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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 18

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PAGE ECIGHTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANiVILLW CNTARI0 TUSAJUElt,15 long. Then the next Saturday morning is lost whlle trying to find the missing tool or stake or bail of twine. If tools have à >7-their own hooks, they will hang there ready for the next use. Timely Iunti One is rnissing a whole lot of .,,~-GororiLindôy iiiih~. fun and satisfaction by sticking - ta the saie old varieties year Tak ItEas sumerarrvesthee i Titieafter year. It is ail excellent TaeI aysme rie hr sltl idea to deliberately choose one There Is no law against work- necessity for any hard work if absolutely new flower and st ing a garden ail summer lon one plans wisely. With the! îeast one new vegetable each and if one enjoys it. It's an ex- warm weather the lawn shotild1 season. Tri this wav, we broaden cellent recreation and health not be eut nearly as often nori ou r knowledge an-d nmake manry tonie. But actually by the time as short and one cari go ea-3y worthwhile on cultivating vegetable and,~1iovbxe n agn flower gardens, too, provided1 'no bxeadhngg they were free of weeds and the' pots nevd tar more water thar: sal well stirred by the end f os people realize. This is es- June. One good cultivafion in Peciiall ' truc in warrn dry or JulvI, with possibly a îjttle ex- xrd weather when the eva- tra or he atesow veetalesporation is extra highi. Watering tra or he atesow vegtahes ai -;isnone f00 oftexî then. jshould bc sufficient. . - ________i. Sumrner, aller ail. is a time loetake thing., easv and C U TC eoytebloom ii i-.qi tdCO M etables that have restilted trop, Ilhe good caewe gave tlwni jin Ebene.zer Sunday School An- Mav and June. With huhcx.niesr services were held fru t and other 1 res and m a, - îî e 4 Ii. Re '. W. C. S m t h = y ~of the perennials. as a ilatter cif 1lkit Staiiley-. was guest speaker 0"1fact. :,unmer is a tinie of à~- bot.h afternoon and eveing Of OENERAL FOOOS KIT<HEgg turitv. of jprepariiug forthr ot* r- ies niant period duriillg Ite wilitei.! The aftcrnoon service xvas: flere's as moutb-watening a piu n Tiise 11irts - ilijie1w hardier çconducletedby uprneat as ou'l versiaiea and store andd hcttcr ablt, io stand frost r Walter Tink assisted by away in your preserves cupboard. if thevir is n0l Stimuflai- Assistant Supt.. Mr. Garnet. TrY this Pineapple and Straw- cd afler Julv. That imenus little Tubb. Mulsie wvas provided by be"rrY Jam-you can be sure of or no fultlai i 1-asVprhapls & the Sundiiy Scehool myembers, if,~ perfect Pet, sure it wilI be a iiul '!î f gascipns cvsa el s the Junior classes fainily favourite, too.1 or s,îraxv Io ket'p doNviwcî weed. ;inpitig a number. Mr. Glenn PINAPLEAUSRWRRt But i of this do-es ; not Cilij Allun of Newcastle was guest 4 cupii prepared fruit (j ripe ti gardening should coiet solojat anid Mrs. Eric Courtico pineaple andabout qt. aRconivpletol)ka I Jîlv. Kveîi *-t %vas atIl r-a ihMs pinple and re) aabottq.111 ~e in niotJ5parts of Williain Wade at the piano. ricpes (3aberries)a ada il is sill not loo late to At the evening service Mr. y7 bu(lebm" fugtapr iniake third or fourtii wîîsTink vas assisted by Rev. Har- Fist bottepCeth fruit. parei 1 of suceli vegetables as beans.' old Stainton. The Young Peo- Feiu, prepare the i caratis. beets- and -lettuee. Tlîcv ple's Choir of Ebenezer pro- A me i nzd Ofully vri eI will grow quickly in the aurn'- îided two beautiful antheras. (g use 2,14 cups canned crushe mer and should be readv for the Solo parts were taken by Mr. pineapple) . Crush thoroughly 1 table towards the end of August Murrayt Osborne and Miss Joan- abot qar fllyrie trw-and earl.v Septemnber. lie Mackie. Mr. Allun aiso sang abouie.Couar u ip e strw- k o'tSrikaccompanied by Mrs. Courtice. 4bernes. Combier itesaueoa, ontSp l Sympathy is extended ta the 4 cup nto a ote y amgesuean. A lot of mistakes in using family of the late George Shortt theru n ia e ean, i. Addauga the hose are made by those un- 1 wlio passod away in Hamilton Plorui i shucean, bixwella fainiliar with the likes and dis- recentiy. Beautiful flowers at Pulaceovengr il Bi hast rin1 to of grass and other plants, ho altar on Sunday were piaced minute, stfrring constantly. Re- One thorougli soaking af the there by the famniiy. move from heat, tir ini Certo lawn or gardon that will take Sympathy also to the Walter At once. Skini off foam with the moisture down a couple aof family in the passing of Mrs. metal spoon. Stir and ekim iby inchs iand it wilast fo srinsomelloa Armstrong on Sunday. turne for 5 minutes to, cool slight- ig n twl atfrsm Mr. and iVrs. Charlie Elliott 1 , and to, prevent floating fruit. tirne. Sprinkling nover gets the Lorraine and Lesa have been Ladle quickly into glasses. Caver moisture down mare than a holidaying in Sarnia and Port at once with % inch bot paraffin. fraction of an inch and the H-ope. Makes about 10 mediumi glasses roots must came up ta the sur- Virginia Brown suffered a face ta got it, thus Oxposing badly smiashed nose on 1 aoem a Certo Jpreserving film themselves more and more tao veniing when she was bit by called "JeL<y and Jam Session" drving and killing by heat and a bail wbilo playing in' Rich- chh Iban ta .omn' carclub or sun. Heavy soaking, 'however, mond Hil ith the Whitby oblcgaTs.16. n charge ordoos flot mean turning the noz- Mercbant's teara. obliatin he m. 1-miute zels an full blast. The nearer Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Osborne fim a n uzll color with sound. If we get to a fine mist the btter adLna aitn iie Fraunt t bm Ba to , rite me- ad as soan after watering asI relatives here and attended An- FracesBaran Geera Foda possible it is advisable ta cul- niversary services. Kitehens, 44 Eglinton Aue. W*, tivate ta croate a loase open RvW .SihadMs Toent. ______top on the soil to block evapor- Smith spenit the weekend with PuzzIOd about pectin? It's the ation. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Courtice. jeling substance found in ail Courtice Sunday School An- frulits in varying amounta3. Certo Know Where They Are nvraysrie eewl t m pctn xtaced roi ruts Tools are much easier ta, find tended on June 7th. Special ic n this natural substance 'the next time if they are put music was provided by the thon refined, cofcentrated aIii back where they belong. Some sho swl sseilvoi Perorane.onrolei.When gardeners we ail know literai- music by Mr. Roîf Wehnert ac- yoU follow the te«ted Certo ly leave trails behind themn. If companied by Mrs. Russell De recipes, your jam, jelly and mear- a phonoe all or lunch timei- Co. Superintendent Mr. W. E. malade alway sOta just right. torrupts the schedule, thoy drap *Warburtozi conducted the ser- JY Yau hamr ana' problema wit rake, wheolbarrow or shovel vice assisted by Mîr. Robert Ar- .Vour jelly cqsd am, do write me! rigbt *where they leIt off. The cher and guest speaker, Mr. Pmlapa I con hl/Z Watch for my tools are leIt to rust in rains. Stephen Say'well aI St. Stophen's Rert olun ÏEVÎManother farourité, Or sometimes they are just too United Chureh, Oshawa. Rev. faureaoj carto e ipe.azy at the end of the day ta, Harold Stainton assisted Mr. put things back where they bo-, Saywell at the evoning service. * nnouncine the NEW FàmiIq Fnance Pan Bring cl or personal credit ned with a Iow-cost B of M life-insured oaon Hiere is the modemn approacb ýo finance the tbings you want ta buy for your borne and family . . . ta take care of expenses for scbool, college, vacation and Sa on ... and, of course, ta meet emergencies. The Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan enables you ta plan your purchases and belps you meet unexpected expenses under one single comprehensive plan. Here are four good reasons why - wbetber single or married - you sbould use the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan ... MY BANH,? W2MlONCMOMIS O AS loess a utotIfY Uif..uuud. Shoofd y.. ds bofor. yo.r loca is 'epeld, vousd@e. the B"u wtll 9)MorM, supmey - -lsoabe extendedopt Ihet F Cm b. Ioilond tesuit M m loy. 0 Y«. cm bsu e-uw p ste1$$,MO, dep.edum y.US nsous, t0buy the iMoga Y« won fer yow homm d fmdy, or t. mmute ersoncs. O oUp y., ma yous lusoms - hoseiof o Itlmeun o. If you have a steady incarne and cao make monthly loan- repayments without bardsbip, You c-ao finaceahost any useful purpose through the Bank of Montrasi Family Finance Plan. Why flot talk ta the people at your neighbourhood B of M branh... youll like their heiptul attitude. Whether you are a B of M cutomer or net, you vil find a warm velcon BANiK 0F MONTREÂIL 0owmanvile Branch: Oshawa Braads JAMES BELL, Managet JAMES McCANSH. Manager WORING WITN CANAOSANS IN *VERY WAtK 0F LIFe SONCE li?51 was the Precentor. This was the t. ~ first annual convonticle ta '0e held at Camp Glen Mhor. Tug-O-War ByLewis Milligan r "Theprogress oI human so- ciety consists in tho botter and better apportioning oI wagos ta work. That was written by Thomas * .sCarlylo, the Scottish philosopher, ,about the middle of the nino- teenth century, when wagos wereoaut of ail proportion ta * i work, and poverty was tho lot of the workers of England. There wore no labor unions in those .~days; but there was a movemont on foot against the exploitation of labor by employers, which kept the workers in a state of ~~ povorty. It was flot a socialist mavomont, but rather a roligiaus A new partnorship. was foi med this month when ono. Its prime leader was the I Bill Leask, right, joined with his brother Bob, left, i Earl of Shaftesbury, a man of purchasincg the Oshawa TV Supply which had been deep religiaus convictions who optdby aryBaro BhL sksne15 hs enterod Parliament at the age opertedby arr Beupr. Bll Lask siice195, hs 1of 25. He had studied conditions owned the Toxvne TV which has et ected many of the tolle- lin London slums and was the vision aerials in Bowmanville and district. Tho new firm frstt propose measuros of ~viI cntiue a srvie te lcalaro aswei reforra. He secured the willconinu toservce he oca ara aswel asOshwa.passage af a Factory Act, wbîch IBob Leask graduated from University of Toronto in 1957 îimited daily hours aIo work ta as an electrical eng-ineer and has been emplayed by the ton. Square D. Co. of Toronto. Ilie iii reside with his mother. There was, thereforo, justifi- Mrs. M. E. Leask, Ontario St. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leask and cation for Carlyie's statement, I wbich went ta the root aI the their two children. Susan and Ricky, have moved from problom of poverty at that time. their residence on Concession St. ta Gibbon St., Oshawa, Low wagos wore undoubtedly the headquarters of Oshawa TV. responsible for the prevalence of paverty and, on the other hand, for the wealth and luxury of the Q upper classes. Carlyle was p C Cqonyci ticiý.,-.- pealing for a levelling-up ofth A t!C eîl âll&tr C M^nrewards aI labor ta a fair pro- Ai. f~'A.~. t~.LI.II f~portion witb the profits of their ~ ~ ~ ~empioyers. lie foresaw that it wouid be a slow process-"a Bright surishine and a brisk and pastoral prayers were give'botter and botter appartioning aI j wid wippig te waersof'wagos ta, work." Since thon i wîd wippng he ates il by Rev. Jas. H. Williams, Min.. that bas beexi brought about Lake Sirncoe made an interest- ister of Westminster Presbyter-I partly by the organization of ing backdrop for the Covenan- ian church, Sault Ste. Marie, labor and, latteriy, by collective ter Conventicie of the Presbv- Mdrtro h vo~adteihrannbtmii hog terian Synoci of Toron to and Mdrtro h yo;adtebrannbtmil ho Kingston heid at beautiful Gien Seripture iessons were read by invention and research, whicb MhorCam ner Beveron : Mr. Hamiliton Casseis, Q.C., and have increased the productivity Sund amp Jnea14. emisertn o;; His Honour J. Keilier Mackay, of the average worker. ofny the eigs.f te Scoish Lieutenant Governor af the But the mavement in recent Prte meteians o he Shuis an Province af Ontario. years bas run into reverse, and Presyteranson Iie illsandif Carlyle woro wrîtmng today ho glens af Scatlanci. hundrcds Rev. Donald McQueen, Min- might say that industrial balance gathored for the inîpressive ser- ister of St. Andrew's Church, and progress consist in the blet- vice to mark the apening af Lindsay, offered the Dedicatorv ter apportioning aI work ta the camp soasan.1 Prayer and the sermon "Th*e wages. That adjustmont is flot Led by the pipes and drums Reformed Faith"I was preach- as simple a problem. as the aI the 48th Highlanders, the ed by Rov. Ross Cameron, min- original one oI the botter ap- church parade waund frorn ister of the Dovercourt Road portioning af wages ta work. the main building ta the -rus-'1 Presbyterian Church, Taronto- With the advance aI science and tic outdoar chapel, where ýo 1 Tracing the historv af the Pros- mechanics, and particu]arly the înany impressive services have byterian faith through ail ifs development oI automation, the been held. The cal] ta worship trials, this former Modorator probbem bhas become more and of the Synod, urged the congre,- more complicated. Sa many ation ta carry on in the tradi- factars, other than that oI man- Ltion de tof a its reat for- ual labor, otiueoprdc ýea n a ie ears. tion. A rocent nls bex Alsa in attendance at the Iport economists came ta the I A Reminder to Please, keep the coming number BUSINESS C OES change in ind when ordening CUSTO ERS tationery or printed iaterials IN HAMPTON for your busiss.

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