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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 12

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MM TwELVz SPORTOPICS By Frank Mohum MA 3-7234 THIS WEEK IN SPORTS SOCCEK Benio - Saturday- ZMon at Maple Grove. Bowmanville et Tyrone. Junior - To-nlght - Solina at Bowmanvllle (Meniorlal), Zion at Hampton. Tyrone et Enniskiilen. Courtice et Maple Grove SOFTBALL Me« - Tonlght - McNulty's AHl-Stars vs. Stephen Fuels Tuesday - Stephen Fuels va. Ken's Men's Wear Ladies - Monday - Mlllbrook at Bowmanville Ahl softball games et Central Public School BASEBALL Pe. W.. - To-night-Bowmanville at Port Hope Monday - Port Hope at Bowmanvllle (Memorlal) Tuesday - Orono àt Bowmanville (Memorial>. Bantam - Friday - Courtice at Bowmanville (Memorial) Monday - Bowmanviile et Courtice juaveilie - Monday - Bowmanville et Orono i. t t t t GOLF COURSE ACTION Bowmanville's golf course was open for action over thE past weekend, as Oshawa U.A.W., and the Bowmanville Kînsmen held tournaments, and many local enthusiasts turned out on Sun- day afternoon. This reporter made his first start, Sunday merning ir the Kinsmen outing, in the cempany of "Jake" Brown, Ray Lathangue and Pat Cornell. None of the scores of this foursome should be made public, as nobody was up te par (?). However, 1 will admit that it took me 114 blows to cover the eighteen holes. The first hole is a fine straight one to start off on. Bogied it both times, although was in position to chip on both second shots, which makes me think it can't really be 390 yards long. The second fairway, with taîl trees on either side, is a real test of acurate driving ability. First time around, I pulled a beautiful drive right over the trees, bid the baîl a sad farewell, and dribbled the next drive into a pond of water te the left cf the tee. By the time I hit the next shot my score added up to five, and by way cf a good chip and a hucky putt, ended with seven. 'Used a two-iron off the tee the next time and hit one straight down the middle, but still ended with a seven. Think l'Il buy a boat, se I can retrieve the golf balîs lying lni the pond on number three hole. This is as tough a hole as anyone would want te play, in my opinion. You have three options, hit the green, the water or the trees. 1 tried all three. FIrst time, the bail arched beautifully through the air and handed o4 the edge of the green. Next trne areund, drove one right Into the water, and then colided with the trees on the next try. One honest fellow carded a 16 on the feurth. This reporter finished the first nine with a pair cf sevens and four sixes. The highlight of the day for me came on the 465 yard eighth hole, which I Pârred, mestly because cf a 15 foot putt. It sure was a nice feeling te take only five minutes te reach the course, instead cf driving ail over the country te play golf. In aur opinion, the course is still rough, which is te be Ken's Men Continue to Lead Softball League Ken's Men's Wear capitaliz- ed on McNulty's Ail Stars' er- rors te win 8-4, last Thursday night et the Central School dia- mond. Victery enabled the Men's Wear club te maintain a one gamne edge atep the stand- ings, while the Ail-Stars suffer-j ed their fifth censecutive de-j feat, to remain at the bottom of the heap. The All-Stars took a brief edge in the f irst, when Vince Vanstone walked, Ted Bird sa- crificed him te second, and "Peanut" Jackman and Rus Lane singled in succession. Ken's tallied four unearned runs in the bottom haîf, as shortstop Vanstone was guilty cf three errors, and John Ma- son and Jerry Marjerrison col- lected base hits. The teams tra- ded single runs in the third, but McNulty's came to life in the next inning te ncarly tie the1 score. Bird came threugh wîthi a clutch hit, with two on ands two eut, but was eut at thet plate on a fine relay from Ma-i son.r Base hits by Jackman andt Lane prompte d manager Ai1 Legionnaires Drop 7 -5 Tý'ilt Against Cobourg Cobourg came fromn behind a back, which they did, knotting 4-2 deficit to. edge Bowman- the count 5-5. Weeks picked up ville Legionnaires 7-5, in a the xin in relief, holding the Bantam encounter at the Mern- loca].s off the score sheet, while orial Park, Saturday night. Cobourg won the game xith a The Legionnaires grabbed a pair in the sixth. Ted Brown, 2-0 lead in the opening frame, Jim Coyle and Paul Mutton but singles by the visitors in the each doubled to lead the locals' next two innings tied the score.j seven hit attack against Weeks Bowmanville made it 4-2 in the and starter, Harp. fourth, but Cobourg countered Jon Hancock went the dis- with three in the fifth to move tance for the losing Legion- in front for the first time. Mus-I naires, giving up nine safeties. kuluk's home run with nobody on, started the uprising. In the bottomn haîf, it was Bowman vii .le's turn -to bounce Leg ion Tea m ards in to relieve starter Jir Clarke. Richards walked Terry Masters te fill the bases, but settled down te fan his son, IMaurice. When "Bun" WelsJ took three straight balîs, it ap- Ipeared that the Ali Stars were going te benefit from a wall te, force in the tying run. The starry reliefer had other ideas, coming beck te get Welsh on a called third strike, and f.anning pitcher Pat Cor- neil. The winners salted the gani away in the sixth, as Keni Kel- ly drew a base on bails after two were out, and Lloyd Ham-. ilton srnashed a home run, Bruce Cole walked, and scored the final tally, when catcher Welsh threw wild inte centre field on an attempted steel. Corneil gave up seven hits, but was victimized by five er- rors, in taking the hoss. Clarke survîved eight Ail-Star safeties te, register his second win without a loss. Richards fan- ned six batters: in the final three frames te widen his league-leading strikeout mar- THER'S- THE Wins Trophy Dart Tourney 'l, h -e r Girls' Softball Club Splits Two Close Ones After Bowmanviile had spur- ged for tb.ree sixth inning runs te take the lead for the first Urne, Cou.rtice bounced back for a pair in the bottom haîf and again in the final frame te grab off a narreow 7-6 decision, Friday night, ini Courtice. Successive hits by Phillips and Kowel pulled eut the win in the seventh. The winners collected 14 sefeties off loser Marg Pickard, as Kowel and Courtice did the big damage with thiree hits opiece. Shortstop Barbara Hughes was the hocels' top batter, col- lecting th!ree base knocks. Monday night's tilt et Cen- trai School diamond, featured a tight pitching duel between Marg Pickard and Enid Ten- nent, before Bowmanville broke a 3-3 tie with a pair of runs in the sLxth te take a 5-3 win. Karen Bragg and Helen Nich- olson each collected two hits off loser Tennant, whe only eilow- ed seven sefeties over the dis- tance. Cooper was the losers' best accounting for one-third cf Orono's six hit total. Sandra Chaskavjtch hemered after walks te Edith Nirnigon and Barbera Hughes te stake Bowmanviile te a 3-0 first in- ning leed. Madeline Ailin's two- run homer in the third and hits by Forrester and Cooper in the sîxth tied the score. Bowrnanville won the gamne in the bottorn haif, as Bragg singled, Nicholson doubled, and Helen Panas was sale on an High Scoring Contests H-igh scores were in vogue er's fine control helped him te Mlenday night, as Cobourg get out of any trouble. Guy trampled Bowmanville in Pee Parks was Bowmanviile's topj Wee action et the Memorial hîtter with three for four, and Park, 27-6, end Bowmanville John Kilpatrick added a pair Olympias swaînped Blackstock of base knocks. 35-4, et Vincent Massey Park JUVENILE - Blackstock was in e Juvenile game. ne match for the Bowmanville j PEE WEE - The Pee Wee Olympias, who pounded eut 16 contest was just that, a contest, hits and capitalized on numer-j for three innings, as Cobourg eus walks and wild pitohes te led 9-5, but Ryan held the ho- romp te a' rugby score win. , cals to a single run over the, Pitcher Dave Crydermen had balance of the game, whiile the! a 35-O no-hitter going for him visitors scored five in the 4th, with two eut in the final frame. epair in the 5th, seven in the First sacker McArthur blasted 6th, and finished up with four a grand slam home run, after 7th inning tallies. the bases had been leaded on Paced by Jenkins' five for walks.j five effort, Cobourg teed off on Cryderman wes the big gu'i inI leser Gerald Harness fer 20 the hitting department wit base hits. Ryan and McDonald, four safeties. Shortstop .Ros each claimed four safeties. 1 Turner and second sacker, Don The locals taggred Ryan for 13 Bagneli claimed three hits bingles, but the Cobourg huri- apece. For Family Fun Attend Community Picnic July 1 IWednesday, July ist, has been Jj1eLLedLtinLpartment for tacii *xPected, but osdrn the cegt f time thet has passed ETR On Saturday, June 2th the Annuel. Community Picnic tc con wr ssitdrinoonenthol mpan FAMILY District Dart Tournanient was be held at Crean-iof Barle'. min e w rk es stated n on sh ul ce pian.AT held at the Legion Hall Branch Park. There wili be the usuai t t t , . 178 Bowmenviile. races, fish pend, rides, bingo MANGERCHAGE AR There were 14 teeraspresent treasure hunt, pie eating con- MANGERCHAGEfrom Whitby, Oshawa, Bow- test and bahloons. Ls ,;manville, Trenton, Cobourg, A Children's Costume Pa- LatThursday night, Jim Crombie made his debut, as the 0F Port Hope, Belleville, Marmoera, -rade wili be held ln the mora- Manaer f MNuly'sAll-tar. Ml Brges ha hed te pstPeterborough, Hastings and ing, startnlg et 10:30 a.m. The narof McNul att sAIl-Sfthears Me hl res hiad ehd hepotDeseronto. Teams doubles and children are asked te meet ai cn i h t, th erta r c th e swhih e p î o ein as wea . B AlL E T singles were played off for the the Lions Co xnrunity Centre Toniht M na er Cr mbe il ete ptte le d is teM right te enter the . Provincial and wili parade te Central to thefr ffrst win et the expense cf Stephen Fuels, who wiîî have PARK dart tournament te be held etj Schooi Grotinds where the iudg- Jac Cleet hehem fr hefist im. ponorGerg Riverside Juiy 4th the winners ing wili take place. Cash prizes JakCoea tehlmfr h irttme posrGerewere: wiil be given for the best ces- Btephen Was forced ta fihh the breech lest week, after former With something new and Tas Duls Snis *ue asvnctgre:Dm Manager Ji.r Coyhe vacated the post. different every vist!! Tas Duls Snls -ue nsvnctgre:Dm Feature attraction this week Bowmanville, Whitby, Whitby. ien Day Theme, Doll Car-. t t t t t is Tiny Japanese Sika Deer Bowmanvile, P. Hope, Whitby. niages, Comic, Western, Foreign, now 10 deys aid (more ex- Whitby Port Hope, Port Hope. Original and Decorated Bicycle. SOMTALL STANDINGS peeted any day) and the Oshawa, Peterboro, Peterboro. 71e Bowmanville Legion Pipe Peacocks are et their very The winners of district tro- W L T Pts. best. Remember . many phies were Bowmanville's No. Icen'. Men's Wear________ 4 1 8 of the Deer, Liames;, etc., 2 team, consisting cf E. Stan- Stephen Fuels_______ 3 2 0 6 roamnfreely about. andil l cer, M. Yourth, A. Anderson D o n Shay . À Surpus _______________3 2 O 6 eupdtoack r e r andy andJ. Nickerson. R S u r p u s al e s3 20 6 at r a c k r J c k f o m o u rD o u b le s w e r e R . J a c o b s , H . MeNulty's Ail-Stars 0________ 5 0 0 hand. Hill, Whitby. R le Q ueei ___________________________________________Singles winner was R. -Je- :se e :: - - -u - a :: u - -. e z m : . . - - - --cobs, W h itby . The Sim coe A ren e today an-1 nounced the openingofe the Al Ontario Roiler Skate .Queen Contest for 1959. The competii- tien, one of the biggest la the jprovince, is open te all girls be- tween the ages of 16 and 22. the Simcoe Chamber of Com- TH A N K S hk merce Trophy$100.00in cash. and he oporunit ofparti- We ,of the Bowmanville Canadian Tire Associale Store, an ur Fioriebet h6-18, orj1959e. IEntry blanks for the contest many new friends and customers of Bowmanville and District for their ca arenoao iec from thelo cayabenaotiefr ourlhe inferest in our Grand Opening last week . . . and the response we received The dateotena, S nacertio Thursday, July 30th and rein- on e secils ffeed o Ioseof d ~ ~ peas acepiember this: a contestant does onteseil fee.T hs fyou wAIo cou l otattendu ae cetnet have to be an excellent limerelier skater- te be eligible for our nviatin b ropin nu ~ Iok oer or sorethe contest. The Judges' choice orivtto Iodo inayf me n loUve u modernsor.fer the Skate Queen will be based on poise, beauty and per- C. Stewart MdcTavishd qf;%ffit "44 -- -- - %.&6 - -61Jd A u yloix all IJulall SOCCER HI - LIGHTSj ZMon get an extra peint with- out . pleying during the past week, when it was announced that lest week's reported 2-2 tie with Courtice, should have been a 3-2 win for Zion. Hamnpton missed a greet op- portunity to gain on the lead- ers, droppirng a 3-1 contest te Bowmanviile Hooper's Jewel- lers hast Wednesday night. Wy- rone made it two wins lnae row by virtue cf e 3-1 victory over Meple Grave. It was the Grave Ioutfit's second straight îoss. Saturday action was featured by Solina's first win cf the yeer -a 3-1 decision, as Enniskilenj lest ntimber three in succession.j Courtice shut eut the Hooper'sc Jeweilers 2-0 te miove inte sec- ond, two points behind the Zionc pace-setters. ý In the junior division, unde- leated Zion rolled ever Tyrone1 8-0, whiie Maple Greve postedc their fourth win, alter dropping the apener,-e 3-h decision over1 FEiniskillen. Saline defeatedz Ceurtice 3-2 te move past theT lasers into third position. Hein-1 Pton suffered their fifth hoss without a win, as Bewmanvillled grebbed off victory number one, 1 by a narrow 1-0 margin. c Band will heed the parade. Another feature cf the day will be the Lindsay Kîwanis Kavaliers Drum and Bugle Corp who wilh perform for your enjoyment. Proceedings will get under- way et Creain of Barhey Park at 2:00 p.rn. and there will be1 free pop or ice cream for the kiddies, aiong with free tickets* for a ride, balloons and fish pend. There wiil be prizes for ail the race winners, and fer the aduits a Town League Sof t- bail gamne wîil take place be- tween Ken's Men's Wear andi Bowmanviile Surplus Sales. Foilowing the bail game there wiil be bingo. To add a fitting climax to the day there wilh be a colossal %,nnounces n <.Çontest I .There Is a dreem we ting tei become reality for seme lucky girl in Ontario. It might be yeu. Don Shay, Manager of Simcoe Arena, is one cf Onterie's fev- ourite participating sports. It is good , fun and wholesome 're-' creation for young people and aduits alike. Naturaily wve are looking for a whoiesome Cana - dien beeuty te be our "Ail On- tarie Roller Skate Queen." Mr. Director for Bowmanville. S Hy AoMeryT ecO aiN Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parker visited ivss; Louise Goodman who returned te Toronto with them on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fernandez, Debbie and Ronnie, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. S. G. Niddery and Mary. Mr. Fred Shackleton, Salem, visited his grandsparents Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Shackleton on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. B. Killens and family were recent visitors with relatives at Picton. Miss Judy Lyon is holidaying with her cousins Kathy and Cheryl McCune, Oshawa. Mrs. Wilbur Bulmer, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wili Wil- bur and Mrs. Hewson on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and family, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox and son Donald, Cobourg; Mr. Frank Blunt and son Jimmie and Mrs. Frederîck: Blunt, Bowmanville, Arere Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hogarth. Mrs. T. M. Mountjoy attended ?Iaydon Anniversary on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gerrard. Mrs. R. Petley, Toronsto, vis. ited Mrs. Harold Allin and. tam- iy during the week and called on other friends. Miss Olive Watermar Tor- 'ato, -spent Saturday with Mrs. Sam Dewell. Miss Florence Werry spent a few days with friends at Hay- don. Miss Nmna Hodgson left on 'riday for Washington, DC., after spending a week with her arents Mr. and Mrs. RL J. [odg-son. Mr- and Mrs. W. Harrison and faughter, Coîbourne, were wîth ier parents Mr.andMrs. G. Ad- cwk on Sunday. i F H hE cc ir io ISoftball Star of WeekI DON GILHOOLY For the first Urne this season, a member of Stephen Fuela Was picked as the wîrmer of the Surplus Sales' Star of the Week IAward. It is only fitting that Don Gilhooly should have been thoi choice. The slick-fielding shortstop is a big reason for the Fueil second place ranking, hitting over .3Ô0, and letting nothint through the shortstop area. SLast Tuesday, "Gil" handled haif a dozen chances flaw- lessly, including a couple of plays that were outstanding. Gil- hooly went far to his left on a couple of occasions to make one put-out, and a great stop on another ball, which went for an jinfield hit. Don Gilhooly always covers a lot of ground. but Tuesday's effort was particularly spectacular, earning him the Star of the Week Award. Honourable mention went to Harry Snowden, who pitched a 4-3 win, driving in three runs witii a homer. Cobourt Downs Pee Wees three for three night at the Ewert threw a six hitter at plate. Jenkins cracked three the Bowmanville Pee Wees to safeties to Dace the mwinneMI 16 send the locals down to an 11-1 hit attack.e defeat in Cobourg, last WedII2s- Leftv Don MeMu-trter gave up day îiight. Another Ewert - four runs in each f the first Charles batted in Bowman- two innings and three more ;n villes lone run in the final the fourth to take the loss. Ger frame, to avert a shutout. Ir- aid Harness came on in reliei win Colwelj accounted for haif to hold Cobourg off the score of the base hits, with a perfect sheet for the final two inninge. cSoutl-ir,*ew 01 ani Country Club Open for Play ]EFFECTIVE JULY lst, 1959 GREEN FEES Mondey to Friday $1.50 CONDITIONS FAIR Club flouse Facilities Available Pro Shop Open for Club Rentais, Etc. HOW LONG Automotive engineers tell us that the motor in your car has a life expectency of FIVE TIMES that of the engine of 30 years ago. Because modern engines don't have te, work so hard, they last longer. Te get that extra 111e and extra mileage, your motor and fer that matter your whole carhas te be leoked after . . . and te get the most satisfaction you should have your car servieed et regular inter- Take air filters for example. Engineers have developed the air cleaner to remove dirt and road grit from the air before it gets inside your engiie. After 5,000 miles or so, the average air filter is so full of dust and grit that it wilI ne longer do its job properly ... you should have if cleaned to prevent excessive cylinder wear. Regular care of your car wiIl pay off in two ways. First, you get top performance ail the time you have the car . . . that means safer, trouble free driving. Secondly, when you decide to trade, you get a better deal with a car that'shows signs of good care. Best way of all to be sure of good care for your car is to bring it in regularly te Robson Motors Limited. Our factory trained mechanics and service men wiIl keep yrmur car purring likê a contented kitten. This -Week's Specials 1957 PONTIAC 2-Dr. Deluxe SEDAN V-8 automatic, custom radio, two-tone paint. A-i condition. 1955 PONTIAC 4-Dr. Deluxe SEDAN V-8, custom radio. One owner car, locally owned. A-i condition. i h Thes, are only a sample of the inany good us.d cars we have on our lot'A And Deembr. -. il pays Io buy frai. a certified dealer, where ail laie model cars> are guaranbeed. PRIZE WINNERS 0F OUR FREE' DRAW Boy': or Girl's Bicycle * -- U. HODGKINSON Electric Fry Pan . . . -MES. E. MacDONALD Picnic Cooler - - - - - - - MES. J. L. ROSE Globe of the World -----SHARON WEDDER Draw was made Saturday afiernoon by Eddie Luther of CFRB' COflDhRDTIRE 160 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVI LLE b - iýl BOWMANVILLE Bill Steven nnr àoi laqc ý_ dm IP et a- -tu il

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