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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 14

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PA« TFOU~ Rundie1 Picnic Ri A very pleasazý on May 31st at t] and Mu-. Herb E and Mrs. John E imembers of the with wives, husi dren, Mr. and Mv eH, their son and their families, jci ,woodl, where thE picnic groiind. The occasionq gether was to v Ermna Worden, M a niece of Mrs. and Mr. Herb Ri been spending a1 cation with her1 latives in Ontari Alter everyone Higlq a8 Kig St C. for Bowman Ci It was our on ti cm Family leunion nt time was had the farm of Mn. ERundle and Mr. Rundie. Ail the SRundie family ;bands and chil- &rs. W. R. Pick- id daughter, and ourneyed to the ere is a lovely of this get-to- visit with Miss Weyburn, Sask., .W. R. Pickell Eundle who has three-week va- friends and re- ro. ie did justice ta a bountiful supper fram well laden tables, Mr. Albert Rundie t00k several pictures of the ga- thering whîch will be shown some time in the future by his projector on the screen. Wlhile the ladies plcked up the vittles the gentlemen cieared ana pack-1 ed away the tables and bench- es. A lively bail game with chil- dren and grown-ups thn en- sued with lots of cheers' of en- couragement from the specta- tors. The teams were so even- iy matched that the score was fairly close. Goodbyes were said as dark- ness began to close ini and hopes were expressed that there could be many more such get- togethers in the future. MIra. Smithson of Caledon spent the weekend with Mr. and Nrs. Herb Rundile and alsoý attended the picnic. 7on Electric Ltd. Electrical Contractors t. E. Bowmanville .ongratulates Stewart Mclavish rhis faith in the future of nville on the opening of hîs new cinadian Tire Associate Store rpleasure to have the electrical contract the remodelling of this building. ýgratulatt'ons... te Stew Mc Tavish the openhng of his ROw CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE It was our privilege and pleasure to do the excavatmng for the new building and spacîous parking lot. Gord Burley B. . 1, OSHAWA RA 8-5091 f you are in the market for a good used car.. to buy at clearance prices. 1957 Olds. Super "88" 4-Dr. Sedan Hydramatie transmission. Custam radio. One owner car. 2-tone in coral and ivory. In lavely shape. 1956 Dodge Coach V-8 with Power Flite trans- mission, custom radio. One owner car. Reconditioned and very dlean car. 1956 Chev. Coach Two-tone with radio. In excellent condition. 1952 Cadillac Sedan Fleetwood, fully equipped. ALL RECONDITIONED Ail Privately Owned Cars w. 1955 Olds. Su Black wý Wall tire tom radil beautiful 1954 Chev. Di A real cl 1954 Pontiac1 Two-tone A real gi 1953 Chrysler A good cl exceptiori 1953 Pontiac1 Custom1 -READY FO - Mostly NICI Oldimoil.aid ChovooltCa 10 WNAN VILE Chyrolet Trucks Phono MA 34M3Pl TM CANADIAN STATESMAN. E OWMIANVI=, .Oi<TAPM Canadian Tire Official Opening Friday Evening at 8:15* Tomorrow evening, Bowmanville wiHi have pet beautiful store is constructed on the site of the oil Bow- of excitement with a big parade and lots of bailyhoo to manville Congregationai Church. The photo shows quite1 announce the officiai opening of this new Canadian Tire cleariy what a fine job of renovation has been done to Associate Store on Church St. The owner, Stew McTavish, make the old building into a modern merchandising has done his best to make it a glorlous affair - ail that is structure that would be a credit to any community. required now is good weather and a huge crowd. The' come effective in the near fu- ture, and it was the unaminous Thisils ate Saf ty W ek! decision of the members that for the present we carry on as chosen by the ladies was Maple Learn These Basic Rules rv United Church Crls As we approach the holiday1 farm and in your neighborhood. area for drop-offs, currents, reported progress made by their season, iV is fittin.g that a few1 are fenced, and small children water purity-andï for a safe, Circle in projects undertaken, minutes should be set aside to supervised at play. firm bottom. membership and amount of review the rules wxhich govern, Garden ponds and plastic Do riot swiîn alone under any! money raised to date. Mrs. Ho- water safety. Close adherence wading pools shoulô. be super- circumstanceis. Chiid and adult ward Bradley reported for the max' U and I Circle in the absence of to these basic orinciples a vised while childrerl are at play alike rnay pantic when no help the president, Mrs. G. Beech on save your fle this summer or -and closed off when supervi- is near. the life of someone you love. sion is absent. Children have Don't swim in the dark-it's holidays. These projeets indlu- BE WATER-W]ISE - drowned in as littie as two or dangerous. ded Penny a Meal, Card Parties, Water must be treated ,vith three inches of water. Know and teach 'reaching Home Bakmng Table at the respect. It can be a great frieiid. If children are poor swim-t assiss-that is, how to help a metingTavinr, apsefort providing us with many pleas-1 mers or non--swimiers, thev1 swimmner ;In difficultv by lying P azar pla DnneAn forFa, ant hours of recreation or it, can miust wear life jackets, when fiat and extending an arm, a Calendar and Holiday Givng be our worst enemy. they are in a boat. Y'oung pole or paddle, or towel or A oe asdwl etre loe hei he-irefully. clywachco life buoy.otrwalneA oe asd ilb un Each year, in Canada, alinost cheildcre mue uiklywat r lting-uow otho aueover to the treasurerMs.H one thousand people ls hi Watch children playing with Don't let your children swim Bradley, with the exéept ioo Tlre in joit'ngf h accidents, 1bech toys. Theyre fun on the after eating. Have tîxern wait at an expense fund for supplies. !'Iive inajdrtofning aciden!Abe nee no hve appne. Tevbeach - sometimes hazardous Ieast 2 hours-. A list of suggestions of im- wee t he sut f oosne h, in the water. Ilf they- are liglit, Don't swirn when overtired provements, etc.. the ladies; the slightest breeze will carry, or overheated. Cool off grad- would like ta see udrae irresponsibilit 'v and ignorance. them out of reach into deep ually first. ivithi the consent of the Trus- Como s nse, as wrell as skill. xvater. Don't swin too far from tees, was compiled and a Buy is needed if this SuImmer is to, o' use inner tubes, water shore. Swim parallel o 1 the ing Committee of the president~ be a safe one at our lakes and, etc.. if your cant swim. shore. and secretarv of each CîrcleI hiswe bfr the holiday, The- false confidence they build Don't swim until you become was appointed to carry on tem-I months begin. Canada is oh-ý up ma 'v cost your life. too exhausted, particularly if porarily until each Circle meets! serin NtioalWacr aftv Even aftcr smnall chiidren -the ,vater is cold. lin September, there being no, eek. TheNatinadia ed Cî'(>s leirn to swimi. vigilant super- 1 Don't allo\v horseplay in the meeting planned foir Julv or! Week Th Caadia Re Crss;vision nuxust he cofntinuer] i water: or permit the voungsters August. It was decided instead Society is urging parents to1 Do flot permit swimnming or! to "duck" or pushbâbthers into of securing speakers for our tlen he ollwn ae-sf divin. in unknown waters. Have! water. Playfulness inay cost a' monthly meeting, to study and -hlrn 1hi epnil auicek nwlf.The next joint meeting date ClVldre love to play in wa- I1A L Df~t Seaway, recently. wvas set for December 8th with er. and hey must be watchedi UflUGR VLs Mr. and MNrs. Alber-t Both. each person bringing a gift fo r constantlv if there are creeks. 1 well and family. Hampton, vis- the diurch kitchen. Lind'a Scot t1 rivers or ponds. no matte rhowý1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green- ited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Both- etertained witha letu- small, near the home. A ditch, 1 ham and Carole motored to Mal- well, Sr. on Tuesday evening ber. Lunch was served. flooded after a storm, can be: ton Airport on Saturday morn- The pupils in Grade 7 andI E H N a death trap. ing to meet his sister and bro-i 8, their teacher Mr. R. Mollins, Cover open wells and make her-in-law, Mr. an-d Mrs. Ern- and chaperones, Mrs. Howard B sure deep excavations on your est Young, frin Eastleigh. Eng- Bradley and Mrs. Jack Hurrie. 1 IH N ] and. who will be spendi ng sev- e njoyed a trip Vo Niagara Falls eral weeks vacation in Canada. on Týuesday. Enroute tbey vis-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pomieroy Mrs. Eugene Dobbs, Dianne ited Fort George, Brocks Mon- adfml r oig ti and Bobby accompantied Miss ument, Sir Adam Beck power week to their new home in Isabel Townes to Hillsdale to plant and the Falls at different Havelock. Prior to their leaving, visi reativs tere.plaes. heytravelled in one of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith en- visi reaties hore plces Thy Itertained in their honor on Frn tMrs Gordon CaI]ahan. Toron- the Garton buses. daeeig when friends a Mr. haresWheelock Mr. and Mrs. Glen Keller, egbuspsntdhi wh were Saturday guests wîth Mrs. Dale and Brian, Whitby, visited anaeghbousprsented tindit C. Russell and family.' Mr. and Mrs. Tomn McGuirk on apaegaswl irra Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday Sunday.j and Mary have moved Vo their Sunday visitors with Mr. and iiew home in, Bowmanville and Mrs. Charles Greenha wore Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munday and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young, familv xiii live on the lvison Eastleigh, England: Mr. and Mrs. MundaY farm. William Haxvitt. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacuti I Steve Wilson and Briani, Scar-0 Rab-& attended Anniversary Ser-vices borough: Mr. and Mrs. James at Ebenezer and w ere Sunday M artin and family ,Mr. and Mrs. here is your chance tea guests of Mn. and Mrs. Wil- Elgini Greenham, Bowmanville.6 liam Bickle. The following girls took part Mr. and Mrs. Norman Both- in the Spring Recital of baton, well and tamilv, Bowinanville,1 tap and ballet at Bowmanville iper "88" Sedan called on bis parents, Mr. and Town Hall on Friday evening; ritb ivary top, wvhite Mrs. Dave Btithivell Sr. on Sun- Sheila Goodnu r p h y, Linda M Hydrainatiec - day. Scott, Brenda Bamber, Louise S. Oeo rcri Mrs. H. E. Gould accompanied Whitney, Shelley Bothw ell, o. ne wne ca w er sister Mrs. Milton Caster, Mary Ann Doyle, Roseann and, 1 shape. Toronto, to visit their mother, Louise Paterson, Gwen Dupuis, who is ill in Kingston Hospital. Carole Greenham and Barbara ýeluxe Coach Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty Brown. Carole and Barabara Jean car. and family, Mrs. Mary Laverty, won scholarships for thein good CHECK OUR. Deluxe Sedan, London, were Sunday dinner work. PIE guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maple Grove Church Anni- PIE e, customn radia. Ireland, Norwood. versary Services wiIl be held ýood car. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson this Sunday with Rev. Logan T ED~U A U and Julie, Hamilton., vere Sun- of Enniskillen as guest minister THEBE T A LU Sedan day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ced- ini the afternoon and Rev. Eug- îencra ie Russell. ene Beech of Toronto auring the A Y H R lencr nKen Brooks lias returned ta evening service. Anniversary A Y H R ~alvale.his home from Flint, Michigan,1 supper w-ut be held on Wednes- Deluxe Coach for the summer.1 day evening. Everyone welcome. ASK OUR push-button radio. Maple Grove Church Choir Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt UTM R supplied the music for Cadmus attended the funeral of theirCUTMRI Anniversarv service on Sunday cousin Mr. Edgar Plhillips in evening. Mr. Ken Mayberryj Toronto last Tuesday. ~was guest so Kely, tow Theysyrnpathy of the corn:ar manville, called on Mr. and Mrs. ily of the late Mrs. J. D. Ste- N e re organ jHoward Cryderman on S'atur-j yens, who passed away recently. day. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bush, id op.Mrs. Cecil Burton and family days with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil top. were Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Bur- Milîs and family. ton. Mrs. Claudia McKenzie, 1 Many from Maple Grove at- DR TH RODM iss Viola Burton,' Mr. and Mrs. tended the euchre party at St. )R HEROA IClifford Burton, aIl of Oshawa. Josephs parish hall, Bowman- On. Owner Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden ville, on Tuesday evening. and Betty Lou attended oAnni- Clrcle's Joint Meeting versary services at Ebenezer The Circles of Maple Grave and*wJimndavNole were n the d Ties presen.t. rs. Cec i-,-effery TRUESDÂY. 2UNE Mt -w---.- ~, 195 smoker's stand. Ife Spencer presiding. Mms Mr. and Mrs. AI. Fuller and e lorence Johnston had charge their daughters. Patricia and of the worship service and gave Jayne, Toronto, spent the week- a talk on Fellowship, tellîng in end with Mr. and,, Mrs. Leonard her own words the story of the Driver. î Apostle Peters vision of a world Milton Staples, Q.C., Calgary, wide fellowship. Mrs. James Alta., visited with Mr. an.d Mrs. Fraser read the scripture lesson Ross Carr on Wednesday. and led in prayer. William Marks spent the past Mrs. Henry Jakeman gave a week in Owen Sound. talk on Christian Stewardship- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hughes, "True Christian stewardship is Toronto, visited with her mo- the giving of our time, talents ther, Mrs. Richard Fallis during and money to Christ's cause. the weekend. Our whole lives belong to t.he Rev. William Fritz, who had God w-ho created us. It is He been the student minister of the who gives the power to gel Manvers Parish and who1 was wealth and it is required of man ordained into the ministry at that he be found faithful." IHamilton two weeks ago, prea- Miss Mary McKenzje had ched his farewell sermon in the charge of the study period and United Church on Sunday Inorn- deait with the problems of im- ing. Mr. Fritz and his family migrants and unemployment. are moving to Coniston. 'Eleven per cent of the popu- Harry Johnston left on Suri- lation of our Dominion are New day for North Bay. 1 Canadians, mostly from Europ- The United Church choir dir- ean countries" said Miss McKen- ected by Mrs. Stewart Speller: zie. "They bring different view- supplied the music for the De- points and different religions; coration Day services at Mount but also add to the economy of Horeb on Sunday. our country, as thev produce The Womens Missionary So- and consume wealth". At the ciety memnbers met at the home close of the meeting the hos- of Mrs. T. J. Jackson on Tues- tess served refreshments and à day evening with Mrs._ Winni- social hour was enjoyed by ail._ Congratulations ta Mr. Stew McTavish on opening of his NEW CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE We are pleased to have been the agents for this real estate transaction. WALTER FRANK, Agent McQuay & Kidd, Realtors 177 Church St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3986 Congratulations te Stew Mclavish on the opening ai his new CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE IN BOWMANVILLE It was aur privilege and pleasure ta have installed the ail heating ini this new building. J. BROUGH Plumbing & Heating Division St. :DR WI] h. iized to build quality and e MA 3-5615 YOU TOO ARE WELCOME TO USE OUR BUDGET PLAN FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN into your proiect. ID'§ e ANOD III MERm sowvaMavl MArkol 3-5715 i Outstanding Value! 1951 DUICK CONVITIDI Power equipped mceludfhg windows ai Automatie transmission, radio. New ROY 0

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