- .- - -c -- - -- .- - - ~-~-W- - r~- - THE CANADIAN STATECSMAN. BOWI&ANVIlLEF ONTABIO Ti HURSDAY. JUN~ 25th, 1959 District Governor Presents Glowing Convention Report At Rotary Luncheon Friday The Importance of work done by Rotary in fostering under- standing and goodwill between countries was emphasized by Bd Ruggles, Cobourg, the Dis- trict Governor, in his address given at the luncheon meeting of the Bowmanvile Rotary held at the Flying Dutchman Motor gave a report on the Interna- tional Rotary Convention held reoently in New York. Rex Walters, president of the local club, intt-oduced Mr-. Rug- gles. H e said that Mr-. Ruggles ad been barri in Regina and had teceived bis early educa- tion there. Later he obtained a degi-ee in Civil Engineering, 31r. Walters said. MIf. buggies bas been associa- ted with the Bird Archer Coms- pany since 1937 and is now head of the firm's works in Cobour-g. Me joined Rotai-y in Montreal in 1936. He was president of the Cobourg Rotai-v Club in 1955- 56, and became Governar of District 707 on July lst, 1958, Mr. Walters stated. Convention Outstanding The Rotai-v International Con- vention is the largest and most important event in the Rotai-y World, Mr. Ruggles pointed out. It is an annual event and each @EEm u u m nm on 33333333u n CLO one La memorable. but the con. vqntionj this year was mosl outstanding, he asserted. The convention is held ti elect officers and to determinE laws and policies, he explainea There was no legisiation thL. year as this is taken care of onii every second year, the speaker said. People at-e drawri to the con- vention to obtain information and to leatrn moi-e of Rotary fellowship, Mr. buggies said. He *told the Bowmanville Ro- tarians that there were 8,648 Rotarians and 7,798 guests a- the Rotai-y International con- vention last month. Corne From Distant Places One of the principal purposcx of the convention was the op- portunity ta meet Rotarians frian distant places and ta share Rotai-v experience with them, 11&. RuggIes remarked. He spokt of a new Rotai-ian book, "The Seven Paths to Peace", and alsc stressed the fart that the orig- inal purpose of the founder of Rotai-y, Paul Harris, was ta pro- vide a means ta develop fellow- ship. When Mr- Harris fit-st started Rotai-y in 1905 hie inau- gurated an arganizatian that has done much to spread goodwil] and overcame the isolation of men, Mi-. buggIes said. 'SED, This store wili he closed for holidays JULY 6 TO JULY il INCLUSIVE Ban Arrld Trig Mennen Deodorant Roll-on for men Spray 1.25 89C 1.25 75e - 1.25 Home Permanents Vacation Needs Crest 98c Tangel for burns - 85e Tonette for Chlldren 1.75 Callgeslc for bites __..$i.00 ?Nev Ton! 2.00 Sun Tan 011 - 60e - 1.00 Qulck- 2.00 SkoI Silver Curl ____ 1.75 for Tanning 60c-1.00 - 1.25 Pro, Ceam orBaud-Aida 29c, 53c, 98c Regular ---___ 2.00 Fly Bombs ------ 89e - 1.39 Wa' Curi ____ 1.79 FIy Repellent 69e - 89e - 1.69 Tip Toni ----- 1.25 Health Salts -------59e Sun Bathiug 2 Ipana 2 Colgate Glanes Caps Faste Faste 25e te $10.00 79e ta, 1.59 99e 89e Nivea Skin Creme - - - 39c - 69e - 1.25 - 3.30 COWLING'S PROM ORE WL FM MA 3-5695 DRUG SO E tRUSSES ROYAL DOWMANVILLN MA 3-5589 PnTW: THURS. TO SA T.. .111NV M.-9 "The Parson and the OuftIaw"P (Color) Evenings at 8:30. Sat. 2 p.m. MON. - WED. - JUNE 29 - JULY 1 "Road Racers" JC)EL LAURENCE, SALLY FRASER and "Daddy O" DICK CONTINO, SANDRA GILES NID-NITE SHOW - TUES., JUNE 30 "The Screaming SkuII" and "Terror From the Year 5000" Aduit Entertainment st is it r. Canadians In Active Role TeDistrict Gavernon said he of Canadians taking a promin- ent part in the International Rotaryv Convention this year. He mentioned that Bill Findley, president of the Doft Mils Ro- tai-y Club was leader of group assemblies; Bob Day, president of thie Toronito Rotai-y Club, was craft assembly leader; and that Stan Cnaft, Cobourg, was a set-geant-at-arms for thie con- vention. Glen Peacock, Calgary, Inter- national Rotai-y director for! Canada, was chairman of the Commonwealth of Nations din- net-, Mr. buggies said. Mr. Pea- cock was elected 3rc1 vice-pi-e- sident at the meeting of the board of dixectors, the first Canàdîan to be honoured by t-e- ceiving high office in Interna- tional Rotai-y since 1951, the speaker stated. He also told the Bowman- ville Rotaians that Canada was well iepîesented iii the; splendid entertaînusent offered delegates to the International Rotaryv Convention. Guy Loin-' Oldest Running Carin Canada :À ' ~ ' -At least if was runni -bat-do, formerly of London, 1a ae i i SOnt., who bas achîeved distin- Len Russell of Sharon, Onta *guished success in the U. S.. was in the picture. Pretty pas: featured wit.h his Royal Cana- Toronto hopes the car will dians. Ettît j e London-Brighton T, FineEntertanmen y Atiu adclsi The complete program of e- byitihe Anteandil. si tertainiment was given at regis -__British _________________ tration. On Sunday evening Cliff Randaîl, International Ro- ]Business Directory tary president, welcomned every -______________ oeattending the convention at i fashow given at Madison Square A cco uni anc y IGardens. Ed Hurlihy, who like______________ JLombardo originally came from RYJ ILN Canada, was the M. C. A world 1 A .DILN famous Metropolitan Opera Certified Public Accountant Company singer thrilled the au- 93 Church Street dience with a number of selec-! MArket 3-3861 tions. Mr. Ruggles also told of' WM.,J. H. COGGINS the remarkable. choral of more CatrdAcutn than 100 voices. I Steeod AFloora The noted Eanle Terry sing- Scn lo ers were featured in Monday's New Library Building entertainient porm r Cor. King and Tempérance Sts. Ruggles said. He ynentioned Phn MAet361 that Mli-. Terry is a member of YALE, FRIEDLANDER, the London Rotar-y Club and HUNTER & CO. director of musi*c in the schools Accountaxits and Auditors there. Ray Block and his or- Licensed. Trustée iin Bankruptcy chestra to'ok part in the Mon- 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 day evening show as also did Oshawa, Ontario two famous comedians, and a B. L. Yale, C.A. musical group from Nashville, F. Friediander, B. Com.. C.P.A. Tennessee.i The District Governor also, MONTEITH - MONTEITiI told of the marvelous 45 min-I RIEHL & CO.> iutes given by the famous com- Chartered Accountants edian and pianist, Victor Borge.i 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa The show closed on Monday RA 5-3527 evening with Victor Borge Bowmanville - Cal], ZEnith 45750 playing Gershwin's "Rhapsody Partners: in Blue" with Ray Block's or- Hon. J. W. Monteith. F. C. A. chestra. It was a great perforni- A. B. Monteith, B. Cous., C.A. ance. District Governor Rug- G. W. Riehl, C. A., R. I. AL Commonwealth Dinner G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. IAt the Commonwealth of Na- ,tions dinner Mr. Ruggles said he Ip~~, and his wife -sat. with..a couples Ch rop r 5~~a frOmn South Africa, a couple don, England, and two from Chiropractor Michigan. The Ambassador Office- from. India to the United States 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. and Mexico, was the principal Phone MA 3-5509 speaker who gave an interest. Office Hours: By Appointment titude to the British Common- D e n t ai wealth of Nations. The speaker pointed out that despite differ- ences India values her member- DR. W. M. RUDELL ' D.D.S. ship in the Commonwealth. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Mr. Ruggles also tokl of 40 King, St. W. Bowmanville Frank Brown's repîy to the Office Hours: above speaker. Mr, Brown is 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily from. Sydney, Australia. The ti- Closed Saturday and Sunday coming président of Interna- j Office Phone - MA 3-5790 tioal otay fr rea Brtai Huse Phone - Newcastle 3551 and Ireland, Hart-y Shaw also DR.E. W.SISSON. L.D.S.D.S spoke and told of En'gland's part Ofiei1i oeDDS in the Commonwealth. He also 0 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvlillei emphasized the British Com- O1ffice Hours: monwealth of Nations value to, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.' daily the wenld. Phone MA 3-5604 A ,Japauese Chalrman Closed Wednesdays and Sundays Mr-. Ruggles repoi-ted that on 1Wednesday four or five friend- DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. ship meetings were heid. One Office meeting was attended by mein 23 ing St. E. - Bowmanville fromn Asiatic counties, another Office Hours: was for delegates frous South 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily America, and a thix-d was for Tled audyadSn Rotanians frorn countries In. Tlephone: Office MA 3-5459 Europe and Africa which bor- I- der the Mediterranean, The L e gai Asiatic Rotai-ian gathering was g chaired by a distinguished Ja- STRIKE and STRIKE panese, and the vice-chairmari Bai-risters, Solicitors was a Rotai-ian from Thailanci. Notaries Public District Governor Ruggles W. R. Strike, Q.C. told the *Bowmanville Rotar-ians A. A. H. Strike, B.A. that people in somne counitries 140 Kinig St. W. - Bowmanville take Rotar-y more seriously than Telephone MA 3-5791 members in Canada do. A fine example of devotion to Rotar-y LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. pninciples is given by Rota:7- Barrister, Solicitor laris in Asia, he said. Mr. Rug- î Notary Public gles infornîed the Bowma nville IKing i g. W. - Bowrnanvlle, Rotary Club that Japan and Phones: Office MA 3-5688 India bave the -greatest rate of1 Residence MA 3-5553 Rotai-y growth at presenît. Hel MISS APHA I. HODGINF urged Canadian Rotarians to beF just as keen.i Bai-rister, Solicitor Next year thie International Notary Public Rotai-v Convention wiillbet eld Tempéerance St - Bowmanville in Miami, Florida, and ini 1961 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN the convention will be in Tokyo, iiE., B.A., LL.B. Japan, Mii-. buggIes said. Hel Box 9, Newcastle urged local Rotarians ta attend. Phone Newcastle 2246 I movig a voté of thanka' Consultation by appointaient to Mrt. Ruggles, Ken Morris sta- anly. ted that local Rotarians were fortunate to be able to hear W. KAY LYCETT, BHA. District Governor Ruggles' re- Barrister and Solicitor port on the convention. He In the offices of poînted out that while the Ro-a . R. Waddeil, Q.C. tat-y Magazine will carry a de- Main Street, Oronù, Ontario tailed report on the Interna- Friday, 7 pari. to, 10 p.m. tionial Rotary Convention, the Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.=.j print *ed page lacks the vitality of areport delivered by a M ri a e friend who had attended. M___ o__r_________es_ ng shortly before this photo Northern runabout owned by aro, who also owns the knees ;senger Midge MacDonald &f be ready to take part ini the .our, June 22-25, co-sponsored cCar Club of Canada and Library Stili Breaks Records For Circulationi The recent visits of public school classes to the Junior Li- brary were hi!:;niy successful, A. M. Thomp.zoi., supervising principal of Bowmanville Pub- lic Schools, reported at U,,Il meeting of the fioard of Direc- tors of the Fawr-iîanvill Public Library held last week. i Those prescrit at the meeting' were the chairmnan, Georse: IVice, the secretary-treasurer, iGlen ii',)me Hughes, A. M. Thompson. Miss Apha Hodgins. a nd Rupert Hamlyn. The acting librarian, Mrs. M. J. Hutchin-! son, also attended the mneeting. Book lists submitted by Miss Hodgins, Mr-. Hamlyn and Mrs. Hutchinson were authonized for purchase. Under this motion by MIr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Hughes. these books wîll be or- dered for the Junior Library at an approximrate cost of $125. It was decided to have in- corne tax ýdeducted froni the salaries of the library staff. The treasurer was directed to pay the arrears and deduct the full amount evenly from the salar- ies -during the remaining months of the year. Fiction book lists were dis- cussed. Board memnoers at-e tai subusit lista within the nexti few weeks and the books wîill be ordered with the exception i of any duplications. A list of bookxs, offered as gifts t the library by O. J. Pi-esson, was carefully pei-usedt by the board. It was found that the books that would be of value ta the library were al. ready an the shelves, hence Mi-. Presson's generous offer will be refused. A decision regarding holidays for the library staff was made as follows: Mirs. F. W. Bower, the lîbrarian ta receive a thr-ee weeks' vacation with pay. Other salaried membe-s of the staff wîhl have two weeks with pay, this ta be extended te three weeks with pay after ten years of service. This policy ws adopted on a motion by Miss Hodgins, seconded by Mr. Thornpson. Meetings of the Bowmanvilie Public bib-a-y Board will be suspended during the summer months. The next meeting of the board will be held on Tues- day evening, September 8th. Mit-. Hutchinson read the fol- lowing reporta fri-ou the main:I and junior libraries. During the month cf May there were 1,284 books of fiction and 465 of non- fiction, a total of I1,749 in circu- lation frous the Main Libt-ary. In May 18 new members join. ed. The Junior Library report showed that in Miay, 1959, thei-e were 1.978 books in circulation, as coînpared ta 1,365 ti circu- lation in May of the previous year, an increase of 613 books in circulation for May of this year. Anothe- record was made in May by the Junior bib-ai-y when 157 books were issued ln only two hours on Mîay 21sf. *KENDAL '* Mr. and Mirs. James Selleck and daugh fer, Toronto, spent Iast Monday wîth his sister, Mrts. George MacDonald. We were pleased to have MiS. Bert Thompson come home tromn Memonial Hospital, Satur- day, where she has been recov- euing fromn a heurt attack. Last MAonday most af the ne- sidets of thia community took advantage ofthe free tuberculin test and x-ray for those positive 1 and those aver 40, which was given at Newtonville. On Wed- nesday they neturned for the. reading with a sprinkling of ca- ses going positive. Mr. John Gordon of Oxford, North Carolina, has been visit- ing hià daughter, Mn.. Earl But- Ley and brother, Spence Gordon 1 and other relatives in Ontario' for the past few weelcs. We, were sot-ny ta leax-n hi& daugh. ter Evelynrs baby bas been=j hospital with seriaus heart de- fects. Mrs. Wm. Mercet-, Mr-. and Mis. Edidie Couroux, Ray and Marie, visited in Taranto Sun- day, with Mi%. and Mrs. Char- lie Roach. The Courouxs were also with Ray Moores. Mis. John Bird and baby, Bowmanville, were with her parents, Mr-. and Mis. Percy Burley, Satut-day. Johnnv MacMullen and Da- vid Thrower have moved into the house on the back street which belonged ta Bob Lang- staff. Mrs. Fred Cox and daughters Edith and Audrey, toak ovet- the lunch countet- this week at Met-cer's Sheli station just soutn of Entai-prise. Mrs. Gordon Langstaff and lier mothet-, Mrs. Roy Vernon, Leamington, attended the fun- et-aI of the fot-met-'s uricle, Mr-. Mori-risori Taylor, at Sarnia on Monday last. Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Neal and Mr. and Mrs. At'ial Langstaff and familles visited Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs. Carl Lang- staff Mr. and Ms-s. Joe Yend'rick ,and sans and Mis. Mary Gar- czynsky were to Niagara Sun- day. Mi-. and Mrs. George Mac- Donald, Roy and Tet-esa were with ber mother. Mrus. Selleck at Omemee Sunday. Guests with Mrs. Hattie Mar- tineil Sunday were Mr. and Mrts. A. Colon. Hamilton, Mi-. and Mits. George Moss and daughter, Oshawa, and Bill Morley, Bill Morley and Miss Jean Perrin cailed Sun.day to see Mir. and Mrs. Blake Alexander and -s. F.Falls. Mrs. Neya Little spent last weekend at Aylward Littie's at Mrkham and with thein went on to Milton to visit their un- m u a-- best Buy Stkely'sFae 15 os. tin 6 For $10 Best Buy TOLETO BesI flny 10reen -Pi00 cie, Mie. M. E. Nixon and Mirs.1 Case,. The band of the Kendal Or-1 ange Lodge took part in the Orange Chut-ch Service held at Pantypool Sunday. Messr-s.- Wiifred and Ross Roughley visited their mother, Mrs. Alva Swat-btick Sundayj evening. , Mi-. Hatcher Foster's work ;s centered in the Sarnia district and Mrs. Foster spent the week- end with him there. The "Young Peoples" held a1 sut-prise Party in Kenda] school Saturday eve ning andi presented Miss Margaret Hayden with a flash camnera set. Miss Hayden is leaving to take a course at Teacher's College this comiiîg year. The chfldren of Grade IV and Up from McLeans, Kendal and Sixth Line schools enjoyed a fine bus trip to Toronto Fri-davý Boa-e of the places visited ,vet Fort York and Park, the Zoo and Casa Loma. Kendai Bantaîns played Cour- tioe Saturday evening and were encout-aged, by winning by a 6-4 score. Mi. and Mis. Allen Foster, Jane and Mrs. Marlatt, left Monday on a trip ta the St. Lawrence Seaway. Some from here attended thle annivei-sarv services at Shioh Sunday aftei-noon. On Sunday the Rev. R. C. White preached a fine sermonl on "The Second Mile". The hoi sang "Almost Persuaded" mosi, harmoniously with Mrs. Swar- brick at the organ. Starting the first Sunday in July. churchý service will be held in Ken dal ini the evening at 7:30 for thej whole month of July. After thic set-vice there was a discussion on putting a new ceiling inthiej church as some of the plaster Feature - Pink Seal PINK SALMON - has fallen and much is loose. Kendal hard bail tean play'. ed in Newcastle Thursdav even- ing and lost -te Newvcastle wvhen the game was called in the sixth inning. Eddie Couroux un. fortunatelv received an injurv to his right hand requiring five stitches from a roui tho fromn the bat as he was catching. It ivas a busv, weekend at Ken-Gar-Hills camp as they are preparing for their summer guests. Mr-. and Mrs. Truman Garbutt. Mr. and Mrs. George Swarbrick and Mr. Greig were some of those present. TEEN-AGERS - ADULTS! This cari be the moqt prof. itable Summer you wili ever spend! You can acquire new and useful skillsanad neîv knowiedge in the S1TMMER SCHOOL CLA SSES In the Oshawa Business College Classes wlIIcommence Monday, July 6. 1 959 and continue to Friday. August 28, 1959 Act Noiv! Enroli at Once! Make your Suimmer really count - 2 to 4 Irours Per day. [)ial 10 Simece RA 5-3375 St. N., Oshawa Feature - Regular - Champion - 15 DR. BALLARD"S DOG FOOD Lb, Tin 2 For$10 oz. tin 9 For $1.00 PAGE six t { Best Buy - White, Chocolate, Honey Spice and Golden - Family Size ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES 3 pkg's $1.00 Best -Buy MONARCH MARGARINE, 1,b- . 41$01.0011 Feature 15 oz. tin YORK BEEF or IRISH STEW 4 tr$1.00. Feature - Libby's- 15 oz. tin FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 For $1.00 Feature 32 oz. tin WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK 3 For $1.00 Feature - Sweet Treat - 20 oz. tin FANCY CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 4/$1.00 Feature - "In Brine" - 15 oz. tin Sunbeam Bakery Fealures Neopolifan Bar Cake each3 9c (A Threc Layer Cake Ail Different Flavours) BIRD EYEMix 'em or match 'emn FIROZ E FOODS Eye Green Peas, Cut Cor, p5 s FROZEN FOODS ~Squash, Spinacb - ----- 10 -Produce Meats Swift's Fresh MiIk-fed Ontario - Crisp Shank Haif Garden-fresh - Good size c 1 Veal Leg ROAST ]KED ETUC 10 KnVealRm oASTU HEAD ETTUC Es. Knucle Rm oed Yellow Flesh - No. 1's - Qt. box Meaty Rib Loin H9onoy-swet PEACHES 25c Veal CHOPs IL. 9 Lip-smacking Treat Dollar Day Feature Large - Jumbo sie .9QC Sw1ft's Premiuiîn WATERMELON 99 urei-lb. Skinless, 35e lb. ALL Breakfast SAUSAGE THIREE Nutritlous - No. l's - 20 oz. cello pkg. Swift's, 10 oz. cello, 35e pkg. FOR NEW CAhROTS 2 For 25c Premium WIENERS Swift's Sliced .0 Garden Fresh Rindiess - !/z~ lb-, 35e pkg.1 0 RADISHES -3nch,.23cl Eversweet BACON THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth 0s Market