PAG SIX TUE CANAD!AN UTATE~LAN. EOWXMI~ULA OIITAZ~ TR~UR~DAY, JUNE leth. 115 Rotary Fi Con tribu) Says Stu The importance of the worIk of the Rotary Foundation as a vauable contribution to inter- national goodwill and better understanding between nations 'vas emphasized ini a speech çiven by Dr. Carlos 1banez of Panama at the luncheon meet- ing of the Bowmanville Rotary Club at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel on Friday. Dr. Ibanez is a student at the University of Toronto on a Ro- tary Foundation Fellowship. He hs taking post-graduate stu- dies in dentistry. He was intro- duced at the meeting of the lo- cal Rotary Club by Bob Stev- ens. Condemns Demonstration Telling of the goodwill tour made by Vice-President Richard Nixon of the United States through Latin Arneri can coun- tries which resulted in a sav'- age attack on the United States officiai. Dr. Ibanez condemned the denionstration and said it had been criticized by ail the DRAPERIES BROADLOOM DRAPERIES By The TARD VENETIAN AND CLOTHBLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY RODS AND TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Howard Vice Proprietor TELEPHONE OSHAWA RA 5-3144 926 Slmeoe St. N. Oshawa "Northwesl Moun te with Gary Cooper, in techr Plus Pop.Eye1 Two complete sho NEXT NON. TO W] stdrring Don Murray Restricted to aduits Two complete shoi Nancy Pepto Tissue Bismel 3 for,49e 1Rfl-.01 f. 79e VETO STICK 45e LUSTRE CREME Both for 79c 63 Gleem and Naît Scrub 2 Both for 63e1 2 Ipana 63e size for 99e i Ban Firsi Aid Deodorant Bandald 1.5 Adhesive Tape Elastoplast Strl Arrid Absorhlne Jr. Roi-on Dettol -____1 89C Bufferin--3 New j7 & j Reunsitube 1.65 j & j First Aid Kits - 98e1 COWL FRONER VA 8-505 DRUG' eS is Spanlsh. and when the po oun ati n P ovi essidont lu Engllah speaing then teclub's J.nguage là Englih during -hi, termn, Dr. Ibanez said. The Cristobal-Colon Ro- ion t Good iII tary Club has donc notable lion o G oo wiliwork for crippled children, and Is well known for community f 'work also, h sald. HIe gave the de,,,~rom anamaBowmanville Rotar-y Club a message of friendship from the dent- fr m' P nama president of the Cristobal-Colon club and from bis countr-ymen. c1cultured people of the fr-e 1 27 Mile@ Apart Mai-t7. Martin extended a vote world. However. lie roit d Wieros eoevîul7 f thanks to Dr. Ibanez for hie -out. that it had been niaoePS anaila as far away it Ls m-al-. interesting and enlightening sible by misunderstandingj nd y doser to Toronto thain Van-i talk and extended best wlshes ssuspicion of the U3nited %taat couver ha. Dr. I1anez stated. He to hlmi for his career. Rex Wal- i u olack of know 'ledge. 1btld the Rotarians that Panama ter, president of the club, aima dintrnational Rotar-y believes; ls due south of Bufifala. NY.j thanked Dr. Ibanez and prea- that an interchange aio 1and is situatcd between Colui- ented him wit.h a copy of "Bow- sional men between countr os bia on the east and Costa Rica manville, A Retrospect." Iwill give better understanding on the west. "A sîîip en tering Guests at the luncheon meet- of each others problemns, cus- the Panama Canal from t he At-' lng were H. Boyd Taylor, Wal- toms, and aims, the speaker1 lantie is 27 miles from a ship ton, Ont., Ron Richardson, N. sald. He stated t.hatince 194î 1 enterlng thýe other end of the Jenkins, and Frank Brown, all more than 2,000 professional I canal fromn the Pacific." he said. lof Oshawa. men lhave been granted Rotar~y 1 Covers 29,000 Square Mllest I Foundation He ~~Cistobal is on the Atlni eteo tto tarans fortheir owtnatil ons and Balboa la on the Pachficl N slfo tto tarians foudthion aindscx coast, Dr. Ibanez said. He told I Mrs. John Watson, Caesarea, the Rotar-y odainadex the Rotarians that Panai-ai spent a few days visiting her buins to t teere ndorstand- rs 29,000 square miles and -sister Mrs. Jos. Forder. butonsto ettr udertan- i 14times smaller than Onitarlo.! Mrs. Wes. Campbell returnedt iing and international inoace. It has a population of 1,000o.o0.; home aitor spending a weok in -When you know a person The climate af Panama is Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. S. and how ho thinks and acts you tropical and the thermometer! Staples. corne to like him," Dr. Ibanez neyer reaches 100, lb is usually Mr- and Mrs. Robt. Rhodes, said. "I am ini Canada ta leai-n1 about 80 degrees, Dr. Ibanez Lindsay. and Mr. and Mrs. how you think and act." Ib is said. There are two seasons, George Bowers visited Sunday also important to me that I am! the dry and the railly. and the in Port Hope. receiving further profession'al speaker explained that there are Johnny Reynolds returned training hei-e" Dr. Ibanez i-e- heavv showers from May to De- froni Surnybrook Hospital onf marked that at the last District cember. The sea breezes make Frhday after spending some timo Convention a panel discussio1n the nlghts delightful thero. H-e taking treatment. on the Rotai-y Fona int- added that the health service, Mrs. Perce Philp, West Hill, ed that it would be wise ta pro- of tho country are goo d andt and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phhlp,1 long Faundation Fellowships water has beon fluoridated since) Bruce and Stephien. Sterling,1 for the wholo course. and it 1951. Jvhsitod Wednosday whth the would be of great benef lb if the Plenty of Fish Grant Thompsons. assistance given should go al D. baoztldth R r i. and Mrs. Lionel MeKeow-n the way. DClu basoezthigofPheRaryaand childi-efi of Mono Road Same if Here Longer history. In 1503 the first city wei-e visitai-s with Mi-. and Mrs. Ho pointed out that Fellows an the Ainerican continent wast Bruce Heaslip. who could remain bei-e for twa founded thero. Balboa crossed 1 j - s Drctr years would corne t have a Panama tai the Pacific and cali- B sns ielr greater knowledge af the caun- ed lb the South Sea. Panama, _____________ try and its people. Also a long- clty was founded in 1517,anda, er stay would bo less exponsive. the narne Panama means :pîen- A c co un ta nc y Dr. Izanez said. He spoke of two ty of fise,' Dr. Ibanez said. A ________________ of the Faundation Fellows naw 100 years beforo the Pilgrirns RAY J. DILLING in Toronto. One is froni Ar- landed at Plymouth Rock in, Certhfhed Public Accountant gentina, and the other fi-on,. what la now the United States, 93'uchSre Japan. The cost of passage frorn Panama City was known as' iVI.r tr386 these distant countries is cx- "The Jewel af New Spain", lie pensive, he said, and remarked said. 1 M .H OGN that the passage money -foi- two Somne af the mast remarkable~ Chartered Accountant othors could be savod if they events affecting Panama hap- Second Floor were to stay in Canada longer. pcned elsewhore, Dr. Ibarnez j New Library Building Ideal For Commerce told the audience. in 1533 Pi- 'Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Dr. Ibanez describod Panama, zar-o canqucred Peru. Ail the Phone MArkct 3-3612 his own country, as the smal treasures af New Spain passod est in Latin America. It is sit- through Panama There was YALE. FRIEDLANDER, uated between the Atlantic and thaught af a canal even thon, HUNTER & CO. Paciie ceas, nd s a idal h sad.-reaurewastakn b Accountants and Auditors PacficOcensandh a idal o sid.Trosur wa taen y Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy spot for eommnerce, he asserted. mule train across theo la mus ý6 îgS.E A512 HIe samd that it has been callcd and shipped from the Atlantici6 hgS.E A512 th rsraso h ol. coast for Europe. Oshawa, Ontario the rosroad o!the oi-d I B. L. Yale, C.A. Thausands ai shhps go through Drake Ransacked City iF. frodiander, B. Com.. C.P.A. the Panama Canal each year, Sir Frances Drake diod and - __________ and thore ai-e excellent air ser- was buriod hn Paanama. Henry MONTEITH- MONTEITH vices ta and fromn Nort.h and Morgan the notorious oirate RIEHL & CO. South America and Europe, he ransacked Panama city, and itl Chartered Accountants stated. The Pan-American burned for 27 days, Dr. Ibanez 135 Shmcoe St. N., Oshawa highway wll be campleted this said. RA 5-3527 year and will add further lustre Panama was lato in revoit. flowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 to the titie af crossi-oads of the ing against Spain but t gained Partners: world, lio remarkod. its indopendence in 1821. At te Hon. J. W. Montoith, F. C. A. time af the California Gold, A. B. Montcith, B. Cam., C.A. Rush niany people enroute webt G. W. Riehl. C. A.. R. 1. A. faccd the jungle and crossed (Licensed Trustee)1 BOWMANV'LLU Panama rather than go the long G. S. Trethewey, C.A. 2 il way around South Arnerica by R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. MA. 34»9 sea, he said. The U.S. govorn-1 nient constructed araii-oad in C ir p ac i A T, JUNE 18 - 20 t uidits length of 47 miles. G DWNM5N C eMille's of this railroad la a grave oa Ofi e Chiropractor1 man, DrIane tedTh 15 Elgin St., cor, ai Horsey St. fias trainn in 1855. Phone MA 3-55091 I1879 Ferdinand de Lesseps, Office Hours: By Appointment 1 who buhît the Suez Canal tried______________ and failed to build a canalD through Panama.Th United Deita bd P olice Statesbhtç ::î c:mpany. In Ofc:Jr uhe Madelce Crrai the h first ship went througnj DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. bu ocean, Dr Ibanez sahd. 1140 King St. W. Bowmanville icolor Economy Llnked te Canal 1 Office Hours: Calai, Cartoon The economy of the country" 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily a )w t7 ad9:0isinked to the canal. he pointed i Closed Saturday and Sunday ' iw a nd9:0out' and has helped'Panamla to- Office Phone - MA 3-5790 have the highest standard o;House Phone - Newcastle 3551 ED.,JUNE 22 -24 Iliving in Central Amnerica Hoel ED. JU E 2 2, said that much progresas still DR'.E.W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. t needed in agriculture in the in- 1 Office in his homo t ImmSO tnighýtlr 11,torior because onîy a smaî pr10 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvhlle 1 31IPr Office Hours: 1 thon ai the cotiitry*s agricul- 9an o6pm al tural potentiality has been ex- Phono MA 3-5604 u ploited. There was a defihit ofCoedW nsas dSuayIt M, Mk,7 - seven milliom n dollrs bet.ween dWensdy adSudys1 ipraiseci the excellent meth- Box7 9, Newcast lePl Nea Vacuum jois of organization in many, Phono Newcastle 2246 1 Ifeed fields Consultation by appointmrent Botticaq "A few ycars ago my idea ofj only. 'W 29C. 53c, 75e Rotary ocere lnJeni 29c, 39e 79 meetinigs and talk, but Unho1 W. KAT LTCETT. B.A. know it is far more than that," Barrister and Solicitor 0 Ips 75c, 1.00 Dr. Ibanez said withfi-m con- In the offices aif 1.1, 239 106 Size viction. "In my wav af thinking R .Wdel .. g ;9c. .15,2.00 uaveit Wa an ideal af service. brother-1 Main Street, Qi-onü, Ontarlo ai 9e .5,20 S*ehood and friendship that i,3 Frhday. 7 o.m. ta 10 p.m. A1 39c, 79c. 1.23 79e abolishing the barrierà of Iani- Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p. __________ guage, ci-ccd and race. Rotai-y f International has not onÂy M r ____changod my way of thinking, M r g a g e s fo Beaith Sata_____soe it has given me another arI te face life with. and has clha-ISADIE HAMILTON - oRONO ro Kkovah Salto; 35e, 59e, 89e ged my point of view in con- PirthonteagerF16da En Slt <c,~. tnection with my profession." Rsidencges -Frms i Eno ___s_ _-69, 100 ho stated. eincs-Fr a I Dr. Ibanez told the tB - Business Properties _ ir mnanville Rotarians ththsa-Pr tion Scholarship had been sup- ne Yd Rotai-y Club. This club is a j ptomnetrist eV I N'Smember ai Rotai-y District 424I 141 King St. E. - BonanvleiU U N G Swh c rnpOMP0ed oficlubsfIn ffice Hour:By appoitm«g ej STORE T'U 8 j nimbership is haif Spanish 9 a.m. to5 p.m. sa. -çaYlmio1 aPoakinig r.aldonz'& Thuraday .ventona. a Dr. J. N. and Mr*. Marlow, Johnny and Jane, Llvely, made a quick trip by air ta visit their familles, the Marlows and Tho- npe>1iuon the weekend. -M.;dMrs. Carl Finlay and children Oshawa, moved in their new home on Uh station pro- perty last week. Mr. and Mra. Hudson and fainily have moved lno theb Ar- thur Hyland farmn whlch they purchased recentiy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Axscott and family have moved tram the Hyland faim ta thc George Prasser tai-m whlch they have bought. Arthur Hy. land has purédIked the McKee bouse fram Mr., an-d Mru. Chas. Vine and will bo movlng ta the village faon. Welcome toalal the newconmýroZ Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Fritz, Elizabeth and Janet were visi- tors at the Manse an Saturday, June 13. Mr. Fritz, who gi-ad- uated recently, wl l ave this area, where ho has mlnlstered as assistant ta Rev. Bonsteel, at thc end ai this manth to bake UP a mission appohntment a- Coniston, near Sudbury. Several menibers af tbe Nos- tletan cangi-egatian attended the Preabyterian Canventicle on Sunday atternoon, held at Glen Mohr camp near Beaverbon. Friends trust Mrs. Ana Wood, who has been ill and Ioolced aiter by ber daughter Mrs. John Grandel, will soon be much im- proved. Mrs. Herman Sainels was hostess tb nembers of Nestîcton Ladies Aid on Tuesday evoning with good abtendance. Mrs. Ce- cil Wilson. conducted the De- vohonal exorcises. Items af business hncluded donations ta the Scott Mission and ta Port Perry Hospital Auxiliai-y. The curtain commit- tee will finish the windows and the cutlery is'on band. A silver boa will be hield at the lake la August and 20 copies ai the Every Day booklet ordered. More catering plans were dis- cussed and the next meeting wili be held July 7, in bhc churcli hall. Thie p-agi-arn includod Read- ings, Mrs. Fritz, "The Pruner";- Mrs. Herron, "I Do Not Know"; Mrs. K. Gilbank, "Old Sayings;" and Mis. H. Samells, "Why Worry." Mrs. Gist favoured with harmonica music and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock a piano soloI "Ho". Mrs. Samelîs and Mrs. C. Wilson served a delichous lunch Hcsit and dhe iter Faith o. asshte ad, b yherstr FMis. C. Erie. Penn., wha wcre vishting the Wilsons last week. Mis. George Wolfe extended the ap- preciation ai the ladies -for thc onjayable evoning. A hymn and the Mizpah Benedietion closed thc meeting. MORRISH The final meeting of fthe Mis- sion Band for this term, was held at thc sehool on Wednosday, June 10 at 2 p.m. After the i-e- gular program, conducted by president Ruth Mai-vin was con- cluded a move was made ta thie playground fôtl a bail gaie and other atrenuous sports un- tii thc welcome cail came for lunch soi-yod picalo style under the maples. By this time al were ready for refreshments served by four senior girls.I Ruth Mai-vin, Susie Egas, Ban- nie and Mary Fonton. A hearty vote af thanks was given ta Mrs. E. Wilson and Mission Band leader Mrs. Ha.rry Beckett for arranging this plea- sant conclusion te a successful and enjoyable terni ai activities of Mornish Mission Band Circle. Sunday Scbool was held at the regular bour 11, a.m. This was a special day so, was wel attended. Instead af bbe usual Pri-cedure with pnintcd lesson a veny well ardered program wvas ha charge af thc Mission Band and conducted by presi- dent, Ruthi Mai-vin, who gave the oponing prayer hymn 502, accompanied on. piano by Dianme M4cConnell; sonipture readhng, by Jane Harness. prayer, WVayne Bycis; collection taken up by Babby Beckett, a quai- tet, "A Word af Kindness' bvý Ruth, Susanna, Bannie and Ma- ry acconîpanied on the piano by Mfrs. Helen McHalm: a story read by Susanna Egas, "The Greedy Mian" followed by hymn, music by Susan Harness.' T'le service closed with theï .oid's Prayor sung in unison' ivith Claude Harnesu at piano,I and tbe Benediction. Mrs. Fred McConneil, assist- anb Superintendent, thanked the lader of Missioni Band, Mrs. Har-y Beckett and members for lue very nice service prcsented. T'wo birthdays; woro honoured, M'rs. MI. J. Osborne and Miss Joan Mai-vin. Sundav School as ustial fol-ý lwing Church Service at 10:00ý .m., which. will ho Sacrament t Sunday, an June 2lst. Fieldb Dav for o-ar ruralI 9chools stanted off very weýl on Friday, Juno l2týh. Unfortunabe-1 [y rain came ta spoilicheevents lanned around 10 ai-n. making iimpossible ta continue, child- rn were soon collected and on:- iyed bbc extra bal! holiday at -orne. We hope for a botter day! Tune lSth, ta continue sports lanned.1 Mi-. and Msrs. Harold Payne,i 'aort Hope. visited with Mrs. 1 William McHolm on Sunday, Fune l4th. Mis. M. J. Osborne was bon-' >rod guost at a family dinner )arty at the homeofai er dau- rter Velda, Mrs. Brooks Cow- in, Orono, on her birthday, rne l4th. Mi-s. D. Haines is spending a ew days in oui- local haspitall or a check up. 1%&. and Mrs. C. Werner, To- >nto, were visitora wltb Mis. Villiam McHioin on Fi-iday, Ue 12. The advlce given by a friend Iout keeping tJuose pesky stbar- rigs out ai oui- mail box bas Soved a i-cal success-keep bbcl or ai the box open during îsting season-resuit no nest, irubbish cither ta dlean eut, roi-y day. Wc enjoyed a dish of wildt trawberries on Saturday, June 3thi "cerie lnpfut you LoV m bi ak Iep en OBITUARY NXS. GEORGE JAIUESON The death occurred at Whlt- by, Monda y June 8, af Eva Maude Rickard. beloved wije af the labo George Jamieson, ot Newcastle. A daughter af the labo Mr. and Mss. Samuel Rickard. bhc dcceased was born July 12, 1883 in Clar-ke Township. Mrs. Jamieson who was a niember of Newcastle Ujnited Chui-ch will ho remembered for ber work in -the Primai-y De- partmient ai the Sunday School. She was predecoased bY ber brother, Norm-an in 1951 and lu survived by her sistor, Mis. E. C. Fisher-, Newcastle, a niece, Mrs. Kenneth Werry. Newcas- tle, and a nephew, Mrs. Carl Fisher, Cornwall. Funeral services were con- ducted in the new Morris Fuai- oral Chapel, Bowmanviile, on lune 10, with Rev. M. C. Pish- or, Newcastle, offhciating. The beautiful floral ti-ibutes from fiiends and relatives showed the high esteem in which she was held. Interment was made in Bow- manville Cemetery. The palîbearers werc Messrs. Frank Rickand, Brenton Rick- ard, George Allib, Harve Bnit- ton, Harve Bonathan, Stan.ley Giéaham-. ELIZABETH VILLE Sunday School *Annivei-sary services woro held on Sunday. Miss Lawrence. deaconess of Port Hope United Chux-ch, spoke ta us. The Junior boys anîdgirls wore in the chaoir under thc leadership af Mrs. Wheeler. The W.A. hold their meeting on Wedn.sday evénng at Mis. Ken Trews home. The meetingi was opened by oui r ednt Mrs. Trew with thé Opning Colleet provlded for aur meet- ings. 'flic chapters were taken Up by Mrs. Milford White. They were Samuel 2, Il and 12 chap- ters. Mrs. Tblckson read the minutes. Several thlngs werc dlscussed, but littie planned. Lunch was soi-yod by Mis. Trew. Miss Evelyn White, Ottawa, spent a weçk with her father, Mr-. and Mrs. Russel White re-« cenbly, aise visibed her brother and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. M. White as well as ber sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las lIai-y, near Brigbton. Mi-. an-d Mrs. Geo. White,' Morden, Manitoba, arc spending a month visiting ail the White connections. They were staying at Mr-. and Mrs. V. Peacock's fer a tinie. Mi-. and Mrs. R. Plunket and sans, Toronto, spcn-t Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Quantrill's. .Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gîlmore, Bowmanville, wene recent visit- ors at M.r. and Mrs. Ernest White's vlsiting Mrs. Olen who bas been iU. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walker and family, with Mi-. E. Pow- cil, Miss Powell and Mr. and Mis. D. Powell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Newsome and family, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs.. E. Fowler's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. MNuldrew, and Mr-. and Mrs. L. Muldrew. Oshawa, spent the weekend at Sunnyside.j Don't forget the TB test f or thc village is at Perrybawn Church an Wedncsday, June 24, afternoan and ovening. Institute to be at Mrs. Shep- pard's on Wednesday cvoning Miss Shirley Muldrew, Port I SAVE 4c - Best Buy Heinz Fancy - 48 oz. fin TONATO JUICE .2.7c SAVE 2 Del Monte - a8 oz. tin PINEAPPLE AND GRAPEFRUIT DRuN 3 7c SAVE 19e - Best Buy Monarch - Family Size - White "Serve Witk, Fresh Strawberries" CAKEDMIX 2 Pkgs. .59c SAVE 7c - Best Buy Buttermilk - Regular - Aunt Jemima PANCAKEMIX 2 Pkgm. 5 9 c Hope, spent the weekend at home. Misses Donne and Ruth Mer- cer, Toronto, were home for the weekend. Ruth has obtained.a job and started work last week. Mrs. R. F. -Beatty is home from the hospital again. Mr. and MNrs. H. Thiekson visited with Mr. and Mrs. IL B. Lockwood, Garden Hill, Sun. day. Several attended the Celebra- tions at Mr. and Mrs. A. Car- ruthers, Garden Hil, on elec. tion night. Congratulations Mr. Carruthers on being elected on Thursday. Healthy sign in the Canadian economy wvas the 10 per cent advance in sales scored in Feb- ru ary, 1959 by department stores as compared with Febru- ary. 1958. FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMATIC HOME HEATING f t*s By CANADIAN FAMBANKS-MORSI Cali Calicot GOULD H E ATINGC Newcastle 4331 Meats Swifi's Premium Blue Brand Beef BMade Bans Rtemoved BLADE lb. 4 Meaty, Tender Short RdDb I49c Ld -Cooked Lb. 8eC Lb. 39e Lb.. 59C SAVE 28c- Best Buy Blue, Surf 20c Off Deal - Giant Pkg. 5 9C SAVE* 21 c - Best Buy Gem Margarine1 lb. pkg 4 ibs. 8 9c "FEATURE" - 5c Off "FEATURE» With Preniium - 8 qt. bag Brant- Giant pkg. of 250 NEWPORT FLUFFS 33c SERVIETTES * 43c «"FEATURE" Apple and Raspberry "FEATURE" Apple and Strawberry Lynin Valley - 48 oz. jar Hickory Hill - 3 lb., 4 oz. tin DLENDED JANS --69c, WHOLE CHICKEN - $ 1.09 "FEATURE" Wagstaffe's - 9 oz. jar ASSRTE JAS 3 59cPro duce ASSOTEDJAN 3 For59CThe Famn.ily Favourite "-FEATURE" GOLDEN RIPE Grimsby - 48 oz. jar SWEET GHERKINS - 69c BANANAS- UFEATURE"~ "Seia ea ac"- Save 18cI2lb. 29c Kotex - Regula r NEW IMPORTED SANITARY NAPKINS 2/79c No. 1 Father's Day Suggestions POTATOES Marguerite or White Owl - Pkg of 5 10 lb. 59c CICARS -..-soc Dirds Eye Fozen Food Gillette - Dispenser of 10 Blades Green Peas, 12 oz. pkg. 22e ]RAZOR BLADES 50 SC Garden Fresh Green Beans Licorice - Imported 10 oz. pkg. 27e Mixed Vegetables, il oz. pkg.- 25e ALLSORTS . -Lb. w%.39C Flavourful Strawberies, 15 oz. pkg. 39e THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR (OU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAV SUPER MARKET KING ST. - FAST 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market Swift's Premium - Smoke Cryovac Half Sizes BONELESS HANS Swift's PRENIUN WIENERS Swift's Delicious - Sliced LUNCHEON MEAT 1 .w Ta TM CMAMRM BTATUI£M. wL&147MU& CMAM -PAGZ Mx