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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 11

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q'TTTTR~DAY. 3UNE 25th. 1959 TEE CMiADIAN STAT~MAN, EOWMM~VILLE. OHTARIO PAGE ELEVEN I&w/Vuucad/ I Godon Âgnsw, EdIIor Îflewca st/e cSocal anc1 £ersona/ The Rev. M. C. Fisher, Presi- dent of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference of the United - Church, arid Mis. Fisher, are among those invited to attend the spe- cial servie in Sydenhamn Un- Ited Church, Kingston un Sun- day when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IH and Prince Phiip will visit the church. Mrs. George Smith spent the weekend visiting with Mi. and Mrs. Clifford Murray in Fox- boro. The xnany fiiends of Mr. Jas. 'T. Brown wil be sorry to learn that he is a patient in the Osh- awa General Hospital. 1%&. and Mis. Joe Quigg and famuly cf Toronto, visited with his mother Mus. Wm. Quigg :n Sunday. Fiiends cf Mi. Alex Prout will be pleased te leaun that he has improved sufficiently to retura to his home from the Oshawa General Hospital.___ Mr. and Mis. George Walton visited with Mr. and Mis. Lynn Dudley in Toronto last Wed- nesday. Sunday visitors with Mi. and Mis. Gordon Agnew were Mr. and Mis. E. A. Forbes of Mimi- Lco, Mi. and Mrs. M. E. Swan of Rexdale, Mis. Max Poole of Arnprioî and Mr. and Mis. D. H. Williams and Nancy of Bow- manville. CORRECTION - Two errors appeared in the Confirmation report of St. George's Church in our last issue. Nancy Ste- phenson, should have read Nan- cy Simpson and Verna Rowe should have been Veine Rowe. Archdeacon and Mi1s. C, W. Balfour of Peterborough were recent visitors with his sister, Mis. P. F. LeGresley. Mr. and Mis. George Walton visited with Mi. and Mis. Wmn. Duncan in Cobourg on Sunday evening. Phone Sul1 85 Children Register For Summer Swimming Classes in Bowman ville NEWCASTLE - The June meeting cf the Recreation Cern-i mittee was held in the Cern- munity Hall on Tuesday, June1 l6th with the President, Saml Brereton presiding, and intro- l ducing Mr. Deug Rigg, Bow-i manville's Recreation Director,1 who spoke to the merabers ex- plaining the many phases cf the recreation work including the various sports, handicrafts, etc., whîch corne under this depart- ment. It was reported a total cf 851 childuen had been regîstered ini the six different Red Cross classes being held in Bowman- ville every Monday through Fri-j day. Eacl child wihl attend one, class weekly. The committee1 spent considerable time discuss- ing and planning the transpor-1 tation problem and finally de-( cided eacl chihd should be as-( sessed $1.00 to help defray trans-1 portation costs.e There was considerable dis- cussion regarding the sending cf girls ta the leadership training cam ineier tô have someone trained te-supervise a commua- ity playground. Tracy Embhey was appointed ta arrange with two local girls to attend thel camp with this understanding. As a result of the above ap- pointment, the committee has sent Misses 'Susan Gray and Sharon Hancock ta the Quin- Mo-Lac Leadership Training Camp near Madoc. The cern- mittee hopes that after a week cf intensive instrgctioa these girls and the Recreation Com- mittee will be able te begin community playground activi- ties in the Newcastle Park on a small scale. If such an under- takig prvessuccssfl an ne ceives co-operation from the citizens a larger project in this line will be undertaken next summer. Alcohol and Education Discussed by W.C.T.U. NEWCASTLE - The June meeting of the Womnaa's Chris- tian Temperance Union was held in the Board room cof the United Church last Thursday with the President, Mis. T. G. Sowden piesîding and opening the meeting with a lymn and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The program committee ap-1 poiated for the September meet- ing were Mis. Sowden, Mus. Hoar and Mis. Awde. Miss Feuguson reporting forý the "'Listeaing Post" read an article by the Rev. J. R. Mutol- mou D. D. "Monopoly patterns in beer, liquor trade. The mon- opcly character cf the liquor business is evident fuom the fact that there are now just four big distilleries; Seagrams and Walkers have their Head- quarters in Canada and Sclen- ley's and National are U.S. Cor- porations. The brewing business cf, North America is rapidly com- ing under the contiol cf the "Big three" Anhauser-Buschl and Schlitz in the U.S.A. and Canadian Breweries with head- quarters in Toronto. The bever- age;Èkcohol business spends $500 million aanuahly on the adver- tising cf beer wine and spirit- ucus liquais. During the worship service a hymn was suag, Mus. Hoar read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Rodgers offered prayer. The clip sheet entitled "Alco- hol and Education" was con- ducted by Mrs. Sowden with Mi1s. Hoar, Mus. Redgers and Miss Ferguson assisting and ne- vealed that the program cf al- colol educatica should start first in the home by precept and example and be augmented by lectures, films and instruc- tioi in schools and churches. This education is important at school age since 98 percent cf the people who drink start in their teens. In Saskatchewaa the werk cf aicohol education las the com- plete approval cf the Minister cf Education. In Alberta -a pro- grarn educatioa through sehools, church and community was au- raaged by the W.C.T.U. the Christian dhurcIes and the gov- ernment cf the province. In 1947 British Columbia ap- pointed a Director cf Alcohol Education. Later a course cf Teacher training for alcohol education was givea in the Ju- iy Teacher Training Program. Tînt same year the W.C.T.U. cf Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba started a summer sehool cf Narcotic Education at Saskatoon and it was given financial support by the Prov- incial Departmeat cf Education. Ia Ontarie the W.C.T.U. las Educational pîojects in schools where tendhers co-operate. A work cf educatîca takes place in posters, essays and health bocks. The Field. Secretary, Miss Gertrude Campbell is do- iag a great service in heu con- tact with youtl. Mus. Perigoe, the nationial president, las said "The objec- tive cf the W.C.T.U. Is toi edu- cate public sentiment against the use cf alcohol as a beverage. Education on this subject must be persistent and many sided". The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah beaedic- tion repeated in unison. Firemen Net O0ver $200 F rom Draw NEWCASTLE - Keen inter- est was shown on Saturday evening when ticket stubs were drawa by Reeve D. J. Cunning- ham fer winners of the chaise lounge, radio and end table on whicl members cf the Newcas- tle Volunteer Fire Department have been selling tickets. The first ticket drawn won toi Wm. Iîeland, Newcastle, a lovely chaise louage. The sec- ond ticket, won for Ralpn Adams cf Uptergrove, a port- able radio and the third prize, an end table went to S. Cari cf Coborne. Over $200 was realized in the duaw and the .firemen plan te usea the o nvfor.,the n,,rchnc, cf uniform eq uiprent. Brownies Make Plans For Picnic NEWCASTLE- The Newcas- tle Brownies held their last re- gular meeting cf the season hast Wednesday wlen Mis. Ruddell opened the meeting by eniclling Joan Young as a Girl Guide and stnuting witl the meetings in September Joan wiil be a Taway Owl. Three girls completed their Golden hand badge, Susan Fln- toff, Hilda TenDam and Crys- tai Shaw and work was cern- pleted for the Gol den Ladder Badge by Darlene Bowen, Bet- tyCouch and Janie Zweir. Two IUrficiency badges were wo'n by Tîna Kozub for her needle- woîk badge and Elizabeth Ko- zbfor heu Artists Badge. Aspecial meeting is planned for September when these girls wihl receive their badges. A Brownies Picnic was plan- ned for Wednesday. July lst when the Bnownies, Mlothers and the little cnes are invited at Watcna Park from il a.xn. te 4 p.m. SAVE DROWNING DOG Since net ail dogs are natural swimmers, there are drowning casualties every * summer. If a dog can be pulled out of the water he can usually be saved, points cut The Canadian Ken- nel Club, 667 Yonge Street, To- ronto, but fast wcrk is essen- tial. Place the dcg on h!3 side, push with the fiat of ycur hand on his ibs, thea remove yeur weight quickly. Repeat once in two seconds. Breathîng at first Iwil ho shailow, then graduahly deepen. A check-up by a vet- arinarian ahould 10110w. NEWCASTLE - Members of the planning committee cf the Oshawa Presbyterial cf the Woman's Missionary Society cf the United Church met at the home cf the President, Mis. M. C. Fisher on Monday afternoon. The follcwing auxiliaries were represented: Oshawa - North- ininster .and St. Stephen's; Pick- ering, Greenwood, Columbus, Ebenezer, Maple Grove, St. Paul's, Bowmanville; Hampton and Newcastle. Two past presi- dents, Mis. K. C. Hopkins cf Ebenezer and Mis. W. P. Rod-1 NEW GAMES GLEN gens of Newcastle were also present. It was decided Rallies wouhd be held in the Columbus United Churcl on October 27th, with Mis. H. A. Mellow the Vice- Presideat for the western sec- tion presidiag, and on October 29th in Ebenezer Uaited Church with Mis. H. Ferguson, sectional vice-piesideat cf the Eastern section pîesiding. At the close cf the meeting a social time was enjoyed when the ladies were served stnaw- ýberry shoîtcake with ice cueam. *1* NEW PRIZES RAE 98 King St. W. DAIRY Bowmanville Man yNew Features For Big Lions Carnival Iln the Arena on Friday NEWCASTLE - The main item cf business at Thursday's meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club was the completion of plans for the aninual Carnival being held this year in the New- castle Mémorial Aiena on Fri- day, June 26th. Lion Irwin Col- will, chairman of the commit- tee reported plans included new games, prizes and merry-go- round and appoiated members to man these additions and ne- cessary changes ini the general staff of the Carnival. Another project îeceiving the attention of the members was the proposed improvements at the front of the communîty park. Many suggested improve- ments were discussed by the members culminating in a mo- tion by Lions Breaton Riekard and Harper Kelsey instructing the comxnittee of Frank Hoar, Fred Couch and Keith Alken ta meet with the village coun- cil. They wiUl seek permission for the club te, proceed with suggested improvements, to get the estimated costs. on the var- ious suggestions and report back ta the club so that members xnay decide what project the club could handle financially. It was suggested the results of the annual carnival aext week and the support it receiv- cd would be a guide ta the members in deciding what pro- jccts could be undertaken. Ne w 0fficers lnstalled By Dep. Dis t. Governor During Lions Meeting *NEWCASTLE - The 1959-60 installed officers. officers and commidttees of the The new president, Lion Chas. Newcastle Lions Club wr n staled y th Deuty istitMegit in taking over the presi- Governor, Lion Brenton Rlck- dency stated the president is ard t th reularmeetng flnot the Lions Club and that the the Club held in the Queen's c-prto feeymme Ilotel dining-room last Thurs- is necessary to make an active day evening. club. He said there were tào Callig eah oficermany one man committees; it Callnc achoffcerto the is ail left to the chairman who, front of the room in or der, Lion with no help from his commit- Brenton explained his duties tee members becomes discour- to each of the newly elected of- aged and the committee does ficers, who are as follows: Pre- flot function satisfactorily. He sident, Chas, Megit; Vice Presi- said he had padded the standing dents, Ist, Frank Hoar; 2nd, oommittees well and expected Harxy Jose; 3rd, Carl Gould; every member on the commit- Secretary, Murray Paterson; tee to do his full share in the Treasurer, Harper Kelsey; Tail woîk of the commnittee. Twister, Chas. Knox, Lion Tam- er, Phil Williams; Directors, committees Bill Storks. John Koropatwa, Ude lst Vice President Harold Gibson and Dick Love- Fb'ank Hoar-First named is kmn. chairman-Program - Howard Alter installing the new of- Toms, R. Lovekin, W. Storks; ficers, the Deputy District Gov- Membership--Chas. Gilkes, R. ernor invested the immediate Dickinson, G. Duval; Finance- past president Lion Chas. Gilkes James Porter (banker) and R. with his past presidents' pin Lovekin;, Health and Welfare- After thanking the members for D. Cunningham, W. Storks, M. thçir co-operation during the Pedwell and H. Gibson; Flow- past year, Lion Chas. turned ers-F. Couch and R. Goode; the meeting over to the newly Initiation and Lions Education For Oshawa & Whitby Districts Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby -K. Stephenson, P. Rare and T. Lewis. Under 2nd Vice Piesident Harry Jose - Civic Improve- ment-F. Couch, K. Aiken, R. *Varveth, E. Smith; Constitution and Bylaws--F. Rickard, J. Ko- îopatwa, K. Stephenson; Boy Scouts-H. Gibson, D. Cunning- ham, R. Goode, T. Henderson; Transportation-T. Lennard, J. DeWith, F. Bernard, F. Rickard; Orono Health and Welfare-G. Duval, J. Koropatwa. Under 3rd Vice President Carl Gould-Boys and Girls- E. Smith, F. Barnard, T. Hen- derson, H. Pedwell, J. DeWith, R. Dickinson; Bulletin and Pub- licity-J. Porter (banker); Pro- perty-P. Williams, J. Nesbîtt; Carnival-J. Rickard. J. Porter (cnr) T. Lewis, R. Carveth, I. Colwill and K. Aiken: Sight Sonservation-P. Haie, T. Len- nard, L. Miklos; Special Ways '-1. Colwill, C. Knox and J. Rickard. 1 MANVERS STATION Mr. Allan Johnston and Mr. Campbell, Windsor. Mis. Knox MacLeod, David and Randy, Ancaster, were vivsitois with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston. Mi. and Mis. Earl Fallis vis- ited friends in Toronto last week. The Women's Institute of Be-, thany gerved a hot turkey din- ner on Saturday evening to the "Durham Club" frorn Toronto, who were on a sight seeing tour by bus and cars. Reeve Earl and Mis. Argue were guests at the dinner. Mr. and Mus. Frank Derusha and Murray spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hensby and family at Roblin. Mrs. Bruce Stephenson took suddenly lU on Friday night and was îushed to a Peterbor- ough Hospital. Glad to report she was able to return home4 on Sunday. Mr. an.d \&s. Fred Young- man and family and Mr. and Mis. Alvin O]an spent the weekend at Dairymple Lake. Mi. and Mrs. Harold Thomp- son, MUrs. Jas. Boggs and Made- lime and Miss L. Davis visited Get Your Price For Your Liveslock through STATESMAN C LA S SIFIE D S Phono MArket 3-3303 STUART B. JAMES INSURÀNCIE MAL ESTATZU office MA 3-5681 King St. E Residence MA 3-5498 DBwthane II~ unS ubrgmuei IEu m nuthe'311 USI-Iwf Vigiena (front) ana Club Vet,,al Different? Decidedly so! Distm*nguislxed? One glance at its smart, straight-line Thunderbird roof tells you the Galaxie is net an ordinary car. Another glance, inside, will show you how Thunderbird luxury and comfort are combined with the convenience of a 6-passenger famnily car. This exclusive Galaxie elegance is matched with tradi- tional Ford economy. Ycu save on initial price, and standard features ike Ford's aluminized muffler and Full Flow cil filer save on operating costs. You can cho" a Six or V-8 engine, both running on regular gas. Different? Yeu'll say s0 yourself when. you've drivas, "bi distinguishedflou Ford at your Ford Dealer'a. IFord I (1i For Newcastle & Bowmanville Districts Carveth Motors NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO W.M.S. Auxiliaries Decide To Hold Rallies in the Fal Newcastle Lions Club CARNI VAL la NEWCASTLE ARENA on FRIDAYr JUNE 26 NEW MqERRY-GO-EOUND for the children Tickets on a Draw for Lady's and Gent's Northland Sweaters Boy's or Girl's Bicycle - Steam Iron The entire family wil really go for fresh strawberries, and delicious Glen. Rae Whipped Cream HOW TO CET PERFECT WHIPPED CIE»!: 1. Purchase a bottie of Glen Rae Whlpplng Cream. 3. Choose a amail, but falrly deep bowl, no that there Is not toc much space between the ides of the bowl and the blades of the beater. IL It ia most important to keep cream well chllled, at least 40 to 45 degrees F. It Is wlse to put beater and bowl ta chili thoroughly ln the refrigerator along wlth the creain, or rinse with cold water if you have no refrigerator. 4. Do flot try ta whlp toc much cream at once. The level of cream In the bowl should be about hait way up the blades of the beater. This allows the air te be whlpped Into, the cream more readlly. IL Flavorlng and sweetening sbould b. added last of al - after eream has been whlpped until It stands In sharp peaka. Iliig Sugar or fruit sugar la best for sweetenlng. Order soine of this extra fine whlpping ereamn fromn yonr milkmnn today. Glen Ra. Whipping makes any dessert taste botter. e Iboe Sag"xis unginen IMM. aaxie Town sedan, SIX #rV-43 IF R FOR a ETIER RUY m A USED CAR OR TRUCK# BE SURE TO sa OUR 1-vý OR OTHER SELECTIONS with M.r. and Mis. Vern O'Con. ner linLindsay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ough, Port Hope, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Olan. They were celebrating their 2lst weddiniz anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boggs and Madeline, Mr. and Mis. Harold Thompson and Miss Lyla Davis spent a couple of days at Corn.. wall looking over the new sea- way. also cailed at "Abby' Dawn" near Kingston en the return trip. Mr. and Mis. Don Guthrle and family, Millbrook., were Sundav guests with Mr. and Mis. Fred Youngman. Visitors with Mrs. W. Brad- ley dunîng the week were, Mrm Fred Jackson Toronto, Mis. Don McGregor, Hamilton, Mrs. Robt. Baker and family, Osh- awa. Don't you wait until it's too lote Once the medical bis start coniing in, it's ne timne to wonder if you have enough insurance. You should be fully protected against the financial burden cf serious illness or accident. Don't take chances ... get Sîckness and Accident insurance. Cail u&J . .. loday. wý do - ---- -1 TM CANADIAN STATESBRAN, BOVIdANVnl.Z ONTARIO PAGE ELEVER TMPMAT. XUffl 25th, 1959

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