?A~ TVUITT TEE CANADIAN STATnMAIq. 8OWMAIIVILLU. OWTÂW TEUA?, hIUW iu,~. u Births Deaths f Articles for Sale fArticles for Sale J Wcxnted to Buy_ Livestock for Sale Recal Estatefo SaejR lEs tefr ae BALL--Bruce and Betty are HOOPER-At Prlncess Margaret THOR washing machine, mjake é25 ACRES of hay. Apply Robt. FEED oats. Sam Bumna. Tele- RABBITS for sale. Telephone THREE-bedroom brc hosI EA SAE1KAE happy ta announce the birth of Hospital, Toronto, on Wednes- o ffer. M 3-983. 25-1* Cale, MA 3-5476. 25-1 fphone MA 3-2595. 25-1 MArket 3-5083. 25-1* centrally Iacated.Wul n-I PoeteSo.fest their daughter Shelley flene, at day, June 1th, 1959, Rose Anne - -- I - - - ---adrlae rieAvrie angdm prie Memoral Hospital, Bowman- Hooper, aged 74 years, beloved 175 ACRES of mixed hay, stand- STRAWBERRIES. 6rdr tak- INTERNATIONAL Harvester YOUNG pigs, two bo9r1. AustTne'C5r ville, June 15, 1959. 25-10 wife of C. Lucius Hope and ing. Phone Elackstock 96 r 23. ýen. MA 342035. 25-3 tractor scuffler. Telephane MA 'Wood. MA 3-2388. 25-If coTeCnda tts dear mother of Frank, Orville, 25-l*i ____ 3-2964 between 12 - 1 p.m. and - man, P.O. Box 19,Bwa-&.v.AiOf BRIGGS-«I finally arrived at Roy and Eva. Service was held HA1ode e STANDING hay for sale. Appiy~ 6 to p.m. 24-tf TEN good Yorkshire pigs, seven ville. 2.1Ra saeBoe the Grace Hospital, June 15, i the rew Morris Funeral .-Y Twode blacksl) neorth o!tt tra9i Ce te t 5- - gns. P on A 3-47 1t959,lt 12:5 ozs. Iy nmee In da, Junolthat 2e ocnck Itra- 2354. 25-1 * RANGETTE, perfect condition, wanted. Highest prices paid. - 1 Stonxe IfLuse- IL N cste5f at 7 bs., 5 oz. My ame i day June13th t 2 clock In-$5.00.' Phone MA 3-5385. 25-1 M. Flatt, ehn ..1 hn SIX Lnrc okhr is *Jeffrey Shawn. My very proud terrnent Bowmanvile Cemetery. HOTPOINT electrie range, in 7 r~___ 13 , letay . 9-t 10 W ks old Ponhe Black_____NOR parents are Fae (Michael) and 25-1 good condition. Phone MArket WATER for sale. -Delivered. 7tc r73cllc.~1 25~sai.Pon lc- .JUST N H0 Bill. Mummy is fine and Daddy 3-2532. 251Poe45f ehcM -tf36 frnSt appicesi feevonr used .o . $12,000 down vlpucaendmaLai. will survive. To Dr. R. H. PERKINS-At ber residence, --2- hnoCi!PthcM -73 HuriGHET aprices, a id o , usedR Hereford bulls Of thisr - hou Judge aur special thanks." R.R. 11 Hampton, on Wednes- EUREKA vacuum cleaner, al-1swn machines. etc. Aiso sel] serviceable ages. George Staple- thscentur-i7romhe 25-1 day, June l7th. 1959, Grace most new, $50. Phone MArket jNEW box trailer. J. McNei1 n sexcnge.5 igS.W oNwovle 51 n ceg o Perkins, aged 70 years, beioved 3-2776. 25-1 opposite barber shop, Hampto an Poexhg. MA 3-7231.w.ton Netovile 1 atduareageW oatdanpcu-es srve atogerl PAYER-Mr. and Mrs. John wife of Russell Perkins, and -OT ace!tnigmxdIMA 3-2297. 25-1 Poe A3-2142fWE have an hand the iollowing faue tn almd oe abn Fayer are happy and thankful dear mother of Margaret 'Grace OT acestnigmxd - GHS rcspdfolv ult:10 DKlb(yi r ovnecs dater EnDannuc h aito Mhe- Mrrins Futnera] Che now- Kayacs, Tyrone. 25-lî* ed, Massey-Harris No. 11, $175; pou]try, goose feathers. feather L-eghorn> 101 and 100-309 hatch. praperty includesastamadMrce .Pdwl - - Phono M 3-2987. 2-i ticks, scrap mon. rags. metals ed April 9th; 25 W hite Leghorn % acre pond, spaci s ba n ndP ne N cate 35 maorial Hospital, Bowmavle mnviile. Service in the Chap- FORTY acres standing haymx anld raw furs. Phone RA 3-20431hthdMylt 50Dkl 0 te buldngsercdarW.A eo n Jun o llth, 1959. 251* jelon Friday, June 19 at 3:15 d alfalfa, tiîothy and red'la- 27 ACRES of mixed standing O h w . clot 8t'h t h d M y lt; 100 D K l 2,0. O n r wl ad afP o e 1, B o kj PEARCE-..-Joh a uia ae p.mn. InIerm ent Zion Cereiýr. . He î r B ven r n . hay. Phone M A 3-231.1 betuyeen - - - - hatched M arch 5th. W rite or 10-year open m rge . C i ___________n an uhae2- .Hco o%ýe.Ono 416ad7pm )_BRICK bun -alow. south of Phone H. J. Brooks, Bowyllal- M\,r. Sinclair. FI0O 72.Tro-E efr happy ta announce the arrivai _____ ___ ___ ---- -jQue Steel, two bedron~ ilMre -91 51t.R .PDFL.BOE of their son Glen John, Juno McNEIL-At Quoon Elizabeth' EXTENSION table, extra large; QUANTITY of clover and alfalfa i large living-roomn and modern. ~"Necsi Po.35 1Mb 199, t M moral Hosita, H spial Toont, o Mo da,4 several 'ork tables and kitchen, hay by the bae or acre. Lorne 1 kitchen. Substantial down pay- P ets f or S ale E e r g l .2- Bowmanvillo. A brother for Jàn Sth 99 amsA c chairs. Phone MA 3-5434. Anflis, Phone MA 3-2341. 25-1; ment. Write Advertiser 950.; -__--92IafrhAe oot Mary. Dorothy and George. ne l h 1f95ydo, ae 87 Ae-, 11-I 1 c/o The Canadian Statesman,! SIX purebred Gernian Shepherd 28-1 McQuavt anvKid 25Ison of the late Mr. and Mrs. 196ET ubadmotor. hay loader. nearly niew. Les' INTRNAIONL mwer 5Nil atnd PO.r Bo56 190, oowmaoille pupies niaeadfele ROSSEAU-Jjmn and Marilyn Ar5bl coiadda h.p., perfect condition, $165.'Aiideison. Phone MA 3-370,9 2- wht. otrgistered. Phil (neSiglr)ae eyther of Ethel (Mrs. Herber _ï Fiiy PhoeAMT3-058 (neSnglr revr appy j.r -lmnTrno evc e i tJmeo ieSo. Los 25 Rharesi e t a an n au n ce th e b irth of H erber S25ta-ai2o i e S op '-IM n b r ! O h w a a d D s r c lwa hel ast th Real Motrts Boarderor d or, son Harvey Daniel (Danny) o va hueld Ca the new Morise LAG - ace2 _IV ierio doors, twsnl ONE male -nis Sprinrper FrRn EI ~AF RKRo 0 cepsuefr iJ Fu e ashp l, B w a v ie w i bedstead . 1 pair beige an F o r R e n tXe have a choi vai et Monday, June 15. 1959, at Me- on Wednesday, June l7th at drumns, in good condition. Reas- drapes. 'Phone MA 3-5478. Spaniel puppy. u,-Ilite aild broiwn -----farins. dairy and genrl re.Ol $,0 ih$,O m a r a l H o s i t l , o w a n v l l . 2 o ' i o c . n t e m e t B w m n - o n a b e . A p p l y O k e 'q S m o k e i 2 5 1 * 1 F i ni d e r c o n t a c t T -lg h A% il e n ! T I I R E E r o o m s i n T y r o n e . T e l e - F o r e x a m p le - 1 5 0a r .d o n 25 1 ville_ _ aile y 2 - h p.2 - . 1301 ville Cem tery. 25- Shop. ~- --_______ _____ -- Newcastle. Phone p3 1 Re-phone MA 3-2306. 24-2 wor k-abi. stream , 1 0 n al c n e i n e, lr o b r -AMLNlr n r.M . l~. 5~MASYHR No. il side %V d 215 -1 OEbarn ha.ç cerent ster A BL N M . nd M . M.RICHARDS. Laila Alberta Wik- iSAVE on lumber, drect from . delvery rake. on rubber; n N h e -r:n a at e t ____s The__ thw W. Tamblyn (nee Bannie Wood) ins-At her late residence, 65' mill le you. Phiffip. Lumuber good condition. Phone MArket Phone bNUk 3-5366 0io-iwyloain wish ta announce the birth of Churc St..e brvaick.o a. imîat naro hno328. __- Carnies 70hedora Wanted St.throme-rooln apnrtlînent.,bontaro.TPeonome-i68.725o1 -edkboothge.eeldstanchionts..waher adaughter, Patricia Ann. on Monday, Jun P5 99 asi .i- . -.- FIVE room bickctae o-tr ate h rc soî ii~m tco bn~l pital, Lindsay. A sister for Jn of C.Loa ihrs age 5 E S etau1oamat1calyý whle ihay, n No. 115 Highway, north haven Rest Home e csl Horsey St. 25-l cletcrp o ucksl,$0,0. Tis an uih 51years. Rested at Northcutt & you wait. at Mason & Dale Hiard- of Kirby. Toma Cowan, MArket 1 4441. 25- 'U roms bthte u- ai nvothnecec h elsfrnaraes oeb Smith F nrl H m ,5 Di wae 36 In StE. o an 1 711*25-1 j- - - - --- OR-o s bthaei-jn ovnec TIBBITS-Art and" Jean (nee v.io F. oa Hoe -3D-wr.3 agS.EBwan -01 mediate possession. Phono MA! aip der home. I viinSt., where service was ville. 4-f- A GOOD size boy ta help on. 3-7247, 251 mese amii cottages 6-fHEARING aid service. Testing1farni during surriuer monthas. j__ 51 W fe o oriseto Kitson) are happy ta announce helci on Wednesday. June 17th *- service and complote stock etM -38.2- N flyfmise os tri-fhoes ai woelia.alIw17 the birth o! their son Daniel J MA 3-2e3s88.dmiedsaîus CuchS. MA333 Artur Dany)at heOshwaat 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- WATER. hard and soft, deliver- batteries and cords at HRiggon. OE Parked wrihe aIls f ailes homes pailym ont.Bwmn Areher (al n opt Jthe 9.s1awa manville Cemetery. 25-1 ed, Prompt service. Robert. H. Electric Limited. 38 King St. E.,e.Pr-dwt i aiiis!dw amns Cale.Hsitl un .199 Phone MA 34ý476 or- MA Bowmanville. Telephene MA COOK for sumnmer ladg i PeeMA336.21 52KgS.W. Bwavle______________ A b r th e r fo r J o A n n e a n d S O T A t H m to , O t , o 3- 8 . ~- f - 3 0 .7 fIH a lib u rt n D istric t; im m e cia te - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I2 - Mark. 25*Thursday, June llth. 1959,~.- ly. MA379.25-1 FURNISHED roomu. light bouse-MA-25or322 George Arthur Short in his 43rd TENT. screoned window, screen- ONER thousand almost. ne *1 - -j g a r w uies _____ 5Ij e eum Engagements year, beloved son of Isabelle; eci door with zipper. sewn-in Ibushei hampers with or w 1tîa-MRE wmnrqie egr~.Ci A358. 2~*j-RA SAFBO Short and the late Arthur John îfloor, good condition. Telephane, out tops,.acer esoal.icm for four children in their -- ---______ MMr.ncan rsd Clir raihtlhor;rdaW roterh!tLuher Ml3-065,H.Gbeofon17aRisonRd.Souh, o hohme oroireday. Tle-APATMET. eatcithÀe f easRRel Eiat 10 aces ethmodm bnga of Hampton announce the en- and Walter o! Courtice. Servicel j --- shawa, Ont. IGA Supermarkett oi e M 3-.40 $60*rom. kitchentte a,63n bath, 6w Lowr taxes. 3u 1n o gagement of their eder daught- was heîld i the new Morris STANDING hay. alfalfa and open te 10 p.m. daily. 25-3 1. -- $6.epy At .6 ig S.j 6ro os,3 bdais - m ciey rc 1,0. er Beverly Claire, ta Mr- Allyn Funeral Chapel, Bowmanyille, red claver. Aise ic ! W experienced mechanics, i West 22-t_ garage baerms. u Ronald Hoskin, son o! Mr. and jon Saturday, June 13th. at 3:30 timothy. Phone MA 23-2964, BOWMANVILIE [lame îm- iesed ApplyMEN in Persanlle -amet of $50--Fi]o.0. Mnhy 2 ce ih6ro oe Mrs. L amne Hoskin o! Black- o'clock. Iner ent B awmanville 12 - 1 p.n or6t 7 p.m. or6t . . 24-tf pravements featumes alunuu. jRobon Mlotor Sales, 166 KinMNgu N wo vleIs m ns o 5.0. L w txs u gl wnc iw erN w place. JuylTh =rr-P' will awning sudet St. E., Bowmanville. 25_1 1 3 rooms and bath, heavy wir-' 100 acre famm, 80 arscsl.Pie$250O.Es 1eeey .___ Pr-m - doors. windows. awng an jing. Private entr ance. Phono able; 10 ron housei od trs CT I A R par-jriig,ý, We offer a variety o! .IC E S o r icm - o Clarke 5 r 03. 24-2* co dto ; large bim, d îag 2 ars a o TH R E -- A il Streetleervice ta electrical applianceq, floor and wail tules. Far freel sNCeEdS yaur bousee.o __ _ _ __ _,Hi Mr. and M s. Carman W. South, Newcastle, on Tuesday, large and small. Lancer Hard- estimates Phono MA 3-2753 or ca!an 8.0 pe ersiigIN Newcastî, fully -moder - u she hon,00ouse. Chsi oc ih 7to osalfrae Woodbumn. Parkhill, announce June l6th, 1959, Charles Wil- ware. Phone MA 3-5774 . 43-tf cali at. 22 Division St . jý Rawleigh 'Products full, part apartinent, heated, $50 otl.ic the engagement o! their daught- 1mot Thorne, in his 82nd year; - tie -rt --leghs -et TeehneBwaniMA rtredet er Marion Loreen, ta Mm. Ken- 1 deart brother a! Miss Olive INSULATION, blowing methodi 'SEWING machie Sne, Par-1- 40-A A, 4005 Richelieu. Mont- 3.5892-1J24 ceswt aal an neth Larmer, son of M. and Thorne. Resting at the new with rock wool. Workmanship able. Space Saver, like new. -- ___ 25-1 --- - fa-n - mie freina trees. Prclnlo120,0 Mms. Haroldi Larmer, Burketan. Morris Funeral Chapel., Bow- guaranteed. Fr e'e estimates. Electrîr trouer, rangettes, hani --- LAKE 'front cottage, West Osa ni elyntei lag*6are ihnc srago The marriage to take place on manville, until Frida'r noon. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke Iawn mawers. Arbarite coffeejML rfnalt oete Beach, three bedroons, city con- ~ro os,3peebtn--Pie$,0.0 b a - n i mpA Le n soer m o d eml e r oei s h a dee t r e e s bl w n w e Jul 18 199. 5-1Service in St. George's Anglcan , 2420. 3941J tables and step-tables, tye gift for your "Dad" as Father's veniences. Electrically qî-sit Church. Newcastle an Friday, - --- wrffer and' Findlay heavy duty DasJn lt ags eo-pc.PoeM -83 25-1 e fo is laroapeiL n- 2acsnarNwste Mr. andi hmr. Wesley Lee wish June 19 at 2 pan. Interment St.1 QUANTITY o! gaod pino lun-m ane Laet agi e tre, in of gent's wearing appareIl- q refrti pr e tyac s wokb , pnd Pr~ te annouince the engagement o! George's Cemetery. 25-1 ber, 2x4's, 2x6's, 1" Alorng 59 Kin ton hnta'sMns u UPSTAIRS apartment, 3 rooams,ilotsf.tonmru oss,$,0.0 on$0,0 floo ing~f59 ing est, MA 37231 W e have bungalo ws their daughter Mary Evolyn, ta ~ 12x12 square timbers. A]pi-25-1 i si~ 7 Kn t . or bath, sef-contained, heated-i4ro uglw o ih a Ernest Joseph Rashotte, son O! WALTERS. Della-At 'ronta ed at $50.00 per thousand eet.1 1 manville. 25-1 1Availble inanediately. Adults. 1M. E. LEASE2yrgaiwlncl Mr. Joseph Rashotte and the Western Hospita an Priday. IPhone Newcastle 3876 r 4128. P OP, Pather's Day - Sinker' 205 King E. MA 3-3186. 25-1le Roal Estate Bokranscpi. Pce 4,00. late Mis. Mary Rashotte 01 June 12, 1959, Della Walter&, 25-1 istand, platfommn rocker, TV and REQUIRED by South Darling-'- - - -- 5Otrl t ova on$.0,0 Tweed. The marriage will take belaved wi!e of Hanlan Arn- - - -- - - -- swivel chairs, hassocks. dom- B ad a ge e l man n nc ot HR E r oeav wired spamte 'Goodt fih3g ad-5k9u tl place on Saturday. July 1,strong. Resteci at Northcutt & îDO your awn floors snd ruga- bination electric and battery mai.neese esn m enta -u bath., Imedi251 rie 3,0 1959, at 10 a'clock in«St. 18.,ý-h3Si Funemni Homo, 53 Division Rent a sander, floor polisher or jportable radio, $22.95: dlock imn neetdprosmyýetac n ah meit ('hurch, .Bownanville. 951; St., wheme service was held on rug clenner (shnxnpoo rnethadl î'radios. j tubes. $34.95; Sesly oan information as ta duties; possession. Phono MA 3-2Sn43St6.wnaval Tuesday. Jue 1, a .. rm.ne adw r,7Kn '!n any ther priuasfroni 17t WTf Ju e 6 a p m fon a cir Ha d ar, Ki g mattresses. $3à.95. Trace-inM r. L s paoiticul ar d __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ De -4-P o o A 23 Mr. and Mis. Allan J. Vinison Internent Ebenezer Cenmetery. St., E.. Bowmanville. Phono rgases and refrigerators . esien RR o. .. Board 1.&, INUd Newcstle 25.-Ionaar-ti eW hRa O! Oshawa annowice the en- 25-1 j MA 3-5774. 0-fjMurphy Co., King W., MArket Chimn ..N.5 o-I ecsltreronaat185 Acre farin on No1 Hg~ tgernent o! their daughter - -.- .- - -. -------- - - - 3-3781. 25_1. manvillp. Telephone MArket ment cent.rally lacateci, heateci, wny, 25 acres cedar uhee CreJoan, ta James W. N. " ' LARGE-selecjon af gifts for '--------*.--3-2581. 25-2 mutuial bath. Occupancy Aug.! wters 2ols n H ul l, n o Mi.an i Ms. T ehT n e s v n e your "D a i" on athe 's D ay., N Ô - u --u ca ih u F v u o n a c r r o k n ls t.. Phone N ew castle 2651. m achine shed,. d ou l o E L S A E B O E n eth H ul owa nill e p c e . o n S t e T E N D E R S w ill b e re c e iv e ci b y i J u n e 2 lst. C m e in a n d lo ok N O W - Ru Pe u % c afWo r I F y a u lo w ntc ar are, o kin g 2 5 -1* o u se , g a ra g e : 8 R o eih o eG N R L I SA N I m a i a e w î l a e l a e o n~t h e u n d e r s i g e c i u n t i l J u n e 3 0 , h o n o v e r . C h a r t r a n 's M e n 's j p r i g o u i t m o , j i u - _ _ -w i t h o i ] f u n a c e , 3 - p i c a h j , ~ ~ . ~ urday, Juiy l8th 1959 at 3 p.m. 1959, for the year JuIy 1959 - rnshigs, 17 King St. E.,, Buy and try the ail ncw t Company. The best season ta. THREE-room heated aprmet runng hot and coIdwao.n- in St. And.rew's Unitedi Church. ue16,frtesplij onavle SA PIRE INJECTORS - At start a Fan-iiez agoncy. Few 1oebedroom, living-room, kitch- cIclh ukTlpoe A358 Oshawa,~~~~~~opnig Ont 25u surudns Jue16,frtespiugBonnil.i- meng some machinry Oshaiwg, Ont 25u eurudns n, bath. Built-iu cupboards, ig$1_.0.Tm ragd O 1 (afuaelb ail, bth stve nciS C-AR MA TSil at bigh commission: Vita- tile floors. central. Telephone 135 Acre fam,.na at Slain-J .Bi. Inu mi 0For c 194-196 Cu R M AR.E m in-- dtonis. hü mfoxd ade t J.-m NMic ta701 C red t Ho e pe s a r oedmc ih g r g , o aei o ue In M emariamand stoker, for the schools of J UJ N E S A L E 1 -96 hu hSt.B w a ilI necessities. Write îmmediately - f oe, 10 ars wr BEECH.-South Darlmemaon Township We - Build - Retter - Custoeirs, minsn to00cs hoshxiac am A370.2 36, bu1ao Ale1-.Behwho passedj quantity a! each may be ob- RIE S IAND OTHERS ainme, heavy wired Asigcoet ca.Mde away on June 7th, 1954. jtainedj fran, M. J. Hobbs, Sec'y- TYPEWRT S $21,000 Dow $6,00ithn.lvigro Somnetimes it's bard te under- Treas., Enniskilleu, Ont. Phono r n u r e s o 1 cefr ,n a Whsan igshv MA 3-2984. *-25-2 DDN MA H ES FotQatr of jIn the Estate of Edith Ormistan, 60) acres womkable, 6'x3'haigadludytb.$.0 Wh soetrs ae eb, D IN AC IE Decenseci. *barn. implemenitshd ho ow.beet. u But in His wisdom, God as TENDERS will be receivecbyl BLJ., E..E!P Ail persons having la"imslhouse, garage-, 8 rocîeihm 00Ar am wt on planneci the undersigned up until June t If you are thinking of buying 8 CRI F Rag ai s lh sae o dt t i ih 3 pe e b t , b t s d c l r i e h u e a g a u a a e Beyond ur p wers te ý.ee. 130, 1959, for th installatio o!IC FORye mte o o e r ofc is, Wido w lae f the Town r unning water. Lake na oih d o w el. O e a A day o renei ibrauc sadlv toilet fac ilties including pu lnp, i -or a tim e-saving adding m a- ONjEKo ! Bow mannille ira the C aunty , of 410 fe t. Asking $95 0 it afe . recalled pressure tank, septic taxn g- h chl-vjnjî The Statesman te- 37 Lb., A- L of Durhanm, who died on Or $3,000 ciown. 6to W itheut !arewell he left us ail. age disposai bed andc i n e 1 H E P W N E Da o t t e 1t d y of M rh 1 8 ArTDr . 5 a .ro be with us iu the saine aid extension at former S.S. No. 4. iday'. TeeFotarofgodyug1959, are requireci ta senci ta the able, 25 acres wood, cek 0~hsbnao sasltl way IDarlington. Any other relative 1îjedtm beef. Von may have the bolling -undersigneci at the addmess be. x 30' bain, driveshdhonmem livryw.2-a Would be aur diearest iish information may be abtained by F ol u cuts ail minced into hamburger uingapirlow full particulars a! tziet iaine house. garage; 10 ooierc, aae Rceto on o îua.cotcig MA. J. Hobbs, Secy-lentire stock of Reigo port 1e forretera on or befome the 10th day Of jhaine with fumuace, rnîgwtmhaigwt i.Oi -Sadly r i sed auci ever mt e - I rea s B oard. Darsl n on tcho i abe O c-Revon -h n w i 13 ar B ow m anv ile Tow n H all July, 1959, after w hich date the ' w ater. A sking $9 50 0. Tr1 1 , 0 . 0 m-nee by hl.v 25-1 Steine MA à.-94 -2 's---a Locker NO !Must haetpnsotad!itiue Jvn ea n 5 cefrn e anci amil. ..a-I hono A 3-984.25-2soîd aI tantastie reductions. and knowledge of generai ýta the dlaims of whîch thberAd- 35 acres womkable,10arsoyurwnFi]pie$90 HOIDYI lisribtec havi,' Cegar ofor Sa0 Acrc fam er odl agoireuui alti bsnm HOCKAD Yjn lving e- f C rs " ale IEASY TERMS !for those strawberries and otherl Iministmator shall then have hardwood, 100' x 30. baIbrlcue al etp ot a mor ofSdiyJmsHca fruits and vegetabies caming ofc ok oie rv hcgrg;7roe a pmt Ii nisiihl ay a!o .y n Jams e s Ho ka j - DON T W AIT! a a g sa.. D nt s e d j u p l n p ra eD T D ta t a !. ue o e wt -ic ah u - y u r s n gsaay an June 2lst, 197 r ULIIL J.L "'iae Paei: Suitable fat Y!alls, waodwork. plaster, over wall-1DTDti lhdwo ue omdLs i ýN VMIteknew when we waoke 196paper, etc. Caaia itwio ls btjonquul yeflow, mint fI I 1049.AE ýn <cu 5oaeci heev wt tchCima. 18pe 198MNR H DO !reboue ivory, çtky blup, blo&sorn plnk, ahodow grey, fall, *r ILEAL LIVIN SANTA Anre M. Thmsn i ng, small barn and 1î ce difodhetoaS that mars, MNRHADTP beige, turquoise. land. Prac. $7,000 wth 1 The sorrow the daY woulci 1956 FORD Z-Dr. JN le. AKGIN 17 Concesson Street, - l ,.0O - s bring 1955 DODGE 4-Dr. ALUMI1NUM PAINT $__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.90 Gal. -a---e.'-KGIIN oi 15 F or th c l] as su deu t e 1953 M O N A4 R C U 4-D r. R O O F C E M ER N T , black liquic, contains fib ate ci asbest s, » ce gaLi. U R F r M u a n l V l l f V i ontarto,, Jo n t t F . D ec oc Wo u shock devere. jSouci 50% maney order as deposit. Balance shipped C.O.D. Mhdrea g 14 yea.n IM-yAaI Hodgiri, Jh .~~ . To part witb ones we loveci 195Z FORD 2-Dr. -Specla 3298 or F.u Dey Wemih in fuladsv h hre. 0-h&SMo e so dear. 1950 PLYMOUTH __ __ 295, 9:ry»myre i nfl adsv h cags am. te 6:00 >.M.nhrn. 25-8i Renflr a" Giemeral lu a ne r~ u u sometimes it's bard to undet- IOU INITIRNATIONAL $-toi% 1 - 'lIa" nf Newcalgte Plu oua stand, S UIAINS - iiepa.aaDUim e. . Me 3 B 831 brue W h y s a i n e t h i n g a h a v e t o b e: Q U E T ., T R N O O T & . l mD n l e u teNB 1But ina His wisdom God bas Cowan Equipment Co: 53, UE T . T1OO ONT ÀST NI SANAS VILLAGE Bunm potnt "uICaadla planned __ iAGENTS WANTED - No financiai. autlay. Write for colour 1 OUtnaak oe aisg MA 3-'5 Beyond .9wr power to oz. 134 King St. E. Bwaanville chat. Guarantee certificate andi orcier fomms for ygur area,. Chinchillas. chi Write Stoneouse ame David4en, Boa~ ihMA. 838 Onlsrmnbrd yJéae b» A3i y mne caemaI alouec ta a disriet . .. so hurry., .i 1.Ifadlgt Ave.. ph. SI, x Md *mite