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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1959, p. 9

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tSDAY, JULY 9U1, i1959 Maple Grove Field Day Fine weather prevailed forl lUie events whlch started shortly after 9 a-m. Tuesday norning june 23rd. At lunch tme the ladies of the Home and School Association served hotdogs,I #M"çhocolate milk and ice cream. 31any viitors and mothers were present for the afternoon events. Results are as follows: I Runaing Races 50 yd. girls 6-7 yrs. - Lee Anne Hoar, Sandra Jackson, Marie Ellis; Boys 6-7 yrs., Charles Scott, Bily Mils, Allen uparrow; girls 8-9 yrs., Karen Sday, Ruth Porter, Duana ilton: boys 8-9 yrs., Donny Whlen, Barry Krawchuk, Glen inney; girls 10-11 yrs., Linda ~cott, Donna McQuaid, Cathar- rne tBaille; boys 10-11 yrs., Ker- ty Dickens, Paul Huggett, Da- P1 d Barrabal; girls 12-13 yrs., ja Raaphorst. Jane Raaphorst, Carole Greenhamn; boys 12-13 SsGary Neil, Bob Plazek; ris 14 and over, Sandra Gib- Éon, Marion Cooney, Gwen Du- Éu is; boys 14 and over, Bob ,jurton, Leo MacLean, Jirny Bush. BIONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY 5IARKERS /RioLe soeoeI,.of pom.nm, 0aFrSTAFFORD 1, AICBROS. Stailord Bras. Monumental Works $18 Dundas St E. Whitby Phone Whltby Mohawk 8-3553 o stunt Esoo Skippin.g with hoola boop- 6-7 yr. girls, Lee Anne Hoan, Dianne Barr, Sheila Seymour; 8-9 yn. girls, Joan Symons, Ruth Porter, Malene Arbourne; Sack Race-6-7 yr. boys, Don- ald Carter, Bria Anderson, Lsnry Williamson; 8 - 9 year boys, Michael Laverty, George H-olmes. Edward Sprague; Shoe Scramible-l0-11 yr. girls, Hea- ther licLean, Peggy Whaleno Anne Matrie O'Neil; Thrce-leg- ged race-lO-li yr. boys, KCen- ny MacDonald and John Cun- ningham, Victor Hane and Ric- ky Bailey, Jimmny Todd and Philip Jackson; Balloon Burat- ing--Girls 12 and aven, Carole Gneenham, Rita Jackson, Sha- non Hiolmes; (Ankles tied) Hop- ping-Boys 12 ancl-13, Bob Pla- zek, Billy Budai, Danny licDon- aid; Boys 14 and over, Bob Whalen, Bob Burton,Keith Lan- gilie. Relay Races passing Over anai Unde-8 and 7 yrs. old, First, Larry Wil- liamson, Wayne Anderson, Da- vid Windsor, Lînda Cooney, Bri- an Anderson, Harry Willoughby, Donald Carter and Judy Hlogg. Second, Sandra Jackson, Gerry Snowden, Kenny Allun, Charles Scott, Margaret Baillie, Gordon Flintoff, Gai Cullen and Har- i-v Hester. Third, Billy Milis, Geraldîne Ellis, Robbie John- son, Martin Sisson, Betsy Ger- rits, Marlene Mornissey, Bren- da Barnber and Jimmy Noble.. 8 and 9 yr. old-First, Bon- nie Beech, Louise Whitney, Ruth Flintoff, Donny Bothwell, Bet- ty Windsor, David Pingle, EU1- nor Langile, Nancy Howell; Se- cond, tied, George Holanes, Da- vid Wilson, Dennis Krawchuk, Frank St. Pierre, Philllp Cul- len, Donny Munday, Jackle Le- bel, Darlene Danku and the team of Ruth Porter, Diane Huminek, Theo Gerrits, Lor- raine Holmes, Doniny Whalen, -caret" Thie family minister of transport jakes as ho lifta bis young son into taie car, but aie is weil aware that raisimg a growmng child is no joke. Il means watching family expenses with an eagle eye. The annual expenditures of taie Minister of Transport at Ottawa involve millions af dolars - and aIls deplrtrnent is only one of many. This money cornes titrougai the Minister of Finance who gets it largely in taxes fram Canadians sucai as yau. Wlxen he spends more than aie takes in, aie must borrow fram you ... or else create Piew Pnoney. Taie creation of new money is one factor that leads ta inflation - which means yaur dollar buys less and less. Taie government has been spending more than you have been paying in taxes. To narrow taie gap between incarne and expenditures, new taxes have been intpoaed. You can encourage thc goverrnent ta live within its incarne by asking only for those services you are wdlin& 10 pay for with taxes. Tell your M.P. at Ottawa that ince yon are trying ta save, you expect government to do the sanie, You also help when you save more by means of lif. insurance, savings deposits, and taie purchaseof o!gvernment bonds. Your savings help ta create a SOUND dollar, and this, i urn, lielpa ta create job aecurity for you and more jobs for other Canadians, A SOUND DOLLAR MMANS A BIEWER IFE FOIR YOU GIVE YOUR ACTIV SUPPORT TO THE FIGHT AGAINST INFLATION 40».4»t WMC Veral MacLean, Freddy Belley and John McGuirk. Leap Frog: 10 and il years old, Finst, Pai-4 Watson, Paul Huggett, David Barraball, Ric- ky Mayberry, Kenny MacDon- ald, Peter Holmes, Albert Lebel. Kenry Dickens. Second, Donna McQuaid, Ricky Balley, David Scott, Anna Prias, Bobby Rob- ents, David Gibson, Roany Shee- han, Karen Buday. Third,. Ka- tharine Baillie, Lynn Rose, Anne Miarie O'Neil, Margaret Staiker, Mary Laventy, Jean Labrecque, Peggy Whalen, Lin- da Scott. Baton Paasing and unn Girls - First, Rita Jackson, Miarion Cooney, Jane Raaphorst, Alexis Smith; Second, Gwcn Dupuis, Ria Raaphorst, Dianne Martin, Barbara Bothwel T'hird, Heathen Burton, Petggy Whalen, Mauneen Whalcn, Hian- riet Morrissey. Boys-First, Bob Whalcn, Bob Burton,4 Bob Plazek, Gardon Finney; Second, Murray Bran4 Keitai Langie, Elwin White, Bily Buday; Third, Rager Lee- tooze, Jimà Snowden, Dennis Danku, Gary Neil. Bean Bag Tossing-Girls 6-7 yrs., Nancy Martin, Lee Anne Hoar, Susan Henry; Boys 6-7 yns., Charles Scott, Larry Wil- liamson, Michael Koil; Girls 8- 9 yrs., Rutai Plintoff, Karen Bu- day, tied; Bonnie Beech. Boys 8-9 yrs., David Wilson, Michael Laventy, Freddie Bailey and BaTry Krawchuk, tied. Girls 10- il yrs., Katharine Baillie, Peg- gy Whalen, Jean Labrecque, tied. Boys 10-11 yrs., Bobby Bothwell, Bobby Roberts, Paul Watson., Girls 12-13 yrs., Mary 'Budai, Barbara Bothwell, Ca- role Green'ham. Boys 12-13 yns., Bob Plazey and Billy Budai,l tied; Bian Bradley. Girls 14 and over, Marion Caoney, Sandra Gibson. Rosa Prins. Boys 14 and over, Jim Bush, Bob Burton, Keltai Langie. jumping Higai Jump-Girls 6-11 yns., Donna McQuaid, Peggy WIua2en, LrRose. By -1ysRc ky Bailcy, Paul Huggett, Kerry Dickens. Girls 12 and aven, Ca- role Greenham, Sandra Gibson, Heathen Burton. Boys 12 and aven, Bobby Burton, Gary Neil, Jixu Bush. Runalng Broad - Girls 6-11 yrs., Catharine Bail- lie, Anne. Marie O'Neil, Linda Scott. BOYS 6-11 yrs., Kenry Dickens, Jin Snowden, David Barrabail. Girls 12 and over, Ria Raaphonst, Carole Grecen- ham, Alexis Cook. Boys 12 and aven, Elwin Wite, Bob Burton, Gary Neil. Standing Broad'-Glnls 6-11 Donna McQuald , Linda Scott: Cathanine Baille. Boys 6-11, Jian Snowden, Kerry Dickens, Paul Huggett. Girls 12 and aven, Sandra Gibson, Carole Green- ham, Ria Usaphorst. Boys 12 and over, Bob Burton, Gary Neil and Jim BusW, tied. Rap, Stop and Jun>-Girls 6-11, Linda Scot, Lymi RoEU, Betsy Slappendel. Boys -1, Kerny Dickens, Paul Huggett, Paul Watson. Girls 12 and over, Barba.ra Bothwell, Carole Greenhaxn, Reather Burtan. Boys 12 and oven, Kenny B3akr, Billy Hall, Rager Leetoaze. Champloneshlp Runnlng Racel -Blob Burton, Charles Scott and Donny Whalen. Chaniplons-(6-7> Girls, Leel Anne Hoar; Boys, Charles Scott. (8-9) Girls, Karen Buday; Boys, Donny Whalen. (10-11) Girls, Linda Scott and Donna Me- Quaid, tied. (10-11) Boys, Kerny Dickens. (12-13> Girls, Canolei Greenhan. (12-13) Boys, Bobý *Plazek. 14 and aven Girls, Sani- dra Gibson. 14 and over Boys, Bob Burton. ENNISKILLEN 1&s. E. A. Werry and Betty Jane accompanied MnI. E. A. Wenry on aim weckly camte buying tour, attendâng taie sales aI Lancaster and Winchestere la thie Otta-wa Valley. Betty Jane and lier mother drave on tot Ottawa and vlsited Mn. and M-s. Roy Wcnry at Rull. On their neturnatrip they attended taie cattle sale at Kingston whene Ennest purch.asd lto tnactor tmialer loada of cattie. Mn. and lMrs. Clifaord Love, Port Penny, visited 1&. and lins. E. A. Werry recently. Vacation Sehool opened Mon- day mornng with a large at- tendance. Mn. and lira. Geo. Irwla and Rodney were Sunday visitons at Mn. and lins. Norman Scott's, Newtonville. Mr-. and lins. Donald Lee and faniuly, bMn. Hamry enguson, Oshawa, Mn. Alfred Skoyles, Galt, Mis. 1ý. Bottreil, Newcas- tic, Mrn. and lins. Keitai Pergu- son and famnily, Bowmanvîlle, wene visitons at Mr. and lins. Walter Ferguson's. Mr. W. C. Stainton, Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, with Mn. and lins. H. Stevens. Mr-. and lins. Frank Spny, Messrs. Harold and Glen Spry, Rochiester, N.Y., Miss Jean Curran, Kingston, were visit- or& with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and family. Many o!flin. Arthur Millson'a friends were wondening where he had gone, as onc manning twaonrmare weeks ago aie was seen taking a taxri. Now we un- denstand ho la recoverin.g fnomn an operation la a Toronto hos- pitl. Ris many friends wish hlm a speedy recoveny. If yau happened to misa MT-. J. A. Wcnry out o! taie village lat week, aie hoed ail taie man- gel cnop on the !arm o! Harvey McGil. Mr. Werry said aie must finish themn on Thuraday, bo- cause aie should not hoe man- gels when aie was 86 whicli was the next day. Mr. Werry isaa vcry amant man at bis age. Congratulations ta him. Hamry enguson, Ma-s. Gea. Perguson, MT. and lira. Cam- cran Oke, Oshawa, were visit- ans with Mr. and Mis. Albert 0ke. hfr. and lirs. C. M. Fackler and family. Toronto, with Mr. and Mis, H. Gnubb. Very pleased ta report lira R. J. Ormiston bas returnnd tom e frm hosital hiIng much better. Visitors with Mr. and Mnt. Ormistan were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tatablyn, Caznbray, Miss Florence Wer- ry, Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Orrniston were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashi- ton, Haydon. Mr. and Mmn. Wiifred Banks and tamily, Weston, accoxupan- led Mfr. and Mns. John E. Grif- fin and family to Wasaga Beach on Sunday. lirs. Ben- Uett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mmn. C. Smnithi, Toronto, re- turning back &gain with Mr. and lira. Griffin. Saturday evening around 40 relatives gathered at the. home of Mtr. and hIrs. Allan Werry celebratlng their 5th wedding anniversary. During the even- ing Mr ' J. A. Wery was hon- oured on ails 8Oth birthday. Congratulations to Mr. and lirs. Allan Wenry. Mir. and Mrs. P. Ellis and farnily, spent the weekend at Cordova Mines. Mrs. Pat Tresise, Gail and Kathy, Misses Effie and Ainnie Wright, Mr. Arthur Wright, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. lmer Gibson, Greenbank, were with their cousins thie N. E. Ws-ights. Mrs. R. Bott-el, Newcastle, la visiting with Mr. and Ma-s. Carl Ferguson and accompan- led them on Sunday to visit Mr-. and Mrs. L. Winkworth, Barrie. Mir. and lirs. Roy McGiIl at- tended Zion Cemetery Decora- tion and were tea guests of Mr. and Ma-s. Charley Langniaid, Solina. Misses Reva McGill and Gloria Wright spent a week with Mr. and lira. F. Spry, Ro- chester, N.Y. Mir. and Mrrs. Allan Werny and girls attended a f amily gath- ering at Mir. and MJrs. Ross Lee's, Kedron on Sunday. Mr. and lins. Sam Piper, Judy and Sherry, Maple Grove, were with Mr. and lins. Keith McGil. Mr. and lirs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, were Sunday visitors with Mn. and lirs. Charley St-ainton at their cot- tage, sturgeon Lake. Mary Yeo and Kathryn Sie- mon are h<,lidaying at C.G.I.T. Camp Pretoria. Mr. and lirs. F. W. Werry attended taie Van Camp-Nach- oll's weddmng at Listowel on Saturday and spent the week- end with Mr. and Mire. Norman McWilliams, Guelphi. Mrn. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Port Perry, visited Mr. and lins. Arthur Brunt and accom- Spanied them to Port Hope to viait an aunt, Mrs. Ella Austin. Mr. and lins. Howard Bow- ns, 1%&. Rose Bowins, Miss Helen Partner and Mirs. Geo. Ferguson, Oshawa, were Sun- day visitons of Mr. and Mrns. >Clifford Pethick and lirs. E. 9Strutt. P A combined meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. meeting was held in the church basement on Monday evening, July 29th. Mrs. Begley opened thie meet- ing with taie 23rd Psalm fol- lowed by taie Miotto and Creed. Minutes were read and approv- ed and thie roll cail was answer.' ed wlth "A Hat 1 Remember"l. The eall to worship was giv- en by hms I. Sharp, !ollowed by prayen, a hymn. and taie Scrîpture reading from Luke. lin. M. J. Tamblyn, Orono, gave us rnaân worthwhile thougaits on "DIscovering Nei- ghbourhood", and lirs. W. Lo- gan closed thie Devotionai with a prayet. Mrs. P. Beckett was in charge o! thie pnogram consist- lng of a piano solo by Sheryl Ashiton, hymn and piano solo by lins. LU Lamb. Mis. Taaib- >ly-n told us the story of Mexico and shawed some very interest- ing gildes of her trip to Mex- ico and Calfornia. Thie meeting closed wl>th therne gong and prayer. -- LESKÂRD Congratulations to Mr. snd lins. Fred Anderson (nee Car- ole Grant> on their manniage at St. Gearge's Anglican Chu- nch, Newcastle on Satunday, July 4th. Mr. and Mlis. Norman Fee are vlsitlng wltai Mr. andlis. Donald Pc. and family ln Win- nipeg, Miitoba. Misa Rilda Loucks, Dunbar- ton visited on the weekend wlth Mr. and Mis. Walter Loucks. Crystal Gimbîcît, Bowman- ville, la visitixig with Mr. and lira. Kennetai Gimablett and Dale. Mr. and lira. C. Miartin visit- ed witai Mn. and lins. Earl Puck- rn, Audlay on Satunday. Allan returned home with ails par- ents. THUB Guesta with lins. Alva Swan- brick for taie weekend werc Mns. Editai Perguson, Mis. Gar- don Price andi Mn. and lins. Wilfrcd Roughley. Mn. and Mns. AI Stevens and sons and lir. and lins. C. V. Cooper called4 Sunday a!tennoon. lirs. Mary Luxon returned Thursday froxu a pleasant trip nortai ta Sudbury then sautai west ta Manitoulin Ia., cross- ung by ferry from Southi Bay- moulai ta Tobermory andi home by Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie had dinner Sat- urday witai Mr. and lins. Alvin Lowes ln Peterborough. Congratulations tolMr. and lins. Frederick Lance Ander- son, nec Carole Grant, who were mannied in Newcastle Anglican Churcai, Saturd a y, July 4. Taie reception was heici in taie Panisli hall. It was a lovcly day for sucai a happy occasion and many pictures were taken. They wene laten en- tentained at taie home of taie bride's parents, Mr. and lira. Grant, Leskard. Taie happy couple wcre icav'lng Toronto Sunday morning for a honcy- moon trip ta, Muskoka. On their return they wiil reside in Ton- onto. Fred is the son o! Mns. Edith Ferguson, (formerly lins. Anderson) and grandson o!flins. Aiva Swarbrick. After the wed- ding rehearsal lest Satunday ilhey were ail ententained at a lawn party at thie home of lins. Alva Swanbrick. Mr. and Mns. Carl Langstaf!, lin. and lira. Ray Moore, Ton- onto, and Mr. and Mis. Eddie Couroux and tiueir familles pic- nicked at Cobourg park Sun- day gfternaan. lins. Neya Little spent last weekcnd lanliarkham with Mr. and Mis. Aylward Little and family. Bobby Palls, Kendal friends wcne plcascd ta sec hum in taie village Pniday and a number called at hia home Saturday ta see him. Allen Posters, lins. Jo-Ana Poster, Ned Posters and lins. M. E. Poster attended thie Teed- erville Centennàal tais wcekend. Martin Posters were to, Jarvis, where thein daugaiter, Marie, lias been attending higai achool, iand brougait her home with them. lins. P. Stoker, who lias trou- ble wibai her biýck andi leg lat- cly, was taken ta, Sunnybrook Hospital Thursday. We hope she wili soan be feeling better. 1Milt Robinson neponted Edna 'had seemed more like herseif Sunday and that she and taie 1others in her wand had been taken out ta enjoy taie fresai air fan awhule. Not sa mucai bal ibis week. Newcastle teain dld not make an appearSwie Tuesday even- ing. Thursday evening in New- tonville taie home team won a close game when they got thie winnlrtg run in taie last innings 5-4. An unwelcosne marauder vis- ited the village Sunday nigait and ails perfume? atil1 lingered in taie morrsing. Kendal vicinity lied thunden- stonms, Wedsiesday and Suin- day whlic making crops grow fine but not 80 good for those with hay la the miaking. Taie cougregation was rallier aal at taie final evening ser- vice la July, Bey. R. C. Waiite pneached a fine sermon and ad- ministened the Sacrament. Taie Poster sistena sang veny pleas- ingly that lovely oldi sang "In taie Gardon" wlth lira. Swan- brick at taie ongan. Taie W.A. meeting is being held la taie afternoonof July 15, at the home a! lira. Thomias Stevens, when Mi&s. Pliulips of Tynone wlll be guest speaker. Turn Old Furnilure wlth STATESMAN Phone MArket 3-3303 FREE BURNER SERVICE> Fresh Veget< Important Pl .Mr. andi Mrs. Henb. Thomp- ka, Toronto, have returned home after spending the last two weeks at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Warbur- ton, Varcoe's, visited wlth Mr. and Mrs. Angus Loucks and family on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Bennett, Northi Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. WiI Muir and daugaiter, Agin- court, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mkrs. A. Vaughn KENDÂL Your Gos compony does not .mploy door-to-door salesmen nor telephone canvassers. For information about dealers Iicenied by the. Ontario Fuel Soard ta soli and instali natural gos equipment cail or write t" Sales Department of > edwimo4 - - - --- --- - mm- 5 OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK C/e The Onaro Sefey Lae.. 1170 Bey Street, Tr».Osn" HlOW TO WIN 1.~ ~ : oeene p se ,e lei" ne fe m iUmiuIu .ww. ntrues yUl bu Iudg.d au #hi iyhumend rhme, mnd bmw tEulr lie. f*in I. wth h. ffl Cfountlnge. 2. Any studnt who attended un Ontario polic, paoelol, or privete mlmmCmY imi duran ln19 ,moyeyne.. &. CiUdr« esfmupicymeu ofEhiu aewflpe. th. Ontario Soemty Lecue .amd 5.1.1gb Cycle laduilYlu (Cane")LtM. e. 4. This enft mut bu postmokud net lbts titanmldai mbi, Wmému.doy, Joly 1S, 19S9, nadmd.iMidt.eth. midi. n eth. otil blauk. ". Loch vmeemuse b.u llud w v u nhuy hlank er uosonabl. fatimilu. AIl untries t h. prop.ity of Ehn.r th. Safety Eluphant, end connet b. rtum.d. ". fth. contest vIibu puoplu vhs tweutouchan writes and truffE.@ý*f eutholtie& ls. laiuiel déeou e un PifO E -- .... ..........x-.-.-ie.. Â..............GMADE.. . LIMERICK NIJMBER THRJ.U Riding a bicycle's fine Wlien you watch every sigad add uge- So when riding ta echool Keep tise third safety MWle MW en Sponsored by Bowmanvillle Kinsmen Club and The Canadian Statesman etYouii always b. glad you chose Naturai Gus" July la salad. montai, when aIl of us consumers are remind- cd especially o! thie great stocks o! fresh vegetables produced in Canada and the great need there is for a gencrous supply of these delicious planta in a well-balanced diet. liedîcal authonities are be- comng concenned about ex- cessive weight in this age of automation, when fewen cal- ories ame likeiy ta be bunned up at hard, physical labor. Sal- eda pravide taie nutnitional var- iety we need, without an aven- load of the fats ana carbohy-' drates tliat are eithen used up as energy on stoned as fat. 1 THIRD ENTRY- DEADLINE JULY1 am Ralgh IloycesMd 50 Rocket Radios Ev.ry Week. Onaud Prlzo-A Trip teSmmada"s West W0450115 DY RfALEfGHE CYCLE INDUSTRIES (CAN*À ILt.»11 TU& INTRESOF CHILD SAPfIt BOYS AND GIRLS-THIS NS YGUR CONT -RIDE YOUR SIKE SAFUELT AM OBEY ML. SOIGNIAm SIGNALS New ber.'.the conCef nEd hem's wâa y«u Caa ril! IVM7 w.ek, in au à muu Me. diis,,l'il give y.. dm. tirst four Ifine f aàlmerick about orne of .y safety rae... sud l'S i 4@you the sfuty nue s. yen cau make up th* laie MR*.Oft dhe lwck s.9suite I& u AfCer yo've mie .p thesaglai I..f111l. in.e try blank and mail il e M m eGt MpOd asudaie te halo, Yom if y., 1ke. Maybe 70.11 wln .. fet h. prix«s fer tew.k. Wlé.. w'e.gone ehrougjh Ailthe. mes,,weii have a iellim.nick c.veing aNmsix sues. The grand pize fer tdiiioee là atrip fer y«. ad mue panewt, guadias,, toche r er a dul e p..r choie., te Canada'. v~lt sereddmi..ies, u, -m o e me Mp@am gm hi en.d hum am . Wa s"i Tr k.SafmIy ami Ob" AU Siom and Sitnala cibles Play 'art in Diet It ls generally acknowledged nowadays that fresh vegetables play an important part in any well-balanced diet end the yearly increase in vegetable coneumption indicates that we are turning away more and more from the old assuniption' that a hearty "mneat end pota- toes", diet was sufficient for ayone.- Salad week will be celebrat- ed the last week in July. Many people eneaged in thie produc- tion and sale of fresai veget- ables in Canada stand ta gain from a successful campaign. Yet aniong the niost active participants in this annuai pro- motion are public health offi. cials, nutritionista and iood-edi. tor whose intereft Ah Mm matter is to improve Canida'a generai health through propu diet. NONET AVAILABLE FOIU NGHRTGAGES EALPHR S. JONE Barrister and Soflcltor 65 simcoe St. S. Oghaws LA5-3525 PAGE l"M . TM CAJÇAMM STATISKAIr. BOW LtlgVnJýZ ONTAMO

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