VAG! !TGHT TII CANAD!AIi STAT~MMV, EOWMANVILLI, OUTA~O 'rHURSDAY. 3UN! 2Mb. YgA Crn.. ef and Cabbaue By Bonnie Purdy OP WRITERS AND PACK- RATS AND) FACTS Writers are like pack-rats. They coilect things. Just as the pack-rat piliers battie caps, bits of tinsel and things of gilt and glitter s0 does the writer pil- ler ill-assorted facts, tid-bits af information and gems of knowl- e4ge. Having pilfered, the wri- ter then transfers his cental loot-load to small seraps of p a- per and caches them awaybe- tween book leaves, lni bureau drawers and behind the bread- box. There they remain until the wrlter, beset by a blank brain and faced with a blank sheet af paper plus an immin- ent deadline, goes about collect- ing them, for inspiration. t t j a t these times of redis- caverythat the truth cornes out. Like the pack-rat's treasures, t.he writer's collected facts and tit-bits are oiten interesting, sometimes intriguing and almost MONEY AVAILABLE FOR MGITGAGES DALPH S. JONES Barrlster and Solletor 65 Simcae st. S. Oshawa lA5-3525 always useiess. Deciphering and digesting such scribbled pearls of knowledge gives the writer sore eyes and a headache but no inspiration. In short, his trade collector's items do hlm no gaad at ail. Tokyo Blggest-Dut Whbo Cares? Just for instançe, what pos- sible goad can it do me to know that Tokyo, Japan, has the larg- est population af any city an earth? On the other hand, knowledge af the samne ialter- able fact can do me harin in some quarters. British and Arn- enican quarters, for exampie. M'.y English fniends know "for positive truth" that London, England, la the largest city in the world. My American friends are convinced that their own New York City holds the world nose-count titie. Debunking their authorities by quoting re- liable reference sources buys me nothing but icy stares, cold shoulders and a crawfull ai saur grape juice. But, being a know-it-all writer I have ta speak my piece and break the peace. Conceding ta the beilef held by many Amnericans that New York City includes almost al ai the State af New Jersey m'ight well niake It the world's metropolis. However, staying an the up and up and sticking ta the legal confines ai New York City as they exist in the State, it was> named fori niakes the great, U. S. city ai third'place runner on the size1 far Th'is young lad is reahly going places. He knows the value of a dollar - because he worked hard aven the past vear te buy this pony. He saved every penny and nickel by doing farmn chores far his Dad. While the Minister af Agriculture's budget at Ottawa runs ita millions af dollars, he bas ta justify his expenditures down ta the last cent. His maney cames through the Minister af Finance who gets it largely in taxes from Canadians such as yau. When he spends more than he takes in, he must borrow from yau . . . or else create new money. The creatian of new money is one factor that leads ta inflation - which means your dollar buys less and less. The gaverament has been spending mare than vou have been paying in taxes. To narrow the gap between incarne and expenditures, new taxes have been imposed. 'You can encourage the governrent ta live within its Incarne by asking only for those services you are willing ta pay for with taxes. Tel your M.P. at Ottawa that since you ame trymng te save, yau expeet government ta do thc sarne. You aso help when you save more by means ai life insurance, savîxîgs deposits, and the purchase af government bonds. Your savings help ta create a SOUN D dollar; and tbis, in turn, helps ta create job security for you and mare jobs for other Canadians. A SOUND DOLLAR MEANS ABETTER IFE FOR YOU GivE YouR ACTIV SUPPORT TO THE FIGHT AGAINST INffLATION jfUC UVICE UISU FROM THE UFE USURANCE COMPAMEES 114 CAMAD L-359C Mandarin Mlghty Mumble But at least the truth about Takyo keeps my friendly adver- saries divided, on opposing aides of an ocean. )Xot s0 an the subjeet. ai language predomin- ance. Let me mention that more people speak Chinese than any other language known ta man and my op:porients join forces. British andi American alike, they argue that Chinese is bra- ken down into so many regianal dialects that it cannot be pro- penly called a language. It is of na avail for me ta point out that English has been sirnilar- ly fractured, and in many pla- ces. All ai a sudden no one's ever heard ai Soho, Australia, Brooklyn or even Beatnikville.] Ail joking- and argument aside, the fact remains that some 444 million people speak the Chinese Mandarin <kuo-yu) language alone as opposed teaa round total af 278 million who speak English in' any farm, whatever. And this daesn't in- clude the additionai Chinese millions who speak Min, Wu, Cantonese, Hakka or dialeets thereof. So it is English holds a lagging second place on the international language ladder and Russian, by virtue ai ut- terance by some 156 million tangues, cames third. Gencrals, Sluggers and Doge If the manetary value ai most simple, single facts collected at randomn by workîng writers is nil, or near-nil, the inspira- tional value is little, if any, bet- ter. I bhave noted an one min- ute scrap ai paper the fact that January 26 is General Douglas MacArthur Day and an annual public holiday in the U.S. State ai Arkansas. No doubt there's inspiration there but not for me. Simîlarly I have noted that the late and starry slugger Babe Ruth m.ade slightly aver one million dollars for his 24 years in professianal basebail. 0f this an estimated $150.000 was paid ýhim for exhibition appear- ances. This may be ai inspira- tion te smali boys and basebal players but it d.oes nothing ta encourage a flagging writer. The stary ai Babe Ruth has ah- ready been well written, with i ar withaut mention ai his ac- cumulative earnings. Among my jottings I hàve a giit ai iact for dag-lovers and for those w'ho are not dog-lov-1 ers but who are convinced the whale world is following flocks ai free-loading fleas - ta the dogs! T-he canine population ai The United States alone stands in the neighbarhaad ai 25 mil- lion. 0f these, mare than three illhion' dogs have registered pedigrees showing that each be- longs taeOone af 112 recognized breeds. Flsh Facts and Cheekers An ardent rod and reel fan, I have amassed a number ai purely fishy facts piliered from the International Game Fish Association and the pages ai Field and Stream. I won't borel you with the whole collection but I will offer a few finny facts pertinent ta Ontario. Ac- cording ta my reference notes, the largest Brook Traut ever landed weighed fourteen and a balf pounds and carne from the Nipigon' River. This catch was made in 1916 and still .stands as a world record. The world record for Walleye aiso belongs with Ontario. in 1943 a 22 pound, 4 ounce, Walleye was taken from the Niagara River ta cap the honors. The largest Lake Traut ever enter- ed for international recognition weighed 63 pounds, 2 ounces, and carne from Lake Superior in 1952. Again, these facts may be interesting but so fan they haven't helped me with my writing-or my fishing. If you can use thein you're welcome. Grandpa McCoy may take a stroke but statistics show the world's checker champion is a woman! Her naine is Marion Tinsley and she's from Column- bus, Ohio. Holders ai the male and fenaIe world chess cham- oionships are both citizens af Russia. One ai the reasons cited for U.S.S.R. chessboard suprem- acv is that the garne is included I S herlock--Holiïies' _býrain-fathên, Sir Arthur- Conan Doyle, ne- oarded. In 1859 abituaries were iwritten for Washington Irving and Robent Louis Stevensan, arnong others. As I said in the beginning, writers are like pack-rats. They pilier facts and coileot informa- tion just as though they had some gaod reason for doing Sa. A.s you have read, I arn no ex- ception. My only excuse for forcing these loose-end facts on îou and yours is the need ta jusifythetirne Ispent collect- some ai them interesting. Water Safe For Red Cri In connection with the Re- creation Department's summer swimming prograni, published last week, the following list ai Red Cross Water Saiety Tests will provide fu.rther information for those planning ta take the course. Swimrmens must pass these tests ta qualify for the several awards. Listed below are the Red Cross Water Safety Test that the swimmers must pass. Boginners Water Saiety Knowledge - Candidate must be capable af answering elementany questions 'deaiing with practical. water safety knowledge. Reaching Assista - Candidate la required to do 3 of the fol- lowing - arrn extension, heav- ing line, reaching pool, towel extension. Babbing'Six Times Continu- lously-Candidate must assume a vertical position in chest deep water, submenging the wýhole body whihe exhaling, and em- erging the head only ta inhale. This action is done without he- sitation between any ai the six camplete cycles. Jeily Fish Float -Candidate assumes tuck position, remains in float wlth back breaking the surface ai the water. Front Gilde, Roll Oven, Stand Up - Candidate does a front glide, rails aven and maintaîns the back float position mom- entarily and then uses the me- chantes ai the recovery ta re- gain footing. Back Glide, Rall Oven, Stand Up - Candidate does a back glide, rails aven and maintains the front float position momen- tanily and then uses the mech- anics ai the recovery ta regain footing. Forty Feet Continuous-Can- didate swims on the front for a distance ai 20 feet, turns about and returns the same dis- tance. He may use any arm, or leg action ta propeil him through the requred distance. Flutter Xick and Finning or Sculling on~ Back-Candidate is required ta swim on the back, using a flutter kick leg action, àand a flnning or sculling action af the arms far a distance ai 20 feet. Jump In. Swim In Place On Tnead Water-30 Seconds-This is a water safety skill and should be done as follows: Can- didate jumps into the water, levels off -and swims or treads water in place for 30 seconds. Junior Swlmmer Water Sa!ety Knowledge Test -Candidate miust be capable ai answering Water Saiety *Know- ledge questions at the Junior level. *Reaching Assists - Candidate ta nequired ta do 5 af the fol- lawing extensions: Arm, pale, paddle, oar, tawel, clothing, heaving line. Front Dive into Deep Waten -This is an introduction toaa bead-tirst entry, and can be done from a crouch. semi- crouch ar standing position. 40 Yards Continuous Swirn- Candidate i.s required ta swima an the front 20 yards, turn about and return. The mech- anica ai one ai the following strokes are requîred - side stroke <înverted scissors kick permitted), bneast stroke, crawl stroke. Bobbing 10 times Continu- a.usly-Candidate must assume ty Tests 'oss Awards a vertical body position in ohest-deep water, submerging the whole body while exhaiing and emerging the head only ta inhale. This action is done with- out hesitation between any of the 10 complete cycles. Jump Int Deep Water-This la a feet-first entry, and must be done in water deeper than the height o! the candidate. Starting body position is op- tional, i.e. forward, backward, 'crouch, etc. 20 Yards Elementary Back Stnoke-Candldate is requlred ta penformn the ca-ordination and mechanics af this Stroke ta the extent that the armas and legs move ahnost sirnultaneous- ly. There must be a de! mite glide phase, as this la a water saiety stroke and should be performed as such. Tread Water or Float 3 Min- utes-Candidate miust perform this skil ti deep water and keep the head above the surface throughout the designated time. Intermediate Swlmmer Water Safety Knowledge Test -Candidate must be capable ai answening Water Safetjy Knowl- edge questions at the Interme- diate level. Reaching Assists - Candidate is required ta throw- a rescue line 25 feet with accuracy, and mnust be capable ai doing ail ai the following extensions: arm, leg, pale, tawel, paddle, oar, clothing. Artificial Respiration - Can- didate is required ta perform the mechanics ai the Holger- Nielsen Back Pressure-Arm Lift Method af Artificial Res- piration. 120 Yards Continuous - Can- didate, to meet the standard, must perfonm the strokes in the order shown with ease, ca-or- dination and praper breathing. Invented scissors kick will be permitted in the side stroke. Breast, Back and Crawl strokes 40 yards ai eacb. Standing Front Dive - This la a standing front header, and must be executed with confi- dence and ease. Stride Jump into Peep Wa- ter-Candidate must enter the water feet first, keeping the head above the surface ai the water at all times. 40 Yards Continuous - 20 yards arma only on the back: candidate must use a finning on sculling action ai the arms. 20 yards legs only on the back:' candidate rnust use an invented scissors or inverted irog kick. Surface Dive and Underwa- ter Swim-Candidate must sur- face dive vertically a minimum depth ai 6 feet, and swirn par- allel ta the surface for -a dis- tance ai 10 feet. Float or Tread Water (5 min- utes)-C-andidate must perfarm this skill in deep waten. and keep the head above the sur- face throughout the time. Senior Swimmer Minimum age for the Senior award is 13 years., Waten Saiety Knowledge Test-Candidate must be cap - able ai answering Water Saiety Knowledge questions at thel Senior Level. Reaching Assists - Candidate is required ta throw a Ring Buoy or heaving ine ion a dis- tance ai 40 feet with accuracy.1 Also, be capable ai perfonmingi 3 other reaching assists. 9 -Artificial Respiration - Can- didate le required to performn the medianie afbath the Hol- f er-Nielsen Back Pressure, Arm lft and Schaefer Methods, and have a saund knowledge of the fundamental theory of Artifi- cial Respiration. Shallow Dive - Candidate 2nust execute a clean water en- try, !ollowed by a long glide. 300 Yards Continuous - Can- didate, ta meet the standard, mnuet perform the strokes in the order shown with, ease, co- ordination and praper breath- ing for the entire 300 yards. 100 yards Side or Breat Stroke, 100 yards Back Stroke or Back Crawl, 100 yards Front Crawl or Trudgen. Stride Jump into Deep Wa-1 ter - Candidate must enterl the water feet first, keeping the head above the surf ace at ail times. 75 Yards Contlnuous, - 251 yards arms only on the back:ý candidate must use a finninig or scuiling action af the arms. 50 yards legs only on the back: candidate must use an inverted scissors or inverted frag kick. Running Dive - Candidate must execute ihe running dive using a one-foot take-off. Surface Dive and Uriderwater Swim (15 feet) - Candidate must surface dive vertically ta a minimum depth ai 6 feet, and swim parallel ta the surface for a distance af 15 feet. Tired Swimmer Tow - 20 Yards - Candidate rnust per- form the tired swimmer tow for a distance of 20 yards u3ing ecquipment of the examiner's choice. Float or Tread Water (10 minutes) -Candidate must perform this skill in deep wa- ter and keep the head above the surface thraughout the de- signated lime. Nestieton Station Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barton af Munroe, Mich. and Mrs. Sid- ney Smtth ai Toronto vislted with Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Knight. Miss Anne Colville returned with them fan a week's visit at their Pigeon Lake cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dunlop, Jane An-ne and John, along with Mrs. Reid and Miss Mary Campbell a&U ai Hamilton, Ont- ario, were visitors at the Manse on Sunday. Mrs. J. Sweatman ai Seattle, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. J. C. John- sitan and Anme Marie of Ottawa and Mrs. W. H. Jahnston of I PICK-UP AND DELIVERYJ LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. îsa rnd #IBP'rdý1dzrn! -- - - -- --.- Ulm i m um EXTRA VAILUE Wrumi' vOU Muy You have so little more ta pay ... and s0 much more ta enjoy! Tihe beguiling luxury and roominess of the hi gh-fashion inteior... dlean, classic, modern style ... su perb Body b y Fisher attention ta detail ... ail these are s0 beautifully yours in Oldsmobile... at so modest a price. EXTRA VALUE WDIEN VOU DRIVE llere's value ta delight you afresh every tine you take the wheeL You'll thrill ta the soft-spoken eaeerness af the new Racket engins ita thc easy way Olds makes light af the long, summer miles -.and ta the astounding gas econarny. Guest-test a Racket soan and discaver all these exciting Oldsmobile qualities. EXTRA VALUE WHEN YOU TRADE Your investment holds whea you o over ta Olds . . . for the beot of rea8ans I The distinction and- quality, ail that the name Oldsmobile stands for, have made 01d& the mont wanted car ini the medium-priced field. This means you're asswred of top trade-in value. Let your Oldamobile dealer prove it -ta you, today. (D L.ID s N~E 1)S LE iE - Chevrolet Trucks Cars -Storage - Shirts - Repairs Pefferlaw vislted Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. and Mns. Kenneth Lamb oi Por~t Credit and Messrs. Her- man Rodinan, Little Britain and Norman Lyons of Uxbnidge were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mis- ses Gwen and Eunice Wilson. Mr. Harold Lang of Onieme., visited Sunday with Mrs. fler- man Samelîs. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. MéMullen and Carl, Ballydufi and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells and Sharon ai Peterborough were visitons Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyland. Mns. Paye Supple and Christ- ie aiToronto spent the week- end ti town. Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANILLE Dry Cleaning PHONE MA 3-7061 "Imove we enjoy a Smith Bovorago r, Mode and Bottled by.. SMITHBEVEIIES LrD 50 WMAN VILLE And today this traditional value is unsurpassed! From its "Linear Look" styling .. . its gracious, spacions interiors .. . its pace-setting engineering ... Oldsmobile is beyond compare. Gve--r&' A ROCKET TODAYI Chevrolet -VISfT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER - RtOY W. NICHOLS - Oldsmobie -j) i TM MWADMW VrAT2SMM. BOWtANVff= OWAMO 9MrJ tSDAT, YU" 251h. MO pop Il E5 Eý)