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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 16

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-Kim IXEENAm wl ýn A WA fl1.DAN W lvâAZIUJ - -TAti Part of Ratepayers' Crowd on Saturclay A fair crowd turned out on Saturday in the park at Hampton for introducing the three political candidates who were asked to give their the first public information meeting of Darlington Ratepayers' Associa-I views on the controversial zoning by-law which was responsible for the tion. At right, President Robert Tremble speaks to the gathermng before 1 association's formation. B urke ton Delegation Asks for Coun cil Advice' Concerning New School Emphasizing the need for a' majority present at the meet- new sehool at Burketon a dele- ing. gation from the village attend- If the majority of the rate. ed the meeting of Darlington payers want a new school the Town.ship Council on Thursday, Township Council would back june 3rd, with a request forj them up the delegation was advice and information. told. The estimated cost of a Reeve Roy W. Nichais told new school was $45,000 and de- them that the first step wouid bentures would be sold by the be ta hold a public meeting for council for it. Payments of $4,- the ratepayers there, and ob- 000 a Year would pay off the tain a favorable vote from the building and if was poinfed Iouf, six mills on Burketon's tax rate would raise the FAS RE IEF FOR A letter was received by Dar- lingfon Council from the Farm- ers' Union asking for an ar- rangement whercby members le tU A i c;;;;pa:z;0:::unin:due when they pay their taxes. The miatfer was discussed and if was PA INr ha such a request corne FA IM from the people themselves. IThe Township Clcrk was askcd ta write J. L. Wood, direct or A -cf flic Farmers' Union for Dur- hamn Counfy and inform him thaf coundil would rafler licar from flic people on flic matter. UNSlOF UP AN possibly in flic form of a peti- fiait A communication from Uich Ontario Municipal Associationj wsreccivcd regarding Uic closing date for resolutions t be faken up af fhic caming con cenfion. Notice was also givei in a letter of fthc annual mect ing of the Ontario Welfare Of fîcers' Association f0 be held ii July. Appreciation and thank were expresscd in a letter frai Garnet Rickard, Wardcn of th( United Counties and Mrs. Rick ard, for tlic fine banquet whici was sponsored by Darlingtor Township Council in fthcNew. castle Community Hall. Councillor A. E. Thompsor statcd thaf special maps can bE obtaincd wit.h ail necessary in. formation for the camniiffeco: adjustment. Deputy Reeve Garnet Rickarý told the other members of th( council that Stokely-Van Cami in Whifby is inferesfed in op. erafing a viner in Darlington If was decided ta scnd a lettet to flic firm telling thcm fhai tlic council is in favor o! ther] locafing in the Township. The nced of repair O! somE sidewalks in Enniskillen ani..I Tyrone was discusscd, and Tom Stewart, thec road superinfen- dent, was askcd f0 give a report on the matter at the next meeting of the council. Councillor Fred G. Smith re- ported that fthc CPR crossing beyond thec lOth Concession is hiddcn by trees, and that if is now necessary fo drive fa the edge of thc railway tics before sceing thec track. Mr. Rundie was askcd fo write fo the CPR fdlling thcm of fthe hazard, and to requcsf thaf the crossing b. improved. Relish Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice or V-8 Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Long Island Duckling, Orange Sauce Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce Broiled Baby Lamb Chops, Mint ielly Breaded Milk Fed Veal Cutiet, Tomato Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Horseradish Saum, Roast Young Tom Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions Southern Fried Hait Chioken, Corn Fritter Sliced CoId Virginia Ham Plate, Potato Salad Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown Rolls Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Parfait . oiled -or Wipe4 _Potatoes Butter Fresh Fruit Jello, Whipped Cream Cheese Tray French Pastry Coffee A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, sered wlth Mushroom Caps and French Fried Onions Mmic ta t- an in -e )n T- )n )e ri- -d le ip n. r 't .n le 't it ýg Attend Preview "Happy Fella" Mýr. and Mis. Raipli Ames at- fended flic. Canadian premiere o! "The Most Happy Fella" afa Music Fair, Dixie Plaza on Mo_ day evening, June 8fh. They report, thoroughiy en- jaying flic fast moving musicali presenfcd on the circular stae under canvas, which offýered excellent visibilify fram any seat in. thc tent.1 The story is quick moving,1 based on a big-heartcd, middle- aged Western rancher and lis petite young mail-order bride. The musical numbers werc warmly rcccived and excellent- ly present cd with sucli wel known hits as "Standing on flic Corner", "Happy fo Make Your Acquaintance" and "Big D". "The Most Happy Fdlla" will be presented for fwo wecks and followcd by "Box-Office Atfractions"-Guys and Dolls-1 The Student Prince-Brigadoon and Showboat. Wifh sucli ex- cifing productions "Music Fair" can be assured of a most suc- cessful season. -e frs R Dale presidcd for tli cefis Mother and Daugliter ban- R quet of flic Brownie and Guide d Groups. The girls appreciafed ,a Mrs. R. Lee's kindness in ar- rangng flic flowcrs for Thurs- *day evening. Rcv. R. H. Love rcplied to the toast ta flic churdli propos- cd by Joan Kolinko. The toast ta flic Qucen was made by Linda Taylor and fo flic Mofliers by Margaret Maid- man, Mrs. E. Maid!man replied. Com.missioncrs Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Wilson, Oshawa, wcre present and spoke ta fthc girls. Brownic and Guide sangs wcrc led by Mrs. R. Bishop. Part icipating in flic Parade and Drumhcad Service held at Camp Samac Sunday affernor wcre members o!f the Brownie Guides and Scouts. The Executive for the Werry Picnic met at Uic home of Mr. and Mis. J. Starr, reccnfly. Plans werc made for fthc Satu.rday, July lSth picnic at Hampton park with flic main meal ai noon and supper for ah wlic wisli. Mi. S. McDonald was a re- cent overnigit gucst of Ron Werry. Miss Beafrice Mounfjoy, Osh- awa and Mr. and Mrs. E. Mar- ton and sons, Markham, were Sunday vistors af W. Mount- joy's. Kedron friends are sorry fIat Mr. W. Mounfjoy and Mr. E. Maunfjoy arec onfined ta bcd. Mrs. Cccil Tait, Seagrave, attended Kedron Sunday morn- ing service and with Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown visited lier bro- ther, Mr. Leslie Brown, Fair- view Lodgc. Misses M. Pellow and H. Van Camp, Oshawa, were recent supper guests of W. Werry's. Mrs. R. Love was lîosfcss at thc manse for Uic W.A. meet- ing on Tucsday evening. Miss Margaret Pellow kindly relafed lier trip f0 Britishi Col- umbia and Caravan work wifh flic Indian girls and boys, by message and pictures. Miss Helen VanCamp accom- panied Miss Pcllow fa fthc meet- ing and operafcd flic projector. Piano accordian selections were given by Miss Marilyn Scat t. The guests from Oshawa werc introduccd by Mrs. Douglas Love. The Worship perîod was led by Mrs. J. Dyck, Mrs. G. Stin- stan and Mrs. W. Snowdcn. Arrangmenf s werc made ta hold the July meeting at Uic home of Mrs. R. Lee, following Vacation School, July 15 at 8 p.m. in place of flic usual picnic. Assisting Mrs. Love during thc social hour were Mis. W. Woodward, Mrs. H. Brown and Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Winncrs in flic basebail gaine Safurday cvcning werc Uic Single Men over the Marnied Men. Members of the Doubles, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dale, Mr. and Mms. G. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tregunna and Mrs. E. Mount- joy scrved refresliments at Uic Community Hall. A special Augusf tour of Parkwood Gardens is arranged for flic Doubles Club. This will be on Thursday, August 27th, 6.30 at "h Gardens, TYRONE The June Tea of fthc W.M.S. was lield af Uic home af Mrs. Russell Wright with an at tend- ance of 29. Several W.A. ladies from, Haydon also Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Mrs. R. Sadier and Miss Vivian Sadiler, Bowman- ville, as aur gucsf s. Vice President Mrs. John Broome o'pened, meeting witli a poem. Jars, fa be fillcd with fruit, from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, wcre given out. Anyone wishing a jar, contact Mrs. W. Rahm. Group leader, Mrs. A. His called on Mrs. ,A. Hamilton for the devational, theme "The Fcllowship in Uic IComniunity". Mrs. S. Hoar read thfli scripturc. Miss Vivian Sad- ler sang a solo "How Great Thou Art." Mr-s. C. W. Sleman gave a Imost interesting paper an "The Fatherhoad of God and the Bra- thcrhood of Man." Mrs. R. Sad- ler and daughtcr Vivian sang a duef "God, is still on Uic Thro- ne." Meeting closed, wîth a dainfy lunch. There will be no more me- ings fill Sept ember. Rev. Fred J. Jackson visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jackson, London. Mrs. Edifli Murphy spent a few duys af Mr. and Mis. Roy McLaughlin's, Nestieton. Ross Wonnacott, Toronto, and lph Shaw, Osliawa, visif cd with John Virtue, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prcscott wcrc guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshiawa. Mr. and Mis. F. L. Byam visitcd Mr. and Mis. George Willis, Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. R. Glaspeli, Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner, Mvr. ana Mrs. Lloyd Skinner, and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Enniskillen, at- fended tlic Sleep Breeder Picnic at Guelphi. Mr. and Mi-s. L. McFeeters and family, Bowmanville* wcrc Saturday evening visitors'of Mr. and Mrs. John Broome, on Sun- day. Mi. and. Mrs. Lloyd Broome! and boys, Soline. also visifcd their home. Misses Ruthi Pascoe and Mar - garet Harvey aftended a show-. er for Miss Beverley Wraight 01 Hamipton at Uic home of' Miss Eleanor Heard, Enniskillen. Several from, here atfendcd Salem Anniversary services on Sundey. Mrs. Herb Murray, Mis. Fred' Bowen, Orano; Mr. and, Mis. H. Sfrong, Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. A representafive fromn Bow- manville Red Cross attendcd a meeting in flic schoolroom Mon- day n-iglit, fa arrange for swim- ming lessons this sunimer. Mrs. R. Spry is tlic organizer. Mis. L. D. Sykes, Hampton, accompanied, by Mr. and Mis. G. Brent, David and Christine, werc dînner guests Sund'ay of Mr. and Mis. George Sykes, Warkwortli. Thursday, June 4, thc Jun- ior and Senior roomn chuldren, their teachers Miss Jean Rab- ertson and Miss Ann More- land accompanied by Mrs. W. Park and Mis. T. Scott who assisted wifh Uic children. wenf by two of Garton's Busses on a trip ta Cobourg and Port Hope. In Cobourg they visîted flic Gcneral Foods Ltd., liad lunch af Victoria Park, toured thi a w n passing fthc Trainingî School and including visits ta the lire hall, flic Court room and opera house. Ini Port Hope they visitcd Uie Newspaper of- fice of flic Evening Guide. The East group of W.A. are quilting in thec Sunday Sdhaol- room, this week. Saturday evening thc Euchre party was a real succcss. Gents sf, George and 2nd, Bill Vivian; Ladies 1sf, Mrs. Tulley and 2nd, Dorothy Vivian; ..ow, Fred Parfncr and Kath- cen Davey. Ross McRobcrts' drcw Uic lucky ticket for theI hickcu which was kindiy dona- ed by George Alldrcad. YELVERTON T.B. Survey Plane wcre finalized at C.O.F. hall, Janctville, for thc T.B. survey of this arca, (fliat por- tion of Manvers served by Jan- etville or Lindsay Rural Mail carriers, including Janetville village>, wlicn araund 17 vol- unfeer canvassers, încluding thce four poli dliairman met f0 issue or receive iasf minute instruc- fions re Uic suî-vcy ta be hcld in JanetviUe C.O'. hall on Tu- Iesday, June 16 end 'fluruday, June 18B. Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Cen- sus Poil Chairman, to whom much of the is due for organization etc., distributed kits to canvassers and held a questionnaire to assist them in their work. Mesdames Helen Shea and Marjorie Stmnson dis- played a latent talent as act- resses in an impromptu skit. IOther energetic chairmen are Mrs. Walter Walker, Supply chairman; Mrs. flac Malcolm, *Clinie-..chairmnan; and a flot too active Publicity aid Area chair- man- Harvey Malcolm. Thle volunteer canvassers pro- moting fthc T.B. survey for this area are Mr. Pcrcy Rowe; Mrs. Melville Wright; Mrs. Bert Me- Mullen;« Mrs. Elmo Archer; Mrs. Jack Wilson; Mrs. Howard Mal- colm; Mrs. Floyd Stinson; Mrs. Cecil Brad'burn; Mrs. Walter Walker; Mrs. Mult Goslin; Mrs. Ross Winnacott; Mrs. Horace Hcaslip;- Mrs. Douglas Hickson; Mrs. Fred Bradburn; Mrs. Ernie Staples: Mrs. Murray Shea and onc lonely homely man. Court Manvers' f irst game of vs Court Lindsay at Lindsay had a happy sequel for the lo- cal lady. After playing 10 in- nings to break a 9 inning tic of 24-24, the local club emerged victorious. Comparatively few errors- only haif a dozen (per player this is) made the game a sort of «"Comedy of errors". A couple of home-runs by some of the "Old Stock" reminded the youth thaf there was'still life in those old bones yet. On Thursday evcning fhree Yelverfon Directors to the Dur- ham County Federation of Ag- riculture were present at the Directors' meeting held at the spaciaus home of the Tom Mc- Camus of Cavan. Business in- cluded-- a report by President of Durham County, Hog Pro- ducers, Floyd Stinson, on that organization's attitude by, Re- solution on the Govcrnment's proposcd Deficiency Payment plan for hogs. Summed up into one word- unsatisfactory! With thec election not a week off, and cverything stafic, our bcst efforts to promote a good brisk argument have been. to no avail. Any attcmpt to break through the armour of the com- placent Conservafîves re "de- Frosting"l Ontario are polit ely ignoreci; likewise any try ta work up an exciting interchange with our lanquid Liberals has been rejecfed. C.C.Fers in this community are scarce as hens teeth, or we miglit try ta find out just how, to promofe a little controversy, they could ably represent the farmer - a small time capitalist, individualist or what have you and stifl repre- sent labour- like the farmer's hired man. One seeking to pay lower wages with more work- the other to have shorter hours and more pay. Things ain't like the "'good old days." Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Stints accornpanied the Walter Wgrighti an irst Ohwat ea t n It's Here.. A FLECK PAINT THAT CAN BE APPLIED WITH ROLLER WALTEX ROLLIFLECKS "Applied by roller Waltex Rolliflecks is resistant to grease stains, inks, crayon, dirt, alcohol and fruit acids. May be easily cleaned. " Resists wear, chipping, cracking and fading. " Produces films two or three times as thick as ordinary paint and hence will outlast conven- tional materials. Large Selection of colours from which to choose PAINT SALE CONTINUES WITH MANY LINES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER TUBERCULIN andY WILL BE IN TOUR CONNUNITY SOON000 YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS IT! Mass Survey us Sponsored by the Northumberland-Durham Tuberculosis Associat ion with the assistance of the Ontario Deparimeni of Health - THROUGH YOUR PURCHASE OF CHRISTMAS SEALS - TEST Mother!--could ever there b. found A.nother, on life's winding road Who,e sacrifice, ail self deriied Absu mcd the weight of every Ioad. And so we honour you today And reverently, this tribute mnake Acknowledging naught could repay A life surrendered for our sake. -(Mrs.) M. Cunninghami 1h. Ray MCGiIstis fUweek. Sympathy of this communlty is extended to the family of the late Moss Walker of Janetville ini their sad bercavement. On Monday evening several carloads of Yelverfonians at- tendcd fthc Muir School of Dan- cing presentation of "The Land of Make Believe". Parficipating on thec program wcre, f wo dim- inuifive Misses of Yelverton, Pamnella Stinson and aur own Mifzi Malcolm. Believe the par- ents were sufferîng prior f0 their acf more fromn stage friglit than the littie girls. Bursting with pride at thec successful manipulation of their acf, our chests protruded like Marilyn Monroe at a photographer's con- vention. TRAMPS WELCOMXED St. Thomas Times-journal No matter what religious de- nomination one belangs ta anc cannot help admiring fthc Sal- vation Army for ifs practical Christianity. No one who needs food or clothing is ever furned away. The supplicant may be an agnostic or cven an afhcist, but the Army makes no bancs about that. The most unkempf and dirfy tramp is welcomed if lic should drap info a Salva- tion Army service. MOTHER Mother!-could she be callcd By any other name so dear, Whose Prcsenoe childhood dayu enthralled And sfayed with us through joy 33 Klng SL W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE Umm BOWMANVILLE ÀÎB = MTOR HTELSSituated at RESTARANTHighway 401 CÇeeAnjl OZXnner Fresh Lobster Cocktail menu Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Tomato Pineapple Grapefruit Tuberculosis lasi year look the lives of nearly 1500 persons in Canada. The Faci is . . . mosi of these people died unnecessarily , . . EARLY DIAGNOSIS WOULD HAVE SAVED THEN. We are gelling Io the botiom ai this TB problem ..a We, of Durham and Northumberland Counties are fortunate in that Tuberculin Tests and X-Ray facilities - the key to, early diagnosis - are freely available. THE FREE' M uffins Tea M Sj~RVICEco. 1 9mm t%-AlRATSTAW &"AnvumgAle rXMAImvà% a PACM BEKTEM

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