TM CtANADIAN STATIESMEAN. BOWMANVflLE. ONTABTO T'HURSDAY, JUNE1cm Do1 FRIDAY SATURDAY, Free Balloons for Kiddies!. AUTO WAUN - Cuta wasb tUr. ne »M/ POWDER LIQUID ......... .49 5½-oz......... .2 quart ........79 12-o . .........49 WIIITEWALL TIRU CLEANUR .79 Keupu wbitewalt lu1k. new Hàdaniuyer forabovo . .19 UPIIOLSTERY MLANIER ROAD TAR end CIL RIMOVER-Stub. - Concentrated. .8 born spots wlpe rlght offit fast 1 With brusb. 8-m .89 WU not hurt car'a .39 CIIROMB A N D MITAL surface. .. ....... POLISH - Remnovea rust WASII MITT - Thick, heavy fleece. and tarniah. 3 Snug fittlng wrist band. Ideal 9 Euh $bin.e %plat 95 for cleaning andS poIISil8 a9 JUNE 1 FOR DAD!. 20 FRIDAY NORNING ONLY Wlth every purchase of $2.00 or over you will receive absolutely free a . .& DRINK-SAVEli BOTTLE CAP OR A MILEAGE-MNDER For Thé. EconoMy Boa-IlMindedi WASH BRUSH ture-laden brush... plastie head orharblend bristles, water con-1 8 trol shut -off valve. Ribbed hand - ~ grip. Hang-up tab. OFFICIAL OPENING C EREMONIES WILL TAKE PLACE FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE ,j9th,0 AT 8:015 PeM. Following and our her Parade group through Town of Majorettes. h eaded by the a.-See the OId Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band. Time Cars from Bowmanville.9 0 .See Barbara Other Brown Attractions! MUFFLERS " New Car quality. Indivldually engin. FREE oere foryou car...perfect lit. " Reavier sheil, heads, tubes;, Double-U MUFFLER loked sean-...liMbit rust andl cor: SAFETY CHECK rouion. " Expert installation in l a hurry i NOW'S THE lIME TO REPLACE TMAI LEAKYo DANSEROUS, POWER- ROBSINt MUFFLER Save Up To 50% - At Canadian Tirs - C.T.C. FORD, 195-36 3 EmSale Prie* <mosi7,3 CIIIVOIUl, 194853, 51 STUDEBAKIR CHAMP,&6 CLI?. - 5.1B Vf 1947-54 .... 19437 (met) ..... PONTIAC, (6-cyL) 00008 end PLYMOUTH (6-syl.) 194957 <meu> FORD, 1949-34 5.52 0.86 50 INSTALLATION, cef)t ..- 25 ta2.86 MuFFIRS, UXHAUST PIPES end TAIL PIPIS- e eer er.d 9.11., Saviogp . thoa i IFREE 8 DRAW PRIZES 1. Boy's or Giri's BICYCLE 2. ELECTRIC FRY PAN 3. PICNIC COOLER W. invite al Dowrnanville and District Residents ta cone in and look over aur new ultra modern store. Yon are under no obligation to huy ... Be sure you write ant an entry hlank supplied and you may win one ai these prizes ! COflODIRD TIRE 160 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVI LLE C. STE WART NcTAVISH, Proprietor AUTOMATIC ADJUSIMENT "RiDE-G-MAIC9" SHOCK ABSORBER.S «N~ew Car Quality *Steady on the curves. *Take th. I bounce I out of * Bnlsh "Nose. Diving'" Stops. roll, Jounce and bounce wlth smooth- rlding, level action RI DE -O - MATIC Shock Abgorbers. Bet- ter Steerlng - 1 e s road shock.g CAKADIAN TIRE :SAVES YOU *UPTC FAST INSTALLATIONi wVile Yom WoIt FRONT END PARTS Replace worn end sloppy Col Springs and Front Whsel Parts - ut Canadian Tires GrOmter 5mw. For more comfortable drlvlng 4r ban mamr up to 1»00 be. 1-pc. die forrned com"tru tioo rugged. lUghtwelght. Four dutY wOb atrapu faste» Wto ain gutter. vacuumn cupas upport an0 hold do,'» straps secure the ioad. Baked on gr euan amash quoli fy Boat Hardware,* M -- - -- .- -. àWL - - --- ýý - - -- m 1 a PAGE m EFTZM -- -- . - 1041. lora e*lwý ILL