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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1959, p. 3

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TKURSDAY. JULY 2nd. 100 £~ CANADIAL< STAT~MAN. 80 .~ MANVILLE. ONTARIO P4GZ T~DIE presented i the town hall, Wedcb- were hku. Jack UWarhafl. MUs. 3, 4 d l s R c i enesday night by t1e pupils of Glenn Gilbert, Mm .W. Leask Mns. Ruth Wilson. Thle Pegg Jr., ?&ina Bey Smnale, Misa Betty O tfamiiy of Greenwood also en-DotnadM.RyBao. Th r o i m e i i h t tertained with several musical 'rDowe addn. Rywas en- The report of the Northumo- tai of 107 plumbing inpectionst Wison, who has bee studying W e d ng Q t th home of the Kroom's erland-Durham health unt for wr ae ui tWib Ladies College ohr M"s. William Leask,' May shows there were 73 cases An orthopedic clinic was held for a year, played a piano solo. ________________ of communicable diseases e at Cobourg General Hositl n olîowng isth rga: ported ini the United Counties. May at which 80 crippled cild- tiaoeolo C rogram:Pi These included 27 whooping ren from the two counties were Piao olo CrolWery;Pi cuh,23 german measies, 9 examind. Arrangements for an Solo, Lo<is Wight; Piano M n o k r rcd measies and fine chicken the clinic were made by the Ro- Duet, Lois and Loria Wright; POX. tary Clubs of Cobourg and Port Piano Solo, Lai-na Wright, Pi- H nosed by laboratory examina- Ontario Society for Crippled'Stacey; Piano Solo, Jimmy Sta- .S r w e r e tion-a skunk in Darlington Children. cey; Piano Duet, Betty and Mar- LEASK TH074PSON LOCKE -BARTON S r w e r e Township and a cow in Hamil- ________ lin Stinson; Piano Solo, Betty Wuecrsnhmm re ton Township. Lou Stinson; Piano Solo, Judy Zion United Church was the hyateusgrc A total of 3,443 aduits T>TIITCISIlIIT Robinson; Musical Number, The scene of a wedding at 3 o'clock ed the altar of St. George's The. Willing Workers' Group ed hid dsepolo ecçv ni.ACKS OCKPeg Fmii; ian DetMi. - Study ftroo. eMemnorial Anglican Churoh, of the Bowmanvile Salvation edtir os oloyeiisvC- amy;-±n.Dut arayatno,*Ut Oshawa, for a wedding at 3:00 Army Home League, held a cinations at clinics in 19 differ- Wilson and Linda Butt; Piano27 hnWoa ineTr-olck Stdy atronscsfu Srwbr oil ent centres in May. The ached- Thirteen couples of the Town Solo, Lindla Butt; Piano tiuet o7, s eninaD iane mao'cock Satrdy ath -e ColenoHsonsue 2ltrawbuerry o ciaetle ule ends tis month., and Country Club met Wednes- Dianne Taylor and Helen Swain; P3l ns ntd iiming ue2twe ole e-o ue2t.Det nete During May health unit nur- day evendng. A baIl gamne had Piano Solo, Dianne Taylor; Pi-. with Donald Bruce Leask. The ter Bai-ton was united ini mar- weather it was held indoors in- -ses visited 985 homes, ini nearly been planned but due to the àno Solo, Helen Swain; Piano bride is the daughter of Mi-. and riage with Kenneth Arnold stead of on the lawn. hal! the cases the visit relating unfavourable weather, they as- Duet,, Douglas Asseistine and Mrs. Allan Edgar Thompson of Locke. The bride is the daugh- Bouquets of roses and orange to the general health of an :n- seibled at the home of Mr. and Jim Dayes; Piano Solo, Doug- Taunton, and the bridegroom is ter of MI-f. and Mrs. Douglas blossomns decorated the Hall fant. They also held 98 confer- Mrs. Harold Kyte and played las Asselstine; Piano Solo, Jim the sonl of Mrs. William James Bai-ton of Oshawa, formerly of while the. table decorations were ences with teachers. euchre. For discussion, ques- Dayes; Tap Dan>ce, Pamnela Stin- Leasit and the late Mr. Leask Bowmanville, and the bride-,t nosegays made up Of orange No Closing tions wene passed out to small son and Mitzi Malcolm; Piano of Bownianville. The Reverend groom is the son of Mi-. and Mrs. blossoms and a single rose. in matters of general sanita- groups who passed their opin- Solo, Betty Bi-adburn; Piano F. J. Reed perforzned the dou- William Locke of Bowman- Mi-i. H. Bartlett, Mrs. Geo. tinhelh ni isecor a-ion on the question which was Duet, Betty and Mary Bradburn; ble ring ceremony and Mrs.ville. The double-ring ceremony, Cherrington, Mxi. H. Annis and prov, e20hounitin l ots a ad then thrown open foi- general Piano Solo, Mary Bradburn; Meredith oft played thef was performed by the Reverend I rrs. A. Hopson prepared the nve 2 sigt nd! ae discussion. Devotion was taken Piano Trio, Carol Stacey, Mar- wedding msic.t Clinton Cross. Mr-. Matthew refreshments which consisted of! Guntr.iMetinscls-ageritnWilonfnd Lnda ow-ga odn sole -a h r tabris ae hpe tanks. They dealt with 30 oin by Blt aer th ered n iano Due , LindaGryPl Bae unr.M tigco-ur Wsn andLndarian Given in mariage by ber fa- gan nou l an td accompanied cI m ad akehpe plaints about winter accumula-,ewtpae yRv oei n in oo id ry i ther the bride wore a full length Mr.i- Alex Yonson, who sang "0 tion of refuse and visited 42 lunrhch theray;Pered ano C Liaan rolSaey ine line gown o! cloud Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Mrs. H. Corden and Mas. N. eating places without requirîng lnhGryPo uet, Carol Stacey;x white silk organza over net and Prayer." T'Katch poux-ed the tea. Mas. wiyt cleathrguaons. plA to- Mr. nd r y s. ru e stond PanoMaruet Wil s; Piandolsilk faille. The bodice featured Given ini mariage by her R. Parker, Mrs. E. Neil and ÏMn. ________________________A_____Mraiyn th s.udeAsnpasnd 'Marguerite Wilson; P ian ola sabrina neckline embi-oidered father the bride wore a prin- IL. ollard acted as waitresses. Numer Te Pgg Fmil; i-insequins and pearis. The cap! cess lne gowii of gardenia Home-made bread, b1ipe of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. NuneTePggFml;P-leeves were complemented bv white delustered peau de soie, and cakes were soon sold at the Walter Oke, Enniskillen, ls ano Solo, Mailin Stinson, Piano lon~g white gloves. A crown of Isweeping into a circulai- train. home bakin.g table ,%here Mns. S pecia Is M1 a utMilnSisnadMr tulle leaves with seed pearîs Appliques of Alencon lace ac- E. Willatts and Mxi. M. Henry Wlnners ln Cartwright Pub- Passant; Piano Solo, Mary Pas- held her fingertip silk illusion cented the front panel, the por- wei-e in oharge. lic School Field Day: sant; Piano Trio, Janice Byers, veil and she carried a cascade, trait ncln n h ~ot Cneo o the Social was in Midgets: Girls- it Virginma Elaine Mountjoy and Doris Gi-if- ekn adtesot C vnrfr 1 n A k Colley 19; 2nd, Karen Camp- fin; Piano Solo, Linda Rowan- of white chrysanthemums and! sleeves, which were comple- î Mr s. W. Whitehead iho wel- PERM A N ENT bell 11, Srd, Carol Wotten 9. Piano Duet, Linda and Elizabeth yellow roses.: mentedi with wrist length white comed the ladies at the door- Midgets: Boys- lst, Leddy Mc- Rowan; Piano Solo, Elizabeth Miss Beverley Snale, Hamp- gloves. A madonna headdress and took their tickets. Kay 21; 2nd, Paul Mappin 15; Rowan; Piano Solo, Brian Gray; ton, was maid-of-honor and the of lace and seed pearls held hier-_ ______ .W AVLS 3rd, Mark Malcolm 9. Piano Duet, Elaine Mountjoy bridesmaids were Mrs. Jack fngei- tip illusion veil, and shej Wivd y:Junlors: Girls- lst, Helen and Doris Griffin; Piano Solo, Mar-shall, Oshawa, sister of thel cai-iied a cascade of red roses TYRONE W-%ve by:Swaîn 26; 2nd, Judy Cochr-ane Elaine Mountjoy, Piano Duet, groom and Miss Dona Calmer, and feathered white carnations. MARGARET SMITH 15; 3rd, Cheryl Foi-est 8. Boys- Janice Byers and Lorraine Day- Bracebnidge, cousin of the bride. Mrs. Glenn Gilbert o! Osh- O hrda feno,3n JOSIE DEMAINE îst, Ronnie Maityn 14-, 2nd. es; Piano Solo, Lorraine Dayes; They wore identical waltz awa, was mati-on of honor for 25Ona Thursofdiayernon, iTn- Miss Wayne Oliver 12-, 3rd, Ivan Piano Solo, Janice Byers; Piano length gowns o! silver blue silk her sister, and the bridesmaid ldig pao!et-svend , in- VIOLET ZACHANOWICH Bradburn 8, Roy Bradburnn 8. Duet, Mrs. Wilson and Lloyd organza. The basque bodice o! was Miss Betty Locke, Bowman- ldn aens ad sho tormerly of Miller's Intermediate: Girls - îst, Wilson; Piano Solo, Doris Giif- eyelet was flattered by cumber- ville, the bridegroom's sister.I children enjoyed the annual fleauty Salon Donna Downey 16; 2nd, Carol fin; Piano Solo, Lloyd Wilson; bundi ending in butteifly bowsfTîe1at or detca al-ITrontevalParkncaheths lu now a mnember of Blythe 3; 3rd, Mavis Sliemilt Piw& Solo, Cathanine Baîley. at the back. Tlhey wai-e !lower- seikoa nza goovfcrteeim were conducted for the childi-en, our staff. il; Boys- lst, Bruce Beacock Miss Dianne Wheeler, 0gb- ei band head-dresses dyed to siltaffet a o ni c s ewth afteî- which many enjoyed swim- FROM MONDAY Blythe 13; 3rd, Mavis Shemilt awa, spent last week with the match their gownns and cari-ied de wopolsatth TO THURSDAV Honnie Minshall 13. Bob Wheelers and Ernest Swains cascades o! white shasta chrys- eep aval ecklie Peand bhoer l mîn i ni tw poolws a e Reg. 810.éSenor: Girls- lst, Sylvia and Mi-. and Mns. Harold Whe- anthemunis. Miss Susan Leask, nekti. T horewhperlovh ok e d, byah ta bring the after- _______ $7.95 Lawrence 25; 2nd, Isobel Ped- eler visited tbemn Sund'ay. Oshawa, niece o! the bnidegroom nclci hr ht lvs oeb dcf 5;3r, onieM7nt.9M.5ndMnsD'tnnone was the flower girl and wore and material fi-rn their gowns noon to a close. aea der 5; rdBonie ounjoy Mr.andMrs DatonDorella short dress o! yellow nylon fasbioned their wide bnimmed Resuits of the races aea Eeg. $12.5095 11.- Boys- 1lst, David Kyte 18; and girls and Mi-. Earl Dorrel wieacsois cn ituebt.Terfocswr follows, Pre-sohool- Jimnmy For ______ 2d, oln Hins 1; 3dWay Ivisitcd the lattei-'s brother Mn. tuated by a rnatching flowered cascades o! white daisy type Partner, Dash Gi-. 1 ta 2 Girls, ce. $.00119 ne Malcolm il. Iand Mns. Ed. Dorreli, Midland, head-piece and carried a basket chrysanthem.ums. Lyiii- Skinner; Dash Gi-. 1 to 2 Peu.__11___ 95 Relays Intermediate Girls--- Sunday. jof~ yellow and white chrysanthe- Mr-. Ronald Locke, Bowman- Boys, John Jackson; Dash Gf. 3 Donna Downiey, Maiion Brad- vle a bi a orbsbo to 4 Girls, Janice Malette; Dash a$55Malcolm. Interniediate Bos Bilbey, Toronto, visited bier par- teadteuhr eeM.G.3t os aySot Donnie Brown, Jimmy Goodson1 ents Mn. and Mns. Carl Wright M-1oadLid owa-CifdBro, Oshawa, bro- Tic egdJno ilAn _____________________eLu Suday ville, was beit man. Ushering lier a! the bride, and Mr. Wil- Skinner and Gail Scott; Wheel- Mr. Huyck will be here on gBrian CMr.eatd, DennsJMckauWebunaay.1 were Mr-. Robent Leask, Bow- î eim Panas, Bowmanville. barnaw Junior boys, Wayne Tues-n. Mn. and Mn. ack ebb do manville, brother o! theagroom The reception was held in St. Scott and Allen Vivian,; Sack Teu, cd ad F1.todo Senior Girls- Sylvia Law- 1 boys, Lakeviev, spent the week- and Mr. Ed. Thomson, Taton George's Panisb Hall, Centret Race, Junior Girls, Janice Mal- the uteaus and regular waves rence, Audrey Carnoghan, Don-; end with ber parents Mi-. and brother o!fithe bride. Sti-eet, Oshawa, where the ette; Sack )Race Junior Boys, na McLaughlin, Anne Gàibson jMns. Lewis Henry. ]Phone gNA 3-5703> Senior Boys- David Kyte, Hans Mi-. and Mns. Milliard Fallis, The neception was held at bride's mother received the Wayne Sco$*t; Bean bag balanceI FRAPNTET Egli, Billy Hutchinson, Bruce Baden, were guests o! Mn. andI Hampton Comnîunity Hall g-uesti weming a draped sheath Race, Irene) Reyenga; Shoe Kick, FRAPITE Gibson. M.Stat o-eladald where the biide's mien e- dress o! silk crepe in shades o! Wayne ScItt; Dash Gr-. 5 ta PoleVeut: ntemedateBoy on the fnend avr le wek-ceîved in a sheath dress o! io- blue, a white feathened clocheGilPt aterDah i- Bruc Becoc, Dnni Br-; nd.mane bue aceove sain ithhat with black accents. Assist- 5 and 6 1ýoys, Ted Skin!nei-; 1' - oeyBruc ecc, Denie Bo- Send . aealcoe n anceblue lapcte vnat' n,i ng was the bridegroom's moth- Wheelborr yBoys, Ted Skin- H u y ckIVBrcJey iosi, WSyeiloloy-, chol reaiwcohdite accessories. Assisting was ci- who chose teale blue flow ner and M¶lce Gibbs; Wheel- Bruc e Gibsw aneMlo teachers awmy. Each r ftebiidegroonis niother in a; ered silk di-cis, imail white bat bari-aw G rMidge Phillips Hastgi.he Public School had a picnîc dusty rose dress of silk illusion and mtchirig accessonies. They mnd kTaylor; Dash Gi-. Ha~~~~1~ Champion Girl- Helen Swain1 one day lait week. The okier! aven teffeta with apcuebt bath wore corsages o! pink fea- 7 and 8 sMdePilp 26 points. 'grades held theirs by the lake admchn acesies. Both tliered carnations. Dmsh Gi-. 7, %nd 8 Boys, Wfrlfred Siudio Champion Boy- Bruce Bea - where they could go swimmîng. wr osgso bt an- Frtehnyonti u Hall; Thret legged, Grades .5 eok 7 oitslTe High School lied their pic- tions and pale pink i-oses, bride donncd an ensemble o! and 6, Ted Skinjner and Gai-dot 67 Kt sst. W., Bowsnanvulle A fine crowd attended and nic a t Spring Park nemi- Brook- navy blue linen. white hat, Janczyn; Thirce legged Grades. -»àenjoycd the Musical Recital lin on Fridmy followed by a For the boneymoon trip to matching acces.sories and cor-, 7 and 8, Midge PhiUlips and Mar- dance in Blackstock Recreation points in Nothern Ontario the, sage o! white carnations. On lene Tay1orý Sack Race Grade centre at niglit. bride wone a Frenchblbie silk thliu retura the couple will ne- 5 and 6, Chai-lotte Annis; Sack Mr. Roy Sandenson and Dr. suit with white eccessonies and side in Bowmanville, Ontario. Race Gradeil 7 and 8, Wilfred AICfIPIA IHrry Sendei-son, Tai-ro nto, a corsage of white carnations. 1 Out o! town guests were pre- Hall. PA NT SP CI L!spent Tuesday at the Swaiin O n theji-rcturn the couple will sent from Bowmanvil.le, Ux- Mns. W. Mie was honoured farrns and Clarence Marlows. lie in Bawmanville. bridge, Tauntoný.5 on her birthdiay, Fi-iday. June Mi-. and Mns. Harold Swain Guests wene present from: Prior ta bei- marniage the 26. in the after on at the home accompanied Mns. O. Cmrley Bracebridge, Bowmanville, Lea- bride was fetcd at several pi-e- Of Mn. W. Rabm wlien 21 la- and Anne ta Camp Oconto nemi- side, Whitby, Hampton, New nuptial events. A mniscelîmneousi dies and one cbild was present. T H 1 XSharbot Lake, Fridey. Mn.- Car- York, Illinois, Welington, To- shower was held at the home Heir great granddaugbtci- Debbie T HXley is tag h Trip Counsellor for rontoBurketonGimsbyBe- ofD. nd Ms.Chai-les Aus-!Milerpreseed her with a The Drllfpleset SainhBowrnanville, wes othens present. She was pi-e- PL T- e. 260 jBl Marlow lias written bis __________ f hostess for a kitchen shower. 1 sented with a necklaoe and ear- OnlA e . $261q. 35' parents that lielias finished IMns. Ronald Locke, Bowman-? rings, mnd a cup and saucer, Ou Sle ____________ * ~ ~ his finit course and eni-alled for .1 fville, was hostess et a neigli- she also neceived other gifts. second summer course at Un- Me1 i H sua oradinselnossoe i-hay cake and sandWiches SE IGOS-lg 2Mq.i versity in Mexico City. Also ra nd Mns. Douglas Boyce mn- were sei-ved. Mns. C. D. Hodg- SEMI-LOSS- Ee. $285 q. ~ Jg~ jhe is tmking flying lessons, going I'I L ranged a miscelimneous show- son, Bowmanville, andI Mis. AI-. On Sale -_-_------- - - ouit with an instructor ta the WVeeIIy Report fe r at lier home in Oshawa. Miss-. i ma Yellowleea, E ni n iskillen, mupont at 6 a.m. each day for 1 1ces Margaret, Camille, Joan and 1wcre present. AND) an liour's flying. For the week of June 22-28 Betty Smnith, Bowmanville Mi-. Ernest Dceley retires Sevenal fi-arn these parts ai-e inclusive: madc a presentetion o! a pair from the General Matons on off o Trono tday(Moday Adissins . ---------- 51 ofliving-r-oom lampi, and fi-rn i June 30, after being there for W A L I Eto sec the Queen. Birhs1-mae, ----- .th staff o! the Purcbmsing De-1 twenty-eight yeans. Mns. R. Fond attended the it1 ee,4 eee 16 pmrtmient o! Genenal Motors, The RuberzedPaintfuneral1 o! Mn. G. S;uift no! Cee-;Dseares- +1- 1-a4A_ bid rceve .a refrehmn M never h.avy, nover t» swcct. It eo refreshes "v iDu ling. Keep plenty of Pepsi haau ijr fe éminfforad Du7 k'b tlk* - UIRTB V AGESLT»., 1»4 Chmme &L, Bowm.nvllh. 0"t ITliursday evening with ist Vice- IPi-cident Frank Burns pi-esid- îng. Membership Chairman Gienholme Hughes introduced two new membens for initiation: C. Stewart McTavish and J. Brine o! Bowmanville. Initia- - tion cenemonies were performedf by Comi-ades F. Burns, J. Firtli and J. Knight.t Conade George Gralin was1 appointed ta represent LegionN et Treffic Meeting in Town Hall Thursday, July 9tli. It was unanimous decision o! membens t-bat t-le bi-ancb sponsor an "Old Sweats' Night" for Fist World War veterens laten tlius year. Legion brandi annuel picnicr will be beltI July 19th et Wal-a tona Park. Proceedings wîllt, get undei- way et 2 p.m. Bringa your family and enjoy a day 1 wit-h youn comi-edes. l District Sports Officer Wm.t Bates moved a vote o! thenku t-o branch sports officer enda committee for thbe grand job they lied done in pramoting the District Daa-t League Tourna-c ment in Bowrnanville last week. t Also congrat-ulated Bowman-t ville on winning the tropby. 3 Comi-ade J. Adams i-cport-edn for Public Speaking and st-ated that- District Finals lied been t held in Trenton and t-bat Bow-1 manville lias two entaici for1 Regional Finals against- District a 11G". These must be completed i before July 15 an t-bat winnersa wlll be pnepared t-o compete et- g Provincial Convention et Kit-ch- I: pnew in Auguàt.a Heid for Bridel Miss Winona Dianne Thomp-t son whose iari-age ta M?&. Don-. ald Bruce Leask took place in - Zion United Chunch on Satu- day, June 27th, was fet-ed st many pre-nuptial parties. Mr&. L. C. Bradley o! Hamp- ton, ai-i-nged a mixed party at which thei prospective bride and bridegroom we ne presentedi with an autometic toaster. Mri. William Leask and Mxi. Jack Marshall wei-e ca-hostesses at a~ linen shower at the former'& home ini Bowmenville.j Mas. Walter Haass, Mas. Paul Sobîl and Mir. Henry Heass ar- ranged a miscefleneous sbowcrI et the former's home in Teun- ton. Mxi. C. J. Austin also hld a miscellaneous shower at her home in Bowmmnville when ne- 1 latives o! thbe bride presentcd them with many lovely gifts. Mxi. Boyd Ayre, Hampton., was hostess et a cammunity I showen, wbe-c t-le bride-ta-be' was gîven uniscellaneous gi!ts. The girls fi-rn Genenal Motans Obassis Plant office were en- tertaincd at a Pantzy shower: by Ma-s. R. Balson assisted b Mns. R. Lawrence at thbe for- mer'ahome. Mns. Allen Thompson enter-' taincd foi- ber deugiter et ai T'rousseau Ta at ber home in: Taunton. Mrs. Thon-pson was' assist-ed in receiving by t-be fu- tur-e bride and Mm. W. Leask,f mot-heof o!thle prospcvebd-j groom. Pouring àeawcem as D. Bai-ton, hfxs L. C. Bradley and Mn. B. Ayre. Aasistixg AU mixed li joy and sorrow, Are the thoughts of yester-year, The pain of earthly partings, The friendships we held dear. The school house on the corner, 0f brick so fading red, The wood-stove so inviting, A recitation I once said. The "arbor day" to clean up, The picnic at Shingle Landing, The violets so purple, The pussy willows bending. Remembering is To ease the tirec To give the strer Toward a goodI3 By Mai Manvers Passi Full Payment 0f Accounts On motion o! Councilar Mc- I GillI seconded by Councillor fMalcolm euthority was given et t-meeting 'o!thbe Manvens Township Council lield necently Iin Betliany for thle payment o! Iaccaunts amounting ta $5,850.04. fThe Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Councillor Brown were appoint- cd membens o! a special com- mittee to negotiate a settlemcnt witli the Department o! Higli- ways negmrding t-be amount o! cmesation 'to bo paid for frontege taken fram t-be muni- cipal garage lot. The committee was appointed fo- this purpose on a motion by Councillor Mal- colm, seconded by Councillon Jakeman. Meeting Requestel IA letten was neceived from the Consultative Committee of t-he United Counties nequesting a meeting wlth the Council ta discuss High Scliool mattens. Anotler communication infoi-m- ed t-le Township Council thet t-he United Cîounties levy amounting to $23,545.70 will b. 'due on Decembor 5tli, 1959. Road Expenditures Approved Approval was received from, thbe Attorney General's Depart- ment for the 1959 i-oad expendi- tures. Sevenal claims for sbeep and anc scliool nequisition were also neceived.' An application for a building permit was ne- jected as it did not canfonm with t-be nequinements of t-le By-Law. HA E OU H A motorist'a car broke down near Gustaf Yonson's farm. Ap- proachlng the Swede workint li tht h.akd «HBave yon got a Monk.y wreînch &round heu,.?" "Ach no," Gustaf replied. "No- body around here. Yonson, he bane got cattie ranch. Svenson got sheep ranch. Who vaut monkey ranch anyhow?' If I may coi-n up a good joke I'd like ta mention bei-e that it doesn't pay ta "monkey" around at home t-rying ta remove a bad stmin fromn your dlotles when you may i fact "set" it perman- ently ini the fabric so t-bat even a cleaner cant get it out. Send ,thc gai-ment i to us promnptly. il PIMI a foot-stool, id soul, rigth to carry on, [y goal. non Taylor Ford 04edical Mirror Q. fféredity- m mumUb gou e iargu1sfoum sow a 'fore. ky p.nou l"ri*.'the quesaon of whcther outtandang axctWcapacity uà inbocu or uo- quired. Environmme may cmry junt a sliade mrwveigxt. Fer example. mdenticeJ twins, whoe. drnilar. wben rae ote miamUy Set about the sam momr un LQ. test&. 7he 3uoruof lia,- tialtwlns red aqmatdy DIB7 b. juite far aparLth Iere ar.% of courme definte limbt te wbat Cao be accxnnp1ighedby educa. tion and traingme I Ouatm> direcied *0 Sckmd 5, fi»#, P., O.oX 3M., Mawmofl 5 DIS gIS ,-4RD THS 0 N E ? Md. Lman rm v%" I IaIUEE bAuD quarniviu Saturday, Judy 18th tu latioris a 0 a prize winners- of our RER DRAW BULOVA WATCH - P. Lamont, 150 King St. SILVER TEA SERVICE - Beverly Smaie, Hampton INECKLACE AND BARRING SET - Mrs. Evau Quatrili, TUMBLERS WITH RACK - Saah Taisma ALUMINUM TRAY, CREAM AND SUGAR - Mr&. W. Loucka,, Leskan-d CORNFLO.WER CAKE SERVER - Mrs. Harold Gray SILVER TRAY WITH GLASS RELISH DISH - Mr. Wni. Ruiter, R.R. 4 ALARM CLOCK - Mns. Alberta Smith, Queen St- CAKE PLATE - Mrs. Biggs, Scugog St. CANDY DISH - Miss J., Gibson ASH TRAY AND CIGARETTE HOLDER - Johnny Bond, JackxnanR. TWO STRAND BEADS - MmL La. Osborne 0 S. te our imany customers and friends T H N K S -w-o visited un in the past two w.eks during eur Grand Op.ning. Te thoseofyuwohaents tvitdor new store please accept a cordial invitation to drop ini any time ore under ne obligation te buy. 0 MARR'S JEWELLERY King Street West BowmanviIe M CAMADIAL« STATZS&L'%,N. 80 P4GE THIM JULY 2nd. Il» ý, . ýo

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