PAGE T~NTY-TWO - TEE CANADIAN 8TAT~AN, DOWWANV~LE~ ONTA~O Over 100 Enjoy Euchre Sponsored by C.W.L More than 100 people enjoyed the eudire party held by the Catholic Women's League in St. Joseph's Hail on Tuesday evening. There were 12 games of euchre played. Mrs. Wilfrid LaBine, was the general con- venor, assisted by Mrs. Tom Sheehan and Mns. Stewart Chisholyn, the president.' The first prîze winner was Mrs. Mabel Thickson, who re- ceived a set of two packs of playing cards donated by Mrs. Glenholme Hughes. Her score was 108. The second prize, a set of three ash trays donated by Mrs. James Fair, was won by Cecil Cuilen with a score of 97. Mrs. J. W. Dawson was the winner of the third prize, a $2.0( ou cher donated by Miss Loretta Kilgannon. Her score was 94. Ami Dupuis with a score of 94 won the fourth prize, a two tier serving plate donated by 1 Mrs. Lea Goulah. The fifth prize, a tablecloth donated by Miss Margaret Mahoney. vas won by Bob Labreque with a score of 92. Bill Williamns won the sixlh prize, a shampoo and crearn Érinse set donnted by Mrs. Greta Mayhew. Low score prize was won by ?&fs. Dan King, who re- ceived a set o! plastic picmce plates and glasses donated by Mis. Michael Heenan, Maple Grove. The lucky door prize winner was Mrs. Cecil Mutton Who re- ceived a pair o! sheets donated by Mis. M. Lunneman, Mis. George Young, Mrs. E. P. Mor- nul, Mis. Leon Connors, Mis. J. Trudeau, Mrs. Alan Osborne, hirs. Kaspar Hollen, and Mrs. William Prower. Tom Masterson announoed the winners. He also tbanked everyone wbo attended the event, and expressed tbe hope that they would corne and en-1 joy futu .re eucbre parties in St. Joseph's Hall. Mr. Masterson anmounced that an "Open House" will be held on June 28th in the new St. Joseph's Church and said that ail wcre welcome te attend. Following thc presentation o! prizes a delicious lunch was served. Those wbo assisted i serving were Mrs. Tom Sbee- han, Mrs. Wilfrid LaBine, Mrs. Stewart Chisbolm, Mrs. Leo Goulah, M~rs. Frank Woolner, Mrs. Ray Crawford, Mrs. Mar- tin Malloy, Mrs. Peggy Haynes, Miss Margaret Mahoney, and~ Mrs. Ben Towe. Small Pot of GoId by C. J. Harris Opinion poils, from lime te time, report on how much pro- fit the public thinks the manu- facturing industry makes on ils operations. Since the public is always away off on its gucas- ing, the following facts in thel case should be interesting and instructive. On the dollar's worth of goods they sold in 19.58. Canadian jmanufacturers averaged a pro-] fit of only 4.6 cents. Of Ihat profit. 2.6 cents went te share- biolders as dividenda and 2 cents was reinvcsted i the cempani- ica' maintenance and expansion programs. Paymienl of income BIG USED CAR SAL E $509000.00 WORTH 0F OUTSTANDINGI HAND-PICKED USED CARS Many fully equipped ... Ready for Trouble-free summer driving. LOWD LOW DGWN PAYNENT BALANCE ON EASY TERIS Art ys Car Market 194-196 CHURCH ST. MA 3-5064 BOWMANVILLE SPECIAL! Frigidaire Refri gerators Model S-8c-59 '*Super" model refrigerator that combines space aaviag matic wlth 6"big appetite"l capacity . . . Jusl 24"1 ot Wall space! Across-top freezer, storage doer, butter compartment, atorage for 18 eggs, removable ahelvea, full wldth hydrater holds wcek's suppiy ot fruits and vegetables. Total _____8.00 eu. ft. Food camp. - 7.00 eu. tt. Freezer -____1.00 eu. tt. Capacitu __-___35 lb.. Rteguiar Pie$267.95 SPECIAL PECE$2 90 Colliss Electric 44 MJG ST. W. MA 3-5901 Receive Cè'rhficates, for "Ball1et Prof îciency One of the highlights of the Spring Dance Recital i Anger, Rozanne, Stackaruk, Louise Whitney, Suzanne at the Town Hall on Friday was the presentation of exam- Presson and Shelley Bothwell. Misses Whitney and Stack- ination certif icates and awards to these young ladies. aruk passed with honors. They are, from left to right: Wendy Anderson, Frances taxes te federal and provincial governments took 3.6 cents of the sale's dollar. The figures are from a sur- vey that was broad enough to be taken as nationally repres- entatîve. Compiled by the Can- adian Manufacturers' Associa- tion, it covered 1,019 manufac- turing firms from coast to coast; thcy had net sales of nearly $9 Ibillion and nearly lîalf a mil- lion employeca; 175 o! the cern- parties reported a loss on the year. The margin of profit was the iowest in the eleven years the survey has been made. These figures have their ap- plicatidn to the dlaim that state welfare services could be ex- panded by heavier taxation on business. Suggestions are nmade that farnily allowances and old- age pensions should be increas-j cd, that ail-inclusive state me- dical insurance should be in- troduced, and se on. Corpora- tion profits arc usuaily poited. to as the source of the hun- dreds o! millions of dollars that would be needed. Dividends, il is implied, are a pot o! gold. Well, it is a smail pot o! gold. Government taxation of corpor- ate income already takes sub- stantially more than is paici out in dividends, already ia a prop keeping prioes up. Perbaps rnost importantly, any increase in taxation would take more o! tic money that must be reinvested in plant and equipmcnt if industry is toe x- pand and provide more jobs for the ever-expanding labour force. Worth of a Man We are ail worth what we can take with us into the next life- no more, no less. No man is worth a million dollars ten minutes after his death. The grave makes us ail alike poor so far as any bank account is concerned. When a man's body is in its coffin, bis dollars will buy nothing. He bas lost con- trol of the purchasing medium. There is no pocket in a shroud which will hold either stocks or bonds. Hfe bas suddenly been deprived of what made bim the envy of bis fellows during the years o! his eartbiy life. Riches and graveyards have no relation to each other. When a man's feet press tbe other shore, therefore, he is to be reckoned as worth his quali- ties of ebaracter, for notbing else counts to bis advantage. If be is sturdy, true, loyal, noble in soul, be is rich, whatever bis previous condition bas been;, and if be la grasping, self-seeking, covetous or avaricious, and witb- ai disbonest in seul, he is a very poor man. His position in the next world will flot depend on his ability, to draw a large cheque i this world. The wealth of beaven consists of bigh tbhtsh holy aspirations and th:ue mmory of good deeds.if he possesses tbat kind of wealth he will be ail right there, as he is ail right here. If be does not possess it, he will be ail wrong here and be wîll be ail wrongè tbere. Forty creeds will flot make him a nobleman in the sight of the Lord. Believing is nothing more than the plan o! the bouse, but doing is building the bouse. If you stand before- the Lord with a grand plan andi notbing done about it, you wiil take great shame to yourself. The whole matter can be sum- med up in a few words. Christ's purpose was te teach you certain principles on wbich te base a character. Wbat He re- quires o! you is the character, wbicb je your life work, and not simnpiY an enumeration of its principles, wbicb is nierely your creed. You are to be and to do what wiil last, and ail else is incidentai. Your money is a sid isue;your character is the imprtntthing. A man may m emoey, but he must leave lt. If he makes character he takes it with hlm. Money per- ishes; character ls immortal.- George H. Hepworth. Cet Cash To-day For Old Appliaacos through STATESMAN C L AS S 1FIED 8 Phone MArk.t 3-M30 BROWN'S Misses Alne, Audrey snd Do>o," Cumsn visited withi thei aunt, Mis. Jack 19artwiclk, Tootrecently. Master Bradley and is Wendy Wilson entertained a few of their young friends on the occasion of their "ith bfrthday. School wlf soon be over for another terni and teachers and pupils wifl enjoy a wefl-earned regt. Everyone cone and celc- brate at the, picnlc on Saturday afternoon aI the scbool. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Cow- land and family have movcd back to the neighbourhood, having purchased Mr. McWil- liama' bouse. Norih Nesileton Mrs. Malcoin ZEmerson was hostess at a smaîl premaritial shower given by friends in hon- our, o! Miss Yvonne Chant, for- merly on staff at Cartwright Central Public Sehool. Nup- tial p lansamar for later tbis monh. Cadnius United Ohurch Sun- day Sehool Anniversar was wefl attended by the neighbour- ing populace. Reports were ail very favourable. Reverend and Mrs. Harry At- kinson, Oshiawa, with Mr. Leo- nard Joblin at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns' recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Samelis visited son Melville and girls in Oshawa Sunday. Master Harley MeCoy bas re- turned from hospital and is slowly recuperating f rom some PACM -,rW»I-rVý-TWO Summer is here. . . and here are many of fhe things you'll wantIio make you look your com- forfable best . . . check your needs with these values - many specialiy priced Io bring you special savings . .. shop for ail your summer wardrobe ai Walker's - during June Jamboree! Nationa ly Known Swimwear! Tops for Sunning and Bathing Children's 4 to 6x Girls' 8 ta 14 ec -each $1.98 $2.98m$3.98 Misses' 32 to 38 each $798 (Others lrom $4.98 Io $ 10.98) Now ls the time ta select your swim wear ...- selections are mare complete and you'IlIbe ready for sunning and swimming at beach or pool .. . ail tram leading makers s0 you know Ihey are the lateat styles . . . sec them today and choose pours. GIRLS' TWO-PIECE PLAY SUITS Choose froni a variety of patteras, stripes and polka dots in Ihese practical sets . . . shorts with pockets lu good- wearing poplin and sieeveless blouses with print and stripe deuign& Colors Red, Navy, Pink, Turquoise anti Maize. Sizes 3 to 6. _$1.00 Trwo-piece Set____ BOYS' CABANA SUITS Purchased espeeially for tbis evet ... a remarkable value consisting of sports shirt with sereen. prînts of sailboat baseball, circus and abstract dega .. . and plain boxer shorts in Brown, Navy or Grey ... Sizes 3 ta 6. Guaranteed washable. Two-piece Suit $1.00 I. * I 'I. THICK - HIGHLY ABSORBENT Bath Towels Substandards of regular $1.29 and $1.49 Unes 8 ~ c Each- -- -- ---- 8 Summer is when yau need extra towels . . . soft, thlck, absorbent beauties for borne use and after swinuning . . . these froni a leading Canadian maker lu substandards at speclal savings... choose froni stripes and plain icalors . . . If tirsts would be $1.29 ta $1.49 each. June Jamboree 88c. MISSES' WOVEN PLAID DENIN JEANS "loughles" a reg'd. Canadian trademark... assures you quality . . . "San!orized" ta retain size . . . and tailored with twin needie seanis ta give longer wear . .. two pockets, side zipper and button closlng. Biaek/White, fllack Watch, Red/Black plaids . . . Sizes 10 ta 0 Pair ----$2 -99__ Solid Coi Cool Comfort for Summer! COTTON MESH OR TRICOCEL Pan fies *Plain and fancy knits of cotton or Tricocel. *Three Styles *Small, Medium or Large - 39c 3 or$1 .00 Favorites for Spria anud Summer wcarunder cotIons . . . especially siacks and shorts, al tiraI quality cotton mesh or tricocel rayon . . . so wash- able . .. choose tram Ihree styles . . . elstie ieg, lace trhn, or band leg or Large. lors! Lightweight! Easier1 Color fui Chenille Io Wash! BEDSPREADS Double Bcd Size Fringed Three Sides Five Colors Plus White Usually $4.98 - Each $s399 Bright bel loppingi for Summer and year-round bedroom. charm . .. bcd- apreads of rows and rows of solld chenille on one-picce shecting in tive colons plus white la bleuI or match most rooni calor schemes . . . choose tram Gol, Green, Turquoise, Light Blue, Dusty Rose or White . . . Double bed size . . . fringed three sides. Usually sald at $4.98. June Jamboree Price.$3.99. ..Sizes Smail, Medium. Another spedal purehase brift0lmg peu botter allies st a money-uavlng prie* . . . yours tram a selection et coloru for lour every need . . . il wafhtast amindE.n» forIze". UUUaIFl 49e te 790. lune Jamboree 30& Lightweight Warmth - Save $1.00! Vi scorlon Blankets " Double Bed Size 72" x "$9 " E1eg. $5.99 - Each Fv oo Viscorlon Blankets . . . wondertul sunîmer sud year round bcd coverings for sleeping confor . . . llght la weight ... cosy, warm and washable . .. tive popular colon:. Gypsy led, Rase, Green, Gold, and Bine . . . 7Z" x 84". leg. $5.J9. lune Jamboree $4U. Big and Colorful "Lady Gaît" Beach Towels *Polar Bear 1 9 or Stripes Bach - Bitr celortul Beach Towel .1.p la upolar bear or *tripes ... for beach, home or cottage ... 38" x 60". Bach $1.98. Oui:! anding Value! "Texmade" Printed Cottons * Usually 59e te 79« * 36" Wide * Save 20e tb 40e yard3 9 June Jamboree - Yard 9 Snch a seleclion of colortu prints fer summer sewlng . . . upeiar purchaied for this eveut te brlng pou savingi et %0c te 40o per yard. Seo the big seleetion ef patteras aud wastaa colore. All outitandlng value te make pour own dresses, aproas anldthe thiags rous like te uew lu summer. Speclal at 39o yard. STORE nouas Mon., Tues., Thurs and Set. 9:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.M. Wednesday: 9:15 àa.m. te 12:00 Doon Friday: 9:15 a.m. te 9:00 p.M. TEEN-AGERS ADULTS Young and oid take advant- age o! this golden opportun- ity. Enroll New! ln the ,SUMMER SCHOOL CLASSES at the Oshawa Business College commencing Monday, July 6, 1959 until Friday, August 28, 1959. Get FREE Summer School bulletin for complete de- tails. Only a llmited num- ber of desks available. Act Now! Dial RA 5-3375 10 Slmcoe St. N., Oshawa M. C. Barnett, Principal "Texmade" Broadcloth * tsually 49c end hlghew' W' 3"Wide lune Jamboree - Yard- 39C Washf as! Colrs! B@ maiVIà, rrMSAY. 3MWle%- no,. ~~1ou k~tbt wentt he amodel S860M d.idn't prepare you for tbat di it U!arley?- Hewes whiahnï y=u a speedy recovery. Also to Mr. Adelbert Bea- cock we wish a fast convales- cence. Thoeigh a broken ankie is slow,y ou can be gratetul It happndy during hayln<. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmi Rm- erso= with Mr. and Mrm. Roy, Knapp spent the Das weekegi*ý with frieridsat arnarvah. Mr. Itae Malcolm of 'Janet- vlle called on grandson Wayne' on the occasion o! his fourteenth birthdny, wishing hlm well and hoping he wiil grow m inmd au well as body. Sorry Grandîna that you were not feeling weL. Hope you too are soon better. Before the Nei4hbourg insti. gate an investigation- as ta the reason why the No. 31 telephone line bas flot been so busy this past week, may wie explaïn that we conscripted the services of the "little wonian," att he office this week- to heip get those tax bis out on Urne and s foul for ««those angry your<. men" who storm the office ini disapproval of those increasing taxes. Many a glower bas chan. ged to a quick "Oh Henll. Ohurch services at Nestieton United will for the coming suni- mer mon-the commence at 10 arn. D.S.T. Wee ne bunch thinning was practised, the vine was weakened. This was shown by the weight o! the bunch re- moved, wbich was 2.5, 1.8, 2.2. and 1.5 pounds per vine, res- pectively, for the four treat- ments.