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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 17

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A ieV¶OmI6O AADAISTTyMNvLWAVgLmTAX AGE SEVR W TJC l *ftfl104 100 Bed Adito Too Ambitious. Special Report Advises Orono C of CI A good attendance was regis-1 beds are needed for evtre ,0 ~rdat the Orono Cham beri population. On this bush, he »Ï Cmmnerce meeting recently,! said, a Clarke Hospital would et the Orono Restaurant. Rt-1 be too small. porta were received in connae-1 Using tht same type of rea- tien with the Orono Colt Derby: soning tht committet reported and alo In connection with the that at the presttime a sev- aupporting of the present plans' enteen bed addition aI Bow- ,of expanding the Memonia] Hos- mahville would be adequate. pitlinil Bowmanville. The report stated that tht Bew- 1fr. IL Duvaîl, who headod I man ville Hospital strved 17,000 a commaittet from the Orotio i people and that a 17 bed addi- Chaniber o! Commerce to deter- thon to the 60 present beds mine whetber or not a hospital would fit tht standards as set i Clarke Township was feas- up hy the Department of, ible, reported tht findings of the Health. commnittte wbo also workedj The 100 bed addition is juzt along with Coujneil members. 1 0 ambitious stated tht report! Mr. Duvall stated that both and would bring an undue fi-' if nbers from the Cham ber nancial burden on tht taxpay- dM Clarke Council had met 1ers of Clarke. Figures, tated with tht Minister of Health and iMr'. Duval, at the Ontario Hos- also with the Ontario Hospital: pitl Service Commission show- Services Commission. He stat- ed the occupancy o! tht Bow- ed that they had been dîscour- manville Hospital aI 77 percent. aged at bath meetings in con-!1 The committee pointtd te the structing a hospital in Clarke, need of expansion but feit that Township as the hospital would, an additional 50 beds would be be toc amall. It was n)ointed out!. p]enty for this would allow for that il is -considered that 4½ý an increase ira population tram OUR SPECIAL GUARANTEE! Olers you the use of our fitted heaning instrument for thrýe months, with a special money-back guarantee. Here i.r bow the Mai=o guarantec works. After wearing the instrument for tbrec months accordjng tooui instructions, have your own car specialist or physician cheek it% operation. If he isflt cornpletely 'satisficd with the resuits yen have obtained, and we arc unable to adjust it to meet bis requirements. ,we wiil rinburse you the ful] purchase price, leuw oaly the origina cest of the car insert made espccially for you. Ail various types of heaing instruments fitteci are baued on a -FREE" audiometric test made by certified hearlng aid audiologiats. An appointment may be made without a"y obliga"ion o yeurt wh ho * H.M.-that's Heating Measurenent- the surn of ail the factors that affect tht heating needs of your home. Whatever the size or layout of your homne, there's an Esso Oi1 Heating unit which fits that measurement exactly-and in combination witb Ewo, Furnace 0it, it ia your guarantee of sure, 8afe, ail-heat conifort.. Esso Heating Equipment is guaranteed by Imperial Oit and your Esso Heating Equipment denier will gladly arrange easy budget term-up to five years to pay. Cail hlm today--ask about the new. low-cost-but fülly guaranteed -Eu.î G-96 Furnace. IMPIAL (Csso) ILIATS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOI liILS Usi BAVE YOUR H.-M. CHECKED TODAY CALL.JJI H. MOSIER SHEET NETAL 21 Church Si. Z.mih 4-5450 - RA 5.2734 GEO. Oshawa THOMSON OIL DURNES SALES & SERVICE 125 Conant Si. RA 3-7718 Oshawa 17,000 to 27,000. It was aise the meting approved payment i reported that the Mdristera of of $200 Ofor the fireworks. Health, when he met with the Mr. Dane Found outlined thç committee. was quite surprized Colt Derby being held at the thet a 100-bed addition had been Orono racewaSr June 20. Twen- approved. ty-seven colts have regi.stered The cornmittee recommiended and the only thing left to be that the present plan for a 100- done was organizing help. Here bed addition flot be supported they were having a littie trou- as it was considered too amolhibe. Many offers of help came tious. Reconsideration, they felt, forth for the big event. should be made in reducing the ?&. E. H. Samuel asked for size of the addition. hep to put in posts and also paint at the Park. The Cham- The report was accepted and1 ber are to assist with a bee approved by the entire Cham-I planned for last Monday even- ber and a copy of the report, ing. Over ten turned out for the along wlth the BuPPOrting MO- work bee and parking posts tion is to be sent to the Town- were set out. A further bee is ship Council of Clarke. planned for this coming Mon- brr. G. Watson, treasurer,1 day evening when they expect said that $147.00 *had been col-, to complete painting. lected for the Firework.s display[ The setting up of a niember- and that this amount fell short i Ship committee was discussed of the cost of $200-00. Thec gen- and a committee was appointed. eral account showed a total of [t was pointed out that every- $267.24 and the race account one must be notified in ad- $303.00. Ail accounts at the vance in order that catering may Orano Rik had been paid and be arranged.-Times. The Orono News f Telephone 127 E. Logan and Mr. Logan. Mrs. Maxwell Loveys, M4,r, and Mis. Vincent Loveys. T0 ronto, were supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper on Sunday. Mrs. W. L. Kng has retuiri- ed home from MNeniorial Hos- pitl, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Kari Hall, Bow- nianville, MnL. Stanley Sey- mour, 'LI. and Mrs. Grant Sey-1 mour and son Carman. Toron- to, visited INs. Wrn. Seymoeur. Mis. Geo. Crowt.her, Charles and Jamie, Newcaste, Mr. and Mra. Fred Brooks and Chris, Oshawa, Mi. and Mrs. David Phasey, Wayne and Kathy, Ty- rone, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. Charlts Wood. 3&. and Mrs. Earl Byam, Oshawa. visited Mr. anad Mrs.- Win. Miller on Sunday. l ndMis. Manwet Loveys, MTo- Js. ru nerad adMrs. MVincent Loveys , Mr rente, were dinner guests of M.r r Ir and Mis. ,Victor Rebinson on 1fr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris,a Mr ad *s Frgso adAt Cal tîornia f son, Hugh, Toronto, wtrt supper aRN aesA rnr guesta of Mi. and Mis. D. S. OOO-JmsA rnr 1Harnes& on Sunday. ud, fermer Mapleton Hign Mns. Jean Barr, Erie, Penn.,Sohool principal, is among those t h~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~. iitn Ms.Aixcompleting thc recjuireinents is isiingMr an Mr. Aexfor the Dector of Philosophy1 Watson. degree at the University ofS Miss E. Penfound, Mr. and Califorraia ira Berkeley, Cahifor-v Mis. M. H. Stapes, visited Mr. nia.V and Mis. Harold Lang, Water- Mr. Grunerud bas majored inie down, on Sunday. public school administrationn Little Nancy and Tim Gay with minora ira educational psy- have returned home froni Kit- chology and curricuum and ina- chener for the summer. struction. During his two years Miss Nina H'odgson. Wash- of graduate study at the Uni-a ington, D.C., spent Tuesday with versity cf California, be bas Mr. nnd Mýs D. G. Hooper. worked as a research consul- Mis. Howard Walsh and Mrs. tant in tht Field Service Cen-n A. Saunders spent Sunday with tre at the University. Mrs. Win. Cobl1edick. Mr. Grunerud la. a çraduate Mra. Thornton Wilson who is of the University of Minnesota a patient ira Toronto General where he received bis M.A. de- Hospital had an cyt operation grec with a major ira secondary on Tuesday. school administration. Ht re- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cha'l- ceived his B.A. and B.Ed. deg, terton, Mr. and Mis. Orville from the University o! Saskàt- Chatterton and Carol, Mr. and chewan with majors ina English Mms Ronald Hancock and De- Jand hiistory and a minor in pol- bra, spent the weekend at itical science. Ht is a meniber Birchciffe Lodge, Chandos of Phi Delta Kappa fraternity. Lake. Apsley. Mr. Grunerud has accepted a Margaret Mitchell, daughter position on the faculty of St. of Mr. and Mrs. Aîbert Mitchell Cloud State College, St. Cloud, who had an appendix oprto Minnesota, wbere be and his last week. returned home on family will reside when he as- Sunday froni Mem-oria] Hospi-: sumes his teaching duties at the tal, Bowmnanville. college ina September. Mis. J. E. Richards spent Fri- Mr'. Grunerud's wife, the for- day in Port Hope and attended1 mer Mûrlel Morton, is a daugh- the Spencer school of instruc- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George tion %vhieh was held aI the St.! Morton, Orono. Lawrence Hotel. Mis. Robert Stewart is n-ow Helen Colville. Mrs. John Bigelowv ha, te- RS. JOHN D. STEVENS turned to her home aI Kirbv after two weeks in Port Hope, Tht death occurred on Mon-J Hospita. day June 8, 1959, of Mary Ger-! 1M1r. and Mrs. George Norton truat Foley, beloved wife of 1 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.: tht late John D. Stevens, aI the' Harold Barrowclough and son Memorial Hospital, Bownîan- Bill, esleyville. ville, ina ber 83rd year. The The reguhar meeting of the daugbter o! the late William Evening Auxiliary will be held and Mary Foley. tht deceased Thursday evening, June 18, at, was borra at Maple Grove. Dec- 8:15 Rev. Philip Romreil ember 26, 1876 and wvas mnarried o! Blackstock will be the speak- there in March, 1899. er.IMs Stevens was a devoted* kirby, United Church congre- I inember of the United Church gation will have their Anniver-, at Maple Grove and a lite mcm- sary Service nexî Sunday aI' ber o! tht W.M.S. there. She 7:30 p.m. Rev. R. C. White, B.A.,' was intensely interestea Ina ber; Newtonville, wilI he tht spe- family, community life' and br cial speaker. Special music bas flower gardera right te the lasI been arranged. Mrs., Stevens was predeceas ed by her four brothers, Arthur, .mmu Hlerbert, Fred and Eber, and ina 1941 by ber husband. She la aurvived by her four ..hiidren Lorne, Fred, Mabel (Mrs. Charles White, Oshawa) and Jean (Mrs. Ken Sumers- WM TRÀ4Vt ford). Aiso eigtit grandchildren 46 A D~ and tan great grandebldren. OUFR &MVIM 'iwiE The funeral service was held Wednesday, June 10 froni Nor- thcutt and Smith Funeral Home with her ininister, Rev. Harold Stainton, conductimg the ser- vice. The casket was banked with beautiful flowers as tok- ens of esteeni froin family, rieighbours. friends and organi- I - zations. The palibearers were Harold Stevens, Edward White, Roy ropping, F4d Hill, Bill Lovelock and Murray Grant. Interment ivas made in Bow- W " / T Y rnanville Cernetery.I If you're looking for the value -buy of the year, litre are just a few of the reasons why Dodge gives yeu nmore: Swivel front seats, that esse you in or out of the car se smeothly, lock securely in place while you drive; Push-button controls for drive selector anad heater- defroster; Torsion-AIRE Ride te tame the roughest read or tiglitest curve. Add te these Total-Contact brakes, Oniflow shock absorbera, independent parking brake (and niany more!) and you begin te see why Dodge gives you the moat car, at the lowest possible price. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson. Park Street who celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary quietly at their home on Saturday, June I3t. Guests were Mrs. J. R. Maginn, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, Mrs. John Greenwood, Mr. and Mis. B. Helm, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Marr, Peter and Glyn, ail of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eagle, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Taggart, Troy, Robin and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Glanville, Miss V. Gil! il. ian, ?&s. H. Barlow and Mis. Harold Cobblediclc of Orono. ?&. and Ids. Harry Rowe at- tended the wedding cf their grandson, Mir. Bernard Jay Lynch to Nmis Carol Grant at St. Elizabeth%' Anglican Church, Tobronto, un June 6th. Recep- tion was at Queenaway Inn. Mrs. AIex Eliiot, Saint John, New Brunswick, who is apend- ing the sunimer in Ontario, ia the guest cf her sister, Mns. R. BETRANY * Woment insetituts fR. oy Jarvls, ownei' of Kawartlta Aparles at Bethany and formerly professor of Ag- riculture at the Ontario Agri- culture College i Guelph, was gilest speaker at the Wonen's Institute meeting on Monday niglit held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Perry. Mr. Jarvis trans- ported one of his bee hNves to the Perry lawn and spoke on -the care of bees and the pro- duction cf honey. Asauring the menibers there would be no danger of stings, they approach. ed the hive and aaw bees at worlc and the oquiprnent used lui handling theni. "Beekecping in actualy the oldest teriniof agriculture" said Mr. Jarvis. "Going back to Bible Urnies, il was the only sweetxier used. The honey produced by the bees has much nutritional value, as weil as medical qual- ities and the Royal Jellywhich Is the quten bee's sole food rlch ina pantothenic acid. This royal jelly iln now studied by scien- tists ina relation te a cure for cancer." Mr. Jarvis told niuch ot the lnteresting background in beekeeping which han now becomne commercial. Mr. M. MacNlamee, of Wel- corne, addressed the group on the coming TB survcy in Dur- ham. County, giving explicit rea- sono why everyone should avail themselves o! the free tuber- culin skira test which wiil be given at the Bethany clinie on June 18, to be followed by free z-raya on June 22nd. The prograni was ina charge et Mis. T. Jennings, convenor of agriculture and anadian In- dustries. Mrs. T. Malcolinson read the evening's motto «A mian shouldn't plant more gar- den than his wife can bot" and Mrs. Jennings read a humorous reply ina verse. The roll cail was answered by a recipe for using honey. Mrs. Ralph Preston gave a brief report froni Consumers Assoc. and read a letter from Morrish Institute requesting the Bethany branch to be their guest.s at a later date. Thir, wasI agreed to.I President Mrs. Addison Scot announced thüt the Institute would cater for the Bethany Loyal Orange Lodge 1022 cen- tennial dinner ina August. Cpm-. mittees were appointed to look Jatter the details. Plans were completed for catering te the Durhami County Club dinner on IJune 20th. Mrs. Mansel Finney reported on the district annual meeting held at Rossmount which had been attended by ten niembers froni Bethany. IMrs. John White and Mrs. M. El Fiey were appointed leaders tatk h extension course ina Mrs. Vincent Jackson directed a certest naming t plants Ifrom. whlch the bees procure Itheir horaey. Mis. R. R. Bonsteel, Iwho is leaving at the end et the I nonth te live at Bronte, was presented with a cup and saucer by the President, who thanked If you want the toughest, best-looking truck for your kind of job, put a new "59 Sweptline Dodge te werk for yeu. And you can expect your jobs te be a whale of a lot easier! Big, new, Iuxury-styled cabs are comfort-designed. Clutch pedala are hydrau- ically actuated for much easier operatien. Brake and clutch pedals are suspended te give you more footreem. We'Il be happy te belp you select the Dodge truck for your job -from this handsome new Sweptline ail the way Up to 49,000-lb. max. G C.V.W. Power Gianta. See tbem nowl $top il and test-drill the vaIue-packei Dolgo ... the laxon adi spiitdlel.Sotso.,*. or a siess, strapping nov Dodgo Truck todaYl Newtonvi lie ,Garage NEWTONVIL LE ; LIghI, LIveUy and Loadsd.. with goodness for ail the family. Thates WIIson's GBinger Ale. Try I For pure adventure in taste pleasure, you're always a jump ahead with Wilson's. Se, why hold back? i-op into your store today and stock Up on a smooth ginger aie... 59-2 PHONE 9mR-2O WUUMIYIL-r, juriz; lum, iv3w PAGE SEVIN-1 lm e - -.ý TM rANADIAN STATESUM. BOWMAIMLLZ OWAPM If you want luxury and adventure, this is your kind of car, thi8 brillant new De Soto. And look at the wonderful ideas that help make it se. The finest, combinatien of agile, high-spirited V-8 go-power and safe, smootb stop-pewer ever mounted on a single chassis. Finger-tip driving ease for the contrels you luse rnost, (TorqueFlite automatic drive; new De Soto heating systeml. lnspect. the fresh new fashien and features that are De Soto-enIy! rrhen ask the prime We promise to luirn your head-De Soto-ward!

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