IAGE KIGETEDI ,.~E CANAD1AY SATMMAR, EOWMANVILLE. ONTABIO ~WT]URflAV. XY1NU ii*h~ Births_ __ Cards of Thaks Articles for Sal Aricles f or Scd~e Help Wanted JReàI Estate for SaleJlRearl Estate for aeI AcinSl ANDOR-Erxnie anid Tris aref 1 would tike to sincerely HAY. balpd or standing, Orono1 POTATOES. A. %T. Pres;cort, STRAWBERRY oickers. ideal, REAL ESTATE FOR.SALEChleRakn tM.HrdSoenLt24 happy te announce the birth of 1 thank the nursee and staff of; 7 r 1. 24-1 Hampton. MA 3-2151. 2- picking. one mile'west of Bow- jProerties SoId, Rented eCncehiorleHoe Twnsip a son. Bruce Ernest. 6 lbs.. 10IMemnorial Hospital and friendq. - - - anville. Phone MA 3-2234. Paagd and Appraited REAL ESTATE BIROKR oeml ato schss ozs., June .5, at Oshawa Generai for flowers and kind wjshpst and' WHITE goose feathers. Tele- WATER for ;;ale. Deiivered. 24-1 M î amad~iisl ypb Hospital. -24-1Ia ako Dr. McKenzie. phone 'NA 3-2949. 24-1 Phone Cliff Péthick.. MA 3-2736.rk emltyig . Alio Tired of paying rent w acino rdy uelt ElieRob.24h SED one-man Clinton (-bain;essential. Applv npro, eIEtt rkr ivi le omswt QVa .. i i amsok m bi BROWN-Mr. and Mrs. Hughi saw. Phone MA 3-7219. 24-1 HEARrNG aid service. TesiinpersaanUeRealndry a. tt26 ewcaste, clown payments. Welloctdpieitedt.Futr mI Brown (nee Yvonne Henning'îf Sicere tankq to friende and -- service and coînplele stock of Scu.gog St.24 -Suabefrtoamieech rtclrsehi.Trm - are happy to announce the birth relatives for the lovely cardsPLAYPEN and Lloyd baby car-:bttresad-od ailgo ______ Tuo blocks north or traffic signai Let extra income payfoyorcsNrere.JkRed of twin daughters on .June 5. and ïlowmrs sent ta me during riage. Phone MA 3-3643. 24-1 Electric Liiniled. " 8 King St. E.,, CAPABLE woa 'rgnriI ___ ecs -tt 'home.acioer tA1959. t- . oouh C"neacleaor fni ainptintin umn frgne ra . 00acre dairy farm.Shpng3- atSabrug eea m hr im saptin novviralnville. lelephone 'MtA cenn a umrresort 10Ocans sig$90 Hsiassê frMark. th'£ Memoriai iHospital. CEDAR posts. Phon Wm.7-tf Appiy Sm att Pontypool s si .2.00 e's aereevdisrcin 14Hopial sstre fo 2-IMrs. Elqie Holdetork. tpýtn hoe Clke 33. - -Phone Bethany 20 r 111 . i as ~Garage. 80,000' gallon. Fl rm M.Frn tno osi 24-i 24-1* NOW-Run your car Witbot2-1 rom ewbrckwih tnhe of equipment. Coet vpbi uto nFia CAMERON-Mr. and IMrx. Alex --.------ISpark Plugs =______ 1 6triîn nh bngalow ttonhed1Lindsa-y on No. 7Hgwy vnn.Jue1 nteViae Cameron (nee Kolr, .are I We would like 1ln thank thé, BABY carhne. MA ood3-5079.an 1 al HOSEEER. mature wo extra large garage, 4-piece Onr uisei f lcsoc.hs nie os- hap ytioanen.etPhonevl MA n v mî u-507nd9. rsS A 1 NU FCTO0RS8 - A t 1man for elderly couple, small bath with vanity, tiled kitchen. 5 MAin 3-2.45. o navle h l ffesicldn GE e oappy ta anouexner the anaij 1ao e ommunr ity faKnohrs.Afive-roorn home. Owri room. double stainless steel sink. 3or-fgearBch4uneeec cfen i son, Alene at S. j for tir TEXelacres ostanwoing hayov erART'S CAR MARKET sepm.Pon A33. bedrooîns.broadloom and file ~ ~ ~ ~ >e etyeeti a Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia. Mfarilyn and Garth. and timothy). Phone MArkef 194-196 Church St., Bo ';4i1e -1tnuhu:lnsae.Mn' uidn 'cu lae:allk 24-IMyra an CaeronOleen '-292. 2-1 e -Build - Better - customers! MLE pant-time îîelp. une. y ems utfChoice Ltsne cetefildsit, tui I 241 *~~ARGE barnfer sale.20-8îJuiy and August. Age 21 aiuc-Sngr!win acie Ywudlk teppe- ..offer te lpatlit- e. rate 16'E R O . cetr l n Wrile P. 0. Box 729. Bowniaîî- entireI' self-contained, on Wel- Tnscs o eev.Pes offhertheir tr.CidaRoaghter.rethnkCiaDrnd41 iEoe saj, :coninnilncerevll. 2-1hink) S.,n2Dr.enreOferW1gRESDoTIL. at Memorial Hospital, Boxm'nt-al rigs nd ntre ilo s' vile. a'2P. 159.2 i ail who so kindly reinem- QUANTITY of miantire. Witt '"' Owner inovins to city and must Rediutoer 42 vil,.v'8 99 M 1,brd inie with cards. flower.s load allie ailfi 6 p-111. Phiolie prices. Liberal allowance for WOM'\AN for ligll hotise\work. seli. Tei-ms. Ap~-________ am gisdîrigmvre~'t -MA ;3-234l. 24-I1 rsei uniue Ue ie-dlay week. sleeu-iii. lWrite on rw mdm bIhaercie isrctn WALLACE -Torn and ;\1ar%-:sudo o.h $5 dnig-ons6. nw inde bik T i Wallc'e Neuustl. ar hap',Loil Hoek ni. -2 4 -t1 LLOYD crib convertie car-'ufet $10: lieufour-fi., seel SatsniiP.O. PBox 190, Bow'- becîroo s al urae. Mot-& Cneton .. op O ta announce the birth ao liteir' r iacin gooccondition. pli(,,(, fied. I itv sc.ratchedj. '109q5: nmauxille. '4 -1' tVlwsi1i soitICE -rn--al-lIc. E.alBo v - -ecndidishes.Frgidair gaaeenaerdNfurniture.eu manvile. at Siincia, S-0. alo drsser.diiiiig- LECTRCIANS Haled kitcheniiteeurniatu.re. antiquer- ., rket 3-un919 Dr.Aostito.verdbeddingi t snl],Teetc. 199 ahvel - usýýW R R .ecletfr ot- i n table an lbiN ' P oi, antyepo.rrpl<ein1.îoie Bta\vlrST-R H F ,Pant ttnPhi ae fg Grat roks soaonds.Ib staffinf peol Hospitpadl aeor oetra stic ard lMîc'ke.e- lurl C. i 20 . MA i II Wfer. 2-14 4îB scAN ILi Iol frilre Triscah.N n'àie th Bow eltiesand ie. Cub phone MA 22~4..4-1; 1-3'8. 242-000ledorcn 44 KngpSrcha\Ve1rews rre. .Iack Reid, auctioneer.OijS Averag .32.0 per oni'. land areage ocat1d011 P ed n r. ila . Ï f gaîn M is J. Woadle. mr 24-.Birpor. PIonl200 acna w mn wihRe ate rn. .olîd ric su re etn. Tehuew.î yPbi uto h ClrooTrno.wuet nti Ii 4.024102 f .lresv5 i hs o a.7roomSI Bth an v ie tores I 2 stoe - alls 24-I ncerthoevneegagementle oefoueholdeffeUsNofJasep Kos N'lr. and.l'basrs.i. peopephhAhelo Ci oa Er.oe tabl. eyd bue. iran-10 r.F111OW.E4-1,nae aîciîd aag. tag ' d t 2DueStBo mnvleo gageent rok aIle t aulle MrniWe wîsh Botanvirlaîîve.1bPhone NIA :3-123,41. 24roesioalofic.;itrnon 45cifin.1--teî an.$12,0cr0pnd0 sacnu brua Cam Broksl o B.nt1.0 e P .,r.t Stai ca p ale B 'Y endsD %NandWE E ENighbaursoudoo wfor ihei ttisr. -nti.)"l î--o Ghelen ops.ngof M. akplond i.lmîact. f idn \ad N 3cal.rageboxer.entcl- Livestock for Sale agtoeVenings a per eur. NT;p- xvrkal xRal Encd .Pie i e2"Ttopeecetr MIàya ' ' in-Nol-iighinstpr 1t.nie- Thandk onc$29d00.oO.'nnd 'ici- boldarfielair eand vc bedroî'n suites agin hoe I 33:5. 4-1; xprene iveý;r. Vrt îil ;oid b i - eaetr ne 4-urnr Figiair stve edCiria.Osheaa '24 J 1 ! 71 ies n o.~in lee M -95.24ITW NpHI igs svNwEY Rwlig-old. 2. - 4-Vi 200 acresJan'okbe l oi crm hisadtbe 1.ake pla<e on 5~tudax of dea hîîhand and &mthr. O E ' .loy baI' ' hone Clare :i34. 2-1 ~ -- - --- -. -ta J.'ao. lage b'icl..ti.îse a- a.11ook -and t-re smll tble- Cr.LVES vs.aiinieh A. 'fuUC and part, ndtte.e.exrnerie nce oo..froting on No 2 Hig n 1100iece: Joe ph'is h e er: ail in iie gaî'îi fcondi4iPon. 3-263 2 -I B nc o MAk t3-505826. J.a s i U.gre rco. c iao -- - ;, SE RE ary. r te Adx-etifor! wav i lh îbar. a 401n at cn Dafort h iTnot n io g. ue t ie tp tegagement of ther dauglit- s e trds. lafth m floc ponbe. M AI3- MA090 -5 2. 24-t1 ue MA 328.214h fsinl fie feroigiCOICIil. es ad iï!a cre. pcoditon. Proerty soi. N eWra Glor iaMa . t 1\r. Ctanley f5a sando- e hbo s ford u e ie N N T' ace f -oer adT30 pg. 7 w es: pr-tS ATS Spoe that nigs a ek hour Du'o'k'lchtn an d Mot et n Cec.N.R.: h r bu lng s.r rv. AbvPrtcesle Edar Gay sn f rs Gar u lositl ndsicereîOnNE alla al.: racreboorerble. brergstereSh or Sbl . g$_9l9ar.7ec1pysmoeotaiodobl grae,$1 00t er uilTemscah.Clf Glen o.snorgfra' Temr a rîlage marr . rts o rînde Ornîlsi. 4 -,z --"'cpaion Uitrse u- ~ arsgo elEtt o will take plate on Saîni- hov' ýri c "" -'- ' aOUdyoung oîstein cows e ess eof yoîîR epow n lo ti nglO 3 slîd i ck hoîî3. sie a d a ai 20 ars wir6.0 hit Juohn 1,19E . H at o S cretopressions-1' OR Y are1saningha, iiip3it witefa(dcalesaifo t ogressiveBom1228, $Commîs - ri.sjae n Ne cate. a a reesop e irtai .oua ~ad ..af o Mmoia Hspta.i\r. Heto .ownO1no-7j958. 41 rtol24-vor re. ami "1 2000 arsai :14 b mrSinlair O' 5-752e 'nteEsaeofEihOrit M.n aiid rsOD.E. Hgar'Bo Lloydili: Dctos Gll.fIu- " 2 --,- 1 -- _ -D'p___ __JO- 1-00- einri I o ier ageoie _____- .. NINESLanEacAD-YVonfhrrelpcal Motore. ILngagement Il0f erodauli tr.Jac ,-n.ihbours ud ela y(.0 hiolike ri cOnsvenv i n 10acrs itcgree, i a'wAI] pesan hviîg 40m Joa Beyl Loyd Staîlvjtves'fr trdsiFou-u-san giîs'-)4omtun, ni'ruo PonenId or veA3-7lin. -I Maric H.Pedwil aTyoneart500 iaains th esate f EithOr Bowzuauîv Ciîl T o mavll hone edcung3426-3 . 2 -wIiiIho A e-29 . 2- ' net oiboro cetral. Terni. i itpc rsjgu<j a. the adresbe n1.rses ad staff i epMe m I1"cimorial 36----'-'- -'FOUR,------..8.-- - Jtdx t Pioe 4, c/3-2841. t TTVtes brk. rCeDIVEI.L, Egfrm W-. ad Nis Cean .aire a kde ta u.r-i mv ceenti. rhiervcfie, FierI Il --' -- - - --- tinWoo-man-P-A Box l", rimn- N28000 - a sotia6 go.Teni.of fam. n rbeortr 01nayo Ra er. a d M s l a . eI S . B an île i e. fo r llîf-,ho Wa le R. C l Ard 3 5082f . de 14e-1243ph,, 4- L î',s le ti n J214-11 591a le w! d tet. acreaAe3-2omes, 2otages andoosrt bricke deceasei wij.l b theoungemeentgageent. of t- set ilins. MAiso ,ýd lowemi' raie Phone MA 2 5476 o'-ndA NewcasCle and th ]eie berne. LdistributePhoe. hav3-n31 ragard $1o500 daughte Graoneoi5. ra4.. 14-iidr anan anghhe-ur oa.àan8 allierf o c u-!DefRrasale..R MeANK o tue oimsOohawachath Geare GDoald hre r o i' a rd Orlowens apalliai If i... t""" 6 Tmprnee st B in a bus RWath Estate Ad- will tae place on Satrdai, PUR Youn HoIq1 cows ies--of ot. MA. 3-in o6 ainistrator ocihgrhethsof wav. Mi. n Ms -a es P Hrer~peîI hnk Ioe h sc R GT T ces.standoi cniin O E w ie p.t anaix o.20 Ar ain., 140 are "-s n notice.60 JufyP1rt19C19,it . m . ein Le% fr 'i 1hld. ,. $ 0malsasma: ook st re ci brbick ark obouse.Own ranrd ..nvî1 ta ak pateonSauray..Jîl Crisin ~~ 2 glin ia waertakc-hap.mithavhie faiedbx aleset.fot.MA ogsiveHTFaCt. C ommis-î bantale 60aNcrstloedandi 2-ImasATE thi 111 dayêf -une tonile rffte Ciirh. 241 4 M sncmePhoks ooFda MAlfa -2326. nd':d lo -579l e t.ein. ghni n pasAalalete-ýlt. cr5eekgwa 1.0b00L,%- it"lryt hi - .-- Tr9ou an ;af fismoil op.ý-r Re"cto'rc th'oBhFrcav -n 1 r23ri Pri maen t mur r.. io i e- wtro a. loiuhnhue ____ Uited Chîrs. D. .Bown'uanvi dB o uallîe t aehy ' "-iat D'lancthe Gril.îre et 'ovrulo b-or - hmi 2,0 ah aU modmiles Thoipso Gibpn ntuniotanoio! Bowînbrd nd yvsfr ill e îece CE arc-okhre. iSal nte p 24 NO e nslo : 8 $10,50edfPeteriFedd m r nde aKn -~~ ' ...-- - staff for . - And imt. o n me M ,264 -, direcest.kng$000 Tri RAIETT BO E 7Cocsin t-n enggoen pitairdaghtr kak ndnrea- ph2 *îi p.Sa ors6 l -sopin. 24-tf '47 PONTeig IAC kol.and. air yon- ' j rane100 acuewith mdg bug- Bomnileantro Jon Bri efnv Saj -ien.ds -foi- rsf loe afruit ards E EC rnoiCAL Oneaio.b 41 ils ani ban ler i. i Slc-tr eei MavryGer;ude o Mx, ban d r who holpe.ed wite in hos'la. .1,7' ' -"- 1- n. Bruce.Mon-Fn. A 3-orne Sanl earF.mother ! Lame.Frdf -Nr.. Johii.;011. WoWmsi ~ - -- în wae. A..krn 2l00. tn. Bowranlville. aî Tae Ms oîd iebaf nends guaranl - 1<.1redt ue ynafcllyiîuîaîe WhISAnte Ato R(nane.r O R NE.20 E P0ne Tennis. $2,0acrell on N or lgwvAD HR .Jel a ker. plae i Sine n'sf you vrghonsfr hw iti iarry al. , de. Pne 'l arkeiSae-0 notý 0 av. 12 ceta. 85 ac reck woli-eîwith7 oo usailarnc AE Angleanrs Rest.ed i ownht &e. T ta' dotor xaP' 3 Kig S. ., u5Jàt4 LCALPoice aonrstFS*B(RETN le 8acr e PPYPoes iii haolbrdwod pessrl erist. sae S onhas. W4h t 2. . mOhw. 2a-g e '. v 10er.Hbaandmyfamel. dýville 4620-V ure ou o prt ' t bo fil C.pi-iiig* 9 B 45 E $3,00 o((tt'agejN1n RBET 1, Smih tuura Hme, nuDirsesm a iii hfofpta.Memra' "1, -- Phone M4~~~< A .1-81. - ' " Phon ' Deceased.r Re.ad &. WllaiXHsa L Boa M's. e. frup ej- WS ERN ardachnesîof. Elieni.j' 'aiîî'î.SaECIage, ex Perec. weuîbR îî 24 oitp di' --1 if L ares 'lîbi aal 'r i . pnsnohfn ilsn deSto. Boxvn an ile a - v re a' -ablea. 'l'n m ed P o r rd Ran bre-t-e ___ î I >Iliu hne t. o mdtre.Pieoîy . . guni te esae o ebr Fniendship11 lubes orthea IPoes M A nidsoer MiAoe wtb tt-ae rîng acaes, ihmeucestt'ean.gn ervDlig h it n »ucthenaeeto.thom okn nt - wihDDERgrtsdn w- ae.Pie 1.0 ih odI lxxigujaou h tî- a fMrh 10 ai Dopald lurteren sox'thn- ta ,.Rnr' e oft O Gurnce,2.0.(altNE he.tertDlent. cn don. rard.Price $and 500.00.2 n 19n8. aStie recluireeti taRe l send tALTEheRA NiantTille M4--. Jarnesc P.OHhawer iAec-a42.tAba'kean'i-ar qnice rigtaa-iRDrNWEilEim Bneslin c6.200idn 1 VO-hoseamanageti aur habacimrknnehih.Owerfo 100 Ace farm 14aces wrk- 20 Chars a' a~t.~'udrinda th drs ofPr, ef.. Th j.d.n dfiorenty. increi. 2-h qic sl. rx'te 'alOsta lw ful atii ,IAMIESON---Entened u2ngalonrbo - at'- tank c"ea'ma-- a A - sane46. 24h r206Blor S.MA Toooo able 6 acre,,ple.L-sandace vrbe.pn Pieilsfteae Un Witb on Monda . Tlune 8.î i luta ot . akS D wa r ats. 2p14--'--- P r a e t Ebpo m n aîe r 'în a ter o n io u ma seo . D w 5 00 u o e o e ti 0 h d y a 195, Ea Mnd Rikar. i ler' T"wl ST ANDrING5.00 up. Reais a aildt FOR N24F-1S Wa3-d21 lîl sîe, siloec: 8 noometi o uîr 99.at wihdt h 76th year 24-o1ed wife of ie 15 teO than'k rnthe nse ige r type xx a iers ( r îaa îrd Is d <ýho__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ rme home ai.modern<' en e r Fde n ao n liglt a casle:den ssln o Lura(M-s meit cadsandguh dnîgi a PhonareiA 3-9on. iT~T OS.ermes. A'Down$0,00 3100REL000P ri$4000.dsibti.hvgreadol E.C.Fsbr.Nwcsîe atOjysaain ospitai. afor ta Dnr.I:1î2o Î5l0't JON UT flUorII1UL10 Arefa0ea Nwtn-îs euîgost Bnowmnii dea ant aiînifsd iMhown ie ani staf 7t Menoria. --vile.497acrsNToIaCc.c8occhphofair3-c44nt-ari. tu 26h dua ofMav 959 Keuineth Wrry>.uHositaM. Speia lnssl' iDOta dinv 'loî- ad re- SEmot o oRS IM3-26. WAOR Ard red tîs. rek. 17L- ashp- 24-taxe. i CarlVENShe Gr. e dabe-Ai-d eb ifOekat'i d-, (r. n REnTRIaL Rner. aors RAIwral. 5 ce od pigs ahnr rv Meoi opital. Srvie I luband ta tr R l ie sric NTEDtrcl place, L- a e vilu nerai ChaelBoFun 8 lle, bca'auîtiful f lawes rîe i aderimal 'dw e-ar d 7 Kiuîg -- --Met-orNiag-rf1 VIJalft bo. y gir n u lo-.Pieat eri ee o a ..Bx31 on WdnedaSylvester.a 2:0 Arsn. a.ndPa- 1 S' b.Bow'iax'lie Poteel stORSETJNaA LCA GLFCORS drive L ?I, 1,1 RKR __Bwinvle nt 2. p.nî. Iuîleru'nei-.rut .Boo aitilleî #> i %a- _,4.:1 acre'sAG w5< P R HO R 5 Rotod6rnt hni nai (emeot heu-xn.. D "tven i'i î e ledinu ca.e auruutv%.or ruee.OWVfNVLIE om m-- C. I oum e xith 4ai e ice . athru-1c' «eNErALi NS:R N E _$12.500»______________ anI armoerno onFeCoria h arLongbp r ailiu'4-1, ottt'i ni etho' 'mCnMoors Jeun (Mrs. KenuSuu-er.4or-' af ai 7:45 a.in. SWokrdans $2er.000 dotx'uî onB NO.8 2 Y wolld lkil lO' t ank tiend gna anteei. F ýr r .ý,tj o Un iir;5ceRou pit-d s bouse or ; 12 A crekiin . 85 c es woeý-.-nwth 7 montBaris . ai BELLwn ovi îgandMae l o ry O aiHon eighbli.-f. or thue. ti lorr au.o'R'adeu. P [ho re (rr p aveM%.S K ina St I.ata eady for arble.up a cr esx ildrt ie pas. t itwa).luOs 1h . , 1>82 1.,.. E.. - 0511 A W 10-tf n .1'u-dw od roouu 1 i.stîey ore octei a-- neîghourtsant frîuudsforlheir- _____________________al __ owuî y dir s duir;ain s CutsaloescatiU u'awL PRA -'ýR 2.!.tateOu1llv1 re oni a ait isatdie hedo, ce na ilwa.- -o RILSFRSL ViioA M .BERS --iiln ving e S rv : h n , ta M s D - n s r u ' 0F I G t-a h ie- F c [ i uI .l . IeL . îb:c nr f o m n ile îh 4 w te î ai g îî u a a e.on S N -as ihee bii. r n arrning botaniccreTh s tulw it ieals ple frCS RSL of0 an sorr. n onald. wh""'le hTe o l lî andta epis Op ih dze- r ai ;z- e.Lf ~ 1946 MONAERCH Hsa n.D'i'oP iwaten. k i Iche $1-50up hr the e ronealwr'o i OTFUDE t lieti Juarantee-d,1294.0. CaUflT'on7flTuen exaillent - iiper word - aiil em tr.e n .i3500.$]0000co n P e$.00 .0t0. rctv ens Ms epidb aeo Von x~îU iv faexr % r cards. leleci f)r o oweî ani gits ADr.IWil9iamMNARCH -Dr.00-en rhoe writ î5acrl, moem ' 1n20are ot Ft. wil Se mS. la AM EaS. ito nieed ndu r- 1g'26îBl r St u Ttrhoo'abe. ' 2anti s nap d gooti d;a retr inursesbunta fi-tarktr frs $homu epaori; oficllt FORomtiNeEW. bick etîer AN CADS F TAN ]ae Goemeue.'14 fBx- f .I. ls a l a nteed retinîosaxin îd1 g ashr. 15CIT R aTiOl jto nr alx-th a ie oem ion- oo ticniin nct a e wr il amnmm tox'iiug al orci Witrie (> a 5 fmnvlp looein al]-icr bveneerý loving nephewi. Ronald Strong. t9erx'ice Club aud-id 0f' e.ntire stock of Remington pori- n Phone MA 3-5689 tirnce.Wil iuadrTocCen oeopî ~îengrapîer anti double loi. Peu-e$9,0001 mer cottage or bouse inta. MMOAM n-lia xas killeti .uly Il. 1958.-I ilaniptoît ai-iidistriufor ilieur:ablea - etenthen Il" -ar- J*!4-1 1u ai nwitli ,mall dawn paymniil. W _____iruso en tieniwifoWeutar tde iér f tig SO u10eli.urv. We offert think af by-one dayt,:generosity: aise o b BowuYnan- ng fleRtr-wiIIbe Roetfom n oFtoaîpopr irs th mreaedw i3.0p When we vere ailtagetiier.'l O',Cut o94a-d aifnaî'N tcsBwaleTe'n Hal wibbaIRodeî-h omeîîi u'cec )Gj;parpert.ic iu ruunma oe T'he famitv (,bain ib broken utov. No 1.189"2 ani (,o0i-I1(larllue. sold a le strreduction&. _ --- ---'-Must have yping. slior£îîand in top utotel .4tape .-Athb -ý& Consul xilh L-us ir ~rc o-IAdtaa ne~n i1.sm But iîeitoies will live forex-cu' haia, for uheur thoiihltuuî- EASY TERMS Notce to RLtepa3es a.adkuweg gera gu'ge ex gs utae tcfidience about unticale fiacig ie Ta us. tbey bave nolt gone an vav. n nweg fgnri grg.Nw'c.;frae ýo ordawehrs Nor ave hextracllefai.n ~ ~ îauiouu~ bDOINT WsATE, Toxrsli;p of Ca rtwý i gh --Ta!;e nA.king $8,500 "th $3,000 ow. W fyu eae theeligo iÇasuîdA5xzb Iioi~S iJ,o0o iert'eprovxisions rf pi iipro t o euudirig. Ato. w atie x-ah.sap r oo r -AndEve.r tue gale ajar. ~'h~"~' aî t ~ ieDa12 o iîb R. B. REYNOLI)S "' John F. De With tadsui tl.M-î,î Amiti lett I Ited hese mi-es. itaken ile o con.Jdeiat;on . uTonCrk ferlInxrne --FIEHOS --ý(rren-ieîbered ibI Howard. VVATownA _________ __ Mary-nd -nù1- - 4_*_ 1__ __ 'Councîil of he Tûwn_-nip af I 18-20 tond eera Isunu May nt FunlI. 4I'~tCAR îeaving for Tnmmin-s June nTetCartwright at the Townshto j -tNe30aste Phon 2241 trayeUd~3yhruhFia Business O'nnortunitv 3-23M. N hre.Poe24-I - o! 7:00 o'clock, D.S.T., iin thej ModvteFda 24-1Il Salesmen: TWO. 4 te 6-week oi g, Satrda --_____ XL i _________-______ ' tatesan Ievening ai Monday. Julv 61,h. jDonald Mountjoy. BowmanvitieI strayeti tram LoitCn ,- VrOU can make money raising I DEAD anti crippled ferril stock. t 1 1939. Those interesteti oar t jei j Pianlo TMA 3-3950 g -,T one r- Th CaadanSttema f Lhinchillas. WVrite Stonehouse' pîcked up oponipDtîx' Pholne MA KING ST. MWEST are requested to attend. R.S.O.. Ro.m Daviadses v.oni. ,îd3 ia Mhken330 :hinchilla, Ili Haddîngton Ave. -'<-"679Martwilt ,Fur Farm OMAVLL C32.Fnr . .Ma-ARRR oluo. hne2 r6tcontact Jamnes Saiwdr'îî,R.toCasieddSrve corunto. 16k 8ob4 at 4-3 colmn, ('Jerk Treasu.rer. 23-J kIAnket 3-390(). 36-tiL 4-1 PontypoaL. PAGZ ZIGHTUM &iM CAMADL414 »AMMAN, BOWMANVUJe,., ONTARIO TRUPZDAT. XUN£ litiL Ma v