Valleyfield, Mr. and? Mis. H. McGill's. urday, May 16 of Miss Gwen 1IQuebec, over the Dominioni Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Coombes, daugbter of Mr. and Day holiday weekend. En route and David, Maple Grove; MiU. Mrs. Eric Coomnbes. tbey enjoyed the comfortable and Mis. Boss Page and familjy, Mi. and Mis. L. A. Macflou-' quarters of their trailer. Mi. and Mis. Earl Luke. Grant gal and family and Miss Mil- IMi. and Mrs. W. B. ReynoldsI and Allan, Hampton, were tea dred Wiflmott, Town, spent! Mi. and Mis. Claie Allun ai-d guests at Mr. and Mis. Floyd iSunday in the Niagara district IMi. and Mrs. Clarence AllunBcets fwere in Cornwall recently at- Mri. Harold Stevenson, Wil- tending a confenence ofth As- lowdale; Mis. Clayton Yeo, Pat- sociated High School Boards of ricia and Stewart, Port Loîing, the Province of Ontario. were visitors at Mr. and ?&s. 'ted C h urch Alirk Lyle and, Stuart James Mir. n us.W CSadr 1 St.son, Colu bus on Cleniens, 1Houslander, B.A., B.D. 1 Anne du Lac, Northern Que- liso, Mu. Bah.,L.R.S.M. 1 bec. (At press time no inform- interviewed and participatedin tisnMu. Bchi ation bad been received as t0 a contest. The foui girls re- the number of "big ones that ceived prizes of fruit, candy got away). and cups and saucers. 1Mr. and Mrs. Milton Edwards,! Magistrate Baxteî of Port fMary and Ann., North Bay. vis- i Hope, Magistrate Frank Ebbs, >RSHIP ited with the latter's parents': Oshawa, and Richard Lovekin, 'Mi. and' Mis. R. B. Clark, L-i- Barister of Newcastle, attended SPEAKER berty Street North for a couple the Ontario Magistrates' Annual of days and attended the f un- Conference at 'The Royal Con- enal of Milton's mother. Mrs. E. naught Hotel, Hamilton, Ont., rER LOGANI EdWards, Toronto, on Tuesday, May 15 and 16. Dîck Lovekin, iskillen May 19th. as he is known locally, was a Messrs. Wilf Smale and Sam guest speaker at the conven- e 4iscotinuedDewell, Hampton, Messrs. J. tion in bis capacity as Managing 4iscntined ice and Jim Cully. Bowman- Editor of The Criminal Law [,nths. ville, accompanied by Messrs. Mr. Ted Goddard was with 1J. Wills and J. Geddy, Toronto, bis' parents, Mr. and Mis. Lau- had a most successful fishng; rence Goddard last weekend. :LCOME TO ALL i tp to Halibunton over the Ted is with the Depaijanent of weekend. They caughit about Highways; employed with a 85 pounds of rake trout- a surveying cnew gaining practi- _____________________beautiful string. cal knowledge for furtbLî stu- Messrs. Lawrence 'and Allen dies. Last Tuesday Ted left for Beech, sons of Rev. and Mrqs. Savant Lake, about two bun- Led C urchMr. and Mis. Fred White, other milestone. After hearing ted Church '~Peterborough, were visitons a eotifo h arossc Mrs.W. H Denem'sovertheretaries, Mrs. D. Armistead led holiday. Mr. Chas. Barkley. Mr. in the Derotional "Discovering Orville Vanîte and Mn. L. S.i eghorod Tesuyn Densem of the Coleman "Ueplyennndte m Schoo îK~eîe~îmigrant" -as reviewed by Mis. S cho l Mr. W.H. ense la Tue- 'K. Werry, assisted by Mis. H. dayen Ost t hea. aFerguson. ,mniriversczry Sunday, May I4th 2 p... and 7:306 p.m. Guesi Preacher Bey. M. C. Fisher, B.A. NEWCASTLE' Muuic by Sunday School pup(is and at 2 p.m. Instrun, %ta1 Trio - 7:30 p.m. Ladies' Quartette, Bowmanville. A meo t th citzen of To conclude their year, the A wmemo fo :TheReitize 0fHome and School Executive Bowmnviie: he Bd Sheldspent Tuesday evenlng in Tor- Drive of the Salvation Army is onto. Convenoîs who planned still in full swing. Have you the enjoyable outing were Mis. made your contribution? If yo K. S umensford and Mis. C. Hen. bave been missed by the cani-rnn. Foliowing dinner at the vassers, if is not too late f0 Town and Country Club, they assist the Saivation Aimy tf0 wenf to the theatre to sec carry ouf its various progîams 1 "Ggit then to tbe Bo-Peep for the betterment of our comn- 1 Restaurant where a Bon Voy- Imunity. Any donations wil b gePrtea h;arage o gratefuhly ieceived. Mis. A. White who leaves this The Commercial Class of Sunday to make ber home in B.H.S. wene in Toronto last England. A cake in the shape week on an educational tour of of a boat was made by Mis. G. fvarious business firms. Whihe Stephen and presented to Mrs. i Toronto they attcnded the 'White along with a farewell "P.M. Party" on CBLT. *'Four gif t. The new Executive of thie B.H.S. students, Misses Barbara Home and School met Wednes- ~ug es, Marie Cooney, Joyce day aftcrnoon with the feach- Miland Connie Osmonci weîe ing staff at Central Sdhlo. Hampton; Jim Muller, Castie- ton; Miss Linde Yeo, were with E. Wright's. Mr. and Mis. Boy Langmaid and Sally, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lunn and Karen, Peter- boioug'h; Jim Kinemanl, Cour- tice, at Mn. and Mis. Roy Mc- Gill's. Mr. and Mis. Elwyn Dickey and Velma, Miss Laverne r chard, Bownxanville:, MissShr ley Bothwell, Maple Grore; Mr. John Tamblyn, Mi. and Mis. W. Bowman and Laura, Enfield, wene at Mn. and Mis. M. Stain- ton'S. Mi. and Mis. Fred Samis, Al- bert and Stewart, Enfield, wcre with Mi. antd Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Mi. and Mis. D. Hall and faxnily, Mi. and, Mrs. L. Cle- mens, Hampton; Misses Betty Knox and Jeannette Snyder, Dr. Roy Clark, Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. John Slemon. Bob Brown, Maple Grore, Gairy Beckett, Enniskillen: Mi. andi Mis. Cecil Milîs and family, Miss Barbara Hughes, Maple Grore: Mis. F. Davidson, Osh- awa: Miss Arleen Begley, Bow- manville, weîe with Mi. and Mis. W. E. Begley. Mr. and Mis. Garry Vickers, Hamilton, were weekcnd gucst-s of Mn. and Mis. A. Werry, Mn.1 and Mis. Ross Lee, Kedron; Mis. Douglas Cole, Jean and Allin, Bowmanrille: Mn. and Mrs. Walter Lovridge, Hay- don; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wer- ry, Toronto; Bon Clemens, Ha- mpton, Miss Elenor Leighton, Bowmanvillc. Miss Carol Wri- ght, Miss Betty Jane Werv and . Grant Werny wcne Sund'ay tea gucsts of Mr. and Mis. A. Wer- ry. Mn. and Mis. Oliver Hub- bard, Oshawa, were visitons at Mi. and Mis. Walter Oke. The next Service Club meet- ing will be behd at Mis. E. Rob- sons on June lOth in the ev- ening. Mr. and Mis. - Cecil Rahm. Union, were with Mn. and Mis. A. Sharn. Mis. Veina Forsyth and Rion- ald. Toronto, weîe weckcnd guests of Mi. and Mis. R. J. Ormist on. Dr. and Mis. C. W. Siemon, Bowmanvillc, were with Mis, T. M. Slemon. Mr. and' Mis. Allan Werry, weîe accompanied by Mi. and Mis. Boss Lee of Kedron, who ail attcnded the O.A.C. Gradu- ation at Guelph on Wednesday r w'hen Brian Lee was a graduate. Mrs. Clayton Yeo, Patricia and Stewart, Port Loring; Har- old Stevenson, Toronto, were callers at Mr. andi Mrs. R. J. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare, Tyrone; Mrs. Norman Collacutt, Bowmanville, were with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier and Janice, Nestieton; Mr. and Mrs. Charley Gerrard, Mr. oad Mrs. Alfred Gerrard, Haydon, were with Mr. and mrs. E-arl Trewin. Dawrt Banquet (Continued from vage one) Ivison, Mi. and Mrs. Bert Rob- ison and Mr. Walter Grealis, ail of Oshawa. Fresentation of Trophies and Awards President Bishop conducted the highlight of the evening when the local "Darters" came forward to receive their covet- ed trophies and awards. With great fanfare, President Run- die called upon Comrade Jiro Fair to introduce the members of his team who were House League Champions and presen- ted them with the Art Hooper trophy. Members of this cham- pionship team include: Art Sheehan, Wm. Veitch, Bert Per.- fect and Don Brooks. Each member received a beautîful Spode ash tray. Comiade Fair replied on behaif of his tearn, thanking ail members for the fine sportsmanship shown this year. Sports Officer Bates had the honour of presenting the beau- tiful Labatt Trophy emblema- tic of League Championship. This was won by the tearn cap- tained by Tom Westover: Jack Knight. Jim Nickerson, Ab. Mavin and Jack Bishop. Each member received a suitabie gif t. Both the above mention- ed trophies are competed foi within the branch league year- ly. Sid Murdoch, runnerup for Singles Champion, had the bon- our of receiving the trophy andi engraved silver mug on behaif of. Champion Don Brooks who1 was unable to be present. Mr.' Walter Grealis did the bon-1 presenfed the prizes far fHouse ours. Comiade Sid expressed 1 League Cribbage: bst, Boss Me- regret that be was not able to1 Knight: 2nd, Ab. Mavin; 3rd, retain this bonour as champion1 Don Mairs. House League Crib- but that it had been a pleasure bage eimination was won bNr to be beaten by a better man. Frank Burns. Comrade Knighit Don Ivison called the Dou- announced that the local Dart bles Champions of Sid Murdoch League would enter four teams and Jim Fair foîward and pie- in the Zone Tournament to be sented each with engraved asti held June 6th in Whitby. traYs with mounted Legion President Bishop înoved a crests. For the Doubles-bn vote of thanks to the Ladies' championship, Comiades Sid Auxiliary for the delicious tur- -and Jim were tied and îeceived key dinner they bad serve I.. awards from Secretaîy Veitch. Conveàer Mis. Helen Wallis re- In Doubles-Out, again Jim Fair plied on behaîf of the ladies. came feiward to neceive a Sid Murdoch moved a vote of beautiful bail point pen fromn thanks f0 Daît League Exec t- President Bishop. tive for a job xvell done. Ab. The Highest Score with three Marin added that their wives, daîts was wvon by Erie Stanson known as the .dart widow%.s. with 150 points. Geo. Grahain, shou.ld also receive a round of representing the press. had the applause. 1%nour of mnaking this presen- Remainder of thu evenLng tation. Highest Teama Score in was spent dancing t0 the ma- Basebail, one inning, included: sic of Ted Taylor, and His O- Captaîn George Perfect, Sid i chestra, Ajax. In a few woll Murdoch, Jim Fair, Boss Mc- j chosen remarks President Jaý!k Knight, Glen Thertehi and Tomi Bishop thanked ail for ther Westovr. Ladies' Auxihiaîy iaftendance and moved a vote President Florence Knight made of thanks to the orchestra w'i-) presentation of bail point pens[ have played at the Legiont to each member. monthl.v dances ai yeaî, and Highesf Team Scdre in Base- have been well receired by the bail, nine innings, was achievedl iegiilars. by Jim Fair, Wm. Veitch, Bert i Peîfect, and Art Sheehan. Oshi- awa Bnanch President Len Mitchell presented each mem- D o ber with a set of ash tnays. Team Highest Score in Base- ball, Jim Faiî's team tîed with B r t Tom Westover's. Sports Offi- Cniudfo aeoe cen Bates pi'esented both teamsi<Cniudfo aeoe with engraved silver fie clasps. high water thiroughout the cariv, Highcst Indîriduai Score ini hours of ihe morning, but nuo Basebaîl went to Ernie P)erfect other extensive damage is re- with 32 points. Bert Robinson' ported. It is believed Mr. Thorn- of Oshawa, made presentation: beck's loss xviii run into severl of an engraved ash tray with thousands of dollars both i n e- mounted Le.-ion crest. In his !pairs and hoss of revenue. His closing îemarks President Bish- 1grist miil operations had heei op thanked ail daît heaguei proceeding nicely befone this membens for their co-openation1 setback and îecently, he had during a rery successfui year-. discovered anothen source of ne- and added that he was sonry venue, the fishiermen who scekc that he had not arranged thei trout. He had been charging si presentation of à wheclbaniowý a pole and several anglers r(e- to Jim Fair so that he would port that they caught a larg-e be able to transport ail his booti number in bis pond. It will be home. He had won enough toi a while before they catch ail\r corer anv mantie in one more in that pond. Fish in large year's competition. Congratula- numbers went fumbling down tions Jim! stncamn with the flood, some of At the conclusion of piesen- tbem being stranded on high tations Branch- Sports Officen ground when the waters re- Jack Knight expnessed bis ceded. thanks f0 the Dart League mcm- The Statesmýan was fhooded bers. He statcd that nof only with calîs from kindly' info- was the bîanch very active in mants tclling us of the .tiagedcv bouse league sports but had and John Siemon of Enniskillert qualîficd at Zone, District and offened to scnd a photo of the Provincial level in darts, eu- same miii when if was flooded chie, cribbagc and bowling. He out about 60 ycars ago. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SI J \L Vi L LES AND REMINDERS FOR TRIS WEEK I.DA. Brand - Reg. 39c, 89c - 100's, 300's MiIk of Magnesia Tableis - 2 29 c, 59c I.D.A. Brand - 300's- Reg. 89a Idasal Tablei s - - - - 59c I.DA. Brand - 4 oz. and 16 oz. Reg. 95c, 2.45 Siomach Powder - - 79c, 1.89 WOODBURY SH AMPOO 1.25 value 7cReg. i~Ci65e. HALO SHAMPOO -2 For 98C Roli Deodorani Rteg. 98e - - - 89c ADORN VITALIS with STYLING BOOKLET 69e size plus plus 35c PLASTIC trial size STYLING. COMB TRIG DEODORANT 2.10 _175Both c value 1.75 for69 Whife Rain Crysial Clear 1.25 size 98C Richard Hudnut LIGHT and BRIGHT 1.25 size 2-oz. CREME RINSE Both 12 for 1.25_ COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 89e size plus Bottle Opener 89C HAIR PREPARATIONS I.D.A. Cocoanut Oil Sharnpoo 49c -J Hucfnut Quick .-.. 1.25, 2.00 ENDEN Lanolin Discovery -- 1.50, 1.95 98c, 1.69 Seborin - - - 1.00, 3.95 Suave for Men 60c, 1.00 Ladies - 60c, 1.00, 2.25 New Toni -----_ 2.00 Revion Satin Set -- 1.50, 2.00 jRESDANj Nestie Colortint- 49e Shulton Shampoo for Men - 1.50 -.'we F STRNGERTOO fWHEN WET OR DRY BECAUSI irs MELOBONDED! Ba..'. MAN-SIZI PHOSPHI-PLi Ylb. Every bDay" Way ,o tte gcpuce getung yuZclown' Relieve lhai jumpy -tîred ail the timel> 4c Iechng. ,"nj<,y li/e Sm île ai pctv an nGvan4-es Ilt'strue PHOSPHO- PLEX lo stleucrydaywav go ~J W re tv erv,, «fr . " 100 PHOSPIO-PLEX TABLITS WUth a «.m.«" ftmi $4 25 50TAILEU $2.30 là IumS $2.50TUAT~N PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. SWe Deliver McG regort Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 LI,-D.,I- DREG.S.TOIIFS m 0" 9PECIALS! TRUMDAY, BIAY 21st, 1959 PAGE SEVER , r"s ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE4 ONTARIO ý 1