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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1959, p. 8

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PAGE KIGET TEE CANADIAiN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO I'HURSDAY, ?EA.Y Sut, leS Crn.a.a.a1Ieefs and Cabbatte By Bomni Purdir WHAT'S IN A NAME? 1Ipaused te consider suitable fates for scboolrnates wbo joked What's in a name? Maybe about my being namesake toaa more than we think Psychola- billy geat. gists say people with naines Psychologists would like.Iv like Goodfellow. Wiseman, Ail- dlaim if a defence mechanisin, wright, Sage and Lover may but since chldbood and contact spend entire lifetimes trying te with Bannie Goat I have rnade live up to their high-sounding a hobby of collecting unusual naines. Similarly, tbcy say, naines. Thmough the years I others may spend just as mucli have amassed quite a list, tirne Irving ta live down un-, mestly through personal ac-1 v îîal. naines -ith common1 quain tance. I oîîer semne name rnianings. samples here, net for the pur- A man's naine is bis most pose of peking fun but as warn- preciaus possession. But, i have ing te those witb the respon-1 met people wifh obviaus rea- sibility of naming future citi- son for findîng this fact hard zens. Tee, noth ingstrth to swallow. Artuall *v. and ai- heart and piques lis the mr though saine well meaning par- like the friendly dropigoc ents go a ittle w11acek,, when few naines. Maybe you've a few picking a naine for Junior, most for iny list? naines are bestawed iin good As salace te those a ilttie faith, with pride. Ail naines self-conscious about their own a-e good naines at the begin- nanies, I give îîrst mention ta ning. It's how a man lives witlh the worst example on my naine bis ametha cant~iiitheeni list. A few months ago I rýeir Even sa, it mnust he d tdini the dailv nevspaper of an that sanie of u s s 2' life with Amnerican senator. na less, who a definite handicap wherelcalied bis two prefty daughters naines are concerned. Take me, Ima and Ura. The Senator's last for instance. The naine Bannie: naine was Hogg. While I can't is generally associated wîth the condone flie Senator's sense of blithe and the ga ' : the good humar, I can say that if we are and the camnelv. Having such a ta believe what we read in the naine. . the modern psycholo- press this story is pure truth. ,gists say, should have given me, Ina Hogg and Ura Hogg are a headstart an a happy cbild- real people. Poor girls. hood. It might have tee if a Odnm datg neighboring Scotsman, McTav- Od-me diaae ish, badn't owned a goat, also Saine folks have a genius for known as Bannie. putting their unusual naines te As if was, when rny iother work for them. 1 have a cousin went eut on the back stoap af nansed for Robbie Burns and an evening te cali me te the therefore listed with the in- famiily fold. she neyer knew came fax departinents as Burns who would respond-nie or Mc- Wood who is highly successfui Tavisbh's goat! in the fire insurance business. The fact that the goat was a While working for the Sault beamded biliy - Bonnie wa Ste. Marie Star I met the man short for Bonaparte - didn't in charge ai collecting adver- help eifher. In effect, if you'll tisîng accounts. His naine, quite excuse an inexcuseable pun, appropriately, was BiUlDcw. "the whole thing gat my goat". Just signing his naine an a My thoughfs were anything but statement was enougli ta jog blithe and gay; my counten- mnost tamdy memories. ence anything but comely wben Another who followed a pro- fession ini keeping with his name wlas my atber-in-law's IOtbCMfavorite Toronto butcSr-By < (short for Byron) Oxenhain. _rws cuf«bl Te meat market sign bearing AIRE AILL his naine still hangs above the ~çsidewalk an Dundas Street--or W IV ES did last turne I looked. Among FED UP 7 wbo one worked for rny Dad WI hen ae troubled by backache, was a iellow lmown ta all and that ired out feeling or diaturbed reat, snr s'V8.Hsprns mmn, any woinen tum to Dodd'à Pessibly caught up with the Kidney Pille. These conditions can be wondr aiof thc horselcss car- caused by exea acide and w*stes in nage, had bim cbristcned Ford the system and Dodd'à Kidnoi tPilla arr. "V-8" always said thaf stiulai. the kidneya and aidt. when he gat tee oîd to push a normal action of removing tliue exceua ee e a ongt t acideanmmd wastes. Then Ile ife an petvee bhe wagong ta1 tart brightur, housework gher an on autodd.mile mv agcc Iwodr y outon,û7 D dd 'à 63 h e n n e x t 1 w rite h o m e . S e e rn s tome at least one car manu-j TOU CAN PACK 1110 A DAY luN ýCentraI Ontario is a land of gay resorta and sparkling lakes. Here you can golf or laze by the bine waters, with every comfort wtbin easy reach. Friendliness is in the air and there's a welcome mat out for everyono. Have fun here yourself this year. r» '-'v. t N .<ONTARIO TRAVEL -184 Pauliamrent ldqs. - Toronto, Ontario Send free efteobo, Cenfri Onir, oand rod mat ..... ...... ..... Dniario DcPartment of Trame & PuuMscty. Hom. Bryon L. CWhort' Minuste,- KNOW 0ONTAIUO SETTER \~ ~ay l acturer would be willung to pay hlm just te bave bis name on a sign. I have met wemen with un- usual naines wlio married and made their naines mare unus- ual than ever. My mother bad a girlhaod tmiend naxned Iva Biggar. She married a fax-m implement salesman namned Roy Payne and became Iva Biggar Payne. Then to theme was nîy own scbool ch:ui wbose mother took ne chances an the future when &lhe called hiem daugliter Mary Mec. Mary was a pretty girl and most aoflice tewn's eligible took the bint. At seventeen she wed the Mayor's son and changed ber naine ta Mary Me Knott. Sim- ilar was the case ai Rose Bush, a nurse frein Trout Creek On- farila, wbo journeyed westward ta mai-ry a fellow named Thorne. Hazel Nutt and P. Nutt One of the most quoted naies in the West belongs ta my fa- ther's sister. She signs hem per- sonal cheques "Mrs. Hazel Nuf t". But tbis bothers ber net at ail because hiem husband is in fthe sanie naine boat.HiLs naine is Patrick Nuft, or as ne is more generally known, P. Nutt. He's one insurance sales- mian whose naome, once beard, is neyer fergetten and for this lie considers bimscîf fortunate. Wlîere could a man buy better advertising than a naine like P. Nutf? Sinail wondem tbat's the way bhe bas bis busi- ness cards printed. Thinking back ta rny sohool days, I recali a Home Econoin- ics teacher namcd Bea Good- and a maths inistmuctor wliose naine was M. T. Aikenbead. Our local football bero was a lanky laýd named Harry Legg, son of the Anglican minister and Mae Drinkwater's father aperated the town soda bar. Al .through sevenfli grade 1 sat behind a boy named Terry Long and lie, believe it or not, was the son ai Wilby Long. Oddly'enough, tieme was an undertaker in Naniamo, B.C., wbose naine was Death. But this only botbered folks who saw it written. The undertaker insisted on the oral pranuncia- tien ai Dcatb as in w'reath. And in Ladysmith a chap namned Horace Bamnes was choirniaster. In addition, I 'bave met a man whosc real naine was Jim Dandy and a iriend of mine dlaimis ta, have known a lawyer named AI E. Katz. I did, bow- ever, mneet a Bob Katz lat a par- ty iCalgary. GOne thing 1 have learned througlî my interesf inaines -certain combinations of ini- tiais can be bighly embarmass- ing te persons who inadvertenf- ly have thein printed on lug- gage, brieicases or other per- sonal property. A classic exain- pic ai ill-chasen initiais was thec case ai (Sir) Ar-thur S. Sul- livan. It is a known facf that the famous operetta king in- sisted on bavung bis middle ini- tial permanently erased i rom view-and for obviaus reasons. Another example was a child- hood friend ai mine. She bumat into, tears when she discovered, half-way through ber first year at school, that ber initiais spell-' cd P. 1. G. Sanie unu.sual naines are of good nature, full ai iun. AI- though peculiar, and pcrbaps laugh provoking, tbcy carry no sting or stigma for flic bearer and oan even, insaine instan- ces, be used ta good advantage ini business. Others, flke those bestewed upon Senator Hogg's two daughtems, leave their ewn- ers open te ridicule and subse- quent unbappincss. Psycbolo- gists are only now beginning ta discever the real effects ai sncb naines; bow dýeeply tliey wound, how badly they warp thec pride and persanalities ai those Who answer ta them. As I said in tlic beginning, parents take came. Yen may net be able ta give your son a naine be likes but at least try toegive hini a naine be can use witb pride and good. bumor for fthc rest of is natural ice. (Intended for last week) M'Ar. and Mrs. Charlie Hait, Toronto, visited Mr. F. Stone, Sunday. Mr. E. Graham, Miss Lucy Graham, Third LUne, and Miss F. Graham, Newcastle, were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Toron- ta, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka, recently. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. John Stark in the passing of ber mother, Mrs. Logan, Man. vers Station. Miss Colleen Falls, Toronto, visited at Mr. Llew Hallowell's. MT. and Mrs. 01f ford Fonk *lsonsa -mee -e,.mu te enterpi ising beok publisher James Stewart. Some extremely fascinating othier witch people are unveiled in this whimsical screenplay by Daniel Taradash, based on the play by John Van Druten. TheyI iclude Elsa Lanchester and Jack Lemmon, a rrowling aunt beating brother respectively. And the high priestess cf the w'itch people is the ineffable The production cf Julian Blaustein w«a directed by Rich- ard Quine and under his guid-1 anoe 'the story bounces along riaughtily and enchantingly. AUl the above-mentioned. perform- ers are excellent. And a per- !ernuce uneurPassed, fer clever Lnventivenen aand effect is turned in by Ex-nie Kovacs as a weird author of witcheraft. Both. the music by George Duning and the photag-raphy by James Wang Howe are an the excellent Par with everythlng eime in the Production. It may &U be fantaay, but It has tihe rrsagical Conviction af reality. Bell Book and Candie wMl leave Bell. Bock and Candie wlll leave miging in the memary 01 ail Canadian Canners Limited lncrease Sales by 5.7 per cent vlsited frlends et Burk'a Fafla. Ifrs. E; Shier and Mha LU Sitier, Toronto, spent the week- end at Mr. Lloyd Hallowell's. Mlrs. 1. Pluin, Toronto, visit- ed her brother, Mr. Arthur Me- Kay. Mr'. John McMullen having sold his farm had a sale Mon- day afternoon. Many here recalled the min- istry cf a former pastor, Rev. Thomas Wallace an hearing of his passing last week in Toron- ta and interment at Newton- ville. Mrs. A. Dabson was in Pe- terborough recently. Mr. Aif Graham and Miss Beulah Hallowell were dinner guests at Mr. Llew Hallowell's recently Mrs. Ewart Robinson and Mrs. Jim Stark were in Peter- boro.ugh last week. Sunday afternoon, Rev. White had a specia] service for Moth- er's Day. with music by the junior choir. A baptismal ser- vice was conducted for Luella Anne Todd who was presented by her parents, Mr. and Mms. Carl Todd. Award R. Kerr' Gravel Ténder For Manvers The tender of Russell Kerr of 74 cents a cubic yard for de- livering of gravel anywhere in the township was accepted by the Manvers council at its meet- ing on Monday, May 11. Three tenders were received, the other two being fram. R. A. Blyth Co. et 84 cents a cubic yard and Frank S. Coyle at 75, cents. Council set Wednesday as the day when members, along with the road superintendent, will inspeet the township roads. Two representatives fram the departinent of highways dis- cussed repairing the old sec- tions of No. 35 highway whiclx are going ta be turned back ta the township. Impr9vement of 35 highway is scheduied for this summer. A grant of $20 each was made ta the Millbrook Agricultural Society and Cartwright Agri- cultural Society. Not Joining Authorlty The clerk wiIl notity A. H. Richardson, chief conservation engineer of Ontario, that the towns'hip dees flot wish ta join the proposed Otonabee River Conservation Authority. Other items discussed were price quatations of weed and brush spray from Chipman Chemnicals and Ryley & Son; the; monthly report of the North- umberiand and Durham. Healthý Unit; notice froin the Millbrook 1 Public School Board re central- ization of the South Cavan school area and MilIbrook Pub- lic School Board; letter from the Division Court at Oshawa re cheque on delinquent ac- count from the clerk of Vic- toria Counity re the matter of J. Arthur Fair's legal services re high. school appeal ai-d fees for the' members cf the cern- inittees. The following accounts were ordered Paid: Road voucher No. 5 for transfer te road account, $1,817.54; Registrar of Deeds, $3.73; village of Hastings, re- lief charge-back, $19.47; Town- ship of Pelham, relief charge- back, $16-26; Mirror -Reporte r for printing account, $14; On - tario Municipal Co. for asses-I sor's supplies, $171.35; Grandi & Toy for new filing cabinet $47; Ryley & Son, warble fly powder, $77-46; Addison Scott, repairing deor, $1; Alfred Johnston on assessor's salary, $200;* H. V. Shea on warble fly inspector's salary, $100; Earl Argue, expenses to Cobourg, $5; RaOs Dtavidson, tranaportation allowance, $8; and balance cf tax collection account, $100. MO VIE From tUeId amilton Spectator Net profit of Canadian Can- ners Limited in the year ended Feb. 28 was $395,748 or 84 cents a class "A" share, a slight de- cline from the $401,207 or 86 cents of the previaus year. Net sales, however. the an- nual report showed today, wjr e 5,7 percent higher. The years total was $47,374,042 compared with $44,817,600 in the year ended Feb. 28, 1959. In t.he directors' report, sign- ed on their behaîf by W. I. Drynan, president and R. G. Lucks, chairman, market con- ditions during the year were described as intensely compet- itive. This was the resuit af the bountiful crop year of 1957 and the excessive import af preducts carried on through 1958, the report said. Prici'ng in this competitive market mater- ially affected earnings of Can- adian Canners in the last year, it said The gain in sales was brought about by an aggressive mer- chandisîng and zýdvertising pro- gramn, anid -ain .:iii w;111e slightly lower xv.,e decd n the report, as "reasonably com- parable" with last year's The report notes that exporti sbipments w-ýre cansiderably higher than the previaus year "in spite of licensing imports cantinuing in the United King- dom and world market sales remnaining Most competitive." Canadian Canners stepped up its capital spending i the year te $1,599,014, against $1,- 072,670 in the previaus year. This spending was devoted tai the expansion, modemnization and consolidation of operating plants. a in 1958 were reduced to aupple- ment sales requirements only. XI the current inventory, thec report says, there was a mark- ed inorease in the value ai pro- ducts packcd in Canada under the Del Monte label. The cern- pany polîcy bas been since the affiliation with the California Packing Corporation ini 1956, te pack in Canada frein Canadian produce whcrcver possible goods formerly imported into Canada. Working capital of $14,383,089 at Feb. 28 at $1,134,281 less than the year before, due ta capital spcndung of $1,599,014, dividends of $351,103 and iund- ed debt reduction of $315,000. Prpfits on the sale of surplus properties, the report said, were offset during the year by ma- jor spending on closing unpro- ductive plants and transferring opecrations and equiprnent -te larger consolidated plants. The company expects benefits frein consolidation te be reilected in future operations. Canadian Caniners' new can rnanufacturing plant at Bur- lington is expected te be ready in tirne ta supply part ai the needs of this season 's peak packs. The campany plans major ex- pansion projects in 1959 in the Dresden, Kingsville and St. Da- viF*s grawing areas. The comipany is continuing, as part af the consolidation -rgarn, te seil surplus prQ- dcinplants and preperties. During the year ended Feb. 28. Canners Seeds Limited ceased ta operate as a wholly- owned independent campany. Its opeýration was absorbed into the parent organization. The repart notes that Cana- dian Canners Limited's subsi- diaries again this year madel 'a most worthwhiie contribu-1 tion ta aur earnings." Quarterly dividends an the class "A" common shares were declared and paid at the rate, of 104 cents-75 cents a year- ta a total of $351.103. This is the same rate as last year. The report said that the coin- pany had reduced its inventery $21603823frein last year's S28,020,583 and that the cur- rent inventory mainly was ba- sic r2quirements te supply tlhce trade until the 1959 pack. The reduction took place as a resuit of a policy followed ai- fer the overpack ai 1957. Packs Current atUies Tare 238 tme current lia'btilties.1 The eorcspany's earned' Mr. plus at Felb. 28 was $15,93,0 compared 'with $15,148,619 year before. NMN«TSAN FIN~E QUALIT 4~IR.4 %@tu ab"~ UF STAFFORD RROS. D*&W Sbâf ord Drus. Nomumenf ai Works 31.8 D <rada St B.. Wllttby Phono Whitby rKohawk 8-3553 SRepairs Cliffcrest Cleaners, 71 KING ST. EASWF BOWMANVILL Dry Cleaning - Shirts PHONE MA 3-7061 PICK-UP ANlD DFLI VERT LORNEK lViteQUARRIE, Prop. Storage PAGE EIGHT TEZ CANAZ)L4JR STATP.%?£«. BOV;BRANVILLlr4 ONTARIO -- -- .11, XL '. MMODATP MAT 2lut lou 9£&wý

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