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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1959, p. 7

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TEE CANADIM~ STAT~MAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO PA<W ~W.U5~M Social & Ekersonal I Phone MA 3-3303 i Mrs. Mlnoie Wiseman is visit- tage on the Severn River near ng her daughter, Mis. Edwards Port Severn. n Kenora, Ont. Dr. and Mis. George W. Jamn- Miss Myrna Peterson, Cour- es have'returned from visiting [ce, has joined The Statesman their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. tfif for the sumimer months. Ward Hoffman and family, El- Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGee wood City, Pa. ttended a convention held at Mr. and Mis. Len Henry and 3rittania Hotel, Huntsvile last Bob, Windsor, spent a few days veek. last week with Mrs. Henry's Mr. and Mis. Walter Bell parents, Mr. and Mis. Ed With- tnd family, London, were with eridge, Scugog St. er mother, Mis. Harry Rice, Messrs. Doug James, Don Bag- ast weekend. neil, Lee Rackham and John Mr. and Mis. Ray Champa, James Jr. spent a few days last 1eveland, Ohio, and Mr. and week at the S. R. James cottage frs. P. Hayward visited Mr. and on Pine Lake, Goodeîham. ërs. Raye West, Orono. Guests with Mr. and Mis. Guest wlth Mr. and Mis. Jack Wm. Cann, Centie Street, last ;éheen at their cottage, Fene- Sunday were their daughter, on Falls, last Sunday were Mi. Mr. and Mis. L. M. Annis and nd Mis. Harry Akey and Gary. their two daughters, Toronto. Mi. Cecil Beilman spent a few Mrs. J. W. Noble, Miss Helen lays last week with lus son and Noble, Mrs. D. Howell and Mis. 'mily, Mr. and Mrs. Haines Cunningham, ail of Indianapol- ellman, on Manitoulin Island. is, Indiana, spent Sunday wiýh Mi. and Mrs. A. Cameron -Mi. and Mis. Herbert Goddarld r. and baby son, Sainia, aie and Mis. Gus Bounsai.l1 isiting the formeî's parents Mrs. W. A. Edger and Mr. Wr. and Mrs. A. Cameron, High and Mis. P. Greenfield wore t. guests of Mi. and Mis. Russ Guests with Mi. and Mrs. Jack Willia ms. Niagra Falls, N.Y., WiNulty are Mis. McNulty's last weekend and attended the ;on, Mr. Frank Swinburne, and Williams-Chamberlain wedding. liss Helga Fîensdorff, Mont- Susan Lee, daughter of Mr. eal. and Mis. William Whitehead, Mr. John Dippell left this' acted as flower-gîrl, at the wed- veek for Windermere House, ding of hier cousin, Ruth White- éuskoka, where hie will be a head, to Robert Young at Fene- taff mnember for the summer Ion Falls, on Saturday, June nonths. 2th. Mr. and Mis. H. J. Babcock Mrs. Florence Moore, Mis. pent the weekend at Centialia, Eva McMuîter, Mis. Hilda Col- iiests of Wing-Commander A well and Mrs. Amy Winacott 1and Mis. Ashton, Richard spent three days in Toronto last ýnd Cathy. week attending the Rebekah Assembly held in the Royal Mr. and Mis. E. V. Hoar spent York. be weekend with Mr. and Mis. Mi. and Mis. E. J. Fairey, F. Goodfellow at their cot- Mi. adMs er atr n Kim, Miss Donna Akey and Mr. Ted Fairey visited relatives in Newmaiket on Sunday and at- *AUM~@ tended Decoration Day Services STe OHNS there. Twenty-six couples, members mu of the Jack and Jil Club, spent last weekend at Bay-View L.od- CHURCHge, Sparrow Lake, wheîe they enjoyed water skiing and other (Anglican) outdoor sports under ideal wea- ther conditipns. Miss Gloria Robson eider dau- Fillh Suânday ghter of Mis. O. F. Robson, Osh- awa, formerly of Bowmanville, left on Thursday, June 18, to Aller Trinily ilive in San Francisco, where she will follow hier work as - i Physiotheropist. Mi. and Mis. Frank Williams, MOLY COMMUNION Mi. and Mrs. Don Williams and daughter, Nancy attended the - wedding of Mi. John Williams, Niagara Falls, N.Y.. son of Mr. MORNING PRAYER and Mis. R. G. Williams to miss Isabelle Chambeiliin. I - Mis. F. J-. Wight andi. Be"t EVENING FRAYER Jewell, Oshawa; Mis. W. E.1 Jewell, Miss Mabel Jewell, Mr.1 and Mis. Kenneth E. Cox, Town, Trinity United Church Minister-]Rev. Wm. K. Houslander, B.A., B.D. Organst-Mr. Ar thur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Il m.ut - MORNING WORSHIP A MRENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bownianville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 ».ni. - Englisit EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.rn. - Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL "FTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Dowmanville laptist Church Pastor: Alfred C. Bell Nelson St. near Liberty (To-night) Thursday Evening 8:00 p... We invite you to corne and hear Dr. Arnold V. Pent, D.D.,Litt.D. AND HIS FAMILY Their enthusiastic singing will stir your heart Their amazing recitation of scriptures will refresh yoir xùmd. "A growing church for a growing community» spent Sumday with Mr. and Mis. RsN J. E. Alan Gieville and daugh- J 5 ters Davw and Vikki, Oakviile. B l o r girls choir under direction of AI Mr. Murdo>ch Beaton wil b 1 4 heaid Saturday mr betwee 030el heaid Saturday mi between 03 iA t er 1 and il a.m. over radio station . fe 0yas saNtoa CIiUC, Cob>ourg, 1500 on your Hockey L0eaueofficiatioalM dial. Hce egeofcaW.M Mr. and Mis. Robert Wiliams, "Bill" Morrison announced this week that he is leaving the Cheryl and Lynn and Mis. Is- hockey field to seil insurance. abel Reynolds spent a happy "I decided to make the break weekend with Mir.and Mis. Roy. now Wo get established in my Falls and Wendy in Stieetsville - own business while* I was stil and attended Biittania United Young," said Bill when inter- Church anniversary where Fae viewecl by The Statesman on (Mis. Falls) is oiganist. Tuesday. Hie is just 40 yeaîs of Miss Kaiuie Ann Palmer w i age. leave for New York City on jMi. Moirison hi spending five Fiiaiy June 26th. There she wil weeks in Toronto studying the join her dance teacher, Miss Lil. complicated general and life in- lian Mae Marsh, to study the, surance field. When hi.s dance pîofessionally. Miss Pal- h as been completed, he wilset mer will be accompanied by up an office at bis house on ber mother. Concession St. in Bowmaniviile Congratulations to Mi. Hart- and also wiil be associated with ley Lewis who passed bis first Mi. Dean Macklem who has year Mathematics, Physics and conducted an insurance business Chemnistry course at the Univer- at 371 Bay Street, Toronto, fon sity of Toronto with fiîst class many years. honours. His peicentage wilI, in Bowmanvile's newest insur- ail probability, enable him to ance agent was boin in Gaît retain bis schoiaiship. and, aften public and bigh Congratulations to Mi. Ed- school, he giaduated fîom the warid ColweIl on passing bis se- Ontario Agriculturai College in cond year General Arts at the Dairying. In bis final yeaî at University of Toroto with first Gait, lie played bis first Junior class honours and also on wln- A hockey with the Gaît Ter- ning a schlorship. Mi. Colwell riers. He mioved to Oshawa and is doing church extension work joned Beaton's Dairy where he at North Bay for the summer. Correction: Oui sincere apol- ~ v r r Mis. Lucius Hooper. We regret that we înadvertently omitted' the late Mis. Hoopei's two bro- iA t e d C u Robert of Toronto, whèn niaming those who remaîn to mouin ber The annuai pre-12th of July passing. Oui deepest regrets. church parade o! the Purpie Guard, Loyal Orange Lodge Last Thursday, June l8th, Mi. 2384, Pipie Ridge, LOBA, and Orville K. Osborne had the mis- Utility LOBA, Tyrone, was fortune to be tîapped by his heîd on Sunday morning. Near- tractor when it tipped oven on l 100 took part in the parade the side of a bull. Luckily it 'which marched fîom the Bow- righted itseif but flot before manville High School Grounds ca islocat.dsorde, a suffer led by the Bowm-anville Fife ab dilîutsh us a akd and Dnum Band. The route was rib bushbuns ndbruises. along Queen Street and uap Weekend guests with Dr. and Temperance Street. Mis. C. W. Siemon wcîc their A special service was con- daughter Marion, Mrs. Roy Sie-, ducted at the Bowmanvilc mon, Colorado, and their sons Town Hall by Captain Norman Mi. and Mis. C. B. Slemon and Coles o! the Salvation Army. David, Niagara Falls, and Dr. .AR joîned in singing the hymn and Mis. Harold V. Siemon. Toi- 'Stand Up For Jesus". This onto. Their nephew Dr. and Mrs. w*as followed by a prayer led Jack Virtue and family, Hamil- by Mis. Norman Coles. ton, were also visitons. Th1avtonAm on Recent visitons with Mr. and! Peopie's Singing Company di- Mis. P. Haywand were, Mi. and rected by Mis. A. Bothwell and Mis. Ray Champa, Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Margaret Pol'lock, Mis. A. J. Gay, Countice, Mis. Raye West and Barry, Mis. A. E n§ç cmle West, Orono, Miss Georgie For- syth, Miss Lewis, Mis. M. Bax- ter, Mr. N. Hodgson, and Mi. C u l Hanwich, ail o! Oshawa. The twin daughteis, Jeanne (Continued from page one) and Janet, o! Mi. and Mis. Mur- ray Tighe were christenled in It was stated that. Mis. Oke had St. Andiew's Chuich last Sun-j become woirried when ber hus- day. Afterward, Mr. and Mis. band had ieft the house shoitly Tighe entertained at a family atter supper to look at some luncheon. Those present were hay and did not return. grandparents, Mis. F. T. Tighe, Neighbours said she called Aurora, and Mr. and Mrs. A., o ask them to search for ber Campbell, Maple Grove Mn.husbandl. fefore he was found and Mis. Gary Tighe and Ter- i she lapsed into a coma. She died esa, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mis. without regaining consciousness Alan H. Osborne, Town. in the Mémorial Hospital, Bow- Mi. and Mis. Jim Piekard,1 Michael, Steven, Paul and Julia,1 Toronto; Mn. and Mis. _Jack Dunn and boys, Bobby, Jamie and Steven, Town and Mr. and Mis. Stuart James and Norman, Town, were guests o! Mr. and Mis. Howard Pickard and girls,' Elcanor, Marge and Betty, at thein cottage, B k w,mainville whcn their father Mr. A. W. i-i ckard was the honoured jupest at a Fatben's Day gatheîing. manville. Mr. Oke was found by- neighbouis a short while ]ater dead in the bain nean thc fam-ily home. Mir. and Mis. Oke are sunviv- cd by two sons, Howard and John, Oshawa, and one daugh- ter, Mis. Bruce, Ashton (Manie), Blackstock. Ask foru Gucsts last weckend with Mr. and Mis. Ait Hoopen and family ' . s were Mis. Hloopcn's mothen, Mis. c s A. Ashford, Toronto, and Mis. Hoopcî's sister, Mr. and Mis. G. <Continued from page one) W. Mitchell and family Downs- Mayor and one to thc Town view. They attended the recital Cheik asking foi information in presented iby Mis. W. E. C. a wrîtten neply to the follow- Wonkman's pupils when Master ing questions. The number o! Ronnie and Miss Nancy Hoopen people cmployed by thc town participated. Mis. Hooper's nicc- on the garbage detail, thein es, Misses Judith and Gai h Mit- nms or fwr n o cheil, îcmained for ahoia much overtime work is donc? with thein aunt and unche. How much did the earth pack- ci cost whioh was recently pur- Guests fromn Bowmanville chased by thc town, and for who attended the Locke-Banton wha upsi tbenued wedding in St. George's Memor- a ups si cn sd !l Anglican Church, Oshawa, on iMi. Foran cmphasized the Saturday, June 20th werc, Mi. fact that thc association was not and Mis. Stanley Smith, Miss criticizing the Town Council re- Margaret Smith, Mn. Jo b n garding ý the purchase of an Smith, Mn. and Mis. Edwin eanth packer but would like Wo Smith, Misses Camille and Bet- kno1w if one has been bought, ty Smith, Miss Wiima Bates, anid if so the price, and why one Mr. Harold Pariott, Dr. and Mis. us necded. Charles Austin, Misses Janet and Patricia Smnith, Misses Di- anc and Charlotte Austin and ~E Mi. Donald Leask. 'i~ rr Jane Street neighbouîs an-Hug nanged a surprise party for Mn. iC and Mis. Pat Kelly, who are Fu e Pc i moving fromn that district, hast Saura eenn. un 0t. at the home o! Mn. and Mis. Jim At ob ur Kelly, Prince Street. Following1 ashort address read by Mrs. A number of thc members of Geore -Grahm, "GosiptheBowmanville Senior Citizens Bench" was piesented to the Club attended the mammoth pic-I couple by Mn. Rahph Ormiston 'nie held in Victoria Park, Co- on behaîf o! the gathering. The bourg, on Saturday for senior remainder o! thc evening was citizens from ail over East Cen- spent playing cards and enjoy- frai, Ontario. About 500 attend- ing a social chit-chat. cd the enjoyabie event which Cyni Berd, 01 ing was sponsorcd by the East Cen- Cyri Berd, 01 ingSt., tral Zone o! thc Ontario Re- West, is enjoying a holiday in creation Association. England for six weeks. He salI- cd last week fîomn Montreal The senior citizens arrived at aboard the S. S. Homeric. While the park from Bowmanviilc, in England Mr. Beard will visit Oshawa, Peterborough, Belle- bis sistens, Miss Avis Beard and ville, Lindsay, Port Hope, Tien- Mis. AI! Jacks and bis brother- ton, Whitby, Coîborne and other in-law, Mi. Jacks, in Notting- centres by charteied buses and ham. Previous to lcaving Bow- cars. A fcw drove their own manvilie for his trip abroad Mr.j cars. Beard was tendcied a surprise The picnic staitcd at 2 o'clock paity at bus residence one ev- in thc afternoon. Gamcs weie ening by a group o! twelvc play cd under the direction of friends. A presentation o! a Bowmanville Recreation Direc- Ronson lighten was made to Mr. i ton Doug Rigg, J. M. Munro, Beard by Murray Bate. The gif t Cobourg Recreation Director, was a 'bon voyage' present fromBl Workman, Trenton Recrea- those present at the party. Ca.ids sthon Dinector and Onville De- weîe enjoycd and the pnize wun- laneyCbug neis were Mis. Murray Bate and yobug Robert Bate. A deliclous lunch 1 Amusing skits weie presenit- was servc<L cd by different groups o! sen- jior citizens. T. Dale, Port Hope,! was thc leader o! the enthus- Peîhaps Uic mnost valuabie. iastic sing song. Afteiwaids a nesuit o! ail education is the musical cntcrtainment was ability to make yourself do thec much enjoyed by the vast as- thing you have to do when it semblage. This was followed has tO be donc, whctheî you like by square dancing. A deiciaus it or not.-Huxicy. r>uppen was served in the Park. ison Leaves Hockey Years w'th N.H.L. was employed for 17 years. Un-1 tii the seasorn of 1938-39, hie was a vaiued member of the Osh- awa Generals, but ini that yeaî received a cracked skull and was advised toi quit the game. It was not until 1944 that the luie of the ice again played a part in his life. He started re- fereeing minor hockey in Osti- awa and giadually worked his way up to the top with the Na- tional Hockey League. For the next 10 years, his winters were filled with travelling from one NHL mame to another. In the meantime, his wife, formerly Maiorie Hunt of De- troit was looking after the homestead and assuming a prominent roie in the activities of the Memorial Hospital here. At present she is the Director of Nurses. The Morrisons have two childien, Lana 12 and Bull 9. His many friends hene will wish Bill Morrison every suc- cess in bis new endeavour. They and many other will miss the thrill of watching officiai Num- ber 4 in action on their tele- vision scneens eveîy wintei. rîge Lodges rch Service Ruth Winterbottom, sang "Let's Go To Church." The children's talk, "lTaking the T out of Can't" was given by Mis. Non- man Coles. The Young People's Band played "Crown Him Lord o! Ahi."1 Bandsman George Cher- rington 15 the instructor. K. Lindsay, Wonshipful Master L.O.L. led the nesponsive Scrip- turc Reading, Deuteîonomy 6. The Young People's Singing Company sang "If We Ail Saîd a Prayer". Reading by Barbara Keast. Capt. Coles spoke on the mes- sage IlTeach, Train, Control, Love." The service closed with a Benediction. The big 12th of July District orange Parade will be held in Cobourg this year. r TYRONE About 50 aduits and childien of Tyrone Community gathered at Bethesdla School to honour the newly weds on Satuîday ev- ening, Mi. and Mrs. James Wagg, nee Marion Wright, and Mi. and Mis. Donald Badour, nee Gloria Brent. Mr. Everton White was master of ceremonies and piesented the gifts; to Mi. and Mrs. James Wagg. a T.V. Swivel Chair, and to Mr. and Mis. D. Badour a China Buffet. Games of Court Whist were played. Mis. D. Badour had high score and Mis. R. Wright low. Both thanked the commun- ity for the gifts. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. and Mis. David - Peters and chikiren, Bowmanville, were guess of Mi. and Mis. A. Ham- ilton. Mis. John Home of Grim- sby is also visiting the Hamil- ton home. Several people from here at- tended Haydon Anruveisary ser- vices on Sunday and were plea- sed to renew acquaintances with Rev. and Mis. Cresswell and Glenis. Mr. and Mis. K. Acheson, Scarborough; Mis. M. Grant, Daîlene and Debbie, Oshawa, visited their parents Mr. and Mis. John His. Audrey Wood is attendirug 4-H Provincial Conference at Guelph this week. She is one of the representatives of Dur- ham County. Mr. and Mis. H. Trivett, Wes- ton, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mis. H. Cameron. Mi. and Mis. Tieleman and family with Mi. and Mis. Lin- deman, Lindsay, Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Ross Hall, Bow- manville, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mis. H. Hall. Onk Sunday'a family gatheiing was held for Father's Day. Messrs C. W. Woodley Wil- bur Mark, and Milton Vîrtue left eaily Sunday morning on a motor trip out West. Mi. and Mis. John Cairigan, Hampton, visited Mi. and Mis. Jamet Woodley. Mi. and Mis. James Wagg, I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 40c, 75e ,Spot Remover PRESCRI PTIONS Alex. ýWe Deliver Oshawa, visied Mi. and Mis. R. Wright. Mis. Alfred Gaskmn, Moncton, is visiting ber daughten, Mis. G. Alldread and Mi. Alldread. Mi. and Mis. Aithur Sm-ith, Columbus; Mis. S. T. Hoar weîe guests on Sunday of Mi. and Mis. A. His. Mr. and Mis. J. Gibbs and boys, Mi. and Mis. W. Park, Cecile and Douglas, also Mn. and Mis. R. Perfect and son and Mr. and Mis. James Murdoch and boys, Bowmanville, spent the weekend at Presqu'île Park, Brighton. Mn. and Mis. W. Thompson, Mr. andMrs. B. Covert and fam- ily, Peterborough, were guests o! Mi. and Mis. H. Philp and Jean. Mi. and Mis. J. Reyenga at- tended a birthday panty at Mr. and Mis. W. Piessma's, New- casie. Mis. M. Russnell, Whitby, vis- ited at the Handys and Prescotts. Mis. A. V. Edwards, Welland, spent a couple o! days with Mi. and Mis. T. Scott. Mn. and Mis. W. Chantier and daughteîs, Mi. and Mis. G. Sears and Debra, New Toronto, visited Mi. andMis. K. Colbary and Frank. S. S. No. 9, Clarke Mr. and Mis. Maurice Ped- well entertained the community on June 12" at an outdoor party to say farewell to Mi. and Mis. Ai! Armstrong Bilan and Penny Ann, prior to thein leaving for Africa. Mn. Bill Allun was master o! ceremonies and spoke regrets o! everyone at thein leaving and wîshed them happiness and luck. Miss Arlene Aluin presented Penny Ann wîth a charm bra- celet Bruce Allin presented Bnian with a gift and Gail with a necklace. Mi. and Mis. Arm- strong were given small gifts and a puise o! money. AI! thanked eveîyone on behaîf o! bis famuly. Lunch was served and the childien entertained with songs. Mr. and Mis. Arm- strong left on June 13. On June 13 a large numben gathered at the school to honoun Miss Margaret Martin, Mn. Vern Miller who were to be marnied June 20. Mr. Austin Turner was master of ceremonies. The young people who were present, Carol Kent Jamie Kent, Carol Gib- son, Russell Gibson, Lois Bar- m 33c, 59c1 chard presented severai gifts Wo the bride on behaif of!, the community includmng- electrie fry pan, electric kettle, foam pile lows, towels and cloth. Gi! ta fiom former- school mates in Onono wcne, flanelette sheets chenille spiead and towels. The bride tbanked evcryone for their gifts. Lunch was served and ev- cryonc wished the bride and groom much happiness. The groom is in thc R.C.A.F. aand the couple wihl live in Nova Scotia for the present. Mi. and Mis. Miller o! Ed- monton visited with Mr. and Mis. L. Martin and attendcd their son's wedding. Mis, C. L. Tuckcr Toronto, spent the weckcnd with Mn. and Mis. W. Gibson. Mr. and Mis. Bill Barchard, Lois and Jimmy and Mis. A. Fisk were Sunday visitons with Mi. and Mrs. Chris Baîchard and Sharon, Newcastle. Mn. and Mis. Peter Devos ententained her parents' famiiy 'from Orangeville and Hamiltoni last Sunday foliowing the chris- tening o! their daughter Mary Ann. Miss Sharon Baîchard New- castle, spent Satuîday with her cousins Lois and Jimmy Bar- chard. Mi. and Mis. H. Ling and Bill spent the weekend at their cot- tage at Piçlgeon Lake. Mi. and Mis. I. Fairbiother spent a few days with their daughter and famihy in Whitby, Cathy returned with them for the weekend.. The Ladies Club met Monday night at Mis. Stan Aiiin's with nine present. After a short bus- iness period Mis. Marie Ped- welh showed4 pictures some of which were former school picnic shots which were veny interest- mng. Lunch was served by the hostess and Mis. Gwen Bair. chard. This is the last meeting until September. The Annuai pienie wiil be beld at Orono Park on Thurs- day today. Bîing a basket and join in thc fun. REQUIRE NO TRAINING St. Bernards require no train- ing for their rescue work in the Alps, says The Canadian Keni- nel Club. During the three cen- tuies that St. Bernards have been kcpt at the Hospice found- ed by St. Bernard de Menthorn, approximately 2500 liVes have been saved. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE 1* uA IJUjITtL OI1L'S SPECIAL VALUES, AND RE1NDERS FORUTRIS WEEK FREE styling combl FREE with Adorn!, eue Ott STRONGER Too WHEN WET OR DRY BECAUSE CAUSU iors MELOBONDEDI RIOULAR MAN-SIZS PHOSPHOI The ««gVary Day Way 50 Ra-t Tno NERVE Hectie pace geUaing you down? sig o easy £o relax du8t take PHOSPNO-PLEX, Relieve thai jumpy *"Iired al the tr4 feeling. Enjoy lufe Smile ai petty annoances Iitrue PHOSPIlO-PLUX H(W the ery day way I jvwreliesenerteus tensioa 5IZE! WAMPOLE l00 PHOSPUO-PIX TrABLeTS Wâh 8B .mp.und vkomine $4 25 m TAMM S $2.50 16ouom s $2.50 le OM LJW -PuN Ou09» A SPECIALTY McG regor, Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Drugs "Phone MA 3-5792 I.D.A. Brand - 300's - Reg. 89c » Fast relief from pain Idasal Tahiels - - - * w 59C I.D.A. Brand - 100's, 300's - Reg. 39c, 89c Milk ai Nagnesia Tablets - 31c, 61c I.D.A. Brand - White - 70's - Reg. 18e Paper Napkins - a a 16c, 2 For 31c Shave Cream I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 49c 39C Wax~~~ Pae1oID.A. Brand q WCI Peperoofi. roll.. Reg. 31c28cI 2For55c Odo-Ro-No 63c e DEODRANTColgate CREAM DENTAL CREAM Reg. 7cplus 1.2579 2 Cakes Palmolive SPRAY SOAF Reg.98 87e 1.50 9CfValue63 Woodbury Shampoo 1.25 value 79c Tooth Drush Dr.West's - Reg. 29c 3 For 63c the spray that helpa HLDY ED you style your hairHOIA ED yourself. Band-Aid Plastic Strips - -___29e,53c, 75c Ctthis talented comnl - Plus Bromo Seltzer - for upset stomaeh --- 33c, 63c, 98e aCe oke ha hw o Bufferin - for relief frorn headache 39c, 79c, 1.23, 1.89 ahwt sye new bookiet t RE FRai AThoITw9c, .0,o.2 liow tori ityeGreeynîe.REFros AI AUT OmIS --98c, .042 "OFFd"u renCr Inse t Bornbns - ---89e, 1.49 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Tantoo -------------- ------ --- 69c, 89c, 1.19 SUNDUEN and SUNTAN TIRE PIREPARATIONS FEEIIE !. Acriflex -~----- - - -85e Caligesie Ointment ---- - 1.00 011'PAS Nivea Creme --------39c, 69c, 1.25, 3.30 ou Af REEFNoxzcma Skin Crearn ___ 33c, 73c, 93c, 1.89 Tan-Gel -- ----- - -85e 911 IL S Bronztan Crearn_ 75c, 1.25 Lotion-- 85e, 1.50 fS DNEY Coppertone Crearn 1.50 Lotion- 1.75 Oil - 1.50 -Sea and Ski - - ------------__89c, 1.50, 2.49 SUN CLASSES conomy $1.09 Aviation Special - ____--.-.39e i99Polaroid -2.49, 3.49 Fits-on ----- 2.99 Others_____- 25c, 69c, 99e to 10.00 1 THE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN, BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVE14 V MIN

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