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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE llth, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATFISMAN. EOWMANVH LE. OUTAXITO PAV~W PvU Don' t Sel Seaway Short Ail Ports to Reap B enef ifs Speaker TelIls Rotary Club fi Reg. $12.50 For -_____ Ree .$15.00 For ______ SIPECIAL COLD ai $5.95 9.95 11.95 WAVE Mr- Huyck will be here on Tises., Wed. and F1. ta do the steam and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairsfyling Studio 17 King St. W., Bowinanville An inforrmative address dealing with the Port of To- ronto and the St. Law- rence Seawa3y was given by Capt. Ed. 11.rpkins, the guest speaker at the luncheon meet- ing held by the Bowmanville Rotary Club at the Flying Dut- chm-an Motoff- Hotel on Friday. Morley Vainstone, a past pre- sident of the club, introduced Capt. Hopktns. He told the Ro- tarians that Capt. Hopkins has been assocLated with the To- ronto Harbour Commission for 32 years. He started as a life- --uard and has had extensive 4«;perience in other phases of the cominiission's work. For some year«s, Capt. Hopkins has been in chlarge of public rela- tions, Mr,. Vanstone stated. Sp)ecia Is PERMANENT WAVES Wi4ved by: MARGARET SMITH .OSIE DEMAINE miss VIOL.ET ZACHANOWICH Iooemerly of Miller's Beauty Salon la now a member of our staff. ['ROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Fe$or - $ 7.95 Capt. Hopkins is secretary of the Metropolitan Toronto St. Lawrence Seaway Promotion Council, and is a master mari- ner for the Great Lakes. The St. Lawrence Seaway was opened on April 25th only seven days later than had been predicted, Capt. Hopkins sta- ted. But ships had arrived for the f irst expected date, and many more had joined the waiting armada, the speaker said. He described the long line of waiting ships as a huge flo- tilla stretching f rom Montreal to Three Rivers. Faced wîth this great influx there was littie wonder that there was some difficuity in the Seaway at first. He compared the early situa- tion of the St. Lawrence Sea- way with the difficult circum- stances which confronted the Seaway with the problems that confronted the telephone com- panies in the United States when the dial system was first started some years ago. The new method fascinated people and they telephoned far more offen than usual wifh the re- suit that the whole system was almost thrown out o! kilfer, Capt. Hopkins explained. He said the situation solved itself - as the inaugural difficulties o! the seaway will be solved. Capt. Hopkins told the Rotar- ians that he believes the Sea- way will be a tremendous asset to the economic life of Canada. He predicted that shipping wîll increase in the future, and that eventually more locks will be needed. The advantages to industry o! this great inland waterways system wil] also benefit the country as a whole, the speak- er ass erted. The economic ex- pansion will benefit small busi- nesses because the increased general prosperity will affect them. In recent vears the number o! shipping lines sending trans- oceanic ships to the Great Lakes has shown a marked increase. Before World War II there were only two. In 1953 a number of new lines did so, and in 1958 ships from 27 trans- Atlantic lines entered the Port o! Toronto. This year the num- ber is 33, ho said. The business brought by this shipping f0 Toronto is estimated to be an expenditure of 22 mil- lion dollars annually. This great amount is spent in the port for the handling o! cargoes, proces- sing, shipping brokers, truck- ing, and other necessities, the speaker said. BURKETON Beginning next Sunday, June 14, the Burketon United Church wiletr on ifs summer sched- ule with Sunday School beginn- ing at 10 a.m. and Church at 10.30 a.m. Reverend Philip Rom- eril o! Blackstock willibe guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wot ton and family, Mi. and Mis. John Archer and family were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Wott on. Mr. Cecil Bone, Scarborough, was a Wednesday visitor at the -home o! Mr. and Mirs. Roy Bone, Mrs. Jeannie English, Toron- to, spent Saturday visiting hem daughter, Mrs. Don Archibaid. Mr. Archibald and !amily. Mr. Roy Bone is con!ined to bed suffering from an attack o! Flu and gall bladdor trouble. Ahi bis friends wish him a spo- edy recovery. Mrs. Wm. Johnson and Lynda, Tyrone, spent Tuesday of last week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wotton. Reverend and Mis. C. C. Har- court, Sussex, England, were Sat. a!ternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodge, lafer they were supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe. Mr. Har- court was minister at St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock, about 25 years ago. They visited several friends and parishoners over the weekend and Mr. Har- court assisted at the service on Sunday. Mm. and Mis. Erie Simpson and family, Willowdale, visited !riends in the village during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Harvey and family, Oshawa, were week- end guests o! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bone, Miss Wilma Leafh, Mr. Don Booth, Toront o; Mr. and M r s. George Lawson, Gayle and Patti, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallon, Nancy and Billie a]] o! Markbam. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblin are spending a couple o! weeks with friends and relatives at Picf on and Cherry Valley. Little Betty Smith and Shir- ley McDonald were in collision on their bicycles on Wed. o! last week when they met head on while cycling down a hill on the si&r~oad on .vhich fhey live. Betty Smith was taken te Mem- I i June Mrs. Edward Read. the form- er Joyce Wright, will be among the graduates of the Toronto East General Hospital, School o! Nursing, next Saturday, June 6. Mrs. Read is the daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, Wood Street, Oshawa, and granddaughter o! the late wil- liam McLaughlin o! Burketon. She attended Mary Street Pub- lic School and the OCVI, Osha- wa. He pointed out that deep water ports with established facilities such as Toronto, Ham- ilton, Sarnia and Windsor will reap the -first benefits from the seaway, but that any port on the Great Lakes may do so. These other ports must have outgoing cargoes from local industry, Capt. Hopkins told the meeting. He advised the audience never to seil the seaway short. It has been developing a long time. The first canal, only a mile long, *as built in 1700, now there is the great and new St. Lawrence Seaway, and there will be further expansion in the years fo corne. L. W. Dippeil moved a vote o! thanks f0 Capt. Hopkins for his informative address. The president of the club, Rex. Walfters, also expressed appre- ciation and told Capt. Hopkins I it xvas a pleasure f0 pass on the vote of thanks. Guests present at the lunch-' eon meeting were Roy Whit- tingdon, Oshawa, Jack Fluker, Brockville. Ron Armstrong, Ajax, Les McLaughlin, George E. Charlton, Ian MacDonald, Ken Markle, ail o! Oshawa, Dr. E. L. Ewert, Bowmanville, and N. Jenkins, Oshawa. The importance o! the TB survey to be made in Bowman-' ville and district later this' month wa.s emphasized by Dr. Ewert. He told the Rotary Club members that TB need not kill one person if found in time and treated properly. He urged them aIl to have the test during the survey and to influence their famiies and friends t0 be tested. Mr. Walters thanked Dr. Ewart for his advice, and said that the TB Survey would af- ford everyone the chance 10 have the test which should be imperative for everyone. Capt. Aibert Norton Receives 70-Year Jewel, ln Odd Fellowship Recently nine otficers o! Flor- ence Nightingale Lodge I.O.F No. 66, Bowmanville, including Bros. Mac Moore, Elmer Hen- ning, William Cordon, Everett Winacott, Gordon McMurter, Harry Wade, Herb Powell, Lu- ther Nichols and Stanley Mc- Murter, journeyed to Buffao, N.Y., lor the purpose o! pros- enting a 70-year jewel, to Bro. Albert Norton. There thev met N. G. Bro. Roy A. MacDermont; V.G., Bro. Ward J. Rath; Rec. Sec'y., Bro. Frank Zech and several other Brothers of Buffalo Lodge. Bro. Richard Koch took pictures of tho presentation of the 70-year jowel f0 Bro. Albert Norton of Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66 of Bowmnanville. The visitors from Bowman- ville wero graciously welcom- ed and the hospitality o! the Brothers o! North Buffalo Lodgo No. 517 during the visit was appreciated and wîll be long rememberod. Bro. Stanley McMurter madel Graduates Ronald Hooper son of Mr. and Mis. W. R. Hoop- or o! Peterborough, recently re- ceived bis Bachelor o! Arts De- gree in Psychology with first class bonours from the Univers- ity of Toronto. Ho will attend Stanford University in Cali- fomnia next Soptember f0 begin studios for bis doctorate in Psychology. Ronald formorly attended Blackstock Public and Continuation Schoois and Peter- borough Collegiate. orial Hospital with a slight con- cussion. Shirley McDonald re- ceived severe lacerations f0 ber face and injured one arm quite badly, It is the hope o! all their !miends that both the children are not seriously injured. Quite a number !rom Burke- ton attended the Sunday School Anniversa-ry services at Enfield on Sunday ovening. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adamns attended the wedding o! their grandson, Mr. George Cochrane on Saturday at Zion United Church. Mrs. Celina Lavery and Mr. James Lavery and friend, Tor- onto, wero Sunday visitors with Mis. Esther Camnochan. Mr. and Mis. K. Vickery spent Saturday in Sharbot Lake vis- iting friends and relatives. Mrs. Tony Smith held a very successful Wearevor demonstra- tion at ber home on Friday evoning. About 16 girls from the vil- lage attended the C.G.I.T. Rally along with two leaders, Mrs. L. Argue and Mrs. J. A. Turn- bull at Canmp Pretoria on Wed. evoning o! hast week. The girls enjoyed a picnic supper, and a!terwards joined in the activ- ities that were planned by the camp councillors. AUl the girls reported having enjoyed the outing very much. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson, Mrs. Albert Hughes and littie Anne Stevenson, Toronto, wore Sun*- day visi tors with Mr. and Mms. Murray Archibald. Mrs. Hughes remained with her granddau- ghtem Mrs. Archibald.' Mrs. Florence Caughill ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. C. Pe- thick and Ruth f0 Oshawa f0 visit Mrs. E. Strutt in a rest home there. Mrs. Strutt is im- proving nicely. the presentation te Bro. Albert Norton a!ter being introduced to the Brothers present at North Buffalo Lodge by Noble Grand Bro. Everett Winacott. Bro. Luther Nichols, the only Brother present who knew Bro. Norton while he lived in Bow- manville, had the honour o! pinning the jewel on Bro. Nor- to.Bro. Corden, on behaîf of tho Bowmanville Lodge, pre- sented a sum of money to Bro. and Mis. Norton. Bro. Norton and several Bro- thers !rom Buffalo were afer- wards supper guests o! the vis- itîng Brothers from Bowman- ville. Later they visited Bro. Nortens home to meet Mrs. Norton and see hîs model sail- ing ship he built to scale some years ago. This perfect model, a fine piece o! workmanship and bis pride, was Bro. Nor- ton's hobby in o!f-seasons !rom saiing the Great Lakes. Capt. Norton is a very active man o! 93 years and Aif l fhought bis 70 vears in The Independent Ordor o! Odd Fel- lows o! Ontario, is a record for long term service. IMiss Constance Darricades, Chuquicamata, Chile, who grad- uated from the Royal Victoria Hospital School of Nursing, Monfreal, recently. Miss Darri- cades, who is a niece o! Mrs. Glenholme Hughes, Bowman- ville, received the Award for Bedside Nursing at the gradua- tion ceremony. She is also a graduate o! Elmwood School for Girls, Ottawa. Her father, Dr. A. E. L. Darricades, is the super- intendent of the Anaconda Cop- per Company Hospital, Chu- quicamata, Chile. Her mother is a sister of Mrs. Hughes. HIAYDON' M.r. and Mrs. Mervin Chivers, Simon, Louise, Toronto, Mr. C. 'Avery, Pleasant Point, visited W~. and Mrs. M. Bertrim and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McDon- aid, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson and children, Bow- manville, Mr. Lloyd Thompson, Toronto, visited Mrs. W. Thom- pson. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read and Bobbie, Peterborough, over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahxn, at- tended the funeral of Rahm's uncle, Mr. Melville Jones, Omemee, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Ronald, were tea guests of Mr.t and is. W. Bowman's En- field, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fon- taine and Neil, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mis. A. Mc- Neil's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Forder and Mr. and Mrs. L. Griffin, Black- stock, were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Garrard. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander- son and Billie. Port Hope, were Sunday visitors with Mvr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. Miss Cora Degeer spent Sun- day evening with Mrs. R.ý Mc- Neil and Mrs. Crossman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lover- idge were Sunday dinner guests at M.T. and Ifs. Douglas Straw- bridge's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon attended Bnfield Anniversary Service Swnday a!terzioon a"d Gradates Receives BA. 1,5% OF F Cancer Campaign Over $5,000 This week, the final returns of the Canadian Cancer Cam- paign for the Bowmanville branch's area were reported. The total, with the possibility of a few additional donations to corne was over $5,000, the high- est of any campaign of its type this year. As will be noted from the fol- lowing locations and amounts, this was a well-organized drive that included almost every per- son in the district. Bowmanville ----------- $2,108.37 Enniskillen (Donation) 10.00 Ebenezer 27 1.40 Maple Grove-------- 332.01 No. 9 School District 49.75 Providence ---------- 40.00 Shaw's School District 64.25 Tyrone ~174.95 Zioni--- --208.05 Cliarke-union 42.50 Kirby ~77.001 Kendal ---- ---- 0.001 Port Granby and Dist. 88.001 Brown School Dist. . 30.50 Orono 219.25 Solina --------------- 60.00 Antioc'h Sehool Dist. - 50.00 Crooked Creek . 21.50 Cowanville ~13.00 Leskard ... 31.75 Newcastle ~230.701 Burketon ~10.501 Enfield .. 62.95 Hampton ~167.50 Salem ----71.25 Starkville . 31.50 Courtice --363.83 Newtonville 67.00 Haydon 39.75 Total to date ----$5,007.26 Ai, Rail or Steamship T IC KE TS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit 1 VR Y & LO0V EL L 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanviile * . . . $1.98Bup * e e e$6.95 up * e 4 e$1.00Up Bathing Sulis - Sizes 10Ofo 46 EAS'Y CREIT TERMS THIS WEEK! 3-PIECE M' SAUCEPAN SET' kt ~ i - 52 VALUE Anniversary 14einz Fresh CUCUMBER PICKLE Dole Fancy Quai ity FRUIT COCKTAIL Bright's Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE Jane Parker (8", 24-ai Pie) CHERRY PIE A&P1 KETCHUP A&P Fancy Quality WHOLE KERNEL CORI (UT GREEN BEANS Speciais Reg. jar 29o-8SAVE 17* 4 î6-oz jars 99 c Reg. tin 35o--SAVE 6c 3 20-or tins 9 9 Reg. tin 29o-4AVE 5c 2 48-oz tins 5 3 Reg. SSo*-SAVE Oc oack 49C Reg. 2 btm 37o--SAVE 12o 6 il-or btls 9 9c Reg. 2 tins 35e-SAVE 240 N 74-ortins 99c Reg. 2 tins 29c-SAVE 17c 820-oz tins 9 9c SUPEI-RIGIT OUA LITY MEA T SPECLIS BEEF ROAST SALE IONELESS ROUND STEAK ow ROAST BOIIELESS POINT SIRLOIN ROASI BONELESS lUMP ROASI }b79c ^il P..ies aln This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, June 1Sth. 19"9. 1 SALE 0F DISCONTINUED PATTERNS Soverign Pattern DINNERWARE Suitable for Summer Cottage HOLLYHOCK 34-piece Sets $_ 12.75 MORNGLO_____$00 65-piece Sets $20.00____ MANDARIN 40-piece Sets ___$ 13.95 ALSO OPEN STOCK 0F ALL DISCONTINUED PATTERNS REDUCED TO CLEAR. - AT - LIMITED _______________________________________________________________________ i I Jamboree PRODUCE SPECIALS Frash, 8wee., Vin* Ripentd, No. 1 Grade, Salmon Flash, Jumbo Pack (ANTALOUPES «219c 0 Picked, No. 1 Grade BLUEBERRIES pint box 4 3 c 0F VALUES STARTS TOnDAY THURSDAY', JUNE llth Summer is here ... and we have many of the things you'1l want to make you look your comfortable best . .. check your needs with our great values . a many specially priced te, brmng you special savimgs. Shop for ail your summer wardrobe at Walker's of Bownianvile during our big June Jamboree of Values! 'i were tes guests of Mr$. T. Tay- lor. 1%&. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family and Mrs. K. Cowl- ing attended Salem Anniver-1 sary Service and were tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. Fare- well Blackburn's. Several from lHaydon attend- ed Salem Anniversary Service Sunday. W.A. June meeting will be held Thursday evening (f0- nîght) at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Siemon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and family and Mr. and Mis. Clem Rahm and Allison, spent Sun- day with M.Ir. and Mrs. W. Rahm, at their cottage at Four Mile Lake. Practice for S. S. Anniversary at 2 o'clock, Sunday afternoon. Church Service at 7.30. Mr. David Northey will be takîng the service. Haydon School nlayed a soft- bahi game with Tyrone school on Friday affernoon, Haydon school being the winners. Score Haydon school will play So- lina school on Tuesday. Mýrs. Clem Rahm attne the teachers' meeting at Solina on Tuesday afternoon. 1 1 - i. Cotton Skirts Cotton Dresses Cotton Blouses TEURSDAY, JUNE llth, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILIJP, ONTARIO PAOIR Prvll ris PONTYPOOL Te diamond bas been levelleti PONT POOLand the girls are to e con- gratulafed on awakening sport JGood congregations were pro- in our village. sent at both Services on Sun- iday when the present Church Over the past 15 yoars Cana- celebratod its 4Oth Anniversary. da bas had the largost percen- The children's service wîth Mrs. tage increase in steel produc- R. R. Bonsteel in the morning tion o! any o! the wonld's ma: was much approciated while jor countries. Rev. Auld o! Lindsay gave an -____________ inspiring sermon at night with Rev. Bonsteel assisting, Rev. W. da iz ws as reentyor R. itzw wsas roentlyor Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patrick o! Emily wero Sunday visitors r wih Ms R J Pyn.DRA.~EI ES Another former citizen, Mrs. John Malley bas passed away and will be laid, f0 rest in Ponty- pool Cemetery this afternoon. Mr. Harry Crystal who helps to operate the modern Crystal Summer Resort was one o! those to share a lucky ticket in the Irish Sweepstakes. Garden and flowo r 9g------- are very mad at losses incurred from cut worms. Several gard- ens have ibeen completely wiped JAnother good crowd was pre- sent at the LOb Saturday night JDance with Clara Nesbitt's Or- chestra in attendance. Mr. Bort Finney of Peter- tborough who works for the CPR had a narrow escape fromn death 9ROADLOOM one day last week. Ho patrols DRAPERIES By The YARD the track iby jigger from Peter- VENETIAN AND borough f0 Agincourt daily. At CLOTHBLINDS the level crossing Hwy. 28 at Kendry his jigger was hit by CUSTOM MADE DRAPES a car. First reports were that DRAPERY RODS AND ho had been killed but later TRACKS word reported. him in satisfact- INTERIOR ory condition. DECORATING SERVICE The Memorial Park was tho seeo! a So'ftball Game bet- H wad Vc wenBethany and Pontypool Ho adVc Ladies on Wednesday. While the Proprietor locals were defeated everyone TELEPHONE enjoyed the game. For the !irst OSHAWA RA 5-3144 fi me in ovor 12 years a large 926 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa crowd wero present in the park.- KAYES i ~Ladies" Wear -Sportswear 68 SIMCOE ST. Nà OSHAWA "The Store With Friendly Service" ICoat and Suit Clearance Miss Doreen M. Van Camp, daughfer o! Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ford Van Camp, R.R. No. 2, Nestleton, Ont., received her B.A. degree from the University o! Toronto at Convocation Hall, Thursday, May 28. In Septem- ber she will join the staff o! the Cobden and District High School. 9 WaL UI9

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