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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 13

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.,THtTRSDAY, JUNE. 25th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIUO PA<iW 'mu'pm~ww . ,EnjoyabIe Day Camp 'HeId at Osborne Farm for 41h Town Cub Pack hd"An enjoyable outinz was held "orthe 4th n lb.'rnarivile Cu'o P&klast ariq under the direction of Mr- Ji n- Wood- l ey, the Akelà. ar ' (1,Fiank Os- ayond, the lb)o. and 21 bo.ysi took part. The group left Bow. manville at anc p.m. ror Russell Oshorne's farm on the 3rd Con- cession of Clarke Township. During the arternoon games were played. The Cubs were specially enthusiastic about Rur Sheep Run, and the Zulu Boy Game. There was an interest- ing obstacle race Involving their Cub work. AU took pari in clay modelling and the swim period. After the picnmc supper the boys played a game of soit bail The final Grand Howl followecl and two boys, Gregory Conden and Billy Cowan, wcrc invest- ed as Cubs in an impressive out- door ceremony. Tommy Joncs, G. Burgess and Bobby Large received their first star. Two boys, Wayne Burgess and Bruce Barrett, were given their sec- ond Star. A swimmer badge, anc of the proficiency badges, was presented to Wayne Burgess. Prizes for dlay modelling were won by Paul Kelly, Mich- ael Cawker and Kenny Carr. Mrs. Joan Woodley prescnted her Akela badge to Fnank Os- mond, who wîll take charge of the 4th Bowmanville Cub Pack in the autumn. Mrs. Woodley bas been prominent in work on behalf of the Cubs for some time, and bas been the Akela of the 4th Bowmanville Cub i!ere's the best in heating comfort RED TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE -You can be sure you are getting the world's flnest hard coal1' Remem ber there is economy in quality. Ask for if today! STOVE 'U IT PEA - BRIQUETS SUtMMER PRICES NO VýlIUN EFFECT - BLY NOW AND SAVE - STEPHEN1. - Fu L, RADN PHONE'MA 3-5410 .N ITs 'am Office at C.N.R. Yards 'el MERC z V COOKED, READY TO SERVE SAKPORTION lb 4 9 c Pack fa ncanly five years. E The award for the Best SixFi l o C wa rceve c teSix head-ri dDyC ed by Leon Carr. Awards were also given to thc best dlay mod- Receive Si uve elers. The final Camp Fire was a on Friday, June 19th the pu- tremendous success. The Cubs 1plis of Salem, Providence, S. S. presented three hilarlous skits,, No. 4 -and Shaw's Schools, met -"A Kidnapping", "A Robbery ' at Shaw'& for a track and field and "An Operation". The group meet, o ommittee. Mrs. Audrey Os The day's events commenced mond and Mrs. Betty Kelly rly after nine o'clock with afterwards served hot chocolate Mhrtl eCobs fPoi and cookies to the boys and the Mn. eslciegCsoofbeciai sProve- party broke up at 8:30 oclockido eeaceig s. ofca tre The Camp helpers were Con-f h rcs nie Osmond, Jiin MacDonald, Alter the completion af the Doug Carter, Pat Kelly and races the children wcre divid- Kcith Porter. Motion pictures cd into individual age groups of the investiture were talcen with anc teacher and several by Howard Corden. parents in charge of each group. t The champions for the track and field events were as fol- BURK TONlows: Junior Girl, Patricia Ru- 71he Publie School, will hold Lovekin, Shaw's. Its annual Field Day on Frîday, Junior Boy, Murray O'Brien, June 26 at the School grounds, Shaw's; Runner-up, Stanley commencing at 2 p.m. Found, S. S. No. 4. Mns. John Carter Is spending Intermediate Girl, Shirley a few days in Bnockville visit- Pickcll, S. S. No. 4, Runner-up, ing friends and relatives. Stephanie Prazienka, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton Intermediate Boy, Peter Wer- and Roy, attended the Welsh ry, Shaw's; Runnen-up, (Wal- family reunion picnic on Sun- ter Rîckard, Shaw's, Dean Wor- day, at the Cream of Barley den, S. S. No. 4) equal. Park. Senior Girl, Anna Christl, S. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell and baby, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue on Sunday. Laer the Mitchelîs andS c w s P p l ation Day Services at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor Vis it Torontc and family, Mns. Beatrice Tay- lor and Stanley, attended the On Friday June 5th the pu-, Anniversary Services at Haydon pus of the Junior Room along on Sunday. with their teacher, Mrs. John Mrs. Edna McLaughlin, visit- Killeen and five mothers, Mrs. cd with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ash- Byron Cryderman-, Mis. Leonard ton, Haydon, on Sunday. Jones, Mrs. Erie Lovekin, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lane and Charles Downey and Mrs. Pat- children and Mrs. Mary Dean rick Harte-Maxweli, left the attended Decoration Day Service' school for a tour of Lindsay. and visited friends in Oshawa Upon their anrival the group 1 on Sunday.'1 was greeted by Mn. E. Dicknoe- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Harvey, 1 ther of Lindsay Chamber of Oshawa, were Sunday guests Of Commerce who had arranged Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull. the tour. Sunday visitors with Mr. and The children first visited the Mrs. E. M. Adams were Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Nestleton. Lindsay Public Library where Wedding bells wili soon be1 they~ heard lectures an the ringing for Mr. Ken Larmen making of books and the histor:v and Miss Marlon Woodburn. In of the library. The éhildren view of this event, Mrs. Charles were especially interested in the Fee held a miscellaneous show- display of birds' eggs and stuff-1 er for the bride-to-be on Satur- e d birds. day evening. Among those who . After spending an hour visit-j attended the sbower was the ing the Lindsay Post Office thet groom's mother, Mrs. Harold group eiioyed the lunch ho uri Mrs. Lilda Sevenson and gra- The children were verir en-1 nddaughter Anne, Toronto, were thused over the chicks which Sunday visitors with Mr. and îtbey saw at the Bray Hatchery.1 Mrs. Munray Archibald. While there they were taughti The Larmer family beld their how to candle eggs and thcy annual family reunion picnic at1 noted the progress of the chick the Cream of Barley Park on during the period of incubation. Sunday. Aiter touring the National The W.A. will meet at the, Textiles Plant where they oh- home of Mns. John Carter for served the production of cloth- their July meeting with the ing the class retunned home.- meeting taking place on the On Wednesday, June l9th the lawn, weathen permitting. (Senior Room pupils at Shaws Mn. and Mns. George Wallen cbaperoned by Mrs. F. Alexan- and Billie, Markham, were Fni- der, Mrs. E. Browes, Miîs. K. day aftennoon callers at the Werry and M. Rabb', along home of her parents, Mr. and with their teacher, Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. R. Bone. Atchison, took an educational Mr. and Mrs. George Allison, tour of Toronto. visited his father, Mr. Allison who is ill in Port Hope General HLakeishor Mr. Ted VanLuven and MrsJa e h r Suse VnVokeber,(Pteror ough, wereSunday vLiRevisedt Mr. James Curran, Mr. and Mrs.Gil e s d Orvus Smith and Chnis, Oshawajl _______________________ Following is the revised sche- Bdule for tbc Lakeshore Girls' Juvenile Softbali League with four teams in the league, Bow- T HIS WEEKI1 6 QUART t COVERED 99: ROR FINISliwtHec SI$599! VALUE Mhoe ~ rCannied Meat Reg. tin 43*-SAVE 4a NO. 1 GRADE ARIZONA SEEDLESS & RED CARDINAL GlU ù~ 5c KAM 12 oz tir 3 9 12o Off Denai Reg. pkg 73o--SAVE 4 b FAB giant size pkg 69C Betty Crocke.- Reg. pkg 37e--SAVE lic CAKE MIXES 3 20-oz plgs 1.00 Mid Reg. lb 45c-SAVE 2o CHEDDAR CHEESE 1-b43c Regular & Quarters Reg. 2-lb. 55c-4SAVE lie MONARCH MARGARINE 41-lbpkgs99C Jan@ Parker Reg. 49o-BSAVE 10e APPLE PI .ach 39c manville, Orono, Newcastle and Port Hope. The girls are not more than 15 years of age and eaoh team will be allowed to carry only 15 players, who wili be unable to play for any other team. Bownianville will play their home games at Franklin Park, where the starting time will be 6:45 p.m. Tom J. Park will be the home umpire and the team Iwill be coached by Bruce Col- well and managed by AI John- st on . S h d l June - Shdl 29-Bowmanville at Orono 29-Ncwcastle at Port Hope July -j 2-Orono at Bowmanville 2-Port Hope at Newcastle 6-Newcastle at Bowmanville 6-Port Hope at Orono 8-Bowmanville at Newcastle 8-Orono at Port Hope 13-Newcastle at Orono 13-Bowmanvile at Port Hope 15-Orono at Newcastle 15-Port Hope at Bowmanvilic 24-Newcastle at Bowmanvile 24-Port Hope at Orono 27-Bowmanville at Newcastle 27-Orono at Port Hope August- 17-Bowrnanvilce at Orono 17-Newcastle nE' Port Hope 19-Orono at Bowmanville 19-Port Hope at Newcastle 24-Port Hope at Bowmanville 24-Newcastle at Orono. 27-Bowmanville at Port Hope 27-Orono at Newcastle First af thc lemi-finals will be played August 31, team fin- ishing first playing team three and team two playing four. Sec- ond round will be played Sept. 2 with thrce playing anc and four playing two. Total nuns will count on the round. Finals wili be two out of thnee games on Sept. 7, 9 and lOth if neces- sary. "SOLITUDE IS SWEET"O My sense of natunc's nich glooms ls, that loneness lacks but one charm ta make it half divine-a friend, with whomn to whisper, "Solitude is swet.- Mary Baker Eddy. 1 Solitude is as necdful ta the , imagination as society is whoie- some for the character.-James Russell Loweli. What sweet delights a quiet life affords.-Henry Drunxond. I have often said that ail the misfontuncs of men spring fnom their not knowing how to live t quietly at home, in their own roo-ns.-Blaise Pascal. A wise mïan is neyer less alone than when he is alonc-Jona- than Swift. Conversation enriches the understanding. but solitude is the school af genius.-Edward Gibbon. - NO0 CENTRE SLICES REMOVED Dliii PORTION lb 59C -'ounfg Mens. 8 to 12-1b. Average TU RKEYS GradeAoý@Rd lb 41c AIl Prices In This Ad Quarantied Through Saturday, June 27th, 19Mt hampions ,r Medals S. No. 4: Runner-up, Ruth Wer- ry, Shaw's. Senior Boy, Jini Flan, Shaw's:, Runner-up, Ray Plekeil, S. s. No. 4. The champions were each presented with an engraved silver medal, donated by the tea chers. The champion for the day was Jim Finn, Shaw's., with a total af 20 pointa. During' the afterrioon baill games were played between Salem and S. S. No. 4 pupils with Salem winning with the score af 12-7. Then Salem play- ed Shaw's and proved them- selves ta be the champion bail players by again winning. The score of the second game was 20-15 for Salem. Mrs. Herbert Mackie of S. S. No. 4, the head scorekeeper for the day presented the Riekard cup to, Shaw's Schooi which. had won the highest number of points. The teachers would like to sincerely thank the parents who drove cars and assisted lin var- ious other, ways. T «ake'Tours o & Lindsay The group visited the Royali Ont. Museum, Riverdale Park, the Parliament Buildings, and the Dunlop Observatory. The teachers and pupils of the sohool wish to extend their appreciation to the Home and School Club, the chaperones and the Garton Bus drivers for mak- ing the outing so successful. ZION Decoration Day at the Cerne- tery is July 5th. The guest speaker will be Dr. R. P. Viv- ian. Bring along your flowers and make the Cemetery beau- tiful. Time ai service is i a.m. Mrs. Boyd Ayre was hostess for a community misceilaneous shower for Miss Glenna Morgan on Tuesday evening. The bride- to-be received many lovely and useful gifts. The cornmunity was shocked to hear on Wednesday morn- ing last week that Mrs. Russell Perkins had passed away. She had attended the shower for Miss Glenna Morgan at Mrs. Boyd Ayre's an Tuesday even- mng and was apparenly as well as usual, but after returning home she had a heart attack and passed away before 3 a.m. Mrs. Perkîns came to Zion as a bride over 41 years ago and will be grcatly missed Mr. Perkins and Margaret have the sym- pathy of the comniunity in their hour of sorrow. Mrs. Ross Stainton and Lau- rie, Mrs. Russell Stainton visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, Scarborough, on Tuesday while Ross and Jim Stainton were at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sampson, Toronto, were overnight guests at Russell Perkins' on Friday night. Mrs. Bella 'Reeves, Argyle, stayed a couple of days at Rus- sell Pcrkins'. Keith Stainton visited Clarke at the Oshawa Generai Hospi- tal on Sunday where he is re- covering from he measies as wel as a broken leg. Mr. Eddie Romanchuk, Osh- awa, was a weekend guest at Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton, David and Douglas went on a picnic to Chemong Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Carneron attended the Maple Grove An- niversary and were supper guests at Morley Flintoff's, Ma- pie Grove. Russell Perkins and Margaret went to Brampton on Sunday and brought Mrs. Eva Perkins of Cheslcy home with them for a visit. Several attended the "open house" at the parsonage on Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton Ivisited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shaw, Oshawa, on Sun- day evening. Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Laurie visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Stephen, Oshawa, on Wed- nesday. ELIZABETH VILLE On Monday the schoois held their field day which had tobe postponed frorn Friday due to rain. The champion bail players were Osaca school made up of Oak Hill and part of Elizabeth- ville. They defeated Canton Sen- ior classes for South Hope. Can- ton has won the award for two years and would have kept it if they had won it. On Wednesday the Womcn's Insitute held their June meet- ing at Mrs. Quantrill's in the evening. President Mrs. Quant- ril opened the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Wheeley. It was decided to go on a shopping and picnic trip to Peterborough aur- selves instead of joining in the bus trip with Garden Hill. The roll call was, "what improve- ments I would like in my com- munity." Mrs. McAllister gave a report on the district annual and a reading on Dairy Month. Lunch was served by Mrs. Mc- Allister's group. Most of thc High School stu- COMMUNITY dents have finished their exame and holidaysbei. There are oniy Sbl1Shepprdand Dar- lene Thckson Ptflwritting from this locality. Due ta lUneu Miss Beryl Thickson was unable ta write ail her exams but she has been gi'ven lier year and will be able ta take her third year next year which expiaine aegrotat stand- ing. Sunday Sehool and Church services were held on Sunday with most of the teachers there. An extra drive is being made ta increase the Sunday School attendance for next Sunday. Wednesday afernoon niost of aur village attended the sale at Miss Eva Trew's at Oak Hill. Most af the ladies purchased enough to have their husbands coilecting their purchases in the evening. Several attended the Stock Show at Gloriadale Farms on Wednesday evening. A ratepayers meeting was held un the council chamber on Friday concerni,1n*g thee question of whether ta bui id a new Cen- tral School. It was decided to build one. A tobacco board meeting was also held Frlday in the Legion Hall In Port Hope and several attended It. y.' Miss Donna Kebecky, Hamil- ton, in vlsiting lier aunt Ms Woolacot. Mr. and Mrs. A.' Ste. wtbo lived in the Mercer house mo. ved out on Saturday and a new family from Oshawa moved "a Clarence Mercer han pur- chased a lot south of Mr. Wfl. bert Beetty's house and has the cellar dug out and most of the forms in for the cellar in pré. paratian before niovlng tieir present house. FOR THE BEST IN4 AMERICAN rSTANDARD BATHROOMS DURO WATER SYSTEMS FAIRBANKS-MORSEL HREATING Cail Colleet CG0UL D IlE AT IN Newcastle 4331 LOOK KD!. Get ready to enter the CHILDREN'S COSTUME PARADE - CASH- PRIZES - Wednesdaiy, JuIy lsçt 10:30 a.m. SFORNS UP AT LIONS CONNUNITY CENTflV Open to Boys and Girls - 16 and under Pa rade Roule: Lions Centre to Division St., South to King St., West to Silver St., continuing to Public School Grounds whero judging will take place. - CLASSES THEME WESTERN -7 - DOLL CARRIAGE - ORIGINAL DECORATED BICYCLE - COMIC - FOREIGN PI-CNIC CREAM 0F BARLEY PARK WEDNESDAY, 2:30 6:30 7:30 JULY l st OPENING CERENONIES - 2:00 P.N. -Races and Contests (for ail ages) -Town Leagne Softball Came -.Demonstraion hy Lindsay Kiwanis Kavaloors Drum and ~ Bugle Corps 8:15 - Nonuier Bingo 10:00 - Gi Fireworks Display Free tickets will ho given childron for RIDES - FISH POND - BALLOONS - RACES - TREASURE HUNT BINGO PIE EATING CONTEST DRING A IPICNIC LUNCH - ROT WATER SUPPLIED A&ttention!, FOR INFORMATION OR TRANSPORTATION to LIONS . COMMUNITY CENTRE BEECH AVE. for TUBERCULIN TEST PHONE MA 3 -3171 Tests begin i Bowmanville Tuesday, June 23 through to Tuesday,'June 30 See ful achedule for reading dates Sponsored by Northumberland-Durham TB Association Su9pcilrtgftt Qu9ality Meut specials SMOKED HAMS THREE CASH PRIZES IN EACH CLASS --- 1 ýý-TXIMDAY, JUNE. 26th, - 1959 T= CANADIAN STATESM«. BOWMANVMLE. ONTAIUO PAGE TEMTEM

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