- ~ PAGE SMX TMECNDA TT5A~ OMNUI W8 Adui Entrtaimant - Coor Frm Hme ~ I <on Ruth, R-. R- 2, Ida; Citizen-: tata. 'Tse naxitfew years found Adul Enertinrent Colr Fam nme urvy »p adEducation, Mfrs. John hlm is thse West Iaking on ac- Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Shirley McLaine -Miss Lampmsan furtiser dis- Giner, Bailieboro; Historical bive part in thse carly growth- cussed tise Fanm Home Survey Researchs and Current Events, of Winnipeg. A eall by lise Complata shows at 7 and 9-25 waîichi- s being conducted dur- Mrs. H Bougisen, R.R. 2 Port!t Great West Life Insurunce ______________________________________ Iing tise months of June and Hope; Home Econoniles and Company brougisI hlm back te July and eaked for the co-op- Healtis, Mss. Clayton Elliot, R. Toronto le act la thse capacily IR. 1 Campbeiicroft; %asolutions,' o! Insurance inspecter a part ha Mis. William Armsstrong, Ml.' 'hald for many years. - - belcroft; Public Relations, Mrs. H. R. Bain and Company -ahereî Da vid Lawson, R. R. 2 Idae, and ha developad bis keen financlal fO r W *1n s 9Mr. Gerald Lairuer, R. R. 1 abllity . It was during tisi busy I s 0 Millbrook,, as alternale, lima of bis life tisaI ha becarne Dlisner was aerved- by thse a membar of Tnotlsy Eaton members o! tise Batl!Gi-ove, Mémorial Cisurds wls.re 51.1 Cisurcis Woasar's Association, keen orgartlz&ng abillty was 1 thesa bbes altractively decoral- soois racognlzed ansd put le use. & er4~9e d witis the W.I. colora o! blue Tisa opasslng up o! Nortisern and gold ansd sprin« flowars. Ontario attracted Mi-. Hamsilton Mis. J. C. Clunnie o! tise Mor- for ha pioncerad and promoted risis Brandi expressad thse several suceesaful Gold Minas. tisamks o! thse delegates ta tise Faeling tise pressura o! clty guest speakers, ta tise iostess 111e ie dccldad tb maya 10 quiet- rctixing president, Mrs. Eric whal was lntcnded to be a kLa.Mus. Ralpi stosalIsrnebsns i Betlsany, oocupicd thai fo vanlous expariences and cour- tise closing axai-cscs. teous service soon built up a berns UmrslUns u~ s e.e~* esp **~The bMount Pleasant brancis growlusg tuïrilng business. He ex tessded an invitation 10 hold wilI be greatly mnisad by hi& Ltise nert district arnual meet- izan>' friends. ima in thek ffvllae. He baves ta mowss, Ih i - j A M M M D er«"On~ of the mmenr. Ini I~'IaaeL uw iré.~~i .4 con. peaker quoted East Dra'Institute Hl s e l a epl a eU h Ives. It a pe1 O 0mk DV ~ 6f ~ E Muse of the ervcesavai1able. An uaAMetngafservice can eati sdl AnnuaiIMeetng atIRIssmuIII only when you use Wl" The afternoon sessions begaxL Brviolet DL Cati H. L. Ohallice, Cavan; Mrs. M. Fred Whieeler. 30 membetls at wlth communlity singing led bySc u McliseElizabethville; Mrs. Elizabthville; Mrs. Mildred Mir5. R. Willamis of Roasmount, ~ B y 7be 59th district annuel rmee- Clayton Elliott, Garden Hill; Wilson, 22 at Garaen HIil;mrsq wM Mrs. H. Reeves at the, o c u lng of East Durhamn Women S Mrs. Gerald Larmer, Millbrook; Gerald Larmer, 16 at lMlbrook;, Piano. Institutes, which comprises nine Mrs. j. C. Clunnie, Morrish; Miss Stella Bennett, 24 at Mor- Bandcrafts Display New s branches was held in the Be- Mrs. Hubert Gardiner, Mount rish;, Mrs. J. Knight, 19 at1 Mrs. T. J. Jackson of Beth-1 thel Grove Church at Ross- Pleasant; Mrs. Charles James, Mount Pleasant and Mrs. K. anyshoed nîitretiigdis-i The Scouts froni lot Troop mnount on Wednesday, May 20, Rossmiount. These were duly Benson, 12 at Rossmounit. play of hendcrafts whioh in-, have donc it again. lbeY *bave' with Mrs. Eric McLean Of insta.iled to office by Mrs. J. P. Standing Comniittee Conven- chided her own worlc - wood 1 made the slogan became a' Mount Pleasant chairing the Corson. ers for the district outiined the carving, neediepoint. basket rea.lity. "Xevp mmd thie -we- miorning and afternoon sessions. Mrs F. MBride and Mrs. K. programrs conducted at the weaving, needlework, handbags1 ther as long as w. keeP Our- Instail District Directors Benson of Rossmount were in branches throughout the year, made from plastie and plastic selves togetse?." Disrit lîecor rprset-charge of registration and Mrs. givinig roll cafls and mottos foam flower trim, sheil work, Seemlngly, every timea a'mi> Dticgth iecrnhsrerset R. Williams of Rossmount wel- used, speakers, films, dernsor- bead work, etc., and demon- is plexmed cold weather Inter- Mnste ieybracehare Mrs. eomced the gue.sts, with Mrs. J. strations, panel discussions, de. strated how to make flowers venez. ater, a Year u«o the H. a bellne, Beanyr; Mrs. Hito of Millbrook giving the bates, etc.,, proving that Wom- from nylon anLd plastic foani. troop wen't 1 camip aMd exPer- ___Campbell,______________s reply. Mrs. Eric McLean gave en's Institute programas are Mmr. Jackson was introduced ienced temnprahure of 17 ansd __________________ the president's report of the highly educational. Tisese re- by Mrs. Raiph Preston, as a 18 aboya for two nlghts. 'Ilese year's work throughout the dis- ports were given by Mrs. Gor- charter miemrber of thse BethanyJ boys slsowed auch couting se-l trict. Mrs. C. Steeves read the don Ruth, Ida, covering Agri- W.I. and ils first prealdent. a lt-well, it wMs equal to non.. NO EYminutes of previous meeting, culture and Canadian Indus- great-grandniother, who had; This Easter (1959) anotSser NuNEthe financial statement and tries; Mýrs. K. Ashby, Port Hope, just recently celebratcd her camp was pianned on the Pick- AVAILALE FORdeait with the correspondence. Cîtizenship and Education; Mrs. 72nd birlhday, but who was erisgm Farmks,'Newc«stlle.- Due AVIALEFRThe auditor's report was given H. Bougisen, Port Hope, Histor- still very younig aI hat keep. toiniclement weather and very N RT AG S by Mrs. R. Williams~. ical Research and Current ing up with comznunity inter- 10w temaperatures madelt Imi- 140 TGA ESGive Braneh Reports Events; Mrs. Edwin Wilson, ests, leaving no lime out for possible to carrytith amP The secretary of cacis branch Garden Hil, Home Economies grOwlng old. through. Nevertiheleas, a camnp gave brief reports of their ac- and Health; Mrs. William Arm- Mrs. C. Steeves as district re- was conducted at Camp Samac RALrII S. J014ES tivities including their finan- strong, Millbrook, Resolutions; presentative gave a report of for those Who were willng t0 cial statements, Mrs. M ertoii Mrs. Shirley Brovln, Bowman- the board meetings and confer- camp lAera. Despite thse fact Barrister and Sollcitor Thompeon reporting 36 mem- ville, Junior Institutes; Mxs. A.I ences she had atten'ded. there was not mucis 10 do tiser. 65 Simncoe St. S. Oshawa bers in the Bailieboro branch; Bla ad, Mount Pleasant, reading Provincial Drector's. Rematkm as minaùW ires building d- RA5-3525MrS. Ralph Preston, 47 members the report preparcu by Mrs. Da- rsJ.PCoonKrkil ge ator, mucis enthusexism at ethany; Mrs. H. L. Chai-; vid Lawson. 'Mount Pleasant, as the Provincial Board Direc- was evident. lice. 33 members at CaVn:. Mrs. covering Public Relations. trgveifrato ro ie Mr. Pickering at Newcaste, iuuuuu.uouuueu.oeooeuuue.u...uoee.uumuumo I Extensian Services Provincial levei and urged aill to whomn we owe no mucis for Miss Frances Lamjpman, branches to plan their budgets " 1 Lindsay, Home Economnist witili tn enable them to defray thse #wonderland o cuit Helene Curtis the Department of Agriculturei expenses of sending a delegate iieeds to be co.mmended for, 1hd SH 10 0Spray Net 79c, 1.29 for the Counties of Durham, oail provincial and area meel- ouitsanding interest Ise shares Victori a and Peterboroughs, gave! :ngs. There are now 1,475 Insti- 1 in scouting. Woodbury 79e Adorn wilh Comb __ 1.75 a talk on the Extension Services tutes, in Ontario with 38,549' Over the long weekend, an- available to Institute rnembers. memars. Shie gave thse higis- other Scout Camsp waa cOnduct- Enden New Toni - ---- 0 "Two types of ser-vice are of- ligils of tise conference atj cd on thse Pickerlng'a Farus. W. ends dandruff _. 98c, 1.69 oetfrchlen-17 fered this year: Short Courses Gueloh lest year with its liserse pitclsed camp Friday, Mayý 15, Tonete frneCidre 1.75 whre the instructor meets witis' Adventures in Service" and at four o'clock. Itie weather, Silver Curi 1.75 a group of women in their home discussed tise, Women's Institute bitterly cold for this timne of Clean- 85e1 community, and a Local Lead- holiday to be held at Guelphin lathe year. A cooler was taken ta 9cLsr rm __7e Bobbl 2.00 ers' Training service where Io- Ju]y. Mention was made of the camp for thse purpase of keep- 98e uste Ceme 79ccal eadrs pponte bytie scholiiship funds set up and ing thse meats. Unfortuatcly, Prom-Regular or cllaesapi.e _the pca rjcso wes ecudgtn c xBw 65e sze Hlo 2for 8c Ceamy--------2.00 groups to whîch they belonge5eilpoet !Ted-w ol e ol.iiBw 65esiz Hao -.- fr 9e Ceam ----- -------- 200 corne to a central Leaders', muir histories 10 be coanplled manville. However ice was pro- Training Sehool to atke instruc-1 in every braisci; thse contest for vided. Thse water which was tion, which they, Ln turn, reîay a W.I. song set to music and the gatiseried for tise nezI Mor>dnq Suave Colgate Paste and Rolit to their own local groups. Somne-ias.say contests. Mrs. R. R. Bon-' spelled ICE. Therelbre, we Ibal Hair Creami Hi rs ---- 9 Deodorant Lime within a year foliowingi steel o! Bethassy had won the enouh ice 10o pack thse meat for thse training school a Sumrnry provincial award for thse best twodeys. Muels la our uurPrise, 60e - 1.00 2 Colgate Faste and 89e Day will be held at whui e m - 1 eseay on «How I Can Train Mly more ica was provided thse ad Tooth Brush 70e bers will be encouraged to ex-, Child To Be a Citizen o! tise nigist. So one em a sily sec why hibit their work and to take World". Her essay along wlth tis, slogan "Neve raind the 2 Ipana 63e size ---99ecieohr snwetrd nwahr obrga eke Brylcreem 1.4vleLsr em 79 Woodbury part li a programme related to - ieohrlaow ntadawate.slog sweke 1.24valu Lutre reme79ethe projeet. There are courses1 a national compaîltion. Last oui-selves togetber ln adopted. 43c, Deodorant ia Food and Nutrition, Clothing year Ontario Institutes lsad con- Actuelly, Ibis wua overfr-ard 2 Listerine and Textiles, Homne Furnisj1- tribut-d $4,888.74 for -relief b thse mcuter wisile r *--' 69e - 89e Tooth Faste ____ 49e 89e ings. Home Crafts, Health Edu,- work in Ceylon. sZ ro=& ndltise erea of the; __--cation, Cultural Interests. etc. Mrs. Corson stressed thse fact Wolf Leade tet. Several new features are of- lisat Inatutas ame not primsar- Thim to10thse 'at-cil Lae Ta At ras fr 9eHealth Saltsa9 fered this year. We feel tisat in ily fu.nd raising orgasslzatlons. and their set-,ds for bavini TatAn Tas-.- fo 6e 9e tises e d'ays of rapid change Instilules sisould be oonsidered dome me'Jin job on this'; 6-12 Spray Repellent .... 1.69 Noxzema 98c, 1.25 everywhere a home aconomiesj an adnilt educational grotup, cawP. Càmc:n*u ability is-J 6-12 LIquid 69e Nivea Creama 39c, 69c, 1.25 program must keep up-to-date; wisera il one avails thernselves prôvee«, at each caip. One' with the new trends in its field; jo! thse privileges offered, you yourg scout ýiaid: "Now, 1 know 6-12 Lotion 89c SkolI 55c, 1.00 but we believe it is just as im- can rceive the equal of a Uni.-*wiat camping is like-I would- portant to isold enta tise good versily education. Mrs. Corsoîs n't want te Miss it." - John Tantoo Repellent --. 1.10 Sunlan 011 -__ 55c. 75e old standards and skills that announced thse nev ruling as to , Burk. are basic in homnemaking in any '111e mensbership. You must, Thai*s 1tiste Troop Leader Fl>' Colis- ------ 3 for 10e Skolex Sun Cream - 1.00 time. In maintaining a strong have been a menibar for 25 con- 1 Loweli High±ield and P.L. Ted ---- ----programme in sucis fundamnen- secutiva years and tise new cost Walson, and seconds, Don Kerr,, tais as food and cloliing il is o! a life mernbar's certificate is Quartermaster, wl» as an ad-ý Dristan Spray or TablaIs ______ 1.25 our purpose la bring 10tisah now $25.00". Tise speaker aise vanced party went earlier and, people thse latest autisentie in.. discussed tise ra-zonmng of som'ssaPLitced tents. formation we can get on nutri- o! tise branches and the effortJ Of course tise trip would flot:! tion and textile as well as baing msade te have East Dur-,have been sucis a succeas with-1 * thse most progressive nsatiods isam and West Durhsam bran-. out tise help o!f!Mr. Watson I ~~~~~~in cookiusg, sawin'g ansd other ches amalgarnated, whic ilwoi iln ahl.H r C OADG ' home crafts." ba studied further. sported some o! tise boys and C i W L i i 'p4Jm a discun9se the IMis. McLean .thariked MrII camp euimntt adfrm PHONE FT adugdmmest co-oper- port ansd har capable s-apresen-1 aMrWners iheson M 3-65 DRU G STORE TRUSSES ate with reporting all accidents talion on tise board during han al. r..nd M. Wts on, MA 3569 their district represenaie terni o! thrae yearg wic. wlMr&. Higheld, Ms asn ~uuuouu.uum.uuuouuoeooeuumuuuououuoeuu She gava instructions on Isow ewpires and wislsng ber bonen o a te apply for a short course and1 voyage on iser coîninig trip 1 bl aee ap urged rmembers 10 nuake usa of Edinburgh. Scotland. abe arwesed lc a nnmp.e tieHmirr on Kits Mrs. Beverly Gray o! Gar-, ha Ms.Witheaponha r- available throug. hets Homne, de n Hill reported on tise work ibat . coserapo on as grc-1 80 WMAN VILLEFEcoaomics Ser-vice at Toronto. of thse Faderalion o! Agriculture'cosycne'e egv a Lastyearove 10,00 wmeni n Durhsams County and raid 1 turcs to ist ClamS Scouts 'for theï Û Y A L à" ~MA3-M 1 participated in short courses in 4 jol»...îatdan s g ag ___nulnèSag.Tuno Onaro.A ewcure Th jthe ae0onc o aboys and enibrace luisis por- NGW i~ÀYI G - HURS.TO lT. ITweedsrnuir Wrrkh" iadi farm problen-a nd dingtiseï; ir aag, yae o.ie NOW PLAYING T 9 guw'e. TO SATO proved exceeding:ly popular. besl 10 serve your intercalain:Mr.gagemngroft' MSThis course la b give informa- cveryway. Plazar tcktsto ion as 10 how la prepara The pupils o! Balisai Grave: mng cmlmna' ikt Twcdmurisores cvein h~oel directed by their teacis- tiose boys from 1lst Troop whoj 3111lsTeesurhsoie.cvrn have sisowss intarest in scouting HUINE~F/ local historical background, 69 er, Mis. J. EiaIt gava a num. - wo.kisosPwed-hld. ber of musical numbers wisich and tisose wh-o have attandad, lb.rnnrkaie to< cf"to A EORE PL P~j.t4,orks1300 wman atteaded. were mucis enjoyed. Thegru regularly. Tise Scouts willse thumb' cernes t, ite ina hoedrm"kaletlet tndhe show Ibis weck. Friday! Value of 4-H Clubs lasw nuserous przea vening, pictures sisowing ara:' 4< ~ maiue!c .NFu Miss Lampman also isu- group and individually aI a re- ietEes>.2 oeTx ed tise value o! 4-H1 Clubs for cent musical festival held in. an. kM girlandurge ailbr- Clbrn.TiseScouts wish te thank i Mis. R. R. Bostaeel was in charge of the service'on Sun- dey morning. NexI Sunday Rev. R. R. Bonsteel will be in Hamsilton taklng part la the service wlscn Mi-. Win. Fritz oui- atudent assistant for lise last 2 years wiU be ordained. Mr. Sommerville thse. nw stu- dent will take tise service isere. Encourage hlm b y co-ing eut- to curch and!llllng som of, thse vacant seals. -iw Mm is.eeil4mdor, or_ ono; two brothera, JW«ge Fran MAN VRS STATION MM. regela-mthly meeting et thse Womana Association wag hed at Isboroe o! Mrs. Mur- ray Logea on llsuraday aller- mcon. Muy 21. lb. President Uns. E. Cavano oencd -tise muetin.- Fofowing t h* and roy,. rs.Alvin li read te crPture. Mis. M. Lo- guan gave lise lopie on "HumAl- lty" and lead ln puayer. M"s. N. Porter raad. a elsapter frein thée study book. Mirs. B. Argue cons- &rcted a- conzst on "Mhat do you knowv about T.B.," and ur- ged everyonc b ltake advanlage o! tis, skin tests and x-rayvs at tise TiE. clinic ta be hedin Jume, furtser-information labe-. Letters c! tisenks wera read frons Mis. Frank Clarke (Fran- eu Johnston) the Loganfans- ily and Mis. id. Cevano. Follow- ing thea cloSmng hym a nd prayer a deliclous lunch was served by he ostssaaulstad by Mrs. Mis. E. Argua, teacier at Fai- lis school and Mna. Colley, lea- cher aI Blaekstock weie in Ot- tawa over tise weekend as dele- gales -for tise Inspectorale of Durhsam West atlending thse F.W.TA.O. Agional Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred John- stan were aI Ancaster for lise weekend wilh hlir daugister and son-in-Jaw Mr. and M'rs. Knox MacLeod. Cliffcresf Cie an ers 71 KING ST. EAST BIOIMANVILLE Dry Cleaning Storage - Shirts - Repairs PHONE MA 3-7061 1PICK.UPLORNE MeQUARRIE, Prop. BEST BUY St Lawrence 25 oz. tin COIN OIL a. .*.-.-.*.49c BEST BUY York Brand, 20 or. tin CREAN iCOIN . . . 5 ForS89C BEST BUY York Brand 16 oz. jar DI1EAD '"" BUTTER]PICKLES 3 For 69c BEST BUY Lipton's Chicken Noodie or Tomate Vagelabla SOUP MIXES - - - 3pkgs 35c 'FEATUIRE» Grimsby - Sweet - 43 oz. jar GERKIN PICKLES "FEATURE" Hereford - UFEATURE"~ Sunbeam Feature Red & WhlIe Layer Cake 19a. 49C "UFATUREC Solo Margarine 1 lb. pkg. 2 For 49C "FEATURE" Culverhouse Choice Peas 20 oz. lin 4 For S9C 12 oz. tin 69,Oc CORNED BEEF - 2 For 83c "FEATURE" Rn- film «MEATURE" AaJieLI, - 4ôIoz. un Basifi-st - 1 lb. pkg. GOLDEN PEACHES 2 ror 59C SHOETENING 3 ior 69C "Hand Packed" -2 x i "FEATURE" TONATots - 3Fors9c Libby's- 15 or. tin Red & White Orange Pakoe DEEPBIROWN BEANS S/89C T EA 3 à CS - Meats Fresis - Boneles: PORE BUTT OAST Là,.49c Fresh Pork - Meaty SPARE RIBS s - Lb. 49c SWlft's - Loose PIENIUN qFUANKS Lb,. 39c Swift's Praniun - 1I L pkg. - Skinless BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 37c Swlft's Sliced Side - Everswe.I 3BàCO0N - - Lb.'ko. 63c Frozen Foods Birds Eye Pies - Beef, Chichen or Turkey, 8 oz. sie - - - 2 for C3e Birds Eye Swect Green Peus, 2 IL poly bag ----.---57e Sunklst Lemonade, 4 oz. Is &2fr 27e 60 bags 54C Produce Sunkist - Famous Satin Brand - 113 siza ORANGES Doz. 49C Now at Ibair best - Cuban PINEAPPLES Zror4OC New -Spring Taxas- No. 1 - 20q C ARR 0T S Garden Fresh B ÀDI1SHàE S New - Taxa.. OIONlS ez. celle bag . 2 ]or25c 3 3ne. 19C a 2 Lbs. I91 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU.* BOWMAN VILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - Cornsl Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market 'KED RO0N lIn Kedron United Churcis Sunday' SchSl Roons, June 4, a60p.m.tishe ,fixaI Motisr and Daugislar Banquet of the 20th Brownie Pack and thse 20th Guide Cocixpany will be hel Mis R. Dale Prasident1 Mentais and friands of thea Womans Association will klnd- ly note tise meeting at Mrs. R. Lova. thse manse, is Tueaday ev- esslng, Juuse 2 at 8 p.m. Miss Margaret Pellow, Osbawa, gucat speaker wlth piclures. Columbus and Kedrone Dou- bles Club are isaving a Bal Gainea, 7 p.m., June 6 witis dans- CCn attarwards in tise Coin- »unlty Hall. Guests are wal- coma. An outdoor meeting of tise U Inited Links Class was held Mar 22 aItishe home of Misa GalHitliens, wiose blrtiday bthe class helped ta celebrale with a card of BesI Wishes. Keitis Tregunna gava tisa Wor- ship. Tise Hitehens ara ta be Iisanlced'for their prepaarations for the avening, aspacîally the THUDSDAY. MAY IStb, 10» grand bon-fire on a cool nlght ;uzencing hre wedding of, Miss Joanne NMoffatt andMi James Powell, both of OshawiL on Saturday w.ere Mr. and Ma H. A. Werry. The Orville Greers' atte»di" FAST RELIEF POI TIREDI FEET.ý