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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1959, p. 7

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PAGESVN TEVESDAY, JUL? kid, Ian TW ~ANADIA11 ETATESMAK. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO Soial& Phone AM Mr. Gary MacDougal is holi- <aying with relatives at Sul- Vhide and Belleville. , Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry and Anne were at their cottage, Lake Sctigog, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elliott have returned from visiting friends-in Brandon. Manitoba. Mr. and Mis. Frank Jamieson and family were at their cot- tage on Pigeon Lake last week- enid. Mr. L. B. Nichols spent the weekend with his son, Mr. and ?&s. Doug B. Nichols, Kingston, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Morris spent the weekend in Belleville, guest~s of Mrs. Fred Stone. Mr .and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and son Paul were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. >sborne Mr. arid Mrs. H. J. Babcock were gtiests last weekend of tl.eir nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton, Napanee. Miss Jean Shearer, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Craw- ford, Concession St. Miss Madlyn Wilcox, Mrs. W. A: Edger and Mrs. W. J. Bag- neil visited Mr. and Mrs. Aif Kershaw, Toronto, last weekend. Mrâ. Chas. Carruthers was in Coiborne over the weekend at- tending the Centennial celebra- tions in that Northumberland County towm. His niany friends will be hap- py to learn that Mr'. Fred Dow- ney, who is a patient in Mem- ôrial Hospital, is progressing favourably. Mrs. N. S. B.. James and Mrs., Marjorie Cunningham are vîsit- ing Mrs. Stuart James at Mr. and Mis. Stuart James Cottage, Gooderham. Miss Judy Trewin, daughter of 34r. and Mrs. Si Trewin, King St. East, is visiting her friend, Miss Susan BoardaSn éridge Ont. Miss Eleanor Maguire and girl friend, St. Hubert, were with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Maguire, Brown St., Iast weekend. Mrs. Jean (Spry) Callan. Coi,- econk, was in town last Satur- day and attended the trousseau tea in honour of bride-to-be Miss Myra Cooper. .Mr. Robert Noble has just returned from a holiday in New 'York and Montreal. Going by 'pane to New York. Mr'. Noble inade *Sh return trip by bus. Mr. and Mis. M. A. Sleep and 3'oan leave this weekend for a visit with their daughter, Mr'. and Mis. Ai C. (Lurana) Har- Yey and daughter, Quesnel, B.C. Mr. an~d Mrs. George Wise- man are li Kenora, Ont., visit- hIg their daughter Jean (Mrs. jack Edwards). It is Mr. and Ms. Edwardb 25th weddmng arnniversary. *Mr. Frank Blackburn, Mr. end Mis. Willfred Blackburn, Norman and Darlene, Denver, Colorado, are visiting Mis. Net- St. PauI's United Church Minister 1ev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. TRINITY andI ST. PAUL'S CONGREGATIONS Trinity Uni; Minister--Rev Wm. K. Organist-hir Arthur Colli During JuIy the congrej St. Paul's Uni The Church wiII re-open à FRIENDLY WIE REHOBOTH REFORMEC Scugog Street, MORNING SERVICE.- EVENING SERVICE Rarôwevises to iff4>.nf * f etry, who %on two ganis. lbwn Clerk, their custoniers and friends 11 h re i n .rize D o The high score of the day was inform thef that the store front being board-a 54 plus two with the winning ciation regardi ersonai closetdafor gsummer theýy are .J- team accumulating a total of regulation co i hyare xi the process of re-,as captured by a Bowman- cept as te s hdy u u Bomodellmng the store front, sville team, Fred Cale and Doug any Act, any1 3-3303 pleaseuse the side door ta te1Te fe rwfo h 2PltMs Bgs 'go tet Carter. Their score was 40 plus sonable hours, J et business is being car.- wrhhl rzsi ze-CnyDsMs .Gbo;twa. cords, books, a <ied on as usual! tian with the Grand Opeming Bowmanville Lawn Bowling ments in thie1 tieCal, Mss stela lakbun M an Mi. BitSye, Ms. eweleiy 1 Johnny Bond, Jackrnan Road; Club Presîdent Charlie Rankine der the contr and ather relatives. an i.Hny~Mr' e w tad fBas i. Rae opened the tournament. He wel- except inter-d MisEiabt r!ewh James Colville Wnd ilr. aley King Street West was held there Osborne. cme<i the 16 participants, respandence i is Elizgabeshnirwr w mwerourseat l 23dl, on Friday evenin.Litle Jm- James Marr the proprietori c h ed f rom Oshawa, Tha e w Coieg o!Edcaton To'-attending the opening of the The fortunate winners were: yet received their prizes ta corne nington. Lifa adCn the membE onto, spent thie weekend with' new Anglican Church, 'All Buiova Watch, P. Lamant. 150 and collect thie awards due Drn h asalcad nwo her parents, Mi. and Mis. W. Souls Church", there. Rev. Gor- KnDSre; ivr ererie te a ignwJwethr fs eaor s ne aie fces kTown oncTi ProerWelinto St dn Butn, orei'y o Oono .Bevrl Smle Haptn; ec- Store, King Street West. Dur- along Temperance and Queen put anything1 Mr'. and Mis. Harold Skinner,' is minister of the ehurch and'lace and Earring Set, Mis. Evan ing thie Grand Opening of streets to viewv the activity. Thie agenda fur tii Tyrone, Mi. and Mis. Alex Bo- is a sonr-in-law of Mi'. Hamnm Quantilil; Tumblers with Rack, Marr's Jewellery Store a large contest lasted out thie afternoan Thie Town C1 wen, Washburn Island, and Mr.i and Mis. Colvillqes brother-rn-. Sarah Taîsma; Aluniinum tray, number of people have visited and, after a suppertime recess,lplain thari visited with Mi'. an LiMdsayWal w mers Rut Hamm. the o cks, and Sugai, Mis. W. tAie shop. Mi. Mari' cordially in-thie finals wound up about 9 1Ratepayers'A visite withMr. ad Mrs Wal-mer Rth Ham. IÀucksLeskard; Carnflower vites ail who have flot yet done . -Testmi lace Holmes, Simpson Ave. Visitors at Twin Willows cot- Cake Server, Mis. Harold Gray; Iso ta drap in at any time teap.m. *.the estisoeshd o mai Mi. and Mrs. Joe Cooper, King tage, Caesarea. on Sunday were Silver Tray with Glass Relish1 see thie fine appaintments of' Wen thled.fin a scorehd Bo00,anviile St. East, entertained the Fourth Mr. and Mis. Ed. Hoskin, Joyce,q Dish, Mis. William Ruiler, R. h is new shop and lopk at thiebenoald.twadicerd$023 wa d third place ended in a tie. Town Counc:l Degîee Knights o! Columbus 1 Marjarie and Dorothy, Oshawa; R. 4; Alarm Clock, Mis. AlbeîiC wide selections offered in thie Therefore, a two-end gaule had fram Oshawa and Peterborough1 Mrs. S. Hughson, Mi. and Mrs. ta Smith, Queen Street; Cake attractive displays. te be played before the lacals following the Official Opening Glen Hughson and David, Toi'-wee amdtr-pcewn and Blessing o! the new St. onMa MMr. and Ms. N. H. Tay- T A aed tidU jc wn Mrs. H. Windiover, Napanee, Lew Rundle, Lynda and Betty Tr n u tla ntLic F i has been a guest of ber daugh- Loiq Mi. and Mrs. Fi'ank Os-v ter, Mr. and Mis. Harry Akey mond, Connie, Virginia and V z a a m '~ e * l i f Tracy, ust fMr ndMs B re tG an .ote ILlo and family, enroule home fram 1i * Mi. and 'plane trip ta Winnipeg where Mel Wgestsno!nduw(Contlnue she visited her sistier for sev- Battie. A dauntless Englishwoaman*, Phuîip L.ewins. Rer son, Frank c Batterwood1 eral weeks. President anid Mi's. Charles Mrs. William Lewins, ae79, Lewins, Toronto, and his wife y o Gvenr CataM.adMs .Wi-fe AeAlni asI ekt ereas tMltnbwloMassey in HH< Mi' and Mis. Roy Secord, lasM.anfi.Mrryrcre teBotlanclle t e ist hr o earivai.. o o ecoe (Continued from page one) take place« Scarborough, a former manager lims r.hd G. ura cmtBo*nvi osithr 50e rrv ried that they would like ta from the We of the Canadian National ai.l- Lainier, -Mi'. and Mrs. Anodj er son, George Lewi,50 know the number o! employees thie Maritimes. way Express office, were in Sleep. Mi'. and Mis. Wm. Kil- 1 acknian Road, and te sec 181 enaed i abg olcin parking on r tonfor the afternoon cere- patrick, Mi'. and Mrs. Garnet 1 great grandchildren SIhe had L c lg ngraecletosre fe mony at St. Joseph's Church Sagar, Mr. and Mrs. Murray1 neer seen before. Is. Lewins' ormer L c l ternms aais or fsre fe last Sunday. Cane and Mi'. and Mrs. Irvine will spend the summer in Bow- o vertirne woik, if afly, and thie Assigilifents Brown, memibers of the local nanville withher son and dau- B>% U rate of pay for overtime. We at thie mtr Mr'. C. Denbertog and son Kinsmen Club, attended Dis- ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Geao D'Bob aliayier wou]d also like ta know the moi'fing t Casey motored ta Montreal lastticEihCovninotAeLen.Se ilaovsthe cost o! dump maintenance, thie Canadiar weekend ta meet bis father, Mr. Kise lu tCeelI'siso rn Lwni Trno- "The RateDayers' Association Cadets and1 Denhertog of Mydrecht, Holland. Knsen lub ka at Clevelad's i o Frn einin To rhoneW is oVl Pui ey wish also ta be inforîned as ta Prince Edwar Mr. Denhertog will be with bis 1Msoa atTusa' efr eunn ahrhm the time allocated at council are arnong th( son and family for a two-month Friday and Saturday. in Newcastle, England. meetings. and the manner in line thie street visit. Mr'. Banner Passant ivas one Mrs. Lewins visited Canada A former Bowmanvile boy, w-hich their requests wiil be car passes tAi' of17 members o! the Oshawa once before. In 1936 she camie Bob Gailagher. playing his first taken care of. thie way ta ai, Mi. Roy Hai'ness, Glen Ewen, Life Underwriters Association; by ship te, visit ber sons in this tournarnent away from home. " oinwsas passed Cuci Sak. Ms.V.E Mlion T-wha were recentlv honoured at country. However thie trans-At- won top honors at a lawn bowl- that we inquire into the pur- Thie Queer' rone Mr. and Mis. R. Moffatt, a luncheon meetingc held at Ad- 'lartic flight she made on this ing tournament here, Wednes-icaeoarorrertpc- b PtH Vince and Gail, Scarborougb, elaide House, Osh-awa. They re- occasion was the first tirne she day, June l7th. He and his vet- er, wh'ch we understand ivas -wood House a were weekend visitors with Mi'. ceiv"ed the National Quality. had been in an arplane. She'eran bowling parthcr 'Pard" recently purcbased, and what It will procee and Mrs. A. E. Moffatt, Pros- Award which recognizes life in- flew BOAC and left from Pres- *anng shawa. took the Bra- is its intended use. ertsan. and FE petS.surance sales representatives wick, Scotland. dingc trophv for men's doubles' The letter was signed by Mrs. church on Ki Miss Apha Hodgins was i wbo place consistent emphasis' "The flight over wvas perfect back ta the motor city by *vn atrOe ertayo Aeti evc Tornt onThrsiay Jne251. n qaltyseric 1 thircl- jsud I enjoyed every bit af it," ning their three games, thie Bowiranville Ratepayers, Asso- Chuich thei for thie Caîl ta tAie Ontario Bar ents. Permanence o! life "in 'Mss Lewins bold the Canadian only pair ta do so. ciation. King, Ward,1 of her cousin, Miss Rosemary force" is thie basis of thie award, Statesmnan. Slie remarked that High scorers o! the day were lb was moved by Coundillor Streets ta Dal Hodgins, Vancouver, who had net sales volume. it had not been a bit bunipy, and: Clarence Oke and bis partner. A. H. Stunrock, seconded by came and Hig previously been called in Bri- Aithough belated, we off er the plane glided along smooth- Owen Nicholas. a Bowrnanville Councillor Ken Nicks that the Batterwoad Hl tisAi olumbi. our best wisbes and congratu- ly. She was met aI Maîbon Air--.- Weekeud guests with Mr. and lations ta Dr. W. E. Sisson's mo- port near Toronto by Mi. and Mis. Roy Rooper were their ther, Mis. S. W. Sisson of Be-9 Mrs. George Lewins. Bowman- daughter, Mi1. and Mrs. C. A. thany, who an June 9th last ville and their youngest son,. O PTTV IIE LSPRO A EVC Rumpage and chIldren., Kitchen- celebrabed ber 99th biriihday.! O PTTV RCSPLSPROA EVC er, Mrs. Hooper's sister, Miss Birbhday festivities were some- i Lillie Watts, and Mr. Frank ,wbat curtailed because Mrs.' Mr'. and Mifs. Kenneth Flet-: erborough Hospital suffering cher and Barry, Clearwater, : froin a broken hip.- To mark - Florida, are visibing ber parents, thie occasion bAie hospitial nur- r *L>8L [O]i a Mi'. and Mis. A. T. Fletcher, ses anid staff arranged a party 1, U S US S T-1 retiurned home with thema afler Sisson will be ale ta returnM m ra Park vacaioning in Florida. i home soon. TL Miss Sharon Staintan, eleven- Mr'. and Mis. Dan L. S. Dud- The regular monthly meeting year-ald daughter o! Mr'. and ley were among tAie thousands o omnil .I a edSEIL L E N O RS WE Mrs. Robert Stainton, Duke O! citizens who attended te tAie eo M mo a rkcnc.T i m e SEILbALEersRMN1E O Tn Street, was a recent third-prize home-cominig celebratiaus a! tAie:frnoa iicTh mebs wnner in thie Kellogg picture Coîbeurne Centennial over tAeie gater.30for there.G l meet colouring contest. Last Fniday! weekend. The Statesman editor gat23p..MsG.Alb, Sharn rceied er riz, ais indebted ta Dan for bring- Se-reetandMsJ,ýeahn Sho r ened hecr p rize a ing us a copy of tAie 93-page Sc-ais., in their repectix e Mis. Daisy Maguire and chld- j excellently printed bistoricalchisMnueofltmeig ren, Noirin and Billy, Alberni,I booklet o! his native town of!land execubive meeting were Ë 'Coîoure. I isa rel cedi read. Mis. J. Meachin reported B.C. have been visiting her bro- î ure t sareice ib tat somne repair work Aad been Maguire and fsniuly. Mis. Daisy S. may g ro ng nddetails of.,doine- ta Rest. Room at Town ts man xierstndg bi uHl. Members were reminded TEPEICI .D.A.Bad Rg5c,.1 Maguire and childien are en- o m y about givîng 25c. te each graup HI DRESSING route ta Eire for a year's vaca- cmuiy leader per member te help buy MIEAýL OL - tioxi with relatives. jMi. and Mrs. Norman Scat teralfo uitsfr ope hudeu or ______ Miss Olive Lloyd, who re-~ weie guests last Monday, Junei Karnival next winter. Mis. T.IDA ~ -10ft oi-R cenily arrived from Tauranga, 29th, o! Thie Board o! Gover-i Buttery 1e look after exhibît .>rano 1 00f. ol eg. e Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, is nois o!ftii. Stratford Shake-;for Orono Fair "which is a da.e W X P P R ' - 2 visiting her aunit, Mis. Frank isjearean Festival Foundation bazaar" this year. Mrs. R. Web- ,e od ue A A E 8 Oke, Queen Street. Miss Lloyd of Canada at a buffet supper ini ber gave ber repart on Offîcer's plnsonmaking a extendecl the iatfoid Arena. Afterwar. Convention held at Guelph in slay with ber aunt and may, if oeig May. AlzneTR oui' country proves ta be ta her formance of thie Festival. On~ Memberà then played bingo AtiyueDRI likin>g, make her borne here. Thuisdiay, Juiy 21id (tonight)i until f ive o'clock wihen ail dîd TOOTH PASTE TOOTH DrMoetA S ove re-M. and Mis. Scott, Janet an justice te a sumptueus supper. ,MA", fi 9e ' Rea ceived a letter last Tues., dated, omn efomneo-AsNx etngwl eAeld on byBRIRM-sie-_ _____ l 29 Paac. Ai 11e asCovioemmiand RiP eme of "As'-Vac - 15 oz. - Re49g 9c June l6th froni Buckin'gham 1 You Like Il,' aI Festival wlen Sept. 24th at Lions Centre. thon, uny thw i hoiredusing in f6. wodd______ Palye Commander Richarwitten 1 Rer Maj esty QenElizabeth 1- by Comander ichardColvile Il ad HisRoyal Highuess TAie Tr-Von-15oz.-nsg.9a on bebal! of Thie Queen andi Prince Phulip will grace thie pie- IV CU N B T E e Prince Phlip thiaking Dr. Col-; sentabion.Li n st l1"0 'mci IA U N B M- - - ville and family foi a letter of! *.T. S. Roigate bas ff 'good wisbes they Aad forwarded. Mralttrfo e Iu. j OGAEO ScAol's eut! And il wonT 1b. Mis. R obc !Lv N ea, IOtff TALIJII too many days before harassed, MicAi., who was tAie former Leila -hstantE BOMB end ta answer cries such as . ter she said bow pîoud she and O o d y Vle Reg____ ~J 9 "WAiat caxi I do xiow?"', "There's; ber daughter were ta attendVau 7w9mjocpaeca Ai Bw ne one ta pîay witb, thie kid-, are A Dboi.Smpoyrce tra m anv orle L o cs ub c oul wo-____________ Rochester, N.Y. thie pianist. Off - LCOME TO ML. ThLandexew president, Glen Tantoo Ladr expressed bis thanks iSumm~e I olta thie members for thei ur - _____________________Part, sud stated thal Aie Aoped I Ai---------- e eau do justice ta bis new Bozo Bel ng Hield at Linda S uad Linda Mai- -Cpe Grave Public School, presented Coppert, St. ose h's allthie enjoyabie entertaiximent.z IHR HMreta TheY sangZ two pleasing duels. Nxe Mar tan100 Grade ScbOol They were introduced by Ross "87 Noxzen > C U C Hchildien are attending thie Re- Me leDrinlnTonbp JfWÇ è B rBowmunaile iigosSnmrSboren iector of music for thie Public a Nxe conducted this week by Sisters Scboois.LU "UE 8 a! St. Joseph, Peterborough, in CONTESTrSa St. Joseph's Hall, Liberty St. Skol South TheSummer Scbool is 100 rn .gIh held annuaily for thie chldren Spray1 10:00 .nt - gbà a! the panisAio St. Josepb's 7:0 .n.- RohI imenthAie instrcto i'cei- S-- S Roman Cathallc Church ta sàp ipeetthe insucnday cooL SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNIG SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Suaday 8:30 arn. every Sunday, CFRB jed by te tSna col Sîster Moira o! Mount St. Joseph, Peterborough, is charge of thie Sumnner Schoo. Her assistants are Sisters Mar- ~garet Rose and Sister Imelda, Ibath also from Mount St. Joseph, IPeterborough. IThie Summer Sehool is being held every day titis week from Inine lu thie morning until foui 'clock in thie afternoon with thie exception of yesterday, thie Domninion Day holiday. ng ou Wednesday' representabives o! nLegion, tAie Ses tAie Hastings and ard Regiment, wbo he graups wbo will ets wben thie Royal irough thie town an id from St. Mark's n'a car will came lape fraîn Babter- on Righway No. 2. ed via Queen, Rab- Peter Streets ta bAie Ung Street. After in St. Mark's route wiil be via Hope sud Ontario ale, tbence via Wel- ighway No. 2 ta [ouse. Thie park on Buyong Power (Continued from page onel is a weigbted figure based an population, retail volume sud buying power. Durham Couuty is given an index ratiug o! .2077, which is tAie per cent o! tAie nabion's rebail business that might be accounted for lacaliy. Since tAie volume last year was smnailer than that, .1928 per cent, thie answer is that thie local market patential bas flot yet been fully realized. Mý 43c, 87c Ic, 2 For 55C ve 24o WEST'S IBRUSIR -3 For 63c la m 79c lENT 23c rd Hudnut md BRIGHT M si». plus '-oz. IE RINSE 1.25 M mse !ALIS plus RODORANT 69C ,Specicdi.Offeri . À delicately sceuted vanishiug cream deodaraut. Stayb creamy ...harmiess ta skin aud clothing ... Try VITA RAY DEODORANT CREAM and yau'll*never use anotherl REGULARLY $1.23 VECIAL LIMITED OFFER 95Ç ran in Com fort INSECT REPELLENTS iuid or Stick- 69e Bomb 1.19 Cream SUNTAN PRE an Cream - 75c, 1.25 r69e Spray 13 Liquid 89e PARATIONS, i Lotion - 85c, 1.50 toue Cream - 1.50 Lotion - 98c, 1.75 tone 011 __- _1.50 Spray -- 2.25 ma Suntan Lotion _____-60c, 1.00, 1.50 na Suntan Spray -1.75 a Suntan 01 _______55c, 75e1 89c, 1.50, 2.49 60c, 1.00, 1.25 Tan - Surf Cream 1.95 or Lotion- - 79c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Ale... McGregorf, Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.DA. Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 m TIM CAMADUS STATSSUAN. BOWMANVnl-lC, ONTAIUO 1 JULT lm R. B. Reynolds, Queen Street wili be restrlcted Ratepayers' Asso- to children on]y during the [ing the follawinx drive to the ehurch, the Port antained in the Hope Police Chie! said. ,t of Ontario, "Ex-. Deputy-Reeve Michael Wlad. ýwise pravided ini yka, ohairman of the cominnttee, persan, at ail rea- reported that Mrs. Ruth Clarke, ,may inspect re- chairman of the Town Police accounts, and docu- Commiàttee is making arrange- possession, or un-~ ments for Parking in ail feas- troi of the Clerk ible areas in the town. Council- -departmental cor- 1er W. A. Heberle has arranged and reports." for a St. John's ambulance to Clerk will also tell be present in addition ta the rs' Association that town's ambulance. A First Aid bers will let him head4iuarters will be set up at hursdays prior ta the Haggis Bowling Alley on imeetings he will Walton Street. they want on the The Royal Visit Committee he comiflg meeting. decided- to buy 25 Union Jacks lerk will also ex- and 25 Red Ensigns as weUl as rth packer to the 72 Pole decorations in the forxn Association. of shields bearing the inscrip- de cost of the new tion E.R. Il backed by a cluster Public Sehool of of flags. iapproved by the E. R. Fulford, chairman af the il. decorations sub-comnuittee, said most- merchants own flags which will be displayed in front of their stores. Mi'. Fulfard een s said arrangements have been ree amade for businesses with loud a S speakers to play music on the ist main street while people are awaiting the Queen's arrivai. from Page one,) Councillor C. J. Smith was House. the home appointed to make arrange- r-General Vincent ments for the bands which will pe Township, will play during the day. The Port on the way back Hope Legion Band will play est and enroute ta ini the children's area on Queen s. There will be na Street. The Port Hope Citizensl Port Hope 's main Band and the "Skeena" and 1arn. on July 26th. Hasty P's bands will be on were handed out hand. .. . 1 - i 2ýpýý - Ski

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