'fflURSDAY. JUNE 1mb. 199 _________ TEE CANADIAN STATIoeMAK, BOWMMWff LE, ONTARIO - PAGE SEVE1~ Social& Phone M Mr. and Mra. Forrest Dillingz oire on a motor trip f0 Banff, Alberta. Mr nd Mra. Charles Dencen, Casra were gucats of Mis. L. B. Williams last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mairs and bIr. and Mra. G. Badger enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls over thc weekend. Congratulations to Mr. Jack Cole wlio rccently completed 25 years with Chartran's Gents' Furnishings. Little Jo Anne TIbbits, Osha- wa, is holidaying with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Wiifred Kitson. Mr. and Mis. James Paterson, Krkland Lake, wcre in town Sfor the Taylor-Reynolds wed- ding on Saturday. ST. JOHN'S CHIRON (Anglican) 8 and 11 - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - CHURCH SCHOOL EVENSONG The Salva Morning Service m Town Hall, Bowni Meinhers o! the Orane wiii be Evangelistic Service in at 7 Listen te local broadcast every SE Trinif y Uni; Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Organist-Mr. Arthur CoUi MORNING 11:00 a.m. - Sacramenti Receplion of à "Our God isz A FIENDLY WEI REHOBOTH REFORMEID Scugog Street, MORNING SERVICE- EVENING SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTE -v ""Back To God 1 CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 8:30 a.m. every MAPLE GROVE Mapie >Grove Sunday "Iihel1 SUNDAY, JUI Services wil be held Guest Speakers - At 2:00 Rev. Waller Log Ennisk Rev. Engene of North Broadview Un in the e,% Guest Soioist - MR. Special Music by tih On Wednesday, Ji wili continue until foiiowed by a C, Oshawa Barber Prices Aduts-Supper an Concert o Children: Supper and Conce Mm. Kith ense, Vacouv LOOKING BACK r d ae er, isspendng a ew raduatesuate witer, is pedng afewMer. andesm If 1were littie again,-ah, me! G1a c W.iJ. hnxr p oentsio ndMtreetHow very, very good I'd be. ~S* £J>ersonal W K Grntox la, Co n -~ I would flot suUk, I would flot OI s anale ie > wall, visited her mother, Mrs.'dsrntcoxfrakorpe 3-3 03tlivry. hd h iI soneyer h r at k e arhpindCHURCH ON WHEELS - Resident of the Burketon- Jfortune to break her wrist re- I'd ,Baktokae eestrldo enedyt e Mrs. Herbee htetowah n churcli movmng along the road on wheels. It was the Iv-.Hr aisnspent the Mr. .and Mrs. A. E. Moffatt, des former Bethel Churcli, located at the town line, 2nd weekend with her son, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Millson, Town, Mr.Idrterlana aktan play, I\ Concession, which was being moved te, Stan Taylor's Mrs. Oscar Jamieson and fam- and Mra Ed. Millson, Ellen and 'And ne'er from school I'd run fam1..3 uktn oladfo msywsn lly, Peterborough. Kathy, Orono, are holidaying at 1 away. of th.. , re on. Plad .Lnsywsi Mr. and Mrs Frank Mou Balsarm Lake. I'd any time my jackknife lend, charge of themoving and on illim, isitd ~And share my toys with every and.sondWillam, H.sMcCdomb. tfrifnt. Mohun's parents, Mr. a.naDm,~ Toronto, and Mrs. Agnes Cook, Idgal ot c tsx William Hall, Keldon.Osawreuetofr.ndI" And neyer be "as cross as1MRSATSTSWR oumltLxSha MissAmi Connors, who lias Mrs. Frank Denby last week- I stick<s." of the Globe and Mail staff was in town Friday even- residedla ~>ary Soucifora end.iîd run with joy to take a pill, ing, mnspecting the sketches and paintîg !bid nuBombe far, lia rtun Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt and An~d mustard wear whenever nsat Moosonee, done by Mrs. Alice Paterson, Con- tos Bossmanville. i l. cession St. Apparently, he lias a great fondness for Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y BakLutndlsd aY Rs tt lf atF- dnywish te siko ater sthat section of the province - as has Mrs. Paterson, er, Miss Helen Lyle, visited Mr Ms os Stutt will remain for Buwieytiko dagrwowlle '-'thethsum erolt and Mrs. Alec Lyle, Flett St., ~tgrm r .Clr er eLÂÂ o p on DcortionSunay.And oh, I'd neyer, just for fun, lier record on canvas o! the intriguing buildings. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Morrison, Mr. and Mis. Terry Masters Beg to go hunting with a gun! son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Scott, and Kim and Mr. and Mrs. Art j At every naughty thing I did- Werry, Enniskillen, received his t t t t t Toronto, were Sunday guests of Flieler and family, Ajax, speiit For miscbief might be some- medicai degree at the gradua- Mr. and Mrs. John Leishman. the weekend with Mrs. Flieler's Miss Gerda Mary Craig,; where id- tion exercises held ini Convoca- PARKER pLUMING MOVING - L. A. Parker & Mis. D. W. MeCormick ' Gait, parents near Tweed. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- I'd drop at once upon my knees, tion Hall, University of Toron. Sons will soon be vacating their premises next to W. is visiting hier daughter and Mr. and Mi&s. John S. Morri- bert Craig, Salem, who grad- And say, "Dear Teacher, flog to, on June l2th. Dr. Werry, a J. Berry's on King St. to take up a new location in the son-in-law. Mr. and Mvrs. Mor- son, who have been spending a uated from Oshawa General me, please." member of Phi Chi Medical building which has been used for the Bowmanville ley Vanstone, and family. few days at their summer cot- Hospital at special graduation It's easy te be good, yOu see, Fraternity, will intern at Toron- Mr Hrer Cl, ono i.tage in Haliburton, have re- ceremonies, June 5th. When looking back from sixty- to General Hospital. Dr. and Business School, operated by Mrs. Charles Bartlett, Jack Cole, popular King St. turned to Bowmanville.j thiree. Mirs. Werry, the former Ann King St. East. Mrsm atetwl otnet prt bareris henewpreidnt f Msa udey letbe let b I-Deacon Green. Elizabeth Dorland, daughter of the school in her residence. the Whitby Rotary Club. plane from Maîton last Sunday Graduates I Dr n Mihrs. C are dirn t t t t t Mr. and Mis. Paul Welliver, to spend ber three weeks' vaca- apeer, 195h., wereCarried in State College, Pennsylvania, tion with hier brpther and fam- S. A d e sAgs,15.Ms lr er BUILDINGS UNDERWAY - Both the new Counties have been guests of het- parents, ily in Clearwater, Florida. S.A d e ' is also a, university gradtiate, Mr. andi Mrs. W. B. Reynolds. having obtained her Bachelor of Registry Office on Liberty St. North and the Bowling Sunday guests with Miss F \ IA Arts degree at Albion College, Alleys next to Knapp's Service Station on the. Base Mrs. C. Chisholm, Toronto, M. Galbraith, King St. E., were J M S. ilobs Mich. Line are proceeding according to schedule and should spent a few days last week with Dr. M. E. J. Staîker and Mrs. Jb ed o cuac ihntenx e ots bier daughter, Mr. and Mia. Staiker, Miss Olga Staîker and b ed o cuac ihntenx e ots Vince Mathewson and family. Mr. J. P. Matthews, ail of To- J une MAeeti ng ported a cheque of $25.00 re- No information is available on the eventual disposition Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levett have ronto. ceived frorn the Evening Aff il- o! the former Registry Office on King St. We under- been visiting Mr. Levett'a sister Mrs. Chas. Cassin and Dan, The regular meeting of St. mite reo.Te viaing cof and brother-in.-iaw, Mr. and Bolton, were guests îast week- Sitte epoted a numberBowstnd that i i the propet chbsben s o e fo Mrs. Elwood Cole, Deep River. endi of ber sister, Mr. and Mrs.1Ande'ofWtheS.wseld t, ails n sie andshu-insbMatynowleting havey s tere ss o in Congratulations to Mr. Harvey Alan H. Osborne, and ber bro- tehm ofhersinMss nte absence of Mi1s. Craw- odbtn eal aeytbe eesd F. M. Galbraith, King St. East, 1 ford, Mrs. McLaugbiin was re-t t t t. j Webber who passed with bon- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Murray nMndyJne1ha3:0sosbefrteDvtol ours, bis seco nd yeraavehi Tge.Htrhe topOr WATER SAFETY WEEK - The local Red Cross tectural Technology at Ryerson. Mrs. Giddus Joncs bas return- p.m. The presîdent opened the fd gaeopte epiCnd. uc a on ocnieal tobet ulcz Mi. and Mrs. Thomas Sellers cd from a very pleasant visit meeting with call to worship Church andeoeofCna. B ndbsgoetcnierberuleopbiie saied las Fida mrnlg itbbe so CiffJoes ndand scripture readinig from They are people f rom many the fact that this is Water Safety Week. They have saild lst Fida moningwit lie so Clff JnesandPsalms 104, followed with pray- lands. It deait mainly with from Montreal for England fam'1y and other friends, aiso CieerndpopefrbCe- arage AatrctvGwnowdspa ttug h where they will visit relatives. the RV. A1Mranad a-!Ms... o CiEuernopeopeo e- arne nataciewno ipa hog h Nr.Wallacereising, a r- il Mrs.ttawa rd snMinutes of theTheymeeting was losed with everyonew t ne forlctcaution d rigthe sunmer Adair, Stoney Mountain, Man. Brown and fasnily to Lindsay Correspondence was read and freshments were served and, a dollai:s.installing protective equipment around local __________________ eetl n pn teatrondeait with. The treasurer's re happy hour enjoyed. Mrs. Kit- simn oesc sa asoespnoeo with bier sister at the home of port dealing with auxiliary of- o radMs .G ct wmnn oesc sa asoespnoeo Mis ealn.Miss Betty Eldridge was a ferings was read. She aiso, re- were hostesses. the most popular locations these days.* Mrs. eFarlne. member of the graduating class Mrs. Doris Burrows from lof the Oshawa General Hos- tlion A rrny Winton, Bournewouth, England,;Etl onGrdayneecsswr cousin of Mr. C. Betties, arrived 1edo rdyeeig ueCMEIIEPIE .PU M OA EVC on tbe Saxonia last week to, 5th. Miss Eldridge is the CMEIIEPIE LSPBOA EVC xill be held in the spend the summer Znonths with daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyn- the ettes fmil'.-wood Eldridge of Bowmanville. anville, at il11arn. MficBis fyAlywrhanMs -Photo by LeRoy Toil, Toronto ige Lodge of this area Pearl Bail, Toronto, spent Sun- uaef present. ~~day with relatives and friends Gautsý prsn.jin Bowman*ville. Tbey also at- SOE tended the Decoration Day Citadel on Division St. service at the cemetery. p.m. Mra. Elouise Spraker, Mi. Stewart and Mr. Skip Hoag of over CKLB at 9:30 a.m. Bath, New York; Mir. and Mra. PCA VLUS NDRr DE FRT W K 3unday. lE. Crawford, Barrie; M% f.and 1Mrs. Ernie Burton, Vairs, were --recent visitors with Mir. and _____________________Mrs. Lloyd Ayre and famliy. Miss Mabel Little, a patient inI Tamblin's Rest Home, Lindsay, ~MP FLREMB R D DS cilOer was guest of ber brother Fred Ï: S ecalOEer tedChurch e~~~n Tuesday of iast week at theïiB Y C E A R M M .,, ..A hoedChurchria R, te re THE PERFECT FTE' >T U Ezs Houslander, B.A., B.D. who spent tbe day with themn HAIRDISN ison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S..M. tic M.and Mrs. o alterLit Dds. jars1s Mir. and Mrs. Russell Moffatt, Blfds9,11,1.9250up Vince and Gail, visited b-is par- 19 ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moffatt. 1.98îse Lghe WODSHtube Rosner________ OB E recently. Russell had just com- '"idie pleted a five weeks' business eï -'n"inlt"37 trip te Vancouver, B.C., on be-49,550u baif of bis finm, the Canadian Other Ronsons4.5550u Seating Company of Toronto. Zippo Stormn Ligliter 3.95 Miss'Helen Pring, daugbter of 19 flMis. Ken Luxton and daught- JMir. and Mis. Wilson Pring, 6 More nm Gillette Adjustable Razor Set 19 rer, Cheryl Ann, accompanied by Southway Drive, was among! bu1 BRVLCREEIMOhrRzr n ld es1.9 .0 25 Mrs. Luxton's sister, Mirs. George 1 the recent graduates from St. 1 hnayohfhi 0iqi uwl Iew Nemuhers Arundeil and lier son Pbiilip,j Mary's Hospital la Kitchener. - a n te .<desn sts ol te ao n ld es19, .00,12.5 Stouffvîlle, sailed last Friday'£She plans to join the staff of - _------_- ELECTRIC RAZORS . Phîlishave, Schicr,Suba for a vacation in Enigland where 1 Memorial Hospitailihere. Mr. Wtra' e / .5 .0U ~ '"thcy wiil visit their aunts and -and Mrs. Pring camne to Bow- wtra' e / .5 .0u a Great uou" uncles. Tbey plan to return manville two years ago when Waterman's Pen Set C/F 5.95, 10.00 Up about the middle of August. lie became a member of the ~.~ f h oin13,20 Engineering staff at the Ontario £Old Spice Afer Save_________-1.520 LCOME TO ALjL Mi. and Mrs. William H. Training School for Boys. HePie -10,195U Bates spent the weekend at;was formeriy with the KistPie------ -------1.0195u _____________________Niagara- on-the -Lake where Mr. Company in Harriston. Mrs.ShinBuse,40vae_____29 Bates, district sports officer Of Pring is a popular soloist a l ubes javing Brushes - 1.00, 1.50, 2. Up N tCanadian Legion was in1 Paul's United Church. Their.0 u chre0 tecîbaetun- daughter attended Harriston1 q #bra'LKa ment held on Saturday. Mr. and Puhlc na nNrwepll istrict _________Sn________ 2.4,_.4 lace Holmes, Simpson Avenue. seem to be too much evidence____________________________ AM MIVERS R M.an rs oh Vae of carelessness here." Bow- I.DA. Brand - Reg. 35c, 60e Mir.and ira Joh Staey anville police said Beaudiry and baby Michelle visited ilis drove tlirough the main inter-,Kl fM gnsa2c 9 Sho nie»yparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell section of Bowmanville and col-Nl1fNgoia - * - 2c 9 Schooî AniversaryStacey over the weekend. John lided with a car which lad thePES EN heid on is an assistant électrical engin- right-of-way. Magistrate Bax- COLGATK PTOHFATE cer with the C.N.T., Toronto. ter said there lad been little InsatTOHpsT N E 21st 1959 ionally goes out on field work, amgzt itercr.BAVE BOME Paring Knife 1Iat 2and 7:30p.m. Early in the year le was in *"yP 63cEM98 P Uwiring of towers of the Trans Ilerk A tn sW K S lan, B.A., B.D. Canada Micro Wave system Conventions illen(CBC) wbich is finished in2 EAUmaToh at - - - 2For 99C Boech, B.L nTe AMteriioon Auxiliary of R. .Ryolds, Bwanil Llquid or Lotion WHITE RAIN nited Church, Toronto home of Mra. H. A. Turner on Town Cierk, and Mis. Reynolds LUSTRE CREE CRYSTAL CLER vening. Tuesday, June 19. President are Ieaving today for Timmins, leas AMPlusSH1.25O Mira. D. Armistead opened thc Ont., where Mr. Reynoldls wiIl 450 sise .79c Bize _98 KCEN ABR meigadpoeddwtth attend the annual convention! ie Sunday School. business. "The Fcllowsbip (Ko- 1 inonia)" was the theme of thi Of the Municipal Association of me 41hSuporservice of worship led by Mirs. Ontario. This convention will PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY âne241, upprO. Bragg, assisted by Mis. Rosa, be held in Timnuins on Friday i ail are servedl Stevens. Mra. Arnistcad took'and Saturday. oncert by the charge of the study program.; Werry assisted lier in a splendidi ville next week Mi. Reynolds Ae. M eo rg d Concert $ 1.25 introduction to the study on will attend the annual conven- p nly 50e Africa for the coming yeair. tien of the Finance Officers of rt, 75c.' Concert only 25c A recital was given by the Oarornete be h Tel d ay We Deliver Your Local .D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 ______________f_______ HJa-arbour nextoday , usd .4- t. Il-I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVffý= ONTARIO PAGE sz7m "IC tSDAT, JUNIC 18th, IM