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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jun 1959, p. 8

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PAGE ETGET TEE CANADIAIf STAT~MAN. EOWMANVILL5. O~4TARIO THTJRSTJAY JUNE lUth 1058 a GRAPE Cern ..1ef and Cabbaute Br Bon" Prwdr TRANSFORMATION A LA custom-made high-butau shoes. TELEVISION 'As a girl, in hem native Virginia, "Bite his ta.. break his she iearned ta feint et the sight arm .- . mingbis eck *oa blood, blush et the tip ai e -mrdr i ape"! Th . .wa. bat and frawu, preitily, ai somre teby Ganny Tseakigiwords used ta express pureiy A tiny, white-haimed aid lady mSuieeaprto. We shoak e small. bejewelled ftI was told, as e c.ild, ta con- towamd the TV wrestling rig duci myself like Aunt Sophie it and woopedfor bood, ing meaut, "stand tali, smile sweet-I war-bound Comanche. Rer laciloik e alpeady". ov al wrathiul instructions were di_ aiege talaerdy".e rected ai e man-mountain grap- chartermemer aifhem chumcb pler makîng forceful effort to sic chaitbr he lbmhrh alter his oppanent's facial struc- aistix uad Gttrnlubta tety ture. Obviously, the hard-beari-of sixapde as ever ben ed attacker wasn't making Aut Spi hseer-be thes aieratonsprimly praper, properly prim, taez ateaoid fast enaugh delicately powdered, lavender toplease teodlady. She waSscudsd"eltao. activeiy egging hlm ou ta fur- cne n lelt o.I ther asseuit. Which îact goes toj ust dlaesn't fit that she should show bow times, sud aid ladies, go wîld aven wrestling. Discov- have changed since private, erlng this gap in the strengtb parier TV has made it quit. ai Aunt Sophie's gentility is proper for sweet sud ageing like finding a tenaciaus, baid victorian dalîs ta bebold thecagle in the tender canary's woefui writhings sud wanton cage. it wallpins oftheprofssinal Pnior ta Aunt Saphie's %ill wresling rinig. roesinlhere last wiuter, I cautioned1 wresting daughters not ta behave' The lady i question here fs like tomboys, reminded my sou > rny Great Aunt Sophie, a res- that he is a junior gentlemen1 -pectable widow-woman with and begged my husbaud to curb eighty-two surumers ta ber cre- the language that cames wheu dit. Itwss she who subscnibed hiis patience is gone. Nothing,1 ta tb. biting, wrnging, break-' decreed, must upset or oifendi ing sud murderiug routine des- the tender senses ai my Aunt cribed above. I was a witness. Sophie. Dean, delicate Aunt Sophie lit- Aunt Sophie arrived, alliga- 1 erally pnanced about rootiug for> tor "grip" in ane hand, fancy- *meyhem while watching TV in wark bag in the other, for a my living roarn. I like ta isint- twa-week stay. Ail members afi ed from sheer sbock! Had this Ibis household were prim, pro- 'been auy other eiderly woman per snd mindful ai propriety.1 In the world I'd have been Everytbing weut aioug smoath-c smzused, even delighted, but not îy until the first Weduesday so when the eiderly womau was nighî TV wrestiing card irom mny own Aunt Saphie! Chicago. The iamily stood up1 Normially, my Aunt Sophie is well euougb but the long-livcd1 tue epiiome ai gentle wamnan- legeud oai "dear, dernure Aunti hoad. She la femiuinity persan- Sophie" feil apari at the seamq. Mfed, lu dainty, stiffly starcbed We Purdys watched, horrified,i high lace coliars sud size-four, as gentie Sophie was trausform-i ToI Cam PACK INTO A DAY l Noethrn ~o...paradis. for people who want to relax. The great autdooru tretches for mile upon mile, yet a day can b. as varied ai you care te mmake if. W1i l ... ucmnic cris... luzury Iodges ... faucinating mining devlopens. .. yen'I!lfid t6m al aide by a-ide in this great area. up-ta-date liat of accomýmodation that shows you where te stay ai the price you waat te pay. .~' ~,.< ~ ONTAIO TMAVEL - 186 Parliament Bldgok.. . Toronto,Onai e i. .. .... .ou . _ ....... ~~6 ~ <ita p.,uwy. Hon. . naL .w.Mieid KNOW 0ONTABTmO SETTER ed intoan elderly Jezebel, eall- ing mevenge upon the heeds af such gladiators as did nlot meet her fickle fancy. I coul.dn't have been more stunned if h had seen Apple Mary turn inua Witch-Hazel. Watchlng Aunt Sophie shad- ow-wrestle around the screen aud lisieuhng ta the iot-incit- ing toue ai her voice, h was giad Uncle Horace, ber husband for fifiy years, bad paased on before TV passed iu. He had been a banker, a decomous man af impeccible teste who abbor- red violence lu any form what- saever. Alive, he'd have crunged and fled befome the sight of his beloved Sophie dumping a balf- worked "Home Sweet Home" sampler ta the floor as she as- cended from aur sofa te puni- mel the air witb ber fisis sud cali for a strangle-hold. To make maiters'worse, Aunt Sophie's taste lu wrestlers, is littie short ai appalliug. The vilîsinous Hans Schmit is hem favorite. Next il he ai hem sp- provai are those sbifty Russian brothers with the unpranauuce- able surname-the ones who sucak up irom bebind ta tackle truebearts in tag teamn tourna- meuts. Sa help me, the rougher sud siyer the "rassier" the bet- ter Aunt Sophie likes him. lu ber owu parlance, the anes wia show quaini snd give quarter are "cream pufis", fit only fan service as quadrille partuers. The "'gaod guys" jusi dau't iu- teresi ber at all-excepi as fod- dem for mare ferociaus fellows. And al Ibis suter iifty years with Uncle Horace, e geuile, muld-mannered mnuwhose ni- thuate expression ai d-ispleasure wss the raising ai bis eyebrows! 0f course, Aunt Sophie does- u't owu up ta her interesi in wrestiing-not; lu public. While she wss here we taak hem ta visit aid fnieuds lu Toronto. Ai- ter-dinner conversation sanie- how drifted m tb te wrestiug ring sud the men reacbed iuta the pasi for gary tales ai torn limbe and loosened ligaments. Cia rke Accepts Bid for School Debentures' The Clarke Township Coun- cil -met in special session on Monday, June 8th, when they opened three bids for deben- tures for the Township af Clarke School Area building proram The School Area la buligtwo new twa-raom publie achools, crie in Lock4w hart's and the other in New- tonville. Ratepayers of the sehool are& vated in favour of issuing de- bentures for an amount of $75,- 000.00 for the two new schools. Council on Monday accepted the bid of the Banker's Bond Cor- poration Ltd., Taranto wha, will supply the money at $98.00 an the $100.00. The interest rate on the debentures has been set at 6 percent for the twenty year term. The debenture issue îs open ta residents iu the Tawnship cf Clarke through. the Bond Car- poration at the 6 percent inter- est rate. Tenders were also opened for crushed gravel and machinery rentai. The tender of R. A. Blyth Co. was accepted for 10,- 000 tons of crushed gravel ta be spread on Township roads at 65 cents a ton. Beaverdale Con- struction received the machin- ery bid. Considerable discussion cen- tred around the tentative ap,- proval for the addition to the Bowmanville Hospital. Walkey and Dent favoured sanie deci- sion as they feit the Board should nat be kept waiting. Consideration was given ta calling a public meeting at which ail factors aould be aired. -Times. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Colbary and Frankc visited thie home af Mr. and Mrs. H. Oliphant of Lamne Park on Sunday, June 14 and were taken by surprise by their friends and relatives, when about 50 in number ga- thered ta celebrate with them their 25th wedding anniversary. A bountiful supper was served alan-g *with a well decorated an- niversary cake. A littie niece, Toni Calbary, daugiger of Mr. and Mirs. Jack Calbary, Brook- lin, recited a message to Aunt Norah and Uncle Kari and pre- sented thema with nuinerous gits. Many c o ni gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Kari Colbary's 25th weddîng auuiversary was June 3. Saturday evening a number of ildren and adults enjoyed Euchre in the Community Hall. M4r. and Mrs. Charles Bruce (ne. Grace Gibbs), were read an address by Margaret Harvey and were presented a Platformn Rocker from Tyrane Commun- ity. The Orange Parade including the L.O.L. and Juvenile Bands, wgre.,well represeuted ,fram the m~any Iadges in the' district. Student miuster, David Northey of Oshawa, was guest speaker. The Choral reradered, by the Tyrane Chair was appreciated by ail with Miss Grace Smith as -organist. Rev. and, Mrs. F. J. Jackson and John spent the weekend at Fulton., and renewed aid fiends, Rev. Jackson was guest speaker ai his former charge at Fulton, marning and evening. A family picule was held ai the home af Mr. and Mrs. Ja- mes Woodlcy and C. W. Wood- ley on Sunday, those' present were, Mr. aud Mrs. H. Colla- cott and' Joanne, Bowmanville; Mr,. and rMs. R. Paterson and family, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and family, Mrs. Joyce Sellick and children, En- niskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Woodley. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Halcasnb, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meikle, Oshawa, were guests af Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue visited Mrs. C. Shaw, Oshawa. Several people from, here et- tended Bowmanville and Hamp- tan Decoration Service on Sunday. Rev. Fred J. Jackson attended the dedication of the New Uni- ted Churoh. House an St. Clair Ave., Toronto, last Wednesday, June 10. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Phare visited Mr. and, Mrs. G. Meçay, Bowmanville. Miss Ann Moreland spent the weekend with her parents at Gananoque. Mrs. Florence Scott visitcd her sister Mrs. W. Macdonald and Mr. Macdonald, Bowman- vil-le. No service at Tyrone on Sun- day awing ta Haydon Anniver- sary. Sunday School wiU b. held as usual. Quite a nuniber ai Orange members attended Orange ser- vice at Bailiboro, Sunday even- ung. Mr. and Mrs. Art Simmons, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rooker and Adrian, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. Mrs. N. C. Wotten., Saline, visited Mrs. W. Rahni, Monday aiternoon. Mrs. L. Jones returned home from Hospital and la slowly lznproving iu health. Mrs. Nellie Westlake, Bow- manville; Messrs. J. Richarde and Roy Richards, Mr. and Mmi. Dean Findlay and childmen, Oshawa, were Sunday cellers et the hom of Mr. aud Mrs. C. Bigelow. Mr. David Namthey, Oshawa, was dinner guest ai Mr. and Mmi. A. HUis. Mm. and Mrs. A. His visited Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, Dunbarton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp, Mrs. R. Philp snd children vlsited Mr. and Mrs. G. Piiilp, Morganstan, Sunday. Mr.. Getrude Byers, Mrs. Ida Jackson, Mr. Albert Bradley, Toronto, were Sunday guests ai Present, S During Ri ExPecthng Aunt Sophie ta came up with - e ew ring-dandies af her own I was amazed ta heer her chirp, "Talc, talc, ail ibis talk of violence makes mie feel faint"! My husband dropped hlm wine glass. I choked. Aunt Sa- phie just smiled andzniade sanie rernak about being glad she wasu't the anly one present with "delicate feelings". 1 wraie Aunt Sophie the ather weck and told ber I was think- iug af using her craze for wrest- ling as subjeci matter for a cal- umu. Aunt Saphie's reply was: "Of course, ah'll deny every word ai whai you'il say, but don'i let that stop you-all irmn telling' the iruth like you aught". I'vev reasan ta suspect the rea.son she's so grave about exposure is that she doesn't think this paper goes as far as Virginia. But it could be she'1l soon b. telling her neighbors "Why, af course it's flot so, flot any af it". Aunt Sophle's case is not un- ique. Theme have been many transformations braught abouti by generel acceptance of parior televisian. Mcen who once edged past the beker's mare like she was filled with gun-powder now valunteer opinions on which of the current oat-opera heraes is the best horse hand- 1er. Housewives who wauldn't be caught in the throes ai delir- ium listening ta "Ma Perkin.s" on the radio would rather miss nomination for club office than skip the next chapter on the soap and sob circuits of televi-1 sion. Kids who neyer gave much thought ta mother's lot before TV now spend entirel days "being kind ta Marna" just because a fellow named Cap- tain Kangaroo looks out fromn a screeu and tells them ta. Wlth ail thîs evidence an hand w.ho's going ta worry if anc sweet, litile aid lady gets bitten by the television wrest- ling bug? TYRONE THE PE The hand of God isE In every painted t And though His wor I sense the greatne The Water Safety meetini of the Bowmanville sud District Red Cross Society was held Wednesday, June 10th ini thel CauucWl Chamibers witb mauyl interesied present, despite the heat. Two excellent films were shown: "Don't Drawu"l whichý autlined the right and wrnofa water sports and "Na Time te Spare" which demonstrated the' need ai the average citizen for a knowledgè oi artificial respir- ation. Presentations ai pins sud cer-! tificetes were made by the President, Mr. D. Marsden, sud the Vice-President, Ms-s. W u dell ta those members aoi Rue Aduit Swimming class who ob- tained their Red Cross Junior Swimmer Award. This is the' firsi aduli swimn class in Bow- manvîlie ta pasibis test. Mr. W. W. Bagneil, Red Cross iu- structor, sud Mr. D. Marsden cougratulated the fallowing la- dies on their success; Mrs. Jan- ine Gohanna, Ms-s. Rosemary Merkley, Miss Anu Harrison, Beverley Turner, Mrs. Dama Wearu, Mirs. Gladys Ash- tan, Mirs. Kay Hoskins, Mrs. Ethel.Bàan, Mrs. Beverly Xi- gans, Mrs. Lorný'. caverly, Ms., Mary Towuscnd, Mrs. Ruth. Farrow, Mrs. Muriel Truli. The following persans were also congratulated for their success in passing a test for swimmiug abiiity in the begiiî- tiers' group: Mrs. Pst Burk swam 60', Mms. Shirley Turner 60' sud 120', Mrs. ýGwenyth Thompson 60', Mrs. Canule Swa- ini 60', Mis. Darothy Maria w 60', Mrs. Harmine Sweet 60'. Mrs. Leona Strikwerda 50', Mrs. Camai Hoîkema 60', Mrs. Thel- me Phayre 60', Mrs. Velma Luke i&. Peter Sbymr 60' Mrs. Betty G; jadcbild 60', Miss Marie Good- cbild 60', Ms-s. Jessie Faundry 60', Mr. Keiih Faundry 60', Mrs. ncrusuto0r11is niIU. ss of IIis power. Oftimes in gently rustling breeze, His germeuts whisper like oid lace, The liglit upon e thousand his, Must be the smiie upon His face. In distant music of the brook, The trilling voice of each small bird, How infinitely tender then, Must be His spoken word. And this 1 know, that lie who planned, "Ahl this, and Heaven too", Has far more woudrous things lu store, For them that love Hlm true. -Marj amie Cunningham ,ABOUT CHEVY LASTS LONGER ...includinggourpride! 1's a facti Chevrolets buit to take time as weil as distance in its stride. In style-in quality and in engineering excellence, CIievrolet gives you an extra margin of value that wilI stay new longer, hold ifs worth and your pride, high over the years! ihat this equipment Ia looked after and used properly. 'Wte5' )wimm ng A ards Safety wallet cards art ao being sent by the branch ta' al ares. Water Safety Week JIin. l4th ta 2Oth will feature Ils' ed Cross, M eeting pstoe.apor n the>Sa plays and hproidte alwe Gloria Atkin.son 33', Miss Kay sum ai $650.00 for their Waiersmmrfral Gdchid0', 42. EMisse aly6Tin- Safety programme this year. Certificates of menit are be- de .Mrs. Elalue aily 60', s lý Part of this amouut will be ing presented ta four teachars Mrs Lihia Da 60, Ms. lv used ta assist the Bowmsuville lu the Bowmauville ares wNo L2hnge6', MeCis. Vic'A(unRecration Departmeut wJth have devoted 15 vears ai oikt- 25',ter MrisFa Cois ha6'(n their summer swirnming class- standing service ta Junior PAg derate) issLai Sa'w30 es. Plans are being completeî Cross work. Mrs. W. Rudell arid MissBety Daton60' ta erect signs and ring buoys at Mrs. B. Burk on behali af tiw These swimmers exPressedilocal swimming areas for the local branch and Onterior Dlvi- their gratitude ta their instruc-, protection ai oui youngsters. sion of the Red Cross will mnake tor for his patient instruction,1 The Red Cross hopes that in these presentations to Mrs. 1-L ly chaisenighmwta lounge-,har. H is ay they canmake the Philps and Miss A. Carrutheru ls mhais geuanforcheir. geî1 people ai this district more ai Centra] Schooi, Mr. M. Slute% is mst gateul fr thïr ialerita owater dangers and the, Ontario St. Schooi and 1fr. P. sud now only needs ta fiud the rules ai water ssfety. Your co-: C. Bowen, S. S. No. 5, Darling- tiine ta, put his teet up! The aperation is neces.sary ta see ion. adult swim classes are proving such a success that 70 persans are already signed up for next season. Another first for Bowman- ville, wvas the presentation aifi Royal Lii. Saving Society awards. David Neads received his Intermediate award sud I TryBakDai inMur- *I ray Walker, AJiex Wisemanu IqP ac s were awarded their BrouzeI Medallions. Mm. W. Bagnell ex- I plained that there is an averlap between the Royal Life Saviug Society and the Red Cross awards. To b. a qualified Red ..... Cross Instructor a persan utI hold a Royal Life Saving cer- .-- -- tificate snd it wvas most grati- lit fying to those present ta see,-qJiIiiI1IIii these local youngsters receive 4' 'N'. these coveted awards sud to lV fIfiia learu that they will naw be ji I!ttLLdi!!I mrorking towards their Red I ________ Cross instructors certificate. JII Congratulations are also in or- LI der ta Mr. W. Bagneil who was1 presenited with his Royal Life ~II1~ Saving Society Instructor's cer- A tificate sud crest. Your Red J Cross Branch also offer congra- e , tulations to Mrs. Ruth Spovîn 4ý who assisted with the - ladies' swimmiug group. She has ob- tained her Red Cross Instruc-mut k tar's award with a mark ai 96. Cross Brauch bas set aside a T 1ra lellers> ROMISE everywhere,Chq e ree and flower, Ch q e Safer than cash everywhere. Easy to cash anywhere. P.S. Be fore you go, store your valuables in a safety Deposit Box THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE MORE THAN 800 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA M40~ BOWMANVILLE BRANCH- A. L. H~ Manager iNEWCASTLE BRANCU - J. C PORTER, Manager Ïi- I Chevrolet puts you years-ahead, wltfr fresh, eager SIim line style. * SAFETY MASTER BBAKES 1 moe adu;b /e/ The safest in Chevy"s field and they've Iproved it in NASCAR* campetitive tests. I National Association for Stock Car L Advancemnent and Research. - - . - - - - - - Youll find ChovroIet bings you big-car advantages like deep-cusbionedI comf art ... ail-round, airy visibility and unsiinted roominess. But Chev- l rolet las close ta the smail cars in economy. And when you emember liai Chevy is bullta oui-lestailiers in uts field yau'il know why Chevrolet i nsrase Sailt your vcry best, buy. Laok ia lite details at your Chevroici dealer's iaday. 1 Thot stable Sofety-Girder frame gives j Chevy an unshakable grip of the. road. because it's bult to lastlf C-3059C See Your A uthorized Chevrolet Dealer ROY W. N ICHOLS r.OURTICE BOWMAN VILLE My family puts me ai the top of the Iordder every time 1 put Smith Beyer- age, at the top of my shopping ist. Put Smith Beverages at the top of YOUR shopping ist and just watds your fomily's delighted reaiction. a CUEAM SODA e LIMON-LIME e ROOT SEER e GINGER AL 0 ORANGE Mode aud "Doied by . .. SMIT BEVERAIES LTu. 10 WMAN VIL LE £ , U %J414Q - à 4'ir "J PAGE BIGHT Tm CArqÀADL4» STATISM". BOWiLýýý 01MTAMO THURSDAY. JUNE - l8tb- 1939

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