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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 3

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?RUUAY, UNE sth.1959T CANADLAN STATSMAN, BOWMANVILE ONTARIO WILLIAMS - CHAMBERLAIN The Chancel of the First Mé- thodist Church, Niagara Falls, N.Y., was the setting of the mar- niage Saturday (June 20, 1959) of Miss Isabelle Chamberlain and John Palmer Williams. Caridelabira iluxninated the altar which was decorated wth baskets of white gladioli and 'inums. The Rev. Fred W. House of- liciated at a double-ring cere- n:ony, uniting the daughter of IMU. and ?&s. Alexander Cham- Sberlain, 74th St., and the sonl of M. and Mrs. Russell G. Wil- Larams, 58th St. Mrs. Earl McCormick a r ganist and Miss Mary Brown! was aoloist. Eîscorted to the aitar by herj father. -the bride v-as attired in a gown of white bouquet taffe- ta. It was styled with a fitted bodice, square neckiine and color Helena Ru« new COL( lasts through'1 Another beautiful Rubinstein - unique Ci that; conditions as il through five shampoos Color Lift won't rub off -and it won't brush oi it is literally revoluti rinsing 1 Color Lift is easy to right from the bottle-i no separate mixing.' has formulated tI)is ai natural-looking colors every shade of hair frc very gray. Give gour ' color Iift youî' next sh. 2mnth Jury anc PRONIF MA 3-577Ï8 and Mrs. Sieds Vander Meer ~Hope meeting on July Mt and to fonm the xuard of honour for the High Chie! Compassion of IOntario, wbo vwill visit Queen Mary Circle on that date. styled uisnnIary to the honorM attendant's and. carried cascade Mr. bouquets of pink asters and ste- phanotis. Russell Wilhams was best man for bis son. Guests were e rig AQseated by Alexander J. Cbam-fk *4W benlain, brother of the bride: Norman Barber, Douglas Piper and Edward Switzer. For an, evening reception at q the Red Codch Inn, the mother cf the bride greeted guests wear- i mg a rose lace and chiffon~ sheath dress with matching ac- cessories and a corsage of white orchids. Three Million Dollars Spent Fighting Cancer Thse Canadian Cancer Society spent almost $3,000,000 on can- cer control throughout Canada last year, tise society revealed today. 0f this neanly one-third was spent on researchs andi fellow- ships. Society president Carl B. IFrenchs told the annuel general snot aee~es dge wih Bl- he othr o th brdegoom., '!tend the High Court Circle atI 195859 had been the most suc- gin aeadtimdwith favored a green lace and chif- jth RolYr. cessful of the societv s 21 vears ,seed pearis. The ful akirt form- fort sheath dress with beige and w Meetigs oi Maple Leaf Cir- of operation. ed a butterfly back and con- greenceore and a corsageci ilbespndd urg- tinued to a cathedral-length of white orchids Jl n uus. Tenx train. Mr. and Mrs. Williams will meeting of Maple Leaf Cîrclei . .T a h r A Swedish queen'a crown honeymnoon in Montreal and No. 143 wiIJ be held on the . . Te c e s trinmed with seed pea.rls heldi Quebec, before making their 4evening of the third Thursday her three-tiered French veil1 home in Randolph Rd.. Alfred. in September at the Union Hall. and she carried a cascade bou-, Guests from Bowrnanvillei. Following the meeting last quet of white gardenias and cluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil- ee'n novbe1do te Th outhDaingtn eah stepanois.liams, 11r. and Mrs. Donald sao at was held in the1 ers' Association met at Hamp- Mrs. Leonard Cassert, sister Wlliams, David and NancyiI Uio1al omainEelntnComnt arynJn of he rid, a maron0f on-Wiliam, Mrs.Artur dgé ~Beard was the general conven- 19 for their annual pîcnic. The or, wore a turquoise silk dress! and Mr. and 'Mrs. Pprcv Grf-en- i <ofrtheen.W ensItttefHapn fashonedwit a sbrmanee- fild*served a delicioiîs salad supper. line, cap sleeves and a bell-shap- . ....Co-npanion Alice Mitchell ' -s. Magrtlilete ed skirt. She wore a matchiz- WEDN-STNER q tewnnrottdrwfr president, conducted a brief picture hiatan carried a cas- WEE TNE prett.v apron. Ti-e surprise ' speidTh folwn cade bouquet of pink and white. Eîlskm;Ien UnitedCi Curch piewiùr were Copninbuies eniod. ythe ooing asters and stephanotis. prettily dlecorated with whit~eN Martha Gowdy and Companion were reseted bor the nomin- Beryl Hughes who each receiv- aigcmitefrtecmn Mrs. Norman Barber, sister 'mum.s ai-d Pink carnations, was >e aro trcieerig.sho er rsdnMs ,.of the bidegroom; Miss Eliza- :the setting for the marriage on edaWa o trctvcolea r eMi sident, MGrsve- beth Switzer and Mrs. James: June 13th at.12:30 p.m. of Ju- A lovely bouquet of pink an-d Vice-President, Miss Erma Bariry were bridesmaids. Thev dith Stenger, daug1bter of àM white peonies and blue and Holmes. Courtice West: Sec.- xvore gowns and pîcture hats and DMrs. Rudopih P. Steng,ý_-. vhite Canebnz-bls ete re. rs h'e rwMa- i Enniskillen, tO lMn. Robert B.~ the table. A dei;lios lunich wa.s Pie Grove West. Weeden. Mn. Weeden isheon- serveci. Compoanion Bearid cut - of Mr-. and Mr-s. Robert H. the beautifullv decoi-ated. cake weeden, Som>nerset, Ms.Re7 xhicà bore the inscriptol Walter A. Loga erfo-n'cd 'Ha,),)- Holiidays" in pink frost- i _______________ the ceremony and the organîls 4 ig afl.i whifch xas surrounded wasM.s.WaterA.Loanbv frosted roses. :A Russian officer. a Poiish The bride was given in mar- - officer, a pretty girl and a littie niserage by ber father and od lady sped through a darken- a street-length gzown of whiteMe ral H s tl led tunnel ini a train comnpart- 14 sati~~n brocade %wth fitted bodice ~mn ~e odks a and moi-ed skî*rt. The slightlv y- heard foliowed by a smack. scooped neckline was decorated Shown above ar-e Mr. anîd Mrs. S ids Vaîi-de r - Weekly Report !Holding his swelling eye as they by a large bow of the samne ma-wowr ane nRhboh Crsîr cu c emerged into the light the Rus- tenial. At the back, the d"ess v wr are nRhbt hita eone wasfasiond wth bo an Chrch Bomavile, n Aril4th Mr VadeiT\Ieî For the week of June 15-2j isian sald: "That Poie is smart ýChrc, Bwmnvile o Apil4sîves. a-er. hliesteals a kiss and I get -~ graceful panel. She wore a is the former Evelyn Strîkxverda. daughter of Mcr. and sakd Ta ilhsra white feather bandeau and car- Mrs. Charles T. Strikwerda, Queen Street, Bowmanville Ami.ios- 2eharacter," thought the oid lady, nieda cscae o whte a~I1a-forer1' o R.. N. 3 Pot Hpe. Mr.VanlerMee-~sBirths-9 nmaie, 5 female __14!"Funny that Russian kissed the tions with blue carnatione te old lady and not me," thought Her only attendant, MissB i parents are Mr. and Mir s. Hans Vandeî' Meer, R.R. 3, New- DMar opers--------6 the girl; "Not bad," said the hie Robinson, Fredericton, N castie. MaP prain oie to himself, "I kiss the baiek B.,wa atird i ie lueua- - -- - - -------- --- -- Minor operations---- 14 of my hand, hit the Russian, i. an embridred inate blesItan- 1Emergency treatments h and get away with it." 'T d lond.simple- lines witha M r n s e nth Nona Visiting hours 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. That sure was a confused situa- 1kiatd She0wtr 8a30 part. tion but I'in glad it turned out blue feaher b--aua--hr-- m alnight! If you're in the «"dark" * bouqufethasanodeauand0 ble labout where to take your cdean- boqe a ioe*Vo le ing and shirt laundry then I an whie canatins. Mirfor you'll be as smart as that Pole *Mr. Frank Stenger was best to try our place. We make a manandtheuýherwasMr . . . .. .. .. habit of giving your cleaning man d .Nhper, Jr was M little bit extra effort that Tereception was held in Note Io readera: T/taks 9or1( o ult eurs E Ensillen United Church. Re- the n/ce letir. As many ques- B ae ceiving the guests the bride's toaspossible wmli be antwered B ae mother wore an off-white linen' in thiv cov/rn. but %or obvioigç «'~~~"' ~~~ sheath dress with ýnavy acces..'sn eus uib re sonies. Tepaieit.Muhebgroom'f Take FREE Ti soQ. ". Tanasoist, theod uoru's- mother chose a blue sillk sheathQ. anto gdetsk .** with white accessories. Both i "I in questons but Vil ry. I amn worecorage of el]w cma-23 and seem to have. trouble geleing enougit air. 1 soseet Ena After the reception the bride V .ntbrahe ad tig MiesaI jr*KNG changed to blue jeans and a __________________Ob hem western-style leathet- jacket for,- -i m&Oe? *hssanj Mr$. -____. the honeymoon trip toAlgon- A.roublte"- r G. pn « quin Park. Laten, the bride and ertion is one sympom of possible groom will travel Io Alaska h eart trouble. lThere are waa where they will miake their I other symptoms, including beart SI OU homne ah Colegp near Fair-; skips, rapid puise, indigestion banks. ;het pain and faînting spelliL The rid. a eserehbiol. o %.ull over this Iist. Maybe you gist, whose hobbies are hiking phave ne orutoret jup conD adphohography, is a graduateplit.Otdn m ocn ofBowmanvile High School, lsos * ordn ~r p r University U-,One person May have aul of the )R L IFT ivrs o riih Colmbia. acosmponii(and irm .) 5 shampoo8! I ~relaxation are hiking and hunt- 1,LRE SLCI ing, is also a research biologistlQ Wacumd ko. and a graduate of the Univer- . hl aiy"--a . ««is"b eeasity of Massachusets, the Uni- .I A. Ibo cause is soldont if ««. versity of Maine and the Uni-Y known. As with go Maay sonsenti- 4olor Lift, the ersty f nitREEolubM t colore and lasts (abnorrnal smallness of the bead) F E utJ I d~cown se a mi'#ake of natlRe..0 DI Ksinettes HoC Queigromn direcied latekneE Ff n pillow si, lingerie l'I~I ors,% P-O- Box 396, MdisOnSu.ONM TRAS$ ýut. You can isee wh: NI.Ya N. Y. 10. N. y. will b jDe M TEmAS- ionizing hair . jcs - oroze t.v«oauuwa latherM e e tin g ~. ~ .. ~ r. . . .~ f m use -ît lahers n i 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Noornan are shown as they ' no fussy applicator, Last Wednesday evening, leave St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville, Helena Rbinsteinjunh:ir b thne meetngof hedfoliowing their marriage on Saturday, May l6th. Mrs TIRIISTu H e a n bi n s e i ln- s e i a s n t e Ce e tn r l o teN o a , t e f r e a g r t T r s e d , i t h e d a u g h t - Otha w afer morMr . a n d M r sT eC ys a L e d dy r N o a i s t h e s o n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __#" @ W_ _ _ _ __do r t ( "_ _ _ _ _ _ 3that bring Mie to A short business session wa.s of Mn. and Mrs. William Noonan, Oshawa. ,o golden blonde to held wl-in plans were mode for! -Photo by lreland Studio. Oshawa a July meeting, at which time ---~- ~ hair this beautiful comiittees will ba drawn up anpoo! for the cominir year. Also under B d discussion were plans for the Brde- to -Be B &A A Lmb r yStpy1.1Kinsmen Carnival in August T H A N K S SUpp1/ 1 ~when the Kinettes wlll be in charge of special booths. 'no ih t Oshawa Kinette Club was a To our many friends and customters who v I L ve l guZst a :urno the M ustng.c Fair last week . . .we say "Thank You!" To those of 3 Atradelicious dir.ner the 1ytpi savst pe cetour ivtto BOWMA~N VILLE club members athended the Members~ of the Bowman- theatre te. round out an erijoy- ville Busines~s and Professional around .. You stil] have a chance to win one of t :Miss Grace Lois Housiander, deugister of Rev. and Mrs. .William K. Housiender whose marriage ho James Donald Harp- er, son o:r Mn. and Mrs. James P. Harper, Port Credit, Winl teke place on Sahurday, July 4, et 4 o'clock in Trinity United Chuncb, Bowmanville. The bride-to-be is a graduate of McMaster Univensity and Hamilton Teachers' Collage and thse groom is a graduate o! tise University of Toronto, Faculty ,of Pharnacy. Miss Houslander was a member of the staff of the South Peel Board cf Educa- tien as a kindergarten teachen this past yean, while Mr. Harp- er was employed as an analyt- ical and centrol chemist in Don IMins by the Upjohn Company Iof Canada, pharmacautical man- ufacturera. tThe bride's father, uinister of Tinity United Church, will1 * Iom tii. ormwy. vvunes -" Âuo spt tan eIjoy -, able ex'ening Iast week when they saw Frank Loesser's mus- icl it "The Most Happy Fel-: la" at t.he M.usic Fair. Dixie Plaza. Port Credit. A Garton's bus w as chartered to transport, the 30 members. whio attended,; from Bowmanville t the thea- tre. The entertainmnent coavanor of the club. Mýrs. Elsie Hold- stock. was in charge of arrange- ments for the evening. She 'vas assisted by Miss Helen) Nelles, tickets, and Miss Madlyn WiI- cox, the president. The show proved to be a tip: top production wit.h delightful; music and lyrics. Thse acting byi the talented cast xvas particu- f larly good and Zachary Solov, the choregrapher deserves spe- cia] credit for thse spirîted' dancing. COF Members Plan Visit To Port Hope Plans te attend a special mneet- ing cf Queen Mary Cir-cle, Port Hope were made by Maple Leaf Circle No. 143 of tise Corrpa'i- ions of the Forest, last Thurs- day. Chie! Companion Rena Bathgate, who presided, an- nounced that members of Ma- ple Leef Circle No. 143 have been invîted tu attend the Port as a. a - waxixa. r*.tay ev efla*, aue anin, 1I It was alsoarannounced that the H-igh Court Cincle o! Ont- ario will ha held at the Royal York Hotel. Toronto. on Thuns- day and Frlday. Sept. lotis and llth. Companion Hilda Hum- phrey will be the officiai dele- gate from Maple Leaf Circle No. 143. Tihe Chie! Companion Rena Bathgate, Sub-Chief Com- panion Rose Bate and Compan- ion Beryl Hughes will also oh. ('&ri Leslie Be Sure! 'uherculin Test eStudio OVER OUR ON OF SAMPLES IAKING LPERlES 2.98 Y». OR OVER a 0 a visited our new stoire you who have flot as to corne in and look these beautiful prizes at 7:30. Lady's or Gent's Bulova Watch 3-Piece Tea* Service Coro Necklace and Earring Set i Case and Many Other Beautiful Prizes SPECIAL FOR FHIDAY ONLY ! ON OUR BARGAIN TABLE English Bone China CUPS AND SAUCERS ----79c EARIINGS0 regular $2.00 line -89C We have Discontinued Lines and Some Merchandise Slightly Marked in Moving. Silver Serving Tray - Silver Sait and Pepper Sets - Etc. at Greatly Reduced Prices MARR'S JEWELLERY 39 Ring Si. W. MA 3-5463 h. S VLmS is Pepsi-Cola! For today's pes goes with modern ideam about mkm - look&. Nevr hevy, neve loe sweet, k refreseu wkhow in&. Pet Pepu on your shopping hot. Buty ih in âme fay 64mwf m et SUIT BEVERAGES LT».. 12d Chueh St, Bowusaavilh omt. i "Workwas carried on in more .than 2,500 communities," Mr. àFrench said. 1 No Let-Up Mr. French said plans were stili being made for the future fight against cancer. "There can be no slacking of utmost to eliminate cancer as a tour effort," he said. "We must continue to do oui' threat to mankind, and until that great day, cornes. to pro. »tect against it and try to ameli- orate some of its effects." The Society's Iay education program, which engages the time of thousands of volunteers in the local units, showed -au extrernely active year last year. About 3,000,000 educational pamphlets giving information about cancer in five different languages were distributed. There were 4,481 public Show- iings of cancer films to a total audience of more than 387,0o0 peo ple. A total of 156 radio stations and 49 television stations assis*- ed voluntarily in the education program. Cancer information aLso was distributed througli the dail- tand weekly press. magazines. exhîbits, posters. schools. speak- ers. î:rNmposia and cancer infor- matioù centres. A D T, I O E TRUPJSDAT. JUNE 25th. 1959 1>Ar.x IIPMlr.2

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