PAGE TwM"T Red Cross Bran ch Procures New Lif e m Saving Equipment For- Use Anywhere in the Area At a recent meeting of the Bowmanvile andi District Red Cross Society held at the home of Mis. Wm. Rudeil, Newcastle, thc executive unanimously agreed to purchase a life saving resuscitator. The executive feit that with the increased population of Bowmanvi.lle and the large ru- rai area a second -resuscitator is needeti to properly service this district. The Redi Cross felt that by working in co-operation with the Ontario Provincial Po- lice this ernergency service coulti be matie available to a much greater area. Members of' the local O.P.P. tietachment have been most co-operative andi are being instructeti in the proper use of this iife-saving instrument. An emergency cal to O.P.P. headquarters fromn any spot in Durham will bring this valuable instrument to the scene of tne accident wîthin fif- teen minutes. This resuscitator bas a three- folti use. t will mechanicallv breathe for a victîi whose res- o)Iration bas ceaseti and automa- TH& ÏDDS ARE 2TO 1. at your assurance programi needs attention if it has't been reviewed recently by an exper- ienced underwriter. A change of beneficiary perhap ... mortgage protection. . or les lie asqsur- ance andi more provision for retirement. Let me review your asuirance -. my years of experi- ence with the Sun Life Assur- ance Company of Canada are art your service. Banner Passant Representative MA3-3258 53 Blrown St. Bowmanville tically adjusts to the mndivi-1 1dual's lung pressure so that it ecan be uscd for children anti aduits alike. Lt wili also act as an inhalator in cased of heart failure or severe shock whcre a breathing patient requires oxygen. It is also an aspirator and as such will withdnaw any fluitis on obstruction in the up- per air Passages-of a Victini. A person of normai intelligence can leann to operate it in an hour. It is compact andi easily transporteti anti can be operat- cd efficiently up to 200 feet from the carrying case. An ex- tra heati bas also been purchas- eti so that in the event of a dou- ble drowning, both victirns will receive automatic a.rtificial. res- piration simultaneously. Your local Red Cross Branch is confident that you wil1 feel as they do about this major ex- penditure-if it can be instru- mental ini saving only ONE 111e it will have more than paiti for itself. It is avallable NOW for YOUR use ANYWHERE ini this area. Don't hesitate to caîl your O.P.P. detachment in case of emergency,, The Thnee M's met Monday night in the church basement with the president Mis. Ewart Leask, in the chair. During the business discussion perioti it was decided that the next three meetings will ie social gather- ings with the new executive ta- king charge in September. The newly-electeti officers are- Pre- sidents- Wes anti Doris Hilîs, Vice-presidents- Stan and Mary Millson, secretary- Gladys Yel- lowlees, Treasurers- Don anti Joyce Taylor. The program was arrangeti by Rae anti Dorothy Pascoe with the latter presiding. The worship service was led by Doris Hîlîs anti Gladys Yellow- lees played, a piano solo. It was3 a pleasure to welcome to our 1 meeting, Mn. anti Mrs. RotiovicI Arho were introduceti by Rev.e Air, Rail or Steamshlp TI1C K E T TO EVERYWRERR consuit JURY & LOVEL 15 King st. W. MA 3-51 Bowmanvile ;77 t 1 it a] S: ai R*adio,. 1958 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4-Dr., 8 cyL Clock. 1957 1956 1956 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Hardtop, 6-cyl., automatic, radio, new tires. 1954 WINDSOR 4-DR. SEDAN, Power Flite, Sports tone. In new car condition. 1952 CHEV. 4-Dr. Radio 1952 FARGO 1-TON PICK-UP 1952 MERCURY 2-DR., Two-tone, radio. Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East MA 3-5487 TME CANADIA STATESMA. BOWMAMIVLL.ONTARTO Reed. Ib'ey told of life In their home countries of Yugoslavia and Germiany, answered ques- tions asked by the group and also showed pictures which ev- eryone found interesting. Lunch was served by the group in charge during the social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees were guests at the wedding of their cousin Glenn Grills of Valentia and Joanne Speers of Lindsay, ini St. Andrew's Pres- byerian Church, Lindsay, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, Mr. Gordon Davis and Peter, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow- lees were Sunday tea guests of Mr'. and Mis. Ralph Davis and Pat. Mr.~ anti Mi r $50,00O.00 Worth 'of Used Ca AT BARGAIN PRICI Wh ether il be a sharp car wiih ail the frimmings .. good family car for summer driving we can fi' needs . . . Ail are ready to go! LGW DOWN PAYNENT EASY TERI Arts Car lui%9 Church si. 1Mrs. J. Knox, Ken, iattended Cenitennial in at Brougham school' ýy. ruce Montgomery at- efuneral of a cousin .st on Friday. 1Mrs. H. Freitag and awa, visited on Sun- .and Mrs. E. Cryder- Mrs. Ross Cryderman ren, Mr. and Mrs. E. iand Keith were Sun- iests of Mr'. and Mrs& rid children, Oshawa. an Rundie, Bowman- a guest of Mr'. and Cryderman and child- 1Mrs. George Knox y visited relatives at on Sunday. )rrniston, Ebenezer, om Baker's on Sun- sgranddaughter Jean ad him to. visit, at Mr'. h's at Bobcaygeon. H.R.H. Pri asWerry and. Anne ýnniversary services, ove and were guests___ Mtrs. Roy VanCamp's t MIcLaugh.lin, Oshawa: lees and children were Sunday Matheson, Toronto, evening visitors of Mr'. and Mrs. and Mrs. Harold Do n Thompson and family, 1 Courtice. Mus. N. Wotten, visit- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach, arry Stinson at En-j Taunton; 11r. and Mrs. Art ýday. Youngmnan and sons, Tyrone; Wotten vlsited her' Mr. J. KiveU and MViss Pearl s. W. Rahm at Ty- Leach were entertained at the 4rs. Dr. L. B. WIIl- home of Mr'. and Mrs. D. Flett manville. and children, on June 17, when Mfrs. J. Large, Rob,- Mr. Leach wvas observing a et, Mis. E. Bromell,t birthday and was the guest of. e; Mr. and Mr.J hnr oronto, visited- Mr Mi'. and Mrs. A. Beevor and W. Parrinder and sons, Oshawa, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Rae Mis. Joe Snowden Pascoe and children. ,edron Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. C. Pascoe at- >were tea guests with 1 tended Mapýle Grove Annivers- rs. Foster Snowden,. ary and were tea guests of Mrs. Mrs. Stan Millson L. C. S-nowden, Milcired and Isited Mr. and, Mrs. jBab rid Barenda, Tyrone. IA' unmber of Solina people .ra. Bruce Tinýk andi attended Open House at the .d Mr'. and Mns. Alec parsonage and ladies of the in, Brooklin. W.I. and Three M's and girls E. Tink visited Mr. of. the C.G.I.T. assisted in re- Cruickshànk, Peter- celing, pouring tea and, serv- ing on Tuesday. rom here attended Friends of Solina Community Picnlc at Hampton extend deepest sympathy to Mr. turdày. Russell Perkins and Margaret Mtrs. Wes Hilis and on the sudden passing of a loy- ed Mr. andi Mrs. M. ing wife andi mother. LOmemee.I MIrs. E. R. Taylor, sBruce Taylor and ENIIrT~P unday dinner guests EN IS ILJLN La Taylor, Bowmnan. &. aITrwn voyne, Prestonvale,, Doreen and Donald were Sun- and Mrs. C. Lang-i day tea guests with Mr. anti Mrs. nily on Sunday. Chas. Gerrard, Haydon. %Irs. Roy Langrnaid! Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, 1 and Mis. Will Mof- were cailers on Mr. and Mrs. o, on Sunday. Fred Tamblyn and Mrs. Harry rs. Roy Jacklin anti Rowe, Orono, and were tea ai' City, Sask., vis-I guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Lloyd ncle and aunt, Mi'. Ashton, Haydon:. ýank Westlake, Sr. Mr'. andi Mrs. Allan Martin Ers. Frank Westlake and famiJy, Mr. and MVrs. Carl Lt Tom Westlake's, Brunt and family, Bowmanville; andi at Pei'cy West- IMi. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Mr'. W Mark, Port Perry, were vis- Mrs. C. Hamer are tors wîth Mr'. anti Mrs. Arthur she is now at home Brun t. îg treatment in a '. and Mrs. Roy MYfGilI at- pital and, is some- 'tendeti Haydon Anniversary and ved. We trust she were tea guests of Mr. anti Mrs. eto do so Lloyd Ashton. rs. Frank Westlake Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Wright ly visited at Mr. F. and family, Newmarket; Mr. and owinanîville. Mrs. Fred Wright and family, rs. Harvey Yeliow-' Bowmanville, were with '' -parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, also called on Mr. andi Mrs. Edgar Wright. Misses Shirley, Diane' and Linda andi brother Jackie Av-j ery, Burketon, were with their grantiparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Oke. Clinic Chairman for the Tu- berculin Test, Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, 'wishes to report congratulations to Enniskjllen centre, over 530 testeti and 100%/ returned for reading of test. This centre was sponsoreti by Enniskillen W.A. f andi its success was due to Mrs. L. Wearn, Chairman, Mrs. W. Logan, Publicity Chairman, Mrs. '\ \ \E. Wright, Canvass Chairman, and Mrs. J. Siemon, Supply Chairman. Assisting clerks in y the clinic were Mrs. F. Samis, Enfielti; Mrs. A. Sharp, Mrs. E. A. Werry, anti Mrs. H. Ashton, Enniskillen. Mr'. and Mrs. C. M. Fockler and f mily To n, reS un-. rince Philip B.M. Queen Elizabeth il Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Ashton anti boys, Mr. Allan Stainton, were with Mr'. anti Mrs. S. Ker- sey, Hampton. Miss Lorna Wearn, Grace Hospital, Toronto, spent the -Pictures .by McKague Courtesy Ont. Dept. Travel anti Publicity fweekend with her parents A. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and n L. Wearn's. chiltiren attendeti Kedron Anni- ,Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. anti versary andi were tea guests of -Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois anti Mn. anti Mrs. Ross Lee. jCharles, attentieti Maple Grove Miss Elenor Leighton, Bow-' ,eAnniversary and were tea guests manville; Mr'. andi Mis. F. W Important News for ICA Customners Ail Advertised Features Now Effective 4 DaysWeekly Wed., Thurs., Fri. and' Salurday uY instead of previeus 3 day period I reoent callers at Mr. and Au%, Allaji Werry's. DeePest sympathy to the tam- ily of the date Mr. and Mms Walter Oke who both passed away very suddenly Monday evenang. Dedication Servie Many months of planning and effort came to a climiax on Sun. day morning when the new amn. ber tinted windows of Enniskil. len United Church were pre., sented and dedîcated to the glory of God. The Service Cluo of Enniskillen donated the wln. dows to the church where they were recently installed. In a brief ceremony of praise and dedication, Mrs. Allan Wer- ry, immediate part president of the Service Club. formally made the gift. flev. Walter Logan re. ceived It, decicating -the win- dows for the greater worship- fulness of the congregation. A letter of thanks and apprec- iation signed by officiais of the congregation was read by the mi nister and then given to Mrs. Werry for presenation to the Service Club. ?a =~. NASH Aluminum Windows - Doors Awnings FOR FRÈE ESTIMATES MA 3-5439 LAWRENCE LEAMAN 10 Anne St. Bowmanville For Prompt Service STOKEL Y'S FANCY ufacto Juice Mixed Pickles IGÀ&Potato Chips IGA FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL IGA SALAD DRESSII H1-FLO SYRUPS 28-oz. 7 Buy One Get One Free2 For 49~C Jusi Two ai Our Nany Meat Features Fresh Grade "A" Acronized Oven Ready - 5 to 8 lb. Average Turkey Lb.4 Essex Flavortite Regular or Ready to Eat - Cryovac Boneless lc Ham .3 lM. lb. average ý8 48-os. tin 2 9 C Save 6c 12-oz. tin 3 9 C 16 oz. jar 14 oz. pkg. 25c Frnh' NTATPT49<X pkg" 3 32oz ar 65c KLEENEX - Regular or Chubbie 2 For 39c PERSONAL IVORY Free Face Cloth 5br 8 Just Two ai Our Nany Produce Feaures At their Peak of Flavour - Size 113's Sunkistc Oranges_43e From Bradford Marsh Canada No. 1 - Vacuum Cooled Lettuce 2 heads 23' Frozen Food Feature Donald Duck Orange Juice 56oz. $1 .00 Dairy Feature *Velveeta CHEESE 1-lb. fl SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanvîlle IGA Market BWINIL ONTAIO Toms' IGA Market NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO DEST NEW CAR DEALS OF TUE SEASON! NOW 15 THE TIME TO BUY AS WE NEED USED CARS PLYMOUTH 4-Dr., 6 cyl. PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN, V-8 with Power Flite, radio, Sports tone. Prem Luncheon Meat Bowmanville Marki NA% Mr., and Mr a 1 - - w - Ail Features Effective June 24, 25, 26, 27 Now is the lime le lake advantage ai the Volume 6 Now on Sale! large variely ai Free Gifis and Noney Sav- Previous 'Volumes 5h11 Available ing Values offered ini the IGA . .. Spring HOM E MAKERS and Summer Catglogue Supplemeni.. ENCYCLOPEDIA hl lm PHONE w erry, ivir. urant werry, were - 0 0 0 a NEWCASTLE# ONTARIO