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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 1

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*hItt~1M1? Durham County's Great Famly Jouxtai VOLUME 105 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO,' THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1959 10e Per Copy NUMBER 261 HARDWARE BOWLING Townspeople Break Co unty Record BuYs ALLEY In a major expansion move, Lander Hardware & Electric Ltd. of Bowmanville announced on Wednes- day that they have purchased the Martyn Bowling Alley property'on King Street East. They expect to occupy their present premises duririg the summer months when extensive changes. will be made to the- Martyn building. There will be a new, mod4ern front and other alterations which, they believe, will make their store one of the finest of its size anywhere. It will be open early in the f ail. Jack ai-d Glen Landei cam.e fromn Oshawa just 10 years ago to open a hardware store here. Gradually, their business has grown as thev have continued to acld widely diversified merchandise, including a line 1of Westinghouse appliances. Both have plaved an active part in community affairs and service club work. "We feel that Bowmanvi]Ie is going to continue to grow and, as retailers. we plan to grow alonc, with it," said the Lander brothers ini an interview, Weèdnes- day. No information wvas available on the future of the store now occupied by Landers and owned by Mrs. Gus Annis. NOTICE BUSY DURING SERMON CORRESPONDENTS As yet un1dentified cuiprits Please Note - Becau.çe were certainly flot listening to Dominion Day holiday, in- Ithe sermon ai St. Paul's United ly Tt, falls on lVednesday I Church here on Suliday. next week, we will be go~-I While the service wvas in pro- g ress, tlxey were in the Sunday ing to press a day carlier School room rifling through the and wouid request that Iqq7 handbags of ai least three mein- recewve your copy next bers of the choir whose wallets Monday. Thank you. were rnissîng. 0'3t and, Bowmanville's Young and old cîtizens set a new record on Tuesday when 1,054 turned out for their Tuberculin Test at the Lions Centre. This was a larger response than in Port Hope the first day. The~ test and subsequent X-rays will continue until lune 3Qh, ,bv which time'*itis-hoped every person In, the towvn -ll have taken advantage of this opportunity to have a free check-up. This photo shows' Nurse Olive McMillan of the Dept. of iHealth, Toronto, giving the test to Public School Principal Tom-Turner while teacher Cecil Morrison waits his turn. Rafepayers Wanf Information Garbage Cosîs, Earth Packer The constitution of the re-! advice regarding ariyneesrtê- ----.-- . cently formed Bowmanville rninor revision. This wvas car- Ratepavers' Association was ap- ried unanimously. proved' at a general meeting of It was decided thiat the pres- Cou ple Die the organization held atth ent executive wil hold ofc Memorial Park Clubhouse on until the end of 1960, and sub- Sunday evening. Ed Foran, the sequently annual elections ofM iue A ar president, was the chairman. the executive wilI bc held.f ts A ar Others ofth executive rs hr e one mernbership' t E nikle cnt were the ist vice-president, card per househoid entitlin ,A n ikl Norman Hannan, th 2nd vice- one person to vote on any mat-! president, Tom Masterson, the ters being deait with. The nern-I1 A double funeral service for secretary, Mrs. Walter Oke, the bership fee wvas set at $1.00 per Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Eni- treasurer, J. H. Meachin. and household until the end ofi niskillen. wil be held at the directors. Mrs. Nell Wilson, JimI 1960. Afterwards the fee Mul 1 Northcutt and Smith Funeral Coyle, and Robert Martyn, be $1.00 a year per househo]d. i fomne, 53 Division Street, Bow- After consideration and dis- A general meeting will bc heid' inanville, thLs afternoon at two cussion of eaclh clause of the onl the third Sundav of Pech o'clock. constitution iut as rnoved bv rnonth. Walter Oke, age 69, and his Jimn Coyle, seconded by Bob* The seeretary. Mrs. Oke, was wife. Phoce.e age 72, died m'n- Martyn, that the constitution be iflstructed to send a letter to the utes apart on ,Wondasy evening, adopiQd and subrnitted for le-al (Contuue onoaeseven) <Continued on Pape seven, Cutting Canadian Tire Ribbon Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers is holding the scissors that cut this beautiful rcd ribbon on Friday night te officially open the new Canadian Tire Associate Store here. The ceremony was prcceded by a parade including the Legion Pipe Band, drum majorettes, a ýdccorated 'modern convertible and severai ancient motor vehicles. At right, is the stor owzier, Stewart McTavish. £Pteces HECTIC SESSION - If ail reports are correct, the one or two day session of the United Counties Council which starts today, shouid be most interesting and quite hcctic. On the agenda is the report ofLbe Con- sultative Committce set up when Dariiiw;own. ship -and- Bowmanville petitioned to withdraw from the Durham District High Schoo .tea, Some of the other municipalities are not iooking kindly upon the efforts of the two local councils to remove themselves to a smaller high schooi area. Warden Garnet B Riekard willpreside over the seision. NEW ARENA CHAIRMAN- An unusual move developed at a meeting of Bowmanviile's Arena Man- agement Comxittee early this weck. Due to the retirement of Bob Watt as chairman, the cemmittee decidcd that, in future, the Chairman of the town 's Public Property Committce, wiil automaticaily be- come the Arena Chairman. Councillor O. J. Presson will have the responsibiiity for the coming scason. t t t î MOVE TO GLACE BAY - Captain and Mrs. Williain Brown of the Salvation Army in Trenton - and form- crly of Bowmanville- leave next week for Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. They have beeîi in Trenton for the past two years. The Glace Bay post is considerabiy larger than either the Trenton or Bowmanville post- ing. DON'T CRY, MAMA - At the Tuberculin Test Ciinic this week, one littie lad was bowling his hcad off as he stood in line waiting bis turn. When the big moment came, .he stoppcd crying just as he sat down to be jabbed by the needie and didn't f linch a bit. Next in line was his mother. As she sat down, the tiny boy put bis hand on ber shoulder and leancd bis head against ber. "Don't cry, Marnma," bé said in bis most comforting tone. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whyte, proprietors of Whytehaven Mission, welcomed about 100 visiters te their home on Friday afternoon and evening on the occasion of their 25th weddin g anniversary. "Mom" and "Dad" Whytc were present- cd with a bouquet of eut flowers by their more than 100 foster children, a sterling silver pin and cuff links from the staff and Bert gave his wifc a watch. ~. t j-t WONDEtFUL RESPONSE - Last %veek ini this coiumn we mentioned that one of our staff, L. A. MacDougal, was lcaving for bis former home, burncd- out Lanark, and would be happy to takze along any Jdonations of clothing, etc., that local people would care to make. The response was amazing. Calis and parcels came from ail over town and even from Oshawa. When he and his sons LoweIl and Gary Jleft here carly Saturday, their car was packed to the Jroof with contributions. The people of Lanark asked thm te express their sîncere thanks to the kind donors for their much apprcciatcd gifts. MONDAY CLOSING- Tonighit at 7:30 retai] mer- chants from town will gather in large nu.mbers, it is hoped, te decide if local stores will be closed ail day JMondays instead of Wednesday afternoons. The meet- ing is being held under auspices of the Retail Mercb- ants Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. j- t . t j' NOOBJECTIONS - At a recent meeting concerning the establishment of the Grand Union, now Stein- berg's Ltd. store at the corner of Church and Division Sts., ne objections werc raised by neighbors te the construction, The matter now rcsts with the Min- Iister of Planning and Dcvelopment, but it appears at the moment that no further complications ivill'iikely be placed in the path te delay a start on this building. As the Steinberg stores are different in design from Grand Union, there may be a delay of a few wecks te change the plans, but otherwise it igo believed there will be ne hitcb in the operatien. T t t 1 JIN HOSPITAL - His many friends and acquaintances will be sorry te learn that James T. Brown, Reeve of Clarke Township, is in Oshawa Hospital fer observa- tion, fellowing what is believed te have been a partial Reginald Jones Dies .Suddenly ut Cottage *The tragle news reaehed Bownmaville early Wednes- day rnornint that Reginald O. Jones. CountyRegistrar, had dicd suddcnly at bis cottage ncair Benouth. He waas inbis 73rd year. - .He and Mrs..Joues, aeesm- panied by Mrs., Ted Bird and Miss Mabel Chals were hol- Idaying for a week when Mr. Jones collapsed. SA former mayor et Bow- manville on two occasions, an ex-warden of the United Counties and an ex-superin- tenden t et R. M. Hoings- head Company here, Mr. Jones was wldely known throughout bis native Dur- 80 Pains0Bd Hosp0ital Sets New Record PLEASE CLAIM HlM Mrs. Robert Kent issuesa general plea for help. A black collie, male, with a white chesi bas been homesteading at their place since last Friday. Ail efforts to send him home to his rightful owner have failed. There is no tag or other identi- fication. If you are missing a dog of this general description, please contact the Kents at 30 Lowe St. and take this squatter off their hands. Good Record iEdward J. lUmoal, son. of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Kowal Sr., R.R. 2 Bowmanville, has successfully C., Guelph.- During the year, lie was an exçutive rnember ICouncil and was judged the best A la2nge number ot people 1 tractive variety of aIl-round Coilege Royal Show- Visited the new store owned by' earrings, bracelets, man in 1959. At present he is Marr's Jewellery at 39 King St. costume jewellery. taking suminer training at W., last weekend. The spacious For 24 years Mr. Camp Borden under the C.O. new premises have been attrac- operated a jeweller. TC. ai-d has been appointed tively decorated to show the ex- 43 King St. W. here, Public Relations Officer for, bis tensive stock of watcbes, boue to his new place cl platooni. ___ china, crystal, cut glass and rHe studied wvatchin -'*exquisite jewellerv. engraving at the Ceri The store lias been decorated nical Sebool, Toroitc PLENTY 0F TROUBLE tastefully with blue and yel- ceived further trair When the editorihi on page low as the predomtinating col- the Ellis Jewellery th fur was written,, both Joyce ours. The walls are pale blue, a charter memiber of iDavidson and former Durham- the ceiling a'soIt shade of yei- manville Lions Club ite E. L. Busbnell of the CBC low, and cornflower blue foi-nu master of Jerusaler Ihad enougli trouble to keep the background of the wall cases A.F.&A.M.. Mr. and' them busy. 'and effectively shows off thelhave two daughters, Since, 33 top producers of the fine wares. The flooring is of Mary-Lou. CBC have subrnitted letters of moder-n black and white tile, On Priday night, resignations with the possibility The cleverly arranged light- will wid up bis opei cf more to come and Tabloid's ing gives a diffused radiai-ce ials with a draw fc Joyce Davidson bas been grant- with neons and spotligbts doing worthwhile prizes. T: ed a divorce from ber husband. mucb to brighten the displays. open te anyone wbo .Tt seems trat trouble does Four tiered glass islands in the store and fis oult thE corne in bunches for everyone. centre of the shop hold an at- coupon,. Check New Life - Saving Equipment 4June l6th xvas the busiest day on record in Memiorial Hospital. Stanley Wilkins, the hospital admnitrt, reported at thelI nvi te Public t ta] Board of Directors held at r te hspialon Wednesday T O p n g 1 evening, June l7th. S T o s e p r s e n w e e : t h e c h i - H s E x c e lI c n c Y . th e M o s t man. Ivan Hobbs, Harry V. Cry- Rev. B. 1. Webster, Bishop derman, Glenholme Hughes, L. of Peterborough, wiII offici- IM. DeweIl,> Jamnes Stutt, Dr'. ate at the Blessing and Keith Siemon, Mrs. Bruce Mut- Officiai Openiiig of the new ton, Mrs. L. W. Dippeli., Mrs. St. Joseph's Romnan Catholic rLawrence Mason, Ra 'v Dilling, Church, Liberty Street S., the secretary-treasuirer, and Mr. next Sunday afternoon at Wilkinls. four o'clock. B3' roon on Juzne luth there The Parish Prlest, Rev. F. were 80 patients in residence at K.,Malane, cordially invites Memorial Hospital. and this re- te oleoBomvie presented 130 er cent occupan-atheurolendin dnistic t cy, the hospita1 administratoriatn th eioisad pointed out. Hie said the present at the pncueemo bie ad hospital bas beds for only 33 in, fthe Opea Hse obeh the medicai and surgical sec- Bishop WVebster, Father tion, and added that as there ::z::;,othYm priests, and bedre 4 atonien aare for in the altar boys will go in corrihd o r.laced in the te the front of St. Joseph's crior th aent adte Church at four o'clock. Inret17 patent ad nts r Following a prayer by the Jee1 ainsad2 nat Blshop the procession %vill on June I 6th, Two sets 01 twins proceed around the outside were born on that date and this of the church. Then the also set a record, Mr. Wilkins Bishop wilI open the front stated. door and be the first to He reported that in. May the enter the church followed average number of patients in by the procession and the residence per day was 50, aný members of the congregation increase of 4.6 per day over 1 and other people who will May, 1958. The total number of ail have been waiting eut- <Continued on page nineteen)1 side. Prize Draw Tom orrow ,At Marr's Jewellery neckiaces, and other Marr has ry store at * next door of business. iaking and 'itral Tech- to. and re- ining wit;h there. He is > the Bow- and a past ni Lodge, Mrs. Marr 'Pat and Mr. Marr ,eiing spec- for several 'he draw is :visits the he required i e On Tuesday atternoon, ail members of the Bowmanville detachment uf the Ontario Provincial Police were given instruction in the use of the new $600 inhalator- resuscitator purchased recently by the local Red Cross branch. On han d fer the demonstratien were many. lady members of the Red Cross executive as well as visitors from Newcastle and Orene. The equipment will be avaîlable at OPP head- quarters fer use anywher-e in this area. Bill Bowes of Safety Supply Ce., Toronto, shows Constables Pat Harte-Maxweli, Francis Dryden, Cpi. G. M. Keast, Cwas. *Murray Joint and J. T. Mefloald how the equpment operates. ~In4bi4n LAN .DER MARTYN ham County. In hi. carlier days, he was vcry active inu snost sports in the commun- ity. Heie'l survlved by bis wife the former Lottie Cawker. three daughters, Dorothy, <Mrs. Charles Mcllveen), Oshawa-, Madeline, (Mrs. Jack BeattiP> and MarJorie, (Mrs. Richard Sanderon), both of fToronto; and one brother Roy. aise of Toronto. Funeral arrangements were Incompiete at press Urne, but the service wili be held froni Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, probably Frlday or Saturday. ' 1ý0 Patïents 5 0 Beds

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