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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1959, p. 13

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THURSDAY. JULY thx159 9 ,Çecreatieon .Çkeviews 1 By Douglas lS îgg1 Playgmunds borliood know that the play- 'nie seven playgrounds oper- grotcnds are now open for buai- ated by the Recreation Depart- rk% ment were officially opened last Th2ie playground staff have Monday, July 6th at 9:30 a.m. just. completed a five day train- Ail six playgrounds will be' îng course held at Camp Quin- teaturing costume parades tiîs Mo..:Lac. It la hoped with thic week. The idea of the parades* traiti ing as a background the is te let evervo ne in the neigh- sup4arvisors will be able teolf - fer a wide variety of play. gr<îtind activities for the child. reri. Such activities as games arlie and crafts, dramatics, teair - garxies, special events, etc., wi wrru SWEJ- ~ be 4à part of the dally program HEATING UN l The playgrounds wiil be su. nWE AP Z pervised the following hours -AND M 9:04) a.m. - 11:45 a.m.; 1:15 - 5:0( se vuu ~p.rti. Monday te Friday. v«M AM - i l'his year's playground stafi j1 cou sists of Lnd.a Brooki iMierridy Mutton, Lions Centre Q IDo;ris Martin, Alex Wisemn jCentra-1 School Heather Webb Amidrey Spicer, Ontario Streel School; Barbara Brown, Ra,. Caombie. Memorial Park; Con. ri e Osmond, Vincent Masse' Sk,-hool:- Marilyn Houslander M'-anklin Park; Terry Black,z new area located on Barbours O:eek; Bev. Cowling, VernE eFIoran-m Murray Walker, Day 'P~I'Jrk4'J arnps. Minor Basebali. Art ai id Crafts, Archery, Tennis RgSSO)JPLUI1BIN G1 G olf and Children's Trheatre I~~.#IEATN ~D avid Milne, Life Guard, Wesi ID NW* each. SEnfICCE Swlmming Startin.g on MoDnday, Jul) Free! Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with -4iery purchase f gas Vigotir Oil SERVICE STATION Under New Managemeint- Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" 10 chards of Bowmanville 25 years' service with Imperial Qi]. "We Specialize iiit Personal Service" CORNER 0F INL4,"ERS ROAD) AND FIFTBI[ CONCESSION Phone M~A 3-2919 Double Siamp Diiy Every Tuesday .-Corne Out and Se e Our Display of Gifts- Complet. Lubricatiom at a Reasonable Fric._ ffK ABOUT OUR SI ECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL A VAILAIMILE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE. STATION OPEN EVENINUS AND SUNDAYS "While You Wmit" MUFFLEF " \, jF RE E SAFFTY CHECK Foi theusands et extra- aîafe diving miles re- place with a Moto- Master Blow-Oui Proof Muffier ai B ig Cana- dian Tire Savings. SPECIAL TM WAfAW RSA'FSUMA. UOwMNLlVffLL .OWIARIO re 1-13th the Recreation IDeparti-Eul y a m Sment in ce-operation with the y c ufy C m Le Bowrnanville Brandi et the; Red Cross wiil be conduetingi its Learn te Swim Classes for1 : Chfidren. The foilowing is.h R g s e i t W n ý time and place for the lie Se en Defaf LLBoys Learu To Swlm-MOn-, July l3th - TfrainingA t r S ve e e t SSchool Pool-9:00 a.m. Boys' Red Cross 1Beglaners-1 MeNulty's AIl-Stars, after beating eut an infield hit. John )0 Monday, July l3th - Training dropping seven straigh't, down- Ford walked, and third-sacker Sohool, 11:00 a.m. ed Ken's Men's Wear league- Mel Burgesa smashed a double ff Girls' Learn te Swi.-Wed- leaders, by a decisive 12-3 score, te send the Ail-Stars ln front. 91 nesday, July 15 - Training Tuesday night at the Central Russ Lane walked, and "Bun"l e; Sohool-9:00 am. Sch5ool diamond. Welsh forced Burgess at third, i-, Girls' Red Cross Beginner- The Ahl-Stars were intormed but Ted Bird came through b, Wednesday, July 15-Training that by a special league ruling, with a triple and rornped home et Sdhool, 11:00 a.m. if they won three et the re- on Bih Laskaris' wild tbirow. ,L, Boys' and Girls' Red Cross mainxng five games, they would Alter two were eut, thé Ail- '.. Juniors - Thursday, July 16, be permitted te enter the play- Stars scored three more runs ,, Cream ef Barley, 10:00 a.m. offs. Given a new chance, the off reliever Bob Wiliamis, on r, Boys' and Girls' Red Cross winners, trailin.g 2-1, broke two more bobbles by Mashinter. aIntermediate and Seniors-Fn-' loose for nine t itth inning mark- Asnl yWlh nerr .S day, July 17th, Cream cof Bar- ers to break the gamne wide AndinewcomWe l'st ree- a ey 1:0 .m wn epro- oe. b em ahne bagger produced the final two ts vided fer children in the Learn and Lloyd Hamilton and a two rn ntesxh s, te Swim Class and Red Cross bagger by Bob Marje,-rison pla- Mashinter doubled and scor- e; Beginnera' class attending the ted a pair ot Men's Wear runs 1 ed Ken's final run on Marjer- St Training School Pool. Buses' lu the second, but the All Starsj nison's single in the sixth. Pat will pick children up at Cen- capitalized on a pair et errors Corneil spaced eight hits and tral School, Ontario Street; by Jim Clarke and ene by tanned tour te register his tirst School, Vincent Mlassey Schol Mashini-er te get one back in win. The team~s ether pitcher, Iy and Corner et Liberty and Con- 1 he bottomn haIt. Burgess, played a fine gamne at rcession Streets. The roof caved in on pitcher third base, engineering a couple Children taking part in the Clarke in the fitth, as 13 Mc- et double plays. The losers, net anRenirCro ss esiorItereateo Nulty batters went te the plate. te be outdone. pulled off a twin andSenor lases t CeametMee Richards started it off by killing et their own. Barley Pool must supply their' own transportation. Speta IteeIQIous Olmpijas Take Setbock Special Interest Croups are w designed in the main tei appeal te the older child with a keen DLrop First Goame toOrono interest in a specific direction. jThe Recreation Department will conduct the activities list-1 Orono carne up witliftive craft carneaon in relief. A walk ed below:1 runs in the it and final in- forced in a run and three suc- Tennis, Girle,-Tuesday, 2:00'n;iig et a darkness-shiortenedcessive singles put the gaine p.m.-Lions Centre; Bcvys-- Juvenile game at the Vincent on ice before Moorcraft fanned Thursday 2:00 p.m. Lions Cen- Massev, Tuesday night, to hand the side. tre.1 the Bownanville Olympiuasa Lycet.t was litted iu the first Arehery, Boys - Tuesday, 13-10 setback. T1he loss wvas the in tavour et Carlet.on, who 2:00 p.m.-High School; G l ympias' fimt et the season. went te the titth when the Thursday, 2:00 p.m. -Hg Thompson's bases-loaded tri- Olympias tilled the sacks with Sehool.j pie was the big blow, as Orono none eut. Dan Chak came in Miner Baseball, Atomn League scored six times lu the openingteeirteaxtteeate, -Monday, Wednesday, Fnday- înnmng. The lecals bounced back gvn poui arun-producing Meinerial Park, 10:00 a.m.; Pee with tive in the bottoin hait gîvîî tup aWigt r ig Wee - Bantam League - and outscored the visitons32i was ihe host club's top batter Tuesday and Thursday - Fran., lu the second to knot the ceunt klil Park, 6:30 p.nt.1 on a home run by John Jamnes Iwith a double and a single. Golf, Boys and Girls - Tues- 1 and Ross Turaer's triple. Matenesugaptn a day, 10:00 a-ni. - Soruthview Mlter starter Ken Coven]ey or Ooe, beltiag a single, Golf Course.1 had loaded the bases with none double and triple. Cowan was Ç.hildre's Theatre-Wednes- eut on a pair et walks and ai nîght i n step with a pair et day, 2:00 pam.-Lions Centre., single in the fifth, Jim Mor- safeties ____ Arts and Crafts-Tuesday- 10:00 a.h.-Lions Centre. Day Camps, Boys - Seniorl 20th-L.C.; Girls- Jr. and Sr. 7-13 inclusive- Monday, 7-Jucl i-M. ody, Au er Tn f UK 7-9ul 27tîh-.C.;oys-Junior Anothe rp t X 10th-L.C. Tran-sportation t* and *Men One trne holder of- 24 werlâ the day camp will be supplied track records, and fer eight 4 along with ceid milk at floof. years coach et famous Oxford Tihe cost for Day Camps will University track team, Allie be $2.50 which will help cover Shrubb, now 80, plans te retura tA.1 the cost of transportation, miik, te his native Engiand for a six and supplies. week visit beginning August 7 . " While lu England, the ail time- great runner plans te visit Ox- ~ ED II m~ E ford Iffley road track, where I ~IL.flWIVI. (on long-Iife MOTO-MASTER MU FFLERS (1) SAVE TUME- Sp.edy, Drive-in Service (2) SAVE MONEY- Up t. 50% on New-Car Quelity (3) SAVE- ON LONGER SERVICE LIPS F REEParking» WE INSTALL: TIRES - SEAT COVERS- BATTERIES Our Garage is Open ta Serve Yon B#IAKE ADJUSTMENT 4 TUESDAY 0 WEDNESDAY 0 THURSDAY 4I " 'Adjusi brakes, lncluding emergencv brake " Pack front wheel bearings " A dc approved heavy-duty brake fluid (superior to new car quality) te mnaster COMPLUE cylinder. ANY CAR for eight years, from 1920 te 1928 he coached the Oxford track teams. Meutioning the old track, the former champion reflected rath- er preudly, "that's where Roger, Bannister made the four minute mile, you kue w." He plana to visit some et his old acquaintances around Ox- ford, and hopes te see "the new, generation in training." One re- tired friend he hopes te visit i Frankie Powell, a member et the Oxford council, and a one- time achool mate. While on the coaching staff. teamwhiccOmeted ithCambridge, and in 1920 coach- ed the combined Oxford - Cam- nt ribridge relay team te a ol Bant m chmpioship2-mile relay lu Penasylvania. The time et the win was seven minutes, 50 and Aver gestwo-fifths seconds. Naine AB H Av. Many Records R. bMMnus; 25 14 560, Altie set his world records iu J. Coyle ___ 40 20 500: the years between 1900 and K. Veitch * 40 20 500' 1912. Included ln his achieve- F. Shackleton 2 1 500o meula were records from twol T. Bate 17 8 471 miles te 1l miles inclusive. J. Lane -- 13 6 461 1lI 1901 at Ibrox Park in Glas- T. Brown -- 24 Il 458 gow, Scotland, he set the werid J. Phillips 5 2 400 -mile and a hait record at six M. Johnson - 27 9 333 minutes, 47 and two-titths P. Mutton 21 7 333'seconds. Again at Ibrox in 1902 D. Wooluer 12 4 333 he set the two mile record, 9.09 B. Sieep--------- _ 9 3 333. and two-tifths. T. T.hompson - 3 1 333 .lu 1903 at Keanington Oval. J. Hancock . 13 4 308 London, he set the three mileý B. Emburg .. 23 7 304 record at 14.17 two-fifths. D. Lane -~--. 25 7 280 Back lu Ibrox the foliowing J. Falls - 9 2 222 year he set a record for four D. Williamns 7 i 143 miles at 19.23 two-fifths. B. Hilam- ~ 2 O000 At Stamford Bridge, London, he set a tive mile record at 24.33 Penny Fair ai-d two-tifths-. The fifth annual Penny Fair His next accomplishment, and' spensored by the Recreation1 the oeelhe considers the greatest Departmeut wiil be held On'i was his successful bld for the Thursday, August 6th at th 10-mile record which he set Lions Community Centre. Thi November 4, 1904, at 50 minutes, year's Penny Fair will feature 40 and three-fitths seconds. This several new activities including record took iu the six, seven, the childrens' parade, midway eight aad aine mile records. and retreshmeats.1 "When I came te the tape at Starting at 6:30 p. m. there lthe~ end ef the 10 miles, they will be a costume par'ad.e with wanted me te keep on running each playground competing for for the tull heur, se 1 did. Wrhen top honours. The theme fer this I finished I had run 11 miles year's parade will be "Holidays 13 yrs, n ad et the Year". 37 yrds,he iosi. ewo The arae rutewil . e; ncluded the British mile two from the Lions Centre yars lu succession, the British sion Street west aiong ;ifo ur mlsfu er nsc Stîreet te Temperance back eso ade1 miles fouryerlasc the Lions Centre, ucession.e1 mlsfu Each playground wiil be re- years l ucsin sponsible for a number et In addition te his British events ineluding such things as charnpionships, Alfie won the Bingo, House ef Horrors, Rp k- -mile cross country four years et Ride, Fortune Telling, Shoot- inl succession, the South et Eng-, iug Gallery and rmany more. land championship four years1 Commu»Ity Picule running, the French eue aadi Due te the unfertunate rain- treml hmînh h fa» on July lst the blance et Belgian 10-mile cross country the Community Picnic pro-i champioaship, the eue and four gamme had te be caacelled - mile Australian champiouships Ible Bingo gaine and the Fire- and the New Zealand three mfle works wilU be scheduled et a, campionship. ]ater date. Be sure te watch ij Reords Ail Gone this celunin for the exact tin-e Alfie said ail his records have and place for the balance ef been beaten now. The 10-Mle teConunity Plcnic. record was broken n 1957 byi Zapobek of Czechoslovakia. For a number of years the former champ has been making his home in Bowmanville with bis daughter, Mrs. Lorne Allin, at 1 Prince Street. Besides Oxford, other places he intends te visit during his tour include London, Birming- ham, Wolverhampton and his home town Slinfold, Sussex, which he said la a smail town "Just eut of Horsham". He will sal from M ontreal August 30, on board either the Saxonia or the Ivernia, which one he is not sure just yet.- Times. Beth any Takes' High Scoring Game 14 -13 Bethany pushied across a sin- gle run ln the firat extra in- ning, te break up a high-scer- ing 13-13 tie ln Bethany, last ThursdLay night. Bowmanv.ille girls broke loose for six fifth inning markers te corne from behind an 11-6 deficit. The hometown regained the edge in the bottom haif with a pair, and Bowmanville forced overtime play with a single run ln the sixth. Karen MekMurter survived a 'huge seven run rally early in the game, but was rellevedi in the sixth by Marg Pickard, who absorbed t he defeat. Eileanor Pickard and June Mills were the pick ef the local girls with three safeties apiece. Page anid Martichenk-o also collected three base knocka to pace the Bethanvy attack. Air. Rail or Steamahlp T 1C KET S TO EVERYWHEERIS Censult J u Iy & LO0v 9L L 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 1Bowmanville1 P ROLEX GENE VA TUE~ WORLD'S FINEST WATERPROOF Wfl IST WATC H at a new Iow Price. PLelez presents an exclusive series ci TUDOR *'OYSTER" models. Not just waterproof, the patented Tudor «OYSTER" is guaranteed SWIMPRUF! SeS ths new series and other Rolex or Tudor "OYSTERI" models new. See for yourself that there is a différence . .. that the world's finest waterproof watch iii stili the ý6'OYSTER" by Faoeicf Geneva. HOOPER'fS Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. E. ""LET GEORGE DO IT"? IF STEINBERG CAN DO MT. WE CAN DO IT!.. OFF On ail purchases of $5.00 and over If you" bring in this advertisement CAMPING EQUIPMENT "WOODS" 9, x 9' Tourist Tents Nylon screened throughout Poles and Pegs SSewn-in Fleor *Waterproefed Tent Duck *Canopy Stonm Door *Indlvldually Cartoned Reg. $49.50 SPECIAL $24.95 *. CoPlpsible, , oor steel Pales FIRST QUALITY COLEMAN STOVES *2-Burner SPECIAL Reg. $21.95 AIR NATTRESSES SLEEPING DAGS 100% Nylon . . . sewn-ln Full aduit size, heav7 duty, ground sheet. Zlppered. Casha lined. 13 gauge. SPECIAL____ $6.99 Reg. $14.99 SPECIAL$.8 CAMP COTS LIFE JACKETS Hardwood trame. SturdY canvail Vinyl sealed Kapok. Fits aduits - cover. Reg. $9.99 and chtldren. ____ 509 9 Reg. $5.95 ~ .I ARMY BLANKETS Suitable for the cottage or outdoorsm Grey color.. -LC i. HOBBY PANTS Ideal for the cottage and the outdoor tais. Ail Colons and Sizes - Pair- ____ Bowman ville Surplus Store a2 ugSi.L NA 3-3211 s" * 'I Get a "New Coi' Ridel RIDE-O-MATIC FASIINSALLAIONAutomatic Adlustment FAS5TulSO UONSHOCK ABSORBERS NI R mt eplace that Shake. Rattif 7e' and Roi] wîth smooth -- __ 1lev e1 action RDE -o-MATIl 4.9Ï Îi Sh k Absorber&. Better steeing- - less road sway. il Bowmanville e * Factory Sealed PAGE TRIRTEEI N ew Officers'"teuua 'ncwt sient, Mrs. B. Syer, presented the new officers eaoh with a Electe forIovely corsage. A.gain the even- ing was spent rnaking much- Sunshine Class roiatel 10wee iOse Ibe May meeting ci the Sun- at these last two meetings. shine Class was held at the The Sunshine Class met ln home of Mrs. C. McDonald Oshawa recently at the Little with 16 members present. New Red Door to plan a day at the officers were elected as fol- C.N.E. where we have been lows: President, Mrs. F. Thom- asked to send a number of pson; Secretary, MT&s. J. Van workers to be present at the Nest Treasurer, Mrs. B. Heavy- Art Museum. The main pur- sege. pose of this visit wiUl be to give The June meeting took the information re the work of the form of a pot-luck supper held Canadian Cancer Society to any at the home of Mrs. S. Trewin, who might ask. eeOySTER~ 10 $14-99

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