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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 17

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-p J TffLtRSIAY, 3UWE 25th. 1959 THEI CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnia& ,ONTARIO PAGE $EVENTEM MAPLE Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Windsor and faily were Surday supper guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Peorge Talbot, Stouffvile. Mr. and Mrs. Williamn Stewart and Miss Maryv Stewart, Buri- ington; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Me- Intrye. Mar ' and Sý,ndy', Tor- onto: Mr. Pnd MNrs. C. D. Pas- coe, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask. Solina, were Sunaiay supper guests of Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mildred and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. M. Storie and lamily Uxbridge, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hol- mnes on Saturday evening. amer ilth e tffy ElOiAu e/e The Oetasie Sofsey Lnm@ 170 Bey swe, T.n.t., OuiuvIe cd a bridai shower for -Miss G R O V E Eileen Doutt, Isling-toni, on Fi-- da, e vening. '-%r. and Mlrs. Dave Bothwel 1r. and Mrs. Jim Laverty Sr. spent the weekend at their and family and Mrs. Mary Lav- cottage on Twin Lakes. erty. London. visited Miss M. Mr. and MIrs. Frank M\oore. Motton. Toronto, on Thursdlay1 Oshawa, were %Neel,ýiiç guests eveniing. at -the homne of their daughîter Sundav visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Co]liss. 'Mrs. Alani Snowden were Mr- Suinday visitors %vith MNr. anu and Mrs. Samn Snowdenad Mrs Roger Lebel were Mr. and sons Mr. and Mrs. John A1tchi-ý Mrs. Peter Lebel and Denise, zon and son al of Blackstock, Mr. Fernand Rontre. al of Norti Mr- and Mrs. Harry Snowden Oshawa. and farnily, Bowmanville. Misses Janet Beech, Dorothy M1rs. L. C. Snowden was a Foley and Mary VanCamp p lla- guest at a ibirthday party in hon- ed at the r'x-ital of virs. Work- our of Mrs. Joe Chapman, at mnan's pupils at the Lions Centre. the home of her niece Mrs. Per- Miss Mildred Snowden attend- cy De\well, Hampton. on Tuesday evening. Mr and Mrs. Leonard Hind- man attended the General Mo- tors 25 year club dinner at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last Saturday evening. Reverend and Mrs. Eugene Beech, Toronto, called on Mrs. Aylrner Beecli on Sunday after- noon and Sunday supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne Lamb, Enniskillen; Mrs. Richard Grif- fin. Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville Ross Richards, Mr. Kenneth' Kilmer, Mr. and Mis. Donald Carr and family, Bowmanville. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davidson, Toronto, called on her parents, S Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden on Friday evening. Sunday guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Cecil Milis were Mr. andi - Mrs. Ed Jennings and Jimn. Ac- ton: Mr. and Mrs. Edgàr Bush,f Castieton; Mr. and Mrs. George 1 Bush and family, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward Bush find 1 famnily, Norwood; Mrs. BertieI P Davidson, Miss Zonia Melny- chuk. Oshawa, li. and Mrs. Bill Beglev, Carol and Bruce, Chester and Bruce Milis, Ennis- killen and Miss Barbara Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty and farnily. accompanied by Mrs. Mary Laverty, Miss M. M1ýotton, Toronto, spent Sundaywt r an rs. Pat McGee a oo requested to be extra near London. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Os- n our streets during the borne, Ebenezer, were tea guests 1ild mnay dart out froin of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery on Stunday evening. M r' and Mrs. Harold Cooney1 se advise and warn your and children spent the weekend ýr of playiiîg on the road in Trenton guests of his mo- etween parked cars and ther. Mr. and INs. E. Foley, Miss Mina Co]well, Mrs. Bert Colwell and lrwin. Bowmanville, were is a swimmer please be Sunday supper guests with Mr. flot go swinming alonc. and Mrs. Ted Foley'. 1roperly supervised for a Mr., and Mrs. Wil] Ashton, jEirniskilen, were tea guests of' Mis. Clifford Swallow, on Sunday. ried, Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp, Mn. and Mrs. Wes Werry and Miss Ann Werry, Solina, called ar .Kiny on Mr-. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp Chief of Police, on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Colhisonr, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mis. Pen- -----r.......... .mS...... 'GRAD LIMERICK NUMBER ONE St sure whms your. crossg the street Te think beore moing yoor leet Jeit ", là ok tthe Roi*. .- . 94M ,M *b, R», piano solo followed by a vocal Joanj solo, '"LulIaby". very sweetly weres Tobacco Men. Elect sn yMs oneFno Helen McHolm. Mrs. Bebee then ing at R. ostr N w P esienfi ntro<iuceciMis. Jean Mitchell nesday, R. F sterNew resient f Port Hope who, with the was ai McNll rwi R.R. , Prt ho ustbe of her daughter Vivian, useful McNl aswi ReRidenPt d he ocalstarea assciatohper. presented for the next haîf hour Miss Hope resignedaspeietadTelclaeasoiinlpe, a number of beautifual coloured guest jdirector of the Northumber- that their candidate, Mi-. Bilger,I alides taken by her during a weddin land-Durham Flue-Cured To- wil recelve the appointment. 'recent trip, te Florida, some lo- port i jbacco Association at ameeting Tobacco farms in the Unilted cal views of Winter and Spring 20. held in the Port Hope Legion Counties account for $854,890 beauty, nature pictures of iid IR ,Hall on Friday night. His i-c- of the total farm assessment of birds, nests with eggs andi par- heua signation troin these positions almost $21,000,000. These fig- ent bird, even snakes enteringi held in Iwas subinîtted because he bas ures were given ta the associa-r their hideaway. Ail these wene la ave ceased to grow tobacco this tion b-, T. Gai-net S.hieid, United much apprecîatcd and enjoyed. anll c1 I yar.Coutie asessr. i. hiediA vote of thanks to Mrs. Mit- Sacrani Roy Foster, Kendal tobacco was explainlng the principles cheli and Vivian was proposed Wnh gîower, succeeds to the presi- whic.h guide the tobacco farm byMi. ceeanocnîe Ul ida dency. Mi. Irwin's seat on the assessments. In hi.s address to i ani.mously. The meeting closed Mrs.a directorate will be filed by the association on Friday night. with "The Queen". Mrsth t John Hanaka of Pcrrytown. Questioned as to, why tobacco wt i The association selected, rights should be assessed as part There was the usual social ance Si Charlton Bilger of Kendal as of a propertv assessment, Mr. half hour during which tea, Sund their candidate as a sharecrop- Shield pointed out that the sandwiches and cookies were il a.n per member of the Ontario flue- prînciples of assessment are laid Iscrved by the lunch committee It was cured tobacco growers' board. down in the Assessment Act. to conclude a very pleasant ncss. si The Northumberland - Durham Annual rentai value is calcu-, evening. day ho Association has been seeking Iated in the following way. One Congratulations to Misses next w representation on the Ontario quarter of the acreage of a to-I board for some Urne. The four- bacco tai-m is assessed at ten teen member board meets on dollars an acre and the remain I July l5th. Recent legisiation has ing acreage is assessed at tif ty * provideti it with the authority cents per acre. to appoint a fiftecnth member Miî. Shield said that he thought that while some detais of the assessmcnts might pos- M < est Twist, Murray and Cathy, sibiy be unfair, the total asscss iv t b Salem, andi Bill Laird, were Sun- ments were flot too high. An day supper guests with Mi-. andi assessor is supposed te assess a Mis HoardCryderman andi propcrty between 30 anti 40 per famiiy. cent of the nmai-ket value, the Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Belirnan, speaker sai<l. 1Bowrnanviile; LMrs. E. Hoan, Mi-. Shields emphasized the Newcastle; Mr. W. R. Westlake, fact that bis job was net to Oshawa; Mr. Bob Johnston, assess properties, but to makel t Donna, Davidi and Robin, Cour- sure that ail propeîties in the tice, were Sunday tea guests of countv were assessed equally Mr. andi Mrs. Les Collacuti. by municipal assessors. This en- j i. aind Mrs. Clarence Bell, sues that the county taxation,~ Karenî andi Patsy, Bowmanvi]le, will be fairiy distribut-d. I- Mis. Howar-d Foley. local director of the national'- Mr-. andi Mns. Stanley Macklin, employment service, promiseti Co.bourg; Mi-. andi Mis. William the co-operation of his office Muni-oe, Baltimore; Mn. and with the tobacco fai-mers neeti- Mis. Clane Allun, Providence, ing hielp to harvest their ci-eps. were tea guests with Mi-. and The main problem in securing Mis. S. S. Morton. a labour force foi the tobacco Nancy anti Loi-na Moiton areI farms is the lack of living ac- visiting theii- grantiparents, i-. commodation for the workei-s anti Mns. Robert Moffatt, Orono. on the tai-ms, Mi-. Wallbridge Mi. andi Mrs. William Lewis stated. He urgeti the tobacc andi family, Bownanville, Mr. farmers te make application for and Mis. Gary Pettit, Mis. Ida the labour they require by the Huggctt, Maple Gi-ove; Wayne mitdle of July. Pickard, Bowmanville; Mr-. No- H. K. Long, Port Hope, asso- bic Metcalf, Oshawa, visiteti Mr. ciation secretar, rcad a letter anti Mis. Lloyd Snowden on fi-rn the tobacco sub-station ai Sunday. Dclihi, which statcd that guideti The W.M.S. Mission BEand tours of the demonstration plots picnic was helti at both schools bcing grown this sununer, with races, peanut sci-ambles woulti be organizet inl July. andi ti-ats of ice ci-tam, pop Plots in the Durham-Northum- and cookies for the childi-en berland ai-ca arc locateti on the from grades 1, 2 anti 3 .Lcaders farms of Ralph Atkins, Centre- were Mis. Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. ton; Alian Foster, Kendal; andi Ken Kuhnke, Mrs. Steve Doyle, George Van Dam, Pontypool.- Mis. Harvey Brooks, Mrs. Tom Tht Guide. E McGuirk. Mis. Cecil Milis. Mis., c r a c r i s a 1 b V c p tg to m fi a E tÀ Ir ti 9 cý Q D. C. Baiiley. Helping the' lead- ers were Mis. Berdt Snowden, Mis. Ron Howell and Mrs. M. McMiilan. Church AnnIversary Maple Gi-ove Church Anni- versa-y Services were wdil at- tentiedi on Sunday when tht guest ministei- for the afternoon service ivas Reverend W. A. Logan, Enniskiilen, who spoke on the ups andi towns suffered, to builti the St. Lawr-ence Sea- way and likened it to oui- lives and oui- problems. The similar- ity Cvas quite obvlous. The choir was made up of childi-en of ail ages untier tht able direction of Mrs. Ted Hoar. Guest soloist was Mr. Ken May- be-iy. Reverenti Eugene Beech of North Broadview Church, Toi- onto, was the guest minister for tht evening service. His ser-mon, was on the "Great Achieve- ment." Miss Doîothy Foley was pian- Ist for the atternoon service an-d Jim Crydermian playeti at the evenlng service. School Concert The pupils of Maple Gi-ove School presenteti a fine concert hast Wednesday evening in tht church shed, untier the able dir- ection of their teachers and Mr. Boss Meteaif. Fi-st numbe- was a recitation of wcicome by Bonnie Beech. An operetta "Bo'bby Shattoe" followeti with many sangs and costumeti players. Bette Elien Kuhnke played "Bobby" and Bob Bothwell was conical as a polar ibea-. Most of the childi-en in Mis. Moffatts room, took part in this nuniber, Ne*t on the pi-gi-arn was "RhythTns" with a baton n'um- bei- by Carole Greenham and Mary Ann. Doyle, ta~p nuxnbcis by Linda Scott, Louise andi Rose- ann Paterson and Gwcn Dupuis, ballet number by Louise Whit- ney. Another operetta "A tri>, to outer space" was presented by Mis. S. Black's pupils. Four boys werc taking a trip, in a î-ocket ship in this number. The opening song was . "Carpentci, Builti me a Racket." Other cher- uses were "Good Mornng Merry Sunshine," "The man in the moon' and "To the Stars." Mai-y Ann Doyle was niari-ator tor- the opti-etta. Dianne Hoar, Louise Whitney anti Judy Fice gave a recitation "The Spider and the Fly.I' The pupils in Mis. Blakely's anti Mis. Colc's reoms presenteti an opera "The Grasshoppeî." Ronnie Wilton and Bobby Both- well wei- narratoîs. Two an- cient aunts who sang a con-ic number were Paul Watson and John Gibert. Tnt opera was sung in ten choruses. Two squ- are diames wcre piesented, by 16 pupils of Mx-s. Blakely's room; to recordeti music. Bob Whalen andi Leo MacLean sang "Don't Take Your Guns te Town," which was very weil done. Polka Time was next with two aocordian solos by Haroldi Cooney and 12 of Mi. Mollins pupils dancing polkas. Next a play "'The Ti-uth Teiling Mach- ine" was pi-esenteti with Gwen Dupuis as hostess for a lively tea party when tht machine is teuteti. Last on the progs-am ivere music nuinbex-s by pu.pils !rom Mr-. Moihins'i-room "Sun and Rain" and others. Mr'. Mollins pîestnîted Mr.t Ron Metcah.f with a gift as a token of appreciation toi the many times he hati accompanieti the children and tht heip he gave so wihlinghy. Tht concert closed with "'Goti Save thc Qu«n.?" 1 WEDDING FAIRBROTRER - STUBBS The marrage of LAC Davidi George Fairbi-other, younger son of Mi. anti Mrs. Thomnas A. Fairbi-other Si., of Newcastle andi Miss Barbara-Anne Stubbs, daug'hter of i-s. Hart-y Stubbs and tht late Mr. Stubbs, was quietly solemiz&ed-on Saturday, June 6, at the Protestant Cha- pel, RCAF Station, Upiands< Ottawa. The bride, wearing a white linen sheath with a pale blue cummerbunti, white hat, anti accessories, carrieti a colonial bouquet et iles of the valley and was given la mariage by WOI R. H. Ktigour ot Ottawa. Tht mati-en of honor, Mis. Zem Colynuck, wore a blue sillc sheath with matching coat, -white accessories anti a corsage ot pink carnations. Tht britiegroom was attend- ed by Zem olynuck. A reoeption was helti afier- wards at the home of Mr-. anti Mm-s. Zem Colynuck. Mi. anti Mis. Fairbi-other Ieft on a motor trip ta southern On- taio, anti upon their retuin will reside at 99 Blackburn Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario'. Mis. Thomas A. Fairbiother ISi-., Newcastle, entei-tained i-e- cently. ai a tea for her son anti his bride. Pink peonies and Icandîts contributedti t the bri- dal theme. much adnmired by farnily frienda anti olti school chums who calledti t extend gooti wishes ta the newly-weds. MORRISH The regulai monthly meeting of the W.A. was heiti in the, Suntiay School ai 8:15 p.m. on~ Thursday, June 18. There weîe 19 members andi six visitois prescrit. Tht chair was taken by pi-e- sident Mis. Helen McHc'lm anti the meeting openeti with a hyinn. A short rcading "Suni- mer Time and Holiday Tlne1 Should Be a Hoiy Tirne"; a poem "I Took a Day" was i-cadi by Mis. Fred McConnell; Scii-I turc reatiing by Mis. Harold j Osborne; Lesson Thoughts antid Prayer by Mrs. Frank Ander- son; hymn 311 concludeti this i devotional part of the meeting. The minutes ef tht May nmeet- ing wcre i-tati by Secrttany Mis. Ami Harness and wereI adopteti as i-cati. A report of tht W. I. Banquet helti recently was given by treasurer, Mis. Elsie Harness. After paying ail ex- penses theit remaineti the sa- tisfactory surn of $52.24 te be added te the W.A. bank ac- count. Very gooti indeeti. The next business to be talk- eti oveî was tht comning Straw- bei-iy Supper in July in tht Sunday Sehool. Eaoh member was given a slip of paper on which was written some con- tribution expected toward the menu of cold meat, salads, pies, homemade cake, strawbeniis and crtamn tea. There will be no program this yeaî as most of the visitai-s leave atter su>,- per anti tht members are tired after a strenuous session in tht kitchen. There was aise, a short report given liv tht pai-sonage committet. Tht question of' date of Annivtrsam-y Suntiay and' guesi preacher was left until tht July meeting which wîhl be heidi the Sunday School on July 15 ai 8:00 p.m.I The meeting was then turned over to is. May Bebet, con- venei of programn. Mxs. Helen I&cHolm opened " iwnith a Fl 1 vum w i in 9vig SL L anti Ruth Mai-vin who successful competitons in & ai the Twilight meet- Gloriadale Farm on Wed- rJune 17. Joan's prize set of dishes andi a very halter went ta Ruth. Minnie Beckett was at the Allison-Fenton nig in St. John's Church, Hope. on Satui-day, June ular Church Service was t10 arn.. the Rev. A. W. g in charge. Thene was nrage congregation and a hildren's choir. This was nent Sundav anti the lasti Jp service until August I Ld the return of Mil. anti H{arding fror vacation, te exception of Temper- Stndav on July 5. daN, School wvas heldi at iThere were 34 present. condiucted by Mi. G. Han- ;iperintendent, one birth- onetie. School as usual ,eek. BowmaavMle PAH0U1ERVC lOT WATER 1WHEN YOU'WANT IT!'f RENT A Na tuùral"Gas WATER HEATER onIy73 monthly 10 W (OST OPERA TION Your Gas company does flot employ door-to-dool- sotesmen nor telephone canvassers. For information about dealers icensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sel] end Instati naturel gas equipment call or write the Sales Department of ~ osuer'@as "Vou'Ii lways b. gIud you cho.. Noturol Gus" 5- CHECK OUR PRICES THE DEST VALUE ANYWHERE ASK OUR CUSTOMERS ) YOU TOO ARE WELCOME TO USE OURt BUDGET PLAN FREE ESTIMA TES GIVEN ANO DIII Town of E O)UT DRIVE WITH,-ýo CAR 1E Ail motorists are careful while driving or suminer months as a cl anywherc while playing PARENTS - Plea youngsters of the dangei or darting out froro be chasing halls. If your girl or boy sure that she or he dots Have their swimming pi happy holiday season. Sigr BernE URlelgh WqbI.uI id 50 Rocket Radios Every Week. fniPriz-A Trip t e Sanads IW 0ONS t RLIGfCYCLA IVDUSTI3 CMê^f tTO m nTif I«MEST OFc CHIO 9A""T BOYS MODBIWU-THIS 1$ YOBR COITEST Vu m e, the SafiuyikElpbeutWho Mev., Forgeus. My pouemet fis. un $ho et amelue aIl ever Ontario, tae emiud vou of my vi.I..for stayirng out of aueidméla. Mmv. g. My flr Mfety nie: "LOe OK1HWAYS SOM YOIJ CROeSM STXrifT Now hore% thel conteut and bres what yu cati winl £very week, in aun roamr fke tbis, l'Il ive you the. first four lin.. .f a imerick about onu of -y safety rlus ... aMd l'Il ive you the safet>' rule so you cam make op the last lin, of the limerick t. suit lte MI& Ater you've madeu p the last lino, 4111 linfthe eutry blank and mail if te me. Gu mother and dai t. bulp y. if you like. Maybe yu'il win one o4f the prizes for fthe week. Whou we've gont througb »Il the rules, we'il bave à special imerick covering ail six rules. TIl. qrand prixe e 'r ibis ont le a trip for yVo and one parent, guardian. feacher or imy adeh of vuf, eholce, te Canada$ **elf la ea"esd ul ee, Pmt au ye .li.ekiu cappaad gatlawey . rod beW HOW TO WIN liu.rick shown. Entie ilewti b. ludged on. their rhiythm and rityme, and how thei, dem, fit in, ,.-th the tint four *lin«. 2. Acy student who ettended un Outori. publie, porochiol, o, privt. ufon~tery ocheoo durtuf 1939 me, enter. a. Children ot employez et fùs newspeo. the. Ontario Sofety Leogmeunmd Raeigh Cyce inldustries.(Cane)MI'U. sonne' 4. This untry mnust bc postmortoed net foer ibum midnight W.dau.doy, Jui1 1, 1959, edma ueci dte ri. ddres, uthe .utrP S. Lch venu muet b. m.hied Wthe s uUtWy bleuit or ,eeecbie focshu ile..Ail entries bécofle he Pop t fEhuer the Sofetv £#0~Ou, cm uaimmf e &,et0w.a 4. Jude« ef the contac t mbu Ppeple Wbe me.k eathm v5.6" V.effle mfkr1, ~~- - - - - .- -.-L- ---------------- - - -l - - O~ff CIAL ENTRY BLANK (Mmenpht We are organized to build quality and service into your project. SHEPPARD o -t- LUMBER NArkeI 3-5715 manq DR,4 WINC BLUE PRINT SER VICE 1 -

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