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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 8

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r- PAGE EIGHT U W'..MWALL1£ IA.ILLN' a WMAN~vaz.. &ONFABL TUWAJUE71,i DMEAKWHLE BACK AT1 IIOMESTEAD .() jaking into account thal hewoman who usuallyE up cuttlng the gras& any,v 1 just- don't see why Po 1 a wnm o we r ranufacti. don't provIde operating insi tions that a woman can urc stand. Or, more to the pc why don't they make mov that a woman can at least along wfth? Out in our garage t, stands, sit, squats, or wl ever, a modern mechanicalj that's supposed to eat gr like it was real flesh and b]( Now, this is, I suppose, a gy idea;, a giant step ini theL pian direction of perfect gn lot aerenity, but for one sn Crn..IEef o- - - adiuauad I By D on"i TUE detai. Our imon gent is neven hungry, net when 1 turn it eut ta Pasture. Small wonder, ef t it,' course. The blinkin' thing neyer enjs does enough -honest labor toi ,way, build up an appetite. ower After -Weeks of persistent uesproddtng and patient pleadtng, truc- I bave corne ta one conclusion ider- negarding oui- lawnmewer.. It >oint, bates me! It bates me and It's ,wers o ut te get me, one way ci- an- Lget other. And, much as I arn loathe ta admit it, I'm beglnning to hfere belleve that I cari, indeed., be 'bat- "4get te"y. goat With my busband at the con- ýras., trois, that 'nut-and-bolt-nanny- loed. gnt 1"puni-.. like a ktten, and eat acts like a lamb". Left -te My Uta- moi-e gentle guidance, it spits, ass- like a wildcat, and balks, like mall a mule. And this is my prob- Bri- ng your with a Bof M VM OANB EN~U AIDM (3ot a long-range plan for installing a modern water system? Thinking of large-scale remnodel- ing on your farm-house? Figuring how- much new heavy machinery could increase your yield? Thon talk to the Bank of Montreal-. Thore's no need ta put off those farmn improve- ments you really want ta make. You cari move those long-range plans right up to the present by seeing your nearest branch of the B of M about a Farmn Improvement Loan. The manager wiil be glad to talk it over with you .. and vou'W 'be surptised at the low cost of a B of M FIL, BANK 0F MONTfREAL e4"44" 9à 4 a Bowrnanvifle Branch.: O&hawa Branch. JAMES BELL, Manager JAMES McCANSH , Manager WORKING W1714 CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SNCE-IT ny -prize- -tultp -b.d. In -my hand .was the- starter oord. Fi-cm lny place%, among the tu- lips, that mower looked like Billy Goat Gruff, with a Peter Lorre leen. If the thing. had teeth I'd have klcked them ai WB2 Non did my predicanient go D a m u eunnotlced. There waa a full compleinent cf weekestd golfers Purdyon the green across the utreet Purdyand not onie of the number 'had aneye for golfballs. Sorelyl bruised and full-boiing w1th rage, I stormedi into the house lem, Ini an incnclad nutshell. and called for help. Normally- my trouble could, To make matters even worse, be smply 'solved. I'd let iny the mnechanle, when lie came, husband cut the grass and for- proved te be a wtt. "The trou- get the whole thing. }oweven, b le with ycii Ma'am la you dont it just se happens that the head kncw voun own stnengthl', said man of oui- happy borne; the he, giinning as he examined brawn-and brame of tht.. out- the tattei-ed tether froni our fit, is temporarily abroad with mulchtng machine. a brtefcase. He took bis crib- "Grrrrrrr", said I. The me- board, bis cards, most of his chanlc fled, taklng The Goat clotheg and bis car, but he left and its recoil tope with hM. bis, lawnmower with me. 0f Next day a qulte different me- counse, as the hend man keeps chanic came and accepted mon- telling me, the mower neally etary reward befone returnig isn't "hi.". It's "ours". Another The Gent to my custody. I was -tbtng he left behind was an a mite disappôinted. Secnet]y IlI acre cf growing grass, alzo' bad hoped the repair shopj "oeurs". 1. kind fitends, have been frarned, like a picture. And, mores the boni-or of it ail, F'ie, the distinct feeling that "a ur" mower would lilce te bang me! To make a short story long- er let me tel] yeu what I bave ta go through in my at- tempts te keep a long lnwn shorter 'tili Father cernes back. YQu'll weep, like a baby, be fore IVe halL done witlr the teiling. * BILLY GOAT GRUFF *Just for instance, take mvy nr-iserable misadventure ef last week. It bad rained the night before and oui- front lawn look- 'cd like -the wilds ef New Gui- rien. Afratd the mikman weui eut us off uniess I cieamed ai track for- bis next pre-dawr, safari, I sallied forth te plead a little co-opematien frein The Gent. The thing seemed agmee- able enough, se I decided ta fi it weith- fuel, un!leash it frein its stali among the stenin windows and lead it te- dine upon green grass antd dandelions. A, dolect- able dish for a goat, I- should think. But, as usual, the beat wa.en'thungry. Against better judgmient, I tried coaxing The Gent to, gob- ble grass. Grasping the recoil starter cerd. I pui]ed once-the noter caught, coughed and co- lapsed. I pulled again and it snorted, shivemed and stoppefl. Reining my patience, 1 pulied fer a third txy and ended upsi feet awav. reai- view inl wýould .cail and dcaeoi Jmower to be beyond mdcl aid. 1I had even pianned a womdy! expression of grief. As it was, the saine rascal robot was de- Posited on oun fi-ont lnwn, leoking disgustingly fit and disarmingly hnrmless. I rushed the childi-en through lunch se as te get an early stnrt on tne grass. It was a hot day and I donnedj shorts and a halter befome trot-, tinig eut to my task. Gingemly, 1 approached the mowei-, turn- ed the gas lever ta "on', took pains net te "choke" the brute tee much and pulled the coi-cL Said cord came eut of its hou..- ing easily-nand stayed out! The recoil didn't recoil and the me- tor dtdn't start! Roundly bles- ing al epairmen, 1 studied the 'situation, decided against fur.- ther prefessional aid and went te the garage for a screw-$Vi- ver. '1SPRING FEVER Seated on the grass, in the broiling sun, I proeeded te pull The Goat npart. To assist me, 1 spread the manufacturera' instruction sheet eut in ful view, fer reference. 1 nigbt just as well net have bethered. Theme was nathing in the in- struction nianual ta ceven my particular ememgency. I must admit there were many parts iliustrated but I couldn't find any of those parts on the mow- er. Net being a complete ninny, 1 deducted, on mv own, that the cord weuld have te be ne- wound and I worked forward fi-cm that point. - Heurs later, aften removing a myriad ef scnews, boîts, nuts OBITUARY Mrs. Harvey Curtis Wednesday nioinIng, May 6th, 1959, at MemnoÈial Hospital, Bowmanville, Ettie T. Buckley, Ïbeleved wife of the late Harvey Curtis, passed te ber etennal rewamd in.ber 85th yean. She was always lntenested li her Chui-ch and was a hife mem-* ber of te W.M.S. at Tyrone, Wbei-e abe and ber busbnnd fanmed for 20 years. Before ber marnIage. she was a Sunday School tencher in the Onono Methodist Cburch, andi was re cently honoured wttb a pnesent- atton from ber foi-ner Sunday Scbeol pupils. Her funeral services were bheld from ber home, Main St. South, Oreno. Relatives and fiends attended frein Hunts- ville, Lindsay, Peterborough, Toronto, Hamilton and. sur- rounding areas. The many bea- utiful floral tnibutes from, hon friends and relatives showed the btgh esteem mn whlch she was held. The palibearers were ber gseat-nephews-.- David Buckley, Howard Hoskin, Alber-t Rundie, Keith Wood, Edward Glenney and John Glenney. The Rev. Mi-. Long of Orono United Ohurch gave a very fit- ting andi comforting message. Surviving are two brother., :r. L. Buckley of Peter-boroeugh, W. N. Buckley ef Toi-ento, and a sister Mrs. R. A. Delve cf Ham- iton. ew- Orono Principal Spent 13 Years at B.H.S. Reoently, the -Management Committee of the Durham Dis- trict High School Board select- .d E. WitJieropoon, B.A., to be thte new principal for the Orono High Sehool. Mr. With- erspoon'à daities wlil commence wlth the 0oningý tenm in Sep- tember. The new pntncipal, who takes oven from Mr. w. W. Watt who la Ieaving for m'ncrcf t, ha. been tenchlng In- the Bowman- ville High School fpr the past thinteenyears. Mr. Witherspoon la now. the head of the geogra- Phy department cf the Bow- nianville achool. It I. expected that tsi Orono lie wiil teach geo- ctpalehip ha. been settled. and the like, I' arrlved area cf the trouble. I iris well, when all cf a a steel spntng leapt eou amnong temachinei-yi meé, squarely, on thie end nose. YelpIng, I sprai beld m pose and dld wan dance -up an-d, doi drlveway. Attracted by t entertainment, My moi Iaw faixy flew to my si, ting that, my epidermis 1 then, Ci-uelly. suribunne naturally assumed that "taken- sunstr-6ke" besidi assumption seented to bi eut as she watched me ei-ately waltz up, kick Th and then go thncugh thý pltcated routine of dancir. my nose in cone hand a stubbed great-toe in the My in-law *as oeifi 1 tblnk 'The Gent, even half apart, must have pleased by the entire pE ance. And wb.y net?>- won another round! Mother Purdy put me and dabbed my sconche with viriegar. She then the doctor about sunstroI the inechanii about the repairs. Ini- ne. timie .at ail in grey. striped. overallh "'ta fetch the-lawÀnmeowex foi- a turne, I believe, the talk about Men in whiti coming to '"feteh me". As of now, mny sunhu: turned te tan, my ne*e i as new and' my tee shel ,eady for walking in a twc. The.Gent bas been ed' to-henlth and returned Stall among the storm wil There it will- stay,* until copies home. The grass? It's four fee rin places, but who cares? But, net enough to pit n against the cunning cl miechanical monster. Somneday, when I'm astr I may organize an army< men te, march on the top: at the mower wcrks.1 meantime, I'm content and watch the gi-as. gr only hope Papa gets bac fore we ail came dcwn, jungle.,fever. 1at the was do- Lit from' 1%e Orono players presented and hit their three-act comnedy "You CI f MyI Can't Take It with You" in the Mg Ilup, Community Hall on Wednesdiay a lttie ni ght. This play was welI nre- ýwn the, celved and heartily enjoyed as the free each mole was splendidly por- ther-in- trayed, thus providing an even-, ide. No- ing of fine entertainment. was, by Members of the Eldad, Vion d, she and Hampton congregation are ;I had* invited to attend Open House les. Her at the parsonage in Hampton e borneI June 18, 19, 23 and 24. After- edelib- noon visiting hours will be fmom he Goat 2:330 to 5:30 andi the evening le coin. from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clcck. ng with The Womnen's Institute will and Îny meet Thursdlay evening,. June eother. 18 at 8:15 o'clock. Kindly note ied but change of date, The meeting will though be held in the Community Hall. ebeen Mrs. A. J. Balson left by erform- plane froin Malton airport on it had Saturday to visit ber d'aughter Ileen, Mrs. Alan Taylor, and her husband an-d sons, Michael tobe and Kenny, at Duncan, B.C. d skin Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor Lcalled had as annivensary guests Rev- )ke and erend and Mrs. R. Sherwin of mower Belleville; Miss Lena Taylor, a mnan Bowmanville; and Mr. and Mrs. scame Glenn Lai-mer and Douglas, r . And Blackstock. i-e wvas Mi-.. R. Sherwjn, Belleville, e coats spent several days. with-i er parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. i-n bas Taylor. is good Mr. J. Kiveli and Miss Pearli )uld be Leach weme guests at the Ber- day or ry-Chambers weddin.g in King restor- Street United Chumcb, Oshawa, d to its on Saturday afternoon and the indows. reception in the Centènnial Hall.i Father Mi-. and Mrs. E. Spires were guests at the Vosper-Sutton e ihwedding in King Street United ~ IhChurch, Oshawa, Saturday af- ? I do. ternoon and the reception in the rry lifé Centennial Hall. !f that Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr; Mr. and Mms. Percy Westlake ronger, were guests at the Cochrane- of wo- Fice wedding in Zion Cburcb, Sbrass Spturday, and the reception at [n the thie Township Hall, Hampton. ta oit Larry Spires met with a pain. row. I fui accident Seturday night dur- ck be- ing the Solifla-Courtice soccer with gaine at Courtice when he wasI injured, cusing badly toi-n liga. gnaphy, Rome science and phy- sical education. Mi-. Wttherspooin i.. a gi-ad- tinte of Victoria College, Uni- versity cf Toronto. During the war he served as an officer wtth, the Royal Canadian Axtil- lery follcwing which he spent a year at the Ontario College cf Educatton before going ta Bkow- manville. He also holds a pi-- cipal's certificate. 3&. Wttherspoon is- maried with a Ïantily of four childi-en. The fourth teacher for the school bas as yet not.been lii-- ed but the position îs now be- ing advertised since the pi-- I SCUGOG ~ June Speciaul One pair' of Ladies" Slacks, Skirl or Nen's Trousers Dry Cleaned FREE Wiih Every $2.75 Order Phono ColIect RA 570120 Oshawa Scugog Cleaners recently purchased Vanity Cleaners and are offerlng this Get Acquamnted Special! Scugog, Cleaners Phone Collect RA 5-0120 Oshaw. _________________________ '7 SELLING TO BEAT THE BAND. Canada! Proof, you sayP Look around you .. *ail across distinctive twin-grille is1 eveiywllere. Naturally, Pontiac dealers are celebratirig (offering the best deals in history during Pontiac's Popularity Payoff*). Pontiac sales are breaking ail records, because dollar for dollar it's Canada's greatest new car value. What other car offers you Vista-Louxîge interiors ..50% larger glass area . up ta 66%O longer brake life . .. 7 extra cubic feet of trunk space . .. a choice froni six improved, eco- nomnical V8 engînes and Canada's miost powerful 6 cylinder engne -. .. improved transmissions and suspensions . . . and of course all the pride and glamour of Pontiac's trend-setting design? Compare, and you'll agree, Pontiac is seffhnî to beat the band because it is thie buy of the year! *Poittiac's Popularity Payoff i.syour local Pontiac dealer's way of sa.ying thanks for Mhe tremtendous vole of confidnce >ou have given 1dmt and the Products lie selli. In orner words, ie is offering yozs the deal of your life on a brand new beau«iful Pontiao riglit ow! Sa him for sur#. PONTIAC ROB3SON MOTORS Lde 166 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3321 (~. -.. -~ '.4 ~ t- Discoveries are fun.. Why don't you treat your fat- ily to delightful discovery... treot them toao cool, refresh.. ig Smith Beverage. A flvour for every tot.. GRAPIE e LEMON-LIMIE 4b CREAM SODA *ROOT BEER a GINGER AU Mde and Bottd by. SIMT BEVERACES LmI BOWMAN VILLE lao iin lis r.oed medical attention at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Following the Cochrane-Fice wedding on Saturday afiernoon the wedding party vtsited the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrn. Frank Westlake Si-. and the bride presented ber grandimo- ther wlth her bouquet. Gary and Bobby Pres ton, Bowmnanville, spent the weekend with the Chas. and Roy Lang- maids. Mr. an-d Mns. Chas. Langrnald and children were Sunday guests cf Mr..and Mn.. L. Pres- ton. Bowmanville. Carol, Anne and Howard Hils spent the weekend witb their grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. M. McCarrell, at Omemee. Mr. and Mrs. Wes His at- tended the ten year reunion at Kemptville A gr i cultunal Srhool at the weekend. Mr. and Mn.. C. Fice, Raglan; Mrs. Pete Element, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and Cecil, Milhrook; Mi-. and Mi-.. N. Fîce and Douglas, Taunton were Sunday visitons wîth Mr. an-d Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and Mn.. Frank Westiake Jr. and famlly visited at Cyrfl Smlth's. Fleetwood. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and childi-en visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton, on Sunday. Mn. and Mn.. Harry Knox and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer, Sunday. Mr. and Mn.. Rosa Cryder- n'an, Elien and Lai-iy were Sun ay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flett and dnughters, Col- LA 5-3525 )Ma' and Mn. A .oaa sons, Oshawa, Vlslted at Rae Pascoe'.. Mr-. and Mrs. Rae Pasçw and childs-en, attended ZMon Anni- versai-y services and were tea t ets f r. ndMrs. Glen Mr. and Mrs. Victoir Wilson Peterborough, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mr#. L Hardy and Stanley. Mr-. and S. M. Werry visited Surnday e'rening with Mr. and Nin.. N. Wright, Enfl4akllen. Mns. N. Wotten wRs a Swjeay tea guest of Mr-.and Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Vellow. lees and eilîdren visited Sun. day evenlng wlth Mr. and Mr. 'E. Larmer, Blackatock. Everything is "drive-in" now. adays. We have drive-in bank.k drive-in theaters - everythtlng, that is--but streets. NONET AVAILABLE FOI DIOR TC ACES RALPH S. JONES Barrlster and Solctw 65 Slmcoe St. 8. Oshawa ,-Av. r4ApjAnTà?j morApprelLgAu ib^m%ÉAU- Pm J%ýAMý b Phone Collect RA 5-0120 Oshawa ýý. L SOLINA CLEANERS 166 King St. Ea Phone MA 3»3321

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