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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 5

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- .THURDAY, lNE iat, 1959TE CANADIAN STAT!SMA1q. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAPBTOPAEFV Graduate Nurses HoId Tenth Annual Reunion The Tenth Annuai Reunion of Bownianville Hospital Grad- uate Nurses was held at the Lions Commnunity Centre on Thursday, June Il. S Everyone enjoyed the deli- cious hot dinner served by the Evening W.A. Group of St. Paul's United Church. The ta- ble was tastefully decoratec with cand]es, flowers, stream- ers, in the purpie and goki school colours. Specials in PERMANENT WAVES W-tvcd by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE miss VIOLET. ZACHANOWICII for-- erly cf MiI!er's Beauty Salon is now a mncmber of <'ur staff. FROM MONDA Y TO THURSDAY Rteg. $10.00 For__$7.?5 Reg. $12.50 For__9.95 tteg. 550 19 For 11.95_ SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $5.95 Mr. fluyck wlll be here on Tues., Wed. and Fr1. to do the steani and regular waves Phone N4A 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairsf yling Sfudio 67J Kint St. W.. Bowmanville Indlividual place cards were -uscd in the form of little'uni- Eformcd models in the purpie ýi and gold made by 1%Uss Ruth Hancock. Mrs. Donald Bac, President, *pnesided and with her at thc head table were some of the first graduates. j Aften thc dinner, a business - meeting was held, letters being ilread fnomn graduates unable ta, attend, following which several of the nurses who had cars took ail on a sight-seeing tolir of the town viewing the Morris Funeral Chapel and thc Cath- olic Church, which have been built duning the past year or so; also seeing the newen parts of the town, which was much enjoyed by ail, especially those coming from a distance. Graduates attended from Fairview, Penn., Toronto, Mi- mico, Oshawa, Hampton, Tv- rone, Newcastle, Coboung, and Bowmanville. The same executive were ne- elected for 1960. Returning to the Centre, aftennoon tea was enjoyed with the presence of Dr. C. W. 'SIlemon and Dr. V. H. Storey who seemied to enjoy re- miniscing over past events, making oun get-together mut-h more enloyable, afler which we rcluctDiitly bld our adieus and neturred to our respective homes. New Officers Mitchell's H. & S. Assoc. The annual meeting of Mit- chel's Corners Home and School Association was held redéntiy with Mrs. William Cook presid- ing. Mrs. William Nemis read. Uic minutes of the last annuai meeting. MVrs. Hans Geissberger Jr., spoke on behaif of thc Tubercu- losis Association infonming the members of the mass tubercu- losis x-ray held at Ebenezer Church June 8 and 9th and at Hampton Township Hall June 10 and lith. Annual reports werc given a Ring st. E Oshawa by Mra. Wxn. Cook, president:. ?4r. William Nemis, recording sccrctary; -Mrs. Arthur Peeling, corresPOnding secretary; Mrs. Thomas Sobil gave the treasun- er's report; also Mrs. Derek Simpoon, nominations chair- man. Mn. Leslie Coombes, Chair- man of the Sehool Board, spoke to the members about accident insurance for the pupils. Mns. Guy Chamberlin's class won the banner for havmng the most parents present. M.ns. George Moss instaiied the new officers as follows: Pre- sident, Mrs. William Nemis; vice-presidents, Mrs. Derek Simpson. Mrs. H. Aisteint re- cording secretary, Mrs. Arthur Peeling, corresponding secre- tany, Mrs. Douglas Larkin; trea- suner, Mrs. Harry Qyler;* execu- tive members, Mrs. Stewart Kellan, Mrs. Raiph Cooke, Mrs. James Howes, Mrs. George Kingsland, lVrs. Lloyd Frank and Principal Mrs. Theima Gil- bank. Mrs. William Cook prescnted! Mns. Moss with a gift in appre- ciation of her installing the of- ficens. Refre&hments werc. served' by Mrs. Michael Newisz social convenon and her comn-ittee. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and Mr. H. A. J. Trick, Lindsay, motoned to Millbrook on Wed- nesday of last week, and at- tended the Millbnook Fair and calied on friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. White, McLaughlin Fisheries, were Tu- esday evcninýg vistors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. Mrs. Mary Dean held a very successfui Weanever demonstra- tion on Wcdnesday cvening of last week. AIl those presnt re- ported having spent a very en- joyable evening. Mr. Cecil Bone, S.carborough, visited his brother Roy, Who is iii, and Mrs. Bone on Thursday of last week.-.1 Next Sunday there will ibe a celebration of Holy Commun- ion held at 10.30 a.m. Sunday School wili commence at 10 a.m. The Hi Tryers C.G.I.T. closed their meetings for the summer by holding a picnic party at the chunch hall. The meeting began outsidc the hall with a game and followed by a sing-song in the hall, worship service and short business session. Middies for the girls who werc going to camp were handed out and the girls instructed in ticing the friendship knot in thc tie. At the close of thc meeting the girls enjoyed their picnic lunch, complete with ice crcamn and freshie. Aften singing d"4taps"f the meeting broke up until the Autumn. The W.A. met In the church hall on Thunsday of iast wcek at 2 p.m. with vcry fcw of Uic members present, duc to it being such a very w a rm day. In the absence of the President, Uic meeting was pre- sided over by Vice President, Mrs. L. Taylor. The Treasurer showed a comfortable balance in thc bank aftcr ail expenses were dihpcrscd. A suggesiony was made to thec cffcct that instcad of a Sunday Schooi tiene this year, that lnstcad eicSunday Schooi chiidren be treatcd to a movie, when a suit- able one would be shown. The members werc askcd to con- tribute an apron for the bazaar and bring it to Uic ncxt meet- ing. An invitation was to be sent to the Guides, Brown-les, Scouts and Cubs to be present at church service on June 28. Scv- crai pair of pillow cases were sold. The meeting was closed with prayer and a dainty lunch was scrvcd by group thrcc. Mrs. Gertrude Adams, Bow- manvilie, spent a few days with BROS. IRA 5.3514 Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Luxton sign the register after their wedding on June 5th in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Mrs. Luxton, the former Joan Carroll Hilts, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manful Hilts, Toronto, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Luxton. -Photo by Bowmanville Studio Young Dancers ThriII Larg-e Audience During Annual Spring Recital jThe large audience present in the Town Hall auditorium on Friday evenîng thoroughly en-1 joyed the Fifth Annual Spring Recital presented by the Bow- manville Recreation Depart- ment under the direction of Miss Irenie Harvey and Mrs. Dawn Abramoff. The varied program presented by the tai-1 ented youngsters in the cast was a marked success.1 Two little pre-school baller- mnas, Marilyn Stackarukc and Mary Tomlinson, danced thel opening number "My Baby Doil." They wore pretty blue organdy costumes and had pink flower wreaths in their hair. Their doîls wore replicas of their costumes. "Dainty Steps" to thc mu-- sic of the "Faust Ballet" was by the Dancettes, Sylvia Mc- Donald, Lyn Hellyar, Joan Gra- ham, Louise W'hitney, Jennie Stout, Rochelle Hunt, and Ave- lyn Lycett. "The Irish Jig" was also weil danced by these girls. White taffeta short skirted dresses with silver- sequins were worn by the pre-school age dancers in the "Circle Dance". Taking part were Irene Rietmuller, Lîsa Nicks, Susan Leask, Mary Tomlinson, Mari- lyn Starckaruk. "Dance and Pointe", a grace- fui ballet for beginners wast gracefully danced by Rhoda and Diane Kavanaugh, Nancy Elliott, Terry Kitney, Susan Clarke, Carol Wight, Sheila G-oodmurghy, Nola Raby, and Carai Wight. The children Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDon- aid and Scott, Brighton, were wéekend guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith and Chris, Oshawa, were guests of his grandfather, Mr. James Cur- ran, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James Trick, Oshawa, wjere Sunday visitors wîth Mrs. Esther Carnochan. Mr. Hender Trick, Lindsay, has ibeen visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Taylor for a few days. Mrs. Trick joined her husband on Sunday and wili remain for a day or two. Mr. Ross Hubbard and Janice, Trenton; Miss Linda Slinger-1 land, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krantz, ail of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadding- ton Jr. and famîly, Miss Marie Lee, Mr. James Waddington., ah I of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wadding- ton. Mrs. Greta Bailey, Oshawa, is spending a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedersen and boys are enjoyîng a motor trip to Moncton, N.B., whcrc they will visit her mother, Mrs. Ward, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoogervorst and Johnny, Grassie, Ont., Mn. andl Mrs. Johannson, Holiand visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoog- crvorst. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carter' and family, Whitby; Mrà and Mrs. Sam Adams and family, Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mns. E. M. Adams, Mr. Alden Hubbard called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams, Bowmanville, on Friday. Sunday guests with Mr. and I Mrs. R. Bone were Mn. and Mrs. George Lawson% Gayle and Pat- tie, Markham, Ont., and Mr. and Mfrs. J. Bell, Cobourg. Cet Cash To-day For OId Appliauces through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MArket 3-3303 *1 looked lovely in their blue and yellow costumes trimmed with sequins and with dainty floral wneaths on thein heads. Green and pink were the col- ours used in the effective cos- tumes for the "My Pnetty Flow- er Basket Dance" by Glenda Johnston, Brenda Bamber, tÊo-t Ava Thompson, and Brenda. bers were the "York Drill" bY' zanne Starckaruck. Frances Henning. Brenda Henning, Mary Anri Anger, Shelley Bothwell, Eli- "The Tapettes" was an inter- Doyle, Shirley Sheehan, Ava zabeth Pearce, Wendy Ander- esting tap by Kathy Osborne, Thompson, Jennie Stout, Lyn son, and. Suzanne Presson. The Rose Marie Roach and Linda Hellyar, Maureen Martin, Anne girls carried baskets of spring Bowen. The enjoyable number, Martyn and student assistant. flowers. «"Doing the Town" was danced Carol Greenham; "Ritzi Rythms Gail Adams, Jackie Patfieid by Louise Patterson, Cheryl by the Bowmanville Tapettes; and Nancy Goodwin danced the Symes. Gwen Dupries, and, a "Dance Twirl"l by the Senior "Tap A.BC.'S" rythmically. The Roseann Patterson. Majorettes, "Comrade Twirl" gay "Maypole Dance" was per- The "Solo Twirl" by Silver by Pat GilI, Linda Purdy; and formed by the children who had Medalist Barbara Brown was Carol Greenham; and "Basie taken part in the "Dance and a flashing exhibition of rythmic Twirls" by the Junior Major- Pointe" and "MY Pretty Flow- skill. Other spectacular num- ettes. er Basket Dance." Shirley Patfield, Lînda Scott, and Carol Sheehan, were good in the "Madas Tap", and "Mer- rily Skip", a step dance done with skipping ropes, was per- eD iy F o formed with apparent case by Confie Brooking, Gwen Gra- 17,718 ham, Donna Rogers, Sylvia ALWAYUood Mitchell, and Betty Welsh, who will present this dance on tele- vision on the Uncle Jerry Show, WTHNO. 891 Channel 4 on June 28th. TE Ail the dance pupils who had ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' taken part in the first portion MARKETING BOARD of the pbogram then danced in REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PDODUCERS the Finale of this section. Carol - Sheehan and Shirley Patfield were rewarded. with much ap- plause when they again presen- ted the tap dance they perform- ed on television last winter. Little Irene Rietmufler on behaif of her fellow pupils pre- their teacher, and Mi-s. Arm off was made the recipient of a gift and a nosegay presentedFO IN RM T N by her daughter April.FO IN RM T N The second section of the evening's entertainment was aOR T A PO AT N fine exhibition by "Dawn'sOR T AUP h'T TCi Twirllers" as follo ws: "Baton, Twirls", Kelly Cox, Doreenit iDrew,Sandra Johnston, and Jean Cole. "Toss and Twirl'I Jill Ames, Janice Black. "Di- LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE rector's Drili", Dianna TherteilBEH A . Susan Clarke, and "Bow BEH AE Twirlers", Linda Scott and Ka-fo thy The presentation of examina- tion certificates and awards I was as follows: Honours, Lou- *.B R I I T S ise Whitney, Rozanne Starcha- _______________________ ruk. Pass Plus, Frances Anger. Commended, Shelley Bothwell I I and Suzanne Presson. Recoin- PH N MA 3- 17 mendedONE MAAn3-3171 "The Tap and Dance" was performed charmingly by Su-. Tests begin ini Bowmanville Tuesday, June 23 san Caiver, Dianne Milison,j Lynda Coulter, Linda Cannay,! through to Lorraine Holmes, Gail Milison and Frances Henning. Tedy ue3 'The Irish Colleens" dance by Tedy ue3 Kelly Cox, Corinne Elliott, San- e fulshdefo rain dts dra Johnston and Jean ColeSefuishdlfo radgdte was also a delightful tap num- 1ber. Nola" was an attractive tap Sponsored by Idance by Doreen Byrant, Ka-. Northumberland-Durham TB Association thy Lindsay, Gail Stainton, LHeather Griffin, David Byrant, M AIl Food Features Effective June 18, 19, 20 TAFREAT DAD TO A JUICY TABLERITE STEAK ON FATHER'S BAY Gold Seal - Save lic Sockeye Salmoni Kraft Liquid Salad Dressing Save 5c Heinz Ketchup Ail Popular Brands - Save 20e CIGARETTES DAIRY FEATURE Royal Gold CHEDDAR CHEESE TAJ3LERITE RED OR BLUJE IRANDBE SIRLOIN, poRTERJJOUSE WND BNEESS ROUND OR Up EROAST BxEE STEAKS OR ROASy$lb EXTlRA LEAN N JKjCED EF b.39 S 7 Eeg. Chicicen or Liver tin:. C DOG FOOD tins Champion 4 15 oz. Frenchs Barbecue - SAUCE for the s rce of anc2 2 bottles4 9 C Hardwood - Save 6a CHARCOAL ~il z Red Rose Orange Pckoe 4 .t5s 1JC TEA BAGS Detergent - 30e Off Carton ~ GO LIE1UID of 20 s3eO9 12o Off Giant Sîze -.SUPER FAR 12 oz*49 eutC FAMILY CORNER FEATURE VALUE BARBECUE$ Ail steel construction with 14" cromium plated grill Handy portable style with detachable legs 2 43c B'id.45C 5 lb. > bag39 10e Off I ]Pkg. of 699u~C 32 oz.0' Bo.W.e87c m a 73c KOLYNOS TOURH PASTE Reg. Reg, 2 iz 49c 2 size89 FROZEN FOOD FEATURE BEAT TE~E FI-T VARIETY PACK 2 Welch Grape Juice 2 Donald Duck Lirneade 3Sunkist Lemonade $ .00 Ail 7 6-oz. tins for VOLUME 5 NOW CN SALE HOMEMANERS ENCYCLOPEDIA Volumes 1 to 4 are still available at your IGA Store SHOP AND SAVE AT BWNAN VILLE Bowmanville IGA Market DONAI NEWCASTLE# ONTAIO 'j Cool and Airy SUMMER *SAN DAL S BEIGE AND WHITE Large variety of styles and sizes in flats and wedges ALSO$59 LAIDIES# NOCCASINS Ail Sizes - Colors $198 Lloyd Ellis Shoes tO KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE HOLDEN llth Anniversary CONTINUES WITH THESE SPECIALS KROEHLER 2-PCE. BABY CRIBS CONVERTIBLE CHESTERFIELD Hardwood cribs in smooth CARRIAGES In Sea Foam Green wlth decals on panels, link cable Excellent Value! Features Luxi-foamn cushions. Law- springs, drop side and eom- include chrome plated mud sonstylng Reula prce plee wth mooh tp Kntguards, clear vue storm son tylng.Reglarprie plte ithsmoth op antapron, non-tilt stand. Avail- 3 19.00. Wet Mattreas. able ln popular colonie. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL $22900 $31.95 $18.88 VALENTINE KROEHLER 2-PCE. 2 ]PUCES SEA VER 1 CHESTERFIELD SUMNER Those who appreciate the O N E beet wIl immedlately re- In brown nylon tweed,LO N E alize the value of this suite. smart styling that spells Relax in comfort on one ot The style featur-es trlm mod- caif ort combined w 1t h these comfortable chaise eru Unes in a longer style, Kroehler's bulît hi dura- lounges. Features include flnest grade nylon flat bllity inake this suite à best aluminuni construction, weave c<ver and foani wonderful opportunlty for adjustable back rest. Two cuablons. Save $100.00 on those who want the utmost plece vinyl covered iner. this suite. Regular pre tu economy. Ton Save sprint mattrens. 49.95 value. $49900. $70-00 on this suite. Save 10.00 on Our ANNIVERSAIT SPECIAL ANNIVRSARY SPECIAL ANNIVER8ATSpSCIAL $39900 $19900 $39,95 HOLDEN BROS. Furniture Co. *Oshaw a'Lago nure »store Just Two of Our Many Produce Fuatures Honey-sweet, Sunblushed, Vellow Flesh - Imported No. 1 Gradel The Finest Quality Available - Plump and Juicy SANTA ROA PLUNSNo. 1 Grade39 SANTA ROA, PLUSHeaplng rQt.39 Toms' IGA Market 1 1 JUNE lm, 1959 PAGE " BURKETON

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