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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 19

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THtTRSDAY. JUNE l8th, te~ TW1~ e&NADIAN gTAT~MAN. ~OWMANV1ILE. O!ETA:RXO Yelverton Plays Host Hog Producers' Executivo YELVERTON - The quarter-, directors' meeting and Bruce ly meeting of the Directors Of! Taylor. Treasurer, provideda Durham County Hog Producersisound financlal report. Busines was held ini Yelverton Church 1n dda icsin ngat Hall with around 29 Directors nld aisuioongnt >sa[ a few guests. Yeiverton W. ta local fairs, etc. J .provided a sumptuous repastI Don Staples introduced the Aih te an core (of, guests: MINr. 0. Dairymple, Agri. course) cold roast park. Rep.; Clarence Allun, Durham Federation Sec'y, and Fieldman Floyd Stinsan, President Of Mraurice Tompkins, Manager of Durham County H0g Produc- Lindsay and Peterborough As- cr&, welcomed the Directors and sembly Yards; Membera of On- guests to the informai. lunch- tario Hog Producers' Execu- con. Eric Fallis expressed the tive, Charlcs McGuinnis, Pres.' thanks of al present for the Jim Beynton, Sec'y.; Clare Cur- bouxitful meal which was tain, Lindsay, Zone Rep.; Ray heartily endorsed by the gath- Sylis, Zone Rep., Hastings erixig. County and Mr. Shapiro,a Secretry' Howard Malcolm guest af our good neighbour to rmd the minutes ot preceding the south and student of the University of Penn., home stii d- ing the Ontario Marketinî Agency. Leonard NicNeil announcec V'ie wlnne:s of MlVlbrook Pairs Bacon class et threc Barrows eChamîpioun Group ta Gondor a Fallis, Mlbrook, Reserve, How, ard Malcolin, Yeiverton. Howý ard was presented with hi. sprîze, a pig trough: Champiet Carcass, Gordon Fallis. The president called for ai open discussion period xith thi ri executive answering the ques tiens. Facts et interest were Ameund 51,000 pigs are hein: marketed weekly li Ontario around 160,000 in Canada, dem. estic disappearance et perk ha >increased in tour yeans freny 100,000 te 125 te 140,000 pei week; Durham Ceunty is pro. sducing around 34 percent Gradt A's; there has been a drap oa around 200 pigs per week ir marketing fram peak produc. tion. Charles MeGinnis poscd soin( queries. Why did a current pricE et areund $29.76 per cwt. pro. duce ne surplus, yct a guaran. teed price et $25.00 did? Sheuld the Hog Producers' Organizatiex enter into the siaughtering field in an attempt ta preveni smail weekiy fluctuations ir numbers breaking the price. On Deticiency Payments ac regards te hogs (1) ho teared It would spoil our expert mar. ket with U.S.A. as hogs would then be a government bonuse< industry and subject te impori duties. (2) Reinove any incen. tive in impreved marketing a any impreved price weuid nei bo retiected an preducers' re. turns. Marketing facilities wouid be working fer the gev. ernrnent. (.1 > The changed (lowered) freight rate on d'-ess. cd meat threatens to alter Or- tario's favourable reiationshir, with Western Canada. Poliewing an interesting question and answer period th- meeting closed. Lawrence Sta. pies thanked all the guests foi their part in the evening's per. formance. Those in charge anE te be con gratulated fer pro. *moting a meeting et this na- ture since it is through an in- fermai. interchange et ideas and discusqion et preblems thai rough spots are irened eut and a greater feeling et harmony permeates the erganizatioti from grass neets te top execu. tives. Fer the finit time in 15 yeare the value et construction in Canada wiil show a decrease in j1959; the forecast fer 1959 is $7,202 million, compared ta the 1958 ali-time bigh of $7,231J million. Talk it over with your Mutual mon- A Mutual Lite policyholder enjays the most modem services, thie mogt attractive savixigs mxi lie insurance today. Get protection at low net coot fromn The Mutul Lite of Canada-Uic company with the. outatanding dividend record. IM- ninety yeara of L.ader*Nhi n mutual lite inaurance - 1 OU ML-iC. Ma"m s, v. RUMIEETATiVE FLOYD H. McKINLEY Bowmanville, Ontarlo Phone MA 3-5SM 9Details Expia in n MLAPLE GROVE -Noble, convener ol -liand Canadian ndi is mitte was li thei nJune meeting et iWomenS Institute. n Guest speaker Le Bradley, Bewmanv s- troducod by Mrs. D : the ladies an int ,g count et bis admi 3the Veteran's Land i- ham County for Ls years. n Roviewing hbuto ,r free land grants fol -wars and The Sc ýe ment Act feilovw tf war, Mr. Bradley n present act ta da: -highly satisfactory 1942 to become imi ýe fective. Under b e administration sinc - Ml and part time k. now cstablished d County with many n it1 YEL VER' Sof V ied tc Jon )f Agriculture~ Justries Com- chair for the Maple Grove Mr. E. W. vile, was in- Noble ta give ieresting ac- inistration of cAct in Dur- the past 15 )ry front thc )lwing eamly >ldiem Settle- ving 1914-18 teit that thc ate bas been 1as passed in imediately cf- Mrn. Bradiey's ne 1944, 360 Lfarmers are in Durham yothers hav- ITON An information meeting dcal- ýs ing with Land Acquisition as d pertaining to Highway Devel- .- e pment with guest speaker Ce- d cil Belyca, O.P.A. Econemist d and Sec, et O.P.A. Land Ac- 't quisition Committee, was held -in Yeiverton Church Hall on sTuesday evening, June 9. This t meeting xvas panticularly well -attended by those land ewners 's with land appuntenant te 7A 1- highway whe xiii be faced with d the task et arriving at and at- -taining a nealîstic value for ;land expropiated fer Highway Ppurpeses. Assisting at the meeting Dur- 9ham Cunty Fedération ef Ag- e riculture President Bruce Tay- l on chaîned the meeting with rSecretary and assisted by part- -time Fildman Clarence Allun, * who bas had rnuch usetul ex- * penience li past years li this -particular phase ef werk) and -heads Durahm Ceunty's Land d Acquisition Cenvmittee. ýt The procedure et land pur- I chasing by the Departîment et Y Hîghways was ourblined thneugh Sits vanieus stages and an op- -portunity was aftorded te al present te ask questions whieh might be et intemest ta those aftected. Through the answer- in ogfe these questions, the on- suing discussion by fliose form- Serly aftected shaing their ex- epenience with the inexperienced Sin suc h mattens, it is feît much benefit may ho eaped by those li attendance in getting a just compensation (neither unfairor exhorbitant) for land and dam- ages sustained. The Dur'ham County Feder- ation ot Agriculture in keeping with their aim te be o! assist- ance ta each and every tarmer in the County, when their needs are known, were happy te spon- sor this meeting and hope to provide assistance ta individuals or groupa when such services are requested. A vote ot thanks was tendemed te, Cecil Belyea, theo Durhama County Federation including' Clarence Allin, fldmar% by local tarmer of Yelvertor, Ho- ward Malcelrn. and endorsed by the gathering for providing such service and information. Mr. Robt. Atchison Sr. la scheduied te fly back ta Malton Airport to-day (Sunday) tram bis native land, Ireland4 where ho has been onjoying a tew weeks visit with fniends and relatives thene. Welcome home Bob! Giad to report that Mr. M'urray Malcelm is recupcrating troma an oye injury sustainedi last week whie tencing (lie knows net hoiv). Any sirilarity twixt Murray anid Popeye the Sailor Is purely optical. Yelventon Garden Party on Frîday night was considored quite a success. Over 300 pay- ing guests grossed same $290 at the gate fer the United Church ITreasury. The play that toliow- I d, "She's My Daisy", prescnted by Oakwoed's Yeung Adult Club, very humoreus with scar- cely a duli moment, was great- ly enjeyed. Directing the play was Jean Binchard, Cast indlu- ded; Daisy, June Squires; Don- ald, Carl Birchard; Freddie, Pete MéCoriere; Anne, Hazel McCaniere; Aunt Lucy, Irene Tremeer; Uuncle Peter, Ken Squires; Dr. Apple, Orvilie Wright; Queenie, Jane Wright; Mn. Kelly, Roy Tremeen; Mrs. Snooks, Jean Birchard. Between act entertainynent was supplied by piano duet and trie, Mar- guerite Wilson, Carol Stacey and Linda Rowan, and tap-dan ce duet by Pameila Stinsen and Mitzi Malcolmi. Yelveron United Ch-urch extends its thanks te ail who patronized the Garden Party. On Sunday FPlower Sunday was observed in the White Church wîth Mrs .R. R. Bonsteel pneaching the sermon. Sched- uied tom baptism atter service by Rev. R. R .Bonsteel weme Bnian Edward Loockwood,, sen o! Mr. anid Mrs. Rosa Lockwead; Louise Manie Bushien, daughter o! Mr. anid Mms. Ramdy Bushlen; Dameil Richard Robinson, son of Mr. and Mri. Ray Robinson. Particlpating In the flower ser- vice woro Miss Elizabeth Rowan, Mr. OrmniMoore. thc Junior st t, eI Anairersury Speclulsý Clark'à Fancy Quality TO-MATO JwUK Luehue JELLY POWDERS Choie. Quality A&P PUAS ingereal CHEESE SPREAE> The Out Corsai CHEERIOS Or. Ballard'@ CHAMPION MMDOOD00 Clark's, In Chili Sauce PORK & BEANS Bunltary Napkino KOTEX THIS WEEK! 5-IN-1 COMBINATION $ 99~ e529- VALUE Ihme DukeYry .ut ure BAKEO lm AÔP'sOWN BAKÏMw MASTER BAKeRS JaeParker e. h-BSAVE $à MUBAR.Pu .49 Jane Park,. s. % -a> EO STRAÀWBERRY PM . E9 STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER ^Y THUS LOYW PRICE 9 CAKParerRom. ha-BAVE 1% LARGEANGELUME "3 9C Jane Parker %m:. US-SAVE % Appb R" sC<ffS Càe 3 iane Parker R.g. hW iS-SAVE 3a Crackd Wheatlred 2 -m 3c POPULAR Ra*IM SCIGARETTES -31 lExespl Came&%, DauMaI, LMU, Wat Re.uln 290-SAVE 4e Ru.s U&e2o-B8AVE hSe 33-ozpkgs 26c Rom. 2 tins 29o-G-AVE %e 4 r5oz ms49C Ua i e. o05-BAVE Se 16-c« jar 5 9c Rog. plsg 2e-BAVE 9% 2 ioM&-oopI*gs 49C RM> 2 tise 27-GAVE 9o Ro.2 tins 33.-BSAVE 4o 215«ms29c PAq. 2 pkgs U-S-AVE 1% 2wmsoi79I PEACHES TRUPMAT. IUNE leth, 195 !-8 -to.29c OnOWPOrI., "Me ObPos. Jum" ePaek. Mot. 1 Gtade, W» M CANTALOU PES Beow $m' Bwet oie% Fin%, No. I1Grade BANANAS 17< »&43 - r.a AU Ps laoTis m h A u.eaead IIsr.uu Sta.Ju.uM04 ,. S What's new at the- Mutual Guaranteed Insurabiit7 - 5goft>e rates for woment nheet your future requirementa With a deep bow to, the ladies, The A new Mutual life option guaranteea Mutua! ife now provides you with you the right ta obtain extra lite imaur- inhuranoe at lower premiums than for ance later on-up ta $W000O addiiona! men - and recognizes that you are insurance, without medical examina- younger, madam, than your years. tion. Your insurability cmn be pricelesa Your proven ability to live longer. -ak your Mutual Lite of Canada mx means rosi savings for yeu - from The about insuring it. Mutual Life of Canada. Automatic payment of Group nurance - premums... save trne, postage for 5 or more employeea and mneylReally comprehensive coverage at re- and roney!markably low Mutual Lite rates - lite You write no more cheques ... Mutua insuranoe, hospital, surgical, medical Life's new automatic plan takes over. A exponses and ncome while laid Up - Mutual Lifo extra! Your monthly pre. plus health inaurance and maternity miuin sos than if you psy monthly bonollts for dependant--sil integrated the tIsixa! By. with govonment plans where in effect. sa1uperwRightQultyMuS*eil BEEF ROAST SALE! Blade Roast, Shoulder Roas t, U i PRIME RIB ROASI 69c LEAN MEATY SHORT RIBS, - Lnp2.9e Fresh fruit & Vegetubie Feuure osuSIna, Y.UIW Ftoh, N. 1Grade - l AIa poem iovely as a tree, com- council have attempted to find 'LA vvoru pased by Mrs. A. J. Ramnes, a way to prevent a resident was read by Mr-S. K. Hopkins. A from kecping a bus on lus pro- I great deal of information was perty because ini the opinion of I .ns-uiu-ie givon concerning trees, their some nieiglibors it is mot a go uses and beauty and two poems looking bus. ing already earned thir graxits were inciuded, "LA Hymn of And so the regulations go- and taken title to their proper- Thankfulness"l and "'Trees of mule upon rule--amasscd by bu- tecs. Wharnciift House" by Lawrence reaucrats to salve little prob- Hope. lems that arise tram tue to 0f $2 million used for veter- Business was conducted by tme home and there, but possi- ans ini Durham County there President Mrs. Hopkins. It was bly without realizing it, con- 1bas pacticaily ne loss so far decided ta take the short course, stricting public behavior to the to the Government. Applica- "'Whexi Faod Makes a Differ-1 breaking point. tions are still being received. once", ofered by the Women's The world bas gene statute For full time farmers increas- Extension course,. l i ad eulto cay.Hv cd boans are now being made It was also decided ta have ai the sociologists pondered the available for expansion and as- bus trip in Juiy. Mrs. Munday cumulative effect et trivial sistance la given as ta best me- was appointed te purchase rules and their eftect upon ho- thods o! type of farming li dit- books for school student prizes. mo sapiens who asked for feront areas. A preject for the year was to them? Seventy-six thousand cight try and purchase a new eiec- This newspaper likes the hundred and seventy-five vet- fric stove for the church kit- Lord's Day Act because we like crans have taken advantage of chen and members decided te quiet peaceful Sundays. But the V.L.A. in Canada since 1942. see how many speens (souven- there is no rule making us shut Mm. Brad.ley gave several inter- irs o! Quecn's visit) couid be t doxvn on Saturday attemnoans esting experiences encountered soid., and we do it anyway. if it ini dealing with newly created Retreshmeiits were served by were net for the continually land heiders. Many veterans Mrs. Noble and hon group for a I mounting baad ot paper work, own homes today whe, had it social hait heur. we would shut ail day on Sat- not been fer V.L.A., would not urday and flot because et axiy have been able ta de se. Wq% TKSS% regulation. 1&. Bradley was thanked on wH TOT E S A Rather than have regulation behaif ef the membens by Mns. under the Lord's Day Alliance I. Munday. I rom Napanee Post Express Act, we are quite capable et Accompanied at the piano by refusing ta work every Sunday. Mn. Ross ltcalte, Mrs. Sam Wo noted i Tuesday's papers if eoeniomics et operation Black, Bowmanviile, gave two that a Taranto building regula- shouid make this Impossible, messages in the delighttul sing- tion makes iA illegal te finish a we wouid not and we wil net ing ot "Trees" and "Be the roem with piywood, unless ask fer a regulatioii ta make Best of Whateven You Are". there is a lath and plaster par- m ur Sundays peacetul. Guests were thanked on be- tition underneath. 1 Chiidren are growing up te hait of the mnembers by Mrs. I. Menchants everywhene con-1 believe there is a law against Munday. Miss Phyllis Hoit read stantiy try to prevent their, everything. An eigeht-year-old the poem "Farmer John" tnm feilow members trom openmng' paddling a raft with a stick in the oid third reader. The poem,î at odd heurs te do business, j two feet of water last weekend I think that I shail neyer sec, Some members ot Napanee said he supposed it was i1iceal wAyg PA Lot PAGIC NlffrfEM TFR CANADUN STATISM". 1301VItANVnIAL- ONTAPM ý3# becadme he did flot have a lie preserver. It miglit have been. we neither knew nor cared. It is 'Weil to grow up with a healthy regard for the law, but it is not WeUl to have to Wonider if evierything pleasurable la lâ iflegal lin sotne way or another. It is not any wonder that Ju- venfle delinquency Io growing in the cities. Maxi is a -freedom- loving animal, and has given bis life on maxiy occasions to preserve that freedom. Having allegedly won it, he lias sat in his legisiative chambers -and chopped away at it: no buses lin back yards, no plywood on the wafls, na work in the evenings. Because of social pressure and advertising, the smefllof honest sweat is frowxied upon. Because niost people disllke it we, shouldn't be surprised à~ body odor eventually beconies illegal first on crowded sub- ways and later everywhere.

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