gBUNSDAY, JUNE iSili, 1959 lUE CANADIAN STA'IAIi DOWKANYITIZ OIITAMG &ocial Th. Rite of Infant Baptiam was observed at the morning service at St. George's Church en Sunday rnorning when the 11ev. D. R._Dewdney baptlsed le yurhome fuily covered? la most communitics, experts tell us, only threc out of ten homes are fully insured. Make sure you have the insurance protec- ion yen need. Don't watt tintil it's too late. We'Il bc Slad to give you a property âpsuramc checkup. Cail! us STUJART 1. JAMES INSURANCE .Offie UA 3-5681 King St. F. USED andi £/)ersonaI Rhxea Joanne, daughter cf Mr. and Mis. Winslow Collier and George Robert, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Ross Boyd. Mis. Ronald Pingle cf Bow- manville vlsited with her moth- er, Mis. G. B. Hodgson on Sat- urday. Members of the Durham Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 66 held their annual Church parade on Sunday evening ta St.'s Anglican Ohurch. Mrs. Barbara Grainger cf To- renta,.spent the weekend visit- ing with Mr. an4 Mis. Harold Couch and family. Mrs. W. Baker cf Cobourg, visited with Mi. and Mrs. Percy Rare on Tuesday of last woek. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Agnew and boys of Milton West, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew on Friday. Mi. Ernest Rmcèh was visited recently by three members cf the Durham Lodge, Messrs. H-. S. Britton, George and Law- rence Gaines who presonted ta him a fifty-yoar pin given by the Grand Lodge for 50 years' membershlp in the Masonic or- der. The, pin was en.gravod 1"E. Rinch, 1908-1958"1. Evening W.A. Laysl_-ts Plans For Group Tea NEWCASTLE - The Evenlngz Branch of St. George's Wom- an's Auxiliary met at the Par- !ah hall on June lth when the opening prayers and roll eall were followed by the minutes cf the last meeting and the re- Ports cf the Treasurer, Flower Secretary and Dorcas. The Little Helpers' convenor gave a report cf the Little Helpers ' pienic held in the com- munity park on June Oth with REAL ESTATE1 Resldence MA 3-5493 BOWMsnVlile CARS 1955 AUSTIN 4-Dr. SEDAN A-50 with Heater 1953 METEOR 2-DR.$75 Customline, with air conditloning -$ 9 1952 CHEV. 4-DR. SEDAN$65 Radio and Heater $____695____ 1950 CHEV. COUPE 5-Passenger. Very good mechanIcally 1950 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN On. owner, 53,000 original mileage $ 395 $ 395 1947 POIAC 4-DR. SEDAN Mechanically go"d____ $ 175 IJSED GARDEN EGUIPNENT EOTO-TILLER, Jari, reg. $325.00 Special $7--0 MAXWELL POWER MOWER, 18" eut- 40.00 MAXWELL POWER MOWER, Deluxe, 18" eut, stand-up tart, Practically new ____ ______ $ 75.00 GRAHAM'S GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE RAYDON (2 miles «ast of Rnsiln MA 3-2730 1 Yàm. mi Election Ends in Tie 75% of Electors Vote NEWCASTLE - With alightly more than 175 percent cf the eligible 634 votera turning out ta the polsa in the Provincial election last Thursday, in NIew- castie Alex Carruthera, PC, and Ted Woodyard, Liberal, were tied with 220 votes each while Boy Armsttong CCP poiled 44 votes. Thus, though failing ta dxoose a winner, Newcastle fellowed the trend cf the province as a whole in giving opposition can- didates more votes than Gov- erninent candidates. Row The Vote Went Candidate E. W W. W. Total Armistrong CCP 28 1e 44 Carruthers PC 123 97 2201 Woodyard Lib 105 115 2201 Spoiled bal. 1 2 31 'Totals 257 230 487 Newcastle Lioneftes Entertain Daughters At Banquet on Monda y The Newcastle Lionettes Club entertained their daughters at the annual Mother and Dau- ghter Banquet cf the club on Mlonday evening when 18 mem- bers accompaniod by their daughters sat down te a deli- ciou.s turkey dinner in the din- ing-room of the Queen's Hotel. Each girl was given a gift cf costume jewellery as a mem- enta cf the occasion and Lion- ettes Dunreath Waltcn and Pauline Storks supplied home-, made candy for each table. The monthly draw conducted among -.members of the club wes won by Lionotte Marion Knox and the President, Lion- etto Dora Kelsey conducted a short business session in which the mombers discussed plans for the booth at the Lions' car- 14 mothers and 19 children in attendance. She sald a pienie lunch was served and thero 14 mothers and 1 children in balloons for the kiddies. Ail re- ported a very enjoyable outing. The brandi has been asked to cater ta a wedding on June 20th and after some discussion a committee composed cf Hazel Crowther, Irene Cunningham, Charlotte Hondry, Doreen Lake and Mary Dewdney was ap- pointed ta take charge cf the project. The commlttee discues- ed plans for the catering later in the meeting. Plans for the strawberry tes. wore discussed with various ideas boing suggested about the forrn thls tea should take. It was left over ta the next meet- ing on June 24th to make final plans for the event. A bale of used clogiing was packed for the Sisters cf St. John the Divine at Bracebridge and the meeting closed with the serving cf refreshments. W.A.,Group WiII Cater For Wedding NEWCASTLE - The South East Group of the Woman's As- sociation of the Newcastle Unit- ed hurch met at the home of Mrs. W. Farrow on Wednesday 1 evening June lOth with ten members in attendance. The members made plans for catering to a wedding to be held next month, and the visiting rcommittee reported 27 cails had been made during the past month. Mis. M. C. Fisher showed pic-j tures of the Coronation Rega- lia and Crown Jewels and gave a most interesting and informa- tive talk on the sanie subject. Lunch was served and the menibers enjoyed a social ie together before adjourning un- til the next general meeting to be held in the Sunday School hall in September. 7Let's Look B ack 10 Years Ago In Newcastle June 16. 1949 Nine mon were injured whon a C.P.R. Jigger driven by P. Tamblyn cf Newcastle,' coflldod with a car driven by Herman Schmidt also of Newcastle. Those hurt includod Ed Powell, Frank Love, Chas. Lakte, Jack Gray, Len Lambert, Jackt Mc- Manus and Perey Tamblyn al of Newcastle. The June meeting of the vil- age council passed a resolution instructing the Reeve ta con- tact the proper authorities to arrange for the building cf 20 low cost houses ini Newcastle under the Veterans' Housin.g Act. Mrs. J. Coulson cf Resthaven spent the weekend ini Toronto viuitîng with her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Lovekin. She was accom- paniod by her grandson Mr. James P. Lovekin. George Crowthers Ladies' Scftball team played nine 'n- nings te a six all tie with the Orono Girls on Wednesday evoning and Orono came back and dofeated the locals il to 7 in another overtizne game on Friday evening. Having been ticd 7-7 at the end of the regu- lation seven innings. Durhamn County was belng used as a national example in an article by Maclean's Maga- zine in an election tory when John James, Liberal, Chas. Ste- phenson, PC, and J. D. Kenny, CCP, were the candidates ini the June 27th lederil electias. nival and it was decided the1 draw prizo, a lovely chaise lounge chair ahould be display- ed bofore the carnival on June 26th ini the window of R. B. Rickard's Plumbing and Elec- tric store. Introduced by Lionette Irene Cunningiham, the -guest enter- tainer for the evening, Mr. Hardy cf Bowmanvillo,, project- ed a most interesting group cf motion-pictures cf the Bow- manville Centennial, the Or- ange parade in Bowmanville, a Mickey Mouse Cartoon and the Royal Tour of the West Indies, New Zoaland and Australia. The thanits cf the members and their daughters was ex- prossed to Mr. Hardy by Lionette Pauline Storks for the most in- teresting and entertaining films. 9 Candidates Confirmed at 1st. G eo rge's NEWCASTLE - Th. Rlght Reverend George Snell, Suffra- gen Bishop cf Toronto, admin- istered the sacrament cf Con- firmation at St. Georges Church on Wednosday, June 3rd. The candidates presented by their Rector, the Rev. D. R. Dewdney, were Alfred Alldread, John Cunningham, George Hon-1 dry, Peter Laike, Verna Rowe, Pat Belsey, Verna Beaudry, Linda Cail and Nancy Stephen- son. Fer hie tezt the.>BIshoi> pot- ed, "I have fought a gcod fight,1 1 have flnished my course: I have kept the faith". He told the newly confirmed that Con- firmation was not an end, but the beginning cf tueir aduit faith. 'OLINA ITe Wonen's Institute will meet in the Community hall on Thursday night at 8:15 o'clock. This will b. the annual grand- mother's meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons and Mrs. H. E. Tink attended Ebenezer anniversary service on Sunday and were tea guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Hil- ton Tinit. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Tlnk and faniily visited Mis. W. A. Orm- iston, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and chlidren visited at Ray Goyne's, Prestonvale. Mrs. Muriel Cowan, Burling- ton, visited several days with Mr. and Mis. Roy Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Langmaid and Mrs. Muriel Cowan visited Mr. and Mis. O. Lunn and child- ren at Peterborough. Mis. S. T. Hoar, Tyrono, was a Sunday tea guost cf Mr. and Mrs. Wes His and children. Mr. Howard Westlake, Rag- lan; Mi. and Mrs. Tom West:- lake, Millbrook, visited Mr. and Mis. Frank Westlako Sr. Mr. F. R. Cook, Master Ste- phen Lamb, Bownianville, and Johnxiy Ovenden, Oshawa, vis- ited at Mr. and Mis. Frank Weslake's Jr. A number cf Solina people attonded Decoration Day ser- vice at Hampton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott and Sandra, Peterborough, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hock- aday and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and William were Sunday guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons. Mis. Gortie Ferguson, Mr. and Mis. Bül McHugh, Oshawa, were Friday evening guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons. Constable and Mrs. K e n WHAT OTHEIS SAY HUMANITARIANISM Humianitarlanism consists lnj neyer sacrificing a hurnan being to a purpose.-Albert Schweit- zer. Our humanity were a poor' thing but for tue divinity that, stirs within us-Francis Bacon. 1 Break up cliquas, level wealtli1 with honesty, let worth b. I judged according ta wisdcm, and we get better views cf hi- manity.-Mary Baker Eddy. I amn a mani and whatever concerna humanity in cf inter-; est ta me.-Terence. A rational nature adxnits cf notulng whlch la flot serviceable ta tue rest cf mankind.-Marcuc Antaninus. To feel much for other., and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfish, and exercise our benevolent affections, consti- tuesth erecio f hwnan nature,-dmSmitiz. Dominion Takes T'op Spot In Supermarket Sales Battie lardon Agnw. l, Dominion Stores moved into the top sales position among Canadian food chains during the past year, President Tho- mas G. McCormack informed shareholdors at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Company June 16th. Reporting ail-tuie record sales by Dominion of $356,424, 351, Mr. McCormack said: "This is the largost volume of annual sales ever reported by a Can- adian food chain, including the I , flewcastle Cut Food Prices at Dominion, Serve with Richmello le. Cream Dole Fancy 20 oz. tin Fruit Cocktail 3 for 1.O Nippy - Tangy MeLaren' s Corn Relish Available Only at Dominion Richmello - 6 delicieus flaveurs - 3 Pint Ctn. lice Cream Special Offer - Saving at time of purchase Prepared - Yellow 24 oz. jar French's Mustard FrSandwiches, leftovers, etc. Lunchmaster Wax Paper Save 45e with Fr.e Towel Rack White Cross 100 ft. rol Paper Towels 2 Candy Feature English - Style Y. & S. 10 oz. Cello Bag Licorice Allsorts 25c Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arizona No. 1 Vine Ripened - Jumbo sîze Cantaloupes 19C Georgian No. 1 YeIlow Flesh - Heaping Quart Box Peaches 29c Ffrst of the Season - Calif. No. 1 - Heaplng Qt. Box Santa Rosa Plums 39C US. No. 1 Anjou Peurs 5 for 49c 15 oz. bottle environmient for supermarket expansion in Canada for many years", Mxr. McCormack 1ad Predicting lower net profit ra- tios due to rising costs, he sat< that the constant development of new methods, machines and materlals wiil evolve the more efficient supermarket of the space age, geared to low-coet mass food distribution. TuaOId Fu m lido cash wlth STATESMAN C LA SS 1F 1E DS Phone MArket 3-3303 Only nt Dominion DOMINION Richmello . Handy iMK AR OD Cheese Slices 8 oz& pkg. 31c 29C a, j 'j'4 35c 5SU 59C 35c 12 oz. Wedge 12 oz. Wedge 16 oz. Jar Sic Kraft Cracker Barrel 24C MiId Cheese Old Cheese Serve Cheese'N Crackers Kraf t - Plain Rls99c Cheez Whiz Regular Solo Margarine I for 49c 6oz. jar 99C New Potatoes 5 L.bag 49c Delicious Pineapples 2 for 59c Al merdhadl»s old at your Donion Store Limted is unconditi:ialy uaranteed togive 00% satisfaction* Saturday, lune 20, 1959 DODMON STORES LIMTED il / Strang and Tommy, Ottawa, were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H~arvey Yellow- lees and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor were Sunday visitors at Mr. E. Gilbarik's, Orono, and Mrs. Lena Hoar'a, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox, Pat, Ken, Brian and Nancy attended Decoration Day service at Ers- kine Church and later visited at H. Malcolm's and Ken Pas- coe's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cry- derman enjoyed a motor trip to Algonquin Park over the weekend. Miss Helen Baker and Miss Peggy Manseil, Toronto; Mrs. J. Smales Jr. and children, Osh- awa, visited at Tom Baker's. Mr. Gordon Hardy, Ebenezer, vlsited at Mr. Isaac Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. George Werry and children, Oshawa; Mrs. J. Shortt, Messrs. Luther and Walter Shortt, Courtice, and Miss Gladys Yellowlees, visited the Werry's at Rose- landvale. Several from Solina attended the Brooks-Langmaid picnic at Kedron, Saturday. A Milison family reunion was held at Mr. and Mrs. Howard .M.ilson's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry were also present on tlus pleasant occa- sion. This Week .. Every Week ... Try a "Différent" 1 Newcastle Lions Club CARNI VAL la NEWCASTLE ARENA IFRIDAY, JUNE 26 NEW CAMES NEW PRIZES NEW NERRY-GG-RGUND for the children Tickets on a Draw for Lady's and Gent's Northland Sweaters Boy'. or Girl'. Bicycle - Steam Iron SPECIALS IN Kraft - Plain or Pimento 8 oz. pkg. 69C Velveeta Cheese Sc Pain or Pimente - Borden's 8 oz. pkg. 2for55- C bateau Cheese Maxwell flous. Instant Coffee Saleway and A & P, IÊr. Me- Cormack repcrted. He attrlbuted Dominion,* ad- vancement on]y in part ta the addition cf new stores, stating: "Almost a million loyal custom- ers cf long standing constitute the soid foundation on which we built the new sales record". He reported that a total of 90 million individual customer transactions were carried out during the year, and that an [ostimated 75,000 ziew custom- ers wore added. Net profit for the year was $6,733,558, equal ta 1.89 cents on evory dollar cf sales. This is an ail-Urne hih in net profit dollars, but 's sllghtly below the 10-year averageof 1.98 per dollar cf sales. New Stores Planned During the next two years Dominion will open 75 new su- permarkets, cf which 35 will be located in shopping centres, Mr. McCormack said. The rate cf expansion, averaging more than three new units per month, will exceedi evon the most rapid growth rate of recont yoars, he said. New units will be built in virtually every large Canadian City. At present Dominion operat- ed 342 stores from. coast ta coast, and has 13,700 'fuil and part- time oniployeos. Space Age Supermarketu "'Continued immigration, high birth and marriage rates, the trend toward urbanization and the steadily rising standard cf living. give >promise of a healthy T. G. McCormack Canadian subsidiaries -of U.S. chains". The new record ex- ceeds the former Canadian high by $31 million, ho stated. Ten years ago Dominion was in fourth place, behind Loblaws, IM4 7224017IM 1 DAILY FOODS IMU MAT, JUNE IM 1959 Tîm CAWAZWM STATIBRUX. Bow OMAFSO P'Anz "VM 690 $175.00