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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1959, p. 11

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THUESDAY, 3ULY Oth, 1959 T~ CMfADIA~ S?ÂTW4AN. EO'WMAZW!LLI. ~ITA~D PAGE U5EVUI *Uect for&ÂgwN n ewi Socl'al anc bi:m. ariner ai Ottawa la vlsIting it 'th Mr. andiciMis. C. R. CarmethtIis week. The, many friends of Mi. Fred. Jackson will be sonry to leam- that he ks seriously iii andi is a patient in Meimarial Hospital in Bowmanvile. The Merry Married Coules' Club of thse Newcastle -Unîited Church held their July meeting _inii th.s-ni oi a picale. ai Wai- The's a special sparkle, a sat- fying tartaece to cherries that MaOMe thein welcome in eVery jarn cupboard. Yau'J flnd this ~ mirereciperesulta in fectly am and asUm*u m it. looks! . cumaaY JAII 4 cupsprepared fruit (q<ut2 gs. ripie sour. cherrisso = (3 )auar I&UèCeflo fruit pectin F-rs&, pespare the cherries. Stemn and pit about 2 quarts fully ripe sour cherrie8. Chop fine. Measure 4 cupg cbopped fruit into a ney large saucepan. Iext. make vour jarn. Add sugar ta fruit In saucepan, mix welJ. Place over bigh heat, bring te a full roUing boil. Bail hard i Dzu3ute, etirring constantly. Re- mnove frain beat, stir in Certo at onceê. Skiai off foam witb metal spoon. Stir and skiai for 5 minutes te cool slightl, and ta prevet oting fruit. Z;'dle into ls.Caver at once with X Lh-hot paraffin. Makes about Ilnudinin glasses. Jlaybe y'au're just a bit con/uaed about tkis sabtance called pectin! Uf 0 e, i explain: Pectin i. tiaiyhe jellug substnce fond in .i ru in uaîying amoun*tq. Certo in per*bn extracted from /ru its rida in this naturai substaru e, MMearffined, éoncentrated and per- formanoe-cntmUled. Certo and the 4Ceri k-eWuirecpes make your jam and mUiy tum oui exactlv ght. Yau'd enjoy seeing aur free 12- minute Certo filmn called 'Jelly anad Jani Session", which shows a homeniaker like yourself miak-. kag ým and-jelly by the modeM, Certo méthôda. This 16 mmi. film JB in ifili colar, with sound, and l'il be happy ta tend you a free rint if you'U just write me- F rances Rertoin. Cenerai Foods lKitchens, 44 Eglinton Ave. W, Toronto.______ Don't Jiesitate t0 drop me a une, goo. if you. run into any problems in yoar jam and jlvy making. F'i du r", best ta help. A nd watch for oui next oolurnn, with aniother ftilare-proof preservung recipe. * NEWS Biggei Love that wilt not let me go"~. iMis. Gray gave a bni talk 1 on the subject "Release lai Love ofi God dissolves heartaches". The devotional part aof the meeting was bîought ta a close with the thought for the daày, "It's not what wc gain but what- we give that measues he worth ai the lufe we live". Mis. David Gray then gave twa hu- mourous readings entitledMo ther's GlIaises" andi "Driving fro th Rer".Mr. Paul Bennett, B.A., B.S.W. The business part of the son ai Major and Mis. D. L. meeting was coaducted by Mis. !Bennett, The Hallows, New- Chailie Fisk and the meetingJ castle, has recently accepted ai was broughi to a close with a position> as Advisor in Art for. socil haitf our wflen thc coir- mittee ia charge seîved lûnch. Committee inembers weie MeLs- dames P. Haie, Walter Rickard, Irwmn A1Ihn and David Gray. FROMHFC: rblans for today's greater needs Borrow Up to $2500 and take up to 36 months to repay Compare HIFCs service wIth that of othor I.ndlng Institutions SURPRISI NGLY LOW INTEREST RATES. HFC's charges on loans over $150M are equivaleat te leua than 8% per year discount on 30 and 36 month repayment plans. LOWER MONTIILY PAYMENTS. HFC's new loag-teîm bans mean amaller paymeats that fit your budget better. SANKABLE SECURIT Y fot required. INCOME INTERRUPTED? If you can't make a payment prompt- ly when due, you get helpfulness and understaading ini rearranging your payment schedule. BACKED SY 81 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Unlike mostlendinjinsti- tutiona, HFC's only business is making instalinent cash boans. That's why HFC is best equipped to oerve your immediate wants and needs. How much do you nedl Phono or drop in _t ay FC office toilay. AMOUNT' moNTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 0F 36 30 -20 12 LOAN MONTHS MONTHS MONTMS MONTHS $ 100 S...* $ 6.11 S 9.45 500 .. * * 30.01 46.72 1000 ..+ 41.45 58.10Io 1.55 1600 .. 66.62 93.19 146.68 2000 72.'30 83 27 116.49 183.35 2200 7».53 91:606 128.14 M0.89 2500J 90.38 104.09 145.61 229.19 Above payments Inelude principal end Internat. end are based on normal repeyment, but do flot include coat of lif. insurance. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 64 King Stree Est .. .. .. .. ...Talphone RA 54326 Oshawa Shopping Ce -ie. .. .. . ..Talphone RA 5-1139 OSHAWA -Bantams Cobourg Port Hope 2 Kendal ........31 Orano - 2 Bovriianville .....10 Coqirtice -.2 Supervised Playground Activities tuie Community Programmesi NEWCASTLE - A specialý .Brandi ai the Depaitment of meeting of the Newcastle Re-' !Educatioli. Mi. Bennett at the creat ion Canrnittee ,was heIdý same time la Field Director ofin i late council chambers on1 the Art. Institute ai Ontario. . Wedniesday eveniag, July lst > Mr. Beanett gîaduated froni ta discuss wiVh Misses Susan Art andi Aîchaeology. University Gray and Sharon Han cock, su-' ofa Toronto. He holds bis perm- pervision ai recreatian for* anent specialist's certificate ln yaung children at the local park teaching in Ait and Crafts and during tic summer vacation. last year he îeturned ta Uni- It was dccidcd ta leave the! versity aad took bis Bachelor ai supervision af the playgîound Social Woîk degree. group work activities up ta nite girls, who sequence. irom which he gra d- bave j ust retuineci from the uated with first class honours. tQU;în-Mo-Lac Leadership Train- - -- iing Camp. Arrangements were! Imade foi a registration day an Satuîday, Julyl lth iîomn 10, ni a.m. ta 12 noon for childxen, Let' Lo k Ick iran-ià ta 8 yeaî.s who xish to attend tlieze p]aYgîound macla.: 10 Vears Aga in Newcasfle b\onpaetfrhi gsra July 7. 1949 tiait. The Coi-iiiittee would appra-' Large and well attended ciate it if parents of older Lions caînival wvas repoitedý childieja would keep themn away apeninp with a parade led by: froin the park during the par- the Bowmanville Fi te ai-id bd frciii 9 to 12 ini the main- Druni Band. tollowed by a ings wheti this supervised re- Tug-of-wai contest with teains 1 ereation foi the sinaller child- froua Orono, Shaw's and New-1 ren is in progress. castle coinoetition with Sil Si Iw~as reporteci transort.- %vaiinnig. 'lýh Carnix-al tofi),, jnad been arranged for thie weîe set up on the cammunity, swimming classes in Bow,,mani- hall grounds and an orchestra ville and everything ia la rea- supplied music for dancing on diness for the opening ai the IMMi St. beside the carnival classes on Monday, Julv l3tb. which was blocked off for the',___ evening. There were a total oi* fo th bi daw ý wshn NE WTON VILLE Imachine, bicycle and radio. Prize for a peaivut guesming Mr. at-d Mis George Staple- contest an d thirteen gaie tan and Laurie and Miss San- Jprizes. draa Bragg were guasts ai Mi.1 . .j andMi rs. led Ureatrîx, King-! badfli ws rpoîec whn1stan, on Suadav and witb thei A ba fir wasrepoteýdwhe received tickets for ai-d attend- the bain ai Mr. John Morraw, e d the Militai-v Display put oni on Na. 2 bighw.ay east ai the foi- Queen Elizabeth and Princei village wvas destroycd. The la- Philip in Fart Hen ry. Thcy alsoi cal f ira departmcnt with the f saw flie Royal couple board berý help af neighbours. tbough toso -barge ai nfie R.M.C. dock ami late ta save the bain. were able tien board ber Raya] yacht, ta save the home by lâying al Brîtannia. which wus anchored line ai base acioss the iighway out in the lake. to a grave] pit where water wa, Miss Darothy Stapleton had: available. i the privilege ai attendiag ser- vice in Sydenhamn St. United A repart ai the standings ai Church, Kingston, Suaday, the Lake&hore Intermediate where the Royal couple wor- Basebaîl League appcarcd shîppeci and Prince Philip read showing Newcast.le and Whitby Lesson Il. t.led for last place la thea league. Caîborne was leading the league with 6 wins andi no lasses. Gel Cash To>day The Woaian*s Association ai 1 the United Chiurch were in er MAppiaaces charge oi thse Suaday morning service. The Service was con- throungh *ducted by Mrs. H. Toms and ST AT ES MA N JMTs. G. Walton. M-s. L. Fisher ai the Organ aad Mis. Chas. C L A S SIF1E9D s Cowan aitishe piano led the~ Phone MArket 3-3303 miusic for the service. m a- ----m m TLibby's Fancy - Save 16e TOMATO JUICE York - Save 9c Beef Stew or 17. -Receive Thanks 1f nerntoclProsident 1Neucad4Y#uEp.#s.#a~For Clothing From W.A. NEWCASTL2- Membeis of the Evening Branch of St. j George's Women's Auxiliary Pen met in the Paiish Hall on caste Ra Do sn'fDam24th for their regular meeting. R ain oesn t D a p en' The Prayers were followed by therdig of the minutes Af castiethe pieviaus meeting and the treasurer.'s repaît. I (J>ersonalhe abusinesspart of Sunday wcol vas held at left. By the lime. supper %vas St. John the Divine acknow,- tona Park wit.h tiheir fantilies. Waltona PaTk on Wednesday, over the rain had stopped and' edging receîpt ai a bale of usedî During a'brief business period June 24th opening with races while some had lef t for honel clothing sent by the Bianoch at it was decided ta canoel the whioh atarted at 4.30 p.m. fol. the races cantinued for, those the last meeting. It was stated August meeting of the group. lowiiig a bni swim by saine wio stayed, starting olff wîtlî the Sisteis have decided ta Aiter supper severai. participa- af the boys and girls, a peanut toss w'hich had every-, close Sunshine House because, ted ini a ball game before the The firat race was for boys one hunting for pean'uts. since conditions have improved piaikes er dsprsd y ii irls 2 and 3 years of age In the. ladies shoe kicking ia the aiea, the Mission lias be- Clarence l- Sturm of Manawa. a ram Storm. anld awo yBly.Wr ots-Ms raJsM. meuncÊa. tional President af Lions Inter- Weekend visitors w ner, Cindy Gaiîod and BÔbby Barbara Hockin and Mrs. Vel- Finances aîising froni cater-' national at the Association& with Mi. Northrup. Girls 4 and 5-Jen- ma Parker weîe -the winners, ing ta a weddîng on June I th 42,d Annual Convention in New and Mis. Gordon Agnew were -nifer Gray, Mary Giace Pater- while the nien's contest was weîe settled and the follawing York City. Lions international. Mis. R. B. Briscoe of Renfrew, son and Betty Ann Hawkin. won by Brenton Rickaîd. M. C. committee appointed ta arrange wvith 590.000 nembers ia 92 caun- Mr. and Mis. K. A. Siater and Boys A and 5-Leslie Mi1klos, Fisher and Ray Kichko. The for cateiing ta the wcdding on tries or regians: is the worlds childien of Kingrston and Mr. Norman Tilison and Ronnle wheelbarrow race wvas won by - July 4th. Mesdames Dora K-el- largest service club organization. and Mis. D. H. Williamis of Pearce. Girls 6 and 7 - Joan partners John Cuiningharn and ' sev Wilda Simipson, Aresta Lions International is best known Bowmanville. i Kimbali, Caroline Major and Wayne Pearce, Gai] Allun and' Williamis, Janet MeCracken and for its many youth pragrams, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton Allia. Boys 6 and 7 - Daug. Ricky Kiohko. The thiee leg-i Hilda Col. After some discus- community service prajects, and Mr. and Mis. Stanley Gra Rickard, Alan Shaw and Billy ged race was won by Gloria, Sion it was decided ta hold sight conservation activities and hiant attended the convention1 McCullOugh. Flintoif and Mis. Kay Powell: teas duiing the summer in place aid ta the blind. Last year Lions ai the Association ai Municipal AI] girls and boys seven and (2) Wayne Pearce and: of the annual stîawber tea. Clubs arounù the globe coin. IElectric Utilities at Bg-Win yèars and under then entereci Wayne Hancock. A second A sum aof money xvas voted to pleted more than 180000 Jndi- Inn the latter part of last week.' a gum sciaMble before the ra- wheelbaiiaw race was won by the Wardens af the Church ta- vidual waithvhile cam-munity ces continuied. Girls 8 and 9- 1, Jim Stephenson and Wayne waîd the general expenses of service projects. Mr. and Mis. Jini Beadle andi Beverley Rickard, Judy Pow- Pearce, 2, Julia Bezublak and the Church and the meeting______________ vIs. tais Sr. ie . ee endel and -Mary Adair. Boys 8 and Mary Robon.wa brouglit ta a close with the visiors ithMr. nd Ms. . 9 Godon Allin, Stephen Teams werc then formeci for servingofrreh nt.adi epigt bl. S. Britton. Gould and Hughi Allin. Girls a celery race, using an orange o ersmns n i îpîn abid Mrs. T. Enwright la visiting; 10 and il - Olga Bezubiak, and passing ht over the head M.-C. iseta the illnels er- wit he dugher ndson-la- Chrystal Shaw and Candy and under the legs alternately NE TNV TT M.ic. fihrr Ath un elsey- la r n r.Rs mlyStorks. Boys 10 andi il-Ronnie -ta the end ai the line. Mcînbers LVULL and Mi. t an M is. sa Eble Goode, Jimmny Baskerville and af the winning tearn were, Glor- Newcastle, was conducted b3' peg. During lier absence her Walter Riekard. Girls 13 and ila Flintofi, Ricky Pearce, Glen- Mr. Ernest Eley is a patient, aur pastor, Rev. R. C. White. daughter, Mis. Harold Hockin! under-Gloria Flintoif. Dar- da Johnson, Norman Allia, Be- in Part Hope hospital.i Mrs. Wilfred Cox is a patient of Port Perry and childien are lene Baoven, and Gai] Allia. verley Rickard. Doug. Rickaîd, Mi. Allan Jones oi Toronta in Memorial Hospital, Bawman- looking after her home andi BOYS 13 and undeî-Ricky Ki- aad Del Rudman.t spent the holiday with Miss ville. business. chko, Bill Scott and Sam Mc- Before the races it was an-î Bertha Tbompsan. Mi. and Mis. Cecil Hender- -Keels. naunced a niysteiy couple go- 1Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Atchi- SOI' and Mn. Hollen of Bowman- AUl girls andi boys 13 years ing under the name af Mi. and son are havin-g a new home built ville have exchanged properties, and under then entereci a blind- Mis. Picnic weie roaming the!o the corner of theii faim, a town house for a faim. They W .A.G ro p flde gu chse n wichallgrondsand eveyon w. moved on Satuîday, July 4th. weV . G ou ind ledc a nd dwc on ll grong is eand evenrynemwasin t ad wontdîes ofVisitais at the paîsonage this LJ e ail fours proceeded to fiad a but Jili Willams ideatified the le beard grawing canat! ekwforjo .Mann M e t tpackage of gum and carry it bath as Mis. Kay Powell andj arotfi uy eCbatobaouekwrgenMr. annings ~~ ats er aomePrtHope.aniM.nd is over the finiMh une. This race Abert Pearce. Prizswr lo Leonard Glover andi iamily a r.J s Brw n was won by Joanne Shaw. given ta those finding niai edi ia Btt kelding is ll- Toronto. M rs Ja . B own Sudenshowers interrupted papers at "the supper table.' diying with bier giandcpaients, teraces, u it dampened ni The final item on the pro- Mr. and Mis. Geo. Skeldiag ai Mr. and Mis. Jos. Sharpe, WEWASLE - heNothther sprit nor appetite when gram w~as a softball game Prince Albert. Debbie and Sa113r of Bason, New NEWCASTLE oo- Tohegfod hih asmuh ejaedby Mis. Bill Lane and daughter York and Mi. Peter Fawcett af Weat roup ai te Uritedwas set up on the tables under those taking part as wel aio Haliax arîived by plane onKielyOnspttewe- Chuich Wamans Associationi shelter from the rain. After the thase watching. Monday ta spend a few days el-i with Mi. and Mis. Jas. Stel- met at the home ai Mis. Jas. T. with Mi. and Mis. Cleland Lane. lai. Brown with 10 membeis l1 t- LAMr. Dave Denault has leit Mr. Wallace Bougben wha en- tenanc. Ms. avi Gîy o- A~ A j KESHORE MINNOR Memorial Hospital, Bowmian-; tered a Toronto bospital an tende. thMois rviceGrayto At AdM visor LEAGUE STANDING ville aad is now convalesciag i Wednesday for an operatian, the ooein, "You niust seek God NEWCASTLE -- Follo -i9' at the home oi bis daughter1 retuîned home on Sunday. in the miorning if you want w"act sadnsattePeMis. Donald Ellit. At the Suaday sehool session Him tbiougi the day", follaw-!WeadBna em s~ Mr. Bert Tompkins having o n Sunday moining attention cd b theScriiurereadng JW *: pad antm a s Jv3,199;sodinimhas purchase a iwascalled ta the addition ofa from thse 7th chapter of S+.~t lot in the Jones sub-division beautiful electîic dlock, the giît Luke's gospel verses 32 ta 0I Pee Wee read by Mis. Irwia Allia. I , * Une- Mis. Haie gave a rcading ex- Teani W L poited piaining une Scripture "The' Cobourg .--9 1 - sinning woman'a faith". This! Paît Hope . 7 3 IYU wýae followed by a paem "Somýe-I- Newcastle 2 5 Y O U onie had praved", and Mis. Gray Bowmanvillc . 2 7 1 led in prayer, and alJoiaed i, 1Oro__ -----t- H F A [ thesinin2ofthehvrn " iCobourg T. S. 1 9 - R BARBEC UE' )QU-AR.TERS! 8 Irish Stew White Swan TOILET TISSUES Party Mix - Save 8c IGA BISCUITS- "Volume 8" Now Available HOMEMAKERS ENCYCLOPEDIA VOLUMES 1 TO 7 CAN STILL BE OBTAINED AT YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE SHOP, AND SAVE AT 20 oz* tins rl0 2 3. m- m m 15 oz. tins 49C rols35 Pkg. of - - 36 Biscuits~ 25 The Barbecue Pit! Hardwood CHARCOAL b. 39c Wizard Charcoal LIGHTER Charcoal BRIQUETS Alumlnum IGA FOIL 160os 39r, tin i. 49C 25 f". TOUlS 0 0 0 Bowmanville IGA Market DOWNANVLLE NEWCASTLED ONTAIIO Dairy Feature Philadeiphia (Ail Flavours) Cream 24 ez. Cheese pkgs. 3 ~s Frozen Food Feature PICTSWEET Strawberries 3 ESkoz* Toms' IGA ýMarket af the Wallace family i mem- ory of their father, the late Rev. Thos. Wallace, a former beloved pastor on tihis charge. Mr. and Mis. Ruegger Sr., fromn Switzerland who have been. visiting with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Ulrich Ruegger Ieft on Thurs- day ta, spend some time in the U.S.A. ibefore returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover and fami]y, Joan and Bille of Osh- awa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Harry Wade. Recenit visitors with Mr. and Mis. Andiew Reichrath were, Mr. and Mrs. Wehnert and Ralph, Coutice; Mi. Don Ad- amns, Halifax; Miss Irma Kie- mer, Mis. Ost Hoffe Mis. Tay- loi, Mr. and Mis. D. Smith, Mrs. W. Rundie. ail of Toronta; Mr. and Mis. Percy Greenfield, Bowmanville and Miss Alice Bragg, St. Cathermnes. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow attended the, Decoration Day Service at Littie'Britain on Sun.. day. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow have ieturned from a few days visit with friends at Sudbury.1 Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White were called to Toronto on Pi day w-here Mr. White wvas in charge of the funera] of a friend and relative. Mrs. Isaac Tutton. North Nesileton The regular meeting of local, W.A. wvas held at tihe. home of Mifs. K. Samelîs on June l8th with Mis. Sadler's group ini charge. Mis, W. Vine took the devotional and Mis. W. Ca-P bell led in prayer and the 23rd Psalm. Hymn 376 was sung and Mis. J. Cairns gave a wander- fui paper on Christian Steward- ship. The roll was answered by seventeen ladies. The program con.sisted of readings by Mrs. Heaslip, Mis. Samelîs and Mis. Sadier and a contest by Mis.- Heasiip. The July meeting will be in the form of a picnic sup- per at Caesarea at 5 p.m. Net receipts fram the church supper was $185. H.ymn 148 and the Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting aftei a vote Of thanks ta Mis. Sameils for use of her home andi ta Mis. Sad- ler and group. Visitais with Mi. and Mis. J. Cairns of Viewlake weie: Mr. and Mis. Webb Struthers and Robert and Mis. Arthur Struthers, all of Midland; Mr. and Mis. Stan McBride. Susan and Grant, Peterborough, andý Mi. and Mis. Harry Pqallo>ck,t Geîry and Shirley Brown of! Bowmanville. Reveîend and Mis. Newton Bawles of Brampton visited 11FURMAT, JMY fth, 19» with Dr. Bowles and Mn. Mat- kie. Pleased to learsit"t Mr. Doug Sleep will be rturain15 home shortly from Memnoîil Hospital, Bowmianville, after a couple of weeks' etay. The annuai Malcolm picnie was held at the home of Mr. and Mirs. Lloyd Hunter on Sun*. day last on Sunday because our traditional dynamie energy ia at cycle of low ebb. Twenty.. eight members answered the roll by grabbing a serviette and iushing for vituals served buf. fet style because ofI nclement weather. Mi. and Mis. Ernest Mlnshafl and Mr. and Mis. Bil Cormack of Burford and Brantford weîe callers at the Ken Minshel1's thiS DaSt week. Ronald and Wayne are now holidaylng in that district. Mi. and Mis. M. Emerson weie home ta their famiiy dur- ing past weekend-Jirene and 1Bruce Witherly, Ellen and-Mei-, vin Bird and fantily, Amne and Edgar and boys and Frankt and famliy. Other visitors weîe Mr.. and Mis. W. Kelly, Toronto,- Sundav and Mr. and Mis. Mer- vin Rainey, Unianvile, wereý visited in tuin by Mi. and Mis. Enierson. Laurence Malcolm and fani- ilv' visited Gîandma Brooks Sunday after church and help- ed her celebrate her birthday. Gai] and Bannie had sweetly dueted "Blossom Beils" for moîning chuîch service, and, we're willing ta wager, again for Grandma lateî in thle day. The new regular morning service was well attended we're told, and %%e hope evervone will feel welcome to attend. PAGE ISJ&IVM

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