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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 15

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'TNUE8DAY, JUNE 25th, 195~ I TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVULE~ ORITARTO PAGE TuTUS IThe Vilicigt By Mms Eethaniy Is the council seat o Manvers Township and ha been since about 1870. We havý no certain date for this as somi of the records were destroye( by the great lire which ravag eci the village in 1911. However we do know that prior toi tha date Council meetings were hel( throughout the township a Ballyduff, Newry which is nov knawn as Yeiverton, Janetvilig and Lifford. You might be interested ii knowing that Manvers Town ship was surveyed in 1816-17 b3 Samuel Wilmot and was name( Manvers li hcnor of Charle Pierrepoint, who succeeded t( estates of bis uncle Evelyn, Duki of Kingston and was create. Baron Pierrepoint and Viscoun Newark upon Trent in 1796 anc Earl Manvers in 1806. He wa: born in 1736, died 1816,. thi ,dyear that Manvers Townshj 4vas surveyed. Wîhi the eastern portion o the township was surveyec theTe was no mention of Beth. any; in fact, the road nov known as 7A highway whicl runs through the centre of thý village was flot even thoughý of. Early settiers trekking west. ward tram Cavan Townshil blazed the trail one mile soutl of the present highway betweer the sixth and seventh conces. sions what is now the Count3 road running north and soutii onle mile west of the presenl village. Here, there was a na. tural pond of water and herE also James Preston, one of thE earliest immigrants. built thE first grist miii. (This was own- eci ky Staples, McKinnon, White Gribble and the present owne: Roland G. Scott. On this samE road where the grist miii was established, a road was buili south towards the settiement which later became Manvern ICONTRACTING REPAIRS , NEIG ERATION-ELECDTRC *MOTOR -SALES- SERVICEM T.V3 AIO- PPUANCESr NIAI OUR SPECIAL Offbrs you the use of aur fitted bem wMt a specWalmoncy-back Suar guaxante. works. Afin' wçoriag theo Instrument fo, hutrucdions, have your owa cars operation. If ho is nat completelys obtained, and ire are unabl o tada wc will reimburse yau theo MI pan =sti of theocar insert nmade espec AUl variaus types of hearing in, "*'FRE audiometric test made by, Mn appointmeat may be made w ut aider buildings. The origina Randy th peen bidige fretc a conoadRdfir sM * was destroyed by teaieni th rsntbidngeetd nS h olB a deefim r. of Bethany members of the busi- f r andaM Rou Cai Iness eommtnity include: Kappo; P r sen 1 wartha Apiaries owned byy day at A Station, apd norti, ta, Graham'st Jarvis, George Wadciell's Elec..- ~~ ~ at Cae- s Corners, so calleci because a 'trical APpliances store;, Bethanv; b uhmDsrc ihtworsinton ee ed Mr. e family of Grahamtaok UP some? Mtai Sales, owned by naraîa Sehool Board met at Millbrook, and accepted with regret-A. B. turneci ie 600 acres af landi there.(Ti Sanderson andi Leonard Driver-.!Jiine 17, 1959, with twrelve meni- Kiey and H. Johanson,, bath afofI w di property is naw owned by Earl! Preston Na's Garage; Orober present. 1 or Hope. o! twa l- Weathérilt and Thomas Jen- Wright's Barber Shop; MeMas- The minutes of the regular The appointment of the fol- funeral r, nings.) On the north o! the Cor- ter's Snack Bar. meeting of May 2th and of tihe lowing Teachers were confirm- Caw. t ners, an the Jennings tarin, the 1%e Bank ai Toronto was meeting with the Consultative eci for Septé Bawman- Mr. Id first tiny chapel was built Oa; bufit In 1920. Committee on May 28th were ville-Miss Molly Hewitt, Miss G)rilla t Methodist denomination andi the 1 St. Paul's Anglican Church; approveci. Nancy'Snelllng, Maurice Cank- Mr. an w first cemetery was establisheci. 1 was buit in 1876. ! The ProPerty Conimittee were lin andi Frank Waoton-at Port Mrs. le Here, also, John Grandy, kept The Unitedi Church. iormerly; given the power to proceeci Hope....Mi5s M. Rigsby, D. C. elus an a small general store. methodist was first built in 1wlth a number ai items sched- flrrnkwalter, J. S. Scott, G. S. ice Wï ýn There is no information avail- 1870, rebuilt and enlarged in uleci for summer work at Port Walker and L. G. Werner-at home o iable as ta when the roaci was 1899-1900. ' Hope High Schaol. The Coin- bgllbrok-Mrs. Gladys Arm- stock,1 iy actuall «v built between the sev- The first Bethany Band was i mittee is ta brlng in a definite strong and Douglas Hodgson eci a si ,enth andi eighth concessions (7A organized in 1908 andi we Still proposai for a Parking Lot at (Principal)-at Orona-Elmore mer sc ýs bighway). Rumours of the coin- have a good bandi. Pot opred frth July Witherspoon (Principafl. 1Mr. .o ing railway encourageci mare The Athletic Association or- meeting. The Comnittee was The Board decideci ta release jcie .e settiers li the genemal vicinity ganîzed inl 1908 and the coin- given permission toi cail for their options on two properties law M di and landi was gradually cleareci munity park purchaseci in the~ tenders on decarating. for achool sites in Millbrok-I ed by t for the settiement which later sane year. TeBwavlePoet h insCu ie-n the to bec di became known as Bethany. First Post Office establishedCommiTe Bwanvllle Paprty te LosalClub hsite. anecR es an 18h5bomeeftich aseld in 1T85TwnHal9ir. ui t ntapurchase machinery neces- It was maved, by Nichais andi . Mrs. keatte om f ical cA- Th Tw HllfIs bit snary towards the establisbhment McCreery and passed unani- in char ,P lister, who owned the farm nowi 1870, ebuilt after the tire in aiS LmtdVcainlCus mously that a copy of a resolu- mer pi in possession of Thomas Mor-I 1912.ofaLmtdVcinlCurePn. f ton (west of the Anglican The Orange Hall was îirst tath ount o!th$3.800. o mtingpased gat thend a ndOh SPon. ýd Churcb) ta decide on a name built in 1859 and wben the C. Accut t h aiut o metig e aganiedod nd SuMr - for the settiement andi the new PR.was canstructe<1 thraug $5,5 ePaoseorfor pamenfoom t on rties CoîlMrs. I ýhVarlous naines were subinittedcatononJon t.Rn192.Te rort o as re Taningefr therenomtion reatiet r.ala tto ont ebit Pori a rsne adtetepsil iiina ndte isBEia -"elsvll","PumedIn~' ocgewa o'gniedin189.ABoard decided not ta' proceed tit h eouinwS as foi-aniB ie -"ellsille" "Plmped nn*'Lotgewer ratniprese1859tA.lows:-"ýthis BoardreamensMrs. IN t "Graharnstown", "Mullen Hill,; ladies lodge was organizeci in 1frhrAtiscusnta. psibestrongly that tr.dunbreCon- sPort F *ad Mddeon.inlyhe1950.Adicsino aposbetDitittteDra on rgSl t- argum&dentw settlec ly M. Th kihli arha!te start on Adivancedi Technical t ititremain at îeast as reS p Mcrgumister.whsaicied baver.-aTe she become otewvil- Evening classes took place andi large as it is and any additions arnd M: BibcAlialnerws ai ar'nie h ave ouge and weroe fis evelop- the Secretary was asked ta pur- proposeci be considered." ily, al n Bblial ams al aoud j, fmou ad wre irt dvelp-sue the matter further andi re- The meeting adjourneci at OlivE ;- Zion, Hebron, Ebenezer, Beth- ed by a Toronto group ia 1939'6 ota et 23 o etnx uy1t i o y' el, etc., let us cail this place The school was first bujît in' p ort Htnet.1230t . metnxtJlylhbs o -i, Bethany, for it is as said ini the 1 1860 andi was situateci at the wee it Bible of that ailier Bethany, "a j west end of the village. Tbe'ai Mr. andi Mrs. Russel Mount- IIMr. t- tiny village nestieci in amang1 present schoal was built ini joY. STr1s on andi Ri, ýe the hills". 11876. Miss flianne Goodman, Whit- LNestlefl »aio iteci M e In 1856 andi 1857 the 1long, The first telephone systein by, is guest of Miss Catherine and fa: e awaited Midianci Railway was' was 'privately owned by Dr. J. and Mrs. H. Bailey. Mms. Ann Wood is in Oshawa Doug i- constructed through froin Portt J. Hamilton. In 1915 a Mutual Mm. and Mrs. Roy Taylor General Hospital and friends the Cr Hope, by way of Millbrook andt Telephane Systein was argan- spent the weekend with Mr. andi hope she soon returns ta good at Col] ýr Bethany through ta Lindlsay. Iseci and in 1921 this became! Mms. Arnold Taylor and Dianne health. for a t e This railway was later known kniown as the Manvers Muni- at the latters cottage at Guli Mr. andi Mrs. Walter Bah 0of Mr. sas Grand Tmunk andi Canadian cipal Telephone Systein, with Lake. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs.' ford, ýt National and finally ceased op- head office in Bethany. Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Camai, T. G. Langfeld. The Philip Harold ýeatidns in 1928. The Women's Institute was Kenneth, Ruth and Eddie were1 Langfeld faniily, Scarborough, Mr. ar S The Canadian Pacifie Rail- organizeci in 1914. Sunday supper guests a! Mr.m were weekend guests also. family -way was constructed through and Mrs. Clarence Malow. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and geon L the area in 1912. There is noa psegrservice on the C.P.R. B A K T C since last yea-just a freighit B A K T train once a day.I Bethany for a time. There wemeî last get-to-geether o! this seasan E u several saw mills, blacksmith' an Tuesday evening. This took sbops, implement stores, fumni- the form ofa a picnic arrangedij M tare stores, tailor shop, milin- by Mrs. Stuart Doreli with ________ en-y store, crug store, general races and gaines for all andi stores, two oes etc. Th 'etlots of refreshments. A great these and many lamilies moveci leaders, Mrs. F. Butt and, Mrs.j.. away. The present store owned S. Dorreli for their time ancI by Bruce Ryley and Sons was1 wor with these children dur-J built ini 1850 by his grandfath- ing the year.î er. Alfredi Ryley, and has been j n Thursday the closingj,.. in the fannlly naine ever since, meeting of the Exploners was' and naw is one of the mast helci with eight members pre-' ' finci in the country.j The Keeper of the Log,- Eli Reynolds & Son establisheci zabeth Thompson gave a good thein business bere since 1870, report of the work andi explar- -u hardware store and undertak- ations cf tue yeam. Margaret - Alex H. Monk carnies on the points ton the year with Eliza- " *business af bamness and shoe beth Thompson a close second ge repairs andi bas been in busi-! In the absence of Linda Kyte ness over 50 years. Margaret Carnaglian conducteci Wilson's Grocery store, sakthe Worship. The assistance aof bar andi cold storage lockers Mms. Romenil was veny welcame was originalby a hotel, and 1Va,.appçcýie.te-L. Mms quoër Store,. hadVanCamp was unable ta Edmuncis Grooery Store and' attend tuis meeting. Mrs. Frank *Meat Market is, also one o! tue Butt wished the girls a happy - ----- I ~~and refreshing summer andi hop-. ........ eci all would return in Septem- 11111IL1111111ber, full oi ideas and enthus- Iiasm. On behalf of the girls IMargaret Carnaghan tuankeci R m E Dthe leaders for their work dur- L N T E É Ding tue year. Meeting ended, wih races and refreshinents. Sixteen Brownies andi four tI N O ILeaders enjoyed a Brownie Pack holiday at Ernest Swain 'n * ICottage Caesarea frornuFriday GU RA TE Ining until Sna eeig aringmstnuîent foer mmontl. A few weeks ago tue Vc- f ~~ nuen's Committee of the Feci-......... rants. ue b110 t~i ?4IcO eration of Agriculture Sponsor- ., r dires oeths ed an Essay contest on Co-op- ~ - specialit or physicianenck hg ta pupils of Grades 7 and 8. satisfied with the remuts you have Thene were thirty-eight entries cjust i ta meet bis requireeata,. froin Durham County. Seven of chase price. las oaly thé origina the nine winnens were from Mr., ially for you. Neil Baiiey's rocin cf Cartwright'~ istUmeatsfltted aie basdnai col hrdytecntest- oertiedharinaidadiolgis~ ants receiveci their awands.Fe 'dollars each was presentdta. " "....... thaut mny obligafon cm vom n arL. jnc yr, hmyMtaf Ginn Sunday, ail but Mrs. Jas. A. bracing breeze ... a friendly am ... and King, everyGinn, wbo spent tue day with eeyMr. andi Mms. Clarence Ginri, Coke! For the famous McGuire Sisters, that' a t Cadmus, visited Mm. and Mrs. course to king size pleasure. For only Coca-( 0f ~~~Harvey Ginn at Wintemere,crBtaetiwlom e of as Muskoka. gives o the cold rstuetewlcm Mr.andMrs Alex Flett, Fene- guesta ai Mi. andi Mms. Mervyn Mms. Velva Bailey spent a few Hr O ildays in Toronto last week. Most of the relatives frain K N I E CK here attended thie Larmer picnic S A I Nat Creazn-of-Barley Camp, Bow- IUA-@.AM mon IANýý VESROAD 1Sryt eotMs eaHr CONCESSION ris underwent an eniergency IA 3-29)9 appenctectomy on Tuesciay, also e value .ift.,I"z.. rei & W too! Lloyd Tewin on Saturday. Bath q Evry iaoiityare in Port Perry haspital. Mns. Wm. Lawnenson, Toron- y Every Tunday ta, is spending a Iew days vith TCA ON 0FKN SZE OD I Our Display of Gifu8 the Albert Wrights. CTCROSO IGM ETBY at a Reasonable Elrice Mrs. Jean Cook, Oshawa, spent tue weekend with Mr. andi :CIAL PRICE ON TMRES Mrma. Nei Malcolmn and tamily. ~E II AN!QUANTT! 0Mr. Dale Gunter ai tue Dept.; STAIN N UNI o Hig¶iways Soil Researchspn STAIONtue weekend wîth bis broter AI% SNDTS Blake Gunter.Mm Mn-s. Sidney Ferguson and girls, iNewcastle, weme Sunday gueta .11MMDAT, JUNE 23th, 1959 rof Long Brandi visiteci nd Mrs. B. R. Knight. and Mrs. George Borwers Sunday visitors with Mr. Fra. Robt. Rhodes, Lindsay: ýN. C. Marlow spent Sun- ,t ber son Alvin's cottage esarea. and Mrs. Jas. Harris re 1Saturday from a stay; o weeks ini Madloc &uring time they attendeci the 3. of his sister Mrs. Mc- and Mirs. Ross Curtis af icalled on Sunday with nd Mrs. Bruce Heasiip. ýC. Wilson, Mrs. H. Sara- rd Misses Gwen andi Eun- lson were guests at tbe of Mrs. Neil Bailey, Black- when Eunice was tender- hower by some of ber for- ,hooi associates. and Mrs. E. E. Wood me- 1word, that their son-mn- r. Harvey bas been select- the Fard Motor company in charge of their car for oyal visit in Ottawa. ;Dorothy Lee is again tge of the booth and suin- aost office at Williams Iay visitars witb Mr. and Eli Mairs were: Mr. andi Ivan Mairs and i Jmmie, ale; Mrs. Gea. 'Windsor fillie, Ballantrae: Mr. and ;rman Mairs and family, Perry; Mr. andi Mrs. Gea- eliers and iamlly andi Mr. 4rs. Buci Virtue and, fain- of Bowmanville. - rer Rohmer was home tram bwith a construction com- at Georgetown for the, md. and Mrs. BiU Weston' ,cky of Bowmanvilie, vis- r. andi Mrs. Ivan Rohrer Y amily. iglas Rohmer leaves for rippled Children's Cànip lingwood on Wednesday twa-week holidy. and Mrs. Harold Craw- Ben and Steven. visited d's sister and husband, nd Mrs. Ken Butson and 7at their cottage on Pig- L~ake on Sunday. Lake Shore, Clarke Mm .Robin -Alîdreci spent Wecinesday visiting in Toronto. The Lakeshore K.S. and C. Club met at the haine af Mns. W. Hoinues, Bowmanville, June 10. Vie. next meeting will be at tue home of Mrs. W. Adamns, July 8. Mm. andi Mms. Robent Ruthner- ford and Douglas, Ornn, haci supper Sunday evening with Mn. and Mrs. W. Adamns. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Adamns and tamily attended the Downer family picnic at St.anley Park. Mn. andi Mrs. Jack Hoimes accompanied by Mr. andi Mrs. W. Holmes, Bowmanville. at- tendeci tbe wedding on Satumday 2t Brampton cf Mr. Jîm Pollard, Streetsville, ta Miss Lomna Cbing, Bramnpton. Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley. At HFC you alwaya get fust, courteous servie, and a wide variety af repayment plans to choose froin. You may borrow for any purpoee you think is wortbwhile. ioans-withorst bankable security or en- dorsers-ame a specialty at HFC. Barrow with confi- dence at HFC. 64 King Street East . ;..;* Oshawa Shopping Contre... .. .. OSHAWA WUSE FOR KING SIZE COCA-COLA Silze true lift HAS MORE FOR YOU!. Mi- After you pow, Umoe$ SOîI lots coe -Telephone RA^5-6526 *Telophon RA 3-1139 Prom HFC, of course! Where people understand your money problems and like to help you solve them REFRESHED!, Free!1 BLACK E STA withi purchasi Vigoi SERVICE' A CORNER 0F 5M AND) FIFTB Phone M Double Siamp Dal -Corne Out and Se. Complet. Lubrication ASK ABOUT OUR SPE( STOVE OIL AVAILABL AT THE OPEN EVENINGS that reafly refreshes. Stow away plenty of King Size Coke ... then even if you mail no further than your backyard, you'll always be ready wi-' 'nty of the mea refreshment. Remember.... PAGE TUT= Brooklin, and M.r. and Mms Roy Jackson andi son, Star CIty, Sask., were visitais with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding. Oshawa, andi Mr. and Mm. Don Lake, Newcastle, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bifl Lake. Da1mat»n -Earus R«awu The Dalmnatian, spatted coach- ing dog. bas earned renown in almost evemy task ta which he has been set--as a sbepherd, draft dog, ratter, war sentine]4 bird dog. trail hound, retriever and bas even worked in packs for stag and boar hunting. Be- cause cf bis affinity for horses, he is best known as the mte and anly coaching dog and as a tire bouse companian. par-ticu. .larly in the davs ai horse. drawn tire wagons. Tm CANADL41q-STATESUAlq. BOWIRANVILt& ONTAIUD o CONFIm@ DENILYIè p

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