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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1959, p. 19

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¶'Htflk'Y' DIAY ~ Tffl- CA1ADIAN STTESMAN, BOWMANVILLEi- OITAME PAGE xnoMn. ~ALLD-in proud and loy- iamg mcmory oftC65180 D. A- Di&k Alldread et Uic Irish Regi- nient whc was killed in action et Lire Valley, Italy, on May 25, 1944; was l'uricd on May 26 lni.CasiÙo Cemetery, Italy. -EPver remembered by niotier, brothers,, usters. 22-1* COLLACUTT-In loving mcm- fathr, NrmaCollacutt, wio pase awy My 2th, 1958. God new hat e was suffering That thc hUis were hard te' So. Ho closed lits weary cyelids And whispcned "*Peaco Be -Always remembered l'y Wal- lace, Velmia, Heather sud Dale. 22-1 FRANKLIN-In laving memoryi of -a dear wife sud mother,1 Mabel May Franklin, wha de- parted tis lite Jure 1, 1955.. Sic has- gare across the river To thc shane af ever green, Ai we long to sec hen dear face But tic river flows l'etween. Barre day, sometime, we sial sec Tic face we loved so well, Homne day we'll clasp her loving And neyer say farewell. -Ever nemembercd l'y Russell, Nina, George, Roy, Anne and I'anily. 22-1 HENNIN-In lovirg memony of a dean brother and uncle, Ross E. Hennirg, who passed away May 22nd, 1958. We cannot Lord tiy purpase sec But aUi lawdllthat's dore l'y .thee. -Ever rememl'ercd l'y sister Alberta, 'nothen-in-law Hugo, Carl and Ruthie. 22-1* E(ENNING-n nory of aur dear brother and uncle Ross E. Eenning who passed away May 32- 1958. ~Jasa sinile, instead of a frown, AlWaYs'a liard wher one was .down; A1waYs truc, thougitful and 1kind Wondertul imemanies ho bift behind. -Sadly miÙsscd ly sister Ruth, rotler-in-law Jack, noece and- rephcew& 2- FIUGIISON-in oving memory if a dean liubsand and father, g.dey James, wlio passed away Ial 29th, 1957. L'o dearlY loved, ever to be fargotten. -Sadfly missed l'y wife -Eliza- eth. gon Glen and farnily. 22-1 ÏCMMULEN-In loving rnemory 4 Our Parents, Minerva Ezilda Icuien died Marci 1, 119! dus William Mc- IM~n~irMay 27, 1943. 'reen erc l'y famiiy, Bort, Th- a Carl, Os- orne. 122-1* OOLTON-In treasurcd nme- aries of a dear son and broUi- r Pte. Jack Poolton, ai tic rii Regiment of Canada, who led of wounds at Lire Vallcy, asino, Italy, May 26th, 1944. ominies amid long shadows on tic grass The little ruant waves of s unlight pass, iy eyes grow dim witi tender- rosa Uic while Thlnking I sec tie Tflunking I sec tice sinile. eep I our hearts your mcmary Io kepb, W. loved you too dearly ta ever fonget. -Muinisud Family. 22-1* RESTON-In lovlng mnemory I xy'husband Stanley George 'reston who passed away June ý1956. le. suffered mucli, he earned lits rcst, The Lord called hum 'or He knew best. nd my mother, Mrs. Sarahi ýanc Giders who passed away --tl',1940. Not forgotten. -Mrs. Stan Preston. 22-1 slotce to Creditors 1.AND OTHERS 'STATE 0F HERBERT HENRY 'ILIMG, Deceased. ýLL persons having dlaims gaInu± the estate of Herbert enry Dilling, who died on or bout thc th day of Mardi, 958, are required to send tic ndersigned at tic address be- )w full particulars of the saine n or before Uic 2th day of. une, 1959, after which date the ssets of the deceased will be stributed, having regard only > hec daims of which the ýxecutors shail then have notice. Dalted at Bowmanville, On- Lio, the 26th day of May, 1959.1 Excecutors of thc Estate of Herbert Henry Dilling, PO. Box 371, Bowmanville, Ont. 22-3 Repairs LADIO and television repairs. 'rmpt service. Pick-up and à vezy. George's, 85 King St. ýPhone MA 3-5713. 29-tf , UARATE television and iosrie to ah makes. mie .day service. Television ervice Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf EPISand rewinding, arma- ture turnM6o alinakes of [ectr» >in<ý Higgon Elcc- ic, 38 Klitýt, Phone MA 13305. 7 ak f to l iae fsew ? nes. Free pickup and A ms. Laverty's Bargain ~59 King W. Phone MA 17 e. 44-tf IAIRS toaUail akes of re- Igrtrdornestic asnd coin- erla nilking cooers. Hig- nEloctrie Limlited. 38 IKingl E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf 1,I wlsh to thank r any friends lard Betty's friends for tic mcce gifta, cardsansd prescrits, and a special thank you te little Eliza- jbeth and also te Alan wlia dcc- orated thc cake. Mis. Jack NichaIs.221 We would like to taire this opportunity te tiank tic Ennis- killen Cornxuntty for tic lovcly gifts whici wc neceivcd pior ta aur marniage and te ahl thase wio made it such an enjoyable evening. Allan and Ruth Wray. 22-1* Bowmariville Girl Guides sin- cercly thank ail tiose who con- tributed to Uic success af their finst "Girl Guide Rag Drag"'. Special Uianks to tic fatiers Who so generously gave their Urne and trucks. Kindly con- tinue te save your rags as this event will l'e repeated itic FaILi 22-1 1 would like ta, express my sincere thanks te nurses and staff af Memonial Hospital, Dr. Hubbard, and ail wha sa kindhy remembered me with carda, flowers and gifts and tiase who visited me whiie in hospital and sirce coming home. Gertrude Halînian. 22-1* Sincere thsuks ta Drs. K. Semor, Gili ard Mîklos, nurs- es and staff ai Memorial Hos- pital. fiends and relatives, Maple Grave W.M.S. and W., for flowers, gift and cards whilc in haspîtal ard since ne- turning home. Mns. Florrie Cookson. 22-1 * 1 wish to express xny sincere tharxks to my friends and neigh- bours for their many kindcs es during my illness. A special thanks to Rebekah Lodge, Coin- panions of the Forest, St. John'si Evening Auxliary and the Ladies Auxiliary te the Canad- lan Legion. Mrs. Hilda Humphrey. 22-1* Mrs. John Murphy wishes to thank Dr. Miklos, nurses and staff of Memnorial Hospital for their kindness during her re- cent illness. Her grateful thanks also to Uic neighbors who help- cd to look after her family and ail those who sent flowers, gifts, cards, and letters. Everything was sincerely appreciated. 22-1* Y wish to thank my rnany neighbours, friend.s and relatives for thc cards, gifts and flawers sent me for my birthday. The visit of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion was greatly appreciated. Special thanks te Mrs. Vi Poste for the Iovely birthday cakes and lunch which she prepared., also Mis. Jessie Adams. for her -be]p.. It was a memorable day that 1 shan't farget. Isobella Poolton. 22-1* We wlsh te extend our hcart- feIt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings at the time of our recent bereavement, in the loss of a beloved wife, dear mother, and grandznother. Also aur sincere appreciation to ail those who. sent cards or helped in any way; te Rev. W. Logan for his kind message of com.forl WiUl Moorey and family. 22-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F DANIEL KAUFMAN, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, retired machinist, who died at Bowmanville, on or about the l2th day of Mardi, 1959. THE TRUSTEF, ACT, R. S. O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are requircd ta send particulars and full proaf thereof ta the undersigned on or before tic second day of July, 1959, after which date the assets of Uic estate will be distrbuted having regard to tic Will and tic dlaims that have tien been re- ceived. DATED' at Bowmanville, On- tario, the 8th' day of May, 1959. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Barrister and Soicitor P.O. Box 29 - 30 King St. W. Bowmanville, Ontario, Soliciter for tic Executor. 20-3 Auction Sales Auction sale of registered Landrace, 65 head at Uic farni. Millbrook, Ont., Saturday, May 30, 1:30 p.m.; 30 bred gilts, 151 open gilts, 20 serviceable age and younger boars. Every animal guarantccd. E. C. McDowel. 20-3 Farin rachinery: M.-H. comn- bine, 10'; 2 John Deere tractors, M.-H. tracter, implements tic property af Grant Jackson, Lot 20, Con. 5, Cartwright, 4 niles East of Blackstock, on Saturday, June 6th. Terins cash. Sale at 2.00 p.m. Ted Jackson, auction- cer. 22-2* Mr. Ivan Farrow, Lot 28, Concession 4, Clarke Township, 1 mile south of Orono on High- way 115, lias sold hiýfarm and will sell by public auction on Saturday, May 3Oth, eonumenc- mng at 1 p.m., fresi and spring- er cows, 150 Hybrid hens, bal- cd iay and straw, mnachincry, lumber. household furniture, etc. Further particulars, sec bils. Ternis cash, no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 21-2* Business Opportuty YOU carin ake nroney raising Chinchillas. Write Stonehouse1 Chinchilla, 111 Haddingtoar Ave.,4 Toronto. 16-ti 1 i Yunior Fariner Dance, Sat- eurday, May ý30, Newcastle Hal. tJin Fisher's Orchestra. Every- one welcome. 21-21 CWL Home Baking Sale, Fr1- day afternoon, May 29th, al 2 Q'Clock ini thc former SI. Joseph's Church, Church Street. 21-2 Dance to Clara Nesbitt's Music Makers at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, May 30th. Sponsor- ed by Hall Board. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. 22-1* Dance- Odd Fellows Hall, Orono, Friday, May 29. Music by Henry Koss and his orch- estra. Admission $ 1.00 per per- son. Lunch. 21-2 Olde Tymne Dancing: Satur- day, June 6, Solina HaL. Jin Fisher and Orchestra. Special night of very oid dances-no imodern. Admission $1.00. 22-2* Attention Darlington Rate- payes!Ametng to organize a yaepyes ssociation on Satura, a 30, 8 p.m., at Darlington Township Hall, in Hampton. 22-1 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty ganes _twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, anc two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday. 8 pan., Red Barni, Oshawa. 46-tf Plan to attend the Progressive Conservative Social Evening in the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, on Tuesday evening, June 2nd. Miss Elizabeth Janzen of Kitch- ener, Ont., President of the National Women's Progressive Conservative Association, will be the special speaker. 22-1 Eldad Sunday School Anni- versary, Sunday, May 31st al 2:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. Robert Sherwin of Belleville. Music by Sunday Sehool, assist- 'ed by Girls' Quartette. Wed- nesday, June 3rd at 8:15 p.m., 3-act comedy - "You. Can't Take It With You" by Orono Drama Club at Solina Community Hall. Admission 75e and 25c. 22-1 In connection with the pro- vincial election, June llth, the Bawmanville Liberal Associa- tion has set up committee rooms at Mrs. Bartlett's Bowmanville Business Sehool, 154 King St. East. Phone MA 3-3365. Any- one wishing toa assist the Lib- eral party and its candidate "Ted" Woodyard is invited 'to visit the rooms at the carliesi possible turne. 21-3 Notice to Creditors AND OTHrERS IN THE ESTATE 0F ALGER- NON HICKLING, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durhami, Lineman, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims aain&t.the,ýEstate- of thc said Algernon Hickling, who died an or about the 23rd day of March, A.D. 1959, are required to file proof of saine with the under- signed Solicitors for the Ad- niinistratrix on or before the 29th day of June, A.D. 1959. After such last-mentioned date, the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the dlaims of which she then shail have had notice. DATED this 28th day of May, A.D. 1959. Florence Marguerite Hickling, Administratrix By' Carley, Standish, Clarke, Carley & Lech, 425 Water Street, Peterborough, Ontario, Her solicitors herein. 22-3 Dispcuy j(Contlnued froin page one) good sud played witi verve and perfect tempo urder tic direction of D. C. Peters. Tic Gîce Club witli R. Scott as director sang "Darny Boy," an Ir" ssng, sud a Czeccoslo.. vakian, Dance Sang. Their lavely yaung vaices were muci enjoyed. Tie members of Uic Gice Club taking part were: sopranos- J. Sparrow, V. Pickerng, J. Beeci, G. Barres, P. Mackie, M. McDonaid, K. Lynch, D. Beck- un, C. Lankin, L. Bradley, B. Higgon, R. Goheen, G. Baker, I. Read, B.. Clarke, M. Betties, B. Luxtor, M. Huggins, S. Riv- ens; altos-B. Brown, K. Mc- Muter, L. Morisor, L. Black, B. Vermeulen, H. Knox, H. Mc- Donald. E. Piekard, A. White, M. Vanstare. Tenors-D. Gi, J. Hasiuk, B. Bowman, A. Gracri; bass-A. Foran, D. Brent, D. Oke, and T. Black. The members of the Senior Bard: flutes-D. Stainten, J. Wcstheuser, M. Osborne; clan- inets-D. Foley, H. Rundie, T. Black, A. McLeod, J. Rundie, D. Gill, L. HaI.ciy, J. Scott, L. Pnrig, B. McRobl'ie, M. Falis, S. Gimbhett; obos-D. Martin, P. Fisher; bassoons-P. Knox, [A. Grocri; saxophones-M. Em- monsan, F. Rudman, S. Chas- kavici, K. Ormistar; string basses-K. Lynch, C. Countice; tubas-B. Capp, G. Hallowell; percussion-K. McArthur, D. Williams; carnets-V. Chant, L. Rackham; trumpets-J. James, K. Van Nest; horns-E. Pickard, P. Davis, S. Lucas, H. Knox; troinlones-D. James, M. Hiug- gins, J. Scott; l'aritones-B. liagerman sud, W. Fisher. Tic Grade 12 Ensemble play- cd with depth sud feeling bic Welsi Airs arsuged l'y 1.C. Peters. Tic players were:- H. Rundie, clainet; B. McRobl'ie, charinet; E. Pickard, horri; J. James, trumpet; B. Capp, tuba, sud K. Lynch, string basa. Ballet music froin Rosa- munde-Schubert arrsuged l'y Mr. Petens was besutifully play- cd l'y Uic Grade 10 Ensemble. The Grade 10 pla.yers were D. - I S LINÂdes camping trips were discus- I whl1ch ill be hcld on June 13. Tefourtb meeting of Sol- M n Laverty accompanied ina's Garden Gala was held at bis brother Mac frori Dunriville thechhome of Helen and' Pat and fricnds from Hamilton and _______________Knox__ onMa 21. The 15 mcm-j Welland on a fishing trip ta I eswere ail prescrit. The meet- northerri Québec avez Uic week- Noticesing opencd with Uic 4-H pled- end. Crean o Baleyge and reading of Uic minutes Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cox and Creinof areyswimmng, of last meeting. Thc roil cal' Frances attendcd funieral ser- L pool now open daily. Come1 "Two Things ta Strive for ini vicesfor lits brother, Samnuel rand enjoy free swiniming, Sat Selecting Vegetables for the Coi, In Hamilton on Sunday. *urdày, May 30 from 1 ta 5 P.M. Dinner Plate" was weil answer- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phupps, _______22-1_______ Edmnonton; Mr. and Mis. Ken it NOTICE 0F APPLICATIONf Mrs. Ross Cryderman then Horn, Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. t. TO CHANGE NAME gave Uic girls subjec't matter as William Laird and family, Mrs. t. Notice is hereby given that an follows:- "cVegetables ti tic F. Swallow, wcrc Sundey guests ,2 Application will be mnade by Supper or Lunch Menu" "White of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford swal- 7 William Mazurkewich, of 77. Sauce" and "Tic Oven Pl"y low. s Duke Street, in the Town of. Its Part." Helpful hints were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers and 1, Bowmanville, in tic County, of also given on the prcparing of family callcd on Mr. and Mrs. Duiiiiti rvnefCrearned Potatoes," "Scalloped John Aitduison on Saturday ev- ~.JOntario, General Motors Em- Asparagus anid E g gs," and enxng. They aise calied on Mr. * jployee, ta His Honour Judge M. "Cream of Vegetable Seup" and Mis. Sara Snowden, Black- A. Miller, Judgc of thc County topped witli Crantons. stock. Court for tic United Counties Groups were then forrncd to Tic Evcning Auxiliary wil Cof Northumberland anid Dur-. Prepare those Uiings previously meet on Thursday (tenigit) at -hanm, at uis Chamrbers in tice mentioncd. These dishes were Uic home of Mis. Lloyd Snow- -County Building at Cobourg, On- enjoyed as a part of the lunch den. Ztania, on tic 24th day of June, along with other refreshinents Mr.. and Mrs. Wesley Dickson -1959, at tic houn of 10:15 o'clock, preparcd by Barbara Haoey and opent tic wcekcnd at tic home n Daylight Saving Time, in tic PliYllis Westlake. Tic n exit of Mi. and Mis. Harry Windsor. tl forenoon ta change his name meeting will be on June 22 at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Payne, * from William Mazurkcwich ta tie home of Evelyn Hockaday. Hampton, callcd on Mrs. P. * Bll Mark. A number of W.I. ladies at- Laverty and farniy on Tues- John A. G. MacDonald, tended' tie District Annual Con- c la y evcning. Barnister, Solicitor, vention on Thursday at Maple Congratulations ta Mi. and, e 101 Simcoe Street North, G rave. Mrs. H. E. Gould who celebra- ri Oshawa, Ontario. Sympathy is extcnded ta Mr. ted ticir 12th. wedding anniver- t Solicitor for tic Applicant. Wxll Mooney and family on the sary aon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. r22-2 sudden passing cf Mrs. Mooncy Harold Gray, B o w m anville, STenders Vlanted p assing her motier, Mrs. M. Gil- py occasion. roy of Enficid. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden TENDERS wantcd for the sup. Tic Sunday School Arriver- and Betty, accampanied by Mr. Sply of fuel ail for Port Hope sary service will be ield next and Mrs. Wes Down and Paul, 'ri and Bowmanville High Schoois Surrday, May 31 at 2:30 o'clack. Oshawavsie RvredStn son. Port Hope requires approx. of Belleville will l'e tic gucst croft, last wcekcnd. ;f20,000 gais. No. 2 Ligit Indus- ininister. Sec Coming Events Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milligan, etrial. Bowmanville requires for further details. Minden, werc wcekend guests Sapprox. 30,000 gals. No. 4 Mcdi-1 Mn. and Mis. Harvey Ycllow- of thein daugiter, Mis. W. Hogg uni Industrial. Quotations ta lees and cirîdren attended Bla- and famiiy. be in thc hands of W. -B. Reyn- ckstock Annivcrsary service and Tic pupils and teaciers of olds, Box 1378, Bowinanville, wcne gucsts of Mi. and Mrs. Maple Grave school will present rant later tian June 10, 1959. E. Larmer. ticir annual Spring concert on e22-1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Wcdnesday, June 17. 1 amily visitcd on Sunday with Mr, and Mis. Doug Kennedy, 1 Tenders SNanted Mr. and Mrs. O. Jackson and Rouge Hill, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. ____________________sons Lindsay. Wallacc Munday and family on Mr. and Mrs. Çarnet Goyne Sunday. tand' family Courtice; Mrs. T. Mr. and Mris. Robent Rogers Goyne Prestonvale were Sun- and fanuily, Bowmanville, visit- day guests of Mi. and Mis. Cia- cd hus brother, Mr. and Mrs. rles Langmaid and children. Bon Rogers on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- Mrs. Jack MacEuam, Glas- e ry were tea guests of Mr. and gaw, Scotland, visited at Uic Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons, home of Mr. and Mis. Milton Canada Mr. and Mrs. C. Smnith Osh- Paterson, recently. SEALD TNDES adres- wa;Mr. and, Mrs. E. Bush, Glen Mrs. James Geddcs and, fain- c d ta thc undcrsigncd and cri- Miller, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, or- 11Y, Mrs. L. Woodcock and Mrs. *dorsed "TENDERS FOR THE ono, visited Mr. and is. E. T. Colliss, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. SUPPLY 0F COAL, COKEi Cryderman. Kellar, Fairport Beach, on Thu- *FUEL QIL AND PROPANE Mr- ami Mis. Ross Cryder- rsday evening. GAS FOR THE FEDERAL m ian Ellen and Lanry attendcd Mis. John Morraw, Bowinan- BUILDINGS THROtTGHOUT Tyrone anniversary service and ville, Mr. anid Mis. Ed. Colhiss TUE PROVINCE 0F ON-. werc tea guests of Mr. and Mis. and Conne, Oshawa, and Mn. -TARIO" will be received in tic Bill Jewel 1 and sons. Robin McLatchey, visitcd Mr. .office of tic Sccretary until . Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderr a ad Mis. Jin Geddes on Sun- 3:00P.M (ED.ST.) THRS.and Mrg. A. J. Balson visited day. DAY, JUNE 18, 1959. with Mr. and Mis. Ken McMinn H. anmd S. Association t Forins of tenders wtt speci- and children, Oshawa, on Sun- Tfli May meeting of the Ma- 3 tications can l'e obtained fanm day. pie Grave Home and School the hiefof urchsingand Mr. and Mr.ç. Alec Lownlc, Association was held at thc trcs Chief of Buiaing tad Mrs. W. Hle, Oshawa, and Mn. sehooil on Wednesday evcning, StoesGarandBuidin, Ota-H. Tebble, Newastle, werc Sun- with President Mrs. Robert Bo- wa, Ont., tic District Manager, day guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. tliwdl in charge. Sccnetary, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.; George Knox and fmnlly. Mrs. J. Gcddes called tic roll tui D iictMng,odonOn., Mr. and Mrs. Wes HuIs and and rooni caunt was won by PubliceBuildingMaLar,ot,hildren atten4ed Tyrone An- Mrs. Mo>ffatt's rooni. Treasurer, Ofdfic isticg t angerPostnivcrsary service and w e re Mrs. Cecil Culien gave her re- Ontario. guests of Mr. and Mis. A. H-ilUs. port, aftcr which ?Mrs. Charles Tendrs mst e mae onthe Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Hester announ~Cd thc prograin. 1piTendefrssupplbe ade on ticvi$ited ait Mr. and Mrs. E. Lier.- -Several chtîdren froinMs. iDpinte fandspiecd l' tc men's, Biackstock. Blakely's roornisang twa sans. Deprtientandiiiaccrdace Mi. and Mrs. E. Spires and Tic meiniers wcne tien divided thric oiiinnetfrhcide visited Mr. and Mis. into Uircc groups for a discus- Thcen. s o n ene o H. Moxon, Janctville. sion on Television and radio, * Tssiclwaesto atendr ot Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beat, Way- tic teaciens Ieading tic discus- *ecssRiobcetd. .er ne and Karen, Oshawa, visited sions and taking note of opin- Chief of Rominitrt ervie at Mi. and Mrs. E. Spires. ions ofthti motiers. It was gen- andmnsrv Se rvices .Mis. Ivan Ellicott and Sandra, erally agrccd that tic family 1 e and oSPletry. , Peterborough; Mis. N. C. Yei- comcdy was nrast cnjoyed, as DephatMnt ofPublic 22-ks lowlees, Bowmanvxlle, visited well as varicty progranus. OttwaMay20,195. 2-1.Mn. and Mrs. E. Hockaday and Aftcr bits, Mis. W il i am j dauglitens on Sunday. O'Neill swore intriUi off icers *Faiey, ciainet;, C. Court, string Mr. Chiarles Johnson. London; for 1959-60. Ticy arc as fol- bass; P. Knox, bassoon; F. Rud- Miss Sharon. Lucas, Bowinan--- man, alto sax, and T. Black, ville, wcrc *guests at Mi. and cianînet. Mrs. Tom Baker's.I Margot Rankine, an excep- Messrs. Wilbert and Oliver Uionally fine contralto, sang thc Giaspell, 'Peterblorough, visited *solos "O Lave Be Deep" and Mn. and Mns. I. Hardy. O SH A W A "My Lovcly Celia". The latter Mr. and Mrs. Gien GlaspelI, was arranged l'y Mrs. Wilson.J and sons, Taunton, visitcd on Mis. B. Scott was Miss Rankine'so Sundày witli Mn. and Mrs. Rae 1accompanist. Pascoe and chitdren. Tirce intcrestlng and apea Mr. and Mis. Rae Pascoevi-B A T n ing Canadian Folk Songs wereReaiMran s.J Dyers, sn yteGeClbThe Oshawa. first was an Eskimo Llab, Mn. and Mrs. Tom Westlake, whic wa crginllyrgcorded Millbrook; is. Gage, Thorn-fo Capemn Dorse on .tn, isitcr ad Mi. Nd . F aik ofa thre second hait. These rs . renan nti har rumbers were Cale Parter's Thc meeting oponed with a popular "Begin tie Begiline", iymn and prayer l'y Mrs. Gre-' "Beccuse" froin Stravinsky's enhani atter wiicii a nuniben ai Firebrard Suite, sud tic "Swed- business items were dcaht witi isi Riapsody" l'y Alfen arrang-1 and reports given. Mis. J. D. cd l'y Beelen. Stevens gave a rcadirg or Citi- Thc Grade il Brass Sextet' zensiip and Mis. L. Collacutt! phayed "Blue Moon" weil. Tic led inthe icWarsiip Service as- players wene V. Chant, carnet; sisted l'y Mis. S. Tyler sud Mrs. 1 L. Rackham, cornet; A. Wise- C. Snowden.1 man, cornet; D. James, train- Mns. C. Greenham, was lri banc; B. Hageninsu, baritone, charge ofthti prograin when a and G. Hallbwell,' tuba. n umber of readings from tie Kathenine Lynch, who has a book "Mlissionries Reponting"i haveiy soprano vaice, sang were given l'y Mis. M.L Burgess, "Rosebud" l'y H. Brook, and Mis. H. Fohey, Mrs. I. Munday, "Gatiering Daffodils" arangedî Mis. C. Grccnham sud Mis. Fred l'y Somenveil. Dixie Gilae- Stevens. The meeting clased campanied Miss Lynchi on Uice wibi Uic Mizpah Benedictiori. piano. jMn. and Mis. Alan Snowden Tic Grade il woodwind sex- visited her parents Mr. sud Mis. tet were excellent ir tic play-i E. Wilkins, Pont Hope, on Tues- ing af tic famous "Bren Bal'lit' day. Mrs. Wilkins returned home Dreains" tram the "Fable ai tic ý witi thein for a visit. liransd tic Tarbaise" l'y D. 1 Mn. and Mis. Roy Paterson Gillis. Tic players were D. 1 ertertained a number of frierds Stairtor, flube; A. Martin, ol'ae; or, Satunday evertrg ti honour A. McLeod, claninet; J. Rundie, Of Mns. Claude Paterson wio claninet; P. Davis, horn, and S. cciebrated her l'irthday. Giml'lett, bass clarinet. 1 Mn. sud Mrs. Robent Both- Tic enjoyable papulan songu .well, Bol'by sud Donny, spent "Deep Purpie" l'y de Rose, and Sunday at Rice Lake, (ro fisi>. "Deep ti My Heart" train Rom- tMr. and Mrs. Gordon Siunic' berg's "Student Prince" werc1 and Ronnie, Part Penny, wene delightfully sung l'y the Glee Sunday guesta afi)£r. and Mis.i Club. Cecil Mills. 1 Tic Dance Band witi Dixie IMis. L Woodeock, Arden. la Gili as thc e aenrumade a tre- spendirig a holidày witli Mis. T. 1 mendous uit playing "Over tice' Collissanad Ernest and1 Mi. Ro- Rainbow" tram "Tic Wizand ai. bin McLatciey, Sudbury, was a Oz". Their encore cvoked great' weekend guest. applause as weli. J Tic last meeting ai the Local 'me cianmîngly rhythic se- t Association of Maple Grove Girl lectian "Tic Artist's Lifc" by 1 Guides sud Brownies was held Strauss was superbly phayed l'y1 at Uie home of Mis. Tain Mc- Uic Senior Bard- Thc pragrarr Guirk, with District Commis-, clased witi the singing afI "God sianen, Mrs. William O'Neill ti Save thc Qucen". charge. Tie Brownie and Gui- Pr iced lows: President, Mrs. Robert Bothwell; Vice Prebsident, Mrs. Alfred Allin; Treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Cullen; Secretary, Mns. Bert, Jr; Xxecutive, Mrs. Charles Hester, Mrs. Bruce Mac- Donald, Mrs. Roy Bothwell, Mrs. Harold Watson and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Lundh was served by mothers of Mrs. Black's room. T.B. Canvass T.B. canvassers will be cal- ling at your home during the first week of June. We hope you, wiil welcomne thein and give thetn YOur attention and support. The T.B. clinics will be hcld at Ebenezer Churoli June 8 and 9 (readings June 10 and 11); at Hampton Township Hall June 10 and Il (readings-. 12 and 15); and at Bowmanville Lions Centre June 23, 24, 25 and 26 (readin'gs 25, 26, 29, 30). 'The clinics wilIl be open frorn 2 te 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. You may visit whichever clinlc is most convenient, at any Urne without an apppointment. We urge you to attend one of thc clinics and invite yaur friends and neighbbours to go with yau. BLACKSTO.CK Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskillen, with Mr. ani Mrs. Wilbur Toms. Mr. Bruce Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Jin Hannah and Rose El- len, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sinclair, Oshawa, and Miss Connie SUis, Toronto, at the Gordon Strongs. Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Fergu- son and Joyce, Toronto, with Ceciu Hilîs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman MeNal- ly, Colbourne, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and re- maining for a few days with other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Leask, Solina, also at Mar- lows. Mr. and Mrs. EwartLcask and children with Mr..sand Mrs. Jini Mariow. Mn. and Mrs. Reg. SttoN Orno, witi tic redDeys Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowdien, Maple Grove, with the Ralph Larmers. Mr. and Mis. Harvey Yellow. lees and fanuily, Solina, wlt!1 Mi. and Mrs. Ernest Larrer. Mr. ami Mrs. Grant Pergu. sari, Ian and Mary, Toronto* Mi. and Mis. Keri Browri anc1 Dorothy arid Mn. Noci Morton. Oshawa, with tic Roy Fergu- sons. rM. and Mrs. Harold Wright. Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Slcep ard kididies wti tte ]Roy MeLauglins. Mi. and Mrs. Kelth John- stan sud famuly with Mr. and Mns. Stuart Dorrell. A great mary tram thus vie tnity visited at thc Mackte Fun- oral Home Surday and Mon. day wherc Uic late Mrs. T. Smnith was rcsttng. Funcral services arc ta l'e held from, St. John's Ohurci icre Tues- day 26th. Conrnatultions ta Miss Dor-. cen VanCamp onm lier B.A. at University of Toronto. Bey. and Mns. Ncwton Bow- les, Brampton, apeht thie week- end with Chancelior Bowlcs and Mrs. Mackio. Mis. Phera Mountjoy Osh- awa, spent a fcw days wtth the Harold Swairs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd FPallis, Scarborough, visited Mn. and Mns. Jae Bradl'urr and fanliy. Mn and Mrs. Len Hooey and daughter, Bawm'anvillc;, Mrs. Jac Cary, Miss Lila Hooey and Mrs. John Hooey, Toronto, cal- led or Mr. Eanl tDorrell, Sun- day. Rcv. P. Romeril and Mr. Earl Donrell cxpect te attend conter. encre in Kir'gst6n Tuesday-Tri- day. Miss Ethel Thompson is spen- ding a weck with fniends ti Taranto. (Remainder held aven) DEST NEW CAR DEALS 0 F TUE SEASON! NOW IS THE TIME TO -BUY AS WE NEED USED CARS 1957 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN, 6-cyl., radie. Locally owncd, ïn good condition. 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN, V-8 with Power Flite, radio, Sports tone. 1954 WINDSOR 4-DR. SEDAN, Power Flite. Sports tar.e. In new car condition. 1952 MERCURY 2-DR., Two-tone, radio. 1951 CHEV. 2-DR. Clean car. 1950 DODGE 4-DR. New paint. Good family car. 1951 MERCURY 1-TON PICRUF. Wondcrful condition. Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East Bowmanville MA 3-5487 SWOOD PRODUCTS lm50 as Iow as AS LOW AS PENCE 77.50 Tour Garage Door Headquarlors OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTSLTD. Downtown Showrg 94 SIMCOE ST. SOU' BOWMA4NVEILE-Mi * DOWNTOWN 9 Telephones To Serve Yen .oom Main Office and Showroom TH-BA 8-1617 COURTICE-RBA 8-1611 a, 3-2130 -$JAX-ZEulth ,2-960 OFFICE OPEN FMIAT TILL t.Oo FIL *

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