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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 10

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Un attended the graduation ex- hgtiCbugHatiUiPo artsan Don Wi nslow 'urgn"' - Pioneer Horne Aogtevstn Harm fui Effect of Inflation whiTop Scorer n Ct ta Seeif TB germa n frareTrnt ~ee ~~ 5 . 18 ~a agraduate of Toronto Eaut Turansky, w l ncharge gin eprmn ircoQ ~~auiaaiciri ~~~~~~~~~~~General Hospital. h dtrcarnetriColeo!AtM..a ~~JII IILEg iIul tuIIUe Mrm. Eith Murphy, Tyrone, In %CaIriCluba Idit aloted prts o! Garden PartyirC..,ao O n Canad* A spent a few days last week wih :ponfClub.Hew as M.and Mrs. Roy MeLaughlin Congratulations are in orderdg1 on diviso. e wms n a t telteSrWyi rir ta Mervin Smith, leader of the visit the north anid east sec- A notable and colourful gar e ntBritr r.B r B r e.d oO. Carmït e e anmley and Aine are Millbrook 4-H Cal! Club, and tions. den party was held on June 14HedLbrinPalnena ?pending ws t TEglwgi arneLa ttbwa.yare s el vicifiutes ypuhn u amma tortti, a!r se r msClarence Marlow setting a new record for Dur- from the 7th chap. of Luke the ounr eiec ! r n oe Autain"mt ttaa-"Fca tm s f n- that Pumuhu SaRin m oe tebrcletrh ela fd brothers Lewis, Herb and bam County. At the achieve- and Mrs. Cathcart gave the De-an;Ms G eBut flation of the post-war years, littie or no sympathetcu ar tionary conditions and depres- Harold Swain and families be- ment day, at the Millbrook Pair votional on "'Forgiveness". d Mrs. GnButoryadbblphe;ros< anid are greatly concerned about movement. aoi for fermera are patiu fore going ta Oconto Girls Camp Grounds on Saturday, June the H. Poster gave a very informa- The one hundred and thirty-W .Crwllmi agt the position in which inflation 2. A major contr ut. larly- vuinerable ta these condi- near Sharbot.Lake for the suin- th., every mernber that had tive paper on "Tea". It.s origin twO year old pioneer houseSh! !AcietrUie 'puts tei . . . They have been nlation inCanada hm. been thetons. Hence any serious im- mer. entered the club, competed by Ils thought ta have been the with its June gardens on Lakà iy4!Trno t o.Ae tac., since 1951, by a progres- investinent boom, &ttraeting balance should be prevented et A McLaughlin faunily get-to- exhibiting his or her caif at the accidentai dropping of saine Ontario, served as a pictures tpnwez !te Pl nive cost-price squeeze, caused outside capital ta Canada, keep- ail tlunes, the CFA statement gether was held at the home achievement day. wild tea leaves into hot water, que background ta the speciaAm;Mrmud rsFrn by falling farin prices, and ris- ing the Canadian dollar hlgh saad. oif M.and Mrs. Harold McLau- Ia eykncoptitionthe aroma of which a Chinese' entertainment and buffet su igo, Cndan"Bbi Ing costa . Based on 1949 as in relation to other curreuicies, The Canadian wheat produ- ghlin anid faxnily Suniday when the high member of the club, ruler founid ta bis liking some Per. Hrynkdsigihdp l00, by 1958 wholesale farin especiaily that ofthue US. This cer la polnted ta as an example th foliowigweepesn: was Mr. Donald Winslow, with 5000 years mgo. She told us Mrs. Butt's grmndmother, Mrs e udechr udD.a pce to t97, wiefr a a ietyAra o itmo nltoaycn r and Mrs. Ross Ashton auid a Duai Purpose Shorthorn Caif, many iuteresting facts concern- E. Parrett was a weekend houeMr.osRihdsnmdfa conr icetd at while27." nbas bon agricureIn dagn- io! a vîcl oslnioi arey ocon-family, Haydon; Mr.'muid Mrs. who lied a total score of 949 out ing this one-time scarce and Îýst along with Mr. Harol l rinPr o Tisa he opiedo127f" teffa b eet on fasriuue ui mi- diton hes xistaenfcedofFred McLaughlin and famly, of a possible 1000 points. The expensive article, but which is Thnai as édtoion o ! thu- enada, ofytreaspnoasiasfor- cdonw orby tu esnceo- Columbus; Mr. mand Mrs. Harold runner up, inuthis case was a now used commonly ail over ture as presented ta the Senate eign nmarkets of the western duced on a subuidized basis, but Waughti, Os rketa; Mr. and a Shorbthon rifeSr cal!with tecountd risAp oemItin23h Comumttee on Finance, current- grain producer, mand o!flivestk lii production eosts have beena hronhef clwt eurisApem Iintte lstudylig tie threat o! Infla- anid other producers. swept upwards bw inflation. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin mand fain- 943 muid David Brackenridge Church, lt's you", was read by FOR AC IV ton. The CFA poInted out that 3. Wheui inflation la foreed The CFA polnted out tha ily M r Carl McLaughlin, with a Shorhhorn steer, misa Mrs. J. Stapleton. ail farm, probleins are not caus- upon a country by an lInvest- ducedexpeuiditure for the pur- Gran mr AdN e rstiasoec 4.Hln dd Abza udhm h as ed by inflation, but these infla- ment baom, the consumera' pur. pose of stabilizing agricultwml wr play~~ ac second, in view of the funds for the parsonage repairs tionary hendeuicles surely aggra- chmsiuig power la reduced, muid returuis was not a sound means Js by, Mlileadhihrtha lier yars'dworak wetuc.Is beitNg eld for the tahre ~ vate the eoonomic unbalance this purchmsing power is trans.. o! fighting inflation. The brie! Doris Griffin. Miss Gertrude ridge. lady is asked ta briuig 2 articles, R X L that exista In the industry. The ferred ho investinent nstead ofa! duPaliure ta adopt gov- Henry, Toronto, was home for The judge, of the cattie, was and sandwriches or cookies for national larm orgmuizatian, ta consumer demand for foods. eruiment pragramnuecessary to the weekend. teta h etn lsdb summarized the situation li This further reduces consumer give nome atability to h a Uic Mr. anid Mrs. A. Rusti ad Mr. LeRoy Brown, Agricultur- teta h etn lsdb agriculture, as a!!ected by li- purchaslng power, and in- er, muid ta assist inu chievlng a chidren, Port Credit,and rpesenty hathve foaVi w as repTeting th Ms izpah.- relef nlation, as fllows-creases the downwmrd pressure sounder eoonomic position for Robt. Fard Jr. and RobertasCt, pile tM.hervday mtas s- Th eurli asniceaskeso-. f.ff.l5.J..p.teas t___ 1. Wheui consumer purchasing on food prices. agriculture, cannot be justified Toronto, visited Mrs. Robt. leer ofed yM.Melbo4Hrvn ithae wirtheudaysetsofl1Msu power i inflated, the effeet in The Federation of Agriculture -on grounds of reducing govern" Ford Sr., over the weekend. Ca!Cu n .O alrym-auiniversary service held in Ken- I VIUW55111 1DR a period of abu.ndmnt food sup- advanicedthie suggestion that a ment expenditure ho fight i MrnadM-. ..a rClubra Rep0esenai m ntd Cuci uia eerae ep lh buUcslt Pliesas athat the consumer very necessary muid important flatian". Mani d m OtJaw K. Strang pie, giutrlRpena-dlUtdChrhS dy spend a smaller proportion of objective of national policy inl weekend with ber parents Mr. tive and E. B. Buruiside, Assist-tndamnc.Teea ie andi a od t- cig se wseoriayliiet this iuflated incarne on food. Canada, sliould be ta achieve anid Mrs. Emest Larmer andan Agricultural Representative tendance mud ifolskgonta ee coirech The consumer daes not suffer in stabiity lu the value of the dol- O IU R aiis for Durham anyogfokutechi 1 omdetotlnrlefu reduced food purchases. lI- lar. "IA chronic tendency ta ris- Mr .and Mrs. Glenn Larmer Results follow for the entire withesn e re ing rontss-~4xsn stead, the fariner, because lhe ing prices, creates injustices, anheDugsang very pleasingly "Lis-he .' %club dl otathspo n oiladeooi iso de tives ah St. Marys, Saturday ta Donald Winslow 949 Points; Mrs. Westheuser ah the organ.Wt timSo cin liatfarne duchion, experiences little or ganizahion. Burshs o! rapid aniins-o i wes oda.ielen Strouig 943, David Brack- M.Wtpicplo rn ~ s'1wl E a Arua pnice improofmsixtwinkspihe flatio. Wautrprincagalnot usoby o risi cashs tht in seflation c anreatiglc ase ieliushood he ath occurred of Mrs. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van enridge 943, Janice Tiiiuii 938, High School, guest speaker, * ofring cstohlm. As l cras t is subsequent datibo ud de- Anme Larkin Hooper, ah Prin- Camp and children visihed lier Marion McCamus 923, Allen told the children the soyo continues, inflation increases pression",.esMrae optl orn aet r udMs oma eau 1,Pu isOw a mirror bequeathed byaChn anid aggravates the farinera' t Hamuiui as lnflationmry timesta, on June 10, 1959. Malcolmu, Toronto, Sunday. 906, Robert Braithwaite 905, ese mother ho lier daughter,AIoellbiiniqd Mrs. Hooper wasbor I Mr. muidMrs. Neil Werry muid Elaine Syer 903, Mary StrOng who became more like the mo- NATIONALLY ADVERtTISED OE-AC UINI Bowmanvllle on April ist. 1885 children muid Mrs. Wilbert Wer- 893, Richard Shaples 890, Sha- ther she had loved, as she grew mand was the daughter o! the lahe ry ahended decorahion service roui Bigelow 889, Glenn Smith up watchiuig the suppased re- Mr. muid Mrs. Timothy Lrkin. ah Cavan Sunday. 888, Marlene Timnis 882, David flection o! the mother li the 8 The deceased, m member o! Mr. muid Mrs. Mervyn Grahamn Shaples 880, Norma Pyle 874, mirror. Mr. Watt misa gave an St. John's Anglican Churchi visihed lier aunt, Mrs. Jas. Camn- Allen Gills 840, Roger Gilis lnteresting talk ho the growui6Ë loved flowers and spent many peli, and cousin, Mr. Alvin 820. folks. Miss Judy Poster sang Caapel eelnFlsmi F L A L S Hhapyhou~rs workg in her ate d ccoration service:t ie were pleased to wel. u r W e N eed M ore Salles banid are three sons muid one don Paisley speuit thelbCrp ui rs rnl Wi- HNEM 357 anid Eva al o! Bowmauiville. A Dunnville. meir, Camp Borden, visited his sister, Mrs. James Pursley M ui ad Mrs. J. Sanderaon, sister, Mrs. M. Mnes atn LONG SAULT______________________ (Alice), Toronto, msa survives. Peterboroughi, are visitiuig Mr. and family. L ESFumerai services were con- muid Mrs. Russel Mounhjoy. Miss Kathleen Jackson, mur- Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Baker B AE Ructedfc m heMrrs uzieal Dr. ndMrs. J. Marlow, ohn- se-in-raining, Civic Hospital, muid family, Cookstowui, wre AN ev. A. C. Herbert of!iciated. few days with the Marlows muid sy, Prescott, were with Mr. muid G. Baker. AT TENTION F The lovely floral trIbutes show- 1tompsons. Mrs. Wm. Jackson last week- Mr. Staniley Fletcher spent the orn tdhei estecmIn n which the de- Mr. muid Mrs. Lamne Thomp- end. Biily Jackson motored weekend wih hbis parents Mr. So m e ceased was lield. These were son visited Mr. muid Mrs. Jas. thein back ho Ottawa muid Miss and Mrs. G. Fletcher.u from Dept. B4C J. Anderson Canning. Oshawa, on Sunday. Ruth Jackson returned home Mis. G. Fletcher anid Miss Pow er Law n m ow ers1 Commlittee, General Motors o! hike muid meml lu the bush this Mr. muid Mrs. Martin Man- Toronto. Canada, et 273 Goodyear (Mouiday) evening. They will be ders, Larry muid Dale spent the Mr. Don Davey, Mr. anid Mrm Tire mand Rubber Ca., Staff muid tryiuig out a uiew shove muid fire weekend ah Bancroft. W. Murphy muid !auiily were EU G REATLY REDUCED ~ i omnilFr kiudly built for Uiemn. y man Kennedy attended the Rovsitrso! r. mn Dearmetaswel s hae Sevemal from here athended Aima College commencement Mrs. Sophie Kovacs wms lias-c fron rlatve mud flens. Auniversmry services ah Cad- ah St. Thomas for the gradua- tess ta twelve members muid IN P I EInternent wm u i Bwman- mus Sunday. tion o! her neice, Marilyn Mes- two visitara o! club 50 ladies UN PRICEille Cemetery. Meus r a. JohanMceset un-e1 p, daughter of Mr. muid Mmi. Tuesday evening. Pres. Mrs. T R A CO R MKAmD LOK TEM OVES thur S. Baker, Boy Wilkins,Lai Cadmus The W.I. meeting ia belig Discussion muidplans were made INTERNATIONAL B.20Dee Thon. ayes, Roy Neads, Baden held Wednesday .veniuig, Juqe. regarding ice Band muid MASSEY "22", goodcodto W . . B o w nPingi. mand Sidney Litte. F24,SER ICE the h oSxhme . G. plays to b. given at Ballyduf!. MSSEY "30", overhaue W . H . Br w nFAX ERIC ntechng o dtedue ta charge of Uie foilowiuig pro- -INTERNATIONAL IRl O SRAE C e DelrBLACKSTOCIC]DEA", OLD and CRIEPPLED remdings of TB tests, June 17, grain:- Readings, Mrg. Ethel MASSEY HORSE SIRA E us... t.w 'ii Jue metng f lueW. Removed Free of Charg our gucat speaker, hs going ta Sandra Gibson fmvoured us with INTERNATIONAL 8 L.DS SI MS. wms l he ld ah Ueeicg fhe Wo! 'edate 24-11r. Service explain what benefits we de- two solos accompanying herselfIN RATO L7 tTAC RM WE si Kin SIL . MA 4M M£ was hld atthe hme ofrive froin Uic goverument hos- on Uie guitar.INE ATO L7 _______________________________Mr& John Camuieghaui Weduies-1 ASK YOUR OPERATOR FOR pltaiiz&tioui, mud what further Mmi. Bessie Craig assisted by NEW HOLLAND "77" AE day aftemnoon with 25 ladies ZRI 65 beneits we can receive under Mrs. McLaggan gave us a vemy 17-TOOTH CULTIVATRonrbe and il klddies present. Z nt 650thui amCa-opeative Hos- clear and viid eosrtn 13-DISK MASSEY ERL Meeting opéned wlth sulent No Toli Charge pitalization. AUi lterested are o! "Table Setting." This project prayer !oilowed by prayer. Af IkPcn ecbrugh luvi tot attend. habd been given by the 4-H club. CASE POWER TAKEOFCO BN __R1 @A S E ter the sluging o! a hymn, UicOr ethr ofar hsya Pr. clased th eingin wei x preidntwecomd heviites ees o U ico h extremes. usual way afhem thanking lias- HOLLAND AUTOMATI LNE an odcea re uie Last week we weme sweltering tess auid progmain commithee. MASSEY-HARRIS BA, wt oo,$0. luid olcH «hr 8M Mi the high 8's muid 9&s but for Lunch wms served and a social CS t RCO O E lnk t go as a mlssiouiary", wa ir the weekemd we again douined tinue was eujoyed by ail. July CS t RCO well answered but reading mui A jackets muid lit the fires for meeting ta be beld ah Uie home HORSE MOWERS- & M f p. t liffe cafllswere dowimthis month. 3P, warmmh. The high wmds dried a! Mrs. Ruby Johinson wth Ayraoal Mr.Russel Mountjoy I l u h itemitr htMs ono n isG mt theD r a ~ parables a! Uic Loat SheephaMr. muid Mmi. Boy Poster anid Special This M Ii muid the Prodigal Son, gave aa m uid Mrs. M. E. Poster fine devotional paper and ldhae nuôved into their fine uiew IN LIORTER VEIN Itrainl4B Mrs. Roy Taylor pmesidedfo corner o! their farm. Mr. muid several. hunes about Uic noise lie On Rubber - One lei dena thc progranu. Mrs. L. Thomp- Mrs. Carl Lauigstaff muid tam- ma~de coming home alter late Reg. $485.00 - For FOR ANY SRZ "'lson a sd h ardiano sdo, M, gg bouse qt vactdoi 1aLthei4T uDre <ua rn!ul l u Msldhoaac a lvtr Metigms.a vegCyete u erl ey muidfllyM. C N L O Browni prescnted Miss June iLOW OI TJP j. c. rhomuton, ah Petrolia On arsr n o!o their leaders, R5 AU ETbursday. LiK THS with a lvl on wrsmnd- L[r Ri 70 1 A caload of ladies from here Avalisais ln 2 Modeis. *wlch tlavely comi ther ýnnattended Uic mfteruioon te __and_ 41 'Hev Dty (lstat4the Brown4e Leaders,Lioca¶ lomITIMUbmz aar, rday aftenocon L EIOîC lEn dubtr and the "Commercial- uxla ndCrtrgh. w hé1 R eLovll . uc basement The four cows pcue above are al of Mm CnnieSwai andpresnt-souege upkeep. There wms a ai hem wlth a beautiful living. fine display o! articles for sale AK RO OEEG u aoie than thot< the wo'.p', uem room Wall dlock. Miss Arrn- a.anmud a very hasty lunch whidu.ndb ymr ehrc fCmpefrOtro tr.stmamg o! Burnt River lias tau-. ~l brought lu over $7500 for Uicwe y ymrPthrc fCapelo o*bt yCoeatrecue0y ght in Uic public achool here - ,~ fund, a joint effort froin Uic eslA ulngle pou, does thewo w@of p0< for thre. yemrs muid is leaving ..h Uiee church groupa. bi)this district when school closes. - Mrs. Edlth Perguson, Mmm. Ti ra Sra e orHr dier, harrow ... prepares the ground for Blackstock Juvenile lardball Gordon Price, Mmi. WiIffred Sr a eyu edSiefr15 planting. furrows for sa.ding. cuMltt e ty teain will playtbeir fimst home R oughley andd Mmi. Aiva Swmr- stage of ~owh. Works ground 11", 221 and 3r gane agaiiet Oromo at Uh ir brick attended Uic ahower ah Rmprove the type and production in yourhrdb grounds Thumsay evening, June- Leskard Saturdlay evenlmg for joinlng your artificial insemination assocain wIde. di ny dopth down to (rle, os 'htwoe lth. Came muid support yaur Miss Carole Grant whose wed- snvow roai. Makes any garden job a bou local teain. The high sebool zao a rewi mým a ding ho Mmi. Swarbrlck's grand&. FOR INFORMATION OR SERVICE CALIA examlnationu will lue finilded oe *'DSm &W'" mréson, Freddie Anderson, la ta FLIYERWRATIthen muid Uic boys hope ta get g» t _lae__ thi e-DUZ N CUT XL1YA ARNWmore practice muid have some c tke Aplac uiy 4h l N oO. gmet ahuric he <, e v y= a 25d. B w t- Mmi. Fergusan, Toronto, mand KIHWOOD - Orono 17110 SI ttehmof w wd« Mm G. Price, Gaît, are staying JA AVT-Wloe23 SOU) BY Mn. Marion Camnaghaui, Thurs- wli their mather, Mmm. Swar. DICK WOOD - WBomni.22r313-40 L DE HAD RE&day evenuiq wtl 25 membemi brick( until fTumsday. Mr. and IKWO owavleire __1C and one viatar, Mmi. Pat Sleep, Mi ife oglyjie prset.Aninittin a xhbi icmSudfored oglyjine MA 3-517n4initaion____________________r diner MA___________ow mavgb . ah Orono faim was turned down. Jun. 151h te Septmsber 71h Mmm. Grant, Leakard, and Mnm. neied have e anark. Date t Swa oro'sSnto ad a MmQ uinte D istrict Decdet aeave Uic muiDate pic rCmmPdNRuqewSLRidn, Tomna caile ah m. NASE DAE ARWlAE LTD. be set at neit meeting. Court The W.A. meeting was held Whist was played. A most del- 'na colro MA 3-M ~icious luncheon was served by ln Uic Sun olCatteBedn s MA 34408 muiha. ad ber group. El7VT7 à 1 M0.41 Wedncsdmy evening wlih rs te Br e i g A s o i to Mr. and à m Roy G. Cathcart presldling.Mra.j -Mus"- ~Courtice et Courgier rpreet v TM CMADIM grATEMÉM. »nWWAWVnr»- rm-PAwn ' PAM TM

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