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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 2

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-y-- PAGE TWO * ~ ~ ~w~u VA.La5.. ~J~V J.ftKUI.> -THUSA, U ElSh I ht h uberculin Test Is Wlth the Tuberculin Test and Chest X-ray li operation now in Durhami Counzy, many peo- pie 'wiil be intercsted in know- ing just 'what the tuberculin test 5. It is a simple test ta find out whcther or net there are tuber- culouis germa in the body. A hariess substance cailed tu- berculin is lii ected under thc skin, usually on the forearm, where it is easy ta see the re- Suts-if thre are any, from two, ta four days later the test is inspected or 'read'. In the great majority of cases, nothîng happena. This means there are ine TB germs in the body. As long as there are no, germas, thetc wii be no TB. Sometinies there la redness and a rough- riess, caused by a slight harden- ing into smali bumps. The tecn- nical terms is 'induration'. This Ma called a positive reaction. Ninety-nine times out of a liundred, this dees not mean a persan bas tuberculosis. A great many persons get some TB germs into their bodies without devcloping TB. A per- san who ls positive should have a chcst X-ray at once. If, as is tisually the case, there is no disease, the doctor should be asked for advice about a regular check-up, and how oiten. Those who have a positive reaction ta tuberculin, and e9crone aver forty, even thuh they are not reactors,l should have periodic chest X- rays. Alter 40, quite a few persans deveiop heart and lung diseases, which are not tuber- culosis or infectious, but are scriaus. The doctar's chances of I: dcaling with them successfully ]R aLre irnproved If they are found early. Tou Cm epnmd On backaeh,, ird ii .«t =ft flloi. Dodda iduey Pille atimulate kidumy to normal duty. Yon 1.01 6 kbetterpbl Yuaadepend enDodd'a.Oo&DoMd'atanm dzugatomo MONUMENUS VINE QUALI 711%RKEE% OFi TC ~irig A Stafford Ur Monumental 1 un8 murnla st. El Mlono WhItl MOhawk 8-35 AND [TI hi Executives Plan TB Test Mr. McNall Irwin, Chairman af districts for the Durham Tuberculixi Test, and Chest X-ray, and Mr. A. E. Raf use of Cobourg, Treasurer of the Northumberland- Durham TB Association at a recent organizational meet- rIg. Special Phone Facilities Wl! Pro vide Services For Royal Train, Ship While tauning Canada this suxnrer, Qucen Elizabeth wül be able te telephone ber farnlly or other parts of Uic worid if necessary.1 3 At the sainie tinie, telepiione equipmcnt wiIl play a majorý b~W~ robe la providing Uic Worbd with .0 ~ up-to-the-minute coverage of rFOIRD ber tour ai Canada. LOI, The telephone facilities, pro- vided by The Bell Telephone Company of Canada and oÔthcr iu1I~ iembers af Uic Trans-Canada Didfr Telephone System during her six wcek tour ai the nation, roi. will serve in a number of ways. WorkS On theryltanye a Whity daIs and the press wibl have tebephane service li their rail- by way cars. On the royal yacht, 35Z "Bitanala," bocal and long dis- tance service vAll be available Here's the best in heating comfort RED TRADEMARKED FAM OUS READING ANTHRACITE 'fu au b» SI» e 70offgh.worwds Oues hoed cooli Rem.mbuohmis o aconwny la quolily. &là for Ia todyl STOVE-*?MIT *PEA .BRIQUET SUMMER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT - BUY NOW AND SAVE - STEPHEN FUELS ipHiONEM" 351 BUjflV Office at (t-N.R.'Ya"& ;whenever it îs meored. at a Car 1adian dockside. The ship will be connecte via speciai cable installation at 13 cities while train connec tions wiil be ruade at 16 cen tres, most af them in westeri Canada. When watcnborne, ti "Bnitannia" wiii use its 0Wi ship-ta-shore radio facilities tg conncct with the regular tels phoanc systemn so the royal part can cail anywhere in thc worlc Fïve green telephone set: will be on board the royal train These telephones wiil be coný nected via a cabie with the la. cal tebephone company where a special operator wiil handiE al calla nmanuaily. The traii wiil be hooked up ini tus wa3 at ecd point where it remamn for periods af anc haur or mors Outgoiag calis frorn the rayal train mnay include persan-to. persan, station-to-station or cal- ledt cails, but ail calls made tc Uic train will be person-to-per- son only. The same regubations wiil apPly for cails made to and lrom the "Bnitannia". Cities at which the ship wRU bave land-line communication include Uic ports of Sept les, Part Alfred, Quebec City, Trois Rivieres, and Montreal ini the province of Quebec, and at To- ronto, Windsor, Sarnia, Sauli Ste. Marie, Uic Lakebead and Hanjilton ini Ontario. In Nova Scotia, Uic rayal yacht Will bs connected with Uic local tele. phone exchange at Halifax and Sydney. Royal train connections will be completed by telephone per- sonnel at Hamilton, Stratford, and Londan in Ontario; Caigary and Edmonton li Alberta; Re- velstoke, Sicamous, Vernon, Kanloopa, Chilliwack and Van- couver li British Columbia; Biggar Saskatoon, and Regina in Sasl<atchcwan, and Brandon and Winnipeg i Manitoba. In order to provide on-ti.-ý spot coverage by television ai rnany 'af thc eveats highlight- ing the Queen's visit, special Portable microwave towers wil be uscd te traamsit thc pictureý and cable wiil pick up thc au- dia Portion of the ceremonies. Circuits for radio commen- tars, Bell Teletype machines for newspapermen and tele- photo units for photographers wiffl be among Uic other services provided by the mnember com-1 Paaics of the Trans-Canada Telephone System during the ix week tour ai the country. Local Men Attend Camp At Meaford Camp Meaford - Armoured anuts af Uic Canadian Arrny [ilitia are again undergoing suner camp training at Camp .eaford, on Geargian Bay. everai men from Bowman- 111le and District are there vith thc Ontario Regiment. Selected off icera and other 2nks are attached to the Re- rular Armny for seven d1ays' raining with "A" Scjn. of thc art Garry Herse. Units ini =ap thus week are The Gov.. =nor General's Horse Guards, roronto; The. Ontario Regiment, )siawa; The Queen's York Langers, Tarante; and the AI-I umquixi Reg-ment tram Kirk- Rnd Lake, North Bay, Kapus- mig. Tilmmins, and otheri eints i Nrthern Ont.ario. Training la divided inta two* ai categories, Qualifying 1 0urscs for Officers Sr. NCOs md tradesmien, and unit train- ig, conducted by Regular rmy Instructors. Units arnivcd in camp Satur- Ly naon, Junc 13th, observed ce Sundav with Church Ps- ade in the. marnlng carrted 1out Prelmlnry administrative responsibilities in the afteraoon, and were ready to, begin inten- sive training Monday morning. They will return home June 20th. IThe huge 201,000 acre camp ares offerz excellent training arens for tanks. OriginaUly farmj.and, the tract of land is dotted with buildings and or- chards, crlss-crossed with farm tracks and tree-lined fields. This feature reaisticafly dupli- cates service conditions durmng range practice, offers ideal ter- rain to, practice armoured for- mnation tactics and tank driv- ing. 40 Sherman tanks are avail- able for field training. For the first two days the units con- duct sub-unit exercises on the tank troop basis, later graduate to squadron exercises. At the end of the week ail units com- bine their strength to carry out en armourcd regiment exercise. In this fash ion ail ranks are given the opportunity to see "on the ground" a regiment at full strength. Militia units canunanders are entusasic over this new scheme of training carried out Ifor the first trne last year. Of- ficers and men carry out their tak sthcy would in action. 0f ficers particularly get the "le"of commanding an a- moured formation. Capsule Newspaper Comments Editor's note: One of our A erican friends sent a longt Efollowing clipping which 1 Sinteresting capsule comment Uic newspaper business.1 Publish it as a public- servi, in order ta perpetuate, if p( sible, the myth that all nem paper people are hard-workir ulcer-rddled specimens ofb mianity whe have only the hig est of motives for everythi they do and are sa fascinat by their occupation that t iast thing that interests the la money. Here are the capsules prepa ed by a member of aur profE sian, H. 1. Phillips: PUBLISHE.-A gluttonf punishment who couid ha- »made a better living in ai other business with hall effort a third of the worri and 10 percent of Uic abuc JOnly more perilous job wou be ta pitch against the Yanà demonstrate a new fire-n( 'dimb MVt. Everest in a blizzai and attempt an auter-space tr ail ini a single day. EDITOR-A man wha Insis uýpon getting bis nervous tei sions wholesale; a fellow wha r ife work fîts la somewhei Iwith that af a trapeze gymnaE a balloonist arnd a volunteer f( a trip lato outer space undt an agreement to supply bis ai do-it-yourself recovery equl nient REPORTER - A feflow wl made the mistake af thinkin it was easy, and fell for t1 idea he could relax after hour a muan wha spends; his lufe ho ing the boss will notice hlm. ADVERTISING *MANAGE] -Anybody with the deternn tioa of a woodpecker on an iro pale and Uic energy of a bir at s cat show. BUSINESS MANAGER- stouthearted mani whose thern Sang ls, "Ya Gotta Have Heart' a fellow who, must have th, right answver te Uic owner' questions, "How corne we didnr do better?" "Why arn I not ha] pier?" and "'Are yau li shap, for furtiier cniticism?" CIRCULATION MANAGER- The busy beaver who bas onli three acceptable alibis: l mnust have more prize contests, "We should get on the stree earlier,"1 and "I just fl! dowi en elevatar shaft."1 A cheer for your newspaper It's a tonic, s guide, a bargair and s "refresher course." I gives you everything but vit. sxnîns. It is produced under ti toughest circurustances by ae hard-working a group as you can lacate anywbere. Canada's gross national pro. duct li 1958 increased by 2.â Per cent over 1957. but iess than one Per cent was due ta volume growth and more than 1.5 per cent due te price increases. The >ostwar annuai average of growth is four per cent. 0-mP àw At the age of 17, Benjamin Pmran a arrved ln Philadel'. iphia alter a trip by boat and en foot Immn New York. AUl the clothlng ha owned vas utufted la the. pockets of bis gret coat. To satlds uai.. gar, ho Pflrchased tbre enormous baves sebread. As h. walked dowu the. steet, eating one loaZ carr7ing an- other- under ecdiart% and bis pockets bulging, cmof ithe lirst people he red wua Dcl,. rah Reed. AUl *ho eould do was laugb, neyer dr.aming &ho would ane day b. bis wife. the' has, on We ice, 'os-. ingI hu- gh- ting New Consurn Developed b Moetreal-Development of a new forzi of consumer-finance tahey i Bank of Montreal, poiigfacilities for Cana- dians to consaildate ail of theiri credit-buying under a single life-insured loan, with a ringle monthiy payment, was announe- ed today by Uic bank's presi- dent, G. Arnold Hart. M.r. Hart said tihe systemn would be known as the "Bank of 'Mantreal Family Finance Plan". It goes into operation at al of thc bank's 781 Cana- diaxi offices today. Personal bans under thc new arrangements will be made for practically any purpase ln amounts up te $3,500, whiie re- payments wiil be scheduled over periods up to three Years, where required. Such boans wiIl be automatically life-insured. Many of tUic bans w !be made on an unsecured bacNsi, ai though chattel-mortgage and ather types of security may be taen w~here such coilateral is il I 1 - BE SAFE' GET YOUR TrUBERCULIN ner Locans of bis >y B. ofIM"Tii, bank's new plan will by B. f MDo means be restricted ta boans O I for the purchase of items nor- but wiR! aise be reaclily aval- normaL The main conideration able for xnany other purposes in makting Jeans will be the such as medical and dental customer's ability lia repay, bills, education expenses and without hardship, fram regular vacation costs," Mr. Hart sald. incarne. "Neither," he added, 4"willthe Interest udil be six per cent ilan purcase b u ilyeeqam- a yer o th acual utsan~. î at the disposai of the single ing balance, plus a charge to esn1 cover the coat of processing andpesn service. Mr. Hart explained.___________ adding, "'The overaIl cost ta the fb- custamer of a loan under the new plan is Iower than general- iy prevails for consumer-finan- cing In Canada and lu particu- larly attractive for a life-insur- ed loan.20 Albert Street, Thie B of M plan includes a Toronto, 1. Ontarlo. special Meature which Mr. Hart June 11, 1959. referred te as "ever-ready cre dit". Under thiîs provision, th Dear Mr. James: customer may arrange for a Captain Cales has advised us standby personal credit, based of Uic success af the Red ShIeld on hi& incarne and commilt- Appeai and we hasten te say ments, and availabie for his use congratulations and express to at any time. He is thus free ta you aur very warmn thanks for niake purchases at will and the able direction which you issue cheques on the spot up ta' gave te thc organization under BE SURE 1 FREE TEST the Lem S cEEirinLE NO. 1 LOCTIO G1IN1DAT1ROESOF OPERATION READING & X-RAY ces.1 LO ATI N G n IN G ATED A TE for COURTICE Monday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 Wednesday ave Ebenezer United Church June 8 7:00 p.m te 10:00 p.m. June 10 the Tuesday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. Thursday ies ____________ June 9 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 pm. June il11 ___ Lse. uld HAMPTON Wednesday 2:00 p.m. te, 5:00 p.mi Friday iks, Conimunity Centre June 10 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. June 12 adThursday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m Monday rip ____________ June il 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. June 15 ENNISKILLEN Friday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.mi. Tuesday United Church June 12 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. âmne 16 Ln NE WTON VILLE Monday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m Wednesday ose United Church __ June 15 7:00 p.m. te, 10:00 p.m. June 17 ere NEWCASTLE Tuesday 2:00 p.m. te, 5:00 p.m. Thursday for Community Centre June 16 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 18 frWednesday 2:00 pa.tote5:00 p.m. Friday FnJune 17 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. June 19 ÎRONO- Thursdayv 2:00 p.m..te 5:00 p.m. Moca Odd Fellowts Hall June 18 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. June 22 -oFriday 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday n June 19 7:00 p.m te 10:00 p.m. June 23 rs;, MILLBROOK Monday 2:00 p.rn. to 5:00 p.m.L Wednesday )- Armouries June 22 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 24 yusd 2:00 te 5:00 p.m. Thursda June 23 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 25 La-' PERRYTOWN Wednesday 2:00 p.rn. to 5:00 p.m. Friday on St. Paul's Anglican Church - June 24 1 700 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June26 A _______ SCEEDULE No. 2 LOCATION _____ G1VING DATE HOUES 0F OPERtATION ~1I< -A ie _______________ ______________ ______________DATE 'S BLACKSTOCK Monday 1:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. Wednesday ,. Cartwright June 15 7.00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 17 pe Recreation Centre JANET VILLE Tuesday 2:00 p.m. te 5:-00 p.m Thursday C.O.F. Hall June 16 7:00 p.m. to 10-00 p.m. June 18 'I UOniTd Cur Wednesday 2:00 p.rn. te 5-00 p.m. Frîday dl Uie hrhJune 17 7:00 prn.te 10:00 p.m. June 19 ______________ Thursday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m Monday Tw HalJune 18 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 22 CAVAN Friday 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Tuesday r! Community Hall June 19 7:00 p.m. te 1:00 p.m. June 23 _____CANTON____ Monday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.rn. Wednesday t- Community Hall June 22 7:00 p.m. to 10.00 24 ie BOWMANVILLE Tusa 2:00 p.n. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday Q Liens Commuruty Centre June 23 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. June 25 iBeech Ave. Wednesday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. Friday June 24 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 June 26 5Thursday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. Monday June 25 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 29 ýeFriday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.xn. Tuesday June 26 7:00 10:00 p.m. June 30 Monday 2:00 p.rn. te 5:00 p.m. Thursday June 29 7:00 pan. to 10:00 p.rn. July 2 ______________Tuesday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. Friday - June 30 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. July 3 ___ ___ ___ __SCPEIP-LE No. 3 LOCATION GWVING DATE HOUES 0F OPERATION RAIN~G & X-RAY DATE PORT HOPE Menday 2:00 p.m. te 9:00 p.m. Wednesdy Town Hall June 15 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 17 Tuesday 2:00 pin. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday June 16 7:00 p.m te 10:00 p.m. June 18 Wednesday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 p.m. Friday June 17 7:00 p.m. te, 10:00 p.m June 10 Thursday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 pi. Monday June 18 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.. June 22 Friday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 pin. Tuesday June 19 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 23 Monday 2:00, te 5:00 p.m. Wednesday June 22 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. June 24 Tuesday 2:00 p.n, te 5:00 p. Thursday June 23 7:00 pan. te 10:00 p.n. June 25 Wednesday 2:00 p.m. te 5:00 pan. Friday 1June 241 7:00 p.m. te 10:00 p.m. June 26 Mmasurvey in sponsored by the. NOITUEDELAND-DUEAN TUBEICUIIOSIS ASSOCIATION with the. assstance of the ONTAJO DEPARTNENT 0F BEALTX I TREouGR Y OUR lPUEHAE 0F CBJSTMAS SEA MASS SUR VEY SCHEDULE FOR DURHAM COUNTY JUNE Sth TO JULY 3vd (inclusive) r Iyour leadership. Wltbout the interest and help of outstànding business men across Canada, It wouid be im- possible for the Salvation Ar- my to fulill its mission and carry out is Programme- We want you to know that we are grateful. With warmest regards. Yours sincerely. L. Bursey, Lieut.-Colonel National Campaign Direçtor A anore lu an unfavorable re- port from headquarters. NONET AVAILABLz FOi? 1 BarrsteraÇESio DALPE S. JOIES* es Simoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-35235 TM I!AVAIWAlqr 'MA. MUAW Wwuàwvwvm #%Nmàkuw%

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