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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 11

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THUrRSDAY, JUNE 1ltM. 1959 THE CANADIANST!fMN O AKUL.OTAI .Umwmmwmm ý zý- --weý- w- IEw- 4î4c" 41ostil <14e 1rdon Àgnsw. EdMo 72 ewcasdle Social anda' ersonal Have Yau Voted Today ? ? ?oiMi. and Mis. Carl Gould andI If you haven't why not do it family spent the weekend visit- riow? The poils are open until ing with Mr.' and Mis. Harry 8 p.m. REMEMBER iT 15 YOUR Daly ini Newmarket. DUTY TO VOTE. VOTE AS Mi. and Mis. Arthur Shier YOU LIKE BUT PLEASE and family and Mis. Birdie Shi- 'VOTE. er of Lindsay, spent Saturday W Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose evenîng with Mr. and Mrs. Per- bave returned fîom a three cy Tamblyn. weeks' 'plane trip ta England. Mi. and Mrs. R. W. Magil Her any riens wil i and Janice of Woodstock are Her any riens wîl bevisiting this week with her par- 3pleased ta learn that Mrs.* Per- ents, Mi. and Mrs. George AI- cy Tamblyn is able to be home ln aLgain from Memorial Hospital ln where she was taken following Mr. and Mis. Allun Tamblvn her recent accident. of Caurtice, spent Satuîday -evening with Mi. and Mis. P. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mis. Francis Jose re- turned borne last Wednesday following a two weeks holiday in England. S Mr. and Mis. T. G. Ganwood S ,. .*.,.of Beaconsfield, Quebec, visit- ed with Mr. and Mis. Stanley V Powell and family. Lynne, who had been staying with her aunt and uncle for the past thnee weeks retunned home with her parents on Satunday. s ~ Instcad of thein negular meet- ing on Wednesday evening, June 3, the Merry Manied 4 ~ Couplçs' Club along with sev- 4500,000 MotoristS eral volunteers visited the >Chose State Fcrm homes ta urge the people to corne out ta the T.B. Clînic MVhy They enjoy top.;' which is ]Seing held in the comn- okottorn rates on auto l9th. After this was done eveny- e teh prote tion nd n nt h l u ne d16ta1 t, e8 n td tfi e.Do you? Call Church Sunday School hall for I" Mill St. N. of the T.B. Suivey, Mi. John Telephone 3671 Scott, thanked ail those who ..... Newcastle had helped out. The President c !tePlblodcedwa MaFu 11. Aiuil IUTtSCiaq i business had ta be dealt with Canadian Head Office: Tarantalbefore the meeting adjounned. Attention!I Newcastle residents needing transportation CGNNUNITY HALL for Tuesday, June 161h WJdnesday, June 171h READING AND X-RAY Thursday, June 18 Friday, Jupe 19 Phone Newcastle 2761 Sponsored by Northumberland-Durham TB Association * __________ i a No Joint Planning N ewcastle m Orono Co - operation Lacking NEWCASTLE - A graup of needs a local planning board." village farmers headed by John the village is not now a memn- Rickard formed a delegatian to ber of any planning ares. the village council an Monday A resolution was passed aiter evening ta protest the rumaour- cansiderable discussion, renew- ed tie-up with the -Department ing the contract of F. J. Ricard of Planning and Developmeflt. as part time constable for the A long discussion ensued in village. Council instructed the which council explained ta the clerk to write to the postal in- delegation that initial steps had spector at Lindsay regarding prevîously been taken to enter the remaval of the stanip ma- into a Newcastle-Clarke Plan- chine from the front door of ning Aiea and certain citizens the community hall . The village had been asked to sit an this solicitor, E. R. Lavekin having board if and when plans were had no response ta his letters completed. demanding payment of arrears In the meantime, due ta lack in taxes, was instructed to go of co-operation between the twa ahead and take legal action. councils, Newcastle bas noti- Council made a grant af $200 fied the board the village will ta the recreation committee and not enter this joint planning instructed the clerk ta adver- area and has applied to have tise for tenders for constructing1 Newcastle made a separate sidewalks and for the. delivery planning area and. it was ex- of 1,000 yards of crushed gravel plained, thaugh Newcastle ta the village. Lions Report on Plans For Annual Carnival NEWCASTLE - Tht regular meeting ai the Newcastle Lions Club was lield in the dining- roont of tht Queen's Hotel on Thursday evening with Presi- dent Charleg Gilkes presiding and, after a deliciaus turkey dit- ner, conducting the business meeting. Lion Irwin Colwil rtported on plans made by his commit- tee for tht annual carnival which will be held this year on Friday, June 26th at tht New- castle Memorial Arena. Ht suid there would be a Merry-go- round, al the usual bootha and same new ones and tht counvaI would go an, ramn or shine. Ht said members wauld bt in charge ai tht sente baoths as last year with tht coramittet placing new members in spots where former workers hod left the club. There are thîce priz- es for tht carnival draw which will be drawn for during the evening. Lion Carl Gould îepoîted on tht recent bingo and draw, re- porting that tht bingo had bioken about even and that the club had netted approxîiately $300 an the draw. He recaif-i mended tht holding oi another bingo in the near future and genenal feeling among the ment- bers favoured holding regular bingos in the faîl. Lion Philip Williams called for volunteers ta, help distribute treats of pop and ice cream tot the kîddies at tht Clarke Town- ship Field Day in Kendai on Fiiday. Tht Field Day lu sponsoîed by tht club in co- operation with tht Clarke Teacheis Federation. Maurice Pedwell was present- cd for ntenbership in tht club by Lion Haiold Gibson and was duly initiated into membershlp i tht club by Lion Ken Steph- enson, chairman ai the initiation committe.__________ Newcastle Juniors Defeat Port Hope Intermediates 8 - 3 NEWCASTL-Afttrhaving lost tht first three gantes in their schedule the Newcastle Merchants Juniors took an 8 ta, 3 victary over tht Part Hope Intermediates here on Saturday afttînoon befare a fair crowd af fans. Tht locals opened tht scaring with a four-run rally in tht third inning and adding ontini the 6th and 3 in tht 8th. Paît Hope scoîed 2 runs in tht 4th and added anather in tht 5th. Eric Carleton and D. McCul- lough formtd tht batttry for tht locals, striking sut 16 bat- ters and giving up 6 bases on If yau are inithe market for a good used car.. here is your chane ta buy at clearance prices. 1957 Olds. Super "88" 4-Dr. Sedan Hydramatic transmission. Customt radio. Ont owner car. 2-tant in coral and ivory. In lovely shape. 1956 Dadge Coach V-8 with- Power Flite trans- mission, custom radio. Ont owner car. Reconditioncd and very clean car. 1952 Chev. Sedan No rust. Very dlean car. ALL RECONDITIONED Al Privately Owned Cars ROY w. 1956 Chev. Coach Two-tone with radio. In excellent condition. 1955 Olds, Super, "88" Sedan Black with ivory top, white wall tires. Hydramatic, eus- taon radio. One owner car in beautiful shape. 1954 Chev. Deluxe Coach A real dlean car. 1953 Chrysier Sedan A good clean car, an exceptional value. OutstandingValue!! 1958 CHEV. BEL AIRE 2-DR. HARDTGP 6-cyl. Power Glide, customt radio. Black with white wall tires. - Mostly Ont Owner NICHOLS Oldsmohile and Chevrolet Cars DO WNAN VILLE Chevrolel Trucks COURTICE Phono MA 3-3353 Phone MA 3-3922 bails. The Port Hope battery of Lee and G. Wakely sent 5 batters down by the strikeout route and issued 5 bases on halls. Top batter of the game was Bil Osborne ai the local. with a near perfect aternoan with a triple, double and single for four appearances, getting on base safely on an error for his other tinte at bat. Lowery of Port Hope hit a hanter in the 4th ta account for his team's 2 runs ini that inning. Score R HE Part Hope 000 210 000 3 4 2 Newcastle 004 001 30x 8 9 3 Umpires-Wade and West. Teams: Part Hope-Mercer, Boncardo, ]Kelly, Watts, Lowery, R. Wakely, N. Wakley, G. Wak- ley, Lee. Alternates: Walden, S. Gilmer and Harrison. New-1 castle-G. McCuilough, C. Trim,I E. Carleton, D. McCullaugh, B. Osborne, J. Sinclair, D. Werry, W. Gibson, R. Westheuser, Lake. 1Let's Look Back1 le Years Ago lu Newcaall lune 9. 1949 According ta a report ai a meeting of tht Merry Mairitd Couples' Club af the United Church, tht membera wtre busY painting tht woodwork on tht windows of tht Sunday Schoal ,hall. The Rev. W. W. Patterson pîojected a filai shawing acti- vities et the Oak Lake summer camp ta the Y.P.U. membeis whie Francis Jose read inter- csting facts about the camp. The. Young People front Wesley- ville wert guests et the meet- ing. [t was reported ln Counties Council repart that tht MIII rate would remain the saine as in 1948 and. on motion ai Reeve Ted Woodyaîd af Clarke Town- ship the Warden's salaiy was raiseti front $200 to $500 which was tht stipenti paid by other counties. Reeves ntentioned in tht report included Ted Wood- yard of Clarke, George Walton, Newcastle andi Normant Aflison o! Bowmanville. The Newcastle High Schoal Cadet Corps was inspecttd on Friday monning et the school grounds by Lieutenant C.G Farnest, D.C.M. and maee% very fine showing in their cere- maniai drill and physical train- ing displays. For tht third consecutivt ytar since its inception tht Newcastle Public School had tht highest number o! points in tht Clarke Township Fieldi Day held in Orona last week sponsored by tht Newcastle Lions Club In c-operatian with tht Clarke Teachers' Fed- eration. Durham Ladies Softball Group 2nd Schedule OBITUÂRY REV. THOMAS WALLAC19 Tht Reveiend Thamas Wal- lace passed away in the Lock- wood Clinic in Tarants an May 4, 1959 ini Ms 80th year. Funt- eral services were conducted in the Greenbank United Ohurch on Mlay 7th with tht Chairman ai the Lindsay Pies- byteiy, Rev. F. J. Little offi-1 ciating, assisted by the Rev. J. F. Lane of Oakwood, the Bey. R. T. Chiapin ai Unionville and the Rev. S. R. Cooper ai Giten- bank. Interment was mnade in the Lakeview Ctmeteiy in Newtonville. The late Mr. Wallace wus bain lai Washington, Durhamt County England on April 24, 1880. Re received his public school educatian at Seahan, County of Dur'ham la England. Alter tour years as a lay preacherlAn the Primitive Me- thodist Chuîch of England, he came ta Canada in 1906 and was ordained in Belleville by the Bay ai Quinte Conference oi the Methodist Churcli. ollow- lng his ordination he tsok his Arts Course extra-Murally and was graduated tram Victoria College. Following this the lete Mr. Wallace seîved his MKaster in the chargesaoetFlinton, Mont- eagle Valley, Bancroft, Eldora- do, Ameliasbuig, Sidney, New- tonvifle and Gseenbank from which charge lie retired In 1948. Al ter mûtrement he uerved on tht Seagrave Pastoral charge for two years. The deceesed was marrled In 1900ta the torner Annie Janes who predeceased bïm in 1939. Nt Is survived by two aiteis, Mrs. Sarah Etherington et Sid- ney, Australia, an'd Mrs. Bar- bara Grainger af Toronto; ane biother. Mr. George Wallace of Tilbury; live daijghteis, Rilda, Mira. Herbert Alexander, Fart Dric: Miss Elsi Waflace To- ronto; Grace, Mus. Harold Couch, Newcastle; Ruby, Mrs, George Beare, Greenbank; Me- bel, 1&s. Gerald Mattice, Hal-. eybury, and two sans, George of Belleville, and Douglas ot Fenwick. STÀRK VILLE Mnus L.Willisun, 'Toroato, visited et Mr. Fred Todd'u. Mr. and Mis. Newt Selby, Newcastle, visited et Mr. Biai Caswell'a. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Corish and f amily were guesta with Mis. Vicor Farrow. Mr. and Mis. C. Hait and family. Toronto, and Mr. and Mis. John Stone, Orona, spent Sunday with Mis. F. Stone. The ysug people ai Shiloh are pîeparing special music for the anniversory June 2lst at 2.30 p.nt. Mi. Frank Westheuser, Tor- onto, at hante. Mr. and Mis ec Farrow weîe recent gé'st. wtgMr. and Mis. Willis Farrow , Newton- ville. Mi. and Mus. Bilan Cawell and, Leslie in con'pany with Mi. and Mis. Alec Martin and, sons, Newcastle, spent Sunday et Part Perry. Mr. and Mis. Jim Stark and Ted visited at Cestîcton. Many front here attendtd tht Pield Day activities la Kendal last Friday. Mr. and Mra. Keith Rowe and family, Bowmanville, et Mr. Howard Farrow'u. Mr. andi Mus. Bill McGahey and Margaret, Dunsiord; Mr. Maurice HalIlowell. Toronto, and Misses Norma and Beulali Hal- lowefl at Mr. Llew Hallowell's. KENDÂL Alec Little and fritnd, Tor- onto, spent Sunday wMth Ms. Neva Little. Mis. Catherine Malley pas- sed away et the home ai her dau<fteî. Mis. George Winn et Clwater, Friday atternoon, June 5. t service wes held et Pantypool Churcli, Monday aiternoon. Our aympathy la ex- tendcd to Mis. G. Winn and family and ta Mr. Allen Catht- cart, Mis. Malley's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughesl and Gloria and Mrs. Mary Lux- an hati dinner Sunday evening. with Mr. andi Mrs. John lop son celebrating with lt the i r l2th weddlng anniveisary. Blake Alexander ietuined home thm àM*modal Houpfti -1ý ý MOM" rAcm The second half achodule- of the Durham Ladies' Softball league appears below: jum.ê - 17-Caurtice et Bowmtuivile l8-Orono, at Miflbrook 19--Bowmanville at Orono Millbrook et Courtice 22--Orono at Baw-manville 23--CouItice at Eethany 24-Bowmasiville et Mlllbrook 26-Bethaiiy at Courtice Millbroak at Qiono 29-Millbraok at BowmanvMfe 30-Bethaiy et Mii.brook July - 2-BownaIivlle at Bethany 3--Orofla et Courtie 6--Caurtce et Ororia 7--Orono at Bethany 8--Couitice et Millbraok 10--Bowrninville at Courtice Bethany at Orono 13-Bethany et Bowmanvife 14-MlIbraok at Bethany NEWCASTLE TEAMS WIN 2 ON WEEKEND Two Newcastle minai base- bail teamui reated lte fans ta homne gante wlns on Saturday and Monday. On Saturd"ay a- ternoon the Meidhants Juniors came up with an 8 ta 3 win aven i the Port Hope Inteiediates and an Monday evening the lo- cal Pet Wee entry won a close- ly fought 7 ta 6 victory over the Cobourg Training School teant. ý 0 ;aturday. We hope he coritin- xes to ixnprove. Mi. and Mrs. Albert Stewart knd family, Peterborough, vis- ed with Len Fallsand Mis. av Pred Falls and Mr. and Mis. B. lic Alexanlder Friday and SaturdaY. lx Mis. Mary Luxon spent a iew O days this week in Port Hope eil with Mr. and Mis. Ray Hughes anld Mis. Laine Martmnell. ti T1hursclay evening a high scor- S ing gaine was played an the G >ark here between Welcame and kéenda1 with Kendal winning. nr Mr. and Mis. George Mercer G and family spent Sunday inIV Toronto wîth Mr. and Mis. Rus-n sel Rusk. d Mi. and Mis. Gardon Lang- a staff and Mi. and Mis. Jack 0: Neal and Neisha spent the week- h end at Iroquois with their ma- i ther.E Mi. and Mis. Aial Langsta±f < and family visited Sunday with ]R Mi. and Mis. Carl Langstafi. J Mi. and Mis. MacDonald and 14 family, spent Sunday wîth her mother, Mis. Sellick at Ornemee. Remember the date, Monday, June 15, when the residents ai this district are being given ac fiee tuberculin test ta find out whether there are tubercu- ]E losis geins in their body aorflot.t Tht test is being given in New- tonville Church fîamn 2-5 and 7-10. The îeading will take place on June 17 also at New-r tonville.c Mi. and Mis. Len Venn-ing, Toronto, wene down ta their summer home. Most o! the tobacca farmeis have completed their planting and note that the plants are giowing rapidly this sunny warnt (hot!) weathen. We are looking forwaid ta hearing Mr. Watt, principal of Orona High School at aur Sun- day School Anniversary services next Sunday at the regular hour ai 11:15 a.m. Mis. Westhausei is Icharge ai the childien's choir. Mr. and Mis. Russel Wright, Lorneville, visited Mrs. Thomp- son and Arthur Saturday even- ing. They had been attendmng tht wedcling in Garden IlI Chuîclt ai Hilda's neice, Joyce Bell, ta Mi. Ferguson ai the Lake Short road. Mr. and Mis. Cecil Tebble visited Wes Tebble and other friends in the village ont ev- ening last week. Mis. Neya Little spent last weekend at Markham with Ayl- ward Little's. te Field Day for the pupils of Clarke township was held litre on the Harvey Jackson Memorial Park on Friday, JuneI 5, wlth around, 600 pupils in attendance. The best athletes from each school competed for prizes in running, jumping, re- la raes, bail throwing etc. ac- coding ta their age giaup. A number ai folks inquired when the ball gaine between tht Or- o no and Newcastle schools wes to be played and weîe disap- pointed ta leain it hiad been pl.ayed previously ta their sports day. Orono school came ahead af Newcastle, in the contest for iost points. The prize winners will be found elsewhere in the :paper. Tht diay was fine and sunny with the temperature around the 800 imark. NE WTON VILLE Visitais during the weekend at George Stapleton's weîe:- 1Mr. anid Ms. Manson Patton, ,Orono; Mx. and Mis. C. J. Wil- Bians, Port Hope; Mi. and Mis. Milton Cornish, Bailieboro; Mis- ses Doiothy Stapleton and Ca- thy Greatrix, Kingston.___ THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 4PORE IRAN 800 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - A.. L. IIOOEY, Manager NEWCASTLE BRANCH- - J. C. PORTER, Manager and just like his Junior Depositor's Account your Savings Account will grow with regular deposits Our other bank services include: Personal Chequing Accounts, Current Accounts, Safe- keepmùg, Travellens' Cheques, Lettens of Credit. Safety Depasit Boxes, Money Onders, Forcigit Remittances, Collections, Bonking By Mail. COURTICE nmdthe isinwl? wose nae re familiar ta us who Mr. and Mis. Eber Snowden haveserved in this aiea, Miss nd 1%&. and Mis. CharlieEl Lulla Rouse, Miss Jean Somt- iot attended the Oshawa Daiiy merville and Miss Constance >aquet and dance held at the Wagar. She closed with syn )shawa Airport Saturday ev- il we are intenested i Cn ning. cern of a Continent" we should Seveîal fiant here attended Pray, Read and Study, Give and be Rally at Camp Samac on Sacrifice. She closed with a Sunday for Scouts, Cubs and poem by Annie Johnston Flint. :;Uides. Meeting closed with Benedic- Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary tion. miet at the home oi Miss Jean Mrs. Chartran and Jean Gay Gay an June 3îd. President seîved lunch. Next meeting will 4rs. Alex Muir opened the ibe the joint meeting for the meeting with a reading I'Fiien- Baby Band Picnic. The date ds". Mis. Archie Muir Jr. gave announced may be changed s0 aveiy fine devotianal on "Ce- watch for a further note on operatian." Mis. Muir closed this. her devotional with a starY Will you be marked present?" Explorer leader, Mis. Gaînet Goyne, read the scriptune front Romns M1kieang"xporeMlaster sBA CK A CHIE Jeoanse 12, e ang xlorr lader let me Walk'With Thee." Mazy ho W arning Mis. E. Geaîing took Rail Backache ia ofto caused by Iazy Cai. Mis. G. Chaîtran gave an kidney action. Wkon kidneys get out of amusing ieading about a nurse order; excoas acidu and vastea romain on duty. intidm systean Thon backache, dia. Misses Barbara and Wendy tub<l reat or that firod-out and hou'7. 3rown sang two numbers "Ro- headod feeling inay soon follow. That'a bin i theRain and"Be Care- the lime to tako Dodd'a Klanoy Pilla. fi it the RinHand Dodd'a timulate the kidneys te normal ~ul itti Hans.'>action. Thon you feel hettr-aleep Mis. R. R. Gay of the Aiter- hetter-work botter. Get Dodd's rioon Auxiliary gave the last Kidaey Pilla now. s. rihapter af aur study book an1

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