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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 3

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TEECAADANSTA~MN.EOMAV &6LLE4 . OALIA M(1 Wed in Trinity United TAYLOR - REYNOLDS LUXTON - HILTS Pink and white snapdragons f In Trinit, United Cliurch on forme'd a floral background for F'icay, June 5th, at 7:30 p.m,f the inarriage of Miss Mfuriel Joan Carroll Hllts, daughte'r of Gwendolyn Rleynolds and Mr., Mr. and Mrs.; Manful Hil T. Harold Boyd Taylor in Trinity't ronto, and John Henry Luxton,j United Church, Bowrnanville, on. 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Saturday, June 13, 1959. Luxton, were united in mar- The bride, given in marriage! nage. Rev. W. K. Housiander by her father, îs the daughter performed the ceremony befo're of 2ML. and~ Mrs. Walter Bensorn a backgcround of white 'mllais! Reynolds, Bowrnanvile, and the and carnations. groom is the son of -1r. aÂi-d Given in marriage by her fa- t Mrs. Kenneth M:lddle&on Tay- ther the bride wore a floor- t>lor of Blyth. Rev. W. K. Hous-, gown of white peau de lander of Eowiiai-ville. o1fticiaý- soie. The lace bodice had a hihý t-d. Mr. Ar h-r Colilson was neckiine and long sleeves. Thce or-ganist aid at accompani ec white net ai-d lace oversk',t the soloist. Mrs. Llo. d Ayre. fell into a train. A peani crowni lTe bride wvote a fuI -!n41h he1d ber shiotilcer-lengtl) veAi gawn of Glac-ier wiii'e ~ anci she carried ri-c roses and' saort sl-eeves anci low %x n eek- MArs. F. Armnstrong, Toronto.' line. Tke bodice teatured ar the bride's sister. as matron &oi Emapmre o 0fFichu tord_, h!onoijr wo, e a street-lei, -' bi1 above the ik:gi1b: -que ii:di7if pastnel blue silk pincess dres1 of appliqued iace. The bouf- wiith matc.hing pearl-trimnied i fant sk-irt wvas ï-rosted .it blue hat and blue gloves. Yel-1 panel-scf lace apiique andi a flow and white ' formedi Tiara of fleurettes held Une' ler bouquet. bride's finger-t.-p veil. She car- Thé groomsntan was Mn. xt: ied a cascade bouquet of pink' Roçwe, Bowman-ville.j roses, stephanotL- and trailing For the reception held at the Lv.- home of the groom's parents,' Attending the bride were lier; Queen Street. the bride's noth- Mr. and Mrs. Willhax sister, Nfrs. Paul Welliver. State i er chose blue flowered si]k with signing the negister followin College, Pennsylv~ania, as ma- white accessories and corsage United Church, Bowmanville, tron of honor. Miss Virginia of red carnations. Mrs. Luxton, bride is the former Gail Stutt, Burlington. and Miss assisting, was in charcoal gray Jane Mary Snell, Stratford, as silk witb a pin*k beaded neck- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bridesmaids. TheY were sirnil- ilime. She also wore a red car- groom is the son of Mr. and Y~ arly gowned in short, mist white nation corsage. Grove. nylon organza over net and taf- The bride donned a beige cot- ------____ feta with portrait necklines. ton knit suit for the wedding The bodices were fashîoned trip to Niagara Fals and Lake PRESTON - ISAGNELL with Bon-bon pink taffeta sash- P:jcd. Orchid and white lilacs form- es falling into a graceful panel 'ed a pretty setting inc Trinity ing head bands and caried bas- FERGUSON - BELL United Church on Saturday,l kets of pink and whjite carna- Th margetc ple June 6th, at three o'clock when tions.Th araeto plcin Gail Heathen, youniger daughter Garden Hill United Church on: of Mr. and Mrs. Winton W. Mr. John Taylor, Montreai, June 6th of Dorotdiy Joyce Bell, Bagneli, became the bride of was his brothen's best man and daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Car- Mr. William Ray Preston. Mr. the ushers were Mr'. James man Bell, Campbellcroft, R. R. Preston is the son of Mn. and Needham, Ripley, Mr'. David 1, and Mr. John Gordon Fengu- Mrs. Robert D. Preston, Maple Reynolds, brother of the bride, son. MVr. Fenguson is the son of Grove. Rev. Win. K. Housian-' Mr. Kenneth Howes, Toronto MnU. and Mrs. Gordlon Ferguson, der officiated at the double- and Mr'. James Ho)wes, Blyth. Port Hope. Rev. George Wright ring ceremony. The organist, Fore the reception held in the officiated before a pretty setting Mx. A. Collison, aiso accompan- Church Hall, the bride's xnoth- of pink and white gladioli and' led the soloist, Mrs. S. J. Black, Pr received wearing a gown of fern. Mr. Nelson Gardiner wias who sang- "The Wedding- Prav-. CaLéon green sflk with beige organist and Mrs. N. MeMullen, er" and "Fil WaIk Beside You"'. accessories and purse corsage Willowdale, an aunt of the 1 Given in marriage by lier' of Talisman roses. She was as- bride, was soloist. father the bride was radiant aisted by the groomi's mother, Wearing a full length nyon: in a simply designed gown of attired in aqua silk with white chiffon gown with a bustle white silk faille. The short- aceessories and corsage of Pinkj back, the bride was ,given in sleeved bodice was fashioned uweetheart roses.1 matiage by her father. The with a sabrina neckline em- Folowig awedin tn ~short puff-sleeved bodice had a broidered with seed pearis and Zastern Canada the couple wiîîrun ekln nimywihte evfull skirt fell grace- ireside in Blyth, Ontario. lace and she wore a string of ful]y into a chapel train. Thel -- - - cultured pearîs, the gift of the bride's finger-tip veil was groom. A Pearl and sequin caught to a crown of rhinestones tiara held her finger-tip length and seed pearis and her bou- veil and ghe caxried Pink roses quet was o! pale pink sweet- e SlMirror and lily-of-the-valley. heart roses, white carnationsi The attendants wore dresses and stephanotis. o! nylon chiffon. Miss Iris Cas- Miss Lynne Bagneli was maid * hivwell as maid o! honour was c f honour for her sister and the Pink and the bridesmaids, Miss bride's cousin, Miss Sandra Joanne Dickinson and Muriel Candler, was bridesmaid. They Ferguson, the groom's sister, wore identical dresses of white- 1 were i blue. They wore white dotted orchid imported Swissj tiaras cf sniall roses and Mo- cto tldwt hr-lee hair and their bouquets were of oooi nded withlshor-seeed Pink caratios ad swetiengt.h harem hemline skirts 1 peas.draped in the back to form Mx1..Bill VYiLhklu dwas 0-1, bustle bows. Thein white hats ROmu.1i&ah*ea bash IS".O U oeer. wl,., cam~s hu"N caodi te due to a number gs midi as allergie «Mis- 1 to lient or coid. type of @cap uuud, barduns of the watcr. or drymmasof the a"i. Try apply- ing a iight coating of mieral or vegeab)e nit before bathing. Change the temperattire of the water used. If cod bath, have heen taken. switcb te warm. If dfit hclps. gradually go back to oeid water and vice versa. Change to a diflerent braaad cf soap. If these simple measure-t Waf. consuit Vour family dorrr or a dermatologiet Qoeesdon' direced ta Science Edi- Éorm. P.O. 8ox 396. tadàix nSc. ka,., N. Y. 10. V. >Y. wl bhen B't>p0r0r,.d en ite -.fco;imn.ç *'hen PRINT "DOMILE» Plaid.56» man and the ushers were Mn. wene trimmed with tiny oncnid John Bell, brother of the bride, coloured flowers and they car- and Mfr. Barry Little. ried nosegays cf white and or- At the reception in the Sun- chid 'munis. day School noomn the bride's! Mn. Lloyd Preston was best mother wore an embroidered1 mari for bis brother and Mr'. blue organiza dress with whitej Stewart Preston, brother cf thej accessoies and a corsage of gom, and the bride's brother, pink sweetheart roses. Assist- 1&j ayBgelwr ses ing, the groorn's mother wore M.Gr aniwr ses Receiving in. the Church Sun-! pastel rose crei)e with an em day School noom the bride's bnoidered or;aîabdc.Se motîiex chose a powder blue wore a white gardenia corsage, lace sheath topped by a bolero For travelling to the east' length jacket, matching blue hat~ coast, the bride wore a green and white accessories. To assist, sheatb dness with matching1 Mrs. Preston wore a rose silk jacket, beige clutch coat. beige j crepe dress, white hat and white accessories and a yellow rose! accessonies. Both wore corsages corsage, 1 o! yellow roses. On their return they will ne-1 For the honeymoon trip along side at Lakeshore Road, Port 1 the "Blue Water" scenie high- Hope. 1 way and Ottawa, the bride Guests were present fx'om' changed te a navy blue sheath,j Toronto, Brampton, Owen white bat and accessenies. Over Sound.. Ottawa, Belleville, Osh- ber arm she carried a red top- awa and Bowmanville.1 coat and she wore a flower lei Previous to her manniage the j sent by a friend vacationing in bride was given a miscellaneous1 Hawaii. On their return Mn. and showex' at the home cf Mx's..1 Mrs. Preston will resîde at 150 Nyle Bristow' and a pantry King St. East. shower at the home of Mns. Wal- A week prier to the wedding tex' Beatty. The attendants were 1 Mns. Bagneil ententairaed at a hostesses for a miscellaneous trousseau tea in honour of ber: shower held at the home e! Mr.I1daughter. The bride was aise and Mns. W. Dickinson. Port 1 the honoux'ed g-uest at two mis- iHope, and the staff of Canada cellaneous shomwers when Miss Permanent presented the bride; Faye Buzmninskï, Oshawa, was with a Kenwood blanket. hostess for one and for the other, Miss Sandra Candier, Town. The bride was px'esented; with a beautiful table lamp!' from the staff cf The Bank o! Montreal where she is empoy-i ed and close friends of the, SL E brid's mother attended a ce!-! fé at a h o !ofMrs. tion was made to the bride. Reglar $1.98 eau. $1.49 yd. TPAMEEDCottons Regula $L49 1.19 BORDER Prints 12 Regular $Lu *-Y>ur eh.h. .YD. SUMMER Suitingu, «»'Wauabl. 18 d ~Rq.lar $Lft owBal.LU_____ DOTT¶ED Nyhm £*&,dm $Lu -eBal@8 __4__$1.1 Yd ASSOTEDmENANT BADOUR - BRENT Tynone United Church was the setting for a pretty wed- ding on Saturday, May 23, when Gloria Grace, daughter o! Mr. and Mns. Gordyn Brent, Ty- rone, became the bride cf Mr'. Donald Herbert Badour. Mr. Badour is the son of Mr'. and Mrs. John Badour, Oshawa. Rev. F. J. Jackson officiated before a background of standards cf e pk and white snapdragons. mis Carman Barrett was organ- ist and the soloist, Mrs. Sam Black, sang "The Wedding Pray- or" and "0 Promise Me". lhe bride, given i marriage by her fatiher wore a white bri- dal gown with a Chantilly lace bodice fashioned with a port- rait neckline and long lily- point sleeves. Ibe full pleated taffeta skirt feU -izito a grace- fu eaplengthe trainm Ho; fngertip vil WashId by a tiny saucer lace bat,, with a forehead mencrusted with muni n Ray Preston are shown Lg their marniage in Trinity e, on Saturday, June 6th. The 1Heather Bagneli, younger William W. Bagneli and the Ars. Robert D. Preston, Maple peanîs and she carried a cas- cade bouquet of red roses. Miss Rena Dlling, Bcwman- ville, was maid of honour and the bridesmaids were Miss Kar- en Mutton, Bowmanville, and Miss Judy Sykes. a cousin of the bride, Toronto. The bride's wee sister, Miss Christine Brent. was flower girl. The attend'ants wore identical dresses cf eni- bossed sîlkç organza over taffeta designed with basque bodices enhanced by scallop necklines and wide cumberbunds ending in butterfly bows at the back over full cocktail-length skirts. The maici of honoun's gown wvas orange sherbert in colour and the other attendants were in, mint green. AUl wore matching feathex' headdresses. The maîd o! honoun carried a cascade o! green carnations, the brides- maids peach carnations and the flower girl carried a basket cf peach carnations and w'hite snapdragons. The groon's cousin, Mr. Da- vid Garrow, Oshawa, was best mani and.the ýushers were Mx'. John Fleming, Oshawa, and Mn. 1David Brent, Tyrone, brother c f the bride. Receiv-ing at -the reception in Tyrone Community Hall, the bride's mother wore a blue Chantilly lace sheath dress with -duster coat. beige accessories. and a corsage o! bronze 'munis. Té assist the groom's motiher chose a chanmpagne lace gown with nylon sheer overskirt, mat- ching accessonies and a pink rose corsage. Toastmaster duties I Recently Married lm MSfAT, lum e sth, 103 k.. ~ 'Thesior was taking his girl ~ -home in a cab when the driver, t having trouble putting the car - 1in gear growled, "What a hor- rible clutch." A': ...... ~. ... j Leaning forward the girl sai. r Mn. and Mrs. Donald Herbert Badour sinile happily yoAnu harbsnes ?itc following their marriage in Tyrone United Church on Saturday, May 23rd. Mrs. Badour is the fQrmer Gloria- . guess it was none of his Brent, daughiter o! Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brènt, Tyrone. business at that. It kind cf ties 1 Ùi right here te say that we The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Badour, 1 make it OUR business te se Oshawa. -Photo by Ireland Studio 1that the folks who bring their cleaning to us get the best were ably carried out by Clar- bridesmaids in pink. They car- possible job the industry can ence Hoeekn, Bowmanville. ried nosegays of carnations with ctur eu asoervie pr.t n Tite bride changed to a white matching ribbon. cutossrie linen slteath with matching dus- The flower girl was dressed D ae ter coat lined with mauve prin- in yeîîow taffeta with a flui1Bela ted silk, the wvhite picture hat skirt, and peter pan collar. Site with white and mauve access- carried a basket cf flowers tied ories, for the wedding trip to with white ribbons. Tk R E T Indianapolis, I ndiana, where The groonisman was Arie Van they attended the 500 mile auto~ Staveren, brotiter cf the groom, racing classic. and the ushers John Van Sa- , Mn. and Mrs. Badour wiJJ re- vereît. brother of the groom. S- X KNG Y side at 108 Rossland Rd. East, and Bill Jepma.i Oshawa. For the reception which was U Guests were present from- Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Ebenezer, HamDton and Tynone, N_ ,0- Van Staveren - Duivesteyn The Emmanuel Reformed Church in Whitby was the set- ting for a pretty wedding Sat- urday afternoon, June l3th at 3:00 p.m. when Ann, daughiter cf Mx'. and Mns. Peter Duives- teyn, Bunketon, became tihe bride of Neil Van Staveren, son cf Mn. and Mrs. Anie Van Sta- veren cf Whitby. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Gernit Rezelman, Pastor o! the Whitby church. Wedding music was payed by Mn. Peter Rottine. Given in marria-ge by her fa- thex' the bride was lovely in her floor length gown cf lace over net. The bodice was fashioned jwith a collar and the skirt was ruffled in the back. She wore a tiana headdress with circular embnoidered edge veil and car-i ried a bouquet of white canna- tions arnd stephanotis. Maid cf honor w~as Miss Truus Duîvesteyn, sister o! the bride. Bridesntaids were Miss Jopie Duivesteyn, sister cf the bride, and Miss Ineke Van Staveren, sister cf the groom. The flowex' girl was a cousin cf the bride, littie Marja Venheul. The girls wcre identical dresses cf crys- tal charni fashioned with full srtoval necklines, and but- ]efy bows in the back. with white headdresses. the maid cf honor weaning green, and the MAR R'S Ed. Leslie- Be Sure! 'uberculin Test swings right along. Never heavy, neyer too sweet, Pepsi refreshes without filling, Put severai cartons on your shopping listl Buy h la tthe uauil 6-bottie carton SMTB BEVEKCAGES LTD., 124 Churéh St. Bawmanvilli94 Ont. JEWELLERY ATNEW LOCATION 3 9 King St. West FRIDAY, FREE DRAW LADY'S OR GENT'S 1BULOVA WATCH - One Store East of OId Site JUNE 1911H - BEAUTIFUL PRIZES CORO Necklace & Earrings' (AND MANY MORE BEAUTIFUL PRIZES) We invite ail our customers and friends of Bowmanville and District to pay us a visit during ouxr opening. You have a chance to Win one of these beautiful prizes which are on display in our windows. You are under no obligation to buy ..Just drop in, browse around and enter your name on one of the blanks supplied. DDAW WILL BE MADE FRIDAY EYENINGP JURE 26 MARR S 39 King St. W., Bowmanville JEWELLERY MA 3-5463 I 50 3-PIECE TEA SERVICE TIM CANAMUN STATESMAS. 9OWMANvnjý& onTAMO 1 ' PAGE AU fe ln the Recreationa1 CWntre T R N of Bladkstock. the bride's moth- M N er wore an embroidéred sheatuiftakhatevtr syedress of salmon nylon M.any tak oteVtZ over tafféta, with white acces-' who helped conduct the TB sur- sories and a corsage of white vey. A good percent of this carnations. commumity took advant.age of The mother of the groom ivas the test and x-ray. in beige sheath style dress with! Mrs. R. B. Hamilton, Bow- matching coat and bronze ac- manville, accompanied Mr. and cessories, and wearing a cor-. Mrs. A. Hamillton and fajnily sage of pink carnations. and attended the anniversary et For traveling. the bride wore Ebenezer, were guests of Mr. a linen sheath style dress of and Mrs. Het-b Mackie. orange ice with white acoessor- Mr. George Hynes of Willow- les, On their return they w lcae and Robert Hynes of Sto- make their home at 129 Ferry, uffville visited their brother St. ini Whitby.: John Hynes on Saturday. Out-of-time guests were pres- Little Debbie Stewart has the ent from Stoney Creek, Hamil- mumps. ton, Toronto, Malton, Stouff -________ ville, Bowmanville, Hampton, Oshawa, Blenheim. one of the Canadiaan fine paper output Netherlands, besides many from for 1958 totalled 254,068 tons Whitby oommunity. against 1957's 252,086 tons. HAV YO 'ARI TH S O E MA 3m5463

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