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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 5

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'rNTIRMDAY. JTJNI 25th. IMO TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVHLE. ONTARIO PAGE 1'IVU 8V DOROTHYUa RKEY For many years Shank's mare pleasan t places and an "Open was my only means of trans- Sesame" for interesting couver- So rtation. Then I gnaduated and. sutions with feilow travellers. ecame mobile on four wheels. I was suvouring this pleasant This latest addition to our aspect when, with a lunch of standard of living was both a the train as it took a curve at pleasure and a convenience, but express speed en route to pic- it had many disadvantages. Be- turesque French Canada, al ing the only driver in the farn- youngster, still in her teens, ily, I found I was missing much dumped a two-week-old infant of the beapty in the world into my lap and with a frantic about me as I kept my eyes look iu her eyes said, "'Will you glued to the highway. please hold my baby for a min- That is why I have chosen ute? There isn't a place to park travel by rail to cover this vast him in the washnoorn" country of ours and Montreal, Perhaps it is this face of as a stanting point. I ami sure'mn htsest trc l my tcke wil bea paspot t kinds of incidents. Being guIl- ible, I am often caught holding VICTORIA SET FASHION 1thie bag, only this time it was Queen Victoria, who set the 1 a warnm bit of humanity. d'He" fashion in rnany phases of Eng- was a peaceful little mite with lish life, was one of the great- a red littie face and an expres- est dog loyers. As a result of sion too knowing for his tender ber interest, rnany bneeds be- 14 days. I was happy to mind came eagerly sought after. the babe "for a moment", but. Among them: Collie, Italian when the moment stnetched Greyhound, Welsh Corgi, Jap- into 15 minutes, then into an anese Spaniel and Pekîngese. hour, I began to wonden if 1 Iwene the vietimi of a planned MILK NOT HARMFUL desertion. Contrary to the belief of I suddenly realîzed that we many, milk does iîot cause had mnade a stop after I had wornms in dogs, says The Can- been chosen as a suitable sitten adian Kennel Club, but is an for his nibs. Had the teenager excellent food. It eau cause left the train? Was I stuck diarnhea in a veny young wean- with this wiggly bundle? Hor- ed puppy, however, and should nons, and so fan froni home und be given spuingly. my own motherhood. Now, I The Wallace Marlow Company BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO will close ai 12 o'clock noon every Saturday during JuIy and August Thank You for Your Co-operation PAINT SPECIAL! THIX The Dripless Paint PLAT - Reg. On Sale- SEMI-GLOSS - Reg. $2.85 qt. On Sale ... $190o AND WALLHIDE The Rubberized Paint Reg. $2.65 qt. On Sale ___ _____ MANY OTHER LINES AT REDUCED PRICES A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE Cool and Airy SUMMER SANDALS BEIGE AND WHITE Large variety of styles and sizes in flats and wedges 2. 5to $5.9 5 MOCCASINS MEN'S Sises 6 to 12 $3.45 Io $7.95 BOYS' Sises 1 to 5 $2.95 Io $4.45 LADIES' AIl Sizes $1.98 GIRLS' Sizes il b 3 $1.89 Lloyd Ellis Shoes 0S KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Port Hope averaged over 1,000 persons per day the first four days. Be Sure ! Ii's Free! tha,,ciht frantipn1lv. ±hev even -Idiaper theni differently. What would I feed hlm, what was his name, where did hie corne from and where was hie going? A thousand other questions, for which my Imagination pro- vided fantastie answens, raced through my mind. He began to whimper and snoozle me. I jig- gled and juggled him in rhythm with the train whîle searching the aisie' for an approaching mother. When the houn had stretchedi into two and junior had just about devoured his right fist, I decided action was necessary. Clutching the little blue bundie to my bosoni, I staggered and swayed toward the front of the train where I hoped to find a conducton who would relieve me of my burden. By thîs tume my journalistic imagination had convinced me this was a found- ling I held s0 gingerly. Thnee cars ahead there was my gal. Her pretty bronze hair had been combed into a bob- bing pony tail, hier lips were pretyoutlined in a shade oflpstik even 1 took tinie to admire, and her laughing brown eyes were twinkling into the j 1blue orbs of hier companion. I was so relieved at the sight of this young lady that I limply sighed "Hene's your baby", in- stead of giving her a lecture on what I thought of mothiers who deserted thein young. "Jeepers, was he bothering you? My husband and 1 were so relieved at not having to worry about him for a while and you seexned so pleased to be holding hini, we just left hmfor you to enjoy." This was the well publicized generation. It was no longer "on the way"', it had "arrived" at panenthood and, as in their no- torious adolescence, these two members had found a way out of their new responsibility, if only momentanily. They were a cute couple andl the baby is a credit to his Can- adian citizenship. Wonder if he will be as smiart as his mother 1 whexi he gnows up? North Nestielon Mn. and Mrs. Frank Emerson and girls, Peterborough; Mr. and IMns. Bruce Witherley, Whitby, and Mn. and.. Mrs. Merv. Bird and family, Brooklin, visited at home of Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Sunday. Sunday even- ing callers were Mn. and Mns. Dan Black, Courtice; Mrs. Otto Bragg, Bowmanville, and Miss Eva Williamns, Caesarea. Also Mn. Ceciu Philp of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mn. and Mns. Emerson. Mr. and Mns. Russell Church- ill of Fairfield visited son Dou- glas and Mns. Churchill on Sun- day. Mn. and Mns. Melville Sami- elîs, Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. Yeo and babe, Hampton; Mn. and Mns. Don Plain, Bowmanville, and Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Bob, Blackstock, all week- end visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Ken Samelîs. Miss Anna Sam- ells of Bowrnanville was also home for weekend. Master Danny Powell of Blackstock was host to a nuni- ber of play mates on Saturday on event of a birthday. Mn. and Mrs. Ernie Swain threw open their cottage to the Brownie Tnoops over the week- r.r Clane Beatty of Sulphide, who for a few weeks sampled the local employment situation, settled on following in his bro- ther's footsteps by accepting a job with Bennett's Paving and Asphalt-Oshawa - Whitby. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mns. Bruce Ashton and family on sudden passing of Mns. Ashton's parents Monday evening. Regret to admit that an ernor intranslation was nesponsibie for last week's boo-boo îe, We jumped the gun by one week in announcing that Nonth Nestle- ton services at United Church would be in the monning. Sorry, that accounts for the chilling atsmosphene this past week.. A Visitors wih Mn. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn last week were Mr.. and Mrs. Stanley Dix and Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Moose of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Payne, Mr. Cecil Payne and Mrs. Marjonie Harris of Port Hope. Miss Agnes Ferguson, Roch- eester, N.Y., is visiting her sister Mrs. Alex Watson and Mr. Watson. Mrs. H. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller spent the weekend with Mrs. M. Morris and Ross at View Lake. Mrs. Elmen Mumford and son Gary McCord, Sask., is spend- -ing a month with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Spence Gordon, Kendal. Students of Grades 11 and 12 Onono High School with their teachers, spent Monday and Tuesday in Ottawa and were guests at The Lord Elgin Hotel. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E J. Hamm on their 53rd wedding anniversany today. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wood, Oshawa, visited, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Satunday evening. Mrs. Chas. Harris and son Frank attended the Stephenson Family Pîcnic at Geneva Park, of OINIRAL FOUDS9MINS If your family likes Strawberry Jani they'll enjoy StrawberrVi JeUV too. Hene's the successfui way to make it. STRAWBERRY JELLY 3%i cups juice (about 2,4 quart * ripe berrnes) 734 cups (3Y4 Ibs.) sugar YÏ cup strained lemon juice 1 bottle Certo fruit pectin To prepare Julce. Cnush thorough- ly about 2% quarts fully ripe bennies. Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure 3-Y cups juice and 1/ cup lemon juice into a ver-y large saucepan. To make JeIly. To the measuned' juice in saucepan, add 7% cups sugar and mix well. Place oven high heat and bring to a boi, stir- ring constantly. At once stin in Certo. Then bring to a fuit roiting boit and boit hard 1 minute, stir- ring constantly. Remove fnom heat, sldm off loam with metal spoon and pour qulckly into glasses. Cover ut once with %k inch hot paraffin. Makes about Il medium glasses. Quite a few new homemakerm have asked me about pectin. "What 48 it?» theV say. Pectin 4* the jelting substance found in aU fruits in varying amounta. Certt la pectin extraeted from fruits vich in this natural substance, then reflned, concentrated and perJotmavLce-contnelied. Certain- Lu. nothing artificial or 'ehemical' about it! When Vou use Certt and llow the tested Certo recipes, Vour jam anid jetIV altoaV sets perfectlu.______ If youn church group or women!a club la lnterested la homemade Jani and jelly, I have a Cents fMm I'd be happy te boan you. No charge. No obligation. It's cafled "Jely and Jam Session" and runs about 12 minutes. It's 16 mmn, ba sound, and is ln full color. If you'd like te bonrow it, please write me - Franes Barton, Gea- enal Foods Kitehens, 44 Eglintoe Ave. W.. Toronto. Watch for mV column! PU b. back tit h more recîpea, and meas&time - if you've auv am on jetiv problemas, please torite me, and M' do inv beat te help Volk Large selection of Rings, Sugar and Ccii. for tbis Season's Preservint at Dyktra'n Varieti Fod& 0 0 a Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wiggans and f amily, Don Milis; Roniiie StSrike, Bowmanville. Mr. Allun Penfound and daughter, Mary, Oshawa, visited Miss E. Pen- found, Mr. and Mrs. H. Staples. Mr. Clarence Allun and Mr. Geo. Morton attended Orange Lodge Church Parade in Bow- manville on Sunday. Mr. Sam Allun and his dau- ghter Mrs. Norman Winter, Osh- awa, spent Monday in Orono. Pupils of Kirby Public School and their teacher had a bus, trip to Kingston last Friday., Sunday, June 28th is Dec- oration Day at Orono Cemetery. Mrs. Luella (Clark) Harris, Rosetown, Sask., formerly of Hamptoný 15 spending this week with her cousin Mrs. Fred Tamn- blyn. Mn. Howard Myles who Is building his new house on Chu- rch Street south, feil last Thurs-' SALEM : 1 The pupils of' the Junior room accom'panied by thein tea- cher, Mns. Hornick, enjoyed a specially arranged visit to the librany lust Tuesday morning. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, the lib- nanian, welcorned the pupils and described the diffenent kinds of books for theni. They were then allowed to look at the books at. their leisure. Before leaving, a representative fnom euch grade graciously thanked Mns. Hutch- inson for giving hen tume so freely out of library hours. The pupils who expressed the thunks of their various grades were: Mary Lou McCormick, Grade IV, David Maynard Grade III, Mi- chael McCornick Grade II, and Murray Twist Grade I. Mn. Farewell Blackburn, Gra- ce, Glen and Bob, Mn. and Mns. Genald Shackleton and f amily, Mns. M. Blackburn were Sunday suppen guests of Mn. and Mns. Wilbun Blackburn, Haydon. A nuniber fnom here attended anniversary services ut Haydon on Sunday and were pleased to see Rev. and Mns. A. E. Cress- well. Miss Marion Buttery has se- cured a position at the General Motors and started wonking on Monday. Glad to report Bnian Black- burn able to be home again fol- lowing an operation in Memorial Hospital. Mn. and Mns. Gordon Shackle- on held a surprise party in hon- oun of Mn. and Mrs. Ken Shack- leton's 15th wedding annivens- ury. Evenyone present enjoyed the delicious turkey supper. They wene presented with a lange linen tablecloth an~d a car- afe coffee warmen. Those pre- sent wene Mn. and Mns. R. Sha- ckleton, Mn. and Mrs. W. Chap- man, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. W. Allin, Mn. John Aluin, Kirby; Mn. and Mrs. Genald Shackleton and famuly Mn. and Mrs. K. Sha- ckIeton and fumly. Miss Doreen Richards is visit- img with friends at Collingwood. Mn. and Mns. E. Twist and farnily attended Maple Grove anniversary on Sunday and were suppen guests of Mn. and Mns. Howard Cryderman. Mn. Ken Shackleton attended the Grand Session of the 1.0. O.F. lodge at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week. Mn. Jack Caton, Toronto, was a Saturday visiton with his mo- her, Mns. F. Caton. Salemi W.A. wil hold thein June meeting ut the home of Mns. E. Twist this Thunsday, June 25. Mr. and Mns. Walter Black- burn and family, Don Mils, were Sunday visitons with Mns. F. Blackburn and Brian. (Intended for last week) Misses Bea and Genda Craig enjoyed the weekend ln New York. Mn. David Northey. Oshawa, a student minisen, had charge of oun church servie on Sun- day, as Rev. F. Jackson was taking anniversany services at a former change. Sincene sympathy to Mn. Len Richards and othen relatives in the passing of Mrs. Richards early this week. Attention ! If is your duly as citizens of DG WNAN VILLE AND DISTRICT to proieci your family and friends by aiiending the FREE TUBERCULIN TESTS "t the LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE Beech Ave., Bowmanville THURSDAY - FRIDAY - MONDAY - TIJESDAY Ju"e 25-m16-1 9 -30 day and wiIl be a patient ln Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson,I Betty Ann and Larry, Water- down, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wa tson. 1&s. Robent Glanville is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowinanville. Achievement Day will be held this Thursday evening at Onono Public School- when the pupils will receive thein awards. Mr. and Mns. Robt. Galbraith, Toronto; Mr. and Mns. Neil Wood, Gaîl and Sandra, Lake- field, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Richards visited Mr. and Mrs. L. McComb and Ferne, Lindsay last week. Mrs. H. McGill, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail, Bon- nie and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears, Lynda and Alan were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Baîl Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe on their 48th wedding anniversary, Sunday, June 2lst. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kittmer and sons, St. Mary's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tamblyn, Jea and Marilyn visited Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Bow- manville. Pupils of Grade 8, Orono Public School with thein tea- cher Mr. H. Lowes spent Tues- day in Peterborough. Mr. Foster Hoidge, Willow- dale; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Orm- ison, Enniskîllen; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns and farnily, Pet- erborough, visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. John Coryell family, Hamilton; Mn. and Mrs. Stan Payne, Bowmanville, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe. Brenda and Tony Mitchell, Keene, visited their grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. jJanette and Linda, Bryson, Bowmanville, spent the week- end with Mrs. M. Sherwin and Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson, El- len and Kathy are at Balsom Miss Kate Foster and Misses Power, Oshawa, visited Miss Viola Gilfillan Monday even- mng. Kfral fnom Orono attended KryAnniversary Service on Sunday evening. Rev. R. C. IWhite, B.A., Newtonville was the special speaker, and Mr. John Ford was soloist. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacklin and son Star City Saskatchewan Mr. Clarence Avery, Pleasant Point, were recent visitors with Mrs. S. G. Niddery and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fenneli, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Caverly, Linda and Mark, Bow.. *manville; Mns. Bruce Caverly and son Brent, Oshawa, wene Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kersey, Weston; Rev. Ted Kersey, Jim- mie and Susan, Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Player, Mn. and Mrs. Mel McCune and girls, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and sons, and Mr. Alan Stainton, Enniskiilen; Mr. and Mns. J. Lyon and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Mr.; and Mrs. Wilfred Green- John Payne, spent Sunday at their cottage at Pidgeon Lake. A nuniber of picnics have been held in our park during the past week includîng the Han- mony Sunday School on Mon- day, which had a large attend- ance; the "Brent and Annis" picnic on Wednesday; the South Darlington School Area picnic Thursday; and the Pascoe fani- ily gathering on Saturday which was langely attended. Hampton Women's Institute ladies assist- ing and looking after the needs of the various gnoups. His many friends will lbe Bowmanville can do better . . . let's have 100% tested. Be Safe ! The Orono News Telephone 127 MOVING. 00 Le A. Parker& Sons NEW EFFECTIVE JULY lst, 1959 PHONE MA ý-5651 FOR MRON FIREMAN COAL.- OIL - GAS HEATING PLUMBING INSTALLATION AND SERVICING Perfect Love I searched for my Saviour, 'mid life's busy throng, lIn vast city streets, running thither and yon, 1 found Him at last, as I longed for repose, When I stood still, and gazed in the heàrt of a rose. I thought of the promise lie made long ago, "I ami with you alway - have I not told you soV" So I knew Him again, patient, tender and wise As I saw the love shining in my mother's eyes. I'm glad that I've found Him in things that are near, In the flowers and the sunshine, and friends who are dean, Hletbt me His perfect Lov~e, neyer to part, And. suddenly I found Hlm - thene in my heant. -Marjonie Cunningham Allin family in memory of Mr. sing of Mns. Russell Penkins Harold Allin, recently deceased. and extend sympathy to Mn. Sympathy is extended to Mns. Penkins and daughter Margaret. Hanold Allin and family in the Sunday School Anniversaryr sudden passing of husband and on Sunday, June 28th, ut 2:30; father. The funeral service was Rev. S. C. Atkinson, Oshawa, held on Satunduy afternoon at guest minister; special music by the Nothcutt and Smnith Eunen- the Sunday School under the ai Home, Bowmanville. Inter- leadership of Mrs. Doug Rigg, ment was in the North Cerne- Bowmanville. Evening service tery, Hampton. He was a highly 7:30; Rev. B. Long, Onono, respected citizen and will be guest ministen; Mrs. W. Pning much missed by his faniily and and Mr. Don Williams, Bow- neighbours. manville, guest vocalist, will'as- Hampton friends wene sorny sist our Sr. Choir under the also to hear of the sudden pas- leadership of Mrs. K. Caverly. /Ç,Ç/di/n/g gnvita tions of the finest quality . . . always correct, and in many types of script and design. TABLE NAPKINS ... MATCHES AND COASTERS pensonalized with names and dates for your wedding, anniversary or social occasion. THANK YOU NOTES ... PLACE CARDS HALLMARK GIFT WRAPPING AND CARDS -at - LIMITED THE CAMADIANSTATICSMAN. BOWMANVILLM ONTARIO TRURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1959 4 1 $1,95

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