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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1959, p. 7

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THUESDAY, JUNE 4th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAI4. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN Mr. E. V. Hoar and Toronto friends are enjoyingawe' fishing at Lake Nipisig Mr .and Mrs. Ross Striks were in Napanee last weekend visit- ing Mr .and Mrs. George Chai- * lies. Mrs. J. H. Jahnston spent the weekend with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wesley, * Peterborough. Miss Sheila Fitchett, Mon- treal, spent the weekend with her aunts, Misses Elizabeth and Carrie Painton. Mrs. George Mahon, Stephen and Perri, Stoney Creek, are .~visiting her mother, Mrs. C. W. Tait, Veteran's Ave. Mr. anid Mrs. R. T. Birks, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Biggs, London, were with Mrs. W. H. Birks on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Phillip, Toronto, adMr .and Mrs. Adam Sharp: Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. W. Shane and Mr. and Mrs. W. Kilpatrick Jr., ere boating at Fenelon Faîls over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Strike hal aguests last weekend Mr. and Mrs. David Weatherhead, Tor- onto, and Mr. and Mrs. %aIVph Turner, Don Milis. Major and Mrs. Wm. J. Brown and family, Fort Knox, Ken- tucky, are visiting their par- ents, Mrs. J. J. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Harnden. Mr. Bill MorrIson, NHL lUnes- mian, has returned from an European hockey tour with two mi Al ST@ JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Second Aller Trinity 8 and Il - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and 11- CHURCH SCHOOL EVENING FRAYER St. PauI's United Church Minister, Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Oranst Mrs. R. Dudley, A.9fT.Cé.M., L.C.C.M.L 10:06 a.m.- SUNDAY SOHOOL 11:00 &.mi. - MORNING WORSHIP Saerament of the Lord's Supper wilI be observed. Evenlng Services are eancelled until October. A hearty welcome t. al NHL teants, the New York Ran- gens and the Boston Bruins. Mns. Witfned Carruthers at- tcnded a reunion of her nursing class of Kingston Hospital in Kingston last wcekend and was a gucst of Miss Ola Cummings. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, and Mr. and Mns. Ai- fred Brown and Jack wene din- ner guests o! Mn. and Mns. Lonne Butson, Wiilowdale, last Satur- day. Mrs. W. M. Crompton and family, Toronto, and Mrs. C. H-. Musclow and Frances, Brock- ville, spent the weekend with thein parents, Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Starey. Weekend guests with Mn. and Mns. Max Brown were the lat- tcr's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allen and granddaughter, Belle- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. James IHill, Weston. Guests with Mr. and Mns. W. J. Cobban last wcekcnd were his mother, Mrs. Margaret Cob- ban, and bis sister, Mn. and Mrs. E. Gncenwcll, al of Willowdale, and Mn. and Mrs. P. K. Vane, IWest Hill. Mir. and Mrs. Gardon Kim- menly and faniily had as weck- end guests. Mn. and Mrs. Thomt- as Kimmerly and family, and Mn. and Mrs. Thonmas Kimmer- ly Jr. and their son, ail o! Rochester, N.Y. The presentation of a Maple Lea! pin, set wîth billiants, was made at St. John's Church choir practice ta Miss Ruth Herbert. Ruth leaves next week with her mother, Mrs. A. C. Herbent, on a trip ta England. M.John Kent, Ottawa, was bih is brother and farniiy, jMn. and Mns. Robent Kent, Lowe St., last weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Alan Gerry and child- nen, Toronto, were also week- end visitons with Mr. and Mns. Kent. Spending the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Conway were their daughter, Miss Pat Conway, Ottawa Civie Sehool o! Nursing. Mns. Conway's mo- ther, Mrs. Parker, her sister, IMrs. Doris Hall, Ottawa, and Mn. Jack Eggens o! Royal Military College, Kingston. Recently Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Brown were pleasantly surpni- scd when Mn. and Mns. Harold Skinner, Tyrane; Mr. and Mns. Bill Lake, Newcastle, and Mrs.J Ron Hawthorne, Town, cailed on thent one evening to help thmcelebrate their 2th wed- Min. niera M.and Mrs. Pat Proctor and family, Brockville; Mn. and Mns. Jack AllUn and family, Cobourg; Mn. and Mrs. Wilbun Miller, Oshawa, and Mr. andi Mrs. Cccii Snow, Toronto, werei with their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Allun, and Miss Margaret1 Allin last weekend.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Quinton and their children, Christie, Marie, Theresa and Lloyd, sailed last week on the "Homeric" for ai vacation in Ir.eland where they will visit membens of Mrs. Quinton's family. Mr. Quinton is Superintendent of the Works Dcoartment. Town of Bowman- ville. A social evenlng was spent at the home of Mrs. Victor Han- cock, B.T.S., on Monday even- ing, June lst, when the Junior W.A. of St. Paul's Church met with 13 members present. Court Whist was enjoyed by ail and Brian Hancock favoured with several piano selections. Even- ing closed with a deliciaus Mr and Mrs. Wilbert Teeple and Miss Ruth Hancock were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wan Groves (nee Dr. Naomi Jackson ) Britarmia Heîghts. While there. they attended the Golden Wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. C. Jackson, Manotick. Mrs. Jackson is the ..i Socil & EPersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Mrs. Manjonie Mclntrye, Whit- by District High School, was hostess for thue negional meeting o! the Ontario Educational As- sociation Home Economies Sec- tion, Osh'awa-Peterbonough Dis- trict, held on Saturday, May 30. The newly-elected chairnan is Mns. Margaret Annott, Bo-wman- ville High School and vice- chairman is Mrs. Grace Gal- braith o! Cobourg Collegiate Institute. Mns. M. Mclntrye pre- sided for the business meeting when the problems o! re-zoning the district and o! certif ication were dealt with. Mrs. Mine Colwili was called ta Beetan, Ont., owing to the death o! hen brot-her, Mr. Na- thaniel Stewart. Mn. Stewart who was in bis 87th year was a well known and prospenous fariner o! Simcoe County, and leaves ta mourn his passing his widow, four children, sixteen grandchildren and twenty-four gneat-grandchilren; also a bro- ther Mn. Walter Stewart, Bee- ton, and two sistens, Mns. A. Bradley, Bond Head and Mrs. Mina Colwill, Town. Mrs. Hilda Colwill and Mrs. Vena Lymen attended Mn. Stewart's funcral at Beeton on Tuesday. The Executive of the Bow- mansville and district- bnanch of the Red Cross met neccntly at the home o! the president Don Mansden, Wellington Street. The Water Safety Pnogram Chair- man, Bill Bagnell, outlined plans fan the coming swimniing sca- son. The Red Cross meeting an- ranged for Wednesday, June 10, wil be'o! particular intencst ta aIl parents o! chiltinen taking swimmidng lessons this summer. Films will be shown and the course outflned. Redi Cross Awards will be presented ta the adults who necently completeci thein swimming tests at B.T.S. Over twenty immediate rel- aives o! Mi-s. J. W. Lancaster gathercd, at the home of Mn. andi Mns. S. Butteny, Middle Rond, on Sunday, May 3ist, ta honon her on her eightieth birtbday. Fallowlng a buffet luncheon, Mrs. Lancaster was presenteti wvith a fur stole. Among those present were ber five chiltiren, Mrs. W. Lockhart, Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mrs. S. Lancaster, Newtonville; Mns. 1. Munday, Mrs. S. Buttery, Mns. C. Welsh, Bowman-ville; and ber two sur- viving sisters, Mns. W. Hamp- sbire and Mrs. W. E. NichaIs, Part Hope. Her sunviving bro- ther, Mn. Chas. Bcighton, Pont Brittain, was unable to be pre- sent. A correction- ln the item in last week's issue about Mn. Irwin Harnley, native o! Bow- mianville, receiving his 50-year Masonie Jewel at Peterborough, several mistakes appeared in the paragnaph. His sister, Miss Lottie Hamnley, resides in Red Deer, Alberta. nat Peterborough. A Une was also deleted stating his brather Narman Hamley lives in Peterborough. His sister Maud's name should bave reati. the late Mrs. Thleodone Fish- leigh o! Oshawa. Mn. Hamliey became a mernber o! Kawartba Lotige in Redi Deer, Aberta, in 1919 and 1920. In 1.927 he came to Peterborough andi affiliatcd with Royal Arthur Lotige. His friends in his native town will reznet ta leann that 'Suuirm- Celebrate Golden Wedding former Coralie AGalr of Bow- manville. Mn. and Mrs. Sam MeAllister, Wellington St., enjoyed a fam- ily dinner party at the Flying I Dutchman Motor Hotel on Sat- urday evening on the occasion of their 4th Wedding Anni- vesrary. Mr. and Mrs. Win. A. Wright (Violet), Ajax; Mr. and;; Mrs. George Cawker (Mary), Town, and their eilidren were guests..I Members of the local Lions* Club, who left last weekend ta attend the Lions District "ýA" convention in Windsor, were' Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cale, Int. Couns., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goddard, incoming president o! the local club Mn. and Mrs. Glen Landen and secnetary o! the, Bowmanville club, Mn. and Mrs.' Russell Oke. Visitors last weekend with Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundie were Dr. Rundle's mothen, Mrs. H. C. Rundle, and her grandchild- ren, Cameron, Judy and Ian Rundie, ail of Brighton, andi Mrs. H. B. Rundle's nephew,! Mr. Warren Squire, London. Mr.' Squire is intenning for the sum- mer at Ontario Hospital, Brock- ville. Mrs. H. C. Rundle ne- mained for an extended visit. Mrs. Keith Siemon, Towrn, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thampsonî and Mr. and Mns. J. B. Thomp- son, St. Catharines, attended the graduation exencises ast week in Grant Hall, Queen's University when hien brother,' Dr. John R. (Jocko> Thompsan was one of the graduating class. Dr. Thompson will intern, Civie Hospital, Ottawa. (Wonder if he'll join the Ottawa Rough- niders?> Mn. and Mrs. Dan Dudley, Town; Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Wal- ton, Newcastle and Mns. Cccil H. 'Dudley, Courtice, attended the funeral last Wednesday of Levi W. Dudley in Coîborne. Mn. Dudley, a former mayor of Whithy. died on Sunday, May 24th. He was active in thec work o! Whitby Baptist Church, a member of the Public Library Board and the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club. During the negular meetingf of St. John's Chureh Guild, held at the home of Mns. M. L. Roenigk, the presentation of a smail git was made by Mrs. J. Newman, on behai! of the members, to Mrs. A. C. Herbent. Mns. Herbent leaves next week on a trip to England with her daughter Ruth. Following the meeting a pantry and recipe shower was held for bride-to-be Miss Joan Gibson. The dates for open tourna- ments to be played by the clubs making up District 14 o! the Provincial Lawn Bowling As- sociation have been announced. Tournaments wili be held on the foilowing dates in Bowman- ville. Wednesday, June 17, Bra- ding Trophy, doubles; Satur-% day, July 11, Carnuthers Trophy. doubles; Wednesday, August 5,t Carter Trophy, mixed doubles; and Wednesday, September 2, mixed doubles. (Continucd from page one) plained that the \vclh becomnes contamninated by seepage fromn a septic tank. Watcr has hadi to be carrieti from the canal in druxms. s&he stated. Mayor Carruthers st ated that the petition hati not been. re- ceived ini time for Town Clerk R. B. Reynolds to check it un-1 .Îer local improvements. He pointed out the two possible methods possible for dca-ling with the matter. The f irst method would be ta have water pnovidcd unden an agreement as a local im- prov.elment with the residents paying on a frontage basis. The second would be if the town ordered the waten ta be put in under local improvement. if sufficient people in the arca diti flot want to pay for the im- provement thcv coulti petition against the service. In that case thcy would have the opportun- ity of presenting thein opinions at a Municipal Board Hearing, Mayor Carruthers, stated.* Mrs. Peterson assuured Count- cil that ail the signers o! the petition for town watcr are willing to pay fan it because it is badly needed. The miayor in- formeti her that the town clerk wvould be instructedti t take the matter up withl Geo. T. Van Bridger o!fiBowmanvilcPub-1 lic Utilities, and that Mr. Rey- nolds xvili check if' thene are enaugh people in favour o! hav- ing town watcr. Appreciation was voiced by Mrns. Peterson, andi she asked if the signers o! the petition1 couid be notîfied o! the date when town council meets tai consider the matten. She was j told that they would be so in- farmced. 1 Coundi Spends (Continuel front page one) by Counillor O. J. Presson1 that Tracy Davis and William1 Westovei- be accepted as pro- 1 bationary constables. There wasj a discussion concerning a new cll block, and additional pri. ces aire to be obtained by the Town Clerk. Also the Chief of Police received permission to otain prices for.a camera for the police dcpartmient. Buy New Roller It was decidied that a "Not. a Througli Street" sign he placed 500) feet north of the station on Duke Sýreet. On a motion of Reeve W. Dav-id Iliggon, se- condefi by Counicillor O. J. Pres- son, the purchase w-as author- ized of one used S.P. 3-10 ton roller frorn General Supplies at th-e rosît of $5.920, the lowest tend er. To Attend Convention The Mayor and Town Clerk er" was prcsented with his 50- year Jewel w-hile a patient in Civie Hospital recaveî-ing from a heart condition. Mrs. Jessie Prttctnard sailed last w-eek from M o n t real aboard the Steamship "Sylvan- ia"' for a three manth vacation in England. She is returning after a-n absence of 53 years and is looking forward to ne- newing acquaintances with sev- en bLrothers and sisters; still liv- ing in the Old Land. Prcvious to her depa-ture, a surprise party \Vas held at the home of Mrs. Arthur J. Frank, when about 30 fniends and relatives gathered to iishi her "Bon Voyage". She received many personal gifts as well as a cam-I era with flash attachments, a supplv of films and a snapsbot album. Contests and gantes were played and a singsang en- joyed by ail with Mrs. A1bent Cale accompanying at the piano. Refreshments were served by M4rs. Shirley Frank, Peggy Y'rank anri Bo rl p lirrinzton. were authonized to attend the 6th annual Town andi Village convention in Timmins. Permis- sion was given ta the Town Clerk, R. B. Reynolds t t tend the Clerks and Finance fOfficens convention at Honey Harbour, June 22nd. The offer o! the Jack and Jili Club of Trnity Church to pro- vide $1100'ta have the auditor- ium stage curtains cleaned was accepted, and it was suggested that the drapes be nat cleaned until September. As R. Anger's tender mentioned he would be unable ta post maintenance and performance bonds it was de- cided that the tender cheque of ten per cent of the contract be held until the new works building is completcd and ac- cepted by the town, and that five per cent of the tender che- que be with'held for one yean. It was decided ta buy 100 INorway Maple trees at $2.0 each from Brookdale-Kingsway Nursery. Councillor A. H. Stur- rock, seconded by Councillor O. J. Presson moved that an A. B. Dick and Kodak screen be bought, and Councillon Ken Nicks, seconded by Councillor Presson moved that a new ad- ding machine be bought at a cost of $300. The report of the May l2th meeting o! the Board o! Works statcd that G. Totten, appeared before cauncil ta explain extras an the sewen and that he had met with the Hawkin Company representative andi be suggested that the following extras be ap- proved. Hospital extension, $1, 149.71; transite pipe, $40; ex- cavation, $1,120: and stones, $439. Authorîty was given Mn. Totten ta settle the account. A letter was rccived fnom, Mns. Harny Collocutt cancenning the lack of schaol cnossing signs cast o! King and Liberty Street canner on No. 2 highway at several crossings. It was moved by Councillon A. H. Stunrock, scconded by Reeve Higgon that the necessany signs be replaced and the portion regarding new signs be neferred ta the Traffie Advisory Board. Thanks for listening to the West Beach cottagers' appeal negarding the beach i the cave was conveyed in a letten from, Mns. Betty Hurson which stated that the beach had been greatly impnoved by the work done by the town. C.pucity Crowd (Continued from page one) on Dilling and Marlene Good. Grade 10 students modellcd skirts. jumpers and jenkins alI of wool. The girls looked smart in the well made and finely detailed clothes. Taking part were Sharon Hancock, Judy Jeffery, Pearl Pascoe. Sandra Chaskovich, Vqlla MeLean. Lin- da Roberts, Nancy Stephenson, Merridy M ut t on, Charlotte Austin, Wyllene Wilson, Diane Halîman, Grace Barnes, Jean- ette Quinney, Mary Bettlcs, Ju- dithann Sparrow, Fay Rud- man, Lyn Bradley, Dixie Gill, Susan Gray, Julia Allin. Gale Baker, M a r ilyn Macdonald, Lynda Cameron. A well pontrayed demonstra- tion o! "Home Care of the Sick" was given by Grade 10 students. Muriel Owen was the commen- tator, Helen Pannînden, the pat- ient, and Norma Frost. Helen j1 Allin and Sandra Chaskovich were the efficient home nurses. School clothes in wool and synithetic mixtures and summer dresses in cotton and synthetie mixes, also same in silk and oth- ers in purely synthetie fibres were modellcd by Grade 11 girls. The models wcrc: Audrey Spicer, Kay Davey, Diane Trim,, Pat MeQucen, Betty Savery, Shirley Knapp, Elaine Bennett, Leslie Lander and Barbara 0v- ens. Marie Kent and Audrey Wood, wîth Barbara Vermeulen as the moderator. Mari orie Bruder who has a lovely voice, sang "Marna Dol] Song" and "Mn. Sandrnan." "The Teenager Goes Formai" was presented by Grade il and 12 girls. The models who dis- played the beautiful Party frocks were: Audney Spien, Barbara Ovens, Leslie Lander, Elsie Down, Barbara Vermeul- en. Linda Mutton, Linda Rab- erts and Charlotte Austin. Graduate Nurse Barbara Ovens was the cont- mentatan for a display o! syn- thetie fabrics and mixes. The matenials were shown by Kay At a special convocation cere- Davey and Pat McQucen. An mony on Monday, Miss Ingrid attractive assortment o! rayon- Conway, daughtcn o! Mr. and acetates, orlonsi nylons, other Mrs. M. Conway, 133 Scugog lovely matenials from Good- St. graduatcd in nursing from brand Fabnies wene displaycd. St. Michaci's Hospital, Toronto. Suits featuring dressmaker In the faîl, she plans to attend and tailoned detail, and otîhers University o! Toronto for.a.year, with the costume look wene spccîalizing in nurse training. shawn with Grade 12 girls ns models. They werc: Helen Mac- donald, Phylliss Nîmaigon, Aud- You are what y'ou think you ney Wood, Betty Bnanch, Linda are. Mutton, Elsie Down, Manie Kent A sof answcr wIlU prevent a and Barbara Venmeulen. lot o! hard feeling. The following Grade 12 stu- A shallow talker seldom dents formed~ a panel and dis-'« makes a deep impression. cussed "Comman Problets linj Evcry ncsponsibility la an op- Family Living," Elsie Down, portunity. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ASPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TRIS WEEK Special Offer! A delicately scented vanishing cream deodorant. Stays crearny --.harmless to akin and clothing ... Try VITA RAY I)EODORANT CREAM and you'll neyer use anotherf REGULARLY $1.25 SPECIAL LIMIIED OFFER .95ç, Special Values!1 I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 35c, 65e Aromatic Cascara - » 29c, 49c Val-U - 1 pound box Absorbent Cotton - - - - 79c JEvelyn Howard Theatrical - 1 poundjr Reg. 89c - - -Cr-a- 69c Brisk Listerine Tooth Paste Antizyme Curl Comb Tooth Paste Both ILReg.4c for 63c___ ___, 69C - ------_ 9 Betty Lou - Velour - Pack of 3 - Reg. 3 for 29e Powder Puffs - - - - 3 For 23c Reg. 63e Ipana Tooth Paste - - 2 For 98c Colgate - Plus Bottie Opener Dental Cream - - - - - - 89c NORTH-RITE 1I flJ .. f.L,. "Gold Cap" Bail Point Pen uCuu-Ku-IN 0 Cream - Reg. 1.25 79c ispray - Reg. 1.50 98C BRYLCRE EM STHE PERFECT lu-kHAIN DRESSINS More mon -"6n wu 1 j buy ORYC EM Q7 thon any other hoafrmning in tb wwo 1 I~~USR AAa*SAAAaaIE Pro-phy-lac-tic Pro-Tufted - Reg. 69e 40et6Yti Tooth Brush - - - - - 2 For 98c DENTAL NEEDS Brisk Tooth Paste ----.- - 35c, 89c Maclean's Tooth Paste ----- 43c, 69c, 98e Pepsodent -------------------- ---35c, 63c, 89e Pepsodent Bomb - -- ------------ 1.29 Shield Tooth Paste ------- 35c, 63c, 98e Pro-phy-lac-tic Tootb Brush - Child's 49c, Adult's 49e Squibb's Angle Brush 69c Dental Plate Brushes -------- 2 for 39e Dento, 49c, 79e1 Fasteeth ____ .45,c, 67c, 1.131 Listerine 33e, 65c, 98e __ __ __ __ __ __ '~Snug..........------.-- 1.50 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. IWe Deliver r McGregor, Drugs - --4 i-if f Many gifts, cards and callers made the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr-. and Mrs. William Chapman of Hampton a most enjoyable affair over the weekend. They are shown here cutting their wedding cake, especially baked for the occasion. This beloved couple have estab- lished quite a considerable reputation throughout the district as outstanding gardeners and, on Saturday, the beautiful grounds were literally packed with well-wishing friends. Trinif y United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Ilousiander, B.A., B.D. Organst-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M 11 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Sunday School A nniversary Service A FR1 ENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvile MORNING SERVICE- 10:00 a.m. - Englisb EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 pan. - Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE ""Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 airn every Sunday, CFRB Yo4~r Local I.D.A Drug StoreL Phone MA 3-579; KIR - Momumq - - - - - - ----- ------ - - - ----------- - - - - ---------- TER CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVV-MANVELLE, ONTARIO TJMC tSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1959 PAGE SEVEN

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