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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 3

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?HImSDAY. JUWE ~tIi. iie TRIE fANAnTAN ~'fA'Y>K~~ffAW W~WMAVr~.7.U~ f~WI'AU1W% ______ - - - ra~a'w.~ JJflILU b 4 ref e shment N e oNODEE Pepsi-Cola gets the plav from todav*s active modern-ý! Pepi is never heavy. neyer 100 seet Il refresghes mithout filling. Keep pleîîty of Pepsi baudy for 11106e format evenings. "t ~v t Buy h ns the iandy tb-hotie emrSon &MITH BEVERAGES LTD.. 124 Cburch St., Bowimanville, Ont. ILucan. j On Tuesdav ex-eýrn.. Jîne 2! .ndiàrI. dMerrs.W. oron. Vr Mr. ancd Mrs. Banting'-, four thie Suffragani Bishoap of Toron-ad r. .!ceriiloono children. Car] Banting. Bramp- ta. the Righilt Vie :erend G. B. Miss E%,eLvu,- Peel,. Mr. W'arren ton: Mrs. Hairald Corb]eighl (Mur- Sniell. D.D.. vctdStI. Tohn s'ý;1muînt. Oshawa: Rev. T. Fleet- tel). Lucanl: Elrner Banting.' Church for thée Spý(e' 'îe i Cr00 hnm. G reen Wood, at G. Bov- BowYmanville. and Mrs. William tîfrniation. mn Kilharnî Verna), Ricinond Hlill. The Rectar. the Rex' . kC'; Mr.' and Mrs. L. Johnson and i were ail preseni for the haPP.- Herbert. vwho had prepared tlle îthîtdreni. Searhorough; c and occasion. candiciates. preseoted ibcle oi-îN s. F. Tonis. Enniskillen, Mr. The gratndchildren of Ii e hon - r lauin"ý mem beis l the aniî1î-d Mrs. L. Seieo!i. Haycion- oureci coupfle entertait-ec i a o +0 -ethe Apustûlic Rite a i r. and Ms.Keith Taylor and recepi ion in file alternoon t1 vhen i twl, n motflISW. xiii. Jantie: ir. Brent about 30 niem-bers of the tml ûi o ~Cl-i.Pe r Radbourn, Toron ta. al. the Tay-j were pre-tent. Open House v'wa Ja ovle e- I7rc. o oe held in the eveing -and about r.eDCoeuc.Ja~Aarin i AU.,10 and. shona i130 friends and relatives valied' en \r n \r~ .Aho n tri congratulate the bride ana stal J.ones. *lrgrtPali ,. Ronai<I. HaYdnti. Mr. and Mris. grom o ~0reas Drin th Johieaý. PaIriý_iaAnn Luti ,rAM. Slainitn. Etiniskillen, Missesr certion5a mark wduing wthe je3ttue M\arie iî.c.Ronèru t Myrtie Tamrblyn, Myrtie Smith, peeroedaî n guIswere ie- Herbert Moorcrait. Elsie Wn-Peggy and Shirley Kingsmill I 'tete. or hetrrvce ieor îifred Morris. Joan Elainer Toranto. at W. Boxxman's igina b Frdahegoura ceathe or- ?vuttou. Dorotliv Marion Vrtan ni;~ d Mr H. Siih. Mr'. pa'-lllolci j.lie, e1h.Barba-, ii r.GenSniiith, Doug- ard the nmusir w-as piaved bIv , oa'esh.tari-' ni' Mrz. Skiî'ner wIoxas 11w eor'- iIstMjo'cWItt. gani.sI alt Ire service i50 ear r i ago. The brictesniaid, bestian rTiie CIi LIYCIf ' ns xclifl e it iiro and i towxer girl oa ihaif a cent- b bers v700 cine Lt) :'V 1B-1.14014_________ txrrv ago 'er'also present. ness Li-nd take aIitese- - s-ie. tlrts ter.' in,pit ce aud el t oi I 1) t 01r i 1f OI Q. ;,IlUil flsual for n sl; - j tlle ocCasýiin, e, r )re\x rruýti~ton DIo hedela.yed maux :nontha w var teifltte\tao liad bei-o ftr 0 n.ftigf e itt thP coni. iriired.rv-Mie roetr,, go normal wiliaut conîirmed. roprt? IVhat does 0 & C 5'IFollowinîg lh ervice a ve- r m Pal> ?"-.4 iinn, render. Iception %vas heidn thPat' A. A con-,qderabie delay in le- jHall, under the -tîex.'inO siablishing the cycle affer mis- the Ladies' Guild. The rne' carniage or ftill-term delivery Î% gatîin hadi a gaado pporttunîts' fot unustial. Special treatment îç to meetadgreBhp and not oofert required, -11 and C' IMr:s. Snell to theý parisýh. reters to dilatation and curetiage IBishop Sail spoke encourag- (pranounced cure'i-lahzli). This %i ingly of the xvork of renaxa- procedure consists of widening tion ta the paî'ish hall. together the cervical opening just enougb withthe ew eatig pant.and to permit the scraping or cleans- eletaîrî.a worls, now being i organ. D and C' k performed for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _v a rto u s re a s an s a n d u n ce r v a ni . -__________ -ou$ crcklmstances. ENFIELD We 'sere fax oured xm îthex-I cellent weaîher arnd a good at- tenda'îce a' aur Aiiiii verac Sei-,-ices. Sunday, R e v. Fleetham B.A. of Greenwood. wa uest preachier ah bath sec- vces. Tice music u-is selections jbs- the- Juiia- rchoir iii thse af- jterni rst' nci theîr'Scîîoi- chiair iiin iii' 'ea iirrti wderi' ise leader- shîi t f Mci..G. Hou-niail. Rev. Fl'etiian bld tite child- 1 ren the stocx' af Zacchaeus, andi w-bat a dIi ferenar. 1), Lexxa atrlie knexx' Jesn-. Intise es'- Ieniiig the fisieners were re-in- Sded a, the great importance rit the chureh in the life of a Chris- tian. There %vas no entertai-a- nment durig athe ,.%eektriiloxx-j in.- the speciai sercs.- Anniversai'x-visitors:r Mr'. and Mrs. flarold Avery. Q. M s kin break# onît fee Lilme fI weai u'ylon sto'kùnt .or othi.r pierf s ai .'Ioîhieîron- taineoig nylon. Isi ha-re ans. wws- Io overrome this other Mohaby auoiding nylon clothing? A. No. Sa far as is known. there is no reallv effective way to de- heasitile againr't flSrlon lust aoid nylon clothing. Qur' r/io>k<dire<ied #o Sceî,re Edi- 1uir.,' PO B(t .J96. Aradçon Sq. Sta N. Y, M. N. Y wil be to. ,orporaird :n ihre rouiUm?. w/tnt Oui pro<eç.,onni reyoîation Mhthe besi reconuneadafi.. eto«r Pr. veription Service. ç e zuUSTORES79 UANVIU with scaflops of tiny pearis and flowers. She carried a crescentiM r ed n il o k cascade bouquet of Better Timear ed n M lb o k red roses and lily-of-the-valley. Matron of honoux- was the 4Q bride's sister. Mrn. Leo Fallis. W edd în s NewSenior bridesmaid was Miss Ruth Ogden, Oshawa, niece of the groom. The junior bridtas,- maid. Kathryn Hard and the flower girl. Jean Terrv - of Peterborough, were nieces of the bride. tThe bridesmnaids' dresses 5r . were made of embossed organ- jdy over partY lilac niaize and aqua respeeLy and had con- trasting cumnberbunds witn GRAY COCHRA'NE and white woven petit point large bows t a the back endin- Before a setting of white cotton suit for the wedd.iing * in- long strearters. Their hats %ums in Curtie Un t ip to Eastern points and the were of white vevet trimmed 1ýnus in Coutice Unitd 1United States. On their returo i iny circulai' veils. The Churchn on Saturday, June 6th., 1 they xvili reside at Courtice, matronl of honaur carried a at 2.30, Marlene Leana Coch- Oniario. basket of white stardust poins.......... rane, daughter of Mn. and Mrs Iva L. Cochrane, Courtice, be- I Several showers were held and blue corn flowers. The came the bride ofi r M'. Creigh- for the bride priar ta her mai'-1 bridesi ds carried baskets aif ton Ziba Grav. Mr'. Gray is thje nage. Mrs. Betty Eldridge en- 1 mnk and white pamns and car - son of Mr'. and Mrs. Harold tertaJ"ned at a nîiscellaneaus nations. The flower girl was Gray, Bowmanville. Rev. M. shower at her home, Courtlce. 1 dressed in baby pink organza Stainton officiated, and M.IadMs aiy Beckell aloj with headband of' blue corn- Frank Walter was organisi. entertained ai a miscellaneous J flowers and stephanotis and SI-e Given in marriage by hier ta- shower at her home in Oshawa.j carried a miniature basket ai ther, the bride wore a gown of Ms Ruth Schneider. Courtice th(-, ame flowers. White Chantilly lace and nylon i was hoastess for a person&i 1 'Plie groomsman was NI. net over satin. The sabrina -shower and Miss iMarguierite. Aleck Moffatt, Orana. and the neckline of the bodice m-as t1 Gray. Boxvmanx-iille. for a pan-'. ushers were Mr. Bert H. Gar- trimined with sequins and the tiy shower. The presentation af dineî'. brother af the bride. ard graceful bouffant skirt fellinto a bookcase buffet front Courtice Mr. Harold Ogden. brother of a chape] train. A sequin cnown communit ' was made at the! the g-room. caught her veil of lacé tuile home af Mca. Ms-Rqbinsoti. The wedding mu'sic was pla-, - and she carred a white Bible jCîrîe ed bx' Mrs. G. A. Spicer and on which rested red and white _____ - Mcs. TLawrence Winslaw sang. roses. - GE ADNR I"Recause" ancd "Oh Perfect *MrM Betty Mv. Eldridge was t GE GRIE Love". matron of honour for her Sis - StAnr'sUieChr. The reception w'as held in the ter and Miss Mildred Brown St'nrwsUntdCuc.Sundav School hall. The bride's adMillbrook. ,vas the setting fo' mte frAcLvn wr andm' Mis Mrguere Ga, h yav pretty wedding on Sat- dresof nav'r blie "lavely la- grom' site. wrebrides- urday afternoon. when Audrey. dv" crepe with bodice top of maids. They %vore identical mint gendesswt lace Jean Gardiner. daughter of Mr.' Chantilly lace over flesh pinkr bodices and fu taffeta skirts j ad IVrs. Charles Gardiner. niarquisette. pink accessories Ë znatching taffeta gloves anci Mlbrook, became t.he bride of and she ware a corsage of pink white pcture bats. Ther.a-Mi.Jan.abure Ogd, sangarnet sweetheart. roses. 'Ple quets were nosegays ai' Yeîîow of Mr. and Mrs. J. .Od groonvs mother also receiving eandonviheiOnt.'Ple doblewore blue silk arga.nza with Mrs. Delton Christie. Bow ring ceremnonv was performcd white hat an-d gloves. and cor-- ,~r a by Rex'. Frane-is Ch isholmn, Port saeopnkgretweter th shrs ere th oom-S Dahosie f- esth. Mi.adMsJhnR oreOden, Newtonville. brother, Mur. CGerald Gray. Bow- Given in marriage bybefa Foth wedding .rîpJ .anthe th RybuneO manville, and Mr. George Bry- ther the bride looked laveh' inl United States and points east were married recently in St. Andrew's United Church.f ans, Courtice. b er flaor-length gown of Chan- the bride donned a haney beigelIMillbroak. Mi s. Oden is the former Audrey Jean Gard- For thie reception in Courtice tillv lace panniers3 over a val-yj suit with short loase jacket hav- iner. daughter rit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardiner, Miii- 'United Church the bride's nia- bouffant skurt of nylon tulle.i ing button trim an the back.1 brook, and the groom is the son of Mrii. and Mrs. J. W. ther woîe beige lace over taf- The bodice was finished with a Her hat and gioves were of' feta with pink carnation cor-! square neckline adorned w:tth matching beige with blouse 0f'Ogden, Newtonvullie sage and to assist. the groame's iridescent sequins and cample- pink and she wore a corsage o mnother chose a blue sheath withj ted with matcluing mittens. A pink delight roses. t1D'AHOE OQE rnatching duster coat and cor- finger-tip length silk illusion On their return the bride adODAHOE OQE sage of white carnations. circular veil was attached ta a giroom. will live on the groomns O give to me for-get-me-nots, The bride changed to a black lace plateau headdiress adarnc-d farmn at Newtonville. R. R. 1. jToelti lwr fbte ______________________________________________ Guest were present fromi S- ----- - --- --- Buffalo. Port Dalhousie. Osh They make me think of summer skies, ~ awa Bowanvile.Peebor- And of loyers true. Itough, Newtonville. and Port 1 Pansies soft and velvetv. looking very wise. IHope.' Recail for me the saftness, andi the deep glow in your eyes Prior ta ber inacria-e the' bride-ta-be was presented with ýRecaI foi- me the softness, and the deep glow in your eyes an electric cdock and stearn 1 Then liIy-of-the-valley, littie beils so faintly ringing, r on from her fellowr workei's, If yau listen very closeiy, yau may hear the angels singing at the Raybestos Ca. She wa,'And just one more. sweet mignanette, ?w~ ,.o WW?~VSE&U~U~~ ralso given a sh.ower by Miss Ruth Odgen. Oshawa, when r 1 d t rn buqet she received maîîy beautiful g o'1tikImJust old-fashioned, go light ansd gifla. On Wednesday evening But 1 like to be that way. oomfortabie yen ~jMrs. Wilfred Gillis and Mrs. tcan wear them from Luther Olan were jont host-Mrai Cnnhm iayligt b drk esses I ai a miscellaneous shaxver £fld neyr know vn had ~ 'honor at the latter's home in E NE t e on So rtt . otheheflaride-to-be. tH a r f goIld and eyes of blue. ~ ~ efitBrid i Go n ofDimpled arrns, andi shoulders tro. r Yrc IJusi a littie baby face. 50 Yrs. W r tJ In that athet- world sa fai-. * '~I ' An ivers ry am sure she's playing there. r .luev6thsMr. For how couid Heaven be complete. On Saturday.Jne-.'l. Without some children, pure and sxveet. and Mrs. Gardon Bantin.g. Lu-r So. whi]e earth's lost a treasure brighî.. can, Ont., ceiebrated iheir Gol- Another star shines in the nighit. 1 den Wedding Anniversai'y. and ---M\,arjori eCunningharn. also Mr. Banting*s 72nd birth- j---..-- -.---.-- ____ day. ai the home of their dau- leigh), whose home isinLc Bs o S elra . geMrid (Ms. Bating wCob-',Itr. and Mrs. Irvin Pcrn r Mi Mi0 es o tWerith e11 yi and Rnni,Wait L. Mrc. O :~ak, earLonon.adfarnedCo nfirrns 16ad .r SnGayPtsad ýatche1xan and rernained uni il:At St. Johnsniskillen. - à> d A Ai& M]1 947 thf vretu rnr.ri iÎ' -I las and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. A. Prescott, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston. Enniskillen, at D. and E. Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Davey and Elaine, Tyvrone: Miss Evel- lyn Pascoe. Mr. Carl Sargent, Peterborough. at W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pingle. Tor- onto: Mr. and Mrs. N. Smith and family, Columbus, at F. Grif- fin's. Mr and Mrs. S. R. Nichai. Port Carling: Mr. L. Bradley. Ennis- killen: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jack- iman and family. Mr. and Mrs. *R. Jackrnan, Boivmanville, at M. Sarnis'. Our moruing services startl next Sunday at 9:30, followed by Sabbeth School. Even, Bite a Delight - Salmnon Flesh C anta loupes Red Ripe Beauties - For a Tasty Salaci TOMATO ES TREESWEET - Fancy' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE PINE FRESH - 4c Off tuant Suze OLU DUTCH CLEANSER E. D. SMITH'S COMPLETE APPLE PIE MIX - WITH FREE JIM DANDY HAWES PASTE WAX 20. 2 For 29C - - 23c - Family39 Size c * -16 oz 53C JosepWhs Hospital, Peterborough, on Tuesday for an eye operation. Mr. and Mms Jack Stapleton and son Billy of Kendal with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton on Sunday. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ogden who were mai- ried at Millbrook on Saturday. Miss Gloria Lane and Mr. Chas. Gray were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J1. C. Moore of Hamnilton. Mr'. Jas. Nesbitt of Ilington, Virginia. arrived on Friday to spend a few days with the f olks at home. Miss Alice Nesbitt of Toronto came down for the weekend. ta Mr'. and Mrs. Walter Whita HA'VÈ YOofHE uRl TIngton.E The aId gentleman was cele- bratlng his 99th birthday and the reporter for the local jBowmans'ille. Ont., quazeize sKa n,. lfl.s seet Jrîne 8. 19,59. 1 for suc-h a long life: Canadian Statesman, jBowmanx'ille, Ont., 1'Keep breathint son. just keep c Dear Mi'. James: 1 breathing." Enclosed is the -wind up ofJ aur Canadian Cancer SacietyWlevrtigs'aywe caînpaign that 1 prornised j Weli. everyhing ey waln t air rlasi meeting. ways podt hw . . Wre ai- O)iice again titis x'eai'we have Sodt ho o hay i ?. *o had eî-ygoo sucessin tfs ur plant because. if we sy5 ha je: odsccs nti ourseif in oui' own modesi way. area and we feel very indebted iit's one of the înast modern i icoallpaign. lik ed t te these parts. And if theîe's an iri tainaI hsg hohle.wt h easier. better way of doing 1 would lketa take titis op-j tiings l'm sure we use it! portunit-y to thank the Canadianî Carl Leslie Statesman for ail they have 1 dane ta make titis camnpaign the SpotU prCnd il oit success it has been. withaut the fpublicitv you have given ppr U pr0aad1ibeSil campaign 1 an-i sure we wauld June 9 Io 1V rnot bave done nearly as well. Thanks again. Campaign Chairman, Yours ver\' ti'uiy. Maurice R. Stephens.1 î* /d .MA - q NE WTON VILLE Mr'. and, M-s. Sid Lancaster and daughter Dorella. were1 Mi1s. Arthur Walker, Port Hope. PI TSL Mi'. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey of Port McNicol, spent the week- end xith hec parents, Mr. and "IDOMILE" Plaids, 56"~ Mis. Wm. Stapleton. Wsal a01 Mr. and Mrs. Don Vînkie $1s.49 yayon spent Sunday with Mrs. John Reu Ir$.98 - Sale ___ 14 d Vinkie of Belleville.j PA EED Cotn Mi'r. and Mrs. Fa ymond Brue "A PRD otn atteîîded the funeral of Mrs. Regutlar $1.49 - $1.59 $ .2 Carl MeLaed - inMaynootli on 'BORDER Prints Saturday. Reua 14 orCoc I fMiss Barbara Taylor or Bruce-, eua 14 orCec » field, ripent a few days withi her SUMMER utgs60'W hal sister Mrs. Ross Bra'xx-. tSiins10 Wsa Reglar$2.8_-Sal_ $198yd. Messrs. Chas. andi Weslev Al- Rglr$.1 ae________ lin ai-d Mrs. Seward Dawson OTDNin of Bowmanx'ille DO EDNln Mrs. Fred Nesbitt onFria. Regular $1.391 . Sale $1-.19 yd.B Mis. Cecil Burley went te :>t. ASSORTED àRJENIANTS Gel Cash To-day tFor Old Appliances througb S TAT ESMNIA N C LA SS 1FI1E DSMA3-51 ,l Phone MAret3303 *ML ns Mi- Bowmanvilie's Ail Food Prices Effective .hulne 1,I, 13 e:~nls jà CLOVER VTALLEY - 4c Off CHEESE PLEEZ 16oz. lar 55C 23 Du .SL W. Prop. Morkcet GRADE A FRESH- ACRONIZEJ) Chickens ETRA LEAN PEAMEALED Cottage Rolis 2ý'2 - 3 lh. Average Hall C ry0v e r 16. 3 3c lb. 59c. Jumbo Size 45'Rc Eaeb UJ.S. No. 1 14 oz. eello pkg. 19C 19C HOMNAKERS ENCYCLOPEDIA VOLUME 4 NOW AVAILABLE .%T YOUK LOCAL IGA STORE Volumes 1. 2 and 3 stili avaliable -M ker and family of Toronto, spen Sunday with her mother, Mma J. T. Pearce. Congratulations t6 Mr. Law- rence Saveiy, a former teacher here but now principal of the North Simcoe School of Oshawa on neceiving his M.A. degree. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Tousignant and son Jimm-ie>of Cataraqui were xveekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hlarry Wade. Mr. and Mis. Lawrence Gil. mer of Ridgewety were recen.t visitors with hîs narents, Mi'. and Mis. Frank Gilmer. Mr. and Mis. C. M. Jones and Mis. G. W. Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Bud Jones Many other styles ini White and Beige from which to choose. tWOMEN'S SANDALS rColors: White and Beige r Aiso Narrow Widths in stock t$295 and $5.95 Lloyd Ellîs Shoes t9 KING ST. W. BOWNIANVLLLE Maxwvell House (Save 20c) INSTANT COFFEE -6jaL99C JELL POW ERSShirrlff Lushu! (Save 9c) JELY OWDRSAil Varietie-% Pkgs.49 REDPATH SUGAR - save c)PreCn .bag 37 IGA SERVIETTES - - - - - - 3 p 39c Dairy Feature - Frozen Food Feature SOLO A lb. 95 FRASERVALE 4 9 oz. MARGARINE 4kir's. FRENCHRFIXES p1k. 59Ç j.ýý -- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOIFNIANVff-te OWTAWIIN lbàà*-Ojv qqwmmm

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