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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 9

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TEE ~ANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMAKYULE. ONTABXO PAGE N Nobody ToId Them to Worry -About Delinquencyl 117 Lotta Dempsey, The boys had been down ai- plunge into a dozen cornrnunity an astonishing 47 af the high la The Turonto Star r schaal waxing worn soi t- activities. When the hockey1 school's 100 pupils. an ou 1 wodflorsinthesmllstecp- arena burned dawn, boys have'1"n they cameanhu When teenagers behave the led building whieh dominates ta and helpcd rebuiid, even. early in the morning three days vay they do in Orono, Ont., Y0U11 a single main street. pouring cement. a wcek ta practise," he says vant to know why.1 Thcy spruoed up window "We know the adults are with pride. Recent on-the-spot investiga- frames with fresh paint - and right be.hind us ready ta icnd Four boys in the Gîce club, on laid responsîbility dircctiy forgat ta warn ledge sitters un- a hand or give advice if we ask, dubbed by their teasing fellow tt he feet af haîf a dozen high- ti half-way through the party: or just maybe cheer at the right students The Off Tones, provid- ýrai mathers. and mauve crepe paper decor- And he waved up toward the dance. Can yau imagine a modern, ations ta match fiowers from gaiiery. Above the hundred or "You take how we drurnmced Eriving littie village, not much gardens around town. more pretty yaung girls with up this dance," Jim Gamsby en- iore than an hour's drive from More Fun Thau Toronto their party frocks and littie thused. "We decorated an open rronto, in which nobdy white gloves; and the well- trailer one af thxe men in tawn iem ohave heard anoyt I' lasti a presi- shorn and properly suitcd young lent us. The undertaker gave us Leems toenl aeinuncyth dent Jim Gambsby explaincd, men, at an admiring audience artificiai grass and we picked nhe writer was priviieged ta between weicoming young peo- af aider people and children. flowers iast Saturday. 'lit the town hall there (east pie and their parents and giv- The healthy climate in Orono Queeu Selected n Highway 401, past Bowman- ing announcements. didn'*t just happen. For ane "Then we fastcned the trail- ile, then narth on 115), when. "I gucss we're tao busy mak- thing, homes are open ta the e ta a car and drove ail over he Hi-Teens were holding their ing aur own entertainmcnt ta young people - provided they ~nwtxpct il nfx ig annual June dance. get inta much. trouble. We don't clean up' after. onwtprtyglsith Excitement af the occasion even go ta Toronto very aiten Taiking with severai of the MViss Orono, contest. We danced vas choosing of a f irst beauty -it's more fun here." 1uyH-ees emndaotin the street in front af the ueen--Miss Orano, 1959-and The teenagers plan and cxe- the Rev. Basil Long, who draws ed hall, andterrfe"oy ex wo princesses.I cute their awn events and a large group ta bis youth or- It was teîg frrific." I ganizatian at the United church. pA ang piof erhmer wofI Neyer Taa Busy commerce, Don. Stapies, Step- "He neyer interferes." anc af ped up ta, present the elamber's thern said, with warm respect. gift of $25 ta thc queen-loveiy "But he's neyer too busy ta littie Marilyn Cabbiedick. Her stand by." princess attendants, Rama Glan- ' oThen th ere's Rov Forrester, ville and Patsy Reid, rcccived editor of the Orono Weekly red roses. They will play an im- Times. portant part in the coming Colt "Whenever we do things in Derby of June 20. The dirt fixe community or win some- track manager, Dave Faund, is thing in sparts or in the Gice an enthusiastic supporter of club or in aur studies. lie plays teenage activities. Thcy'll be at it right up in the paper." an- the town fair in September. 4oJohn Ford, a Victoria college 1 found a group af citizens graduate who seerns littie oaider who. owith intelligence, labor than bis students, is unoffiialandloe, have kept their child- edviser ta thc Hi-Teens. Also hie ren dlean of the darker and GUARANTEEDspends a great deal of time an1 murkier shadows of modern GUA ANT EDthe Gice club, which garners in living. TRUST CERTIFICATES WESLEY VILLE Tecmitei hreo festival arrangements met at The past week has been busy the same place the ýnext even- " issued in anxounts from $100 upwards In thc community with several ing atter puttling tixeir «'x" un for 3, 4 or 5 years. meetings added ta the regular thc proper place sometime dur- * earn 5y4% interest, payable hait. activities. A c o n g regational ing the day. They spent a long meeting was held on Monday and full cvening in order ta yearly by cheque. evening in the church ta hear make sure as sure could be, autoried nvstmnt or Ilthe resuits af the recent can- wlien the number ta be served " auhoried iVesinèn forallvess for funds for special pro- varies bctwecn 150 and 300, Canadian Insuraixce Companies and jccts and determine whether that there wîll be euxaugh pot- trust funds. the installation af a new fumn- ato salad and nat cnough leit ace was possible. Leonard Ou- over ta serve the comnxunity ghtred wes appointed treasurer for a week. Details ai tis im- YOMR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF UV 14 VEARSI for the speciai fund and ta act portant affair will lie found in with the stewards in making the advertisemnents of this paper. further arrangements concern- At thxe regular meeting Mrs. ing a furnace, with the expect-, Harold Best was appoixted ation that there wvould be suf- c - representetive with Mrs. THE ficient funds ta pay for it. The Austin ta the Woman7s Aux- tentative date for the centen- iliery ai the caunty home. niai church. service was set for Messarinteegho- £ STER L 196 TR STSchelest Sunday un June 1960. h cdasndsarenthe hnoiglxour- On uesay ftenoo Me- haroppotnd ethoug notime is dames Harold Bcst and E. Bar- tragic for children ta be kcpt. rowciaugh called et the county away fromn exams and ail the 372BoySt. 3 DuI@p~,home in Cobourg witb. treats festivities that wind up the 372 Y s., 5 Dnlo afor thec residents and took three schooI year. They are not 111 Toronto Borde aof the ladies for a ride on be- long but fthe Thorrndyke and half ofWcsleyvile W.A. Nichais' girls have had themn For the first time in ifs his- and are on the way ta recovery, _________________________________________ tory the Woman's Association and also Fards and Clerkes. ________________________________________ held an evening meeting on Bill Barrowcloug¶x and Tomi Wednesday, June 1OtIx. They Pomcroy ai Port Hope leit on imet at Mrs. E. Barrowclough's Thursday evening ta go asTuba at 8 o'ciock and opcned thxe and Trombone players with Uic 1t's H eremeeting with fthc devotions in- Picton band, ta Pittsburg for A FLECKI PAIN TRT AT miîîtv. Mrs. Tufford read the Mr. Kennedy sermi - anu Scripture sfory ai Jesus wvah- guest ai Mms. Reeve, Willow - C N B A PLID W TRROL ERing the disciples' feet and Mrs. Beach, is cailing trnd again Mrs. L. Holdaway hied a very Sunday School train bound for fine article an the value ai ser- the Pil c grounds, when if W A LTEX vice in small things telling us broke a coupiing and raccd thet riches are not.necessary ta down hili intoaenother train. enjoy lifc's greatest beauty and Thnis happened 70 yers ago that humble service is thc val- on the 12th i June. in Armagli, R un. tLis rlytivK ta a very littie boy a h ieM.Kn "Applied by roller Waltex Rolliflecks is resistant fe j w se usanignd iid ealsta a te reae sain, ikscryon dit, lcool nd their naine lives individuaily in were killed. As fer as he knows fruit acids. May be easily cleancd.I history. lie and his brother are Uic anly " Resists wear, chipping, cracking and fading. Mis. Harold Austin told how living survivors ai that long * Podues ilm tw orthre tmesas hic as fear bas humanity in Its grip ago unheppy day. Mr. Kennedy " Prducs fims wo r thee ime as hic as and a wonderful answcr ta fear is a spry gentleman, stili activ- ordinary paint and hence will outlast conven- wa on eogteas ecly emplayed et the National tional materials. ta questions handed ta those club in, Toronto and his visits Large Selection of colours present et the ieginning ai the aeloe o il leue programme. Foilowing the sing- _SautAi Hope field day was from which to choose ing-ai the-W.A.1tee n p1 - i e__fr riay Jne12bu * Icontinued through serving of r The entire family will reaily go for fred, strawberries and delicious Order some of this extra fine whipping cream from your milknxan today. KEDRON Rev. R. H. Lave, B.A., B.D., conducted baptismal service, un the reguler 10 a.m. service, for Ruth Elizabeth Green ,baby daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Reg- inald Green, R.R. 3, Oshawa. The hour ai service for Sun- day School Anniversary, June 21, is 2 p.m. Bible Vacation ScIxoal willl be heid from July 2-10. Al children ai Uic arca are invitcd. The first field day for Max- well Heiglits Schaol was held Friday aternoan. Mrs. M. Beard, Principal was essistcd by the teachers, Mrs. L. Noble, Miss R. Cousins and Mrs. S .Webber, as weil as several menxbcrs af Uic Home and Schooi Association. Red, blue and white ribbons were given for ail events. R.eceiving Uic cups, were Pet Rose, Midget; Herriet Kolynka, Junior; Bar- bera Rose, lutermnediete and Wiifred Lindsey, Senior. Mr. Jack Aruxott, London, lu visiting at Uic home of hie daugixter, Mrs. S. Ogle. Mr. Jack Arnott Jr. was a recent aver- night guest in the Ogle home. Mr. and Mr&, A. Wood, Mar- lene and Slyvia, were at Garden Hill reeently wiiere Mns. Wood'a nephew was married. Mrs. Orville Seileck, Ronald and Jauice left by plane Sun- day for a seven week visit In Scatland. Sunday guesta ai Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee and Brian were Mis. L. Simpson, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Grant Farrow and Lynix, Part Credit, and Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa. Misses Sandra and Sixarron Werry, Enniskillen, spent Fr1- day at their Grandparents. Mr. and Mia. W. Werry, Don- ald and Dennis were Sunday tea guests ai Mi. F. Batty and Dor- is, Braoklin. wus halted because of raim ana Mla part will be held the fol- lowing Monday. Sharon Thorndyke attended the Brownie banciuet in Port Hope on Friday evenig. A good crowd of parents and frienda were present on Sat- urdayreeni n the chureh ta hear heritai held by the pupils of Mrs. Carroll Nichais. Instrumental numbers were played by Dayle Hoskin and Marie Austin, grade V111; Glor- ia Nichois, Marie Hoskin and Donna Kinihali, grade V; Dianne Kimibail, Barbara Dinner, grade 1V; Joan Nichais, Linda Thorn- dyke, grade 111; Valerle Auis- tin, grade il; Ruth Nichais and James Nichoils, grade 1; and, Patricia Moore, beginner. There were vocal numbers by Gloria, Joan and Ruth Nichais, trio; Barbara Dinner and Gloria Ni- chais, duet; Barbara Dinner, Joan Nichais and Ruth Nichais, solos. Programmes had been provided which were distri- ibuted as people entered by Ruth Nichais so no annauncing was required other than fixe introduction by Mis. Nichais. Sunday marning seripture was read by Mrs. Harold Austin at Sunday Schoi; attendance was considerably smailer be- cause of measies in the com- munity. Carroll Thorndyke spent the weekcnd with her aunt, Mrs. Walter Langycar, Eiizabcthvillc. Laurel anci Danya Hill, Port Hope, visited with E. Barrow- clough's during the weekend. Mr. and Mis. George Morton, Orono, with Harold Barrow- clough and family. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Darke a week ago when Mr. Darke's four sisters and her mother were present with mem- bers of their families. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hale, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Emerson Wylie, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brock, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Berneice Tuerk, Bowmanville. The Dar- kes and Wylies had just re- turned from, a trip ta Cornwall. PONTPOOL Our men were able to defeat the ladies soft-ball teami on Wednesday evening but thxe casuaity list was higix. Three of the nxost severe cases were using canes or crippling around for days. Among those wearmng battie scars were Chas. Chap- mam, James WilIis and Jack Payne. First aid and Red Cross equipment will no doubt be on hand for the next battie. Nine af aur young menx did a wondcrful job in the choir an Sunday marning. Recruited by the arganist, Mis. Lily Richard- son, they- were enj oyed by a large congregation. It was the last service here for Rev. R. R. Bonsteel and Communion and Baptismal Services were held. Ladies of aur L.O.B.A. will formn the choir next Sun- day for the 2:30 p.m. Orange Parade with Rcv. Basil Long as gucst preacher. We are sorry ta learn that Mirs. Samn Manetta is inl Civic Hospital Pe t erborough. Her niany friends here wish, her speedy recovery. Well history was made in Pontypool an ciection day whcn the Lîberals had a majarity of twa. Manvers Station Poil show- ed a Tory mai arity af twa with thxe rest af tihe Tovwhip pil- Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of June 8- 14 inclusive: Admissions 50' Births-7 maie, 7 female - 14' Diseharges ------_ _ 57 Major operations i Minor aperations1' Emergency treatmcnts - 12 Visiting hours 2:30 ta 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Ing Up Conservative majorltes. A uneil vote was cast in most polis with count here,' Arm- strong 17, Carruthers 68 and Woodyard 70. Several local L.O.B.A. and L.OL,. memabers attended churdi parade in Tyrane and Baile- bora on Sunday. Members frorn far and near will gather at the hall Ixere next Sunday, June 21st, for the annual parade here ta the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Morris White were guesta In the Orange Hall ta a large crowd ai well wish- ers. The young married couple received a weil filed purse of maney. Good music by Mrs. Lily Richardson and her or- chestra was enjoyed by ail. Our very best wishes ta Roslyn and Marris. Severai from here attended the Liberal meeting at the home of R. J. Payne, Wednes- day evening, when the Liberal canclidate Mr. Ted Woodyard was present. Storage - Shirts Toronto 1, June il, 1959. Dear Mr. James, Lest fail you genetoualy te. oepted the invitation te help raise money for the Canadiaxi Heart Fund. The tinxe and et* fort that you put into this task is now a thing of the past. I amn happy ta report to you that we have achieved, through, your efforts, over 90 percent af our objective. Money is stifl corning in and indications are that we will-have the full $452,. 000 before long. Please accept my smocere thanks for your heip. J. S. Dinnick, CamPaign Chairmnan. - Repairs Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 ING ST. EAST BOWMANVELLE Dry Cleaning PHONE NA 3.7061 PICK-UP AND DELI VER LORNE MeQUARIEProp. Does housework corne between YOD and your farnily? Do you often find yourself workig so hard for your family you have littie time to spend with them? Think of the most dreary household chores and chances are ail of them can be done better and more easily with the help of electricity. With the help of safe, cdean, modern electrie appliances you get through your housework faster h.ave more tineto spend with your'fanlily. And 6 a.O.1*\Q..,O.MQeLs. it's always a happy economy to choose electric Use silver poilsh to remove appliances because electricity ia so inexpensive. stubbom stains froim Iron You get more out of Mie when you get the monI soleplate. Neyer scrape or use harsh abrasives. out of electricity. HYDRO la Voulus LIVIE BETTER ELBCTRICALLY /1 ME CMAMM STATIMUS. BOWUANVn.L& ONTAPJO PACM If=

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