w - rw rn - ~- * I r ~ .--s.---- ~-q* - - w -; THURSDAY, Jffl-J 25th, 1959 TM CANADIAN STATfMUR, EOWMANVILL, ONTARIO Cards of Thanks Many thanks to, the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, k0wnanville, alsa to the friends Ftrkind wishes, cards and flow- ýe - Esther Eddy. 26-1 I would like ta, thank al aur relatives, friends, neighbours, the different organizations, all who have sent flowers and cards during the lengthy illness and passing of my wife. Leanard Richards. 26-1* 1 wlsh to thank my classmnates and friends who wrote letters and cards and sent me gifts while I was in the hospital. A special thanks ta my nurses and Dr. Slemon. *ij Brian Blackburn. 26-1* 1 wlsh ta, thank rny family, other relatives, friends, and the different organizations for the lovely flowers and cards sent'to me while in the Memor- ial Hospital A special thanks ta all who were sa kind ta me while there. Mrs. E. C. Ashton. 26-1* .The family of the late Mr. Harold W. Allun wish ta extend their sincere thanks to their mnany relatives, friends and - neighbors for their varlous actsi of kindness and syrnpathy dur-1 ing the loss of a loving husband and father. Mrs. Dorothy Allun and family. 26.1* 1 would like ta, express my sincere thanks ta reltvs friends and neighbours who sent. cards, flowers and fruit. andl those who visited me wh ile in ho6pital and since returning home. A specia] thanks ta Drs. Rundle and McKenzie, also tai the nurses in Memorial Hospital- for efficient services and kind- Ernest E.- Patterson. 26-1* Wanted A COTTAGE ta, rent, the weeks of Saturday. July 4 - 18. Tele- phone MA 3-3678. 26-1 DEA4D and crippled tarn stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwil Fur Farmn, Tyrone. 13-tf 100-200 ACRES land, preferably no buildings, light sali for trees. Write Advertiser 952, c/o Canadian Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 26-9 Repairs R~ADIO and televisian repairs. 'Prompt service. Pick-up and Làmvery. George's, 85 King St. jjjj Ph-one MA 3-5713. 29-tf PUUARANTEED television and r'adio service, toalal makes. Sarne day service. Television -Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIES and rcwinding, arm- atures turned, toa aU makes of electric mators. Higgon Elec- trie, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-3305.7-tf REPAIES to a i akes o! sew- ing_ machines. Free pic-kup and dlilvcry. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7921.- AAG Work Wcmted P7,UMBING, heatlng, eaves- troughing; free estimatus. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-?240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIRS Phono Bowmanville- MA 3-5523 Oshawa RA 8-8180 25-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanvllle CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf PAINTING and DECORATING PAPERHANGING Free Estimates Phone MELLE ROZEMA IR.R. 1 Bowmanvllle - MA 3-2584 22 -t! EAVESTROUGHfING TONY BAARS Mor-Sun, Powerniatlc, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - 011 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf Auction Scde Twenty-five acres of standing hay, the estate of the late James Searle, Lot 26, Concession 7, 1Hope Township, haif mile east of Elizabethville, to be sold by public auction on Tuesday even- ing June 30 at 7 p.m. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 26-1 The undersigncd auctioneer will seil by public auction a quantity of household furniture on Saturday, July 4th for James Cairns at Burketon: studio couch, dining-room suite, beds and mattress, rocking chair, large quantity of dishes and other articles. Sale at 1:30. Ternis cash. Cliff Pethick, auc- tioneer. 26-2 Having received Instructions froni Mr. George Ryan, I will sell by Public Auction on Sat- urday, June 27th, an his premis- es, on Highway No. 2, Newton- ville, at 1:30 p.m., D.S.T., ail his household effects, including kitchen, bedroom, and dining- room furniture, dishes, many antiques, porter iran lathe. Ternis cash. Lloyd Clysdale, auctioneer. 26-1* 1 have received instructions from Messrs. Offa and Tom Staples, to seil by public auc- tion, on the premises, Lot 12, Concession 9, Manvers (on Highway 35, one mile narth of Junction 7A Highway) on Sat- urday, July 4, 1959, at 1 p.m., the following: farm implements, combine, household furniture, antiques, etc. Terms cash, no reserve. R. J. Payne, auction- eer. Ted Spenceley. clerk. 26-2 Notices Dr. Dinniwell's office wiil be closed from June 27 ta July 20. 26-2* Dr. C. Austin's office will be closed from July 10 ta August 16.26Î-3 Anger Construction Co.16 LTD. Dr. Keith Slemon's office will LTD.be closed from July 4th ta, COMPLETE August lOth. 26-2 BUILDIG SERVICE Dr .L wr' fiewl BRICK WORK BLOCK r .L wr' fiewl CHIMNEYS - CONCRETE be closed, from June 27 until AND CARPENTRT 'July 2 inclusive. 26-11 DOUG- MArket 3-3375 Dr. Ferguson's office will be ROT MArkct 3-2273 c lased duning July and August, 27-tf'-and ta September 4th; except ------~ - the first week o! August. 26.2* Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 ]BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Also do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. Pick Up and Delivery, MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE 1 "Our Business ls ta SATISFY" Corne Now and Try MOE'S TV & RADIO SERVICE 15 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone MA 3-5045! SANTA'S VILLAGE 25 Bracbridg- Oni Rooms for Rent ROOMS for two roomers, sep- IREPAIRS to ail makes of re- arate rooms on main floar. frigerators, domestic and com- Kitchenette with refrigerator. iercial; milking coolers. Hig- Private bathroom, entrance, g on-Electrie Limited, 38 King screened veranda. Phone MAI Et.E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf 3-5414. 26.1*1 IOSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTSi We can help you -j get that needed addition to your home . a. When your family needs more room for modern living . . . count on us bsu ppiy you with ail the necessary building materials . . . and we can show you how ihis expense can be budgeîed fo your income under our easy-to- pay budget plan. Let us help you reach yo ur goal in. reni-sized monthly payments. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 9 Telephones To Serve You Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showrooms 94 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-RA 8-1617 COURTICE-RA 8-1611 BOWMANILLEi-MA 3-2130 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 *DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAT TILL 9:00 P.M. IBranch 178, Canadian Legion, wishes ta inform the residents of Bowmanville and district Ithat it is not sponsoring persan or persans selling magazine subscriptions in this vicinity, also that na proceeds from these sales are going taward Legian sponsored welfare xvark. Signed, Ed. Rundle, Pres. 26-1 V I S IT THE REAL LIVING SANTA IJUNE 19 to THANKSGIVING 1Fun Comig Events The third annual picnic af Uic Wood family wiil be held at Hampton Park on Thursday, July 2nd. 26-1* Dance at Pontypool Orange Hall, June 26th. Good orch- estra. Admission 75c. Every- one welcomc. 24-3* Strawberry Tea -on lawn of Trinity United Church, sponsor-' cd by Group 13, Thursday after- naon, June 25 (Sunday School Raom in case of rain)., 25-2 Zion Cemetery Board w'ill hold their annual Decoration Day Service on Sunday, J uly 5th at'l 1 a.m. Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P., will be the guest speaker.1 Ail are welcome.262 The Werry family picnic will be held in Hampton Park, July 18th. The main meal will be at 12:30 with supper for those who wish ta stay. Mrs. Elton Werry, Cor. Sec'y. 26-1 Strawberry Festival at Mor- rish United Church, July 2nd, 1959. Menu-Ham and salads, cake, tarts and pies. Supper wiil be served from five o'clock an. Prices: adults $1.00, child- ren 50c. 26-1 Have you a swimming prob- lem? Private and semi-private lessons available at Cream of Barley Park Pool, in a series of 10 lessons. Resuits guaranteed. For rates and schedule enquire at the Pool. 26-1 Waodview Communlty Centre -Manster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Doar prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf D ANC E TYRONE HALL SATURDAY, JU-NE 27 After the Bail Game Clara Nesbitt's Orchestra Regular Admission 26-1* iSlrawberry Social and Home Baking Sale ta be held on Friday, June 26ih at 3 p.M. on the corner lawn of The Salvation Army DIVISION AND CHURCH STS. (Indoors if ralning)252 COME TO HAYDONi for TEA and CONCERT Wednesday, July isi Tea wiIl be served front 4:30 p.m. ln the Church Shed and a VARIETY CONCERT wilI follow~ Prices: Aduits - Tea and Concert' or Tea only $1.25; Concert only, 50c, and ehildren under 12, Tea and Concert or Tea only, 75c. Concert only 25c. Proceedi ln &id of Sunday School. 26-11 Hampton Sunday Schaol An- niversary Services will be held Sunday, June 28th. Rev. H. Atkinson, Oshawa, will be the guest minister for the afternoon service at 2:30 p.m. The S.S. pupils will pravide special music under the leadership of Mrs. Douglas Rigg, Bowmanville. Rev. B. Long, Orono, will be the guest minister for the evening service at 7:30 pam. Mrs. W. Pring and Mr. D. Williams, Bowmanville, will be guest.! vocalists at the evenîng service, assisting the Choir under the leadership of Mrs. K. Caverly,~ Hampton. Rev. F. Reed will bel in charge o! bath services. 25-21 Wanted to Buy ALL kinds of live paultryl wanted. Highest prices paid. Almoat a Native "It is my pleasant duty as In- dustrial Commissioner ta ex- tend a welcome te Stewart Me- Tavish, K. N. Morris told the large gathering at thc Canadian Tire Corporation store. Re said that Mr. McTavish was close ta being a Bowmanvillc boy be- cause he had grawn up in Osh- awa, bas always had many friends ini this tawn and dis- trict, and bas spent much time bere. "Mr. McTavish bas faith ln hiniself and this is essential for anyonc engaged in retail busi- ness. He obviously has faith in Bowmanville as otherwise he would not h-ave established his business here."I Mr. Morris stat- ed in introducing the store owner. Pledgcs Best of Service "This is a happy moment for nme as it sees the realization of my ambition te open my own Canadian Tire Corporation store ln Bowmanvilie"', Mr. Mc- Tavish said. He expressed ap- preciation o! the belp given him in his projcct by Ken Mor- ris ever since he had first gone ta bis office ta discuss the pas- sibi]ity a! locating a new busi- ness in the town. Mr. McTa- vish pledged himself te give the best of service ta the peo- pie o! Bowmanville and the district. Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers miade reference ta the growth and improvement o! the Bow- manville shopping area during the past several years. He said there have been numerous im- provements te King Street stores. A new Post Office bas been built and a branch of the Toronto-Dominion Bank has been opened in a new building, he remarked. Other Deveiopments Coming Other developments are in thc offing. the Mayor pointed out, and there h-as bein a marked improvement in-Uic arca porth a! King Street recently. He wel- comed Stewart McTavish ta Bowmanville on' behalf o! Town Council -and cangratulatcd hlm on Uic opening o! bis well equlp- ped and up-ta-date store. C. E. M£Tavish, Toronto, who was a prominent Oshawa busi- ness m-an for many years, tald the gathering that he is natural- ly very interested in his son, Stcwart's business career. He said that during the 25 years he had livcd ln Oshawa he came ta know and like Bowmanville and its people and was pleased when bis son decided ta go into business bere. Nick Diinitriou af the head office staff a! the Canadian Tire Corporation spoke an behalf of Uic president. A. J. Billes, wha arnived later lu the evening. He mYJ J! 1aLL, tietI.LdII> £kL . J. toUI 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf Mr. Wilkins reported.: HIGHEST prîces paid for used 956-Average adults per day !urniture, appliances. television j 32.6 or 65 percent occupancy. sewing machines, etc. Also sell 1957-Average adults per day and exchange. 59 King St. W. 35.6 or 71.2 Percent occupancy. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf 1958-Average adàlts per day HIGHEST prices pald for live 40.7 or 81.6 percent occupancy. poultry, goose feathers, feather1 1959<(To thc end of May) ticks, scrap iran, rags, metaîs Average aduit patients per day and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043147.8 or 95.6 percent occupancy. Oshawa, collect. 48-tl 1 "It Is not onily the present [overcrowding that is alarming, BALED hay-2 tons timothy, 21i but when we consider that it tans good mixed hay and 2 tons wiil take two years ta build an second cut mixed claver and1 addition and plans are still held alfalfa when available. Dcliv- up, it is fightening ta think of ered, or we can pick up in theI what conditions will be like in field. Cream o! Barley Park. thc future unless immediate ac- MA 3-5655. 26-1 tion is taken", Ivan Hobbs, the chairman, stated eniplatically. Personal "Darlingtan, Newcastle n Bowmanville have .,greed ta STOP Feeling Old! Stay young 1 support the cost o! extension. longer. Ostrex Tonic Tablets' Clarke bas decided ta table the revitalize entire body. Make 3-mte, si."hexnio druggist. Ol269. -1 l planned is ta, provide 17 beds druggsts.26-1 for children, 27 bedas for chronic, HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber 1 and 56 for medical and surgical goods) mailed postpaid in plain, patients. The way occupancy o! sealed envelope with pnice list. iMemorial Hospital ha& been Six samples- 25c, 24 samples climbiwg it would be useless $1.00. M ail Order Dept. T-28,1 and show lack of foresight ta Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham- plan an extension to provide itan. Ont. 1-52 less than this addcd accommo- dation," Mr. Hobba pointed out. Accounts passcd at the meet- ing amounted to $8,89 1.39. 8 0 Glenholme Hughes. chairman of the finance committee. reported P<UYIOnIS that acaount.s for 1959 ta Uic P a te Lb t s cnd o! May total $143.745. (Cointlnucd from page one) Dunîng the months of July and August Uic Memonial Hos- patient days in May was 1,550' piai board will not meet, but wbich was an increase o! 143, meetings o! the building com- aven May, 1958. nmittee and the finance commit- jThe yearly increase in adult tee wilii be held. The next mneet- patients cared for in the hospi- ing o! the bospital board wili tai per day aver the last three be on the evening o! thc third and a hall years was as follows. Wednesday ini September. Tou Strerelations, Canadian Tire,an rowds Tour Storetriou. dealer relationsanMr Dimxitrlou, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. C. E. McTavish. Toronto, parents of the owner of he new For Ail The Famlly Chiidren to 14 years - FREE 9:30 a.m. ta 6:00 p.m Sunday 1:00 p.m. ta 6:00 p.m. j 25-7 Room and Board LARGE rooni, gentleman, board if desired. Apply 205 King St. East. Phone MA 3-3186. 26-1 Large Cu During The gala official opcning of thc new Canadian Tire Corpor- ation Store, 160 Church Street, ,on Friday evening drew a large crowd o! people from Bowman- ville and the surrounding dis- trict. C. Stewart MéTavish is the owner of thc spaciaus mod- en store. The festivities started with a parade through thc tawn led by Uic Bowmanvifle Legion Pipe Band. Barbara Brown and ber Majorettes made a bit with a smart demonstration of ba- ton twirling as they strutted along in Uic parade. Many interesting antique me.- ter cars took part la Uic pa- rade. These cars were beaded by a modern open onc driven by an Indian with feathered beadpiece. The -hood la front and the back o! the car were covered with fuirs and the car bore a placard statiug "There is good bunting at Canadian Tire Corporation." This car is awned by Glen James, Port Hope. Othen interesting cars in the parade were: a 1918 Over- land owned by Lloyd Johnston, 147 Liberty Street, whicb had belonged ta the father of the late Clarence Mutton who died this year; a 1918 Ford touring car owncd by Ken Adamis o! Ken's Service Esso Station, Na. 1l5 highway, ançi a 1903 Cadil- lac owned by Rau Fawcett, Osh- awa. 1 1