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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 13

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Ste phenj Exh ibitior FOR Father's Da June 21 Give Him Th NEW BOWMANVI LLE BOY SCOUTS PA&PER DRIVE Startinq ai 6 p.m. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 Citizens are requested to have their *Id pzapers and magazines tied ini bundies and placed on tho boulevards in front of thefr homes. Youx co-operation is appreciated. MONDAY, JUNE 22 ai 8:30 p.m. Whitby Arena ove r $ 3,000,00 in prizes PLAY BINGO ON TABLES $1.000-00 SPECIAL GAME (Must Be Won) Sbare-The-Wealth - Valuable Do., Pnizes Regular Gamnes $5000 Each ADMISSION $1.00 Sponsored bv the Whitby Dunlop Booster Club -ceas and had a fair attendence c onsidering the heat wmve. Mrs.' jE. S. Linstead, Port Penny, opened the bazan. Proceeds aven $300.00. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameran were Sunday visitors at Stan- ley Coverlys, Ebenezer. Mns. Pat Roberts ttended the Catholic Wornens Convention at Toronto an the weekend. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dant and ICenneth viuited at William Drant, Mrsd~. iN. E. Patter, Toronto, Mm. William Dant, Soerboreugh, vlsited at Henry Dents. Mis. Clarke Moone, Oaliawa., spent the week with her deugh-. ton Mrs. Keith Stainton. (IntendIed for lest week> George Sonley, Toronto, vis- itcd et Fred Cameron's. Mra. Boyd Ayre was hostess for a Commnuty miscellaneous shower ton Miss Diane Thomp- son, a June bride-to-be, when the gifta she received worem nany 1and useful. Mr. and Mr$. Han% Geissben- ger Jr., Miss Berthe Gcissber- gor visited at ned Hugo, Gorin- ley. Mr..and Mrs. Hans Gei,%sber- gem visited at Fred Hugs, Garn- ger's, Victoria Corners.' Mrs. Fred Carneron vislteci at William Smith'a, Whitby. Mr. and Mis. Stanley Coverly and Karen, Ehonezen; Mn. and Mrs. Morley Plintof , Maple4 Grave; Mr. and Mis. William Preston, Countice; Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and Canol Harvey, Mn. Don Flinitoff, Miss Violet M c- Keller, Joh:%ny Meelar, Osh- awa, were Sunday visitons a t IWes Camneron's. jThe W.A. meeting lied a noal Igood attendance with thic C.G. I.T. and Explorer girls in et- tendance. Mrs. Leask, Port Penny, con- ducted the Re-affiliation servicee and ten ofthei Explorera grad- uated ta C.G.I.T. Sharon and Janey Fisher p1aed a piano duet.SharonFisen, Margaret Pinle, Gaeil Hlrcock, Sharon ITweedi Jeanette Schneider, Lyn4a lkellar, Lynda McGregor, Patay Kellar, Roseniary Sice- man, Susan Fountain arc now C.G.I.T. girs jThe W.A. ladies catered to lte wveddÙiim of Misa Marilyn Ficee atteTwnship Hall, Hanmpton. Mrs. Pat Roberts motored to jRochester and bnaught her rmc- 'thon horne with hon. Baby Susan Stainton spent several days at the Oshawa Qenoral Hospital, but came home on Saturday. Misa Betty Nuan spent the vWcekend wittu her parents at SiSeo. Mis May Hoskin, Harmony,0 was supper gucua t Gerry Gls- Persa "M C"AAfl N ATOUN. EWAME1 emA8 Fue s D op Surplus Salés gral>bed a - de in the opening frame, as _edoff battun Clint Fruo STilt 9 -,O drew a base on balla, md an écoed hencenre-ielerJack --b- Pitching proved to, be the. ma- Bond lot the baIl go tbrough jor difference, as Bawmanville him. Stephen Fuels dropped a lop- Snowdon delivered. a wrong sîcled 9-0 exhibition tilt to Port field hom rnto score thie tV Penny, Saturday night at the run inthe third, follawino a Central Publie Sehoal diamond. walk to, Don Masters and a Une Jones, wenrt seven innings, single by Laurie Garbo. *gving up a single to Don Gil- Bath toa went scandless ie hooley n the third, walking until the final innlng when Ab- ane batter and cammitting an bott scaned the winnen for the error, as he taced only 24 would- Fuels, and Surplus Sales coun- ho hitters. 0f the 21 outs, 16 tered with one run i the bat- went down on strikes, and only tom hait. Girardi kopt the los- T one bail was luit out o!flheiin- er's hapesaelive,, anashing a field. two bageor, mter two were aut. Taniblyn took aver thc pitch- "Buck" Cowle was amie on Mas- ing duties for the final twa tors' enron, scoring Girandi and frames and continued the strike- Maxie Yourth collcted hi, third out parade fanning five more single. Ted lioan smashed a Stephen batters. Bob Abbott bat off Don Glhuooy's glove started the local's eighth off for the apparent tying run, but with a single, Jack Bond walk- the bail caronied ta Maters for ed and Hanry Snowden let a the deciding out. called third strike go by, but Snowden spaced nine hits Gilhooley, the only Bowman- aven the distance ta registor ville player nai. ta strilce out, the win, whlle Hoar was tmg- walked ta f111 the bases. Taanb- ged with the boss, although ho lyn settled down, as au Chant gave uP Only hait a dozen sae- bounced ta the nfild forcing ties. Abbott at the plate, and Danj Girardi fann cd. The reliefer' struck out thc side in thec math. Port Perry scorcd once in the Juvenile Gis second and tour turnes ini the fifth ta wrap it up. Jones led off the fifth frame with a triple,l BaIl Schedule Edgar doubled, Cochrane was1 Bowmmnville home park not safe on Masters' bobble, and detiniely declded yet.- 1 Cornish swatted a three nun Anyone able to give financial borner. Jones' second three-bag-1 assistance is requested ta con- ger, a base on bails and a single, tact Bruce Colwell, MCA 3-3150 by Cochrane platcd twvo more' june in the sixth and a pair of s- 29-Orono at Bowmanville gles scored the final two runs1 ,Part Hope. at Newcastle 1 in the seventh.1 BowmanvilUe at Newcastle jSnowden gave up six hits and j JuIy - five runs over the first five 2-0onn at Port Hope frames, and George Stephens' Port Hope at Bowmariville finisheci up, allowing four bits 6-Onono t Newcastle and four runs. Bownuanville at orono, Necastle at Pçnt Hope 1Bowmanville at Port Hope 13-Newcastle at Orono Jeweler1 .Newcastle at Bow'manvilc 15-Port Hope at Orono Po tL - W nO rono at Bowrnanville P Si- > Vjn20-Port Hope atNecsl Bwinanville at Newcastle 22-Orono at Part Hope k/ver reterL>oro Port Hope at Bowmanviiie 27-Orono et Newcastle Bowmanville Hoopens' Jew- Bowmanville at Orono 7.95 chlers posted a 2-0 win over! 29-Newcastle at Port Hope Peterboro Italias in an exhibi- Bowmanville at Pont Hope tion encounter, at the Memor.- Auguat - ial Park. Friday night. 5-Newcastle at Orono Both clubs played a fine type I Newcastle at Bowrnanvile G of bail, te treat the sParse lu-Port Hope et Orono crowd to an excellent brand of1 Orono at Bowmanville soccer. 12-Port Hope at Newcastle Ai Woodlock opened the sean- Bawnianivillc at Newcastbe1 ing on a close-in drive just he- 17-Orono at Port Hope fore the first haif ended, while Port Hope aI Bawmanville )WN Garrett Payer added the cli- lO-Orono at Newcastle cher in the second halt. Bownianville at Orone YOU 24-Newcastle at Part Hope FOB]owmanville at Ponrt Hope AL j Steph en Fuels New asteatBwanil 31-Port Hope at Orono Edge Surplus eiFns OMs 1 n Tmicila , I-1 at 2, 3 aI 4 ER, Led by Hiarny Snowden's pit- Fial 'VER ching and batting, Stephen Septemler - Fuels overcame a 2-0 firsti n- BesI 2 of 3 gaines. ning deficit to edge Surplus 7-"A" aI "tB" Sales 4-3, in a weil-played con- 8l-"B" at «A"p C test Tuesday night, at the Cen- 9--FliP aIt irst gaine t» get tral School diamond. An errai playing grounds. by catcher Ron Pollard actually miade the difference, when Bob Abbott, who had previously sinledin he evethraZI ON siled the a oevwenPol-e lard's throw to second on an T'he W.A. Bazaar was a suc- a de pendable Kodak comera KODAK A CAMERA Easy, Iou-cost way 10 start enjoying color slides New model of lCduk's famnous P6ny Camera. Mos 1/3.5 lens, 1/250 flash shutter, simple zone focusing . . . plus the converi. ionce of exposure-value Ions set. ings. This surprisingly law-coui Pony Conmera makes miniature. camera precision and versaiility «osier.than-aver te enjoy. Canse $4495 Raesbalder $840 MfOMWIE M0itCAMERA A im-and -shoot convenierwe ... f9mIow price Color movies are a hobby for' the whole femily -aend now, ihey're eusier-thon-ever te en- loy, easier.fhen.aver te altordl Kedaks wenderfui browàne movie Cererras are avouable here et nflo'w prises. %igse. $act#onofet sydees-t models, fectring the werlds mes#t pp. .1er mevie meker, the Browne jAovie Cernera with f/27 iena. $37.95 Jury and LoveiI MA 8-9778 Bewmmnffle Girls Drop 28 -22 Slugfest With Orono Bowinanville Juvenile Girls, under the management of Bruce Colwell, lost thein fiast gaine of r euar league action, here Tusday njght, 28-22 ta Orono. Keast and Wiflis paced the winners with four runs apiece, whiie dean-up slugger Carter was Bowmanville's boit, scor- lng four times. Manager Colwell, announced, followîng the gaine, that the loeal' home gaines will ail be playod at Franklin Park. ENNISKILLEN Since June lis the traditional month for woddings. aur coin- munkty followed thc custom with the charming bride in thc persan of Mrs. Robent B. Weed- on (noe Judith Stenger). Many friends and neighbours gathered at the community hall on Tues- day, June 9th, ta honour Judith Stenger and her American baril fiance, Bob Weeden prior to their marriage. A variety program was plan- ned by Misses Gloria Wright and Reva McGill. Mr. Frank Dorland was MC. and followîng brief opening remnarka ho an- nounced the pragram. Humai- ous readings by Mrs. Rosa Sha-p, Mrs. F. Becket, Mrs. R. Virtue, Mrs. H. McGili and Mrs. P. W. Werry. A girls quartette composed of Misses Vicki Pickering, Doris Wright, Kathryn Sieman,4 Mary Yeo and Lois Ashton, accom- panist, sang two f avourite sangs «"Farever and Ever"' and "My H-appiness". Four promis in g yaung artists gave a tap dance number in gay costumes, Miss Gail Stainton, Miss Heather Griffin, Miss Doreen and Mas- ter David Bryant (Hampton). i IMisses Betty Jane Wenry and Susan Wearn played a delight- fui piano duet. Miss Maureen McNair gave a piano selection. An old-fashionoed sang andj dance number was given by 1 Misses Vieki Pickering and, Lois Ashton with Miss Nancy Wood at the piano. Mns. L. R. Asliton gave a beautiful rendition of ;Bles This House" accompanied byM.Ronald Ashton. Aýfter Judith and Bab were [invited ta the stage, they %were given a corsage and boutonniere by Mrs. R. Virtue and Mr. S. Lamnb. An addness was read by Mr. Allan Werry and_ giftsi of personally mionogramed lea- ther wallets containing a money gift were presented an béhalf of the commnunity by Mrs. R. Virtue and Mr. S. Lamb. Miss Doris Wright C.G.I.T. president, read an address andi Miss Donna G. Irwin presetd Judith with a large table cloth froin the C.G.I.T. group ande niember who belonged wt Judith. The honoured couple PR ICED AT 79at04$27 SELF-ADJUSTI N .ADJUST UP AND DO WITH SPRING ACTION-AS) SHAVE-TO COMPENSATE1 AIL TYPES 0F WHISKERS,J TYPES 0F SKIN AREAS. THI NEW EXCLUSIVE SELF-ADJI ING ROLLERS WITH SUNBEAI TRI PLE-TWIN SHAVING HE qIVE CLOSER, SM0OTHI FASTER SHAVES THAN EV BE F0R E Jewvellery &Gift Shop w- V AtJHA~>. boh e peedes of appreci- A cieliclous lunei wasuered, 'WWoh Incuded a special treat of ice-cream provided by Mr. and Mra. R. Stenger. Werry Mr. Y.Drland Mr. amd MnB. i. A. Werry, Grant and Betty Jane, attended the grad- uaion ceremnony or Clark W«.- ry at Convoication Hall, uni- versity of Toronto, when about 150 young modical atudents received their diplomas. Congratulations to Mr. Clark- Werry wbo la now a youn« doctor. Dr. and Mrs. Clarke D)oi- lan an JonLapeer, Mich- Toron>to; Misses Winnifred Cole d kna Gilbert, Ward Gil-, bort, Toronto, Elonor Leighton, Bowmnanvifle; J. A. Werry and J. Adamns, Bownmville, were tes guesta of B. A. Wer- ry's. Mr. and Mra. Balpb Lumb' were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrn. T. J. Grawbarger, Restoule. Mrs. James Cook, O"hwa, spenit the weekend wlth Mr. and Mra. A. Sharp. Mr..and Mn. Geo. frwin and RodneY were Sunday viaitors at Mr. and Mia. Jim Irwin's and Mms. Mable Bowena Bobcay.ý geon. Mr. and Mrn. Allan Martin and family, Bowmil-le, were Sunday visitois at Mr. and ia. Ralph Virtue. Mr. and Mrm. T. P. Bell and family, Toronto, were Sunday- visitons at A. L. Weann'a. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemnn, Haydon, and Mrs. F. Toms at- tended Cadnius Anniversary. Very pleased 3o manýy took- advantage of the TB clinic on Friday. Mrs. S. R. Caldwell, Mma S. Poster, Mr. and Mm. M. Wallor! and Brenda, Port Hope, were Sunday tea guestà at Mr. and M%&s. R. J. Ormiston's. ManY from here attonded Bowinanville and Hampton De- coration Day Services. Mr. and Mis. Hiigh Degeer, Bchany, were callers at Mr. and Mis. Gordon Yo's. Mr. and Mis. Wmn. Howells were wlth Mr. and Mrs. Arduie Keith, Oshawa. Mrs. Clifford Retz and Faith,' Fairview, Penn., Mr. and Mis. E.arl Trewin, Doreen and Don- ald were with Mr. and Mr$. Laine Lamb. Mr. and Mrm. Keith MoGiUi and Dale were visitons at Lyal Brack's, Bowmanville. Misses Sandra and Sharon !Wcrry were with Mr. and Mra. Ross Lee, Kedron. Dr. and Mis. Clarke Doriand and John, Lapeer, Michigan; Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Tor.- anta, were Sunday dinner guesta' of Mr. and Mrn. Frankc Don- land. Mr. and Mrs. Ray VanMeer, Providence, wore wlth Mr. and, !Mis. Keith MeGill. Mr..and Mrs. Allen Werry,. Sandra and Shanon were recent visitors of Mr. and Mns. Art Stainton, Bracebnidge. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo an~d famil were' with Mr. Clarence = reTyrone. Gordon Fleet and siter, Mnm. Thwaites and Marvin, Toronto, were visitors with their father Mr. John Fleet, alsa with the Wearn's. Mrand Mrs. E.w.Begley ley Mills R.N., Kingston. Fine Broadcloth PYJAMAS Stripes and Plain Shades 4.95 and 5,95 Smart Jewellery ln gold and silver finishes. Some set with lovely stones. Fromn 3.9 5to 8.9 5 For -Dada of Distinction... TI1E S with the flair only European fabrics en bring. Froin 1.00 to 1.00 KNIT SHIRTS'.0. in breeze-cool combed cottow. Smnart colors. 2.95 to 5.93 Smiart importad SPORT COAT Materials. The perfect gift for Dad From 24.9 5 to 35.00 SLACKS Tropical, cool, washable siachi 11.95 English Worst.d 14.95 and 16.95 Ken's Men's Wear 37 King St. W.' Bowmnanvill MHu LIDAY. -.TUNE lBth. 19 iJ fSOCCER I IHI -ULGHTSI Zi.,n and, Hampton continued to roll along undefeated in the senior division, but Cutc suddenly loamned as acniaus threats last weck ta mnove itt a second place deadlock with Hamipton. The onnushing Countice crew biasted Mape Grave 6-0 Wed- nesday night and held Zion ta a 2-2 tic on Saturd&y. The los& was Mvaple Grove's tiraI of the scason. Tyrone plcked up theiri tirst win, downing Ennîskillený 3-0 in mid-weck play, Solina, the anly winless eain in the loop battlcd Hamnpton ta a 1.1 standoff. Zion shows the way in thc junior league, aisa, with a two point margin over Courtice and Maple Grave. The league-Iead- ens handed Sauina thein initial doeet ta drap the lasers 10 third, in an early season baIlle for firsI place. Zion la unde- 1 feated, whilce t the other end: of the standings, Hamipton dnopped liheir founth in a row -this turne 5-1 ta Maple Grave. Courtice awamped Enniskl- »Ilen 8-0, and in Thursday night's other attraction, Bawmanville garnered their tiraI point of the season, by holding Tyrone toaa 1-1 deadlock. Senior Standing W L T PIs ZMon 3 0 2 8 Hampton ..___2 O 2 0 Countice - 2 1 2 6 Me1ple GrOve 1..l 1 2 4 Enniskillen 1 -2 1 a Tyrone ._ _.1 2 13 J Bowrnanviile 1 3 0 2 Sauina 0 O 2 1 2 Junior stading W L T Pte-~ ZMon - -___ .4 0 O 8 Courtice -- - i3 0 Maple Gnove ..3 1 o # Salina ----..2 1 1 s Enniskillen 2 2 o 4 Tyrone---- O 2 2 2 Bownuanville 0 3 1 1 Hampton - -0 4 O 0 11TIR PROVINCE? Cape Breton Post. The Yukon la sinaller than any of the Prairie Province., but halt as big as Ontario. Its wealth production, alreadyS lange, will become great, for in addition ta vaut minerai nesour- ces it bas tarin and grazlng bands. fonesta and immense hy- dra-clectric power potential Pk>Pulation. though tacreasing. It would make a fine province, and wauid likely pro- greas aster by itseltf amiaIf absorbed in B.C., ioe govn- mente in contrai of huge area deted o eglo* lthebluter. land& 1T ~/ ýow 1 - mmulai PAM

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