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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 10

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PAGE TE N TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO ~DA~ 1.The June Beetie Menace1 June beetles are in the news again-that's the big, brown beetie that files so clumsily, so much noise... there are reports of great swarrns of them from ail over the province. June beeties have become quite a nuisance and they cause a lot of damage-particularly when they are in the larval or white grub stage. In no tune at ail these nasty littie critters can turn your lawn fram a nice lush carpet of green mnto a duil, ]ifeless, brown mat. FUMPS & SOFTENERI LIEI!ND "82 LONDON . CANAD) JACK DROUGH ILUNMMIG sud BEATING Division Street South MKA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE But you don't have ta endure Iwhite grubs . . . you can do somethang about them. In fact, you can contrai them for up ta three years with just one treat- ment. That's because the June beetie has a three year life cy- cle . . . first the aduit lays the eggs . . . then two or three weeks later the eggs hatch inta white grubs. The white grubs feeti ail the a-est a! that sunamer on decaying vegetable matter anti the roots of living plants- namely. you- grass! The ga-ubs spend the Winter deep in the soil, then, ina the spring they push their way up ta just un- der the sur-face o! the soil. Then they staa-t their second season as ga-ubs~ anti this is when they do the 'most damage-feeding ravenously ail summer long. The third year a! the cycle, the white grubs feeti as before, tua-n inta the aduit beeties which stay ina the soil tili the next spa-ing when they emerge anti start the cycle ail over again. Now, if you can kill off al the grubs anti aduit June beet- les in youi- lawn in one year, it follows that you have a pi-et- ty gaod chance ta be aelativeiy fa-ee o! gi-ubs for tha-ce years. There are sevea-al goati white grub controls on the mar-ket, but the hest o! themn contain dielda-in, a high potency insce- ticide that kills ail stages o! June beetle development quick- ly and easily. You just spread the dielda-in insecticide eveniy ovea- the grass then wash it into the turf with a gooti soaking far the base. Tbat's ail there is ta it, anti youa- iawn is pro- tecteti farn wbite grub dam. age for up ta, three yeai-s. But hea-e's something yat shoulti keep in mind. Most folks dont know that their the white grub-awn de*toylng la of the June beeti. lawns are infesteti with white grubs untîl the damage is donc, then it's too late andt tey have ta start their lawnsalal over again. To make sure you are flot wasting your efforts this yeaa-, treat your lawn against. white grubs now, even though there may be no indication o! white ga-ub activity yet . . . as tbey say, it's better ta be safe than soi-ay. Blackstock Fair Bc Plans Big Show At BLACKSTOCK - A better than average turnout contribu- ted to a very successful direct- ors' meeting of the Cartwright Agriculturai Society on June 18th. Considerable business con- cerning Blackstock Fair was dealt with. The Fair will be held on August 29th this year. The field crop competition committee of Ralph Larmer and Percy Van Camp reported a to- tal of eleven entries in the oom- petition for oats. Mr. Osmond Wright was complimented on the fine job of repairs ta the grandstand and track fence. The job of painting the grand- stand and fences was awarded to Ivan Rob-rer of Nestieton with the work to be completed well in advance of fair day. FAIM, SERVICE DEAD, OLD and CRIFPLED FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charge Immediate 24-Hr. Service ZEnith 66550 No Toil Charge iNick Peconi - Peterborough Final ai-aa matie for a fair. There wil wheel anti an for the kitidies attractions. lt bolti a contes' Summer Queen anti an incraa pi-ize money w this pua-pose. restaictedti a An importai rules for, the Exhibits ina the anti grain ant i formerly badt 4.00 p.m. the da~ will this year - 1.00 p.m. an thî alwjudging1 adthe exhibit the public mi paeviaus yeai-s. A carnival ai tainment wili bE creation Centr- Committees wer tue fthe games The pi-esitieni, rane, thankedtii attending the zA season antit journeti. STARE Mr. Grant Sy has been having Jim Starks, wi ter and Julie h~ ded visit. Mr. and Mrs.i awa, visited at« Miss Colleen is spending holic Hallowell's. Mrs. R. Lovw Marilyn, Tarant( son' s. Mr. and Mrs, ad family visite R. Brown, New Mi-. Hugh We P. is spending home. Mr-. and Mrs., ta, at Mr. Lloy Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville, Todd's. Sunday guestý Farrow's were and Mrs. I. Far and Mr. and Mi-, Newtonville. Miss Dorothy with Mr. and M' Mr. and Mrs Bowmanville, wi Clarence Gilmei Mr. Tom Woo4 at Mi-. Herb Rej Mr. and Mrs. Welcome, Mr. ai Cathcart, Kenda guests at Mr-. a Robinson's. Mi-. and Mrs. ery, Mr. and Mi Diane, Oshawa, vice at Shiloh Si guests with Mr. sell Savery. Miss S. Thom day. Mr. and Mrs. Elva, Orono, an9 Halloweil at M well's Sunday. Rev. Wm. E' B.A;B.D. Trinity Bowmanvifle, wa a t Shiloh armiversary, Sunday'N afternoon wih a. June message e d S m using as captian "Have we Lost oui- Sense o! Wonder?" Sblloh For choir pravided, special music r F n Pci ville High Sdaool assisteti which ;0was gi-eatly appreciated. Rev. Gooti painting~ means flot only ýgR. C. White was i attendance,~ an attractive finish but a paint ,e dedicating the recent acquis-! job that will last. This requires - tions, Caoir chairs, hym-n board somne knowledge as well as a a>_ cuchbad certain amount of skill. . The June meeting o! Shiloh, Befare painting new wooti uW.A. was belti at the home of surfaces' ail knots shoulti be it Ms. orre Tdd'swit a inecovereti with shellac or other Mras.dLamce andd' th a intae r tberwise the resins atten.ance Sarn hargeidecantaineti in the wood will Mcrsim Strk isn carge. The blemish the finîsheti paint job. Msa-ipturelonwas a-t ead yNew îumber with -a rough or cMs. id alomeageith the unpîaned surface shoulti be cammntar mesageby M-s.sandeti before the paint is ap- Clifford Reid. Mrs. Gardon Ta-im plied. gave the treasurer's report. AI- Unpainteti wood. plaster and ter the business discussion, pic- plaster-board surfaces should tua-es were ehown by Ma-s. Clif- always be primed wîth a sealer ford Reidi anti Miss C. W. Stew. before At is given the finish art. Lunch was serveti and thecos.Pepetprmrpis pi-esident expresseti the apprec- can be obtaineti at any paint or iation of ail ta Mrs. Todd for hardware store. the fine evening andti t the la- If the surface ta be painteti dies for the pictures shown. is mildeweti, it should be clean- Mr-. and Ma-s. Al! Graham, ed with a solution o! sodium Fred and Janet, Newcastle andi carbonate or other recommenti- Miss C. Stewart, Kendal were ed preparation. The surface Sunday guests with Mr-. and Ma-s. should then be thoa-ougbly rins- Morliey Robinson. ed and left ta dry before the paint is applied. Wood work must be dry be- BETHANYfore painting with an ail base BET ANYpaint. Trouble is bounti. to de- A gooti percentage of the velop if paint is appiied ovea- community took ativantage o! waoti that as flot properly sea- rthe free Tuberculin Skin test soneti. Moisture accumulating at the Clinic sponsored- by the under painteti surfaces will Dur-ham andi Nortbumberland cause the ,paint ta bliste- andi tCounty Tuberculosis Association. el 1helti at Bethany on Thua-sday When painting masonry the fafternoon and, evening. Some surface should be dry if ail s385 persans receiveti the skin paint is ta be used but rubber etest andi returneti on Monday for paint and special water soluble readings and X-rays where cernent paints may be applieti .necessary. ovea- a Weet or damp sua-face. Assitingin tBefore redecarating painted Asssti lite Pi-e-survey surfaces, aill base paint shouid anti canvas of homes were Ma-s. 1 be sca-apeti off and the surface. (chairman of census poil) Mrs. steel waol. In some cases it g. ~Ralph Preston, Mrs. Earl Wea- might be advisable te ooe Lig 2 9 therilt and Mrs. Earl Shea.lnî the oid paint with paint remov- Local assistants at theCii ingemnents were were Mrs. Hugh DeGeer, chair- midwayfo the man; Mrs. William Mark, Mrs.i K D O il be a ferris Addison Scott, Mrs. Leonard1K D O n aeroplane ride Driver, Mrs. Mansel Finney, Sunday, June 21 at 2 p.m. sas well as other Mrs. Glen Wentworth, Mrs. Ross 1 Kedron Sunday School Anni- was decided te Davidson, Mrs. Ross Cari-, Mrs.I versai-y was held with the min- ;t for Cartwright Douglas Smelt, Mrs. Edgar Beer, ister, Rev. R. H. Love, B.A. B.D. ýn again this year Mrs. Noel Wood and Mrs. Eari bringing the special message. sed amount of Argue. Mr. Jack Francis led in the vas set aside for On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Worship with Mrs. R. E. Lee, Entries are not Vincent Jackson entertained oi-ganist. Cartwright. the members of ber Primary Special music and the flow- Sunday Schaol class with a lawn ers added much ta the service. it change in the party, attended by 18 children Mi-. Lave voiced appreciation Fair was made. and several of their Mothers Io! the Pulpit Chair, the-gift women's section who assisted in directing the fi-arn the W.A. The Kindergar- vegetables whîch games and serving the lunch. ten Class of Mrs. D. Barnett's oe be received by Beh, Ricky and Jane Bon-. sang sweetly, "God Made This ,av before the fair steel, childi-en of Rev. R. R. Bon- Wonderful World"l and off ered have ta be in by steel and Mrs. Bonsteel, who are the Choral Frayer, "When I at clay. This w.il1 moving ta Bronte at the end of. Wake and See the Light." ta be completed the month were presened with, Mrs. Murray Mountjoy led it hall apened ta parting gifts fi-r their class- the Junior and Senior Sunday ach eariier than mates 'and teachers, Mrs. V. School Groups. Sala parts were Jackson and Mrs. Murray Wil- I taken by Linda Hopkins and md dance enter- son. Ronald Werry. Ushering were )e held in the Re- Congratulations ta Miss Di- Mr-. A. Wood, A. Spencer, J. ,e an July l7th. anne Mulligan, Grade VIII pupil Dyck and E. Parks.. and music. cond prize for her Essay on "Ca- the Anniversary service were , Mr. Ivan Coch- Operatives" in the contest spon- Mi-. E. Mountjoy and Brian those present for sored by the Durham Federa- Spencer. Friday, Brian had an qMeing in a busy tion, o!Agriculture and open ta unexpected oTferation for ap-: ri meetingad Grade VII and VIII' pupils pendicitis, and is a patient ini _______ throughout Durham County. Oshawa General Hospital. e Dianne is the daughter of Mr-. Among the visitors in Kedron and Mrs. Verne Mulligan and homes were: Mr. and Mrs. D. M LLE pupil of Mrs. Belle Smith. mDown with R. Down's; Mr. and The certificate and cash a- Mrs. J. Dyck, Lois, Bannie and ylvste, arnaward o! $5.00 was presented by Susan with W. Davis family, g holidays at Mr.M.Caec liofBwa-M.adMsGrnPso it iaving anylve- vile and Mrs. D. Deyeii o! Nes- H. J. Pascoe; Mr. and Mrs. Ar- iathn Mnrs. e tltonan techool o Thurs- thur Fielder, Markam with M. dae afternon., Hancock's; Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Mi-. Kari Monk and bis child- Parks and farnily, Mt. Hore'b, G. Shemilt, Osh- ren Sandra and Brian spent the with E. Parks; Mr-. and Mrs. E. Mr. Ber-t Trim' S. weekend in the village and his Harris, Almands, Mr. A. J. Falls, Toronto, 'Father, Mr. A. H. Monk return- Werry, Mi-. and. Mrs. Allan Wer- ,days at Mr. Llew ed home with them ta Sarnia i-y, Sandra and Sharon, Ennis- an Sunday and will remain for killen; Miss Lynn Farrow, Port ery, Grant and two weeks. Credit, and Mr. Frank Lee, ýo at Mr. A. Dab- Narman Lowes, Toronto, is with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee home for vacation with bis par- and Brian; Mr. and Mrs. R. ria Mrs ts, Mr&. and Mrs. Donald Low- Pearce Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. 4oniMr. ad Rs es. C. Rundle and family, Oshawa; thnieusr . Howard Rowan, Elliott Lake Mr. and Mrs. T. Pleasance and ýsteusr, .CM sperit the weekend with his par- Susan with F Snowden's. holidays at bis ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr-. and Mrs. Howard Brown E. Shier, Toron- Rowan. land Eric, Oshawa; Mr. Frank ýd allwel's. The Garden Party at St. 1 Batty, Doris and Douglas.Bat- Hud HaKoell, Mary's Church on Friday even-. ty, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Batty, HughKely, ng was a« huge success. The Brooklin, with Mrs. H. F. Werry at Mr. La ine pragram featured a play "Shot- and Wilma. at a- Pecygun Wedding" iby young peaple Miss Olive Luke, Mr. and ts a Mr.Perc frm Ballyduf! and Miss Penny Ma-s. Bei-t Luke, Toronto; Miss Mrs. G. Smith McCabe o! Oshawa with sangs Beryl Mountjoy, London; Mis- ri-ç>w, Newcastle, and tap dancing. Mrs. Olive Da- ses Marie and Helen Cole, Mai-- s. Willis Farrow, vidson is in Brooklin visiting kham; Mr-. and Mrs. Mei-win with relatives there for two Mountjoy, Hampton, and Mi-. Falls, Toronto, weeks. and Ma-g. E. Norton and sons, fi-s. Orme Falls. Weekend guests with Mr-. and with W. L. Mountjoy's. sHerb Gilmea-, Mi-s. H. A. McMaster were Miss; Rev. and Ma-s. R. Love, Char- ith Mi-. and Ma-s. Blanche Racicot of Toronto, Mi-.' les, David andi Bruce, Mi-. and r. and Mrs. N. Cutts andi famly. Ma-s. W. C. Werry, Oshawa; Mr-. d, Elizabethville, of Rexdale. and Ma-s. M. Jebson., Carolyn id's, Sunday. At the Sunday morning ser- and Gai-dan with C. F. Werry. W. Armnstrong, vice in the United Ch.urch, Miss Mi-. andi Mas. C. Davis andi nd Ma-s. Garland Dianne Mulhîgan, John Jackson Lynn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. al were Sunday 'and Garth Wilson, members of John Glovea- and Stephen, Tor- and Mrs. Ewart the Hi-C Club assisted Mrs. R. onto, with Mi-. and Mi-s. J. Glo- R. Bonsteel. ver. Lawrence Sav- Mr-. andi Mrs. Creighton Cari- Mr. and Ma-s. L. Stanley anti i-s. C. Yule and spent the weekend at Camai-- Helen, Ma-s. W. Parish, Brooklin, attended ser- van with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin with Mi-. and Mrs. P. Mountjoy. ,unday and were McGee. Ma-. and Mrs. Jim Wood, andi Mas. RU 'S- Miss Rena McKinley, Toronto, Jacklene andi Earle, Taunton; visited with friends in the vil- Mr-. and Mi-s. E. Mitdieton, Dar- ipson, Bowmnan- lage during the weekend. lene, Debbie, Oshawa; Mr. andi estheusea-'s Sun- Mrs. Chai-les Reynolds is a Mrs. Doa-land Windovea-, Shir- patient in Civic Hospital, Peter-1 ley, Oshawa; Mi-. and Mrs. 0. Bll Reid and borough.i Chapman, Orono, with Allan Ld Miss Normna _________ IWiliburs., r. Llew Hailo-1 Mrs. H. Mountjoy and Miss The joy O! life ls ta Put -Out B. Mountjoy at Mur-ray Mount- <. Houslandea-, ane's power- in somne natural jay's.u United Church, andi useful or harmiess Way.- Mr. A. Evans, Ma-s. Rowan as guest speaker Oliver Wendeil Holmes Jr. andi Annie, Gai-don Walter, Mr-. ana-d Mrs. Ar-thur- Rowan, Eliza- beth and, Linda, Yelvertan, with W. Weri-y's. Little Machel Williams Is wifth ber aunt, Mrs. W. Wood- ward for a week. Mi-. anti Mrs. Douglas Fari-. dale, Burlîngton, wea-e with H. E Farndale's for Sunday dinner. Ma-s. Foasyth af Englanti who is visiing at her son's, Sari, in the J. Glover bouse, attendeti Annivei-sary Service. Mr-. and Mrs. Robert Wei-ry OF LI INOIvisiteti during the weekend 0F LI ING Iwitia Mrs. Lazenby, Brantford. Robert wîli be assisting on the Lhead-a lot of living, or Blackstock Charge for the next rade a littie free time ta eight Sunday's. iph.*isn't worth the risk Mi-. and Ma-s. Grant Glover, Ann, Donna anti Mary Ellen at- nce o inke h s deamatendeti Decoration Service at Lnce Jalyateeh4thrtheiColumbus Prepa ration nting Resuits er, rape the surface clean then proceed as with an unpalnted surface. t Better results can be abtain- ed if the primer coat is ailowed 1to dry thoroughly before apply. ing the succeeding coats. It Is important ini every case that the paint manufacturer's instructions be followed rigidly if good resuits are to be obtain- ed. For lflterior painting good ventilation is needed to, dissi- pate the fumes and ta assist ini 1drying. Good lighting is also es- sential for interior work and daytime painting is recommend- ed as sunlight will permit a better inspection than artificial light. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Skelding of Mount Albert, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clin- ton Brown. Mrs. Cecil Burley returned home from Peterborough hos- pital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Gilmour and son Michael of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wâde spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wood of Beaverton. Mr. Calvin C. White spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haywood of Orillia. Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Mrs. Fxýank Gilmer, Miss Inez Symons of Welcome and Mrs. Alice Ruwe- Sleeman of Toronto, were week- endviitrsWith Mrs. Mabel Lesnr of Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Leushner at their cottage at Fort Erie. The Stapleton andI Henderson. familles picnicked at Oshawa Park on Suniday. A miscellaneous shower was held in the chuirch hall, Friday evening for Miss Gloria Lane whose marriage to Mr. Chas. Gray of Newcastle, will take place on Saturday, July i lth, ini the Newtonville Uni te d Church at 3 p.m. Saturday evening friends ga- thered in the Comnmunity Hall FLASH'le We Need More Sales BALERS AND Some Power Lawnmowers GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE COME AND LOOK THEM OVER W. H. Brown Case Dealer and Ma-s. Jack Ogden when they were presenteti with a kitchen chrome set. A Gardon family gathering was helti at the home of Ma-. anti Ma-s. Wallace Bougben on Sunday ta meet Mrs. Elnaer Munford and son, recentiy ar. raveti fa-rn MeCord, Sask. Recent visitai-s with Rev. and Ma-s. R. C. White were Brigadier and Ma-s. J. T.' Gillingharn, S.A. - o! Vancouver- anti Mr. and Mr& 3-Point Hilch NGWER 7-foot $320 ICowan Equipment ingt.E.Company 134 KingSt.E Bowmanville MA 3-5689 191 King St. W. MA 3-5497 SOLID CITIZEN Ask Bob Jacques what he Mies most about bis job, and he'fl say "meeting people'. You sec, Bob likes people, and bis job of credit officer with The' Toronto-Dominion Bank i Chatham gives him ample opportunity to meet people and to serve thein. He works with people off the job, too, and meets bis civic responsibilities by serving as an officer and active member i a number of community and fraternal organizations. That's Bob Jacques-sqld citizen, capable banker-another exaniple of the friendly, efficient and helpful people you'll meet in over 520 Toronto-Dominion Bank branches from oast to coast. Visit any nearby branch of "The Bank" soon and sec for yourself why ... people make lhe difference at TORONTO 8-DOMINION THE BANK THAT LOOK$ AHEAD B. L BURK, Manager, Bowmanville Branch .......................................... - - - - t Li ATTENTION FARNERS!1 USED EQUIPMENT and TrRACTORS INTERNATIONAL B-250 Diesel MASSEY "M2", good condition MASSEY "3M", overhauled INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR SPREADER INTERNATIONAL 8 f t. DISK INTERNATIONAL 7 ft. TRACTOR MOWER NEW HOLLAND "77" BALER 17-TOOTH CULTIVATOR, on rubber 13-DISK MASSEY DRILL CASE POWER TAKE-OFF COMBINE, one owner, in excellent condition HOLLAND AUTOMATIC PLANTER MASSEY-HARRIS BALER, with Motor, $700.00 CASE 7 ft. TRACTOR MOWER HORSE MOWERS - Any reasonable offer accepted. Special This Week! PAGE TE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVfLLF, ONTARIO THLYRSDAI ,Y, JUNE 25th, TM MA 3-5497 moi rA 1 lrH cm 1

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