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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 13

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T Tl EDAY, JUNE Ilth, 1950 Navy League Taggers Collect $200 Saturdoy T'he Tag Day held by the La- 1 Knight, and Comnrade Rubv dies' Auxiliary of the Leg ion1 Palmer m-ere in charge of the for the Navy League of Canada ai-rangements at the Legioni in Bowmanville on Fridav and Hall. Sandwiches. hot dogs and Satu.rday mnet with an excellent pop were served to the boys response from the public. Com- after they finished tagging in rade Edythe Rundje was the the evening. convenor for the event, and Comracle Rundie. Cornrade $200 was collected. Knight. Comnrade Palmner and On Friday afternoon and Comrade Ann Piper were in evening Comnradc Margaret charge ah the Legion Hall on Lawrïe, Conrade Atadrev Flet- Saturday. Sandwiches and pop cher, and Comrade 0111e Pat- were served te the boys at field and members of hhe Sea inoon, and fQllowing the Sea Cadets in uniforin were the Cadets parade in the afternoon taggers. On Saturday those who a delicious roast bec! dinner sold tags were Comrade Ruth xvas served for themn at the Le- Osborne, Comrade Nvhl Shee- gion Hall. han, Comnrade Gladys Bele.v. The Sea Cadets parade on Comrade Mary Westover. Coinî- Saturdav afternoon was a stir- rade Georgîna Carter, Comrade ring spectacle. Led by their Helen Wallis, Comrade Gladys band the Cadets m-arched from Gibson and Comrade Helen Ka- the Legion Hall along Queen vanaugh, and a number of Sea Street, up Division, along- 'tfe Cadets., Churchi Street, down Temper- On Fridav evening Edvthe 1 ance Strecet, east on King Street Rundie, Ctomradc 'orence 1te Division Street. and back to BUY the BEST00 FOR LESS ai 11 BOYS' and GIRLS' BI3CYCLES NEW LOW PRICE $34.95 85 King Si. W. MA 3-3134 i A. BOYD, Prop. "AUTOMATIC" 25-JEWEL WATCH WITH EXPANSION BRACELET We are allowing you $10.00 for your old tirne piece on this special offer! Corne ini and look over our large selection of gifts for "Dad" on this, bis special day. HOOPER'S JEWELLERY 29 KING ST. E. & GIFT SHOP BOWMANVILLE Teen Age Bowle rs Receive Trophies Softbal Sta r of ii BRUCE "BUTCH" COLE A fielding play, a fine pitching performance, an&d aw a hitter, âs ;Brucee "Butch' Cole, catcher f8r Kens Men's Weazý wins the -Star of the Week Award on the strength of a boomirig bat in last Thursday's Town League fixture. In the fifth framre, wlth bis team trying te protect a sllm one-run lead, "Butch" smashed a home run drive off the school. But that waan't all. In the next inning Cole real ly carn through, clouting a long, three-run homer to put the game on ic. Any time a player goes two for three, with both hits bein# consecutiveë home runs. accounting for haif of his teamVs total runs, he's going to be hard to beat. That'g why "Butch" Cole la the winner oi the Bowmnanvifle Surplus Sales' award. SKen Kelly, Ted Bagnefl Harry Snowden and 1<Ace Richards (again> waged a close battie for runner-up honours. Sciuair with Mr. and Mx'.. L. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. Darch and family, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. H. Cowling and family, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Darch and Mrs. E.' Daàrt:h Mr. and Mx'.. Lloyd Snowden and family wlth Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tennant and Mrs. J. Cow- Ling. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Foley, Town - Mr. Howard Fol- ey, Jin', Carlos, David and Es- ther Cryderman, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman,I Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Shackleton and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. McMahon with Mr .and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton. Mr. and Mrs. Doland Shack- leton, Hanmpton, with Mr'. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton. Mr. -and 'Mn. Ross Lane and family, Shaw's; Miss Ruby Lane, ITown, wjth Mr'. and Mrs. Lloyd * ichards., Glad to report Mr. K. Shack- leton able ho be home and feel- ing better following an opera- tion in Memorial Hospital, Bow- *manville, last. week. IBOWMA .'.<>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __È The Teen Age bowling league f inished its season1 won hy Connie Osmond's team. Boys' photo, f romn left on Saturday with a turkey banquet at Memorial Park to right, Norm Vanstone, Don Bagneli, Capt. Larry Piper, Clubhouse, served by the Memorial Park Assn. ladies. John Ru ndie, League supervisor Jack Munday, Howard During the evening, over 30 individual trophies were Rundie and Alex Wiseman. Bob McManus. was absent; presented to top bowlers in the league. These photos girls' photo: Mary Munday, Lmnda Brooking, Capt. Connie show the winners of the Smith Beverages trophy, won by iOsmond, Helen Vanstoqe: Ann Leddy, George EWlott and Larry Piper>s teamn and the Gea. Elliott trophy winners, IKaren Beauprie. the Legion Hal. Tne Cemmnand- ing Officer, P. Tullock, was in charge ef the parade, and the Lieutenant Maynard was ini command of the band. 4th Cub Pack En*joys Outing At Oshorne 's The 4th Bowmanville Cub Pack held a successful camiping weekend on Russ Osborn's' farm. in the 3rd Concession of Clarke Township. The 19 youngi -boys enjoyed the ouhing ho the fui~,and are looking forward to others in the future. The leaders were, Mrs. Jau±e Wooci]ey. the Akela; Frank Os- mnond, the Baloo:, C. Kelly, Gray Brothers; Jim McDonald, the Tali Pine; Charlie Hester, Maple Grove, the Bagheera; and Mrs. George Dragometz, Hathi. The cooks were Doug Carter, Yunîi; Mrs. Frank Osmond, Yumn-Yum; and Mrs. C. Kelly, Cookie. The expeditior' set out Frida, evening. A camp-fire was en- joyed before bed time. Satur- day was a husy and exciting day for the boys. They had a Grand Howl, gamres, and in- struction was given in Star wo rk. The swirn period in the creek was popular, and there were several rambles. The Cubs built a log bridge and erected a guard -rail. In the evening the ' enjoyed a cam-p-fire foi- lowed by a lunch of hot dogs.' On Sunday morning a Cubs Own service was lield. Then there were a basebail and other gamnes. The Cubs performed a Jungle Dance of Bagheera with zest. In the afternoon the final Grand Howl was held and prizes were awarded. Prize winners were as foi-, DON'T FORGET See our window display . .. and you wiIl find the very gift to maik.. your father a "Most Happy Fella" on Father's Day! The selection is enormious . the prices right . and the resuits wouderffl! (LIADT AhI'C MEN'S 17 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE lows: The award fer most points was received by the Gray six under the direction o! Bruce Barrett, the Gray Six also won the prîze for the best lair cur- tain; the cleanest award went to the Brown Six with Greg Brooking as the director; the neatest camp-site, the Purple Six under the direction o! Wayne Burges.s; the night hawks prize was won by the Yellow Six under the direction of Leon Carr. Camp broke up at four o'clock, and the boys rcturned ho their homes enthus- iastic about the wonderful time they had enjoyed. ,Mrs. Woodley expressed hier pleasure at the success of the( camping weekend. She and the other leaders wcre delighted by the boys' enjoyrncnt and co-op- Ieratiori. They cxpressed their gratitude to ahl who assisteci in making the camping trip such asuccess. Lions Report Erik Olesen Attendi ng Photo Course Mr. Erik Olesen of Jury and Lovell, is in Rochester, New York, fromn June 2 through June il to attend a retail photogra- phic salesman's training con- ference ah the Eastman Kodak Company's sales training cen- .ter. The group is compnised of 19 men and wenmen from six states anid Canada. Con ferees will tour the corn- panv's Rochester plants and at- tend cýai)y lectures designed ho acquaint theni with the latest Kodaik producîs and services. Amion,-, th topfics ho be covered are Kodak camneras and acces- sorie.s. color phohography, Ko- dak, films, rapers and chenil- ca.planning store advertLsing,1 boinc m-ovies, and photographys' O n Con ention basic selling prinflC]es. 6 Reports on the Lions Conveni- group vill visil Niagara Falls, tion lield in Windsor last wek where ecd person will have an were given ah the dinner mcclt- çpportunity ho take black-and- ing of the Bowrnanville Lionls white and coloî' stili and motion Club held on Monday eveninï icf :tures3. at the Lions Community Cen- tre by Fred Cole, the past pre- sident of the club, Glen Lander,S LE the president-elech, and Russel A E Oke. the secretary. On behaif o! the club. Bob) We %vere favoured wth ideal Mutton presented a gift ho DonI weathiot anid a good attendance Allin for bis baby. The biri,-i ah our Sonday School Annivel'- days o! Ralph McIntyre ,,el sarv services ofl Stinday. Spec- president, Don Allun, W.E. iFaI music xvas pro. ideci by the Ormiston, and Dr. E. L. Ewert 1Suznday School choir with Miss wcre celebrated. tG erda Craig, as soloist in the Jack Roughley. chairman of aflernoon. Our guest minister the Carnival commihîce, report-I Rex'. P. Roinerfi, Blackstock, cd on the work donc to date , poke especially to the childrcn in preparation for the event. It in the afternoon. Rev. Romneril's was decided that the Bowman- sermon in the evcning "The ville Lions Club will purchase powers of the ton-gue for good" leather jackets for the Idget gave us alrnany good thoughts Hockey Team, ho hake home with us. H. V. Reeves, Calgary, was A number from tbis commun- a guest ah the dinner rneeting. tty.attended the graduation ex- ________________ ercises of the Oshawa General Hospihal and the reception a!- N k.terwards, whien Miss Gerda Peew es D op Caigwas one of the gradua- High - coringng nurses. Congratulations. Last Thursday night i from Bermuda recenhly. visited Orono was anyth .ing but a pit- with friends here last week. cher's paradise, as both Pee Wee Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman clubs collcctedi a total of 29 and faniily \vIth Mr'. and Mrs. runs off 20 hits and -no le,ýs Doug Reynolds. than 25 walks. The homehown Mr. and Mrs. David Craig and Orono tearn belted 14 safehies Margaret. Tyrone; Miss Barbara against the combined pihching Brine, Town, with Mr. and Mrs. of Gary Akey and Gerald Har- Bob Craig. ness to take a 17-12 win. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hills, The lovals were held to only Tyrone; Mrs. Lillian Brine, half a dozen hits, but were the Town, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob recipients of 17 bases en balîs. Craig. Manager-ooach, Murray Bale. issBaadGraCag faced withhthe chore o! picking Graces Backund Barba ra ath a team out of 55 Young hope-g GaBland brnW.BarraBath fuls, gave some of the bo gatMn and Mrs. S. Buterry.wt who hadn't seen regular action before. a chance to se what Mr'. and Mrs. Wiibur Black- they could do. burn and family, Mrs. Kate It i. expected that when theI Cowing, Haydon. with Mr'. and team is set, the youngsters xil Mrs. F. Blackburn. corne up with a fine brand of, Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and bail again thi.s seasonL . Deaknib, Blackstock; Rev. and roeMrs. ako and JohLSaer rnMr. an Mrs. . SaeTry;am Mr.andyMsaw. a, aery .1*.- IT'S AÀ TREAT 1 TO BEAT THE HEAT AT THE7 CREAN< OF DARLEY PARK Our' fine Filtered Pool bs now open dally with a com- peteutlifeguard and swim- ming instructor always en duty. The water tempera- ture lu always 72 - 75 de- grees and erystal cdes, <705 can tell whether a dirme le heads or tails lu 8% IL t.0 wster. ýNVILLE PBOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE SIartimg ai S p... FRUAYJUNE. 19 Citizens are requested t. have thefr oUd papers and magazine tied in bundies and plaoed on the bozulevards mn front of thefr homes. Your co-operation j, apprecmated. famlyOshaw, ad ____.U TUUE~ GUFS AR ORoD2-1 "'LET GEORGE DO MT! STYLISH MEN'S NO-IRON DRESS 'SHIRTS jr4 '81z14 to17 * To 34s uf my . or *Wasb 'W Wear fine cotton Iinked or.buttoned MENS IN YLON *Smart fused collara rs ok 4 ..~ Eeg $4 ~Reg. $1.25 $2,9979C PAIR MEN'S Sport Shirts Smal - Medium - Large Wash 'n' Wear fine Cotton Reg. $4.95 $2-9 STURDY MEN'S SANFORIZED HOBBY *s lacs sma1I, medium and large *Idesi for relaxint sround the homxe or cottage. *Ctosfortable and cool for gaidenint *Faded blue or sand Reg.$29 $1.99 JEANS MENS DRES S PANTS Ail colors Al.sizes *30 t. 44 Reg. $995- Special $4.99 BUY EAILY . FOI REAL BAUMENS Bowmanville Surplus Store 42 Ring Si. E. ma =-311. g. -%». 4&màmàlm&.ý àý ýA"qm"iLffA" mIrrAoTr% 1 PAM TiORTIM à

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