PAGE S' Ke, lken's1 their leaj games, by over Bi Sales ini tral Schc lead off di a single oi fect brokE bottom of Sales crev defeat in Winning ards' sacj the insura The las' È -- iXTEEN TEE CAADIAN STATESIM, BO'WMANVILLE, ONTAUO THURSDAY. UE2t.16 hop over second basemnan Bob ut75 141icl n L ad Marierrison's head for atriple. S uf i' f o ufaorongytea o Girardi cover te lClaytonSh ffln'andto BuClayton.Neter cond, and Maxie Yourth blast- Waters had htetobeds ea home run to give the Sales Drop O pn erI~ posing of Auri rwnadJc a_-3_ e.Dun, 6-1. , buaiote i h W n T é d y "Butch" Cole clouted a tre- O n ema stcs, ereeteddothe count in the fi! th, setting the The newly formed Cobourg- I h stae fnrthe ns ext ran Port Hope Club handed. Bow- men'sdoubls, th er S u r lu seSa estchf r s gam-Wlrnding first match of the 1959 Kawar- fthetidng4et anexcellent niound perform- firstTsetis4, droppe the secon Men's Wear stretched the first, on the strength of Dan ance. Richards gave up seven latha Tnda nis orLeague.hd 6-1 and wereegdot86i gue lead to txwo f uil Girardi's home run. Bob Wil' hits, fanned six and walked tahtSunay n Prt ope yr virtue af a 6-4 Win liamns cracked a bases loaded, seven ta post his third win Marg Duston and Norah AI- and John TIssnsfeetc ýowmanville Surplus twa out double to put the Men's against a single defeat. Ted lin won the ladies' doubles con- tically the sam ae oig36 a thriller at the Cen- Wear in front 3-1, after threeHorufedlosn brtwtsovrSeadJeigs-286,-.ThFshckihwc a]l Tuesday night. A nîngs of play. Richards start- i pt fafn fot sh 1-6, 6-4. Bawmanville's other twosome w(ntefia ac auble by Tim Cox and ed the outbreak with a triple, allowed six hits, walked a pair victary went ta Bud Moses and 6-1. 3-6, 6-3 oe naSrk ff the bat of Igud Per- Lloyd Hamilton was safe on a and struck out three. Lew Rundie, who took a hardi and Jack Duin e a four ail tie in the fedrs choice, when an at -________ Ethe sixth ta send the tempted effort to, nail Richards w down ta their third failed, and Cox walked. the last four gamnes. Surplus Sales bounced back E V R O% pitcher "Ace" Rich- into the lead with three runs in rifice flv hrought in the next frame, Archie Crse Over 300 health consciaus in-' ance tally. singled, and scored when Gi- dividuals urned out for the TB ers took a 1 -0 lead in1 rardi's ground bal took a bad clinic held on Tues., June 16 and Thurs., June 18 in Janet-...,". e -~ville C.O.F. hall. It is estimated that over 100 others dîd flot For Best Resuits make the effort ta do so. We should lîke to extend our TRY OUR personal thanks ta each and every individual who partici- EIR UAutomaticpated in this survey to makei DDOT rganizers- the three chiaîra "D DO H census poil, supply and clinic;____ LO A AACthe canvassers; the voluneers $TER 'ývho staffed the clinic bath days;fi The car wash that gives you those Who assisted with refresh- that gleamlng wax finish. ments for the T.B. clinic staff; our electrician Wilson Cairns LIiBRICATION Who motored back fromn Osh-no OEL CHANGE awa purposely ta cannect the CAR WASHX-ray machine and aIl those CAI S TIRE participated in any. other andi Particular congratulations ta BATTERIES the fine aid lady who thougli almost 90 years young took the TRUTONE WHITE,, WITH 11 , IE trouble ta attend. We wish we could share that feeling af con- ATN ,EX R HT jtentment with thase who did A TN ,E TAW IE ES flot attend in knawing we have nothing ta worrv about as con- IXcerns T.B. infection. * 1DB makes Trutoetewiet &IOn Tuesday evening some 40 r" house paint youcaus SERVICE STATION ~~ individual players with cheer- tJ~QV rtn w'herents notored ta Bridgenorth year because it doscylo awwaai*for the intercourt game Man- ---n--c-at beats--h-----t-e- RD vr v ridgenorth. Although Available in threetps jlosing by a 12-9 margin îm- r Iiecently these four talented young tap dancers, fromn left to right: Betty Welsh, pravement wag recarded over Donna Rogers, Connie Brooking and Gwen Graham, appeared in the Annual Spring Washing White, Recital presented in the Town Hall. Now they are Buffalo bound, leaving next Sat- TrutoneTrim Wht urd ay to appear on "Uncle Jerry's Club", WBEN-TV, this Sunday, June 28, at 10:30 c11 J .m. Don't, miss their TV debut and don't forget to send in a vote for them. Who BUY TRUTONE WIEA rrno nce m nt.. thnows, this may be the start of new careers for these budding artists. th preceeding fiasco. Mahlor *Ms. Rd. MeNeil. e take' pleasure in announcing that vatillGatCael idL ao ln rsM.Y.Delb e ati, e as- the hurling honours. Foilowing -vle .. iie e as" the game some 30 o! those at-T with his mother Mrs. W. Mar- & LCTRIC LTO. fending invaded the menago!iKe i.OU ic tnadMradMs.J ~2 the Ralph Malcalms of Peter-1 Mr. Ronald Patts and Miss iIa:o baoghfr uch ps-mar- I Sharon Kennedy, Collingwood, tem ! te gme nd gnerl iiofaay visited Mr. andMrs. J. Potts. * ~ chin-wagging. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas eningtrndt Clinwo on MWednesday evenn a Courtice proved ta be hapt otsrtrndt oligod LTiEUA Morris on f numberfrornYe~~~~~~~~~~~~loejoed able hasts. Monday night, ai-_______________________________________ concert at Cadmus U n it e d flaires' the liberty o! 18 htas wilî reresent On Friday night like- the visitors posted a lop-sided will repreent wise avery goad turn-aut samn-174wn pied the culinary triumphs o!f 74wn CAN DA ECU ITI~ te "ells" ! S. Mry', Lf.. Praken started on the hil for .......................... . . . . . .ford. No Wne o n ftelaser, btgave wyta CANAuDAelvrtolan re goig t Pickell in the second, whenNM. .. ourYeleronin-are'gingtoBawmanville struck for fiveE IRITJSH NGRTH WESTERN pot!" runs. Down took over in the iOn Saturday a good turn-out next frame, as the winners WESER IN UR NC were present at mast success- splurged for eight talles ta WEST RN NSUR NCEfulsale of Messrs. Harryan takea commanding 14-2 lead. :4 Russel Armstrong a! Janetville. Dv ole aeu w - BURGLARY - SICKNESS :.4~ Encouraging prices prevailed Dv ole aeu w -. :' ~ ~ particularly for the livestock. his nd p ir ! rnineah -- ACCIDENT - LIABILITY - . . ~The Armstrong brathersmain- o te secondFallscamhrd nins tained a fine herd o! breedybeoeJryFiscm ont Sh start the fourth. Falls ailowed Ail ype ofGenral nsuanc -......... othous (ot ngu) wichtwo hits and held Caurtice off AU Tpes f GeeralInsuancespalighted the sale. On Sunday, Father's Day the scoe Phone Toronto EM 3-3618 was celebrated as elsewhere. JiC oylte 1 han K Vitch Weat Mlonacobne h four safeties apiece. Ted Brown i pae al festivety with aur wed- aosugaptn a am ding anniversary ta visit the losugaptnbtlim Boon amills in ooks i-ng three bits, includîng a pair Concession StinreetsvE., Bowmanvilere Concesson Stret E.,Bowmanvlle Il011, ýNeyer saw the cars so thick be- 0Foth-bagers h hrept foare in aur life as on Sunday Frtelsrtetrept Phone MA 3-3048 evening. Father's Da- Bah! chers each picked up a hit, F wq n FIRE 26 Uf ytj 1957 C 0 ai 01 1956 D v ni 01 ai 1952 C F' 1952 C Dl 1951 B Pl w tir AL Phone 1-8 with Power Flite brans- ~~~~~~~and Linda, Enniskillen, were Mr's. John Sîeman, Katherine _____ dibfo.oubal radordb i V8wtPoe lt rn- 1954 Chev. Deluxe Coach supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. and Robert, Enniskiîîen; Mr. niission, customn radio. One A real dlean car. Lloyd Ashton's an Sunday. and Mrs. L. Griffîn, Blackstock, Z the Bank will b. <acncoIlmd. muer .car. Reconditioned - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmond were Sunday supper guests at 0 M«thly wpaymentm con be mxt.ndmd u nd very clean car. 1954 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan and Jennie, and Patsy Thamp- M r. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard's. two ymars -or aven thym.. if rites! b. This mii "adi11ac Sedan Two-tone, custom radio. son were Sunday visitars at Miss Vivian Sadler, Bow- te F o etioe osi n ow Flewoflyeupe.A real good car. Mrs. W. Thompson's. manville; Mr. and Mrs. David ieetood fuly euiped.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- Craig and Margaret, Tyrone; WYU con bO,'rmw up #0$31,500, dependhnia 1hev. Deluxe Sedan 1953 Chrysier Sedan leton and famnily, Mrs. M. Black- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En- - -- - your income, ta boy' the things you want foi ou :)ark blue. In perfect shape. A good dlean car, an bumn, Mr. Farewell Blackburn, niskillen, were Sunday supper home and famil>', or ta alter em#rglncies. luick Convertible xetoa value. Grace, Robert and Glen, Miss guests at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ieCrceptionalSalm, t Sennss.Planned repawmmntil heip 'ou n o 'UTilnt ' eupe nldn 1953 Odmbl -r ea tended the annîversary service Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLaugh- - istend of lmftnm it rut ou equis ndtped aicigNloic len 4-r. nSiedandot and werc supper guests o! Mr. lin, Pat, Jim and John, Brook- Almost any reasonable purpose may bc vr nsind oand top. Ato ai ie d a arisd u. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Mrs. ]in; Mrs. Jean M cLaughlin and fnne hog h ako otelF ml asmsinnwto.No rust. 1K. Cowling.. Neil, Blackstock; Mrs. Edna Mc- fnne hog h ako otelFml M r. and Mrs. Walter Black- Laugblin, Burketon, were SuaF' Finance Plan - including vacation, school and college hurn and family, Don Milîs,i day visitors at Ross Ashton's. expenses and so on. The Bank of Montreal will gladly callcd at the Blackburn home on Mrs. Ralph Vanstone and son advance the necessary cash as long as you cma ford ýutsta-nding V alue !I Sunday. vstr Garry, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. reayenswihothadsi. Nji ~58CHE DE RAYMrs. M. Bertrim's %were Mr. and Brown. Toronto; Mr. John Gra- Whetber you arc à B of M customner or not, 11 198C E .IE B% '4'DRm SEDANtl Mrs. J. Hanna and Roase Ellen, bam, Bowrmanville, called on ti oe o-otwyt e h hnsyuwn 0 U/NCfOI Tw-oe re,6 y.wihPwr ld.Hampton; Mr. and Mis. George ti foryourhome andafyatmilyis avaiabletouyou. Tw-oegen y.wt oe ld.Bertrimn and family, Taunton: I'UT1al ote epea yu eghoroo One owner car. Original mileage 8,000. Mr. and Mrs. Ron MorTison and Wyfo akt h epea orniborodI q J afamîly. Il of M branch today? RECODITONED - RADYFOR HE OADMr. and Mrs. MýcKenzie, LL R C N I I N DR A Y F R T E R A Taronto, attcnded the funeral Ail Privately Owned Cars - Mostly One Owner o! their uncle Mr. John, McNeil MA3 30 and a~Icd n M 3-303BANK 0E MONTREAIL kMMrs. Keith Davcy andýElaine, etdd .dw a Tyrone; Mrs. L. Philip arîd Ste- WAfADe4Ud4 'Mo SOII y.N CHL en, Bwavle iie r an r.Don Camemon. SERVICE Bowmanvulle Branch: JAMES BELL, Manager Oldsmohile and Chevrolet Cars Mrand r s. eo Taylor and EOsaaBac:JMScCNfMnge famlyBuketnRena Graham, Oshawa Branc: JAMES McaitH.MM.nand MANVILLE- Chevrolet Trucks COURTICE Mrs. Leslie Graham's, Sunday. NA3-33 hieN 3322*Miss Pat Knox, Solina; Mr. WO R KIN G W 1TH C A MA D 1AN3 1HM EV ERY WA LK 0 F LI FF SIC!> ily Toronto; Mr. Delton 'Fisher p.