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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 7

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qTT~nAYT770'LIUM, £VauCNAINSTTMK BW MVTT ITAI AG EE Social & £Personal Phone MA 3-3303 Miss Anne Holdstock was with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Holdstock, last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnston, London, have been guests of their cousin, Mrs. J. Ross Stutt. Mrs. B. Vrooman, Kingston, is visiting her daughter and son- in-law, Dr. and Mrs. E . L. Ewert. Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Os- borne were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Scar- borough. Mrs. A. W. Hammond, Tor- onto, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert KerrI #iii return to-day fromn a motor *rip to the St. Lawrence Sea- way and Ottawa. Mrs. Murray Tighe and Cathy spent the weekend in Montreal, guests of her sister, Miss Cath- arine Campbell. Miss Audrey Northcutt, Tor- onto, was home for the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arley Northcutt. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker, Brockville, were weekend visi- tors with her sister, Mrs. Gus Bounsali, Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Mrs. E. P. Morrili left Tues- day for a motor trip to Buffalo, Boston and Watkin's Glen. Mr~. and Mrs. George White fromn Morden, Manitoba, were supper. guests of Mr .and Mrs. C. Johns, Tuesday night. Mrs. Ruth Hutchinson Bley, Charlottesville, Virginia, is spending holidays with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Mrs. A. E. Owen, Port Credit, was a visitor Iast weekeind with Mr .and Mrs. C. L. Denton. Miss Ethel Ponter, Toronto, was also a recent guest. Master Irwin Colwill, Car- lisle Ave., spent an enjoyable weekend with his friend Jim Harrison, Mount Albert, and at- tended Mount Albert Sports Day Saturday. ST. JOHN'S CHURON (Anglican) Third Trinity BOLY COMMUNIONI 10 and Il - CHURCR SCHOOL MORNING PRAYER 7 - EVENING PRAYER :i. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Dennis, Pamela and Richard, Sudbury; Mn. and Mis. Leslie Proie, Shar- on and Jimmy, Toronto, spent Sunday afternoon at Mn. and Mms. A. G. Etcher's. High St. Mr. and Mis. Colin Taylor were among the group on the Goodyear charter flight to Eng- land which left Buffalo last Sunday and arrived in London, England, at 9:15 a.m. Monday morning. Miss Margaret Gobeen, having successfully completed ber f irst yean studies at MeMaster Uni- versity, Hamilton, bas left for Hotel Manoir Richelieu, Mur- ray Bay, Quebec, to work as waitress for the summen. Mi. and Mrs. Earl Graham and family, Newmarket, spent Sunday with bis sister Mn. and Mrs. Victor Hancock and Bnian. Mn. Egerton Haucock, Orono, is spending a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Victor Hancock. Miss Joan Butteny, daughter of Mr. and Mns. Tom Buttery, bas completed a ten-week Ser- vice Representative course in Peterborough witb the Bell Telephone Company and has ne- turned to the Oshawa office. Mr. and Mns. Les Coombes, Shirley and Bruce, were Sun- day tea guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Coombes and family, Oshawa, and recently visited witb Mm. and Mns. John Coom- bes and family, Campbellford. If you find the weather a little warm, just tbink of the High School students who have the added discomfort of writing exams in this weather and per- haps you woni't notice the heat as much. The heat's really on them. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Ash- ton, were dinner guests on Sun- day with M., and Mrs. H. J. Babcock on their way home to Guelph after attending the Old Boys Reunion at Kemptville Ag- nicultumal College at Kempt- ville, Ontario. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenholme Hughes and famlly at their cottage, Scugog Island, were Miss Frances Dunlevy, Chicago, Ill., Rev. Leonard Mc- Guine, Toronto, Rev. Austin Me- Guire, Peterborough, and Mn. Gillis Tremblay, Toronto. Under the sponsorship of the Bowmanville Recreation Depart- ment, the Fifth Annual Spring Recital of the dance and baton pupils of Miss Irenie Harvey and Mrs. Dawn Abramoff will be beld in the Town Hall this Frl- day evening, June 12th, at 8 p.m. Members of a bridge club, Miss Margaret Allin, Mrs. D. Alldre$d, Mis. Alvin Davis, Miss Mary Jewell, Mrs. H. C. Osborne, Mrs. W. A. Edger and Mrs. Mel- bourne Wig'ht accompanied by Mrs. W. Jewell, Mrs. P. Green- field, Town, and Mis. Stuart Hanlon, Hamilton, spent an en- joyable day in Niagara Falls last Monday. nhe Statesman staff Is deeply in,debted to Mr. Howard Gibson of Durham Growers' Co-op Cold Storage, Newcastle, for a ham- Trin ity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. I. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Sacrament of the Lord's Supper A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL Ebenezer Sunday School ANNIVERSARY Sunday, June l4th SERVICES AT 2 AND 7:30 REV. W. C. SMITH GUEST SPEAKER GLEN ALLIN, Soloist SPECIAL MUSIC BY CHOIR AND SCHOOL Wed., June 171, Supper wilI be served in the ehureh shed from 4:30 until ail are served, followed by Variety Concert. Prices: Supper and Concert $1.25, Concert only 50c Chlldren - Supper and Concert *-- 75c Let's Meet You There! REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvifle MORNING SERVICE- 10:00 a.rm - Eimglish EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.=. - Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.rn every Sunday 8:30 a.n. every Sunday, CFRB per of Durhamn grown McIntosh apples. These apples were put in storage last fail and were just as firm, juicy and flavorful as when first taken from the tree. Thanks a lot, Howard, we sure enjoyed the treat. Dear Readers: Many thanks for your kind co-operation with us by sending or phoning in items to this columu. Your visit- ors and travels make interesting reading inatter for our subscri- bers, particularly former resi-, dents who now reside elsewhene. It is like a letter from home for tbem. Please continue to phone them in to MA 3-3303. We'll be glad to hear from you. Mms. Alex Edmondstone is on a motor trip to the West coast with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brooking. Mis. Edmondstone will spend a week witb her son, Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Cole and family at Esquimaît, Victoria, B.C., where Mr. Cole is stationed at the RCN base. This will be the first time Mrs. Edmondstone has seen her four grandchildren, David, Marlene, Donald and Gerald. Mn. Gordon New, Toronto, grand son of the late J. H. H. Jury of Bowmanville, bas re- cently been appointed Chief Consultant on Municipal and Industrial Development with the Dept. of Planning and De- velopment of Ontario. Mn. New and bis family are well known, here, having spent many sum- mers at their cottage at West Beach. His many friends hereý will wish him every success in his new position. Kenneth N. Morris returned on Wednesday from a two-day meeting of Industnial Commis- sioners at Scarbomo's Guild Inn. The session was convened by the Trade & Industry Branch of the Dept. of Planning and Development. Mr. Morris re- ports that it was a most inter- esting and informative meeting wbich dealt with the full range of problems conironting small municipalities in their attempts to secure more, wothwhile in- dustry. Others from this district on the Goodyear Recreation Club fligbt to England were: Mis. Amy Tait, Mrs. A. C. Herbent, Miss Ruth Herbert, Mr. Ted Dadson, Miss Sheila MeManus, Mn. Colin Birtwistle, Mr. and Mis. Alfred Jakeman, Orono, and Mn. Alfred Richardson, Hampton. The party left by bus from the Toronto plant last Sunday for' B u f falo where tbey boanded the plane for Eng- land with a stopover at Gan- der, Newfoundltand. The return fight leaves London on June 27th. The staff of The Canadian Bank of Commerce held a fane- well pai'ty for Mn. and Mrs. C.> W. Stewart at the apartment of the branch manager, Mi. and g, Mrs. A. L. Hooey, last Fniday, t evening. Aften Mrs. M. Larmer read an appropiate address, Mns. S. Van der Meer, on bebaîf of the staff members, presented Mr. and Mrs. Stewart with two cil paintings. For the past fine, years Mn. Stewàrt bas been the , accountant of the local brauch and he will leave soon for Mount Hope w'bere be wîll be manager M of that branch cf The Canadian er .Bank of Commence. 'dl The Ladies cf Trinity W.M.S. met Tuesday afternoon witb a good attendance. Mrs. E. Brad- ley, assisted by Mrs. G. Badgen, conducted the Wosbip Service. The theme was on Fellowship. Miss V. Sadien sang a beauti- fui solo, accompanied by Mns. Hallowell at the piano. The of- fering was received by Mrs. H. Waters and Mmrs. H. Bell and dedicated by Mrs. Bradley. A paper on Christian Stewardship was given by Miss Ida Weekes. Mrs. N. Allin gave a most inter- esting and informai talk on "Hawaii", where she visited ne- cently. Mrs. S. James presided over the business session and heard reports fnorn the vanicus secretanies. Our next meeting will be in September. Attention S e nior Cîtizens! Don't forget the Senior Citizens' picnic te be beld at Victoria Park on Lake Ontanio at Co- bourg, Saturday afternoon June 20th., stamtiug at 2 p.m. There you will meet the members of Senior Citizens Clubs and their friends from ail over East Cen- tral Ontario. Take your own pic- nie supper and tea will be pro- vided by the Cobourg group. Buses will leave Garton's at 12:45 and 1:00 p.m. There will ibe a small charge of 50c per penson towards the cost of transportation. If you plan te attend please phone Mn. and Mrs. Saunders, MA 3-3830, or Mm. and Mrs. Foley, MA 3-5460 by Saturday, June l3th, so that final arrangements may be made for transportation. Recent guests of Mn. and Mrs. Lynwood Eldridge were the parents cf Mrs. Eldridge, Mn. and Mrs. Irven Porter, Yar- mouth, NS. Wbile bere the Porters.weme tendered a family dinner in, the Fimst Baptist Chuneh. Oshawa, in honour of their 5th Wedding Anniversany on May 2th. On May 22nd a few frîends and neigbbours met at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge to congratulate Mr. and Mns. Porter and te wish thema may more happy years. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Smith and two eilîdren, Ottawa, bave been visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eld- ridge for this occasion. Mrs. Smith is also a daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Porter. AUl retunned te Ottawa last Satumday wbeme Mn. and Mrs. Porter left by plane on Wednesday for thein home. While here, Mr. and Mis. Porter and Mr. and Mns. Smith attended the graduation exer- cises at the Oshawa General Hosptal wben Miss Betty Eld- ridge was amcng the graduates. More sait is present in the Atlantic than in the Pacific. The custom of thmowing rice at a wedding may have enigin- ated as a bribe. According to The World Bock Encyclopedia, rice may have been an offering tae vil spirits to persuade tbem to stay away fmom thij newly- weds. ari is Gc Bowmanville Girl Tests Sabre Complete approval is expressed by these two RCAF airwomen of the gleam- ing Sabre aircraft, part of the Golden Ha wks Aerobatic Team scheduled to tour Canada this summer. Occasion: 5th Anniversary of Flight and 35th Anniversary of the RCAF. Lady'on the wing is Leading Airwoman Marjorie Sanders of York- shire, England. Her companion is, Airwoman Doreen Ogden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ogden, 54 Queen Street, Bow manville, Ont. -National Defence Photo Graduate Idate this .gold pin was specially fui thanks in writing to Miss Imade and presented to the McCullough'Dr. James made a founder of the Club by the ~~în1 Hailto Candiansuggestion which met with ber Club . approval. This idea was that lu aknoledgng his is-in -due course the pin be turn- ed over to the Men's Canadian torie and memonable gift in Club in Bowmanville. Ec which he expressed bis grate- time that a new pnesid Eachj Aibertus Witvoet, age 25, son of Mrs. G. Witvoet, 112 Conces- sion St., gaduated from Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich., June 6. He received a B.A. degree in general college. His major subjects are Englisb and Latin. He bopes to attend the Graduate Scbool of the Uni- versity cf Toronto for the next two years to study towards a M.A. degree in English. In 1958 there was one moton vehicle registered for every 3.5 Canadians, compared to one for every 5.3 pensons in 1950. Union membership in Canada in 1958 totalled 1,454,000, about 23 per cent cf the labour fonce. Canada is the wonld's leading exporter of wood pulp; sm of the products made fmom Woo d pulp are paper, paperboard, rayon, photo film and some. plasties. M«ontireail ReirM (Continued from page one) stores operating by 1963 and to do $200,000,000 worth of busi- ness a year. The only comment on the sit- uation reponted from Grand Union wvas by Lansing P. Sbield. president, who stat ed that "The disposai of these stores will provide funds wbich will en- able Grand Union to step up its rate of development in the U. S.A. and other areas . . . it is a natural move which will bene- fit stockholders and employees of both companues." The island cf Newfoundland bas a greater area than the is- land of Ireland. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICEC I~~ Iii Ui-ITOR[Ei SPECIAL VALUES AND REMIfNDERS FOR THIS WEEK At convocation in Toronto on lay 25th, Miss Catherine Pow- ýgraduated from the Uni- ,rsity of Toronto, in Physical nd Occupational Tberapy. She the daughten cf Mr. and Mrs. ordon Power, Orono. Council Explains (Continued fromn page one) sessment of $1,000 would pay an additional $10 a year in tax- es while a farmer of average size, assessed at $10,000 would pay an additional $100. Even today, at the present tax rate, the $ 1,000 assessment only pro- duces approximately $65 in taxes as compared with $650 for the farmer assessed at $ 10,- 000. If this trend is aliowed to con- tinue our miii rate will be so high that we shall neyer get any industry in the township and many of our farmers wil be dnîven off their lands, Mr. Nichols said. In Oshawa, indus- try pays about 51 per cent of the taxes, but in Darlington in- dustry is practically nil, approx- imately .09 per cent, the Reeve stated, A large number of Osh- awa workers live in Danlingtori Township. The industries that employ them pay school taxes in Oshawa yet the workers liv- ing ln the township want ser- vices and their children attend Darlington schools, it was fur- ther explained. The Darlington Batepayers' Association was formed for the soie purpose of defeating the Zoning By-iaw, Mr. Tremble. the delegation spokesman said when he first addressed the council. He spoke of a petition signed by more than 900 resi- dents of the township against this by-law. He alleged that the Planning Board was flot interested whe- then the people were for or against the Zoning By-law and added that the Township Coun- cil had been elected by the peo- pie to do their will. The rate- payers want ta know who is benefitted by the Zoning By- law, he stated. Former EdiÉtor *Èý 1 (Continued from page one) brance cf Octoben 15, 1958, wben your Dream te Com- memonate the Founder cf the Canadian Club Movemety Irish Fathen, Colonel Cýhanles R. McCullough, was rea ized. From bis daughtem, Kathleen McCullough." In an accorflpanying letteri Miss McCullough stated the pin was designed by ber father te be the emblem cf the Can- adian Club cf Hamilton, when it was first organized in, 1893. The original pins wene finished in sterling ailver. At a later ZOBOT jhebe mder Ma PROOFR IAON \ý1OSPITAL -SIZ! ý NURSERY 317 3 9g Z.B.T. Baby Powder 4JO,, "sONs pRNSE Af Z,4,um.aoO STICK(S SErffé? 1ASTs 10#6tER EVERV N' eW l 5 I.DA. Brand - Reg. 30c, 50e Calamine Lotion - - - 23c, 39c JA.S.A. Tablets 100's, 300's m 19c, 49c Tri-Sodium Phosphate - For Household Cleaning Washing Compound - - - - 19c Richard Hudnut - Reg. 75c Egg Creme Shampoo . . . . 59c WIN PALMOLIVE A SPORTS CAR RAPID SHAVE Brylcreem Is giving away pu 10 MG's. Get details from your I.D.A. Drugglst. SCHICK Free Comb Injector Razor 69C size value 11 VINYL RAINCOAT 0n1>' 1.2,5 with carton coupon front NOXZEMA SHAVE Lather - 79e Instant- 89c Brushless - 89c Crystal Clear - 1.25 value White Rain Shampoo * -98c Etiquet Pink - Reg.' 98e Deodorant Stick * - * - -79c Lysol 79e size plus Spange m 79c1 First Aid Supplies Absorbine Cotton 39c, 59c, 89c, 1.55 Adhesive Tape- 29c, 39c, 59c Bactine - __________ .1.29 Elastoplast Strips 75c, 1.00 Elastoplast Dressing - - _-- 20e, 40c First Aid Kits - Auto -4.25 Others 98C up Gauze Bandage, 10 yd. 25e to 80e J & J Band-Aid Plastie Strips - 29c, 53c, 75c I.D.A. BRANDS Hydrogen Peroxide 20c, 30c, 50e Mercurochrome ._______________25e Tr. lodine, 2%/% 25e IOEle*4ied TRONGER TOO /I.-I.- .. S-1 irs MELOBONDED! REGULAR PHOSPHOPLEX- 'iii gEviuv wym way f0 RW mm fED ER VES lif lirpaecge- ng you do,,' JV'a so ~ey £0 relax Jus£ take 2" Reu~ e lt IJ ,npy It Jail tlie Sfeeling. Jgn}cy lt/t afi ,yanÎtes 11's truc PMOSPHO- PLfXt is the every day ua. to H EW relietie nertous Ienttuj5& SIZE! WAMPOLE ioo PeUOSaPUO-PLX TABLETS WIlh a c.,pomd vfmn $42 eTASLM S $2.50 16OUNCES $2.50 B A.pLL itai * WE , OTRE loE PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex., McGregor, Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 Pj MAN-SIZI PAGE SEVES TIM CANADIM STATESMAN. BOIVIIANVrLLlr4 01ÇTARIO qlMRSDAT. 3MR Ilth. 1939

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